Healthy and unhealthy drinks. Fruit drinks

13.05.2019 Buffet table

What we drink has the same health effects as what we eat. Throw away soft drink bottles. They don't help a healthy lifestyle. There are many useful and affordable alternatives. Having studied the recommendations of nutritionists and various health institutes, we offer you the top 10 most useful drinks for health, weight loss and excellent mood.

Was the first thing you thought about water when you read the title of this article? Even if not, know that water is one of the healthiest drinks in the world. It contains no calories, is important for digestion, and is essential for the absorption of vitamins B and C. In addition, water helps in detoxifying the body and is a very important component of the blood.

Scientists don't have a single estimate of how much water the average person needs every day. Instead, the American Institute of Medicine has set a sufficient daily intake of 15 cups for men and 11 cups for women. Please note that this is not a strict requirement, but a recommendation.

For most people, drinks account for about 80% of this water volume; the rest is for food.

9. Pomegranate juice

This delicious drink is obtained from pomegranate fruits, which are rich in sugars, fiber, tannins, various minerals and vitamin C. Pomegranate juice is recommended for people with anemia, high cholesterol and high blood pressure. This drink is a powerful antioxidant, similar to red wine and green tea.

A study published in Clinical Nutrition examined the consumption of pomegranate juice in patients with carotid stenosis. This is the narrowing of either of the two key arteries in the front of the neck, through which blood from the heart enters the brain.

  • Participants who consumed pomegranate juice reduced their blood pressure by more than 12 percent and had a 30 percent reduction in atherosclerotic plaque.
  • Participants who did not drink the juice had a 9 percent increase in atherosclerotic plaque.

Before buying juice, make sure it is sugar-free.

8. Beet juice

This is not the most popular of the healthy drinks, but its taste is more than offset by the properties of beet juice. It not only lowers blood pressure, but also improves stamina and also increases blood flow to the brain in adults. Beet juice is high in calcium, iron, and magnesium. Beet juice is hard to find in stores, so it's best to make it at home.

7. Cranberry juice

Prevents the formation of kidney stones, urinary tract infections. It also protects against various types of cancer and heart disease.

Cranberry juice is rich in antioxidants that reduce oxidative stress. It also contains vitamin C and salicylic acid.

Let's say you consume 253 grams or a cup of unsweetened cranberry juice daily. Here's what it contains:

  • 116.4 calories;
  • 5.1 mg sodium;
  • 30.9 g carbohydrates;
  • 8 g of potassium;
  • natural "set" of vitamins (C, B, PP and K);
  • 3 g fiber;
  • 1 gram of protein
  • a large amount of minerals (magnesium, iron, phosphorus, calcium, etc.).

The drink is healthier if it is not sweetened or is pure cranberry juice with no other drinks added.

6. Ginger tea

Ginger is a natural remedy for a variety of stomach problems. It not only effectively prevents indigestion, but also provides relief from motion sickness, indigestion and nausea associated with pregnancy. To make ginger tea tastier and healthier, you can add a few drops of honey to it.

5. Hot chocolate

To the delight of those with a sweet tooth, we have included delicious hot chocolate in the list of the healthiest drinks in the world. One of the best ways to deal with muscle cramps is with a cup of hot chocolate. And all because it has a very high magnesium content - 282 mg per 100 grams of drink.

Hot chocolate is one of the home remedies for colds. To do this, add cinnamon and a small pinch of red pepper to it, and also honey to taste.

Plus, hot chocolate is rich in antioxidants, flavonoids, as well as potassium, phosphorus, and calcium. And a cup of this invigorating drink makes life more fun for a while, thanks to the fact that the cocoa beans contain phenylethylamine. In the brain, it affects emotions and mood, and also increases mental focus.

4. Water with lemon juice

Drinking a glass of lemon water on an empty stomach in the morning is very beneficial for your body. It not only aids digestion but also cleanses the liver.

It is best to add lemon to warm water. Although vitamin C is not thermally stable - meaning it can break down when it reaches a certain temperature - even the boiling point is not high enough to negate the benefits of lemon. However, warm water is ideal as it is easier to drink in large quantities.

However, people who have dental problems should not drink lemon juice water because regular consumption can thin the enamel of the teeth. It is also worth giving up this drink for those who have a lot of iron in their blood, as lemon can increase the body's ability to absorb iron.

3. Hibiscus tea

In 2010, the Nutrition Journal published extensive research on the total antioxidant content of over 3,100 foods, beverages, spices, herbs and supplements used worldwide. This study included 283 drinks. Of all the drinks included, hibiscus tea was found to have the most antioxidants.

One unusual way to make this ruby \u200b\u200bherbal tea even healthier and tastier is to make a variation of the classic Mexican drink called Agua Fresca. It is traditionally made with watermelon, lime and sugar.

The flavonoids in watermelon are anti-inflammatory and can help reduce muscle soreness after exercise. Watermelon is also rich in citrulline, which is metabolized to arginine, an essential amino acid. Citrulline intake helps improve symptoms of erectile dysfunction in men.

2. Orange juice

This drink contains vitamin C and quercetin, a flavonoid that inhibits the production of histamine and serotonin (two main substances that cause allergy symptoms), and also relieves swelling and itching.

However, orange juice alone is not a universal remedy for seasonal allergies. He is just an addition to the drugs that the allergist prescribes.

1. Green tea

This is perhaps the healthiest hot drink in the world. Green tea speeds up metabolism, protects skin from UV damage, reduces inflammation and keeps teeth and gums healthy. One Japanese study found that drinking two cups of green tea a day reduced the risk of age-related cognitive decline by 50 percent.

And in green tea without sugar, there are practically no calories (no more than 5 in 100 ml of drink). All things being equal, drinking 1 to 2 cups of green tea daily instead of one can of soda throughout the year will save your body over 50,000 calories that could be stored as fat.

The biggest benefit of green tea is its high content of catechins, antioxidants that can help prevent the harmful effects of oxidation on your cells, which are the cause of many types of cancer. They may also help fight inflammation - a condition closely linked to heart disease and diabetes - and improve immune function, researchers at Penn State University said.


Some people find it easier to drink room temperature water. But perhaps you are one of the fans of icy "well" water? This preference is not very healthy: drinking excessive amounts of cold water can aggravate digestive problems. If you are using tap water, get a filter.

It is useful to add fresh lemon juice to the water - this is a well-known disinfectant and cleanser. The addition of a small amount of cucumber juice to clean water is also very refreshing.

If you drink mineral water for medicinal purposes, then you probably know about its varieties. The simple use of mineral water differs from the treatment regimen, which is not so strict.

Get into the healthy habit of drinking a glass of water right after bed.

Milk and fermented milk

If you adhere to the philosophy of healthy eating, then you probably choose milk and fermented milk drinks no fatter than 1-1.5%.

Milk contains calcium and protein. Soy milk is a great alternative to cow or goat milk. This healthy drink is especially relevant for vegetarians, people with lactose intolerance, chronic upper respiratory tract infection (sinuses or ear), asthma.

It is not worth sacrificing kefir (fermented baked milk, yogurt, drinking yogurt, etc.). 1 glass of fermented milk drink daily is a guarantee of the health of your intestines.

It has long been known that every person should drink about two liters of any liquid a day. This is the norm. But what exactly should we drink? What drinks are good for your health?

Most of the drinks that benefit our body are fruit and especially vegetable juices.

Nutritionists consider tomato juice to be the most useful vegetable juice. It contains a large amount of vitamin C. In addition, tomato juice is a powerful antioxidant. It protects the body against many types of cancer. But it is contraindicated in people with gastric ulcer and gastritis.

One cannot ignore such a drink as cranberry juice. Cranberries are one of the most vitamin foods. It contains many substances that protect against the appearance of cancer and help blood vessels, cure genitourinary infections and reduce the risk of kasney in the kidneys. Cranberry juice is called a natural antibiotic. It is imperative to drink it with flu, colds, as it lowers the temperature. But they should not drink aspirin, as this causes an overdose, and can provoke stomach bleeding.

Green hour contains much more bioactive substances than ordinary black. When lemon is added, these substances are absorbed better. Therefore, it is better to drink green tea with lemon. But you have to be careful. Green tea causes blood to clot, so excessive consumption of this drink can lead to blood clots. Therefore, this drink is contraindicated for people with ischemic heart disease, varicose veins and hard-core smokers.

For many years, scientists have been arguing about the benefits and dangers of coffee - the favorite drink of many women. But most researchers have concluded that coffee has health benefits. It protects against kidney and gallbladder stones, as well as protects against diabetes. Coffee relieves headaches and clarifies consciousness. Of course, this is a drink brewed from freshly ground coffee beans. And of course, you should not drink it in large quantities.

Water is simply necessary for our body. The body loses moisture and our direct task is to replenish the water balance.

Of course, sometimes you get bored of drinking plain water. But we know an effective solution to this problem - healthy drinks for health based on ordinary water.
There are recipes that not only quench thirst, but also supply vitamins to the body, charge with vigor.

Healthy drinks for health [Recipes]

Chia Seed Watermelon Smoothie

A chia seed watermelon smoothie is the perfect summer drink. He can safely replace a full snack. This smoothie contains quite a lot of nutrients, and chia seeds turn this drink into a real gastronomic miracle. Indulge your family and friends with this cool refreshing drink made from plain water.


  • chia seeds 3 tbsp;
  • watermelon pulp (seedless) 600 gr.;
  • water 300 ml .;
  • lemon 1/2 pc.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour chia seeds into a jug and cover with water.
  2. Grind the pulp of the watermelon in a blender, adding the juice of half a lemon.
  3. Add the shredded watermelon to the jug and stir.
  4. It is advisable to chill the drink before serving.

Mango drink

Maximum flavor with minimum ingredients? It's quite real! See for yourself by making a mango drink. It will especially appeal to lovers of exotic and tropical flavors. Mango is the best natural energy drink. From its very smell, one already wants to jump up and move mountains.


  • mango;
  • agave syrup;
  • mint several branches;
  • water 1 l.;
  • ice optional.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel and dice the mango. Place the mango in a blender, leaving some to garnish the drink.
  2. Add agave syrup and ice to a blender.
  3. Beat everything, and then add 1 liter. water and beat again.
  4. Pour the drink into suitable glasses, garnish with mango pieces and mint leaves.

Lemon drink with honey and rosemary

The weather outside the window is not happy and makes you treacherously wrap yourself in a raincoat? It happens. Keeping warm and cheering up is pretty simple: indulge yourself with a cup of lemon-infused honey and rosemary. It has been tested: if it rains outside, this drink seems even tastier and more aromatic.


  • lemon 1 pc .;
  • honey 2 tsp;
  • rosemary 2 sprigs.

Cooking method:

  1. Squeeze the juice out of the lemon and pour it into 2 cups.
  2. Add a sprig of rosemary to each cup and pour hot water over everything. Leave on for 5 minutes.
  3. Then add honey and mix.

Peach Almond Smoothie

Peach smoothie is the standard of delicate taste. Juicy fruit makes this drink unforgettable. The mood after such a smoothie rises rapidly, and productivity grows inexorably. If you want to experiment a bit, just add almonds to the ingredients list. This nut goes well with peach.


  • oatmeal 2 tablespoons;
  • hot (boiling) 2-3 tablespoons;
  • peaches 1.5 pcs.;
  • almond milk 1 cup;
  • almonds 10 pcs.;
  • vanilla extract to taste;
  • agave syrup to taste;
  • ice to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour boiling water over the oatmeal. Leave it on for 15 minutes.
  2. Combine all ingredients in a blender bowl.
  3. Whisk until smooth for 1 minute.
  4. Pour the smoothie into tall glasses and serve.

Lemon Lavender Lemonade

Lemon lavender lemonade is a delicious combination. This summer drink will be appreciated by even the most fastidious gourmets and gastronomic aesthetes. Such lemonade in this hot season should be tasted by everyone without exaggeration!


  • lavender 3 sprigs;
  • lemon zest 1/2 pc;
  • sugar 1 cup;
  • water 1 glass;
  • sparkling water 10 glasses.

Cooking method:

  1. In a small saucepan, combine lavender, lemon zest, sugar, and a glass of water.
  2. Simmer for 15 minutes, but do not simmer.
  3. Refrigerate the resulting syrup and store in an airtight container for 1 to 2 weeks (in the refrigerator).
  4. For a glass of lemonade, mix 1-2 tablespoons of the syrup with 1 glass of soda water.
  5. Mix well. Garnish with a slice of lemon and a sprig of lavender.

Green Vegetarian Smoothie

Everyone knows that vegetables are a concentration of vitamins, minerals, fiber and other useful and nutritious substances. And if the vegetables are green, then the benefits of such a drink for human health are simply off scale. We know a great alternative to vegetable salads is the veggie green smoothie. This drink is great for energizing and satisfying hunger.


  • spinach 1 cup;
  • kale cabbage 1 cup;
  • 1/2 cup celery
  • ground cinnamon 1/2 tsp;
  • green apple 1 pc .;
  • pear 1 pc .;
  • banana 2 pcs.;
  • water 2 cups;
  • mint for serving.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the apple and pear into small cubes.
  2. Combine all ingredients (except mint) in a blender bowl.
  3. Whisk until smooth.
  4. Pour into tall glasses.
  5. Garnish with mint and serve.

Ginger lemonade

It just so happened that spicy and rich combinations invigorate and save from the heat more effectively. Ginger lemonade has exactly these properties. This drink will surely become one of your favorites. Its advantage lies in the fact that ginger lemonade is relevant at any time of the year.


  • cane sugar 50 gr.;
  • lemon 4 pcs.;
  • ginger 50 gr.;
  • water 2 l.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour a glass of water into a small saucepan over moderate heat.
  2. Add sugar and wait until it dissolves.
  3. Combine mixture with grated ginger and bring to a boil.
  4. Remove the saucepan from heat and let cool for 10 minutes. The syrup should be properly infused.
  5. Then add the juice of four lemons and the remaining water to the syrup.
  6. Stir and serve.

Lemonade with mint, tarragon and strawberries

The lemonade parade continues. Summer! We present to you another drink that will remain in your hearts for a long time - lemonade with mint, tarragon and strawberries. Its amazing taste cannot be described otherwise than a riot of rich colors. And the taste of tarragon will remind you of childhood.


  • water 1 l.;
  • lemon 1/2 pc;
  • lime 1/2 pc .;
  • mint to taste;
  • tarragon to taste;
  • strawberries 6 pcs.;
  • sugar to taste;
    ice to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the lemon and lime into pieces and squeeze the juice into a clear pitcher.
  2. Send the remaining citrus peels, strawberries, mint and tarragon sprigs to it.
  3. Add granulated sugar.
  4. Pour about 1/5 of hot water into the jug and let it brew a little.
  5. Pour in cold water, stir and add ice.
  6. Garnish with a slice of lemon or a strawberry before serving.

Banana Oat Flake Smoothie

Tired of your usual breakfast? A banana oatmeal smoothie is a great alternative to scrambled eggs, scrambled eggs, toast, and porridge. Sometimes you can pamper yourself with such a light and original breakfast. Banana will add a pleasant sweet flavor to the smoothie that will instantly cheer you up. And hearty oatmeal will give you a boost of energy that is so necessary in the morning.


  • oatmeal 2 tablespoons;
  • boiled water 2-3 tablespoons;
  • 1 cup almond milk
  • vanilla extract 1/2 tsp
  • banana 1 pc.
  • almond oil 1 tablespoon
  • agave syrup 1 tsp
  • chia seeds 1 tbsp

Cooking method:

  1. In a small bowl, combine the oatmeal and water. Leave it on for 15 minutes.
  2. Place all ingredients in a blender and whisk for 1 minute.
  3. Serve to the table.

Moroccan mint tea

In summer, you need to drink not only cold but also hot drinks. It has been scientifically proven that tea perfectly cools the body suffering from hot temperatures and invigorates as well as coffee. Of course, not every drink is suitable for these purposes. Opt for Moroccan mint tea. You will definitely not regret it.


  • mint 10 branches;
  • green tea 3 tsp;
  • 4 cups water;
  • sugar 3 tablespoons

Cooking method:

  1. Boil water.
  2. Combine mint, green tea, and sugar in a French press.
  3. Pour boiling water over the kettle. Let it brew for 3-5 minutes.
  4. Pour the tea into cups and serve.

Many people prefer pure non-carbonated water even to the most healthy drinks - and rightly so. However, everyone sometimes wants at least a minimal variety. In this case, he will find his own drink for every taste, which can be consumed daily, without worrying that the body may be harmed. It is especially important to choose healthy drinks for the health of babies, so as not to accustom them to soda and sweet cocktails of dubious quality.

What are the healthiest drinks for humans?

Nothing can completely replace our body's need for simple water. This is the most correct and beneficial source of moisture. However, there are drinks that provide our body with many more useful substances.

What are the healthiest drinks and what properties do they have? Below are the 7 healthiest drinks for human health.

Reduces the risk of osteoporosis, cancer, cardiovascular disease. Green tea is rich in flavonoids, polyphenols and antioxidants that protect cells from harmful effects and neutralize free radicals.

Mint tea helps relieve indigestion, relieve colic, and aids digestion by helping food move through the gastrointestinal tract. This one of the most beneficial drinks for humans has an anti-spasmodic effect, relieves muscle pain and muscle tension.

Milk with 1% fat contains complex carbohydrates, protein and a little fat, so this product is absorbed slowly, and a person feels full for a certain time. Due to complex carbohydrates, blood sugar levels remain stable. Calcium is found in milk along with vitamin D, therefore it is well absorbed. What's more, calcium helps cells burn fat - hence milk contributes to normal weight loss.

Soy milk reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. Dietary fiber and proteins in soy milk reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol and triglycerides. However, if you want to completely replace cow's milk with soy milk, you will lack calcium and A and D. In this case, you can buy soy milk fortified with these microelements.

Hot chocolate or cocoa improve mood. Cocoa contains many polyphenols that protect cells from free radicals. Drinking hot chocolate increases the production of the hormone serotonin, low levels of which can negatively affect mood.

Tomato juice without salt contains lycopene, which protects the heart from free radicals, thereby reducing the likelihood of cardiovascular disease.

Orange juice contains vitamin C, which boosts immunity and protects against many diseases. This one of the healthiest drinks for your health is a great source of folate.

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