What is healthier to drink - raw or boiled water? How to drink water correctly: drinking regimen for the health of the body

21.03.2019 Healthy eating

Three or four generations ago, such a question was simply not before people. Here is a tap, clear, odorless water is pouring out of it, which means we drink to health! But the fact is that the quality of tap water cannot be determined "by eye".

"Easily Useful" will help you figure out why you can't drink raw water.

Dangers of tap water

How to Purify Tap Water

We know that it is not recommended to drink raw water, and we boil it out of habit. Boiling will actually get rid of bacteria, but not chlorine. You can get rid of this harmful chemical by allowing the water to stand in open containers for several hours, the more the better. And the already settled water should then be boiled.

Get rid of harmful impurities it is possible by freezing water. Clean water freezes faster, so watch out: as soon as half of the water from the total volume has become ice, you can safely pour out the rest. You can drink the water formed after the ice has melted without risk to health. It is also acceptable to use it for cooking.

The decision to switch to bottled water would be an affordable option. First, ensure that storage conditions are appropriate. The water must not be exposed to direct sunlight and the packaging must be free from defects. Second, pay attention to technical conditions (TU) on bottled water labels. So, for example, "TU 9185- ..." means that when cleaning chemical composition water has not undergone a change, and its natural properties have been saved. But "TU 0131- ..." says that water purification in this case changed its composition. That is, this water may be extracted from a water supply system or a well, and, accordingly, its quality will be lower.

Be sure to recycle empty bottles. Read more about this on recyclemap.ru

Another way to purify tap water is filtration. The most common types of filters are "jugs" and flow filters with a separate tap. They do a good job of purifying water from impurities and heavy metals.

So, is raw tap water safe to drink? Most likely, nothing terrible will happen if you take a couple of sips of such water. But drinking it on a regular basis is not recommended. Choose for yourself optimal way get quality drinking water and be healthy!

People who care about their health often ask themselves the question: which water is better to use - raw or boiled? The human body consists of about 70-80% water, and life is impossible without constant replenishment of the fluid balance, so the choice useful water very relevant.

Which is healthier to drink - raw or boiled water?

The opinions of doctors and nutritionists on this issue are similar: researchers believe that raw water will definitely bring more use health. Drinking water that has not gone through the boiling process contains salts and trace elements that are useful for human body - copper, sodium, magnesium, calcium, as well as soluble gases in the form of oxygen and nitrogen. Raw water not only quenches thirst, but nourishes the body, delivering useful material and oxygen. Scientific research proved that natural pure water differs in a special structure of molecules and when it enters the body has a positive effect on internal systems and organs, starts the processes of regeneration and rejuvenation.

When boiled, most of the useful salts precipitate, which not only negatively affects the taste of the water, but is also deposited in the form of scale in the kettle. Boiled water is deprived of most trace elements and oxygen, therefore it cannot have a beneficial effect on the metabolism in the body, but, on the contrary, causes edema and contributes to the accumulation of harmful salts. Thus, the analysis of water before and after boiling showed that this process disinfects water, but deprives it taste and properties beneficial to the body.

How to choose the right raw water?

Researchers have come to the unequivocal conclusion that the properties of raw water are more beneficial than those of boiled water. However, environmental conditions and the state of utilities can negatively affect the quality of raw water. In modern times, there are several ways to choose raw and at the same time clean and safe water.

Spring water is naturally purified through soil layers. showed that springs located in the city or near industrial productioncan be contaminated with harmful chemical and biological substances. Spring water is recommended to be consumed only after thorough.

How to Purify Raw Water?

Almost everyone understands that only clean water is safe to drink. Since raw water is healthier than boiled water, it becomes necessary to purify it. To do this, you can use the method of settling water for two to three hours, or get melted water by freezing and subsequent thawing, you can also use flow-through or pitcher filters. When choosing a method for purifying raw water, it should be carried out.

Natural methods in the form of settling and freezing are suitable for areas with good ecology; if a high content of iron or heavy salts is found in the water, filtration should be used. Analysis of water before and after filtration shows that the use of a filter retains substances in the water that are necessary for health and replenish the balance of trace elements in the body, and harmful salts filtering components retain. The result is "living" clean water, pleasant to the taste and beneficial to the body.

What is the best water to drink? Such a question is not at all idle for all of us. After all, without food, a person can live enough a large number of times without much harm to health. There is even an opinion that prolonged fasting can bring significant benefits to the body. But without water, the human body can exist for a very limited time. So, in most cases, already on the seventh day without moisture in the body, irreversible changes begin. But the answer to this question is very difficult. First, let's try to figure out which water is better to drink - boiled or raw. If raw water, then which is better - tap, bottled or spring. Well, if boiled, then how to boil it.

What kind of water you need to drink for health, boiled or raw

Unboiled natural water is also called living water. She earned this name not by chance. The structure and arrangement of molecules in such water is such that when it enters our body, it has a beneficial effect on almost all organs and systems of the body, enhances cell regeneration, and also increases the body's resistance to the formation of free radicals, thus producing a rejuvenating effect. During boiling, this structure is lost. Water turns into "dead", and there is no need to talk about any beneficial effects on the body.

Can I drink raw tap water

In order to substantiate our conclusion, it is necessary to say a few words about how the water that flows from our tap should be purified. The complete diagram looks like this

  • Water sedimentation
  • Binding and precipitation of impurities. Otherwise, this process is called coagulation, and the substances that take part in it are called coagulants. Most often it is aluminum sulfate.
  • Sand cleaning followed by backwash
  • UV treatment for disinfection.
  • The final step is chlorination. It should prevent the subsequent contamination of treated water by microorganisms.

In most cases, an abbreviated cleaning scheme is used. In this case, one or several stages may be missed, but chlorination is always preserved. I think everyone understands that it is impossible to purify polluted water from many sources in this way. After all drinking water must contain impurities (organic, inorganic and turbidity) in quantities determined by sanitary standards in maximum permissible concentrations. Unfortunately, most of the water flowing from our water taps does not correspond to such, even greatly reduced, standards.

A few more words about coagulation. Despite the fact that as a result of this process, the water becomes more transparent, however, the coagulant remains in the water. Well, residual aluminum, successfully entering our body, replaces calcium in the bones.

And the condition of the pipes through which water is delivered to our home is not at all conducive to its purity. After all, the smallest rust from rusty pipes very successfully saturates it with ferric iron, which has carcinogenic properties, and worsens the brain. Well, chlorination not only kills bacteria, but also saturates the water with residual chlorine, as well as organic chlorine. Thus, we can definitely say that you cannot drink raw tap water!

How to boil water. Repeated boiling of water is its harm.

If you need to disinfect the water, you can use boiling, but you should follow a few rules.

  • With prolonged boiling, many salts that are dissolved in water tend to precipitate. When it settles on the walls of the kettle, it can form a hard crust. Therefore, it is advisable to heat the water to a state of white boiling. In this case, the water will be disinfected, and most of the minerals will be stored in it.
  • Due to changes in its structure, boiled water becomes an excellent breeding ground for the growth of pathogenic bacteria during the day. Therefore, freshly boiled water is suitable for consumption.
  • To remove chlorine from water, it is enough to let the water settle in an open container for 24 hours. And only after that, boil.
  • The remnants of unused boiled water should never be boiled again, and the rest should be discarded.

There are several myths about re-boiling water and its dangers.

    • Boiling water becomes heavy. Heavy water is water in which a hydrogen atom is replaced by an atom of its isotope deuterium. There is not the slightest doubt that such water is harmful. Only now turn hydrogen into deuterium simple boiling - impossible.

Therefore, it is undesirable to re-boil water only if it long-term storage... As noted earlier, it becomes a very good environment for the development of many bacteria that are dangerous to us.

Bottled water

Bottled drinking water is probably the most convenient option today. A wide variety of containers allows you to choose the most convenient amount of purchased water. In addition, in the case of purchasing large containers, it is possible to conclude a contract for its supply.

With regard to its quality, industrial cleaning, subject to technology, gives very high results.

I would like to note that different manufacturers water varies in quality. And if you really care what kind of water you drink, then in the inscription made in small print the category of water is indicated. Artificially purified water belongs to the first category, and the highest category water from artesian wells belongs. And it depends on you what kind of water you will drink.

Spring water

Is spring water good for you? It all depends on the area in which the spring is located. After all, passing through all layers of the earth, this water absorbs not only useful salts and minerals, but also salts heavy metals, as well as harmful compounds that are rich in soils located within the city. Therefore, before using such water, it is advisable to conduct its mineral and bacteriological analysis. After all, the water from the springs can be healing, and can be poisonous.

Home tap water treatment

Our industry produces a fairly large range of filtering devices. These are the simplest sump jugs with replaceable cartridges and flow filters.

Membrane purification systems based on reverse osmosis, which purify water so well that afterwards it is necessary to saturate it with minerals and salts necessary for normal life of the body.

Absorbent plants are the most expensive, but of the highest quality. Cleaning in them can be compared with industrial water treatment.

However, we will now consider the simplest and affordable way how to purify water at home.

How to cook melt water at home correctly

A lot has been said about the benefits of melt water and there is no point in repeating all this. However, I would like to note that for correct preparation melt water at home, you must follow a few simple rules.

    • It is advisable to use bottled water, or filtered water. After all, as noted above, tap water is in such a state that it is practically impossible to make it drinkable, and even more so useful.
  • Freezing containers must be polymer. It can be a plastic bucket or plastic bottle... The bucket is more convenient due to the fact that it allows itself to be used many times.

How to make melt water at home

    • Cooking plastic dishes with a capacity of 2.5 - 3 liters
    • We collect a plastic container with water by 2/3
    • We put it in the freezer
    • After freezing water, a small amount of unfrozen liquid remains in the middle of the ice
    • We dip a bowl of ice in hot water for a few seconds
    • We remove the ice, use a knife to split it and drain the unfrozen liquid. It is in it that harmful substances are found. Their freezing point is lower and that is why they do not freeze.
  • Let our ice cube melt naturally.
  • Our melt water is ready.

So what kind of water to drink?

Summing up everything written, let's draw several conclusions

  • Drinking raw water is much healthier than boiled water
  • Natural spring water is best to drink
  • If you need to boil water, turn off the kettle at the time of white boiling
  • If there is no alternative to tap water, use a filter
  • At home, for consumption the best option there will be preparation of "melt" water

Water plays almost the most important role for the human body and all living things in general. No one and nothing can live without it - even plants die without water. It is used for domestic purposes, cooking and quenching thirst. Medicine recommends drinking a certain amount of liquid per day. But is it so necessary and important, and what does water give to our body?

The role of water in the body

Water can be safely called our source of life! Because you can live without it for a maximum of 5-7 days, even if the body has increased immunity and endurance. Why is that? It turns out that water promotes the assimilation of all food and nutrients, which in turn leads to transformation into an energy reserve. With its help, oxygen is created, which speeds up metabolism, improves the functionality of many organs and systems, normalizes body temperature, etc.

Our body contains up to 80% of this valuable liquid, only in blood plasma it contains 93%! In the muscular system - 75%, in the bone - 20, in the heart, lungs and kidneys - up to 80, in fat tissues - 10, and in the skin and liver - 70%. Most of the water is in the vitreous body, its amount reaches 99%. AND least content observed in the enamel layer of the teeth - only 0.2.

Modern medicine has proven that a lack of water in the body leads to the development of the most serious and dangerous pathologies. This conclusion was reached through multiple studies and experiments.

The benefits of water

Thanks to water, all substances that are responsible for the vital activity of tissues, cells and organs dissolve, because water is dynamic. She takes a direct part in all biochemical processes. Beneficial features water for the human body:

  • acceleration of metabolism (all metabolic processes);
  • removal of toxins, toxins and other harmful substances;
  • regulation of body temperature (when a person has a fever, it is recommended to drink more clean water);
  • oxygen saturation with moisture;
  • transportation of nutrients;
  • maintaining normal water regime skeletal system, joints, etc .;
  • acceleration of the processes of assimilation of nutrients;
  • providing protective properties of all internal organs;
  • excretion of salts from the body;
  • burning of adipose tissue.

The most interesting about water

  • than large quantity water gets inside, the faster it is removed;
  • a shortage of aqueous fluid of only 10% can be fatal;
  • if you drink water with high content ph, life can be extended by at least 10 years, to a maximum of 20;
  • a person drinks up to 70 tons of water a year.

Is drinking lemon water good for you?

Drinking water is useful and this fact is indisputable. But can it be used with lemon and other foods? For example, citrus fruits perfectly quench thirst, so it is lemon water prefer to drink. But is it helpful? In fact, lemon perfectly complements and enhances the properties of water. But besides this, lemon additionally contributes to the following:

  1. Since it contains the impact force of many vitamins and minerals, macronutrients and trace elements, lemon strengthens immune system and saturates the body daily rate everything you need. This leads to the normalization of the activity of all systems.
  2. Lemon is able to eliminate headaches, normalize arterial pressure and calm the nervous system.
  3. If you wash your face with lemon water, you can improve the color and structure of the skin of the face.
  4. Lemon leads to the acceleration of digestive processes, activation of the secretion of gastric juice.
  5. Quickly cleanses the liver of harmful substances and neutralizes free radicals.
  6. Relieves constipation and gives elasticity to the entire skin.
  7. It neutralizes bacteria and viruses, so lemon is most often used for colds.
  8. It normalizes lactic acid and relieves pain in the skeletal system.
  9. Burns fat and speeds up metabolism.
  10. Rejuvenates cells, tissues and the body as a whole.

What kind of water should you drink for health: boiled or raw?

Water is very useful for the body, but not every liquid has such properties, especially in modern world, which has an unfavorable environmental situation. For water to be beneficial, it must be rich in nutrients.

And how to check the ph level at home, you ask. There are several ways:

  1. Can buy mineral water without gas. These indicators are indicated on each bottle.
  2. You can use special indicators - litmus paper, sodium benzenesulfonate, phenolphthalein. All these substances, when combined with water, change their shade and color.
  3. Today you can find a ph-meter on sale that determines the water and alkaline balance.

Tap water: features

The quality of modern tap water is quite good because it undergoes multiple purification processes. Only with water pipes we have big problems in our country. Of course, if a completely new pipeline is laid throughout the entire territory of the water supply, then such water can and should be drunk.

Unfortunately, this is practically not found. Most of the pipes are old and rusty, as a result of which they contain an increased amount of iron. The chlorine contained is also undesirable for the body, due to which the water is periodically disinfected from bacteria. therefore tap water in pure form better not to use.

Raw water and boiled: features

Undoubtedly, raw water contains an enormous number of useful substances. Such water is called "living", as it has a peculiar structure in the arrangement of molecules. But to get the most out of it, you should only consume high quality raw water.

Boiled water is completely unhealthy for the body, to say the least:

  • useful salts turn into an insoluble form, which is why they are absent in boiled water;
  • the oxygen content decreases;
  • chlorine is converted into toxic compounds that most negatively affect internal organs, as a result of which stones and cancerous growths are formed;
  • it loses all useful substances and, accordingly, properties;
  • if boiled water is stored for a day or more, harmful microorganisms develop in it;
  • boiled water is usually called "dead".

If you are used to and enjoy drinking water that is boiling, stick to certain rules... First, let the raw water stand for 2-4 hours before boiling. Second, remove the kettle from the heat as soon as the liquid begins to boil.

Bottled water: features

Bottled water is a healthy raw water that undergoes repeated purification. Such water has two categories - the first and the highest. In the first case, water is taken from water pipes or surface water bodies, after which it is subjected to deep cleaning processes.

The highest category includes artesian water collected in ecologically clean areas from wells. They disinfect it with ultraviolet light, and clean it in the most gentle ways. This is the most favorable liquid for the body.

Do not forget that there are many unscrupulous manufacturers in the world who do not focus on cleaning processes. And water can be used from the water supply.

In order not to stumble upon a fake, be sure to take into account the reputation of the manufacturer, pay attention to the quality of the packaging (responsible companies will not allow water to be packaged in bottles of dubious quality). But the most important advice - Take a small amount of liquid to any laboratory, and then you will be sure of the quality indicators of the water you use!