How to make regular sushi rice. Sushi rice dressing

16.09.2019 Vegetable dishes

We did not understand why everyone is so hungry for rolls and sushi until we ourselves once tried it. It is difficult to find another dish so harmonious. I mean that the combination of tastes of seemingly ordinary products is absolutely unusual and very VERY cool! In general, we liked Japanese cuisine from the first bite.

At first, the idea of \u200b\u200bmaking sushi at home didn't look real to me - they look too difficult from the outside. I was especially worried about how to cook rice for sushi so that it sticks and keeps its shape, but does not turn out to be boiled into porridge. But the very first experiment was a success, and the rolls turned out to be even tastier than in the restaurant (you won't regret putting more for yourself and the fish, and you will buy fresher vegetables).

So now we always cook rice according to this recipe: for sushi, and for kare rice, and just like that. The picture shows the ingredients required to make sushi rice.

From a pound of rice, you can wind 10 pieces of rolls. This is a large portion - for 5 people. But we always do so much to enjoy one of our favorite delicacies.

How to choose rice for sushi

Perhaps the hardest part is choosing the right rice. If you make a mistake, you can screw up the whole recipe. Once we took the wrong rice, and it didn't stick at all to the pile.

So consider this point carefully. You only need to use high quality round grain rice... It should be slightly transparent, without white dots. Snow white rice is very dry and generally not suitable for sushi and rolls.

The safest way is to buy rice "for sushi". But this is irrational - it can be 4 times more expensive than the same, but in a different pack. Look for rice that is visually identical to "sushi" rice. Never try long-grain, brown, black rice - it's all from a different opera.

How to cook sushi rice

Sushi rice chip in a special dressing that makes the grains a little sticky and gives an oriental flavor. The rice itself is cooked separately, without adding anything. I drew an instruction here, and after it I will describe the process step by step.

Step 1. We wash the rice with water

Pour the cereals into a sieve and rinse under the tap. This is required until the flowing water becomes more or less transparent.

Step 2. Leave to soak

Transfer the rice to a container and fill it with water. We leave for about half an hour. Ideally, the rice should swell a little during this time. I have not seen any visible changes even once. But after such a procedure, it still absorbs moisture, and you can cook it with a small amount of water.

Step 3. Bring the rice to a boil

The water in which the rice has been soaked must be drained and replaced with clean water in a ratio of 1 to 1 (you can use a quarter cup more water). I think this is an important secret of successful rice. We are used to giving twice as much water, which is why we end up with porridge, and not crumbly rice.

We put the pan on fire and wait for it to boil. Better to use the transparent cover to watch what is happening. But it is absolutely impossible to raise it!

Step 4. Cook for 20 minutes

Immediately after boiling, reduce the heat to a minimum and cook the sushi rice for 20 minutes.

Step 5. Let it brew

Don't look under the cover! Turn off the stove and wait at least 15 minutes for the rice to come through.

Step 6. Put in a bowl and season

In a wide bowl (I have a bowl, but the Japanese have a special wooden trough - hangiri) we spread a little rice and fill it, stirring gently with a spatula.

Sushi Rice Dressing

There is nothing complicated about sushi rice dressing. But it is important to find rice vinegar (it tastes different from grape and apple). In large supermarkets, it is always sold in the sushi section.

Pour half a cup of vinegar into a saucepan, add a quarter cup of sugar and a teaspoon of salt. We put on the burner and bring to a boil. Stir the mixture to dissolve the sugar and salt. As soon as it boils, turn it off.

If you wish, you can throw in half a sheet of nori to add a pleasant scent. But it is not necessary to do this for rolls and sushi, because nori is present there in large quantities and so. And kare rice from nori definitely gets better!

I also want to warn you: when heated, vinegar emits a rather pungent smell, which is normal. And it may seem that the dressing is not enough for that amount of rice - it is not. If you add a lot of dressing, the rice will be visibly sour, which will discourage the flavor of the other ingredients. The quantity given here has been checked by me more than once.

The right sushi rice glistens in the sun. Each grain remains intact, but sticks to the rest. You can make onigiri from this rice, make sushi or wrap rolls - this will not be a problem, because it is ideal for work.

I wrote a lot of letters - just don't be alarmed. Making rice for sushi is not difficult to eat. I even did this several times on hikes, on a gas burner, so at home, in a calm atmosphere, everything must work out for sure!


If you are a lover of Japanese cuisine, then you can be sure that the moment will definitely come when you decide to cook sushi and rolls yourself. It is not difficult to do this, the stores sell all the necessary ingredients, Japanese sticks and bamboo makisu rugs. The main thing is to know how to cook rice for rolls. It is from properly cooked rice that the taste and appearance of the dish will depend.

How to cook rice for rolls: choosing cereals

When choosing the main component of Japanese rolls, the following rule must be taken into account - the rice should stick well. Therefore, parboiled rice, and generally any long-grain rice, which is used to prepare friable dishes, will not suit us. For rolls you need to buy round grain. "Krasnodar" rice is also not suitable for us, for rolls we need to choose "Japanese", "Korean" (the most optimal in terms of price and quality) and "Egyptian" rice. You should not mix different varieties with each other, they have different gluten.

How to cook rice for rolls: preparing cereals

You can't just take rice groats, pour water over it and cook, the rice must first be prepared. First, you should sort out the grains, remove any pebbles and remnants of the husk, then rinse. To do this, pour the rice for rolls into a deep container and rinse thoroughly under running cold water. The gurus of Japanese cuisine recommend stirring cereals only with their hands, because a spoon or a whisk can disrupt the grain structure. To finally get rid of the rice starch, pour the cereal with colder water and leave for at least forty minutes, then drain the liquid.

How to cook rice for rolls: the cooking process

We spread the cereal in a saucepan and fill it with water so that the liquid covers the rice by about one and a half centimeters. First, cook over high heat, as soon as the water boils - on the lowest. How much to cook rice for rolls? As much as needed to evaporate all the liquid. Then let the rice brew for about fifteen minutes under the lid.

The recipe for rice rolls includes a special sushi vinegar. Let's prepare it ourselves. To do this, take three to four tablespoons of rice vinegar, add a tablespoon of boiled water, a teaspoon of sugar and salt each. Heat the mixture, stirring occasionally, over the lowest heat until the salt and sugar dissolve.

In the meantime, we have infused the rice, put it into a shallow dish and pour over sushi vinegar, breaking the lumps with a wooden spatula with chopping movements. You cannot stir the rice.

How to "spin" rolls

Hot rice will burn your hands, so it needs to be refrigerated to about forty degrees. If time is running out, a dish of rice can be placed under an air conditioner or fan.

On a makisu mat wrapped in cling film, put a sheet of noria with the rough side up, distribute the rice over it and turn it over. On the smooth side of the elevator, spread the filling, mayonnaise in a strip and fold the roll, giving it a square shape. It remains to arm yourself with a sharp knife and cut the resulting "sausage" into six pieces. Enjoy your meal!

Many people ask the question: “ How to cook sushi rice?". Anyone who has tried to make sushi with his own hands at home knows perfectly well that properly cooked rice is a very important component of this dish. To cook it, it takes a lot of effort and knowledge, since cooking in the usual way will not work here. In addition, for making sushi, it is better to purchase a special type of rice designed specifically for this. It is easier to work with than regular rice and costs a little more as it is high quality rice.

How to choose rice?

To make your rolls tasty and look like real Japanese sushi, you should choose the right rice. The outcome of your choice will be the success of making sushi at home.

Going to the store for rice, he recommends opting for coarse-grain rice. It is he who is used in most methods of making rolls. The point is in its special structure: after boiling, such rice sticks together better, which is an indispensable property in the process of making delicious homemade rolls.

In some stores, you can see special Japanese rice specially designed for sushi. It costs much more than other varieties of rice, but, as many lovers of Japanese cuisine say, it practically does not differ from coarse rice, so there is no point in overpaying just for the packaging.

Once you've successfully selected the rice, you can assume that the task is 40% complete. The rest is up to you to cook it correctly. Let's take a look at a few recipes with which you can do this at home.

How to cook in a saucepan on the stove top?

To cook sushi rice at home in a saucepan, you will also need rice vinegar, with which you can achieve the desired density of rice. Below we will describe some of the most popular ways you can easily make great homemade sushi rice using a stove and pot.

  • Pour the rice into a bowl and add clean water to it. Rinse it well and change the water regularly until it stays as clean as you rinse. This is a very important step, try to treat it responsibly, otherwise poorly washed rice can cause badly cooked rolls. Now find a convenient container and pour the rice into it. Then fill it all with water so that it covers all the rice. After that, you should cover the pan and put it on the stove, waiting for the water to boil. When this happens, reduce the heat and cook the rice until all the water has evaporated. If you see that there is no more water in the pan, then you should remove the rice from the oven and let it stand for another ten minutes. While the rice is infusing, take a mug and mix in it special rice vinegar, 3.5 tsp. sugar and 2 tsp. sea \u200b\u200bsalt. When the loose ingredients are dissolved, pour this solution into the cereal, which must be transferred to a wet dish in advance. Using a wooden spatula, gently stir the rice mixture by turning it over in the bowl, and then you can start making sushi.
  • Rinse the rice well half an hour before cooking so that the water you rinse it with is clear. Then transfer the rice to a convenient container, fill it with water so that it slightly covers the rice, then send the container to the fire. When boiling, reduce the heat and then cook the rice as much as necessary until all the water has evaporated. Now remove the rice and let it brew a little under the lid, and at this time make the rice sauce. To do this, you will need to mix 7 tbsp. l. rice vinegar, 1 tbsp. l. salt, 3 tbsp. l. Sahara. Then transfer the rice to a bowl moistened with vinegar and use a special spatula to stir it with the resulting mixture. When the rice has cooled to room temperature, it is ready to eat.
  • Here we do the same as in the first two methods: wash rice, boil water, cook rice, remove it and let it brew. Only now we need to prepare a slightly different dressing. To do this, mix sugar, salt, vinegar and lemon juice in a small convenient container, then send to the stove and bring to a boil. Cool the mixture, pour over the cooled rice and stir.

Cooking rice in a multicooker and double boiler

If you need to cook rice at home using a slow cooker, then you will need the following set of ingredients: two glasses of rice, two and a half glasses of plain running water, rice vinegar, soy sauce, lemon juice, salt and sugar.

Before cooking, rinse the rice thoroughly, then pour it into the multicooker bowl, fill it with water and turn on the "Groats" mode. We wait half an hour, and at this time we mix all the other products to get vinegar, which needs to be moistened with rice.

After the sound signal, it is necessary to pour the rice with the resulting mixture, mix it right in a multicooker, and then put it on a damp dish and start preparing sushi.

You can cook rice in a double boiler in the following way: First rinse the rice at least six times, then fill it with water at room temperature for half an hour. After that, you can drain the water, and pour the rice into the bowl of the double boiler. Add the necessary spices, then set the timer to 35 minutes. After the specified time, the sushi rice will be ready for further manipulations.

Using a rice cooker

To cook the right sushi rice in a rice cooker, it needs to be rinsed thoroughly first. Then pour the rice into a measuring cup and measure out the required amount. It should be borne in mind that during the cooking process the rice will swell and take up much more space. This should guide you when choosing the optimal amount of rice.

After measuring the required amount of rice, it must be soaked for several minutes in water at room temperature, after which you can pour it into the bowl of the rice cooker. Next, fill it with water, add the necessary spices as desired, collect the rice from the walls of the rice cooker. Make sure the water covers it completely, then you can turn on the rice cooker and cook the rice. After the beep, let the rice stand under the lid for about 15 minutes. After that, it will be ready to eat.

Today, many people strive to learn how to cook rolls and sushi, and along the way, everyone encounters certain difficulties.

How to make good sushi rice, how to roll rolls and many other questions reflect the seriousness of the process.

Today we will try to answer the very first, basic question, without an answer to which good rolls or sushi cannot work in principle: how to cook rice for sushi correctly?

First, let's clarify right away: it is impossible to cook rice for sushi without certain products. These products are, in addition to suitable rice, rice vinegar and kombu (nori) seaweed, without which it is also impossible to make the rolls themselves. Today you can buy seaweed for sushi and rice vinegar in almost all large retail chains of any city: with the popularization of sushi and rolls, their purchase has ceased to be a problem - you just have to search, and you will definitely find the products you need. But rice for sushi does not have to be bought special.

There are so many varieties of rice on sale now that the eyes run wide, and now it is very important to choose the "right" rice for sushi, sashimi and rice for rolls.

As you probably already guessed, the simple rice from which we prepare risotto, pilaf and milk porridge is not at all suitable for sushi. Therefore, before preparing a classic Japanese dish, you should not buy long-grain rice, steamed, jasmine, brown rice, basmati rice and the famous devzra variety, from which delicious Uzbek pilaf is prepared. The grains of these types of rice are dry and crumbly, so attempts to mold any of them will never be crowned with success.
Rice for sushi belongs to the class of round grain varieties. The starch that this rice is so rich in makes it sticky. After cooking, this type of rice keeps its shape and does not disintegrate, it is thanks to this property that the basis for sushi and rolls can be easily molded from it.

When buying rice for sushi, remember that it must have the following characteristics:
- the same grain size
- opaque or pearly white color (rice should be free of cracks and dark spots).
- the wholeness of each grain of rice, they should not be broken or broken
- lack of rice husks.

The Japanese argue that sushi rice should not crumble even if you tap it with your finger, but it should just melt in your mouth.

Rice is long-grained, medium-grained and round-grained. If in the first two types of rice (and these are the types, we will talk about varieties later) there is little starch and its "stickiness" is small, then round granular rice has the maximum starch content, and due to the stickiness of cooked rice, this rice is optimal for cooking rice for sushi, rolls, sashimi. You can use unknown sushi rice grown in Russia. The rounded shape of the rice grain is approximately 4-5 mm long and will help you identify the right variety. But, nevertheless, a test cooking will be necessary to determine the ability of the rice to stick together.
But such varieties of rice as "Koshi-Higari" or "Sushiki" are guaranteed to be suitable for Japanese and Chinese cuisine. The most general advice is to look for sushi meshes, i.e. rice for making sushi. I am sure that the sellers in specialized stores will understand you and will be able to help you in choosing rice for sushi.

For the preparation of rolls and sushi, you can use any round grain rice. Often, what is sold in stores labeled "rice for making sushi" is ordinary round grain, not special Japanese rice. The use of ordinary round grain rice for sushi is possible not in theory, but in practice, tested by many culinary experts.

Cooking rice for sushi

Rice is the main ingredient in sushi and rolls. It depends on him how tasty they will turn out. If you choose and cook the right rice, consider that you have already done 80% of the work in preparing sushi.
There are many recipes for cooking rice for sushi, in this regard, the situation is comparable to cooking rice in principle.

However, there are principles common to all methods:

  1. Rice is boiled until tender;
  2. Preparing a dressing for rice from rice vinegar, sugar and salt;
  3. The cooked rice is transferred to a large container and poured over with the cooked vinegar dressing.

Let's get started ...

Whatever rice you use for making sushi: special or ordinary round grain, it must be rinsed well with cold running water until it becomes transparent.
All floating rice should be removed - according to the Japanese rules, only "bad" rice floats in the water and should be thrown away. Of course, when washing the rice, you must also remove all the debris, all the dark grains.

Method 1 ... First, wash the rice with plenty of running water. Then we drain the water and leave the rice for about an hour.
Put the washed rice in a thick-bottomed saucepan, add water in the following ratio: for every 200 g of rice there should be 250 ml of water. For flavor, a square of nori (kombu) seaweed is placed in the rice, but it must be removed before the water boils.
The pot should be no more than a third full of water and rice.
Cover the pan with a lid, turn on medium heat, bring to a boil, reduce the heat to minimum, boil the rice at low boil for 10-15 minutes until the water is completely absorbed, remove the pan from the stove without opening the lid, leave for another 10-15 minutes.

After removing the seaweed, cover the rice and do not open the lid again until the rice is completely cooked.

Method 2. Rinse the rice, put in a saucepan, pour water in the ratio of 2 parts of water to 1 part of rice, leave for half an hour, then put on the stove, cover with a lid and bring to a boil over high heat, reduce heat to a minimum, boil rice for 10 minutes, turn off the heat , leave the rice covered for another 20 minutes.

Method 3. Pour washed rice into boiling water, reduce the heat to minimum, cover the pan with a lid, simmer the rice until the liquid is completely absorbed. The proportions of rice and water are the same as in the second method - 1: 2

Making a dressing for rice

Sushi rice dressing is made with rice vinegar, sugar and salt, and this is done very simply.

For 450 g of cooked rice, about 2 tablespoons are required. vinegar and 1 tsp. sugar and salt.
Pour salt and sugar into rice vinegar and heat the mixture until they are completely dissolved, stirring occasionally over medium heat. Sprinkle the finished dressing over the rice, stirring it slightly with a wooden spoon or sushi sticks.

There are other ways to prepare the dressing, for example, nori can be added to the vinegar along with salt and sugar, but then the algae does not need to be added to the rice when cooking.

Features of cooking rice for sushi

After the rice and dressing are cooked, they need to be mixed. With vinegar dressing, rice is poured or sprinkled while stirring with wooden (!) Devices. Stir the rice carefully so as not to turn it into porridge.

The dressing must be slightly cooled before adding to the rice, like the rice itself, but they are mixed while still hot, then the seasoned rice must be cooled, according to Japanese traditions, this is done with a fan, but in principle, the rice will cool down normally without it.

Fanning the rice is believed to give it a pearly sheen.

The rice should be cool so that your hands are not hot. When forming rolls and sushi, it is recommended to regularly moisten your hands in water to which rice vinegar has been added.
Based on materials from,

Rice for sushi and rolls

Take the purchased rice and pour the required amount into a flat cup.

Be sure to thoroughly rinse the rice. Rinse the rice for sushi and rolls with cold water and this should be done for a long time. It is impossible to give recommendations on the number of "washings", it will depend on the type of rice and on its contamination. But the main task of the procedure is not just to achieve purity of the rice, the starch dust covering the rice must be removed, the water in which the rice is immersed must become almost transparent. I think that for this it is necessary to change the water about 10 times.

You can use the steamer to cook sushi rice using just about any model. No steamer - no big trouble, we'll cook rice for sushi in the classic way. After washing, let the rice for rolls "rest" for about 45 minutes, leaving the rice to lie without water. During this time, the sushi rice will swell, absorbing the remaining moisture after rinsing. Fill one cup of rice with one and a quarter cup of water. Use an enamel or stainless steel pot to cook sushi rice, the lid should fit snugly against the pot. It is recommended to put 1 sheet of nori seaweed in the dish where the rice will be cooked. Put the pan on the stove and bring it to a boil; before the water boils, the algae leaf should be removed. Cook the rice over medium heat for 10 minutes, then cover the lid with a towel and wait another 10 minutes.

Add rice vinegar to the cooked rice. But first, sugar and salt should be dissolved in vinegar. For 1 tablespoon of vinegar (the amount required for one cup of dry rice is about 180 grams), you need to take 1 tsp. sugar and ½ tsp. salt. It is better to use cane sugar and sea salt. Pour the rice with vinegar with sugar and salt dissolved in it.

Mix thoroughly ....

AND leave to dry, during this procedure the rice will completely “take” the vinegar

Rice was “dried” in such wooden tubs in the old days. Many connoisseurs of Japanese cuisine still recommend using a wooden plate or bowl and a wooden spatula or wooden spoon to stir the rice when adding vinegar to sushi meshes.

How to cook rice for rolls:

Sushi Rice Dressing:

How to cook rice for sushi and rolls:

It is shown in stages how many minutes you need to soak the rice, cook and stand it before we start making rolls and sushi out of it.

Have you noticed that our world has become multicultural? Once it was difficult to imagine that spices cost tens of rubles, because they had to be transported from Asia, along a long and full of dangers, and it was also completely unthinkable to eat potatoes - a child of American fields who came to Europe only with ships of navigators-pioneers ... But now ... how the world has changed! Today, if we wish, we can get almost any product from the most different parts of the Earth, and the cuisine of different countries has become part of our usual diet. Almost every city has a restaurant dedicated to Italian, Chinese, Spanish and, of course, Japanese cuisine, which has recently become commonplace for many. We eat sushi in restaurants, order at home, cook ourselves, however, we still know little about the food that belongs to the mysterious Japanese culture.

From the history

Sushi can be considered a very ancient type of food and, oddly enough, its origins can be found in South Asia, where boiled rice was used to preserve raw fish. In this process, rice was not considered part of the dish - it was only a raw material for processing seafood, and was often simply thrown away, acquiring an unpleasant smell and consistency after salting. And only in the 7th century, through China and Thailand, this method of conservation found its way to Japan. Today narezushi is prepared in this way in the land of the rising sun. And only in the 17th century rice became part of the sushi dish, and soon rice vinegar began to be made, which excluded fermentation processes. As you noticed, fish in those days in sushi was pickled, and in its raw form it was suggested to use it for cooking only in the 19th century by the chef Yohei Hanai from Tokyo. Since then, the dish has been simplified so much that it can be cooked at home.

Sushi or rolls?

However, even in a simplified form, this dish is often a mystery to us. Even by making it a part of our daily diet, we haven't gotten rid of some of the stereotypes about sushi. And the first stereotype that we often encounter is the pronunciation of the name itself. In fact, it would be more correct to pronounce this word "sushi", but the well-known "sushi" has already become so popular that it is difficult to imagine another option. This pronunciation is explained by the same as the pronunciation of the words "geisha" and "rickshaw" - borrowing not directly from the Japanese language, but from European adaptations. The second stereotype is the habit of thinking that "sushi" and "rolls" are one and the same dish, while "rolls" are just one of the varieties of sushi that are prepared in a special way. So it is preferable to call it rolls the dish cooked by curling.

So what is the peculiarity of rolls among other types of sushi? First of all, the fact that the rolls are rolls twisted with seaweed (it does not matter where exactly the seaweed will be - inside the roll or outside), while sushi can be prepared in any other way. By the way, all types of sushi, except for rolls, can really only be made with seafood, while rolls can include any food. Among all types of sushi, only rolls can be served hot. Finally, most of the sushi is handmade, while the rolls are rolled with a bamboo mat.

Not only rolls ...

In total, six types of sushi are currently known... The first, and most ancient, is the one mentioned above. narezushi... In general, the technology has changed little since ancient times: the cleaned fish is stuffed with salt and put into a wooden barrel, where it is pressed down with a heavy stone - tsukemonoishi. In this form, the fish will lie for ten days, and then it will be transferred to the water for a while. After the "cold bath", the fish is transferred to a new barrel, where it is laid with layers of cooked rice, which is again partially sealed with a heavy stone. The water appearing in the barrel is scooped out. And only six months later, the finished dish can be eaten.

Another type of sushi - inarizushi, sushi stuffed. This is usually a bag of deep-fried tofu, filled with only rice, so sushi rice is not a material, but a filling. However, sometimes tofu is replaced with an omelet or dried pumpkin.

And here oshizushi, pressed sushi, is made using a special device - osibako, in which rice is pressed to a dense substance, which is cut into cubes.

And here is the view chirashizushi - on the contrary, otherwise they call it scattered sushi, because in it the ingredients are scattered on a plate of rice.

Type of sushi nigirizushi, unlike the above exotic types of this dish, is well known to any of us. These are small lumps of sushi rice, pressed with the palms, on which a small amount of wasabi and a thin piece of seafood filling are spread. Sometimes they are tied with a strip of nori seaweed. A subspecies of nigirizushi - gunkan-maki, which is also poetically called "warship". This type is an oval of sushi rice, belted with nori, to which a filling of caviar, natto or pasta salad is added.

And finally, the most common sushi in our country is makizushi, which are otherwise called our favorite word "rolls". These are cylindrical rice rolls and toppings rolled into a dry nori leaf or a thin omelet made with a makisu bamboo mat.

Rice is the head of everything

Although the zest of sushi is those exotic ingredients for us, the basis and common to all types of this dish is rice for sushi... This is why it is important to choose rice for sushi, but also to cook it correctly. There are many ways to cook rice for rolls. Here is some of them.

Method 1. Rice for sushi should be rinsed with cold water until the water is clear, and then left on a sieve for an hour. After the rice has “settled”, it should be put into a saucepan and covered with water (water should be 1/5 more than rice). For aroma, in water heated over medium heat, you can put a 5 cm piece of konbu seaweed, which should be pulled out until the water boils. After the water in the covered saucepan boils, you need to reduce the heat to a minimum, and leave until the rice has absorbed all the water. Then, remove the pan from the heat and let it stand for 10-15 minutes. At this time, in a measuring cup, combine a tablespoon of Japanese rice vinegar or white wine vinegar, half a teaspoon of sugar, and 2 teaspoons of sea salt. Stir until the crystals are completely dissolved. Rice should be put in a wooden bowl and poured with the resulting mixture, and then turned over with a wooden spatula (but do not stir!). Before preparing the rolls, the sushi rice must be allowed to cool.

Method 2. Rinse 175 grams of roll rice in a sieve until the flowing water is clear, boil it for 2 minutes in 250 milliliters of water, then turn off the heat and leave the rice to swell under the lid for 10 minutes. Then another 10 minutes the rice should "rest" without a lid. Finally, add 1 teaspoon of salt and sugar to it and 2 tablespoons of rice vinegar. Heat the resulting rice and stir with chopsticks.

Method 3. Rice for sushi is thoroughly washed in a dish with a flat bottom, while the grains rub against the bottom and sides. The water must be changed periodically until it becomes transparent. Dry the rice, then add water and let sit for at least 30 minutes. Pour rice into a saucepan and add water, which will be 1/5 more than rice, and put the saucepan over medium heat. Add a piece of kombu to the water, which must be removed before boiling. After boiling, reduce the heat and cook under the lid for 10 minutes, adding sake or mirin, at the rate of 1 tablespoon per glass of rice, then extinguish the heat and let stand, without lifting the lid, for another 10 minutes. Mix the vinegar seasoning: 7 - 8 tablespoons of rice vinegar, 1 tablespoon of salt, 4 - 5 tablespoons of sugar. Then take a bowl, which you need to moisten with acidified vinegar water and wipe. Pour the rice into the center of the bowl and let cool for at least 10 minutes. Then pour the seasoning into the sushi rice heap. Stir the rice with a wooden spoon, which can also be fanned in the process for a pearly sheen. Rice can be used for cooking when it reaches body temperature.

Method 4. Pour washed rice for rolls into boiling water, reduce heat and open a saucepan. So cook the rice until the liquid boils away. In a small container, combine lemon juice, vinegar, salt and sugar, boil the mixture, reduce heat and wait for the sugar to dissolve. Pour the resulting liquid over the rice, close the lid and leave the rice until it absorbs every drop. Then cool the rice.

Method 5. Rinse the rice for rolls, put in a saucepan and cover with water, leaving to swell for 30 minutes. Then put it on fire, bring to a boil and remove heat to a minimum, leaving it on the stove for 10 minutes. With low heat, let it “sweat” for another 20 minutes. Then dissolve salt and sugar in sushi vinegar over the fire. Sprinkle the rice on the parchment with the resulting mixture, mix with cutting movements and cool with a fan to body temperature.

Method 6. Pour sushi rice into a large bowl, add water and stir quickly. Then drain the water and quickly rub the rice with your palms. Refill the dishes with water and repeat the procedure until the drained water is clear. Drain the rice and then soak in a saucepan with equal amount of cold water for 20 minutes. Then cover the saucepan with a lid and put on fire. Reduce the heat just before boiling. Keep on low heat for 20 minutes until the water is absorbed. Finally, turn the heat on for 10 seconds and turn it off. Place a paper towel between the lid and the pot and let sit for 20 minutes, after which the rice can be treated with sushi vinegar.

Method 7. Rinse the roll rice thoroughly and dry, then place in a saucepan, cover with water and salt. Then the rice is simply boiled, and after readiness, it is allowed to stand for 15 minutes. The rice is transferred to a deep wooden bowl, a mixture of plum vinegar and mirin is added, and then quickly stirred with a wooden spatula, being careful not to crush the rice. Then it needs to be cooled with a fan.

Method 8. Place the washed and dried rice in a saucepan, add sake and kelp. Leave it on for 1 hour. Remove the algae and simply boil the rice. When ready, let stand for 15 minutes. Combine apple cider vinegar, honey and salt, and then pour this mixture over the rice put in a wooden bowl. Stir with a wooden spatula and fan cool.