Chebureks in Uzbek. A step-by-step recipe for making real Uzbek pasties

08.08.2019 Salads

I offer a simple but interesting recipe for making Correct Chebureks: with bubbles in the dough and with a juicy filling.

1. First, the dough.

In the original, only flour, water and salt are included in the dough for pasties.

The proportion of flour and water is very simple. For 1000 g of sifted flour, take 350 ml of water... There is a rather thin line here, because everything depends on the quality of the flour and its gluten. For good flour, this amount of water will suffice. Sometimes it takes a little less or more, but not much.

Salt: 0.5 tablespoon is enough for 1 kg of flour.

Knead the dough in the usual way. Then wrap the dough in plastic wrap and refrigerate for half an hour.

2. While the dough is ripening, let's prepare the filling.

Take lean beef and fatty pork in a ratio of 80 to 20 or 70 to 30.

And also onions. It is enough for 1 kg of minced meat 100-200 g.

Pass all this through a meat grinder and knead thoroughly.

Season with salt and add a hefty portion of black pepper. It's not for everybody, but the minced meat in good pasties is quite spicy.

You can bang greens, but this is also not for everybody.

You can also add good mineral water.

Minced meat should be of such a delicate consistency, rather moist.

3. And now the most important thing. How to roll out the dough so that it becomes flaky and bubbles when frying.

It's simple.

We take our dough and roll a stick out of it, the diameter of a smoked sausage. Then, by hand, pinch off workpieces weighing about 50-60 g from it. We form balls from them, which we flatten and roll out with a rolling pin to the size of a coffee saucer. Then we take the edges and wrap them towards the center of the cake in a circle. We will have a blank the size of mantas.

Turn it over and roll it out again to the size of a saucer and again wrap the edges inward. The operation can be repeated one more time.

Those. we practically make puff pastry, but without oil, where air appears in layers.

After these operations, we roll out our workpiece as thin as possible. Literally 1mm thick.

Do not be lazy and roll it out thinly, a lot depends on it.

Put the minced meat on one side. Don't put a whole bunch of it. It is placed in a thin layer over the entire half of the cake. Naturally, step back about 1 cm from the edges to have something to cover up. Next, just cover the minced meat with the second half of the cake and carefully mold the edges with your fingers.

And then we go along the edge with a special curly knife to give a serrated edge, or we make teeth with a fork - a collective farm option.)

4. Pour about 1 liter of oil into a deep frying pan and heat it well. Before the haze appears.

Then carefully shake off the flour from the pasties and send them to the oil. Flour burns very quickly in oil, making pasties look absolutely unpresentable and quickly spoiling the oil.

Correct pasties in hot oil are fried very quickly, literally for half a minute on each side.

If they are firmly sealed, they will immediately be covered with a large number of bubbles and will look like in the picture.

Delicious juicy meat inside with a lot of broth.

Watch out for the chebureks to burst when frying and turn them over very carefully. The whole kitchen will be smeared with oil. Also, avoid contact of pasties with the bottom of the dish, they should float in oil.

How to make the perfect elastic dough, how to fry pasties correctly and three recipes for different fillings - the secrets of the master culinary specialist.

Cheburek is a favorite dish of the Turkic peoples. According to legend, the first cheburek was fried by Genghis Khan himself. On the march, the warriors needed hot and satisfying food. They turned the shield over the fire and roasted pasties on it. The first stuffing for the cheburek was lamb meat.

Modern cuisine offers a wide variety of fillings, but the classic cheburek still contains meat filling. However, a variety of meats can be used, including pork. But in Asian countries, you can try pasties with sweet filling - even fruits and berries are used.

  • To make the cheburek crispy and ruddy, add the juice of white onions to the dough.
  • To make the meat in the cheburek juicy, kefir is added to the minced meat.
  • To make the dough bubble when frying, roll it thinly to 2 mm.
  • The correct laying out of minced meat on the dough is to evenly cover half of the rolled circle with minced meat, with an indent from the edge of 1 cm.
  • How much oil should there be in a 26 cm frying pan (the standard size for most pans)? The correct answer is about 1 liter.
  • The classic pastry for cheburek is nothing but flour, water and salt (and the secret ingredient is onion juice).

For 500 g of flour, you need two onions. Shred (chop) the onion, salt and let stand for 20 minutes to let the onion juice. You can use a blender to chop onions. We squeeze the juice into the dough, and the onion itself goes into the minced meat.

We take wheat flour of the highest grade (with a gluten content of 8 to 12%), pour it in a slide on the table (500 g), add a teaspoon of salt, plus 200-220 ml of water (it can be hot, then you get a choux dough, it is more elastic than ordinary dough), and at the very end of the kneading add onion juice.

First, rub the flour into a crumb of water with your fingertips, then knead the dough with your palms. When the dough is well kneaded, it is rolled out several times with a sausage and folded into a spiral, again rolled out and folded. This is done so that the dough gets as much air as possible - the effect of puff pastry with micro bubbles is achieved.

The finished dough should be allowed to stand at room temperature for at least 2 hours. The dough is allowed to "rest" for several hours (!). The fermentation process is in progress, which will allow the dough to be thinly rolled out in the future - the dough will be pseudo-layered and elastic.

While the dough is resting, we prepare the fillings.

1. For meat filling, a combination of 70% beef shoulder and 30% fatty pork is ideal. Finely chop the meat (400g), add the prepared onions. We have a little salty dough and a little salted onion - all this will add the necessary salinity to the meat.

Cover the minced meat with foil and lightly beat it off with a rolling pin. Then we shift the minced meat into a bowl and add kefir (100g) to it. The secret ingredient "kefir" will bind all the components of the minced meat and give it the perfect consistency. The ratio of kefir to minced meat is about 1/4. The fat content of kefir does not matter. If suddenly kefir, when kneading the minced meat, began to leave marks on the walls of the bowl, then it is already enough.

Classic spices for minced meat cheburek are cumin, coriander and black pepper. They reveal the true taste of pasties.

About a quarter of a teaspoon of each spice is added to the minced meat, after which the minced meat is sent to the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

2. Mushroom filling - mushrooms, onions and cream. Cut the champignons into thin slices, the onion into half rings. When frying, the food will give up its moisture and shrink. For frying, you will need literally 1 tablespoon of refined vegetable oil. Mushrooms and onions are fried very quickly. Add 100 ml of cream, simmer in an open pan.
After evaporation, you can add nutmeg (literally a pinch), mix well - the second filling is ready.

3. Cheese filling - taken in equal quantities (50g each) suluguni, Adyghe, gouda cheese. We disassemble Suluguni into fibers and three on a grater Adyghe and Gouda. We wash and strain out the greens. If the greens are tough, remove the hard ends, and blanch the greens (pour over with boiling water) - then squeeze out (remove excess moisture) and chop the greens with a knife. As greens, you can use spinach, or the familiar dill / parsley. We combine all the components and mix thoroughly - the third filling is ready.

Lungs with golden ruddy crust Chebureks

Roll out the sausages from the dough to make it easier to pinch off the pieces. You should make about 13 cakes, about the size of a walnut. Press each round in the center with your thumb and wrap the edges towards the center in the form of a flower. We are working on the layering of the dough again.

And only then we begin to roll out the cakes with a rolling pin. And since the dough is quickly weathered, all workpieces that are not directly involved in the work must be covered with cling film.

A rolled cheburek is the size of a plate. A tablespoon of the filling is laid on it. A little secret: for the dough to stick well, moisten your fingers with water and slide your wet fingers along the inner edge of the cake.

We put one half of the dough on the other and seal the edges with our fingers.

For better grip, you can use such a technique as pressing the edges around the perimeter with a fork (either the tip of a knife or the tip of a spoon). The result is a beautifully designed edge.

And to give the cheburek an ideal shape, there is one more trick: a plate is superimposed on the surface of the cheburek, and with the edge of this plate we cut off all the protruding irregularities (try it, it's easy), an even crescent is formed. True, some housewives have a special knife for these purposes.

For frying pasties, take refined vegetable oil. And there should be enough of it so that the cheburek floated freely during frying. That is, we pour almost 1 liter of oil into the pan.

The right temperature is very important for frying. if the temperature is insufficient, the cheburek will quickly become saturated with oil and become greasy. It is necessary that the cheburek literally boil in a frying pan. Active boiling of the cheburek during frying is the correct oil temperature.

As soon as the cheburek is golden on one side (it takes about 30-60 seconds), it is turned over to the other side. It takes no more than 2 minutes to fry one cheburek.

To turn over and take out the cheburek from the pan, use two slotted skimmers.

It is customary to spread pasties on a napkin to remove excess fat. Eat pasties carefully - they are juicy, you can sprinkle them.

For the preparation of pasties we will use premium wheat flour. To enrich the flour with oxygen, facilitate the kneading of the dough, improve its quality, the flour must be sifted through a sieve directly into the bowl.

Add salt to a pot of water and pour in vegetable oil. Place the saucepan over high heat and bring to a boil. Then reduce the heat and boil flour in this boiling water, pouring one hundred grams of flour into a container through a sieve, while continuously stirring the boiling liquid with a wooden spoon, in order to avoid the formation of flour lumps. After that, remove the container from the heat and set it aside to cool the dough. When the dough becomes a little, add vodka and an egg there. Mix all the ingredients with a wooden spoon and pour in all the remaining flour.

Transfer the dough to a floured table and knead well until the dough sticks to your hands. After that, put the dough in a separate bowl and leave for an hour and a half, while crushing it with your hands.
Put the minced meat in an empty bowl.

Peel the onions with a knife, rinse with water and, put on a cutting board, finely chop into cubes. Rinse greens with water and transfer to a cutting board. Then chop coarsely with a knife, transferring to a plate.

Transfer chopped greens and onions to a container with minced meat, salt and pepper to taste. Add a little water to the filling and mix well again. Transfer the dough to a floured table. Separate a small piece from the dough with a knife and form a sausage. Cut it into small balls. Roll out the balls with a rolling pin into thin cakes. With a tablespoon, spread the filling on half of the cake, evenly distributing it over the surface.

Connect the opposite ends of the cake in a month shape and hold the edges of the dough together. Press down firmly on the edges of the dough, use the teeth of a fork to firmly press down on the edges of the pastel and make a border.

You need to fry pasties in a cast-iron cauldron in a large amount of vegetable oil. The oil should completely cover the pasties. Fry the dish on all sides for 3 minutes, turning it over with a slotted spoon. Now use kitchen tongs to remove the pasties from the cauldron and transfer to a paper kitchen towel to get rid of excess fat. Put hot pasties on a platter and serve.

Meat chebureks are a tasty and satisfying alternative to regular pies. This is a traditional dish of the Turkic and Mongolian peoples. They are also loved in the Caucasus. Well, now in cities they are sold on every corner in my opinion, although it is difficult to call it pasties. Therefore, we will cook them at home.

It won't take much time to prepare them. Plus, there are lightweight recipes, thanks to which even a schoolboy can cook them.

The main ingredients are dough and meat. In most cases, unleavened dough is used, but many prefer a custard analog. To add porosity, you can add baking powder, vodka or oil.

Real pasties are prepared with meat; today, pork and beef are most often used, and in some cases chicken. It all depends on your capabilities and preferences. Although they are made with potatoes, mushrooms, cabbage, cheese and other fillings.

In the traditional recipe, meat is finely chopped, but as you know, we mainly use minced meat. We fry in vegetable oil, and traditionally, mutton fat (or other animal fat) is used.

Recipe for pasties with meat at home (step by step recipe with photo)

Chebureks are a rather fatty food, so they are not recommended for dinner. Over time, many options for their preparation have appeared, so there is plenty to choose from. In this article, we will look at the most common and simple recipes.

Since the taste and juiciness of these pies depends on the dough, at the beginning we will give several recipes for making the dough.


The taste of pasties depends on the method of preparing the dough. Let's consider the classic version on the water. This recipe is one of the simplest, but the aroma of pasties will not be worse.


  • 1 kg of wheat flour.
  • A pinch of table salt.
  • 350 ml of water.

Cooking method

According to this recipe, the dough is dense and elastic. To achieve the required consistency, you need to use hot water, but not boiling water. Thanks to this, the "pie" will be crispy and tender.

The dough must be kneaded thoroughly for a long time. Remember to spray it with water periodically. After a few minutes of kneading, form a ball out of the dough, roll it up with plastic or cling film, and then send it to the refrigerator for 30 minutes. After that, you can start preparing the filling.

2. Dough for chebureks with bubbles, like in cheburek

If you want to cook light and airy pasties, the same ones that are sold in pasties, it is recommended to use the following method of making bubble dough.


  • 7 glasses of white flour.
  • 500 ml of boiled water.
  • 6 tablespoons butter, melted.
  • 1 tsp each sugar and salt.

Step-by-step cooking

1. In a small bowl, stir together the edible salt and granulated sugar, then place them in a container of warm water.

2. Then send the butter there, which must be melted beforehand. Mix well with a spoon.

3. Sift wheat flour into a deep bowl. Make a small hole in the middle and pour a small volume of the prepared liquid into it.

4. Start kneading the dough by gradually adding water.

5. For easier kneading, place the dough on the table and continue kneading by hand. It is imperative to achieve a dense texture so that during frying the pasties do not burst and do not let the juice flow. Due to the content of butter, they will turn out to be very tender and bubbly.

6. When the dough is dense and homogeneous, it is necessary to form a ball out of it, wrap it with foil, and then send it to the refrigerator for about one hour. In the meantime, you can start cooking minced meat.

3. Choux pastry for pasties

Some people find that making pasties is a tricky process. However, there is a fairly simple recipe for kneading choux pastry, from which a delicious dish is obtained. That being said, you don't need to devote a lot of time to cooking.


  • 300 ml of mineral water.
  • 600 g flour.
  • 4 tablespoons of vegetable oil.
  • 5 g granulated sugar.
  • 5 g table salt.


1. Add salt and sugar to a container with warm water. Mix everything thoroughly so that all crystals dissolve in the liquid. After that, water should be gradually added to the sifted flour. Knead the dough until it is semi-liquid. This can be checked very simply, stick a regular spoon into the dough, it should slowly lower.

2. Now add boiling vegetable oil to the mixture and mix thoroughly.

3. Continue kneading until the dough is elastic. After that, put it in the refrigerator for half an hour.

4. How to cook pasties with minced chicken

Crispy and mouth-watering pasties are a favorite dish of many Russians, so every housewife should know at least one recipe for this dish. The taste of cheburek, to a greater extent, depends on the kneading of the dough and the frying process.


  • 600 g white flour.
  • 1 chicken egg.
  • 1 tsp table salt.
  • 1 tsp granulated sugar.
  • 1.5 cups of water.
  • 8 tablespoons of sunflower oil.
  • 1 tsp vodka.
  • 1 kg of minced chicken.
  • Black pepper to taste.
  • 2 onions.

Step by step cooking

1. Prepare a deep bowl, break an egg into it, add vegetable oil, salt and granulated sugar, mix everything thoroughly. Then add the required amount of water, as well as vodka, thanks to which the pasties will turn out to be crispy.

2. Then add flour in small portions to the mixture. Knead until the mixture is thick enough.

3. Continue kneading on the board. The dough should be smooth and firm. Then wrap it in plastic and refrigerate for half an hour.

4. In the meantime, we will start preparing the filling for the pasties. First, peel the onion, wash and cut into small pieces.

5. In a separate bowl, stir in chopped onion and minced chicken. Season the ingredients with salt and stir.

6. Roll out the dough with a rolling pin. The sheet thickness should not exceed 3 mm.

7. If you want to cook small pasties, then the circles can be cut out with a glass, and if you want them to be larger, then use a saucer.

8. Put the prepared meat filling on the blanks.

9. Gently close up the edges and give the future pasties a beautiful shape.

10. Fill a thick-walled skillet 4 cm with sunflower oil. Heat it well and lay out the pasties. Fry on each side for two minutes.

5. Recipe for chebureks with beef


  • 300 g ground beef.
  • 1 chicken egg.
  • 3 cups white flour.
  • 250 ml of water.
  • 0.5 tsp salt.
  • 1 onion head.
  • Pepper according to preference.

Step by step cooking

1. First, let's start preparing the filling. The meat must be twisted in a meat grinder, chop the onion with a blender. Salt the ingredients, mix and knead by hand.

2. Break an egg into a separate bowl, add table salt and warm water. Stir the food well so that the salt and egg are completely dissolved in the liquid.

3. Add 2.5 cups of sifted wheat flour to the mixture.

4. Knead the dough for a few minutes until it is firm. You can add a little more flour if necessary.

5. The kneaded dough should be divided into 6 servings. Each part must be rolled out and conditionally divided into two halves. Place the minced meat on one, at a distance of 2 cm from the edge, as shown in the image.

6. Cover the filling with the other half of the rolled layer, and press the edges with a fork.

7. Heat vegetable oil in a skillet and fry pasties for two minutes on each side.

Chebureks are ready to eat. Serve while hot.

6. Chebureks with meat, very good crunchy dough

If you want to cook crispy pasties, then use the following recipe. You can use absolutely any minced meat, but experts recommend beef.


  • 750 g wheat flour.
  • 400 g minced meat.
  • 200 ml of broth.
  • 250 ml of cold water.
  • 1 tsp salt.
  • 500 ml of vegetable oil.


If you add a little sugar to the dough, the pasties will turn out to be more ruddy. But you need to know when to stop, since a large amount of sugar sugar can lead to the fact that the dough will burn, and the minced meat will remain raw.

1. A small amount of flour should be sieved into a deep bowl and covered with water. After that, salt, stir and gradually add the rest of the flour. After kneading, the mass should be thick, set it aside for half an hour.

2. To prepare the filling, combine the minced meat, spices and salt. In this recipe, the filling should be thin, so you need to add broth to it.

3. The rested dough must be rolled out and divided into equal parts. Wrap the filling, press the edges with a fork, and cut off any excess dough if necessary.

4. Place the pan on the stove and pour the vegetable oil into it. If you want to get crispy pasties, then the oil must be well heated. Fry on each side until golden brown. Turn the pasties carefully, otherwise the dough may be damaged.

7. Video recipe for pasties on kefir

You can use another interesting way of cooking pasties. In this case, we will add kefir to the dough. Watch a video clip of the cooking process.

Thanks to the above recipes, you can quickly prepare delicious recipes, you should not be afraid of the process itself, since it is absolutely uncomplicated.

I offer a simple but interesting recipe for making Correct Chebureks: with bubbles in the dough and with a juicy filling.

1. First, the dough.

In the original, only flour, water and salt are included in the dough for pasties.

The proportion of flour and water is very simple. For 1000 g of sifted flour, take 350 ml of water... There is a rather thin line here, because everything depends on the quality of the flour and its gluten. For good flour, this amount of water will suffice. Sometimes it takes a little less or more, but not much.

Salt: 0.5 tablespoon is enough for 1 kg of flour.

Knead the dough in the usual way. Then wrap the dough in plastic wrap and refrigerate for half an hour.

2. While the dough is ripening, let's prepare the filling.

Take lean beef and fatty pork in a ratio of 80 to 20 or 70 to 30.

And also onions. It is enough for 1 kg of minced meat 100-200 g.

Pass all this through a meat grinder and knead thoroughly.

Season with salt and add a hefty portion of black pepper. It's not for everybody, but the minced meat in good pasties is quite spicy.

You can bang greens, but this is also not for everybody.

You can also add good mineral water.

Minced meat should be of such a delicate consistency, rather moist.

3. And now the most important thing. How to roll out the dough so that it becomes flaky and bubbles when frying.

It's simple.

We take our dough and roll a stick out of it, the diameter of a smoked sausage. Then, by hand, pinch off workpieces weighing about 50-60 g from it. We form balls from them, which we flatten and roll out with a rolling pin to the size of a coffee saucer. Then we take the edges and wrap them towards the center of the cake in a circle. We will have a blank the size of mantas.

Turn it over and roll it out again to the size of a saucer and again wrap the edges inward. The operation can be repeated one more time.

Those. we practically make puff pastry, but without oil, where air appears in layers.

After these operations, we roll out our workpiece as thin as possible. Literally 1mm thick.

Do not be lazy and roll it out thinly, a lot depends on it.

Put the minced meat on one side. Don't put a whole bunch of it. It is placed in a thin layer over the entire half of the cake. Naturally, step back about 1 cm from the edges to have something to cover up. Next, just cover the minced meat with the second half of the cake and carefully mold the edges with your fingers.

And then we go along the edge with a special curly knife to give a serrated edge, or we make teeth with a fork - a collective farm option.)

4. Pour about 1 liter of oil into a deep frying pan and heat it well. Before the haze appears.

Then carefully shake off the flour from the pasties and send them to the oil. Flour burns very quickly in oil, making pasties look absolutely unpresentable and quickly spoiling the oil.

Correct pasties in hot oil are fried very quickly, literally for half a minute on each side.