An affordable way to make a love spell for tea.

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The conspiracies of the Pechora healer Maria Fedorovskaya for unbreakable love and pigeon loyalty Smorodova Irina

Drinking conspiracy

Drinking conspiracy

With the help of this conspiracy, you can save yourself and others from melancholy.

To relieve a guy of melancholy, you need to slander this conspiracy of vodka, and then give him at least a little drink, even if he is a teetotaler. It is better to take moonshine from friends or do it yourself, but who knows how.

And in order to relieve a girl of melancholy, you need to talk about tea leaves. Then you need to take a mint leaf (so that the girl's life is just as fresh and fragrant), a little cinnamon (so that life is not fresh) and brew in a beautiful teapot so that everything in the girl's life is also beautiful. When the girl is drinking tea spellbound, offer her more sugar: the sweeter her tea, the sweeter her life will be. Then she needs to give the teapot, if she likes it, then she will no longer know the sadness.

And if this girl is you, then immediately brew tea in a new teapot, specially bought for this.

The conspiracy is this:

On the Sea on Okiyan

On Buyan Island

A servant of God (servant of God) (name) is sitting in a hollow glade.

Twists in unsaid longing,

In unrecognizable sadness

In the pain of the unknown.

Eight old elders are walking,

Uninvited, uninvited:

Goy you art, servant of God (servant of God) (name).

From morning to evening, you are in pain.

Why are you sitting like this

In a hollow glade

On Buyan Island,

On the Okiyane Sea?

And the speech of the servant of God (servant of God) (name) to the eight old elders:

I found it sick among the outskirts,

Lay in the body

The head aches, the head hurts,

The Clear Light is not sweet,

The whole family is cold.

Calling out all the old men, menacing, menacing,

They began to break the pain-longing,

Throw a pain behind the outskirts.

Kidma rushed to get sick

From sunrise to sunset

Noon to midnight

From the river to the sea

From path to crossroads

From village to zalnik -

They didn't take the pain anywhere,

Nowhere did they hide the pain,

I rushed to the Island to Buyan, to the Sea to Okiyan

Under the Mokretsky Oak.

I speak with a strong conspiracy of the servant of God (servant of God) (name)

From being sick to this day, to this hour, to this moment

No one can overcome my word!

Having spoken to alcohol or tea leaves, cross three times what you said, and read the "Our Father" nine times.

From the book Therapeutic Exercises of Chinese Medicine by Qingnan Zeng

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From the book Conspiracies of the Siberian Healer. Edition 15 author Stepanova Natalia Ivanovna

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From the book Conspiracies of the Siberian Healer. Edition 09 author Stepanova Natalia Ivanovna

Love spell on food and drink (strong love spell) Read a special conspiracy over food or drink, which you then treat your husband to. Please note that this ceremony is not performed on even days. Conspiracy

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An account of drug addiction on drinking First read "Our Father": Our Father, Izhe ecu in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as in heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread, and leave us our debts, as we also leave our debtors;

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For food and drink (strong love spell) They talk about food and drink, and then they feed and water the husband. Do not do it on even days. Bless God with bread. Reward with holy water, so that my husband (name) will be with me forever and ever. Blood in the liver, salt in food, your flesh in me. Key, lock,

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An adjustment to love (to drink and food) An angry melancholy lies in the field, heavy as a stone board. She could be mastered and raised, but longing for the servant of God (name) to send. Oh, he would grieve, oh, he would be homesick, sad, tempted, would not have looked around, would not have said goodbye. I would become red for him

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Strong dryness on drink Lord, forgive, Lord, save, Lord, bless! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. The water boils, the water stands, the water dries. As the sun and the moon dry water, as the fast winds dry it all twenty-four hours, all day long, so this water

From the author's book

To make peace between a husband and wife (they read about food, drink) As Eve followed Adam, so do you, the servant of God (name), go for the servant of God (name). So that they lived together for centuries, shared bread and bed, kept up with each other, did not know each other calmly. Where the servant of God (name) is, there is the servant of God (name). Amen.

From the author's book

Drinking with consumptive fever If the illness happened in the spring, do so. Pick up buds from birches and pussy willow buds, brew steeply - in a glass of water, three tbsp. spoons of kidneys. Let the patient wash it down with a mogul-mogul (raw egg, beaten with honey). Then be sure to

From the author's book

Summer drink for consumptive fever Pull the bark from the aspen, take three tbsp of strawberries and St. John's wort. spoons and steeply brew with two glasses of boiling water and half a glass of may honey. Give the patient a bath of herbs and straw, after the bath, give him a decoction and go to bed.

From the author's book

Drinking in winter for consumption Boil a whole cedar cone with seeds in a liter of water. Strain. Add to the strained broth according to Art. spoon lingonberry leaves, yarrow leaves, rosehip roots and cover the pan with a hat. Let everything be infused. Give a drink before meals. Not

From the author's book

From the author's book

DRINKING WITH A DIET If you decide to use the "star diet", you must remember that any diet is accompanied by dehydration. This happens because, together with moisture, the body loses a large amount of minerals, which has a bad effect on

Any love spell on drinking, as well as on food, refers to strong magical effects. Such rituals, acting on the energy of a particular person, give a quick result. That is why you need to use such love spells very carefully.

Varieties of rituals

There are many different love spells using drinking. As a spoken magic attribute, both water and low alcohol drinks can be used. But in any case, to ensure the effectiveness of the impact, it is important that the charmed drink be offered to the victim as soon as possible after the ceremony.

"Conspiracy Wine"

A very strong love spell on drinking is carried out using wine, which must be prepared by yourself. It is very important to pick the grapes from the vine yourself. In this case, your emotions and feelings will remain on the berries, they will be filled with your energy, which will greatly enhance the magical effect.

Wine should be prepared directly for the love spell. It is a love potion, it is prepared in small quantities and you cannot offer it to other people to drink, except for the victim.

The best time to start making a wine-based love potion is the new moon or the first day of your period, regardless of the lunar phase. The ingredients of the potion, in addition to a small amount of self-made wine, can be a variety of love herbs, berries and roots. Their set can be arbitrary.

A small amount of wine must be poured into an enamel container and put on fire. You need to add one of the prepared ingredients to it, for example, lovage leaves. As soon as the first steam appears, the container must be quickly closed with a lid and put to cool.

You should do the same with other natural love potions that you plan to use to make your love potion. After they have all cooled down, all the components are filtered through a sieve and mixed. Such a love wine should be stored in a glass vessel made of dark glass.

Before you put the love potion for storage, the vessel must be turned clockwise and counterclockwise three times.

Lovely wine should be poured into a glass filled with ordinary wine, which you should treat your chosen one. It is important to do this discreetly.

For soft drinks

You can talk about any non-alcoholic drink. It is very important to choose the one that will please your chosen one. For example, it can be a type of juice or a milk drink. It must be remembered that without any negative consequences there can only be love spells, which do not contain an appeal to otherworldly forces.

So, conspiracy phrases can sound like this:

“I, the Servant of God, (my own name) turn to the Lord Almighty and Almighty. Help me in my love affairs. Give me strength to convey my sincere love to the Servant of God (name of the chosen one). Let me tell him that he loves me too. Just as a baby cannot live without mother's milk, so even if my beloved cannot live in this world without me. So that he can eat, drink and sleep only when I am with him. Amen".

During the pronunciation of the conspiracy, you need to put your love energy into every word. If you really love a person very much and have a strong energy by nature, then it is enough to treat your loved one to a charmed drink once. But at the same time, to consolidate the result, it is allowed to start talking drinks for three days in a row.

Lovely conspiracy on water

The most optimal way to bewitch a loved one is to speak water. It can be used in the future to prepare any drink or food. Magic words should be spoken over a glass of water in complete solitude.

The conspiracy reads as follows:

“In a wide field lies an angry longing, it is heavy as a stone board. I, the Servant of God (my own name), will master it and raise it, and then I will send it to the Servant of God (the name of the man). So, he will burn and yearn for me. His grief will be so strong that he can neither eat, nor sleep, nor drink without me. I will become a red sun for him, I will quench my thirst in the hot heat, from this moment and forever I will be a wall from the wind, mother's milk, a strong father's shoulder. May my beloved need my love and will want to be with me forever! Amen!".

You only need to pronounce the conspiracy once, but at the same time you need to put the maximum of your love energy into each word. It is important to use the charmed water for its intended purpose, as quickly as possible. In addition, it should be remembered that love spells on drinking are effective only if you sincerely believe in the power of magic.

For a long time, coffee has been considered a drink that stimulates the functioning of the nervous system and heart muscle. It is known that if you drink it at night, you may experience insomnia. But if a young man likes to drink coffee, then deprive him of sleep for another reason - having made a love spell on coffee, so that the darling would suffer around the clock, wanting to see his magician!

What is a "home love spell for a loved one on coffee"?

Love spell on coffee affects single and childless men who do not have a long-term relationship with another girl and are not “ringed”. This is very serious, because if a guy already has one or more children, then he not only will not fall in love with his witch, but, on the contrary, may hate! Or a rollback will manifest itself in the appearance of a severe illness.

Therefore, before carrying out the ritual, the girl must find out if the sweetheart has children or some woman is not pregnant from him / cannot he suddenly become a dad? However, such a risk always exists if a man loves female attention and is not averse to “bathing” in it. There are separate types of coffee and married ones. The ceremony can be carried out at home with the help of improvised means.

Types of home love spells for a man on coffee

The first type of man's homemade coffee drink:

The girl should brew a cup of fresh natural coffee (you can use a Turk for these purposes) and then read the plot:

“Burn-burn sweet (name), but do not cool down.

Enter into his heart and invite me (the name of the sorcerer).

For him to accept and love me.

Let it knock around, do not cross it, love, do not overly love,

Lukata, not perelukaet, and never cool down! ".

This text should be repeated over a cup in the kitchen three times, and then given to the man to drink coffee. You can perform the ritual in the morning, accompanying your beloved to work or classes. The only condition is that the witch doctor and the guy should already be familiar with the established emotional connection. The main thing is that the dear should not hear the mysterious whisper.

The sorcerers guarantee that after three days the magic will work, and the man will radically change his attitude towards the girl. She herself will not recognize him - he will be ready for any tricks and tricks, just to lure the "witch" into bed, suffering without her attention every minute!

In general, this is a good version of a love spell, as it changes the behavior of a young person in a positive way. He will not even look at other young ladies, since only the girl who bewitched him will like it. Possible kickbacks are childlessness in a man, it happens in every fourth person. There are no other negative consequences.

The second type of man's homemade coffee addiction:

To carry out this ceremony, a girl must invite her lover over for coffee. You need to brew natural coffee and add a few drops of your blood to the cup, pronouncing the words of the conspiracy three times in a row:

“My beloved needs my blood,

Servant of God (name). Let him drink

Coffee and quickly fall in love with me


Thus, you can bewitch a married man for life. The rite belongs to the field of black magic, therefore, the kickbacks are appropriate: cancer, infertility, injuries, bruises, etc. He must be protected from negative consequences!

The third type of man's homemade coffee addiction:

It can be used in case of a quarrel in a couple or when a girl wants to please a handsome guy and cause mutual love. To make a special love potion you will need:

  • - black ground coffee - three pinches;
  • - savory root;
  • - orris root - a pinch;
  • - dried magnolia flowers - a pinch;
  • - sesame seed - a pinch;
  • - strong wine or other alcohol - one bottle. Cognac, rum or liqueur work well.

All the necessary ingredients are mixed with each other and alcohol is added only at the very end. How much of it you need - depending on whether a man likes to use it, or whether he likes to drink coffee with alcohol. It is possible quite a bit so that a man does not feel its aftertaste.

The received love potion, the woman insists three quarters of the full revolution of the moon (can be seen in the lunar calendar), and then gives it to her beloved to taste.

The most effective and strongest way of a love spell is a love spell for food. The effectiveness of this method is that the bewitched in the shortest possible time realizes that he can no longer live without you.

And immediately rushes into passionate and ardent love with the conspirator.

Love spells on food are as ancient as our world, and they appeared long before the creation of modern civilization. Even primitive people used this method for various purposes. Our ancestors could make a poisonous agent out of food, and poison their ill-wishers. And, conversely, thanks to a love spell, turn food into a medicinal force and cure ailment. It all depends on the words spoken over the food and the person's goals.

A large number of love spells are done by this method, since it can be done at home, without arousing any suspicion, you just need to feed your beloved. And do not contact magicians and psychics about this. You just need to study well any information that can somehow affect the outcome of a love spell in order to avoid bad consequences.

As we all know the same dish, according to the same recipe, and the same person can cook in different ways. It all depends on the words, thoughts and emotions spoken while cooking. Therefore, usually a love spell on food is accompanied by a prayer sentence, but it is also possible with the help of thought, in this case you need to concentrate and clearly understand what you want.

Very often women, in order to preserve their family, or girls, in order to regain lost love, resort to such a method as adding monthly blood to food, thus using black magic with terrible consequences. It is better to think about and use white magic and only verbal conspiracies.

2 simple love spells for food

Love spell number 1

The conspiracy will work if you read it on odd days, otherwise it will not work. It is believed that all the strength and pep is in bread, therefore this love spell is considered to be the strongest in comparison with other food, if it is performed correctly. Initially alone, without witnesses, you have to bake bread. Before that, you need to add an egg to the flour, with which the woman will first roll it 3 times below the navel in a clockwise direction. While repeating:

“What is in me is for you. Without me, you are not a servant of God (name). Amen".

Love spell number 2

To do this, use the food that the object of your love loves most or can be used on bread. There are also disadvantages in this love spell, a person who was fed this food can immediately feel malaise and fatigue. The conspiracy is best done on men's days.

"Servant of God (name of a man),

Satisfy your hunger with food

And always be by my side (name).

In the name of the Father, Son, Holy Spirit,

Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

These are a couple of examples of food conspiracies, although there are very many of them. But as they say, the main thing is not quantity, but quality of performance. The main point is to know not only the love spell, but also the lapel. Situations can be different, and your love may not be long-term, it is especially important to have a lapel conspiracy if black magic was used.

Love spell on food and blood

This ceremony is able to cause a strong desire, love longing. It is more about bindings. After this ritual, the man will be affectionate and passionate with you.

How to conduct?

Cook pork. And piercing the ring finger on your left hand with a needle, drop 1 drop of blood on the meat, and the second on the seamy side of your panties, which you then wear for 7 nights.

When you drip a drop of blood on the pork, say the spell 3 times:

“Droplets-sisters, red girls, talk to each other, help me (name) to be with my beloved (name). The key to this is from now on and forever. Amen".

Then feed the man with a spell.

Bewitch a person through a bay leaf

A powerful rite, the cemetery energies are involved in it. Lasts a long time. Working method.

During the full moon, go to the store and buy threads to match the item of the object of the love spell, on which you will cast the spell. Also get a bay leaf. And new needles. Make purchases without change.

Now go to the churchyard and bury a needle and a bay leaf at the feet of the grave with your boyfriend's name for a period of 9 days.

Be sure to observe all the subtleties of work in the cemetery. You do not enter the churchyard through the gate. Contact the owner of the cemetery, tell her the purpose of the parish, leave her wine or other reproach.

At the grave, also address the spirit of the deceased, leave him "gifts".

On day 9, take away the buried things. And return to the house, where at midnight light 3 candles, put the soap on the right side. (they will then wash the guy's clothes)

Place a laurel leaf on your left palm and then, covering it with your right, say the magic words 3 times:

Then cut the seam of the thing and pour the crushed laurel there, sew it up and make a lining.

Whisper to the candy

There is one working whisper that helps evoke feelings in a person. All you need is to buy candy and give it to your beloved or loved one, while casting the spell:

"As this candy is sweet and pleasant, so you would like me (like me)"

It is important that the boy or girl eats this candy.

In general, through food, there are very effective love spells. Try it if you wish, but remember that any magical action imposed on another can lead to consequences.

Love spell on drink and water

Another way to use a love spell is a love spell on the water. Even a small child knows that water is life. And without it there will be nothing. That is why a more trusting attitude towards love spells, which are carried out with the help of water or any other liquids. This source of life gives incredible power to even the most harmless love spell. Sorcerers and black magicians carry out their rituals, and especially, such as corruption, using water.

Water is a conductor of energy from one person to another, and a carrier of both good and bad information. Thanks to her, real miracles can be accomplished in the hands of a good person. With specially prepared water or a drink gradually added to the beloved's diet, we say the words love spell - this is the most common ritual with liquids. For example, one of:

Love spell number 1

This method of returning a beloved man is done after midnight. We fill our mouth with holy water, then we take an empty glass in our hands and go around our house. We pronounce the words of love spell mentally without spitting out water.

“The key is in my mouth, saliva is in the water, and my husband is with me forever and ever. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Love spell number 2

  • Before midnight, pour a glass of holy water
  • With a glass in your right hand, walk around the dining table 7 times
  • Mentally pronouncing your name and the name of your beloved
  • Place the vessel on a saucer and the saucer on a towel
  • Swipe the rim of the glass with your right little finger 7 times
  • Put a glass and saucer on the windowsill so that the glow of moonlight falls on it
  • Use this water for 3 days adding to your loved one

Bewitch with tea or other drink

To have a magical love effect on a loved one, take a glass of water, then make tea or coffee from this water and give the object a love spell. You can do this rite regularly. The more often, the more powerful its effect.

In the morning, after filling a transparent mug with water, say a plot over it 9 times:

"Just as people cannot live without water, so you (name) cannot live without me (name), you will dry up and yearn."

Then, after preparing a drink, give it to your beloved or loved one

What water to use

A lot depends on the correct storage and choice of water, from the effectiveness of the ritual to a large number of consequences. Several points for use:

  1. It is better to use water from a well or spring or sacred (not for all love spells)
  2. The ritual should be performed in good spirits and tranquility.
  3. Resentment, hostility, or revenge should not be present in the head.
  4. If you use tap water, then it must be defended for at least 3 days.
  5. Before the love spell begins, water should be stored in a dark place.
  6. It can be added to any liquid other than alcohol.

Consequences of love spells

Love magic leads to the suppression of the will of another person and this can negatively affect both the customer and the object. As a rule, rituals of a similar nature, if they did not go well, affect the main spheres of life - health, material difficulties, problems in the social sphere.

So that this trouble bypasses you (of course, there is no guarantee, but the risks are reduced to minimal), it is important to remember that when love spells they make bribes, put protections, and follow instructions.

You should also think carefully before doing anything, whether there really are no other options.

I see at least 2.

First, you can use positive thinking, pickup and psychology, which has no negative consequences.

How to remove a love spell made for food

If you think that someone has bewitched you in this way, make a diagnosis, and then try a simple lapel rite.

Invite the "accused" to visit, you can in the company of friends. Make a lot of delicious dishes, calculate the menu so that there are sure to be leftovers.

After the suspect leaves, take his leftovers and take them outside, it is important that the dogs eat them.

In addition, any love spell, with the right approach, can be removed by cleaning. Abundance. It won't be difficult to choose. The main thing is to carry out the ceremony correctly.

Such a sensitive topic as love spells is not studied immediately, and not in one read article. In order to understand in detail and use in practice this or that magic, you need to carefully familiarize yourself with it, in order to avoid harm to others, and to yourself.

At home, everything is done easily and simply, as already mentioned above. The main thing is to understand whether it is love for life or not. After all, there is always a way back, but with what consequences !!!

If you decide to contact a specialist in this area, you must also be very careful. A huge number of charlatans with open arms will not keep you waiting. And be sure to find out the specifics of the magician, since it is better not to turn to black magic.

Love and be loved, and then the whole world will sparkle for you with magical, colorful colors.

Coffee has been familiar to mankind since ancient times. Even then, people knew about its healing properties, about the effect on human health and psyche. Today, almost everyone drinks at least one cup of coffee in the morning to cheer up, and some drink it with every meal, which makes it easy to make a love spell on coffee.

The magic of coffee

Coffee has always been considered a magical drink. Healers used its seeds in their practices, sorcerers and witches used it to guess and predict the future. Love magic is also not without the use of coffee.

The ritual of a love spell on coffee may seem simple, but this does not in the least reduce its magical properties. A coffee love spell allows you to attract your energy, since you need to brew a drink yourself, as well as use the energy of another person whom you intend to bewitch. In addition, the water used to prepare coffee is one of the strongest energy carriers. With the help of a conspiracy, any messages and desires can be transmitted through it, so you need to brew coffee only in clean, melted water.

Preparation, timing and place

It won't take long to complete a love spell. The object of your love should only take a sip of the coffee you make. The more he drinks, the stronger and faster the love spell will work, but a few sips will be enough. It doesn't matter where the ritual will be performed. The best option would be to invite your chosen one or darling in the evening to your home for a cup of coffee, but a meeting in a cafe or a lunch break at work is also suitable, but you need to make sure that the coffee you make is drunk right after you have prepared it, still hot.

You should also pay attention to the fact that no one sees how you make coffee, and all your actions are kept secret. Do not tell anyone about the love spell you are doing.

It is important to have the right attitude when carrying out a love spell. You need to drive away all doubts and negative thoughts from yourself. The day before the ritual, try to imagine together your couple and the future happy life as often as possible.

The difference between the ritual for a woman and a man

Any girl can bewitch a loved one. To do this, it is enough for her to brew coffee for the chosen one and read prayers over the drink. There are many of them, but you can come up with your own conspiracy. An important point is to pronounce the name of a loved one when you read at a man, making a love spell on coffee.

Not every man will be able to charm his beloved girl. Since ancient times, it was believed that women have greater magical power, they have stronger intuition and energy, and girls with brown eyes are capable of jinxing a person with one thought, therefore almost any girl can do magic. Most men do not have such abilities, and therefore only brown-eyed ones will be capable of a love spell, because these people have the greatest energy.

To bewitch his beloved, a man will need to read a conspiracy not on a ready-made drink, but on dry, not yet brewed coffee. This should be done after midnight in front of an open window. It will be better if the moon is clearly visible on this day.

In a conspiracy against a girl, you must definitely use the words:

"Blue, gray, green eyes will not be nice to you, you will love coffee eyes and you will be with them forever."

Options for a coffee love spell

There are many options for a coffee conspiracy, everyone can choose for themselves the one that they like most. The most powerful are the love spells using your blood or the blood of the chosen one, but they may not be entirely pleasant.

In the video, the first version of the love spell:

For morning coffee

Love spell on morning coffee is the most pleasant of all. It can be easily done at home.

The ritual should be performed on a clear, sunny day, always before noon. Brew your man some aromatic coffee, walk up to the open window with him and read a spell. The spell can be anything, the main thing is that the words come from the heart and speak about what you want.

It is desirable that the cup is illuminated by the sun - it will saturate the coffee with its energy and transfer it to your loved one. This version of love magic is suitable for couples whose relationship has gone wrong. If you feel that your partner has become cold, or suspect him of being unfaithful, use this love spell to save the marriage.

Morning love spell is one of the weakest, and therefore sometimes you have to repeat it up to three times. However, there are also positive aspects - this is a light love spell using white magic, so it has no negative consequences.

With blood on a napkin

This type of love spell does not require the contact of your blood with the drink. This option is considered a black love spell on the blood, not everyone can decide on it. Black magic always has more consequences, but if you do decide, the love spell will definitely work.

Menstrual blood should be used. Since it is not always possible to carry out a love spell exactly on the days of menstruation, you should think in advance about preparing a napkin. Choose a day, preferably the day your period starts, and liberally soak a white washcloth in your blood. Let it dry. When you choose the moment to serve coffee, put it on a bloody napkin and serve it to the man (don't worry about the smell, it won't be there).

This magical practice is a dangerous life-long intervention, and you need to approach it after thinking it over in advance.

To an unmarried man

This is one of the most powerful love spells. Any magic, especially with interference in someone else's life, has consequences, therefore, when making such a love spell, you should make sure that the man is not married and has no children. Otherwise, a love spell can have a negative effect in the form of illnesses of your chosen one, or he can completely turn away from you.

To get the love of an unmarried man, you need a white candle and a white porcelain cup. If you've invited a man to your home, the candle can be used as a table decoration. Boil fresh coffee beans, pour into a cup and, stirring slowly with a spoon, read the plot 3 times:

"I interfere with coffee - I bind you (Name) to myself"

Then give your loved one a drink as soon as possible.

If you do not have the opportunity to give your chosen one a love drink, you can use his photo. Gently place a spoonful of coffee over the photo 3 times and then drink the leftovers yourself.

On coffee with blood

This love spell is based on the use of finger blood. Unlike the previous ritual, this one can be used to attract a married man. However, think before you perform the ceremony - you can destroy the family.

Make coffee so that no one can see you. Make a small incision on the ring finger of your right hand and add a drop of blood to the cup, then recite the spell:

"My drop of blood merges with coffee, like the servant of God (Name) will merge in love with me."

Drink spellbound coffee. Thus, you will forever tie your beloved man to you.

For menstruation in coffee

In this version of the love spell, you should choose the first day of your period. Collect a few drops of your blood in a small vessel and then pour them into a cup of pre-brewed coffee. You can drip the blood onto a lump of sugar or a teaspoon, then add the sugar to the drink. Do not forget to read the prayers over the cup (for example, Our Father) before serving it. If after your man drinks coffee, you notice residues in the cup, pour them out and wash the cup thoroughly. Never drink coffee yourself.

With frozen menstrual blood

Another magical ritual based on the use of blood, which will help you get the love of a man. If you are unable to carry out a love spell on the days of your period, you can collect blood in advance and freeze it. It will keep frozen for as long as you need it.

When you decide to start the ritual, you need to get the prepared blood and, without defrosting, add it to the coffee. This is a convenient way to hold it as it will not be visible in the cup. The rest should be discarded.

How soon will divination work

Each ritual has a duration. If you use strong magic on the blood, then you can notice the result immediately after the chosen one drinks the coffee you have made. Some conspiracies work after 3 days, others - after a week or more. Much depends on the strength of your energy, the correctness of the procedure and the chosen day. It is best to carry out love spells on the full moon or on the growing moon.

Consequences and how to avoid them

Any interference during life, in the feelings and thoughts of another person, cannot but have consequences. They can be very different - from minor failures to serious illnesses for you and your relatives.

The church will help you to mitigate the consequences. Confess to the priest in confession that you have committed a sin, tell everything that is in your soul and ask to forgive you. If for some reason you were unable to talk with a minister of the church, mentally say the same words in front of the icons and sincerely repent.

However, sincere repentance will not be enough. You need to prove that you can communicate with people without using them or bending them to your will. Invite loved ones to visit more often, give them coffee without any conspiracies and love spells. At such meetings, an atmosphere of joy and hospitality should always prevail.

If you have already made a love spell and it worked, you should not live in anticipation of inevitable punishment - it may not come. An important point for canceling the consequences is your good and sincere attitude towards the chosen one. Love him and take care as if your love is your main happiness. Be honest and loyal to your loved one.

How to recognize and remove a love spell on coffee

Any girl needs to know how to determine that your man has been bewitched. The most common symptoms of a conspiracy are mood changes, depression, depression. If you begin to notice that quarrels in your family have become more frequent, the man is constantly unhappy and does not feel well, you should check if there is a love spell on him.

A man can determine the presence of a love spell on his beloved in the absence or violation of her menstrual cycle, accompanied by poor health and nausea.

In order to determine the presence of a love spell, you will need a candle and a container of water. If you are defining a conspiracy for another person, then you will need a photograph of him. Light a candle and wait for enough wax to melt. After that, hold the candle over your head 3 times, and if you are guessing at another person, then around the photo, and pour the wax into a container of water.

Before the wax hardens in the water, you can already tell if the spell has been cast. If the edges of the wax are even and the water around is clear, then the person you are guessing at is clean. If the water is cloudy and the surface of the wax is rough, remove the frozen wax from the container and examine the other side of it. There you can find symbols and signs that will characterize the performer of the love spell.

If you find a love spell, do not despair - it can be easily removed. First, try going out of town for a few days. If the symptoms of a love spell persist, a lapel ritual can be performed. You will need a white or church candle for it. Salt should be poured into a tablespoon and heated over a candle, repeating the plot to remove a love spell. After the salt heats up, pour it onto a plate, and put a thin linen rag on top. If you are making a lapel for another person, then place their photo on a rag.

There is an easier, but more time-consuming way of performing the lapel ritual. Each time you add salt or pepper to the food of your chosen one, repeat the spell to yourself to stop the love spell.

All lapel rituals are required to be performed during the waning moon. Don't expect quick results. The smoother the changes occur in a person, the less the consequences will be from the use of magic.

Coffee fortune telling

They are no less effective than love spells. With the help of fortune telling, you can look into the future. The most famous is fortune telling on the coffee grounds. This is a simple and interesting fortune-telling, however, decoding the received symbols requires knowledge in this area. If you have enough energy and intuition, you will be able to unravel the coffee message without additional help.