What is pectin and its properties. Types and actions of pectins

08.08.2019 Vegetable dishes

Autumn is the time to prepare.
And of course, many are now making jams and preserves.
So, it's time to talk about pectin and how to make more tasty and healthy jam with it.

My grandmother, mother and I made jam like everyone else: the ratio of sugar to fruit is 1: 1, and sometimes even more - for 1 kilogram of fruit, 1,200 - 1,300 sugar each! Sugar in jam has three roles: it is a sweetener, thickener and preservative.

But sweet berries and fruits do not need large doses of sugar, the role of a preservative can be taken over by sterilization - pre-packaged hot jam, in hot and dry jars, and hermetically sealed, is stored without a refrigerator no worse than grandmother's.

So what's the problem?

The fact is that without a large amount of sugar, not jam, but compote is obtained ...

Therefore, when reducing the amount of sugar, pectin is used as a thickener.

With pectin, you can cook both jam and jam, thick, beautiful and not at all sweet.
Not to mention the fact that such jam seems to us much tastier, it also contains much less calories!

What is Pectin?

Pectin is a polysaccharide found naturally in all vegetables and fruits.

The richest in pectin are citrus fruits and apples, with the highest percentage of pectin contained in the peel and seed pods.

An industrial method of obtaining pectin consists in its extraction with acid from plant raw materials, and subsequent drying.

Dry pectin of industrial production looks like a fine powder of a creamy color, odorless.

Its labeling as a food additive is E440.

But imagine that you can do something at home too!
For example, if you are peeling apples for an apple pie, or squeezing juice - don't throw away the waste!
Fill them with water, cook for 30-40 minutes and strain. If you put the broth in the refrigerator, make sure it thickens. This is a high pectin decoction and can be used to make jam instead of water.
Of course, its properties are not as strong as those of dry pectin.

Pectin is sold in various forms - both pure and in mixtures with sugar, dextrose, acid.
If you bought a ready-made mixture, then proceed as written on the package.

If you bought pure pectin, then you should know the following:

Pectins are different!

Buffered Pectin. It is a pectin that does not need the acid in the gelling product.
Unbuffered - requiring the obligatory addition of acid for the gelling process.
Thermostable - i.e. withstanding subsequent heat treatment, which is important, for example, if the jam is then used for fillings in confectionery.
Non-thermostable - cooked and gelled jam cannot be reheated, it will become liquid and no longer thicken.
It is usually impossible to know what type of pectin you bought.
But if you really want to, you can check for buffering and thermal stability by boiling a small portion of jam - with and without acid, and then warm up the sample after gelling.

With the norms of adding pectin, everything is not easy either!

Lack of pectin will cause the jam to remain runny. Excess pectin will add an off-flavor, spoiling the taste.

What I found out after reading and experimenting:

1. The consumption rates of pectin range from 5 grams per 1 kilogram of fruit to 15 grams.
The more sugar and less liquid, the less pectin you need to add.
General rule:
if sugar is taken in a ratio of 1 kilogram of fruit: 500 grams of sugar, then 4-5 grams of pectin is enough
if the sugar is taken as 1: 0.25 then you need 7-10 grams of pectin
if sugar is not used at all, then 12-15 grams of pectin is taken for 1 kg of fruit.

The amount of pectin depends on its quality; moreover, with such a low weight, the error of the scales is inevitable.
See for yourself, don't be afraid to experiment! Cook a small amount as a test batch and adjust.

2. Pectin is added to boiling jam / fruit puree, while first it must be mixed with a small amount of sugar (so that it is evenly distributed in the jam).
This is due to the peculiarities of the dissolution of pectin. Pectin does not melt like sugar, but behaves like gelatin - first it swells, absorbing water, and only then dissolves. If pectin powder is not mixed with sugar, its particles can stick together and then no force will force them to dissolve, they will remain in a gelatinous lump in the syrup.

3. Jam with pectin is cooked from 1 minute to 3-5 (maximum!). With a longer cooking period, the pectin is destroyed, losing its gelling properties. Besides, what's the point of making jam longer than necessary? The shorter the cooking time, the more beautiful the jam!

4. Complete gelation occurs as with gelatin, after cooling.

5. A large amount of acid in the starting material reduces the gelling properties (and then you need to either add sugar or increase the amount of pectin), but a small amount of acid promotes gelling, so if you do not know what type of pectin you bought (buffered or not), in the jam from sweet fruits, add a spoonful of lemon juice.

Where to buy pectin.

In Israel, it is sold in spice shops and in stores such as For Chef, etc.
In Russia, it is sold under the name Zhelfix.
In Italy it is sold under the name "Fruttapec"
Can be purchased online. It weighs little, is not expensive, you compensate for the costs by saving sugar.

And finally, as an example, my recipe jam with fresh figs and ginger.

750 grams of figs
2 lemons
200 grams of brown sugar
35 grams of ginger
7 grams of pectin + 1 tablespoon sugar
a sprig of rosemary 5 centimeters long

1. Wash the lemons thoroughly, blanch for 5 minutes in boiling water.
Cut each into 4 pieces, remove the grains and cut into thin slices.
2. Cut off the hard tail of each fig berry and cut it into 2-4 pieces.
3. Finely chop the ginger.
4. Cover figs, ginger and lemon with sugar, let stand for 15 minutes.
5. Put the bowl / pot of fruit on the fire, add a sprig of rosemary, bring to a boil and cook, stirring gently, until the berries are soaked in juice. I cooked for 20 minutes.
6. Add pectin, stir, cook for 1-2 minutes. Remove the rosemary.
7. Transfer the hot jam to a jar. It turns out 850 ml of ready-made jam.

Absolutely magical taste, just let the jam sit for at least a day before drinking!

What can you do with him other than just having a cup of tea with him?
Delicious with cheese!
An excellent addition to liver pate.
Great sauce for meat, if mixed with dry red wine and boiled.
An amazing salad dressing when chopped in a blender and added with balsamic vinegar and olive oil.

I understand that for many it is impossible to cook such jam, figs do not grow in the country.
This is now its very season, and I recommend my compatriots not to miss the opportunity to make such a jam!
But besides this jam, I cooked, for example, black currant jam, adding grape juice - absolutely no sugar.
It turned out great. And this is exactly how sugar-free jams are made in industrial production - they use apple, grape or orange juices.

And here is a great selection of my friends' recipes: preserves, jams and even marmalade!
From Luda

This substance, discovered 200 years ago, is called the orderly of the human body. It, like a vacuum cleaner, absorbs all the debris that prevents the organs from working fully. Experts say that there is nothing better than such natural cleaning. This substance is called pectin: its beneficial properties have long been used not only in cooking, but also in medicine and pharmaceuticals. For women, it is necessary for the natural rejuvenation of the body and its safe cleansing. Providing yourself with this polysaccharide in sufficient quantities, you can significantly improve your health.

Meet his majesty - pectin

So, pectin: what this substance is, today many people know. It is a polysaccharide (complex chemical compound) found in plants. It is especially abundant in algae and various fruits. In the food industry, it is actively used as a thickener, since it quickly converts various masses into jelly (making marmalade, making jelly - all this is based on the use of pectin substances). In common foods, it can be found under the code name E440 food additive. In pharmaceuticals and medicine, it is used as a physiologically active substance, very useful for the human body and necessary for the encapsulation of drugs. On an industrial scale, pectin substances are obtained from:

  • apple pomace;
  • sugar beet pulp;
  • citrus peels;
  • sunflower baskets.

Apple pectin is especially famous, which is considered the highest quality and most useful. For general consumption, this product is produced in two forms - liquid and powder. For the first time, it was isolated from fruit juice and soon discovered its extraordinary properties, which it exhibits when it enters the human body.

Useful properties of pectin

It is high time for women to discover pectin for themselves: its benefits are determined not only within the framework of home cooking. Medicine is a sphere for its active use and direct application. Scientists have established the functions that it performs in the body:

  • stabilizes metabolism;
  • lowers cholesterol;
  • improves peripheral circulation;
  • normalizes intestinal motility: possessing enveloping and astringent properties, it has a beneficial effect on the state of the mucous membrane of the entire gastrointestinal tract;
  • in case of peptic ulcer diseases, it manifests itself as a light analgesic and anti-inflammatory natural remedy;
  • cleans from harmful substances (radioactive elements, ions of toxic metals, pesticides) while maintaining the bacteriological balance;
  • sorbs and removes biogenic toxins, xenobiotics, anabolic steroids, metabolic products, as well as biologically harmful substances that accumulate in the body over time: bile acids, cholesterol, urea;
  • binds heavy metals (mercury, lead, strontium);
  • reduces the risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes;
  • activates microorganisms that are responsible for the production of vitamins.

Considering these properties of pectin, it is recommended for those who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and circulatory system, food allergies, metabolic disorders. But the most important thing is that it is very useful for women, whose problem is in the fatty deposits, from which they dream of getting rid of their whole life. Improving microcirculation and metabolism, cleansing the body, pectin promotes the breakdown of fats. As a result, kilograms go away, the figure becomes slimmer, the woman prettier. Moreover, there are practically no contraindications. The only "but" is an overdose and individual intolerance.

Harmful properties of pectin

For pectin to harm the body, you need to try. This can happen in two ways. The first is an allergy to this polysaccharide. The second is an overdose, but for this you need to eat a very large amount of fruits and berries. Only in this case is this substance:

  • interfere with the absorption of minerals by the body (zinc, magnesium, calcium, iron);
  • can provoke fermentation processes in the colon;
  • will cause severe flatulence;
  • will reduce the absorption of fats and proteins.

An overdose of pectin, leading to such consequences, can occur only as a result of excessive enthusiasm for biologically active additives saturated with a variety of useful substances. Pectin, assimilated from ordinary food products, cannot cause any harm to the body - only benefit. Therefore, it remains to find out which foods contain pectin in order to increase their amount in your diet.

Foods high in pectin

If you plan such an unusual pectin cleansing of the body, you need to focus not on the E440 food supplement, but on the amount of pectins in plant products. Knowing this cherished list, you can increase their daily use, thereby taking care of the purity of your body and improving your well-being:

  • carrot;
  • cabbage;
  • black currant;
  • gooseberry;
  • raspberries;
  • Strawberry;
  • peaches;
  • apples;
  • plums;
  • Cherry;
  • apricots;
  • cherries;
  • lemons;
  • pears;
  • grape;
  • tangerines;
  • oranges;
  • watermelons;
  • melons;
  • eggplant;
  • cucumbers;
  • potato.

A little trick will help you increase your pectin dosage when choosing a product from this list. A wise woman should know: the less moisture the berries, vegetables and fruits have absorbed during the ripening period, the more pectin has accumulated in them. Therefore, find a plus in a dry summer without rain: it is in this weather that natural pectin is provided to you in full.

And other ways to consume pectin

In addition to active, regular consumption of products, pectin can be delivered to the body in almost pure form.

1. Dissolve pectin powder (half a teaspoon) in hot water (500 ml).

2. Cool to room temperature.

3. Take between meals 200 ml twice a day.

You can also buy at the pharmacy, pectin sorbents - medications for effective cleansing of the body: for example, "Fitosorbovit", "Toxfighter-Lux", etc.

Scientists from all over the world are studying the beneficial properties of pectin today. Perhaps we have yet to learn about its new healing properties. But it is already clear today that pectin is an invaluable substance for the human, and most importantly, for the female body. Use this to never get sick and always look great.

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A pectin substance or simply pectin is a gluing element. It is a polysaccharide that is formed from the residues of galacturonic acid. Pectin is found in most higher plants:

  • in vegetables and fruits;
  • in some types of algae;
  • in root crops.

Apple pectin is well-known, but other varieties, being a building block of tissues, increase the resistance of plants to long-term storage and drought, and contribute to maintaining turgor.

Pectin was isolated as a substance two centuries ago. It was discovered by the French chemist Henri Braconneau in fruit juice.

Application of the substance

The substance is very popular in the pharmaceutical and food industries, where its benefits have long been noted. In pharmacology, pectin is used for the production of physiologically active substances that have beneficial properties for the human body, so here the benefits are undeniable, as evidenced by numerous reviews.

In addition, the structure-forming characteristics of pectin provide its use for the encapsulation of drugs.

On an industrial scale, pectin substances are isolated from apple and citrus pomace, sugar beet pulp, and sunflower baskets. Pectin in the food industry is registered as an additive with the name E440. This substance is used as a thickener in the production of:

  • sweets;
  • fillings;
  • marmalade;
  • jelly;
  • ice cream;
  • marshmallow;
  • drinks containing juices.

There are two types of industrially obtained pectin:

  1. Powdered.
  2. Liquid.

The sequence of mixing the ingredients depends on the form of pectin during the preparation of certain products.

A liquid substance is added to the freshly cooked and hot mass. And, for example, powdered pectin is mixed with fruits and cold juice.

Such a variety and properties allow the substance to be widely used, including in cooking. Using pectin in bags, you can make marmalades and jelly from fruits and berries at home at home.

Useful qualities

Experts call the substance the "natural sanitary" of the human body. This is due to the fact that pectin has the ability to remove toxins and other harmful elements from tissues:

  • heavy metal ions;
  • pesticides;
  • radioactive elements.

At the same time, the body maintains a bacteriological natural balance. The properties can be ideally used for medicinal purposes. The benefits of pectin are due to its effect on metabolism:

  1. It improves peripheral circulation.
  2. Stabilizes recovery processes.
  3. Reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood.
  4. Improves intestinal motility.

Note! Pectin is practically not absorbed by the digestive system, because, in fact, it is a soluble fiber, which means that there is no harm from it.

Passing through the intestines along with other foods, pectin is saturated with cholesterol and harmful substances, which are removed from the body along with it. This property of a substance cannot be overlooked, the benefits of its use are obvious.

In addition, the substance has the ability to bind ions of radioactive and heavy metals. For this reason, the substance is included in the diet of people in a polluted environment and in direct contact with heavy metals. Such an effect relieves a person of hazardous compounds, while harm from its effects is excluded.

Another benefit of pectin is its ability to exert (in case of ulcerative lesions) a moderate effect on the gastric mucosa, improve the intestinal microflora, and create favorable conditions for the reproduction of microbes useful to the human body.

All these beneficial properties of the substance make it possible to recommend it as a component of the daily diet of any person, without fear of harm. And all the products in which it is contained will also be considered exclusively as a benefit to the body, in whatever conditions it arrives.

The daily allowance that can lower cholesterol levels is 15 grams. However, eating common berries and fruits is preferred over pectin supplements.

Where is contained

The following foods are rich sources of pectin:

  • figs,
  • plums,
  • blueberry,
  • dates,
  • peaches,
  • pears,
  • nectarine,
  • oranges,
  • apples,
  • bananas.

Often, when we are interested in the composition of a particular food product in a store, we have to come across a component called pectin. This ingredient is a common ingredient in sausages, canned food, desserts, dairy products, mayonnaise and more.

In fact, few people know what pectin is and what properties does it have?

Pectin is added to many foods

Our article will allow you to learn more about pectin, its beneficial properties and side effects from its use. To understand what fruit pectin is (what is apple pectin and what is citrus pectin), why it is the most optimal for the human body, and the more useful is the synthetic polysaccharide, which is present in many dietary supplements.

Pectin is a plant-based adhesive that is found in many roots, vegetables and fruits. In the food industry, pectins are used, obtained by extracting fruit pulp (mainly apple, less often citrus).

This polysaccharide is officially registered as a food additive E440 and is an excellent thickener, clarifier, gelling agent, and also a stabilizer.

What foods contain pectin? Apples and oranges, as well as bananas, pears, dates, and figs are famous for high concentrations of pectin. Which apples have more pectin depends on the type of fruit, storage conditions and degree of ripeness.

Apples and oranges are high in pectin

The benefits and harms of pectin marmalade, creams, ice cream or marshmallows are assessed by the general properties of the substance and do not change depending on the finished food product. The low price of 1 kg of pectin is explained by the relative cheapness of raw materials and their availability.

There is a lot of controversy about the benefits and harms of pectin.

But this does not prevent modern housewives and workers of large food industry enterprises from widely using it for preparing a huge number of dishes in modern cuisine.

It is important to note that polysaccharide is one of the low-calorie foods, so many women are trying to lose weight with it. The calorie content of pectin is only 52 kcal per 100 g of raw materials, while there are absolutely no fats in its composition.

Main areas of application

The most common area of ​​application for pectin is in food production. Today, this substance is used as an important component of most store-bought desserts (cakes, pastries, marmalade, ice cream, jelly,), dairy products, canned food, as well as some sausages.

They have not yet figured out how to replace pectin and pharmacists who use this substance as a basis for the preparation of ointments and creams.

Pectin is used even in the pharmaceutical industry

Often, pectin can be found among the additional components of tablets and other medicines that cleanse the human body, in particular its digestive tract and blood vessels, from toxins. This is due to the property of this polysaccharide to absorb harmful substances and remove them from the body without any particular harm to health.

Another area of ​​application of the pectin substance is cosmetology. Why do cosmetic manufacturers need pectin?

This natural plant-derived substance is found in many masks and creams.

Pectin in cosmetology is a highly respected and valuable ingredient, as it allows you to obtain a product on a natural basis, which is hypoallergenic and safe.

Beneficial features

Scientists have long proven that pectin substances are exactly the product that can significantly improve human health. According to the instructions for the use of pectin, if you consume about 15 grams of this polysaccharide per day, you can bring great benefits to your body and quickly remove harmful cholesterol from it, reduce the risks of cancer or reduce the manifestations of hyperglycemia.

The benefits of pectin for the body are obvious. Once in the human digestive tract, this substance performs the function of glucose. Like dietary fiber, this polysaccharide adsorbs toxins and carcinogens, which are then successfully removed from the body.

You will learn all the details about the benefits of pectin from the video:

In the bloodstream, pectin perfectly removes free harmful cholesterol, and also partially dissolves cholesterol plaques. Thus, daily intake of pectin reduces the risks of developing cardiovascular pathology, myocardial ischemia, atherosclerosis, and the like.

Pectins in food are more beneficial than synthetic polysaccharide analogs. The highest percentage is found in apples and oranges (about 1.6%). The high content of pectin in fruits makes it possible to produce apple and citrus substrates, and in vegetables - powder and liquid stabilizer from beet pulp and sunflowers. Depending on what the pectin is obtained from, the substance has certain beneficial properties and has a beneficial effect on the body.

In general, the beneficial properties of pectin for the body are assessed by the following qualities of the polysaccharide:

  • reduces the amount of cholesterol;
  • stabilizes the course of metabolic processes in the body;
  • improves the quality of general and intraorgan blood flow;
  • reduces the risks of developing diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • cleanses the human body of toxins, toxins, carcinogens and other harmful substances;
  • normalizes the functioning of the digestive tract;
  • activates the intestinal microflora;
  • improves the absorption of nutrients in the intestines;
  • reduces the likelihood of cancer.

Regular consumption of pectin will ensure you feel great!

Very often, the question of what pectin is and how it is useful is asked by the fair sex, who want to get rid of excess weight. The benefits of pectin for losing weight are enormous. It promotes the breakdown of fatty deposits, improves blood microcirculation in the subcutaneous fat, and normalizes digestion. How to take pectin for weight loss? The recommended daily dose of polysaccharide for those who are struggling with excess fat is from 15 to 35 g. In any case, before using pectin for weight loss, you should consult a specialist.

Potential harm to the body

Studying the question of the benefits and harms of pectin for the body, one should pay attention to the fact that the polysaccharide is not so harmless. The literature describes situations when the use of pectin can cause harm to health.
There are two options for which the harm of pectin is noticeable:

If you consume a lot of pectin, it can provoke:

  • activation of fermentation processes in the intestine;
  • violation of the act of defecation;
  • the development of flatulence;
  • decreased absorption of nutrients, trace elements, vitamins.

That is why it is worth considering the use of pectin and limiting its use in the form of dietary supplements in order to exclude the development of side effects.

Nowadays, there are a huge number of plants and products. They all have their own characteristics and useful substances. They also contain a rather interesting substance called E440, pectin in common people. It is essentially a soluble, food-grade fiber found in all fruits and vegetables. If you turn to history and origins, you can see the translation of this word itself. From the ancient Greek language, pectin is translated as solidified, solidified. And this is quite logical, since this is the functional feature of the substance. This feature is used in modern technologies. In this article we will talk about the benefits and harms of pectin.

The first time the substance was a polysaccharide was obtained during the isolation of fruit juice. The very famous scientist A. Brakonno was able to do all this. It was during his time that a large number of useful properties were revealed and the quality of pectin was described for the first time. At that time, no one knew what to call the resulting substance. Everyone called him "the orderly of the human body." And it’s not just that. The fact is that simple pectin is capable of absorbing a large amount of slag and debris, like a sponge. Due to this, all people can fully function and not experience problems. I would also like to note that back in the early 1920s, a large number of factories for the production of natural pectin from raw materials for the body were built.


The properties of the substance deserve special attention. The fact is that it is used not only in the food industry, but also in the medical field. Regular consumption of pectin allows you to get rid of dirt, aging and unnecessary substances. Many experts are sure that the polysaccharide has a positive effect on human health. The pectin substance has a wide range of uses. It is used like:

  • Simple stabilizer;
  • Clarifier;
  • Filtering agent;
  • Moisture retention agent;
  • Gel Former;
  • Thickener

Pectin is a plant substance that can stick together. Thanks to this, it has gained great popularity in the modern world. If we talk about industrial production, then only the E400 marking is found here. But don't be intimidated by these numbers. Now all additives have their own labels for ease of production.

Where is applied

I would also like to note that the polysaccharide itself is obtained from the cake of a plant product: apples, beets, citrus fruits, persimmons, sunflowers, and so on. In the food industry, pectin is used for the manufacture of the following consumer products:

  • Jam of various kinds;
  • Jam of any taste;
  • Turkish Delight;
  • Jelly;
  • Fruit jelly;
  • Marshmallow;
  • Mayonnaise;
  • Ketchup

Agree, you ate all the products presented. Also, pectin can be used in canning and in the medical field. And this is very cool. As for medicine, special capsules for pills are made here. The latter are very often prescribed to the patient to cleanse the body. If we talk about the cosmetic sphere, then face masks and creams are made here. Many will be surprised, but pectin is also used in cigarettes as a simple glue. That is, with the help of it, tobacco sheets are glued.

Beneficial features

Everything here is unambiguous and pretty clear. Numerous tests show that pectin has many beneficial properties. All of them have a very good effect on the human body as a whole. The following factors can be distinguished:

  • Reduces cholesterol levels;
  • Decreases sugar levels;
  • The risk of developing cancer is reduced.

If the pectin substance enters the human body, then this is very good. After all, it has a water-soluble shell, which very quickly removes cholesterol and prevents the formation of plaques. If the polysaccharide enters the intestines, then the function of glucose will be performed. This function is the basis for preventing the occurrence of blood diseases. From all this we can conclude that pectin is very useful for all people. It is recommended to consume about 36 grams daily. Of course, you can do more, but it's better not to risk it. The natural bleed-through of such a substance into the body is also recommended.

That is, through simple products. Doctors and experts say that the natural ingestion of pectin will have a very positive effect on the body. It can be used for diabetes and pregnancy, which is very good. If you use a dietary supplement, you will not get the results you want.
Also, everyone knows that a pharmacist named Hickey recommends eating apples in large quantities. After all, it is in them that there is natural fiber, which has a positive effect on a person. All sorts of tests have yielded results. Apples and citrus fruits contain about 1.6 percent polysaccharide. This is the largest percentage so far found. Other fruits and vegetables also have pectin, but less. The main sources of polysaccharide include:

  • Citrus fruit;
  • Vegetables;
  • Banana;
  • Pear;
  • Quince;
  • Persimmon;
  • Blueberry;
  • Pineapples;
  • Plums;
  • Fig

Where can you find pectin

If a person consumes pectin every day, it will have a good effect on the body. Of course, at a rate of 15 grams, it is very difficult. The fact is that when you eat 500 grams of fruit, you will receive only 5 grams of polysaccharide, which is very small. In this regard, there are now a large number of other ways to get the rate.
One of them is dietary supplements. It is prescribed for joint eating.

If you want to get exclusively natural pectin, then divide the fruit and vegetable base into several servings. About five servings per day. With this regime, you will receive your quota without any problems. It is worth remembering one feature. The less juice the fruit contains, the more pectin there is. Many experts say to drink juice only with pulp. The main benefits of a polysaccharide include:

  • Stabilizes metabolism;
  • Improves blood circulation;
  • Cleansing the body from dirt;
  • Reducing the risk of cancer;
  • The inclusion of intestinal microflora. \

Of course, this is all very good. But the most important thing is the benefits for losing weight. The fact is that the substance is very good at helping to get rid of excess weight and fat. In this regard, many girls and women consume food with pectin. There are also positive effects on health. Improves blood circulation and breakdown of fats. Do not exceed the dose, as this will negatively affect the general condition.

What is harmful

So we talked about all the advantages of the substance. Now you can move on to not the most interesting, but rather to harm. Like any substance, pectin has a negative effect on humans. If you exceed the dose, you will get an allergic reaction and an overdose. In this case, there are such factors:

  • Provocation of the fermentation process in the body;
  • Resists the absorption of harmful substances such as zinc, magnesium and iron;
  • Function of excretion of faeces is impaired;
  • There is severe flatulence with pain;
  • The digestibility of protein and fat decreases.

One conclusion can be drawn from all this. You need to use the substance very carefully so as not to get an overdose. After all, if you do not follow the norms, then you can destroy the body.

Calorie content

I also want to talk about the calorie content of the substance. This is very important for many people in our country.

And in conclusion, I would like to say that the use of a polysaccharide has a very positive effect on the state of the body. If you do not do this, you will not be able to remove dirt and waste from the intestines.