How to bake fellow pancakes. Fast recipes for every taste! Thin lean pancakes

25.09.2019 Fish dishes

Pancakes are thin, with small holes, very beautiful and tasty!

I recommend that you cook lean pancakes on the mineral button that this recipe is so tasty, which is simply not conveyed by words. Pancakes are thin, with small holes, very beautiful and frosted! Lean, thin pancakes can be served to the table in two versions: as a light breakfast or as dessert, after the main dish.

They are easy to bake, and you can give it beautifully - I will tell you how.


  • mineral (carbonated) water - 2 glasses;
  • wheat flour - 1.5 glasses;
  • sugar - 3 tablespoons;
  • salt;
  • vegetable oil.

Lean pancakes on mineral water. Step-by-step recipe

  1. Flour for pancakes should be sifted through a sieve. I would advise not to neglect this requirement, since the sifted flour evenly absorbs the liquid, and the taste and tenderness of your baking depends on it. And no less important moment: the sifted flour can be more accurate.
  2. In deep dishes, pour one glass of mineral water, add sugar, salt (I have a slightly less than half of the teaspoon). Mix well with a whin.
  3. Tip: If you want to prepare pancakes with a sweet filling, then the sugar can be added as a prescription, or even more, well, if you cook lean pancakes with a salt filling, then, naturally, sugar put a little.
  4. In water with sugar add small portions of sifted flour and mix to uniformity (mixing the wedge, but you can use a mixer).
  5. In the dough pour the second glass of mineral water.
  6. Then two tablespoons of vegetable oil pour into the dough and mix well with the help of a whisk so that there is no lumps. Testa for launching pancakes is ready.
  7. Bake pancakes on a well-warmed pan on both sides to golden color. Lubricate the frying pan with vegetable oil only before baking the first pancake.

I want to add from myself: any hostess probably has its own favorite pan for pancakes, where they are well obtained.

So I have a small such cast-iron (it is a cast-iron) frying pan, because I am sure that when baking it, the pancakes are obtained with the most delicious.

I often cook lean pancakes on mineral unit and serve to always to the table with different filling. I will give the options for salted filling:

fry mushrooms with onions and make pancake babes. Such a dish is perfectly declaring even a festive table;
very tasty it turns out the filling for lace pancakes, if a potato mashed potatoes with a roasted bow - super;
And one more filling is stewed cabbage: from pancakes with stewed cabbage my husband is just crazy.

And when filing sweet, pancakes on the mineral milk of your imagination, there is where to raise: ready-made damn with honey, jam, jam, banana mashed potatoes, can be served with fresh or frozen berries.

Prepare lean pancakes on mineral water is very easy and simple. And most importantly, the minimum of financial costs.

Categories fantasy and come up with your filling for lean pancake, which you like and your family. You can file to the table together with sweet pancakes fruit compote - you can accurately deliver pleasure.

We wish you a pleasant tea drinking !!!

And in our time, many observe the post. But, no matter how cool, without baking and in the post in any way. Prepare lean pancakes quickly and tasty. This is a universal dish, which can be eaten with sweet and salty filling. From pancakes, you can even save a good mood in the post will help us with excellent recipes simple, but at the same time delicious lean dishes - such as these rosy sun.

Diverse your landing menu with these appetizing, fragrant pancakes with favorite fillings and your table will be bright, tasty and helpful. This article will help you learn how to furnace lean pancakes quickly and tasty.

Thin lean pancakes on mineral water perfectly absorb all the juices from the filling. Suitable for pancakes and cakes. As a rule, the dough is mixed in proportion 1 to 2, i.e. One glass of flour goes two cups of mineral water (in the recipe, the volume of the glass is 220 ml). It is better to use carbonated water, then lace holes will appear.

Wheat flour in / s - 1 cup (220 ml)
Mineral water - 2 glasses
Sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
Salt - chipotch
Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.


First mix dry components: flour, salt, sugar.

We pour the first glass of mineral water, we mix the homogeneous mass without lumps.

Add a second glass of mineral water, lean oil, whipped intensely.

Immediately proceed to baking thin laundry pancakes on mineral milk. We lubricate the frying pan with a thin layer of any fat. Pour the liquid dough approximately one third of the patron and dried on both sides.

Lean pancakes on mineral water are ready. We serve them with jam, honey, jam. Bon Appetit!

On a note
Flour is best sifted through the sieve so that it is saturated with oxygen.

Lean custard pancakes on water without eggs

This recipe will be useful not only to people who comply with the post, but also losing weight. Soft, fragrant and very appetizing pancakes.
Water - 500 ml
Tea bag - 1 pc.
Flour - 9-10 tbsp. l.
Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
Salt - chipotch
Soda - 0.5 h. L.
Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.
Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l.


Tea bag pour 200 ml of boiling water. Let it breed within 5 minutes.

Add 300 ml of cold water to the bowl. Pass sugar, salt and mix.

Pull the flour and knead the dough.

Add vegetable oil to the dough and mix.

Then put out the soda with lemon juice and add to the dough. Mix all right again.

On the hot frying pan, bake pancakes until golden color.

Bon Appetit!

Lean pancakes on linen flour

Prepare lean pancakes. This is a basic recipe, it will be useful for a delicious breakfast during the post. He will also suit you if you exclude dairy products and eggs due to allergies or diet features. For this recipe, small and rather thick pancakes are obtained, in the style of American "Panketykov". They are always happy to eat adults and children.
In this recipe, the standard trick of vegan cuisine is used as a replacement of eggs: ground flax seed. If you pour it with water and give a little to stand, a viscous mass is formed, which perfectly replaces eggs in recipes, where they play the binding role.
Instead of one egg, you need to take 1 tablespoon of linseed flour and 2.5 tablespoons of water. This replacement in baking can also be used for different vegetable "cutlets" during the post. Flady seed or finished linen flour can be bought at the pharmacy or in the "useful" goods in the supermarket.

Linen flour - 1 tbsp. l. (Hammer Linen Seed)
Water - 2.5 tbsp. l.
Wheat flour - 1 cup
Sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
Dough breakdler - 1 tsp.
Soda - 1/4 h. L.
Salt - 1/4 h. L.
Milk soybean - 255 ml (almond or oat)
Vinegar - 1 tsp. (apple)
Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l. (in the dough)
Vegetable oil - for lubrication frying pan

How to bake lean pancakes on linen flour

First we will make an "egg." A tablespoon of flax flour should be pouring 2.5 tbsp. l. Cool water and let stand.

Then mix the currency flour and other dry ingredients.

Separately mix soy milk and apple vinegar - so you will get a lean analog of the sour-colored product. The acid is needed for the reaction with soda and get more lush test.

Then add the oil and the "egg" from linen flour.

Next you need to gently knead the dough. In dry ingredients, we make a deepening in the center and pour liquid components into it. Slowly mix before connecting the components. There may be several lumps, it is normal, the dough does not need to wash it for a long time until full smoothness, otherwise the pancakes will turn out with rigid and "rubber". Note how many bubbles will appear in the dough when mixing: this soda reacts with vinegar, pancakes will turn out lush.

Heat the frying pan on a strong fire. Lubricate the frying pan with vegetable oil by means of a culinary tassel or paper towel. You can bake a test microblik for checking the temperature. The dough when hiding in the pan should be hiding and shit, and after 1-2 minutes, numerous bubbles should be formed on its surface.

For one pancake, approximately 4 spoons of the dough should leave, pour the dough on the pan with a small measurable cup. If the frying pan is quite large, it can be baked at 2-3 pancakes at a time. Fry on one side of 1-2 minutes, while many large bubbles appear on the surface, and the edges of the pancake will not begin to acquire a golden hue. Turn over and roast another minute. To keep the pancakes with warm, you can put the first batch in the oven, preheated to 75-100 cº.

Suppose lean pancakes with fresh berries and fruits, with jam or chocolate syrup or with other sweet additives.

You can add to the dough half a teaspoon cinnamon and half a grated apple. It turns out very tasty with nuts and honey. By the way, if you decrease a little sugar and put one teaspoon instead of the dining room, the pancakes will become completely not sweet and can be served with vegetables or fish. Bon Appetit!

Recipe for laundry pancakes on water without the use of eggs

The simplest lean pancakes on the water without eggs are ideal for a fair or vegetarian table. The prerequisite for the preparation of pancakes without eggs is boiled water. Fry pancakes need to be on a very hot frying pan, lubricating her drops of oil, or use a frying pan with a non-stick coating.

Water boiled cold - 500 ml
Flour - 250 gr
Sugar - 2-3 tbsp. l.
Vegetable oil - 6 tbsp. l.
Soda Food - 2 gr
Salt - 1 pinch


Flour to sift in a bowl, add sugar, pinch and soda. Mix dry ingredients.

Gradually introduce water and mix with a wedge. The amount of water may differ from this in the recipe, define the thickness of the dough, it should be like a liquid sour cream. The dough needs to be stirred very well, so that there are no lumps.

When the desired test consistency is achieved, add 2 tbsp. l. Vegetable oil and mix again.

Preheat the frying pan and fry pancakes from two sides to golden color.

Pancakes on water without eggs are ready. Lay them on a plate.

And serve with tea and delicious jam. Bon Appetit!

Lean pancakes with semolina

Pancakes can be prepared without milk and eggs, and they will taste even more than classic. Such pancakes are prepared with the addition of manna cereals, which in ready-made pancakes is not felt at all. Lean pancakes with semolina are perfectly suitable for lean meals, as well as those who do not use dairy products or eggs.
Croach manna - 60 gr
Wheat flour - 140 gr (1 cup)
Water - 1. 1 l
Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
Salt - 1 tsp.
Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.

How to cook lean pancakes with semolina

In the saucepan or saucepan pour 750 ml of water and add sugar with salt. Put a saucepan on fire and bring the fluid to a boil, sugar and salt during this time will completely dissolve.

In boiling water with a thin weaving, pour the semolina, constantly stirring with a manual wedge or a mixer on small revolutions. Bring to a boil and cook 3-4 minutes. Then remove the skeleton from the fire.

Now it is necessary to mix flour with water. To do this, take the flour half a cup and pour 170-180 ml of warm boiled water into it, mix well so that there are no lumps.

Pour this mixture into a saucepan to the cake and mix. Then repeat this procedure with the remaining flour.
In the dough for pancakes, flour must be twice as much as the manus, otherwise the pancakes will rush when frying and turning badly.
The contents of the skill once again mix the wedge, so that there are no lumps, and add 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil without odor.

The consistency of the test should be thick than the pancakes, but much juicy than on pancakes is something average.

Heat the frying pan well and lubricate it with a thin layer of vegetable oil. Pour the dough on the bottom of the hot frying pan. You will see that the dough is covered by a multitude of holes - it should be. Fry pancakes from two sides by about 1 minute.

Pubcins are fried quickly. It is necessary to constantly follow so that they are not burned. Since the pancakes are preparing without eggs, they will be slightly lighter than ordinary pancakes. But, if you continue to hold them in a frying pan, then you can achieve more ruddy color.
In order to flip the pancake to the other side without any problems, you should wait until its edges get sick and start a little climb. Do not pour too much dough on the pan, otherwise the pancakes will turn out to be thick and can break at the time of turning.

Finished pancakes fold on top of a pile or converter.

While fast pancakes with semolina are hot, they are incredibly gentle, and honey or jam are perfect for them. Bon Appetit!

Video on how to cook lean pancakes from rye flour

Bon Appetit!

How to cook lean pancakes on yeast

When baking, lean pancakes on yeast are more troublesome than the usual rapids. The dough continuously "grows" and bubbles, sticks even to a washesized surface - a proven frying pan and some skills will be helped. But the result does not upset. On the contrary, pancakes without eggs and milk due to warm yeast aroma tastes deceptively pause, and on the texture - soft, flexible, spring. With yeast taste is completely different, for fasting - just great. Especially if they are with your favorite jam.

Flour - 180 gr
Water - 500 ml
Dry yeast - 1 tsp.
Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
Salt - chipotch
Vanilla sugar - 5-10 gr
Vegetable oil - 30 ml


In warm water, about 150 ml, we break the portion of dry yeast and 1 tbsp. l. Sahara. Cover the film until the foam appears by 7-10.

The yeast composition should be foaming noticeably. Add the remaining water.

The sifted flour mixes with salt and the second spoon of sugar, as desired by flavoring vanilla sugar. We pour outpass, knead the homogeneous pancake dough.

Get together once again with lean oil.

We bake the lean pancakes on the yeast, prehered the frying pan, until golden color on both sides.

Let's serve walking pancakes on yeast warm or cold - squeezing with your favorite jam and tea! Bon Appetit!

On a note
The appearance on the surface of the dough of small bubbles says that the yeast began their work.

Lean yeast pancakes

The yeast played the role and taste of pancakes completely different, for fasting - just great. Especially if they are with your favorite cherry jam, it is always a win-win version of tasty.
250 grams of flour (1.5 glasses, a glass of 250 ml volume)
400 ml of water (warm enough)
2-3 tbsp. l. Sahara
1 PC. Potato (raw, medium)
1 tsp. Dry yeast (or 15-20 gr fresh)
3/4 h. Sololi.
3-4 tbsp. l. vegetable oil in dough and for lubrication frying pan

In the sifted flour add sugar, salt, yeast.
Potatoes clean and grasp on the small grater.
Add vegetable oil and satellite potatoes.
A mixture of flour, sugar and yeast to combine with potato mass and water.
To stir well, put in a warm place and give to increase the test 2 times (this is ~ 1 hour). Then mix the furnace, lubricating the frying pan with vegetable oil. A pancake must be allowed to shit well, and then flip over the other side. It is necessary that the oven is not on the weak heat, otherwise the pancakes will be pale. Bake it better in a frying pan with a non-stick coating, on the cast iron - adolented - the absence of eggs affected.

Pancakes are not thin, it is better to eat them with a sugar lemon.
Also, before burning in the dough, you can add a bit of cinnamon, but inside put a soft lean chocolate glaze - taste like bitter chocolate (3 art. L. Cocoa, 3 art. L. Sugar powder, 1 tbsp. L. Potato starch, 4 tbsp. l. ice water).

Bright spring pancakes - squeezing with your favorite jam and tea! Bon Appetit!

Recipe for gentle chocolate pancakes

Prepare such pancakes, because it is tasty, just not quite expensive. Even the newcomer will cope with the preparation of pancakes for this recipe. Products for such a recipe always have in the kitchen of any mistress. It is just the perfect version of lean pancakes.

Wheat flour - 1.5 cup
Water - 500 ml
Sugar sand - 1 tbsp. l.
Salt - chipotch
Cocoa powder - 1-3 tbsp. l.
Vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. l. And for lubrication frying pan

How to cook lean chocolate pancakes

Surride in a deep bowl of sugar, salt, cocoa powder.

Then we pour water. With the help of a whisk, it is pretty stirring a liquid to salt, sugar, cocoa completely dissolved.

Now it's time to add flour. It should be sifted through the sieve. Due to the mass of factors, sometimes flour should be added a little less or a little more, approximately + - 1 tbsp. the spoon.

Now the mass should be perfectly mixed with a whisk to a homogeneous mass.

The next and last step - add vegetable oil. Mix everything again with a whisk. It turned out beautiful glossy mass. If you add more cocoa, the color will become more saturated.

The consistency of the mass should be approximately as fairly thick cream, but quite fluid. Nothing terrible, if in the process of frying it becomes clear that the dough, let's say thick. Then you should add a couple of tablespoons of water and mix pretty. And you can fry on.
The crown did his job, remove it. We now take a half, plastic from a slow cooker - its volume is just enough for the middle pan, with a diameter of about 24 cm.
It is better to use a frying pan with a non-stick coating or a well-prepared cast-iron frying pan, sulfted with salt and well-lubricated oil. You can also use a frying pan with a ceramic coating, such as Tefal.

Next, the hill in the saucer of vegetable oil. With the help of silicone brushes we will lubricate the frying pan before each pancake.

Well warmed and lubricate the frying pan.

Using the midst, pour the first portion of the dough to the pan and then clinging the dough to the entire surface clockwise.

Pancake turns out a pleasant color, appetizing and even slightly lace.

Pancakes are very elastic, not dry, they can easily wrap any sweet filling. Cherry filling is well suitable for chocolate pancakes. Such a damn is good to sprinkle with a storm chocolate. If someone does not observe the post strictly, you can apply creamy cheese to the pancakes or start them with custard. In general, here fantasy can be limitless. Bon Appetit!

How to cook an incredible lean cake fairy tale without eggs, oil and milk

Cooked for this video recipe cake will raise the mood of your entire family in the post.

Bon Appetit!

Pancakes on the water are lean with a grades. Recipe with mushroom stuffing, onion and garlic

Pancakes are descended in gentle, turn over well, the next day remains as soft. And stitching, and with jam or honey, and just instead of bread - very tasty.
The composition for pancakes on the water:
Cold water - 0.5 liters.
Hot water - 0.5 liters.
Salt - 1 tsp.
Soda - 1 tsp.
Vinegar 9% - 1 tbsp. l.
Oil - 2 tbsp. l.
Flour - 1.5 tbsp.
The composition for the pan:


We mix with cold water all ingredients besides oil and hot water. Then we pour hot water and vegetable oil. If you do with a berry sector, do not forget to add sugars to the dough to taste.
For the pan: mushrooms and onions fry, add greens and garlic, salt to taste. Give cool.

Then we interfere in the dough and bake pancakes.

Pancakes tender, turn over well, the next day remains the same soft.

Lean pancakes on water with mushroom sector are ready. Bon Appetit!

Lean pancakes on water without a pottery

We are preparing pancakes without a gasket. Who does not know that the pancakes are lean, never guessed. Golden, porous, gentle, very tasty!

I hope this article will be useful for you. Sake laundry pancakes, add a variety of fillings (mushrooms, stewed cabbage, apple jumper, jam, nuts, honey). And let your lean table be delicious and helpful. Come in delicious recipes more often, to new meetings on my blog.

Pancakes rightfully can be called a traditional Russian cuisine dish. They are preparing even for commemoration. Pancakes are served on the table both as the main treat, as well as in the form of a delicious dessert. It all depends on which of the stuffs and which of the sauces will give preference to the cook. You can not deny yourself the pleasure and eat appetizing pancakes even during the Christian post, without violating his rules. Lean pancakes are prepared on water or mineral water. There are also simple, and yeast lean pancakes from wheat, rye, oatmeal, buckwheat, chickmeter flour. All of them are created without eggs, since this product is prohibited during the post. Knowing some secrets, you can learn how to prepare surprisingly thin pancakes with holes. Help hostess there is a step-by-step recipe for preparing pancakes.

From this article you will learn:

Sweatiest Pancakes Recipes: Different Options

The most interesting, and most importantly - the proven recipes of laundry pancakes are collected below.

Before starting to fry the first damn, it is better to first grease the frying pan with oil, and then then start the process. The best cooks recommend mixing a pancake dough every time before pouring it into the pan.

The simplest lean pancakes

This is the most elementary of all possible recipes, and the set of components in it - you can't think cheaper. Even the amateur will be able to knead such a dough. Of the proposed number of components, there are about ten pancakes with holes prepared on the water.


  • - 2 tbsp.
  • Purified water - 2 tbsp.
  • Salt salt - 1 tbsp. l. (She will scrape the dough and will not give him a break).
  • Sugar sand - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Food soda - 1/3 h. L.
  • Vegetable oil - 1/3 of Art.


  1. Prepare the necessary products and dishes.
  2. First you need to sift flour.
  3. Then pour the specified amount of water into the container, dissolve salt in it and sugar, gradually intervene 1 tbsp. sifted flour. There should be watery dough without lumps.
  4. Add soda and oil to it, mix everything thoroughly.
  5. Then gradually pouring another glass of flour and knead it to be pretty. Dough is ready, you can start frying.

Such pancakes can easily and quickly prepare for a comment, increasing the proportion of the ingredients. At the exit, beautiful thin pancakes are obtained.

Pancakes for post with Hercules

Hercules flakes, for sure, will have in the kitchen every mistress. But little knows that of them you can make surprisingly delicious pancakes for the post.

Photo: Lean pancakes with Hercules


  • Wheat flour - 2 tbsp.
  • Flakes "Hercules" - 1/3 of Art.
  • Purified water - 2 tbsp.
  • Sugar - 1/3 of Art.
  • Salt - 1 pinch.
  • - 1.5 tbsp. l.
  • Basin - 1 tsp.


  1. Previously, you need to pour the Hercules flakes boiling water and leave them to appease for 12 hours. You can do this before bedtime, and in the morning to prepare a fragrant dish for breakfast. Immediately before cooking, you should set everything you need to create pancakes with Hercules.
  2. Then take clumsy flakes and beat them with a blender before the formation of a homogeneous mass.
  3. To add oil with sugar, to beat the blender once a time.
  4. Then you need to sift the flour, mix it with salt and tears, introduce it into the dough and beat everything again. A step-by-step recipe of such pancakes makes it possible to prepare delicious pancakes without unnecessary trouble.

Lean prescription pancakes on mineral

Pancakes cooked on carbonated water is a real find. They can be filed with any stuffing. Although they are prepared without eggs, it does not spoil their taste.

Photo: recipe for lean pancakes on mineral


  • Wheat flour - 1.5 tbsp.
  • Mineral water - 2 tbsp.
  • Vegetable oil - 5 tbsp. l. (4 tbsp. L. Will go to the dough and 1 tbsp. L. It will be necessary for frying).
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Salt - 1/4 h. L.


  1. Get the kitchen inventory and the necessary products, sift flour.
  2. Then pour mineral water into a bowl, gradually pour flour into it and beaten a hunger or a mixer thoroughly. Flour must completely dissolve.
  3. Then add salt and sugar to the dough, butter, beat again. By consistency, the dough should be like sour cream.
  4. Give the finished mixture to breed 5 minutes and you can fry pancakes.

Yeast lean pancakes

Such pancakes do not differ in the taste from the usual, classic. Nevertheless, they can be eaten even during the post, which will definitely delight households.

Photo: Lean pancakes on yeast


  • Wheat flour - 2 tbsp.
  • Fresh yeast - 10 grams.
  • Purified water - 1.5-2 tbsp.
  • Sugar - 5 h. L.
  • Salt - 0.5 h. L.
  • Vegetable oil - 2-3 tbsp. l.


  1. Stop all the necessary products and dishes on the table. First of all, the flour should be sifted.
  2. Then you can proceed to the preparation of the test. To do this, in a deep container it is necessary to pour flour, 4 h. L. Sugar, pour them 1.5 tbsp. Warm water, mix thoroughly to dissolve lumps and leave it for 15 minutes.
  3. Then take another bowl, pour 0.5 tbsp into it. warm (but in no case is not hot!) Water, add 1 tsp. Sugar, yeast, mix everything and leave until the bubbles are formed on the surface of the mixture.
  4. Then carefully mix the flour and yeast mixture, you can do it with the help of a whisk, so yeast pancakes will turn out to be more air.
  5. Almost finished dough must be put in 30 minutes in a warm place to give it to finally approach.
  6. Last but the dough should be added salt and vegetable oil, all shirms again and then begin frying.

For the preparation of thin pancakes, the dough should not be too thick. This lean recipe pancakes has already fallen like a multitude of hosts.

Video Recipe: Lean Pancakes on Water

There are many recipes for lean pancakes, so each hostess can find a recipe for the soul, a little experiment. Healthy food is always useful. Delicious post!

In the courtyard post, and we, as in sin, remember pancakes, and the homework is asked to cook, and so I want to please them with delicious pancakes. And, it seems, well, what are the pancakes without eggs and milk, however, there are post-free pancakes in which these important ingredients are replaced by others, as a result they are not worse than our usual and beloved pancakes. In addition, lean pancakes have a significant advantage: they are not so heavy, as ordinary, and have low calorieness, so good and for those who follow their figure, and for those who will fasten.

So please yourself and loved ones in the post Pancakes are quite possible, because the recipe for lean pancakes is compiled taking into account all the abstinections in food prescribed by religious rules: neither eggs, nor milk or sour cream. Dough for lean pancakes can have both fresh and yeast base. You can cook delicious lean pancakes and on ordinary water. The main ingredients of the laundry pancakes are flour, water, salt, sugar and vegetable oil, the presence of which suggests that the pancakes can only be prepared in the days permitted by the Church: Saturday or Sunday. Water, vegetable or cereal decoction can be used as a liquid base or mineral stripped water. Combining various types of flour, you can get different types of lean pancakes - mix with rusty or buckwheat flour and buckwheat, as well as oatmeal or corn. Such an opportunity to use different varieties of flour and a variety of fillings opens unlimited expanses for fantasy.

Lean pancakes are good by themselves, but correctly selected delicious filling is not definitely not spoiled. Prepare lean pancakes with a variety of sweet fillings, using for this jam, syrups, honey or jam, dried fruits, stolen and riveted in a blender with honey or sugar, as well as a sweet pumpkin, slightly bundled in a pan with sugar, apples, bananas, pears, berries, berries , Kiwi, pineapples or other fruits in the form of mashed potatoes or slightly roasted with sugar or honey, chopped nuts or coconut with honey. No less delicious, you and post-free pancakes with unsweetened fillings: a potato mashed potatoes with a fried bow or with fresh greens, buckwheat and mushrooms, stew cabbage with greens, mushrooms with a bow, with a stew from eggplants and zucchini, as well as with different seams. Maybe among our recipes you will find the one that will be the perfect dish on your bedtown.

Lean pancakes on the water

1.5 stack. flour
2 stack. water,
50 ml of vegetable oil,
1 tbsp. Sahara,
½ CHL soda,
a bit of vinegar or citric acid
Salt to taste.

Dissolve sugar, salt in water, pour out sifted flour and citric acid and thoroughly knead the dough until a homogeneous state so that there are no lumps. Then add soda and vegetable oil. All are well stirred. Heat the pan, lubricate it once before baking with vegetable oil and bake pancakes on medium heat.

Pancakes on mineral water

500 ml of mineral water,
1.5-2 stack. flour (it depends on the thickness of the desired test),
4 ppm Sahara,
½ CHL salts
2 tbsp. vegetable oil.

Mix the sifted flour with salt and sugar, add mineral water and vegetable oil and mix thoroughly. Heat the pan, pour it into it a completely slightly vegetable oil so that pancakes do not stick to the surface of the frying pan, and fry them from both sides until readiness.

Pancakes in tea

250 ml of black or green tea
6 tbsp. (with a slide) wheat flour,
1 tsp. (without a slide) baking powder,
2-3 tbsp. Sahara,
1 tbsp. vegetable oil
a pinch of salt.

Welcome tea, cool it, pour into a deep bowl and add vegetable oil, sugar and salt. Mix everything with a whisk. Gradually mix flour. If you want to get fat pancakes, praise another 1-2 tbsp. flour. Add a baking powder and take a wrencher so that there are no lumps. Heat the pan, smearing it with vegetable oil, and bake pancakes.

Pancakes at brine

2 stack. flour
1 l cucumber or tomato brine,
2 tbsp. vegetable oil
1 tsp. soda.

Add flour and soda to the brine and mix thoroughly before thickening. Lubricate the frying pan with vegetable oil, warm it up and bake pancakes from two sides before girlishing.

Pancakes with apple and lemon juice

250 g of wheat flour,
100 ml of apple juice,
420 ml of water,
100 g of sugar,
10 g of baking powder,
1 tsp. lemon juice
vegetable oil.

Connect flour, sugar, salt and baking powder in a separate bowl. Apple juice Mix with warm water, lemon juice and vegetable oil. Part of this fluid pour into flour, smear the wedge, then add the rest of the fluid by continuing to stir. Lubricate the frying pan with vegetable oil, warm up and proceed to baking pancakes.

Pancakes on soy milk

1 stack. flour
½ stack. soy milk,
½ stack. water,
50 g of vegetable margarine,
2 tbsp. honey
1 tbsp. Sahara,
¼ ChL Salt.

Mix flour, salt, melted margarine, sugar, honey, soy milk and water, cover the resulting mass of the film and put for 2 hours in the refrigerator. Preheat the frying pan, having preheated it with vegetable oil, pour 3 tbsp. Test, evenly distribute it all over the surface of the frying pan and roast on both sides.

Lean yeast pancakes

1.5 stack. flour
300 ml of water,
3 g of dry yeast (or 10 g fresh pressed),
2 tbsp. vegetable oil
5 ppm Sahara,
½ CHL Salt.

Mix flour from 4 tsp. Sugar in a deep bowl. Pour there with 200 ml of warm water and leave for 15 minutes. Meanwhile, prepare the pole. To do this, dissolve in 100 ml of warm water yeast and 1 tsp. Sahara before the appearance of foam. After that, pour the finished layer into the dough, mix and leave until the bubbles appear on the surface of the test. Then pour vegetable oil into the dough, add salt, mix and bake pancakes on a preheated pan from two sides. From such a test, thick pancakes are obtained if you want thin pancakes, add 100 ml of water to the dough.

Such pancakes are very tasty. To do this, flush dried mushrooms are soot for three hours, dare until readiness, cut into small pieces, fry, add chickly and slightly roasted green or onions, sliced \u200b\u200bby rings.
Decaying the chubs in a frying pan, fill their dough and roast, like ordinary pancakes.

Russki yeast pancakes (ancient recipe)

2.5 stack. Wheat flour,
⅓ stack. buckwheat flour
25 g of fresh pressed yeast,
1 tbsp. Sahara,
1 tsp. salts
Vegetable oil - to taste.

Introduce a pretty thick dough from the buckwheat and half of wheat flour, yeast and water and put it on the cold. The next day, add the remaining flour, sugar, salt and give the test to climb. 30 minutes before baking pancakes, pour so much warm water into the dough so that it has a thickness of sour cream, and mix. Then you can start baking pancakes.

Lean buckwheat yeast pancakes "Buckwheels"

4 stack. buckwheat flour
4.5 stack. water,
25 g yeast,
Salt to taste.

Dissolve fresh yeast in half a glass of warm water, then one is still half a cup and mix until uniformity. Do not stop stirring, pour 2 cups of flour and stir well so that there are no lumps. Cover the dough with a towel and put in the warm place. It should increase in the amount of 2-3 times, after which pumped the remaining flour, pour the remaining water, add a salt, mix thoroughly and again put in a warm place. As soon as the dough rises again, begin to bake pancakes. Do not mix the dough.

Long-carrying yeast pancakes

3 stack. flour
1 stack. rainfall
5 stack. water,
1 pack of dry yeast,
2 tbsp. Sahara,
1 tsp. salts
½ stack. Unrefined vegetable oil with odor.

Pour the rainflakes of 3 glasses of boiling water, put on fire and cook for 3 minutes. Welcome to the resulting porridge. Yeasts will be dried in a third of a glass of water, adding 1 tsp. Sahara. Add flour, mix, then 1 cup of water, sugar, salt and yeast. Mix well well, cover and leave for 1 hour to rose the dough. Then pour in it 1 cup of warm water and vegetable oil and mix again. Lubricate the pan with vegetable oil before baking and bake pancakes in the usual way.

Pancakes on rice brave with rice and raisin filling

2.5 stack. Wheat flour,
4 tbsp. vegetable oil
1 stack. rice
2 tbsp. Sahara,
½ CHL soda,
½ stack. raisin
Salt to taste.

Boil the rice in 2 liters of water under the lid until readiness. Drain the decoction through a sieve or colander (it turns out about 1 liter of the branch). The resulting decoction will cool down. If it turned out to be too thick, it can be divorced with boiled water to a state of liquid jelly. Total brave must be 1 liter. Add flour, sugar, salt, vegetable oil, soda and mix. There should be a dough of consistency with liquid sour cream. Bake pancakes on a split frying pan, lubricated with vegetable oil, on both sides. Get ready to cool and wrap in them the filling prepared as follows: Add raisins to the welded flush rice, which is pre-soaked for 5-10 minutes in hot water, and sugar. You can make a wolving filling, adding roasted mushrooms in rice.

Potato pancakes on mineral water

½ stack. Wheat flour,
3 potatoes,
1 stack. mineral water
4-5 tbsp. vegetable oil.

Clean potatoes, cut it with cubes and boil until readiness. Then drain excess water, leaving a bit of ragger. Make a potato mashed potatoes and slightly cool it. Add a sifted wheat flour to it and gradually split the resulting dough with mineral water so that the dough is a cape consistency. At the end, add vegetable oil and mix. Fry as usual. Such pancakes will be especially good for fungi or sauer cabbage.

Lean oat pancakes

2.5 stack. flour
2 stack. oatmeal,
4 stack. water,
2 tbsp. Sahara,
2 tsp starch
1 tsp. salts
½ CHL soda,
4 tbsp. vegetable oil.

Fill oatmeal with water at night, strain the resulting mass, you will have 900 ml of oatmeal, add sugar, starch, salt, soda and flour, pour 3 tbsp. vegetable oil. Wear a whisk to homogeneous mass. Pour 1 tbsp with a preheated frying pan. vegetable oil and bake pancakes on both sides.

Lean pancakes from Manka

1 stack. mankey
1.5 stack. water,
2 carrots,
1 bulb,
1 tsp. salts
Some turmeric.

Very finely cut the bulb and fry it together with turmeric until golden color. Add carrots on the medium grade and fry together with the bow for a few minutes. Mix the semolina with water, add the roasted onions with carrots, mix and bake pancakes in the usual way.

Lean corn pancakes

200 g of corn flour,
1 bulb,
50 g of vegetable oil
1 tsp. Salt.

Check the corn dough, consistency resembled cooks, add chopped onions into it, salt, pour vegetation oil, mix and bake corn pancakes on a greased vegetable oil and a preheated frying pan before golden color.

Vegetable lean pancakes

120 g of coarse grinding flour,
3 big potatoes,
1 carrot,
1 bulb,
3-4 tbsp. vegetable oil
1 Celery Stem,
20 g parsley,
20 g of dill,
Spices: dried basil, black ground pepper and mayoran,
Salt to taste.

Sutter on a large grater carrot, potatoes, celery and bulb. Add flour, spices, greens and vegetable oil. Stir and let stand for a few minutes. Well warp vegetable oil in a pan and fry pancakes on medium heat. Finished pancakes fold into the saucepan, cover with a lid and let it stand a little, 5-10 minutes, they will become even tastier. Before serving on the table, sprinkle pancakes slightly fried sesame seeds.

Lean pancakes are a wonderful opportunity not only to please close, but also diversify the lean diet with tasty and useful dishes.

Bon Appetit!

Larisa Shufkaykin

During the post, each mistress should have in his arsenal lean pancakes recipe. If you have no, we offer you several options to choose from.

Lean pancakes on mineral water

- Vegetable oil - tablespoon + 3 tablespoons
- Salt - quarter of a teaspoon
- Sugar - tablespoon
- flour - one glass
- carbonated water - 320 ml
- Vanilla - a pair of tablespoons

1. Mix the vanilla, oil, water, gas.
2. In the dough, ask for flour, add sugar, salt, stir up with a wedge or fork to come out homogeneous dough. Blank, put for a couple of hours in the refrigerator.
3. A small frying pan hears on medium heat, add not a large number of Oil. Once the oil is warm up, pour a couple of tablespoons of the dough on the pan. When the edges get dry, turn, fry on the other side.

Lean pancakes on soybean milk.

- water, soy milk - by ½ cup
- Margarine floral - 50 g
- Sugar - tablespoon
- Salt - a quarter of a teaspoon
- flour - one glass
- Maple syrup or honey - two tablespoons

1. In the world of large, mix the salt, flour, honey, sugar, melted margarine, water, soy milk, cover, put for a couple of hours in the refrigerator.
2. Lubricate a frying pan with vegetable margarine, warm the pan, pour about three tablespoons of the dough, evenly distribute the dough. As soon as the bottom is submissive, turn over, roasting on the other side. ready!

Lean pancakes in Soda.

- Water - half of a teaspoon
- Water - half liters
- Flour buckwheat, wheat flour - 200 g
- Salt, citric acid - 0.25 teaspoons
- vegetable oil

1. Salt solvent in warm water.
2. I ask for flour, pour warm water.
3. In the dough, pumped citric acid, stir well.
4. Add the soda, leave the dough.
5. Scroll to warm up, smear vegetable oil, fry pancakes.

Recipe for lean pancakes on yeast

- Dry yeast - teaspoon
- Flour buckwheat, wheat flour - 75 g
- Salt - 0.5 teaspo
- Waters warm, water temperature - 200 g

1. Dissolve yeast in warm water, add sugar, salt, enter flour.
2. Mix the mixer, cover the food film, put in 45 minutes to a warm place.
3. Add buckwheat flour, stir up, gradually pour 100 ml of water, squeeze again, cover, leave for 35 minutes so that the dough approached.
4. Add another 100 ml of water into the dough, slow down thoroughly.
5. Pancakes are baking to goldenness in a pan with an oil. Lean pancakes on yeast ready!

Lean pancakes on yeast

Pancakes with berries.

- flour - a half cup
- Sugar - 3 tablespoons
- Fresh yeast - 25 g
- Warm water - one glass
- a pinch of salt
- vegetable oil
- crushed blueberry - 0.25 glasses

1. Drain yeast with sugar, pour warm water, stiritate well, add salt, give sugar and yeast to dissolve well.
2. Add flour, knead the dough, cover the napkin, put it in a warm place, let it brew, climb.
3. Add blueberries, stir.
4. Preheat a frying pan with vegetable oil, fry pancakes, feed with honey or jam.

Pancakes on the water


- Sol
- Soda
- flour - 220 g
- vegetable oil - 50 ml
- Water - 520 ml

1. In the water, divert sugar, salt, add flour, knead the fluid dough.
2. Add the oil, soda, stiritate well.
3. Lubricate the oil with vegetable oil, bake pancakes.
4. Each pancakes wake jam or honey. ready!

Pancakes lean thin

- Sugar.
- a pinch of salt
- Soda - 1/3 teaspoon
- water - 220 ml
- Flour - three tablespoons
- vegetable oil - four tablespoons

1. Distribute flour in water, gradually add the remaining water.
2. To the resulting mass, add vegetable oil, soda, sugar, salt, thoroughly.
3. Scroll for pancakes Heat, lubricate a slice of a sala, pour a slightly dough, turn the frying pan, distribute evenly, fire from both sides. ready!

Lean pancakes on mineral.

- flour, strong-aided water - one glass
- boiled water - one glass
- Sugar, salt - one pinch
- vegetable oil - one or two tablespoons

1. Sugar, salt, flour Mix, fill in a gas composition, deliver to half an hour.
2. Pour vegetable oil in boiling water, add to the mixture, stir well.
3. Lubricate the bottom of the pan with oil, bake pancakes.
4. In pancakes, wrap the filling. ready!

How to cook lean pancakes.

Celent-free lean pancakes.

- Soda - ½ teaspoon
- Sugar - tablespoon
- flour - a half cup
- Water - 2 glasses
- Vegetable oil - 55 g

1. Sugar, solvent salt in water.
2. I ask for flour, pour into the water with sugar and salt, stirred carefully, knead, follow, so that there are no lumps.
3. Add the soda to the dough, pour the oil, knead.
4. Frying to a pretty warm, grease vegetable oil, bake pancakes. If pancakes are obtained dry or poorly removed from the surface of the frying pan, lubricate the skillet several times with oil.

Pancakes Lean yezzhava.

- vegetable oil - two tablespoons
- Salt - Half of a teaspoon
- Dry yeast - 3 g
- Water - 320 ml
- flour - a half cup

1. Mix the flour with sugar (4 tablespoons), pour 200 ml of a warm water, leave for fifteen minutes.
2. Prepare the oat: a teaspoon of sugar and yeast solubite in 100 ml of water, leave before the formation of foam on the surface.
3. Pour the dough into the dough, stir, leave before the appearance of bubbles.
4. Pour vegetable oil in the dough, add salts, mix.
5. Bake pancakes as usual.

And on ordinary days try.

Pancakes on Minequetro Borjomi.

- Salt - teaspoon
- vegetable oil
- Sugar - three teaspoons
- Mineral water "Borjomi" - Half liters
- Flour

1. Salt, sugar, vegetable oil mix, pour flour with constant stirring, so that the dough acquires the consistency of sour cream, stir again.
2. Pancakes bake the usual way in a frying pan with a non-stick coating.

Pancakes are fast on rice brave.

- Rice - one glass
- Raisin - Half glass
- Wheat flour - 2 and a half cup
- Sol
- soda - ½ teaspoon
- Sugar - two tablespoons
- vegetable oil

1. Rice rummage in two liters of water until complete readiness.
2. Decoration through a colander or sieve. As a result, you will succeed near the raccara liter.
3. Pick out for the filling. Add sugar and raisins to it.
4. Rice decoction will cool down. If it came out too thick, dilute it with boiled water.
5. In the decoction, add salt, sugar, flour, soda, vegetable oil.
6. Pancakes bake on a frying pan with vegetable oil, preheated it.
7. Finished pancakes cool down, wrap the stuffing in them.

Lean pancakes with potatoes and greens.

- Water - three glasses
- flour - about 2.5 glasses
- Soda - Half of tea spoons
- Greens - 20 g
- Sol

For filling:
- Olive oil - a pair of tablespoons
- chopping of sea salt
- Sweet Bulgarian Pepper
- several potatoes

1. Prepare a filling for pancakes: Clean potatoes from the peel, lower it in boiling water, tailor when the lid closed until soft.
2. From the pots, drain the water, leave a small amount at the bottom.
3. Drink potatoes in the puree.
4. Sweet pepper Free from the fruits, remove the seeds, the pepper is finely cut.
5. Sweet pepper, potato mashed potatoes, add olive oil, additionally spout (if desired).
6. Prepare lean pancakes: Grind greens, Put in a bowl, pour 3 cup water, add a quarter of a glass of vegetable oil, a slight salt, for a short soda.
7. Slowly pour flour by stirring it with a wedge.
8. Lubricate a frying pan with oil, put on fire, warm, buck the pancakes.
9. Ready post-free pancakes with a potato mashed potatoes, wrap in the form of a triangle.

Lean pancakes with apple juice.

- Sugar - 100 g
- Wheat flour - 255 g
- Bustyer - 10 g
- lemon juice - teaspoon
- Apple juice - 100 ml
- Water - 420 ml
- vegetable oil

1. In the Misk, connect all the bulk components: sugar, salt, baking powder, flour.
2. Apple juice Mix with warm water, lemon juice, vegetable oil.
3. Part of the resulting fluid pour into flour, slow down a whisk, add the rest of the liquid, stir.
4. Scroll to warm up, lubricate vegetable oil.
5. Pour the dough portion on the pan, distribute over the entire surface, fry pancakes.
6. Finished pancakes fold a stacker, serve with honey.

Try also.

Lean pancakes for commemoration.

For dough:
- Water - a couple of cups
- Flour - 1.5 Tea Cups
- Sugar - tablespoon
- Activated yeast - teaspoon
- Vegetable oil - Two tablespoons
- Salt - 0.25 teaspoons

For filling:
- Handful of dried mushrooms
- Middle Lukovitsa
- vegetable oil
- Buckwheat porridge - 9 tablespoons

1. Prepare the dough: In warm water, throw the yeast, sugar, let the yeast break out for about 15 minutes, add a salt, spread the flour, slow down a whitewash.
2. Add two tablespoons of vegetable oil.
3. Leave the dough for 40 minutes.
4. Separate the filling: dare mushrooms, grind them finely.
5. Cut the onion litely, fry.
6. Mushrooms, onions, buckwheat porridge Mix, warm up in a frying pan.
7. Farm pancakes, turn them with converters, fry on both sides in a skillet. ready!

Pancakes are lean with apples.

- Vanilin
- Salt - ¼ teaspoon
- Sugar - three tablespoons
- Apples - 5 pieces
- flour - a couple of glasses

1. From flour, salts, water knead the dough, fry pancakes.
2. Apples Cut slices, plump sand, add a couple of vanillin pinch, warm 10 minutes.
3. To the middle of the pancake, lay out the filling, wrap the tube, fry before the crust appears, sprinkle with powder sugar.