Beetroot carrot juice benefits and harms. Incredibly wonderful drink made from beets, carrots and apples

01.10.2019 Lenten dishes

The benefits and harms of carrot and beet juice

Currently, the benefits and harms of carrot-beet juice are being studied by experts from many countries. The main interest of consumers in carrot-beet juice is due not only to the new original taste that is obtained by mixing juices from two root vegetables, but also to the unique beneficial properties that carrot juice acquires when added to it from red beet juice. Experts believe that the benefits of carrot-beet juice, repeatedly proven from a scientific point of view, make it possible to recommend it for inclusion in the diet of people of different ages, as well as for dietary nutrition of patients with various chronic diseases.

Carrot and beet juice is a fashionable trend in healthy eating. It is recommended for various therapeutic and "slimming" diets, so consumers often have a question, what is the use of carrot-beet juice. To find out what the benefits and harms of such mixed juice are, nutritionists from different countries are conducting research and experiments in which both healthy people and patients with certain chronic diseases take part: obesity, type 2 diabetes, hypertension and other cardiovascular pathologies. ... Some studies also involved athletes - representatives of professional and amateur sports. The results of these studies are regularly published in international scientific journals.

The benefits of carrot and beet juice

The main benefit of carrot-beet juice is due to its rich vitamin and mineral composition. It has been proven that carrot-beet juice is useful for intense physical exertion and overweight, it is recommended for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and strengthening the immune system, and thanks to the antioxidant properties of carrot-beet juice, the benefits of this drink to fight free radicals that speed up the process aging and increase the risks of developing many chronic diseases, it has also been proven by the world's leading experts.

The consumption and production of carrot juice is increasing globally as it is believed to be a source of many important health components, including carotenoids, vitamins and phenolic substances. The positive effect of carotenoids on human health has been proven by many scientific studies. However, studies have shown that the bioavailability of beta-carotene from processed foods, including carrot juice, can be 70% higher than from raw carrots.

Scientists are actively studying the effect of carrot juice on human health. Studies have shown the following fact: daily consumption of 450 ml of carrot juice for three months increases the antioxidant status of the body, significantly reduces the body mass index (BMI) and the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, has a positive effect on blood pressure and many other vital indicators.

Carotenoids, polyphenols and vitamins, which are found in abundance in carrot roots, are immunoregulators and have a pronounced antioxidant effect: they slow down the aging process of the body, have an anticarcinogenic effect, and have a positive effect on vision.

The diuretic (diuretic) properties of red carrot juice have also been confirmed by several scientific studies. Scientists have found that the diuretic effect of drinking carrot juice is almost the same as when using standard diuretic drugs. Due to the ability to quickly remove excess fluid from the body, such juice helps to lower blood pressure and helps to quickly get rid of extra pounds in overweight people.

Carrot-beet juice is useful in that it combines the unique properties of carrot juice, reinforced with useful components of beet juice. Micronutrients of beetroot juice enrich the vitamin and mineral composition of carrot juice, and besides, carrot and beetroot juice has a new original taste and brings a pleasant variety to the diet.

Thanks to a set of micronutrients and other biologically active substances, beet juice has been proven to have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system and normalize blood pressure - both systolic (upper) and diastolic (lower). This has been proven by the results of scientific research carried out in recent years. For example, 24 hours after consuming a single dose of 500 ml of beetroot juice in healthy people, there was a decrease in systolic pressure by 10.4 mm Hg. Art., and diastolic by 8.0 mm Hg. Art. Experimental studies have also shown that drinking beetroot juice reduces blood pressure in people with hypertension, overweight and type 2 diabetes, as well as in the elderly.

Useful biologically active compounds contained in beetroot juice, including vitamin C, magnesium, betaine and flavonoids, affect the physiology of blood vessels, improve blood circulation, transmission of nerve impulses, normalize blood glucose levels, muscle contraction and other vital indicators.

Beet juice is rich not only in vitamins and minerals, but also in betalain - a special alkaloid, a natural coloring pigment with antioxidant properties, which provides a bright color to beet roots. Scientific research in recent years has proven that betalains (betacyanins and betaxanthins) have a high antioxidant potential and have a beneficial effect on health. Today, there are about 78 plant betalains known, and the most significant sources of betalains are beets and beetroot juice.

Drinking beetroot juice increases the overall endurance of the body during long-term and cyclic sports training, promotes faster recovery of athletes after marathon races and improves cardiac performance in overweight young women with intense physical activity. These effects can be caused by the dilation of blood vessels. The data obtained indicate that beet juice can be used in the diet to improve oxygen delivery to organs and tissues. At the same time, the use of beet juice does not have any noticeable effect on sports performance.

Studies have also shown that older people who exercise regularly and regularly consume beet juice have higher brain activity compared to their peers who exercise but do not drink juice.

Experts say that adding beetroot juice to the diet of patients with cardiovascular disease, hypertension, heart failure, and coronary artery disease can be a healthy supplement and sometimes an alternative to drugs and can help reduce the stress on the cardiovascular system during exercise or any other or intense physical activity.

Juice from carrots and beets has a mild laxative and diuretic effect, promotes weight loss and lowers the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood.

Harm of carrot and beet juice

Experts consider carrot and beet juice to be a very useful product, but they advise to use it only in reasonable quantities. Healthy people are not recommended to drink more than 500 ml of beet-carrot juice in one day, and this dose should be consumed only in two doses. As a rule, the harm of carrot-beet juice is manifested only when a large amount of this drink is consumed.

If you are prone to allergies, use such juice with caution and in small portions, as it can cause an allergic reaction.

Carrot and beet juice during pregnancy

Nutritionists recommend including carrot and beet juice in the diet during pregnancy, since its rich mineral composition helps to meet the increased needs of the female body for beneficial micronutrients necessary to maintain a woman's health and normal fetal development.

Carrot juice is rich in potassium (in 100 ml of carrot juice its content ranges from 200 to 450 mg), magnesium (from 3.5 to 12 mg per 100 ml of juice), calcium (from 7 to 20 mg per 100 ml of juice), phosphorus ( from 15 to 35 mg per 100 ml of juice), as well as beta-carotene - it accounts for 70 - 80% of the total content of carotenoids, and the content of beta-carotene is from 2 to 25 mg per 100 ml of juice. These beneficial micronutrients are especially important for women in the second and third trimester of pregnancy. For many women in the first trimester, carrot juice helps to cope with toxicosis.

In addition to meeting the need for vitamins and minerals, carrot-beet juice improves peristalsis and prevents the appearance of constipation, which is a common problem for women during pregnancy, especially in the later stages. Dietary fiber, which is contained in beet-carrot juice, has a positive effect on the composition of the intestinal microflora, improves the digestion process, promotes more effective bowel cleansing and accelerates the process of removing toxins and other harmful substances from the body.

But you should not consume excessive amounts of carrot-beet juice during pregnancy. The recommended daily dose is about 230 ml.

Freshly squeezed juice from carrots and beets - how to drink correctly

Doctors and nutritionists consider freshly squeezed beet-carrot juice to be a healthy dietary drink that includes all the nutrients of these root vegetables. The only condition is that the vegetables used must be ripe, fresh, thoroughly washed and peeled. To prepare freshly squeezed beet-carrot juice in classical proportions, you need to take three carrots, one beet and 50 ml of mineral water. For better absorption of carotenoids, it is recommended to add a little milk or cream.

It is important to remember that nutritionists recommend drinking freshly squeezed carrot-beet juice immediately after preparation - it cannot be stored even in the refrigerator.

Most nutritionists explain how to drink beetroot juice. In order for the beneficial substances contained in this drink to bring the maximum benefit to the body, nutritionists recommend drinking this juice 30 minutes before a meal or two hours after a meal. In this case, beneficial micronutrients will be better absorbed, and then the use of beet-carrot juice will bring maximum health benefits.

Freshly squeezed or manufactured?

Modern industrial technologies for the production of vegetable and fruit juices not only make it possible to produce products with a long shelf life, but also ensure the maximum safety of nutrients in these drinks. Studies have shown that due to the increased content of carotenoids, ascorbic acid and phenolic compounds, which make this juice especially beneficial for health, the antioxidant activity of the juice is very high and ranges from 6.52 to 6.86 μmol / ml TEQ.

Based on the calculation for 100 ml, the nutritional value of carrot and beetroot juice is 41 kcal.

The key nutrients in the drink are related as follows:

The juice combines all the beneficial properties of the constituents of carrots and beets. 100 ml of the drink contains the following vitamins:

  1. 3 mg vitamin C;
  2. 2.33 mg vitamin A;
  3. 0.3 mg vitamin PP, or niacin;
  4. 0.233 mg vitamin E;
  5. 0.027 vitamin B2;
  6. 0.007 vitamin B1.

The vegetable cocktail is rich in trace elements. We are talking about the following substances:

  • about potassium;
  • about phosphorus;
  • about sodium;
  • about calcium;
  • about magnesium;
  • about iron.

The basis of the drink is water: 100 ml of the mix contains 84.6 ml. Other ingredients include the following substances:

  1. 12.4 g of saccharides;
  2. 1 g dietary fiber;
  3. 0.4 g ash;
  4. 0.2 g of organic acids;
  5. 0.2 g starch.

The exact composition of the drink depends on the variety and origin of the vegetables in it.

The benefits and harms of beet and carrot drinks for the body

Beet-carrot drink relieves vitamin deficiency, strengthens vision.

It also has the following positive effects:

Why drink a vegetable drink? Beet-carrot mix is ​​drunk to become more resilient and fight chronic fatigue. It provokes the production of gastric juice, which irritates the intestines and harms people with decompensated diabetes mellitus and gastrointestinal diseases.

Indications and contraindications for use and what vegetables are treated

Carrot and beet juice are mixed for complex therapy of diseases. It is used in the treatment of the following eye ailments:

  • conjunctivitis;
  • night blindness;
  • myopia;
  • blepharitis.
  • The drink supports the body against diseases of the nervous system.

    Among them:

    • insomnia;
    • migraine;
    • meningitis;
    • encephalitis;
    • neuroses;
    • Alzheimer's disease.

    When is it contraindicated?

    Carrot and beetroot juice is contraindicated for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary system... Among them are kidney disease.

    The drink removes toxins from the body. This function is carried out at the expense of the kidneys, which bears an additional burden.

    Among the ailments for which you cannot drink a mix of beets and carrots is urolithiasis. We are also talking about the following violations:

  1. about pyelonephritis;
  2. about glomerulonephritis;
  3. about prolapse of the kidneys;
  4. about hydronephrosis;
  5. about renal failure.

Whether it is permissible to use vegetable medicine for kidney disease is determined by a nephrologist. Patients with gastrointestinal diseases should clarify contraindications with a gastroenterologist. It is forbidden to take the drink for heartburn, for acute gastrointestinal diseases.

Among them are the following:

  • stomach and intestinal ulcers;
  • gastritis;
  • colitis.

The drug is dangerous for people with decompensated diabetes, with low blood pressure. Before taking risks, they need to consult an endocrinologist and, accordingly, a neurologist or cardiologist. The drink will harm allergy sufferers and children under 1 year old.

Step-by-step instructions: how to make a freshly squeezed drink?

Juice is squeezed from fresh root vegetables, untouched by pests and rot. Preference is given to vegetables grown in a private garden.

The basic recipe for the drink includes the following products:

  • 3 carrots;
  • 1 beet;
  • 50 ml of drinking water.

It can take up to 3 hours to make a cocktail using a juicer. In this case, they act as follows:

Instead of a juicer, you can use a blender or fine grater. To begin with, the washed and peeled beets and carrots are crushed or rubbed separately.

  1. Roll clean cheesecloth in 4 layers to cover a deep bowl with it.
  2. Spread the beetroot mass on top of the fabric, collecting the gauze edges. You should get a bag with beets inside.
  3. The bun is held over a bowl and twisted so that the part with the vegetable pulp gradually shrinks. Continue until the juice flows into the bowl. After that, the juice is refrigerated for 2 hours.
  4. Cover the other bowl with 4 layers of fresh gauze. Spread carrot pulp on top.
  5. The cheesecloth is collected in a bag and squeezed into a bowl.
  6. Juices are mixed, diluted with drinking water.

The finished juice is sweetened with sugar and chilled according to personal preference.

How to drink correctly for the treatment and prevention of diseases?

Beet juice with carrots is taken no more than 3 months in a row. After that, a 2 month break is required.
The medicine is drunk as follows:

  • 1-3 times a day;
  • 20 minutes before meals;
  • half a glass;
  • not exceeding the daily rate of 400 ml.

Additional ingredients will make the drink tastier and healthier.

With honey

For a remedy for anemia, you need 400 ml of beet-carrot juice, cooked in a 1: 1 ratio. The following is added to it:

  • 200 ml pomace of black radish;
  • 300 g of buckwheat or other honey.

A quarter glass of the mixture is taken before meals for up to 3 months, then take a break for 2 months.

For the treatment of arthritis

A mixture of carrot and beet juice is used in combination with a pharmacy chamomile infusion. Mix 200 ml of liquids, adding 60 g of honey.

The drink is taken as follows:

  • before eating;
  • 100 ml each;
  • 3 times a day;
  • no longer than 3 months in a row;
  • with a break of 2 months.

200 ml of beet and carrot juice is added to the tincture for the prevention of atherosclerosis.

It also includes the following components:

  • 300 g of honey;
  • 100 ml cranberry juice;
  • 100 ml alcohol.

The mixture is kept in the refrigerator for 3 days.... A tablespoon of tincture is taken 3 times a day.

Vegetable cocktail for constipation

The following ingredients are mixed for the drink:

  • 200 ml. beet juice;
  • 100 ml juice from carrots;
  • not less than a tablespoon of honey.

A third of a glass of such juice is drunk 4 times a day, before meals, until the constipation has passed.

With apple

Juice from peeled apples will improve the taste of the beet-carrot mix. The mixture will help children with vitamin deficiency, they drink it for a month. For tumors of various natures, juice from carrots, beets and apples is mixed in equal proportions. A spoonful of lemon juice and dry ginger are added to them.

The mixture is drunk as follows:

  • 100 ml each. at a time;
  • since morning;
  • on an empty stomach;
  • within a month;
  • with a break for a week.

The general course of juice therapy lasts a year.

With radish

Mixing equal parts of juice from carrots, beets and black radish, you get a remedy for low hemoglobin.

It is taken up to 3 months, a tablespoon 4 times a day, before meals.

With celery

It is believed that vegetable juices are healthier than fruit juices, since they do not contain fructose (at least in the same large amount. To slow down the development of oncology or lower blood pressure, a celery stalk is added to the juice from 2 parts of carrots and 1 part of beets. the celery is loaded into the juicer along with the carrots.

With pumpkin

Beetroot and carrot a drink with pumpkin is drunk with colitis or coronary heart disease. To get 500 ml of such a cocktail, mix 200 ml of carrot and pumpkin juice and 100 ml of beet juice.

The mixture is drunk for 3 months, interrupting for a month.

Possible side effects

Beetroot causes urine and stools to turn reddish. Having drunk juice in excess of the daily allowance, patients run the risk of encountering other side effects:

  • with nausea;
  • with vomiting;
  • with dizziness;
  • with tachycardia;
  • with a headache;
  • with an increase in temperature;
  • with weakness.

Allergy sufferers develop rashes and swelling from vegetable juice.

From two common vegetables, beets and carrots, a remedy is obtained that helps in many diseases. It is not a panacea, but it is suitable for combating anemia, vitamin deficiency, and for the complex treatment of ailments.

This root vegetable is well known to everyone. This vegetable drink is prepared from it, which is provided with a wide range of chemical components, which nature has provided for the vegetable.

  1. The content of beta-carotene, which is a provitamin A, is very high. The vitamin itself is synthesized from it in the body. There is indeed a very large number of him here. Its role is determined by its influence on the quality of visual function.
  2. Carrots are rich in multivitamin composition. Vitamin E is called the vitamin of beauty. It has a positive effect on the skin. At the cellular level, it inhibits the formation of free radicals, thereby delaying the aging process of the cell. Vitamin K (vicasol) is involved in blood clotting. B vitamins are important for the nervous system, improve the conduction of impulses along the nerve fiber. Vitamin D is involved in the formation of bone structure. With its lack, children develop rickets. The role of vitamin C is mainly associated with enhancing and strengthening the body's immune defenses.
  3. The palette of trace element composition is very diverse. A sufficient amount of magnesium, which is responsible for strengthening the vascular wall. It contains a lot of phosphorus, which is responsible for cognitive processes in the brain and mental activity. It contains a lot of iron, copper, sodium and other trace elements.
  4. The calorie content of such a vegetable drink is low. The share of carbohydrates accounts for the lion's share of calories. Among the carbohydrate composition, 90% are easily digestible sugars, which determines the nutritional value of the drink. But don't be too zealous. Excessive use of it leads to an overabundance of such substances.

Check out the recipe for a healthy and tasty dish:, with step-by-step photos. The soup is useful for those with high cholesterol, cleanses blood vessels, and is suitable for vegetarian and lean menus.

Why is carrot juice good for children?

The consumption of carrot juice by a child can affect the rate of its growth. Its effect on the condition of the mucous membranes, skin and vision function is noted. The components of carrot juice affect the condition and function of almost all organs and systems. The consumption of this vegetable drink leads to a decrease in the child's fatigue. With a mild laxative effect, carrot juice leads to stool regulation. In the nature of its action, there is an antiseptic and analgesic effect.

Previously, they began to give it to the baby already from the age of 1 month. They added it one drop at a time and then after the apple juice. Now this circumstance has been somewhat revised. Now it is introduced as a complementary food after 6-7 months. When feeding a baby, some mothers make a number of unforgivable mistakes:

  • after making the juice, they do not feed the child immediately. This cannot be done, because during storage, part of the vitamins is simply lost;
  • use concentrated juice. Doing this is not permissible. Before use by the baby, it should be diluted with water in a 1: 1 ratio. Otherwise, he is able to provoke a dysfunction from the intestine;
  • start feeding at high volumes. This should never be done. It is necessary to start with small volumes, gradually increasing the dose. Otherwise, it will be very stressful for unformed digestion;
  • add oil. At the same time, the drink is absorbed better.

The benefits and harms of freshly squeezed carrot juice for the liver

It has a positive effect on the activity of many organs, including the liver. This organ is constantly undergoing a colossal daily load, cleaning and protecting the body from various toxins. In fact, this organ is the most complex biochemical laboratory. Therefore, the liver needs protection and support. In this, carrot juice will undoubtedly help. In relation to the liver, the vegetable drink performs the following functions.

Cleansing. Vitamin A absorbs various substances of a toxic nature from the liver and ensures their further excretion.
Protective... Carrots contain a sufficient amount of vitamin C. After removing toxins, it is able to enhance the regeneration of hepatocytes, which leads to an improvement in the function of this organ. Thus, the liver is under reliable protection.

But you can not get too carried away with the consumption of carrot juice. Everything should be within reasonable limits. An adult should not consume more than 300 ml of this vegetable drink daily. Even a small increase in the recommended dose can be harmful.

With oncological diseases

The beneficial properties of carrot juice in oncology have been known for a long time and are very pronounced. They work best in combination with beet juice. The fight against neoplasms is provided by vitamin A and iron. A composition of 13 parts of a carrot vegetable drink and 3 parts of beetroot juice is being prepared. A similar composition should be used daily, 300 ml. But this should be done not in one go, but by dividing the daily dose into 3 parts. Such a composition serves as a good prevention of the accumulation and deposition of harmful cholesterol.

Apple and carrot juice: benefits, how to cook

Carrot drink is used alone and in combination with other juices. Apple and carrot juice is useful.

Such products do not differ in high prices, but the benefits from them are simply enormous. This is especially true in winter. Apples are natural antioxidants that prevent the production of free radicals in the body. They contain a lot of pectins, which remove radionuclides from the body. In addition, without them, the normal course of digestion processes is simply impossible. They contain a lot of potassium. This circumstance has a positive effect on the work of the heart.

This vegetable cocktail contains ascorbic acid, which has a positive effect on the state of the immune system. The sufficient content of iron in the fruit and vegetable drink allows it to be used for the prevention and treatment of anemias of various origins. Such a drink will be useful for those who have decided to lose weight. The beneficial properties of such a mixture are complemented by carrot juice, since it is rich in trace elements.

In order for all the beneficial properties of this drink to be fully manifested, it must be properly prepared. To do this, take only healthy, intact fruits, without visible signs of disease. For cooking, you need to take two medium apples and one small carrot. Everything is cleaned, cored and passed through a juicer. At the same time, apples do not need to be peeled from the skin.

Beetroot and carrot juice: beneficial properties

In terms of availability, beets and carrots come first. They are obligatory "residents" in almost every vegetable garden. If someone does not have a vegetable garden, they can be purchased at the store at an affordable price. In the kitchen, they are permanent inhabitants of any housewife. During their growth, such root crops accumulate many valuable substances. They contain a rich set of vitamins and a wide variety of trace elements. If you make juice from them, they will all remain unchanged for 30 minutes. In the future, they gradually begin to collapse.

Regular consumption of carrot-beet vegetable drink leads to better vision, stronger bones, including teeth. With its use, there is a stimulation of erythropoiesis and the formation of hemoglobin. In addition, digestion improves, the liver and kidneys are cleared of toxic substances. They are very good in relation to the skin, prevent its aging. Such a vegetable drink is equally useful for adults and children. It has a positive effect on the intestines, improving overall well-being.

It is not difficult to prepare such a drink. The beets are grated and wrung out. The liquid is placed in the refrigerator for 2 hours. This is necessary in order for it to settle. Then it is filtered. Then a fresh drink made from carrots is added to it. Naturally, everything must be thoroughly mixed. If the concentration of the juice is high, then it is diluted with boiled water. They drink it in small sips. So it will be absorbed better.

Look at the recipe with a photo:, and read how it is useful.

Pumpkin and carrot juice: benefits

A combination of carrot and pumpkin juice is very good. They must be mixed in equal amounts. This mixture is very beneficial.

  1. Strengthens the immune system.
  2. Reduces the amount of bad cholesterol. At the same time, the vessel wall is also strengthened.
  3. It is an excellent remedy in the fight against insomnia. It is drunk at night with honey.
  4. It has a diuretic effect. Therefore, the indication for its use is renal failure.
  5. It can be used if there is a history of urolithiasis or gallstone disease. They drink it before meals in half a glass.
  6. The juice is effective for prostatitis in men.
  7. The antipyretic effect is pronounced.

Beetroot, carrot and apple juice: benefits and harms

Its benefits are undeniable. They are useful individually and as such a mixture. To prepare it, you will need one beet, three carrots and 5 apples. In these proportions, such a mix will be most effective. But with uncontrolled use in large volumes, benefits should not be expected, but harm is quite possible.

Sometimes some people ask the question, how to take carrot juice correctly? Use it only fresh, it is not recommended to store it. Should be taken before meals for ½ hour. To make it better absorbed, you need the addition of butter, milk and cream.

The fair sex is interested in the question, how is carrot juice useful for women? According to experts, pregnancy and breastfeeding presupposes the mandatory presence of this vegetable drink in the mother's diet. It saturates the woman's body with vitamins, which the baby also receives. In addition, he is able to strengthen the defense. It causes a decrease in the possibility of inflammatory changes. It is an excellent means of preventing the development of anemia during pregnancy and in the postpartum period.

Carrot juice: homemade recipes

You can make it at home using a juicer and blender. Before cooking, the roots must be thoroughly washed and peeled.

If there is no juicer, then the carrots are chopped using a blender and squeezed through cheesecloth. You can grate the root vegetables, but at the same time use not an iron, but a plastic grater, since the useful substances are destroyed from iron.

We told you what useful properties and contraindications carrot juice has - drink and be healthy!

When I was little, my grandmother always stuffed me with beets. She said: "Eat more beets, there are so many vitamins in it that no diseases will take you!" At the same time, she cooked me some kind of terrible taste beet salad... Of course, after eating a few spoons, I put him away from me.

Beets for the body

If my dear grandma cooked for me beet juice, I would probably change my attitude towards beets. But at that time there were no juicers yet, and her grandmother's health did not allow her to suffer for hours, squeezing out the juice with her hands.

© DepositPhotos

Now I know how powerful beets have on the body, and I use them at least twice a week.

In addition, every day I definitely cook for myself beet juice, apples and carrots.

This cocktail is dubbed "The Magic Drink" for its countless benefits for the body and brain. The drink was discovered by Chinese herbal healers who found it even cured lung cancer.

This is truly a glass of health! Many healthy drinks are used in medicine and dietetics, but none works as flawlessly as this miracle juice.

To prepare it, you only need 3 products and a juicer. I used at home powerful blender, then simply strain all the liquid through a sieve. If you want to achieve a thinner consistency, this puree can be diluted with water or orange juice to taste.

Beet, carrot and apple drink


  • 1 large juicy apple
  • 2 small carrots
  • 1 small raw beet


  • Wash the vegetables thoroughly and peel them. You don't need to peel the apple.
  • Carve out the middle of the apple. Cut all ingredients into small cubes.
  • Put the food in the juicer. If using a blender, add a glass of water.
  • You can season the finished beet juice with honey and lemon juice. Drink immediately or store in a tightly closed jar in the refrigerator the next day.

  • Drink the Magic Drink at least once a day, preferably on an empty stomach. Drink it about an hour before breakfast. You can drink it in the evening, but always on an empty stomach. If you tolerate the drink well, take a two-week break after a month and then continue.

    The benefits of beets for the body great. In its value, it surpasses many dietary supplements, but such a product costs much less.

    The benefits of vegetable juice

  • Provides the body with vitamins and minerals
  • Slows down the aging process
  • Promotes Healthy Blush
  • Improves vision and strengthens eye muscles
  • Improves brain activity and memory
  • Improves the work of internal organs
  • Fights diseases
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Helps Lose Weight
  • Cleans the blood and the body as a whole
  • Eliminates bad breath
  • Heals throat
  • Relieves muscle spasms
  • Rejuvenates the skin and fights dermatological defects
  • Relieves menstrual pain
  • © DepositPhotos

    This wonderful drink is completely natural, does not contain any harmful ingredients, and therefore does not cause any side effects. Vegetable and fruit juices have healing properties!

    As you see, drinking beet juice, carrots and apples helps to maintain health. The main advantage of this drink is the fight against cancer. In fact, beets have been used for centuries in Europe to treat tumors. Research has shown that beets contain a flavonoid that stops the growth of malignant tumors.

    Red root vegetable juice is rich in iron. It participates in the restoration of blood cells and the supply of oxygen to the cells. This cellular respiration kills the cancerous tumor.

    So wait no longer - make this delicious and nutritious juice part of your daily diet. What are your favorite vegetable and fruit juices? Leave a comment and share this article with your friends!

    Carrots contain vitamins of group C, PP, B, K, E. Carotene, which is present in carrots, in the human body instantly turns into vitamin A. Along with this, a large amount of minerals should be noted - iron, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, copper, cobalt, zinc, iodine, as well as fluorine and nickel.

    Thanks to essential oils, carrots have a delicate but pleasant aroma. The healing properties of the vegetable have been proven for diseases such as myopia and conjunctivitis. Also, carrots are used to strengthen the retina of the eye.

    Carrots are mainly used in human nutrition. Fresh carrots are great for strengthening the gums and promoting growth. This vegetable has a beneficial effect on the skin and mucous membranes. Raw carrot puree is indicated for colitis, kidney and liver diseases. Carrot juice is effective in treating anemia and disorders of the cardiovascular system. In addition, it is a healing agent for cancers and ulcers. Often, boiled carrots are used in the diets of people with diabetes.

    The benefits of freshly squeezed carrot juice

    Freshly squeezed carrot juice is a concentrate of nutrients in a form that is digestible for the body. This is a complex of vitamins and minerals that prevent the destruction of cells by free radicals and toxins, and are essential components for the synthesis of hormones, pigments, and structural elements of the cell.

    Carrots are a vegetable-record holder for the amount of beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in the body, and is involved in the formation of bone tissue, is necessary for the normal functioning of the endocrine glands, and prevents vision pathologies, skin and hair diseases. Regular consumption of raw carrots and carrot juice helps to cleanse the body, remove toxins and heavy metals from it, which accumulate in the inhabitants of industrial cities. In addition, carrots are an excellent remedy for cleansing the liver, preventing blockage of its ducts and fatty degeneration.

    What are the benefits of carrots?

      Vitamin E in carrots provides its anti-carcinogenic effect. In laboratory conditions, studies were carried out: a sample of tumor tissue was placed in blood serum saturated with vitamin E, and it was found that it stops growing. The antioxidant properties of vitamin E help prevent the formation of tumors, cancerous degeneration of cells. And plant foods, rich in vitamins A, E, and C, strengthen the body's natural anti-cancer defenses and prevent free radicals from damaging cells and tissues.

      A complex of minerals - sodium and potassium, necessary for cell transport, phosphorus, zinc, copper, necessary for building cell structures, synthesis of melanin and skin collagen, iron, which plays an important role in the processes of hematopoiesis and selenium, the deficiency of which negatively affects the immune system of residents metropolis. Nicotinic acid, which is present in the composition of carrots, is necessary in the processes of lipid metabolism, therefore, regular consumption of carrot juice helps to prevent atherosclerosis, liver obesity, and increased cholesterol.

      Calcium, its content in carrots is quite high (in 100 g of the product - 233 mg, that is, 1/5 of the daily requirement), and in addition, calcium in the composition of carrot juice is better absorbed. Synthetic preparations with calcium are absorbed by a maximum of 5%, and in the composition of juice - by 40%. Thus, Dr. Walker notes, consuming carrot juice consistently appears to be more beneficial than taking 12kg of calcium tablets.

    Other health benefits of carrot juice:

      Carrots have a beneficial effect on the state of the digestive system, acting on the secretory glands of the digestive tract. Therefore, it is recommended to drink carrot juice before meals to increase the efficiency of food digestion.

      Another useful property of carrot juice is the ability to calm the nervous system, preventing its exhaustion, relieve nervous tension and increase resistance to stress.

      Carrot juice was used by the ancient Greeks as a remedy against exhaustion and intestinal problems; the Mediterranean region is considered the birthplace of carrots. At the dawn of civilization, doctors used carrot juice to cleanse the body, as well as to stimulate the intestines for constipation and diarrhea.

      Carrot juice is also known for its antiseptic properties - it is used topically to treat ulcers and suppurations, prevent sepsis in newborns and prevent infections in autumn and winter.

      Other studies were conducted on laboratory animals that were divided into two groups and fed differently. The differences in the diet were in the amount of vitamin E contained in the food. The group with an increased vitamin E content in the diet showed a high resistance to oncogenic formations, while in the second group, malignant tumors appeared more often and grew faster. Vitamin E along with carrot phytoestrogens helps in solving the problem of infertility in women.

      Carrot juice is traditionally considered the best remedy for the prevention of such vision pathologies as "night blindness" - this is a violation of twilight vision, in which it is difficult for a person to focus when moving from a well-lit room into twilight. This is a common cause of road accidents at night and at dusk.

    The benefits of carrot juice for children

    For children, the benefits of carrot juice lie in the following aspects:

      Carrot juice is included in the list of the first complementary foods for babies, it can be given from 6 months of age. Moreover, women need to drink carrot juice, both during pregnancy and lactation, to improve the quality of mother's milk, saturate it with useful microelements, and increase resistance to infection.

      Carrot juice normalizes the condition of the mucous membranes of the body - the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, eyes and internal organs. This strengthens the body's barrier forces, since the mucous membranes of the mouth and nose are often the gateway to infection. Therefore, the systematic use of raw carrots and freshly squeezed juice will help the child avoid illness during the epidemic season in kindergarten and school. In some cases, this method of strengthening the immune system is better than garlic and onions, which are usually used for this purpose - drinking carrot juice is easy and pleasant, and it does not leave behind a specific aroma. Thus, carrot juice protects against colds, inflammation of the tonsils, otitis media , sinusitis, sinusitis. The normalizing effect of vitamin A on the secretion of internal mucous membranes helps prevent infections of the kidneys, bladder and its duct, gastritis and gastric ulcer.

      Dental diseases are often associated with a lack of calcium (the main sources of which are milk and dairy products), as well as a lack of vitamin C, which can provoke scurvy and other gum disease. However, carrot juice is an excellent source of easily digestible calcium, which in many cases is healthier than milk, since it has a lower calorie content. Do not forget that many people are allergic to lactose or other problems with the metabolism of dairy products, which is why vegetable juices remain almost the only way to make up for the lack of calcium naturally.

      Vitamin A, synthesized from beta-carotene, is essential for the normal formation of bone tissue, and is involved in the formation of dentin and tooth enamel.

    The number of units of vitamin A for adults is 5000 per day, children need to consume from 1500 to 4000 units daily, while the daily allowance for pregnant and lactating mothers can increase up to 8000. Undiluted carrot juice in the volume of one glass several times covers the daily requirement of this vitamin , since it contains 45 thousand of its units. Naturally, out of habit, it is difficult to take such an amount of juice for a single dose, but when diluted with water, apple or other vegetable juices, carrot juice is easy and pleasant to drink. A glass of juice mixture a day will protect you from all the problems caused by a lack of vitamin A, including dull hair, brittle nails, flaky, dry and prone to allergic skin skin, thinned tooth enamel.

    Carrot juice in large quantities can cause abnormal body reactions - lethargy and drowsiness, headache, nausea, or symptoms of food poisoning. As with any product, you need to get used to carrot juice gradually. The norm for an adult is 250 ml per day - this is the volume of juice contained in one glass.

    Raw foodists and adherents of juice therapy believe that you can drink up to 3-4 liters of juice per day, but if you do not want to risk it, stop at an amount of 500-1000 ml per day.

    Another problem that can arise with the systematic use of carrot juice is yellowing of the skin, especially with regard to the fingers and toes, and the face. There are two theories of carrot jaundice. According to one version, yellowing is caused by the release of toxins through the skin, which the excretory system cannot cope with during active liver cleansing.

    Another version explains the yellowish tinge of the skin after taking carrot juice with an excess of beta-carotene, which is thus released without being able to be absorbed.

    In any case, some time after stopping the juice therapy, the skin regains its normal color. If you have been taking the juice regularly for several months, the process of returning to normal will take a little longer. Yellowing or blanching of the skin after taking carrot juice in large quantities is a harmless phenomenon and passes by itself.

    Carrot juice can be harmful in exacerbations of gastritis and pancreatitis, as well as in diabetes mellitus. Nevertheless, even with stomach ulcers, intestinal colic and high acidity gastritis, this product is recommended to be included in the diet in small quantities, getting used to it gradually so as not to cause a negative reaction.

    How to drink carrot juice?

    One of the main recommendations when using carrot juice for the treatment of various diseases is its combination with fats - cream, olive oil, due to the presence of fat-soluble vitamins in carrots. However, carrot juice retains its beneficial properties even when consumed neat. The only condition that must be observed during juice therapy is not to add sugar or salt to the juice; to give other shades of taste, you can dilute the carrot juice with other juices. Vegetable juice mixtures can enhance the beneficial effects of each of the ingredients. The most popular juice combinations are carrot + apple, carrot + beet + apple, carrot + beet, carrot + celery.

    You need to drink carrot juice on an empty stomach, after which it is advisable not to eat foods with fast carbohydrates - sweets, pastries, starchy foods. You cannot drink the juice in one gulp - an increased concentration of biologically active substances, carotene, vitamins, minerals can create an excessive load on the stomach and pancreas, which is manifested by a feeling of discomfort. It is best to drink the juice through a straw - firstly, this ensures a gradual intake of the product in small portions, which facilitates digestion, and secondly, one should not forget that the digestive process begins already in the oral cavity, and the suction movements with the tube promote the secretion of the salivary glands.

    Carrot juice for children is recommended to be diluted with boiled water in order to reduce its concentration and prevent unwanted body reactions. To do this, use boiled, melt water or water from a source. However, it is the water that comes into the body from juice that is most useful, since it is naturally structured and better absorbed by the cells. It is best to combine carrot juice with apple and other juices.

    Popular vegetable juice blends

    The combination of beetroot and carrot vegetable juices has a tonic, immunomodulatory and detoxifying effect on the body. Carotene in carrots helps to restore the liver, prevent eye diseases, and strengthen the body's defenses against infection. Beet juice promotes blood formation and, in combination with carrot juice, restores the acid-base balance of the body. This juice mixture is useful for pregnant women in whom the volume of circulating blood increases by one third, respectively, there is a need for structural elements for new blood cells. In addition, vitamin A in carrot juice prevents stretch marks by making the skin more elastic and enhancing collagen synthesis (which is also aided by the copper content of carrots).

    Carrot-beet juice corrects the condition of women with menstrual disorders, dysmenorrhea, oligohypomenorrhea, painful periods. It is recommended to use it to mitigate the negative manifestations of menopause. The initial dosage is 50-100 ml per day, it can be increased to 0.5 liters of juice daily if there is no discomfort in the stomach and pancreas, nausea or allergic reactions.

    Apple-carrot juice

    A mixture of carrot and apple juice is one of the most commonly used juice therapy recipes. The combination of carrot juice with apple juice is recommended for those who are not used to consuming concentrated carrot juice; this combination not only has a rich and pleasant taste, but is also more efficiently absorbed. It can be used by both young children and adults during the course of cleansing procedures. For comparison: a healthy person who is just starting to take carrot juice is advised not to exceed the dosage of 250 ml / day, while apple juice can be safely drunk up to a liter per day. Therefore, the proportion of the mixture can be different, depending on the degree of preparedness of the patient.

    Apple juice has unique properties that are beneficial for the nervous system - it not only protects neurons from radical damage, but also can prevent the development of Alzheimer's disease. Carrot-apple juice is used for the treatment and prevention of congestion of the liver and gallbladder, cleansing of stones, blockage of the biliary tract.

    Such a mixture can be used even in diets for diabetics, only for juice they use green apples of sour varieties with a lower sugar content.

    The antioxidant vitamins in apple juice - C and E, also contain vitamins B1, B2, PP and minerals - calcium, iodine, manganese, zinc, magnesium, fluorine, copper, iron and others.

    Carrot-beet-apple juice

    Carrot, beet and apple juice in combination are capable of working miracles with the human body. According to one study, after three months of juice therapy with this mixture, significant improvements were found in lung cancer patients, tumor growth slowed down and the disease went into remission. A glass of apple, carrot and beet juice mixture provides the body with vitamins and nutrients for the whole day, restoring its mineral balance.

    This combination is used to cleanse the body, remove toxins and toxins, and relieve gouty pains. The systematic use of carrot-beet-apple juice avoids the formation of stones in the gallbladder and contributes to the prevention of cancer.

    Popular questions and answers

      How much carrot juice can you drink per day? Carrot juice in juice therapy is recommended to be taken in a glass a day. There is about 250 ml of juice in a glass, which contains the daily requirement of vitamin A, covering the needs of both children and adults, including pregnant and lactating mothers. But many healers say that even in the amount of 3 liters per day, carrot juice is safe, but you need to get used to it gradually and take it taking into account all possible contraindications. For prophylactic intake, 250 ml of carrot juice or juice mixture per day is enough. When treating specific diseases, dosages change - with gastritis with high acidity, they start with lower dosages or drink juice in a large dilution, when cleansing the liver, you can take two glasses of juice a day. Carotene is processed by the liver, therefore, if its excess amount enters the body with carrot juice, its function may be impaired.

      How long can freshly squeezed carrot juice be stored? Freshly squeezed carrot juice is best consumed immediately after preparation, because when stored for more than five minutes from exposure to air and light, the nutrients in it begin to break down, and the nutritional value of the product is significantly reduced. If you prepare juice in an auger juicer, then its shelf life in a closed container increases to several hours.

      How often can you drink carrot juice? Can you drink it every day? Daily intake of one glass of carrot juice is safe for the body and can be used as a prevention of infectious diseases and vitamin deficiency in the autumn-winter period. For medicinal purposes, as well as for cleansing the body, carrot juice is used daily from three weeks to several months, while the dosage is gradually increased, bringing it to two liters per day.

      Can i drink carrot juice during pregnancy? Carrot juice can be drunk by the expectant mother at any stage of pregnancy, this product is especially relevant in the last stages, since carrot phytoncides and its general strengthening effect help to avoid sepsis in the child after childbirth.

      How many months can you give carrot juice? It is possible to give carrot juice to babies from the age of six months, if before that during the feeding process there were no allergic reactions when eating carrots by a nursing mother. The dosage for the first time is half or a whole teaspoon of undiluted juice at a time.

      How much carrot juice can you give your child? In Soviet manuals for caring for newborns, carrot juice was included in complementary foods from the age of three months, modern sources recommend introducing juice into the diet of an infant from 6 months. Naturally, the dosage differs from the adult one - the juice is given in an amount of 50 to 100 ml, not daily, but a couple of times a week. Carrot juice is diluted with water and the reaction of the child's body is monitored, gradually increasing the number of a single dose.

    The benefits of carrot juice for certain diseases

    Carrot juice for the liver

    Raw vegetable juices are good for the liver primarily because they are easily and quickly absorbed without taking up a lot of resources from the digestive system. The use of carrot juice in liver diseases is explained by the presence of natural sugars, vitamins, carotene in it, due to which this product accelerates the regeneration of the parenchyma, eliminates the blockage of the liver duct and congestion, removes toxins and prevents its fatty degeneration. Vegetable juices are rich in potassium, with a minimum of sodium in their composition, which makes it possible to equalize the potassium-sodium balance of cells and improves the transport function of membranes. Most people's diet is dominated by sodium due to the habit of constantly consuming salty foods.

    Therefore, to cleanse the liver and restore its tissues, it is necessary to adhere to a salt-free regime, and the carrot juice used as part of the cleansing course cannot be salted. Juice therapy takes an average of three weeks of daily intake of carrot and other vegetable juices; its duration can be extended in case of chronic inflammation.

    For the treatment of liver diseases, mixtures of carrot, beetroot and cucumber juice (proportion 10: 3: 3), spinach and carrot juice (6:10), carrot juice, dandelion greens and lettuce (9: 3: 4), carrots, stalks celery and parsley (9: 5: 2) and pure carrot juice.

    Opinions on the advisability of using carrot juice for gastritis differ. Some doctors recommend refraining from this product, since it stimulates the activity of the secretory glands, while other experts, on the contrary, recommend it to normalize digestion with gastritis of high acidity. Carrot juice is strictly contraindicated at the stage of exacerbation of the disease, while in chronic gastritis it can be introduced into the diet in small dosages of 100 ml per day. Carrot juice not only normalizes the secretion of the digestive glands, but also improves the quality of blood, since the vitamins and minerals present in it are involved in the processes of hematopoiesis, protects nerve cells, removes congestion in the liver, and helps to normalize stool in case of diarrhea and constipation.

    Carrot juice for pancreatitis

    In the treatment of pancreatitis, carrot juice is included in the diet in small quantities, while it is rarely consumed in its pure form. This is due to its ability to enhance enzymatic activity - for a healthy person, this property is useful, as it stimulates digestive processes, but with a damaged pancreas, the load on the organ increases. Therefore, at the acute stage of the disease, carrot juice is not used.

    Another reason for reducing the dosage of the daily intake of carrot juice for pancreatitis is the presence of sugary substances in it. For the metabolism of sugars, insulin is required, produced by the cells of the pancreas, and if their function is impaired, an excess of sugars, if it is impossible to assimilate them, can create conditions for the development of diabetes mellitus.

    For the treatment of chronic pancreatitis, juice mixtures of carrots and potatoes in a one-to-one ratio, carrots and apple juice (1: 3) are used, if no negative reaction to fruit juices has been detected before. The proportion of carrot juice in the mixture can be gradually increased, but it should be consumed no more than 2-3 times a week.

    Contraindications to the use of carrots

    Carrot juice in large quantities is contraindicated for peptic ulcer and gastritis of high acidity at the stage of exacerbation of the disease. This product can increase the secretion of the digestive glands, which aggravates the patient's condition.

    In addition, carrot juice should be used with caution by diabetics. Boiled carrots have a high glycemic index, so diabetic patients should exclude them from the diet.