Experience with milk, dyes and detergent. Fun experiences for little fidgets

05.08.2019 Meat Dishes

Design and experimental activity in the senior group "Milk"

Kostenko Larisa Anatolyevna, senior educator.
Place of work: MKDOU "Podgorensky kindergarten No. 1"
Objective of the project: creating conditions for the development of experimental activities of children in interaction with the family.
Project objectives:
Help children learn that milk is found in many foods.
Build research skills.
Develop children's cognitive interest in research activities, the desire to learn new things.
To develop and improve the cognitive interest of the family in the process of experimenting, establishing a causal relationship, the ability to draw conclusions.
To develop the emotional-value attitude of preschoolers to the world around them together with their parents.
Involve parents in expanding children's ideas about the importance of milk for the body.
To foster the ability to work in a team, the desire to share information, to participate in joint experimental and experimental activities.

Project type: cognitive - research, mid-term.
Project participants: children of the older group; parents of pupils;
senior educator, educator of the group.
Relevance of the project. Milk is an indispensable and irreplaceable product for baby food. In terms of its chemical composition and biological properties, it occupies an exclusive place among the products of animal origin used in the nutrition of children of all age groups. But not all children enjoy drinking milk and eating dishes based on milk and dairy products (cereals, milk soups, cottage cheese casseroles, cheese, buttered sandwiches). Strengthening parent-child relationships in the process of experimental search activities, both in kindergarten and at home.
Problem. Preschool children do not understand the importance of milk and dairy products in the development of the body.
Motivation: Why does a person need milk?
Estimated results:
Children will learn that milk is found in many foods.
Research skills will be developed.
Children will have an interest in research activities, a desire to learn new things.
The cognitive interest of the family will develop and improve in the process of experimentation.
The emotional-value attitude of preschoolers to the world around them will develop together with their parents.
Involving parents in cognitive and research work will help children understand the importance of milk and dairy products in the development of the body.
The ability to work in a team, the desire to share information, to participate in joint experimental and experimental activities in kindergarten and at home is brought up.
Project stages
- Conducting a conversation with parents "Formation of experimental - research activity of preschoolers in joint activities with the family."
- Familiarization of parents with a corner of experimental activity in a group.
- Collecting information about milk together with parents.
- Selection of works of art about milk.
- Selection of experiments with milk.
- Collection of packages of dairy products for the exhibition.
- Excursion to the store "Department of Dairy Products".
- Carrying out GCD "The value of milk in human life."
- Experiments with milk: "Comparison of milk and water", "Mixing milk with other products", "Fermentation of milk", "Rainbow on milk".
- Decoration of an exhibition of handicrafts from packages of dairy products, made together with parents.
- Making models of a glass with tubes indicating the composition of milk: fats, proteins, carbohydrates and minerals.
- Competition of fairy tales about milk compiled at home together with parents.
- Registration of the project presentation.
Experimental Equipment: Experiments containers, milk, tea, coffee, instant cocoa, water, pictures, tables.
Excursion to the store "Department of Dairy Products"
"Milk is an amazing food prepared by nature itself."
Ivan Pavlov

Tasting of dairy products

Directly - educational activities
"The value of milk in human life"

Milk contains many useful vitamins and substances.
Drink fresh milk to clear up tooth decay.
To keep the bones strong, the head does not hurt.
The mood to be always cheerful.
Exhibition of packages and crafts from boxes of dairy products

Experience No. 1 "Comparison of milk and water"

Material: a glass of milk and water.

- What is the difference between milk and water?

Dip a teaspoon into a glass of water and milk.
- In which glass do we see the spoon?
Place a picture behind a glass of milk and water.
- Through which glass do we see the picture?
- Let's smell the milk and water. What can we say?

The water is clear, but the milk is not. Water is odorless, but milk is.
Experience No. 2 "Mixing milk with other products"
"An empty head does not reason: the more experience, the more it is capable of reasoning."
P. P. Blonsky

White water will be useful to all of us.
Do whatever you want from white water.

Material: a glass of milk, tea, coffee.
Research problem statement:
- Will the milk change color and taste?
Predicting the result and performing the experiment.
Pour tea and coffee into glasses with milk.
- What happens to the milk?
- Has the color, taste, smell changed?
Recording the results of the experiment and conclusion.
Mixing milk with other products changes color, smell, taste.
Experience No. 3 "Fermentation of milk"

Material: a glass of milk, a slice of rye bread.
Research problem statement:
- How to get kefir?
Predicting the result and performing the experiment.
Put a piece of rye bread in a glass of milk and leave it in a warm place for several hours. Let's see what happens to the milk?
Recording the results of the experiment and conclusion.
When you add rye bread to milk and leave it in a warm place for several hours, you get kefir.

Experience 4 "Getting yogurt"
Material: a glass of kefir, jam (any).
Research problem statement:
- What will we get if we add jam to kefir?
Predicting the result and performing the experiment.
Add jam to a glass of kefir and stir well. Let's taste what happened?
Recording the results of the experiment and conclusion.
When you add jam to kefir, we get yogurt.

There is nothing more useful in the world
than milk and a glass of kefir ...

Milk, milk!
We all love milk!
Milk is a wonderful product and, of course, healthy.
It is used to make cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt and kefir.

Milk is very useful
Both for adults and children.
Porridge, yogurt and sour cream
Eat with a large spoon.

To get yogurt,
It is necessary to put berries in kefir.
Then beat him up.
Now the yogurt is ready!

Experience 5 "Rainbow on milk"
Material: a glass of milk, a plate for experiment, paints (gouache) yellow, red, blue, detergent, cotton swab.
Research problem statement:
- How to get a rainbow on milk?
Predicting the result and performing the experiment.
Pour milk into a plate. Add red paint to the center of the plate, then blue and yellow. Dip a cotton swab into the detergent and dip it into the center of the plate with milk and paint.
Recording the results of the experiment and conclusion.
When the detergent is added, the paint spreads across the plate in the form of a rainbow.

Results of the implementation of experimental activities:
Project presentation.
The presentation of the project took place in the form of a thematic lesson, which was attended by the children of the group and the teachers of the kindergarten.
Positive results of the project.
During the project, children learned about the importance of milk and dairy products for the development of humans and other mammals. In the course of project activities, children have increased speech activity, the ability to compare according to various criteria, draw conclusions, and have an increased interest in learning about the world around them.
In the process of experimental activity, children:
Have instilled an interest in research skills.
Developed mental operations.
Stimulated cognitive activity, curiosity.
Enhanced perception of familiarity with natural phenomena.

Unfortunately, most of the students hate subjects such as physics and chemistry. They are difficult, especially if the teacher does not support his actions with interesting visual examples of chemical or physical reactions. Parents can help their children fall in love with difficult science, if from an early age they demonstrate at home, while simultaneously telling them about the amazing qualities of ordinary substances.

Chemistry experiments for children at home

Even in kindergarten, kids can be interested in such exciting activities. Do not forget that when showing entertaining experiments in chemistry for children, one should be extremely careful and observe strict safety measures. Although the substances used will not cause tangible harm to the participants in the process, nevertheless, from a young age, children should be told how to behave in such lessons. You can transfer the whole process to the street or to the kitchen, but in living quarters it is better not to experiment.

Carbon dioxide, or as it is also called - dry ice, is used not only to cool drinks and ice cream, but also for scientific experiments with curious why. These hard crystals, which need proper transportation and storage in special containers, can be purchased from specialized stores. The substance is often used in home experiments for children.

Experiments with starch for children

Do not be upset if there are no dry ice cubes at hand, because you can use what is in the kitchen cabinet of every housewife. For example, fun experiments for children at home can be done using potato starch:

  1. The simplest thing you can do with starch is to color it with iodine. To do this, dilute the starch in water and drop an antiseptic into it with a pipette. The liquid will turn blue.
  2. Experiments for children at home allow not only to interest the children, but also to replenish the piggy bank of their knowledge. This will require a potato and cucumber cut in half. You need to drop iodine in the middle of the pieces. In this case, the potatoes will turn blue, and the cucumber will have a brown speck due to the lack of starch in it.

Is it possible to use plain cow's milk somehow differently, and not for its intended purpose? Naturally, yes, and such an experiment will be very interesting for schoolchildren:

Physical experiments for children at home

Children can be interested not only in chemistry. Boring physics can be “revived” and interesting experiments for children at home will also be useful. Everything that the kid knows about, but cannot see with his own eyes, manage to observe in action with the help of simple and interesting tests. As with chemistry, the safety of children must be under the control of adults.

Experiments with air for children

There are various experiments with which you can understand how invisible air affects the surrounding objects:

  1. If you take two lemons, one of which is peeled from the skin, and put both in water, then the "naked" one will immediately drown. The one that remains "dressed" will stay on the surface thanks to the air, which is contained in large quantities in the skin of the fruit in the form of small bubbles.
  2. Interesting experiments with air for children should be as safe as one that uses only a balloon and a bottle. A ball is put on an empty plastic container and the bottom is lowered into a well warm one. When the air in the bottle heats up, the air will expand and inflate the ball.

Experiments with sound for children

Everyone hears the sound of the wind, but no one sees it, since sound is invisible. But there are interesting experiences for children that will allow them to experiment with it and learn a lot of new things. They can be carried out both with kids from kindergarten, as well as with schoolchildren of senior and junior grades. This does not require special equipment, because everything you need is in every home:

  1. A beautiful sound can be obtained with ordinary glasses. You need to take several different shapes and sizes and fill them with water. Then, with a wet finger, you need to drive along the rim, making different sounds.
  2. Experiments for children at home are easy. You need to take a plastic cup and cut it in half. After it is dipped in detergent. Then the ring must be brought to the music column. When the music is quiet, the film will vibrate finely, and when bass sounds, it will inflate.

Experiments with magnets for children

Polarity is a concept completely unknown to the baby. But if you show in practice how plus and minus work, then, perhaps, parents will be able to interest their child so much that a famous physicist will grow out of him. Such spectacular experiences for children can be used as additional activities:

  1. A handful of small nails or pins should be poured onto the table, and a powerful magnet should be placed under the countertop. Turning it, the carnations begin to "dance".
  2. If you take two magnets and bring them closer to each other, then in the case of different polarities, they will attract, and with the same polarity, they will repel.

Experiments with electricity for children

Each parent tells their child about the responsible use of electricity. But if this is not 220 volts, then such experiments with static electricity for children are completely harmless and even useful for development:

  1. Taking an inflated balloon, rub it with a woolen mitten, giving it a positive charge. Charged in this way, it will be able to attract to itself everything that has a negative charge - hair, poppy seeds, and so on.
  2. It will be interesting for little children to watch the dancing dolls. To do this, you need to cut out small paper figures and put them on any surface. Rub a plastic ruler or comb on a piece of wool and lower it over the scraps. Magnetizing, they begin to circle in a dance.

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We have a lot of things in our kitchen, with which you can make interesting experiments for children. Well, for myself, to be honest, to make a couple of discoveries from the category "as I did not notice it before."

site chose 9 experiments that will delight children and raise many new questions from them.

1. Lava lamp

Needed: Salt, water, a glass of vegetable oil, some food coloring, a large clear glass or glass jar.

An experience: Fill a glass 2/3 with water, pour vegetable oil into the water. The oil will float on the surface. Add food coloring to water and oil. Then slowly add 1 teaspoon of salt.

Explanation: Oil is lighter than water, so it floats on the surface, but salt is heavier than oil, so when you add salt to a glass, the oil begins to sink to the bottom along with the salt. When the salt breaks down, it releases the oil particles and they rise to the surface. The food coloring will help make the experience more visual and spectacular.

2. Personal rainbow

Needed: A container filled with water (bath, basin), flashlight, mirror, sheet of white paper.

An experience: Pour water into the container and put a mirror on the bottom. We direct the light of the flashlight to the mirror. The reflected light needs to be caught on paper, on which a rainbow should appear.

Explanation: A light beam consists of several colors; when it passes through the water, it decomposes into its component parts - in the form of a rainbow.

3. Volcano

Needed: Tray, sand, plastic bottle, food coloring, soda, vinegar.

An experience: A small volcano should be molded around a small plastic bottle made of clay or sand - for an entourage. To cause an eruption, pour two tablespoons of baking soda into the bottle, pour in a quarter cup of warm water, add a little food coloring, and at the end pour in a quarter cup of vinegar.

Explanation: When baking soda and vinegar come into contact, a violent reaction begins, releasing water, salt and carbon dioxide. Gas bubbles and push the contents out.

4. Grow crystals

Needed: Salt, water, wire.

An experience: To get crystals, you need to prepare a supersaturated salt solution - one in which the salt does not dissolve when a new portion is added. In this case, you need to keep the solution warm. For the process to go better, it is desirable that the water is distilled. When the solution is ready, it must be poured into a new container to get rid of the debris that is always in the salt. Next, a wire with a small loop at the end can be lowered into the solution. Place the jar in a warm place to cool the liquid more slowly. In a few days, beautiful salt crystals will grow on the wire. If you get the hang of it, you can grow fairly large crystals or patterned crafts on twisted wire.

Explanation: As the water cools, the solubility of the salt decreases, and it begins to precipitate and settle on the walls of the vessel and on your wire.

5. Dancing coin

Needed: A bottle, a coin that can be used to cover the neck of a bottle, water.

An experience: An empty, unclosed bottle should be placed in the freezer for a few minutes. Moisten a coin with water and cover the bottle you removed from the freezer with it. After a few seconds, the coin will begin to jump and, hitting the neck of the bottle, make sounds like clicks.

Explanation: The coin is lifted by air, which has shrunk in the freezer and took up a smaller volume, and now has warmed up and began to expand.

6. Colored milk

Needed: Whole milk, food coloring, liquid detergent, cotton swabs, plate.

An experience: Pour milk into a plate, add a few drops of color. Then you need to take a cotton swab, dip it in the detergent and touch the stick to the very center of the plate of milk. The milk will begin to move and the colors will mix.

Explanation: The detergent reacts with the fat molecules in the milk and makes them move. This is why skim milk is not suitable for the experience.

7. Fireproof bill

Needed: Ten-ruble bill, tongs, matches or lighter, salt, 50% alcohol solution (1/2 part alcohol to 1/2 part water).

An experience: Add a pinch of salt to the alcohol solution, immerse the bill in the solution so that it is completely saturated. Remove the bill from the solution with tongs and let the excess liquid drain. Set fire to a bill and watch it burn without burning.

Explanation: The combustion of ethyl alcohol produces water, carbon dioxide and heat (energy). When you light a bill, alcohol burns. The temperature at which it burns is not enough to evaporate the water that is soaked in the paper bill. As a result, all the alcohol burns out, the flame goes out, and a slightly damp dozen remains intact.

9. Camera obscura

You will need:

Long exposure camera (up to 30 s);

A large sheet of thick cardboard;

Masking tape (for pasting cardboard);

A room with a view of anything;

Sunny day.

1. We glue the window with cardboard so that the light does not come from the street.

2. In the center we make an even hole (for a room with a depth of 3 meters, the hole should be about 7-8 mm).

3. When the eyes get used to the darkness, an upside-down street will appear on the walls of the room! The effect will be most visible on a bright sunny day.

4. Now the result can be shot with a camera at a long exposure. A shutter speed of 10-30 seconds will do.

All things in the world consist of molecules (we will not talk about other tiny particles for now). There are various connections between them. If they are violated, interesting reactions can occur, sometimes very bright and effective. We will tell you about this case today. And the kid will become the star of any children's holiday if he learns to make this beautiful chemical experiment.

For an experiment for children at home, you will need: whole milk (required!), Food coloring of different colors, any liquid detergent, cotton swabs, a dropper, a plate. And, of course, a camera to capture the colorful masterpiece.

The children are gathered, we begin the experiment:

1. We dilute dyes - red, green, blue, yellow - in small jars. Pour milk into a plate. It should be at room temperature. So if milk was in the refrigerator, it must be set in advance.

2. We collect each dye with a pipette, carefully drop it into the center, on the surface of the milk. We must strive to ensure that the droplet is small, like a dot. It turns out four points.

3. Then we take a cotton swab, dip it in the detergent, touch it to the center of the plate with milk and hold it there for literally 10-15 seconds. No need to stir. We remove the stick.

4. And then a miracle will happen! The milk will start to move by itself, and the colors will mix. A real fireworks or a storm of flowers in a plate! Taking a photo for memory. If you want, you can experiment further by adding more dye and painting with sticks.

Explaining the experience for children

In addition to water, milk consists of different types of molecules: fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Proteins and fat are very sensitive to changes in solution, in this case milk. The secret of this trick lies precisely in the droplet of detergent, which weakens the chemical bonds that hold fats and proteins in solution and reduces the surface tension in milk. A violent chemical reaction takes place, which we can observe thanks to food coloring. As soon as the detergent is evenly mixed with the milk (partially dissolved, partially attached to the fat molecules), the reaction subsides and stops.

Educator: Biryukova M.M.

Target: creation of favorable conditions for the use of various types of activities, their integration in order to increase efficiency in the cognitive and research process. In the process of children's experimentation, satisfy the children's need for knowledge, independence, joy.



to form ideas in children about the benefits of milk and dairy products for the human body;

teach children to be mindful of their diet.


to teach children to conduct elementary and accessible experiments, build hypotheses, look for answers to questions and make simple conclusions, analyzing the result of experimental activity;

develop cognitive interest in children in the process of organizing elementary research , experiments , observations and experiments, the desire to share information, participate in joint experimental and experimental activities, the desire to learn new things;

develop the spoken language of children, expand vocabulary.


to bring up in children a healthy lifestyle, the ability to work in a team, kindness, caring attitude towards each other.

Activities: cognitive, research.

Forms of organization: group, individual

child experimentation


white sheets of paper where children will write letters;

brushes for writing letters;

plastic cups,

lemon acid,

cotton buds,

liquid soap,

Coca Cola,

food colorings;

a set of dummies of dairy products,

multimedia equipment,

presentation on the topic of the lesson

Preliminary work:

conducting an experiment with milk and Coca-Cola;

experiment with milk if left in the refrigerator and in a warm place;

reading poems about milk, solving riddles about dairy products.


Introductory part.

I will guess riddles

So sophisticated!

Who will guess the riddles

Goes to the laboratory.

And in a laboratory, not easy, but scientific.

Are you ready for the challenge? Shall we solve riddles?

You not only need to guess the riddles, but also find the answer at our product exhibition.

White water,
It will come in handy for all of us.
From white water,
Do whatever you want:
Cream, curdled milk,
Butter in our porridge,
Curd for a pie,
Eat, Vanyushka, friend!

Very fond of children
Chill in the package.
Chill, chill
Let me lick you once!
Ice cream

Guess who she is
Snow-white, thick?
Whipped cream early in the morning,
So that we have ... Sour cream

What are these white grains?
Not grain or snowflakes.
Sour milk - and on time,
We got ...

It is made of milk
But his sides are firm.
There are so many different holes in it.
Have you guessed? It...

We will spread it on bread,
And add to different cereals.
Porridge will not be spoiled for sure
White-yellow pieces.

What good fellows you are! Quickly coped with the task !! Found all the answers right!

Maybe someone guessed and understood what we are going to talk about today? (About milk and dairy products)

What dairy products have we not mentioned yet? (Kefir, yogurt, yogurt, condensed milk, fermented baked milk, snowball, ... ..)

What kind of milk dishes do the chefs prepare for you in the kindergarten? (Milk soups, cereals, cottage cheese casseroles, coffee drink, milk tea, lazy dumplings ...)

Main part.

Well done, guys, they guessed all the riddles, answered difficult questions.

And now, guys, I'll tell you about the benefits of milk.

Mother Nature gave us milk. Nature is arranged so that newborn children and animals know how and love to drink milk. (Slide 1 The baby drinks breast milk, kittens drink milk).

From early childhood, mothers begin to give their children different dairy products: cottage cheese, cream, kefir, sour cream, yogurt, cheese, butter ... (Slide 2 Photo with dairy products).

Where does milk come from? Who gives it to us? (Cows)

Adults and children know

And it is known to the whole planet

No healthier in the morning -

Drink a cup of milk!

To keep everyone healthy

A cow gives it to us!

Who else? (Goats ...)

It's no secret that cows and goats give us milk. What is the name of cow's milk? (Cow) Goat? (Goat)

There are other animals in the world that give milk. Do you know these animals? (Slide 3)

For example, a horse. Horse milk is used to produce a very healthy drink called koumiss. (Slide 3).

Camel milk - sweet, healthy; residents of Asian regions appreciate and love him very much. (Slide 4).

And where it is always cold and there are problems with the delivery of fresh cow's milk, deer help people out. The northerners learned to make cheese, curd products, butter from reindeer milk. (Slide 4).

Milk occupies a special place in baby food. Casserole, milk soup, porridge with butter, dumplings, pancakes, condensed milk with pancakes made with milk, and everyone's favorite ice cream - all these children eat with pleasure. (Slide 5).

The most important component of milk is protein. If a person does not consume protein for a long time, then this will have a bad effect on his health. Milk contains vitamins, minerals and other useful substances. (Slide 6).

Do not forget, children, about milk. Eat dairy products every day. The most valuable thing a person has is his health.

Children drink milk - you will be healthy! (Slide 7).


We are tired, stayed too long

We wanted to warm up. (One hand up, the other down, jerkily change

Then they looked at the wall,

Then they looked out the window.

Right, left turn,

And then vice versa. (Turns the body.)

We start squats,

Bend the legs to the end.

Up and down, up and down

Do not rush to squat! (Squats.)

And sat down for the last time

And now they sat down on the chair. (The children sit down.)

I invite all of you to the laboratory of miracles! In it we will gain knowledge, we will be friendly with milk!

Miracles with milk.


How many knows how to write a secret letter or secret message?

Do you want to learn?

With the help of what do we write letters, draw? (Pen, pencil, paper ...)

In the past, invisible ink was used. Under certain conditions, they became visible (Heating, lighting)

Maybe someone guessed what kind of invisible ink we have? (Milk)

Want to write a secret message? Take leaves, cotton swabs or brushes and use milk to draw what you want, and I want to draw my heart, how I love you all.

Now we need our milk to dry and become invisible. At the end of the lesson, we will find out what secret messages you have drawn.

EXPERIENCE 2. What is healthier than COCA-COLA or milk?

To clearly see what we drink, and to conclude that milk or Coca-Cola is healthier, we decided to mix cola with milk. And here's what we got.

What do I have? (Milk and Coca Cola)

What did we do yesterday? (They got mixed up)

What did we do?



In some factories, milk is diluted with water and starch is added to thicken it. In this case, milk loses its beneficial properties.

And what needs to be done for this?

To do this, add iodine to our milk.

What's up with the milk?





There is an expression "MILK Escaped" Does milk have legs? (No)

Why do they say that?

Milk "runs away" during boiling, it rises upward, and if the pan with milk is not removed from the stove in time, then some of the milk will simply run out of it.

Do you want to see how milk "runs"? We have no stove, no fire, no saucepan to boil milk.

But, we have a scientific laboratory of miracles.

Our experience will require citric acid, soda, and milk.

Let's add soda to the milk, what's going on? Now let's add citric acid.

See what's going on with milk? (It foams, boils)



Do you guys like to draw? What are you painting on? (On leaves, in albums, on snow, sand, on asphalt ...)

What do you usually paint with? (Paints, pencils, felt-tip pens, stick, crayons ...)

Did any of you paint on milk? (No)

Want to try?

There is milk on the tables in plates. Add a few drops of green, red, blue paint to it (with an eyedropper, brush or cotton swab).

Take another cotton swab and dip it in liquid soap. With a stick dipped in dishwashing liquid, touch the milk for literally 10 seconds. Just touching!

And then the most interesting thing begins - magic colors begin to "dance", scattering from a cotton swab. From a magic cotton swab and from a color explosion in milk. When we remove the stick, the paints continue to "dance" and move. The milk starts to move and the paint mixes. A real fireworks in a plate!

Conclusion: We see an explosion of colors. Liquid soap reacts with milk and makes the dyes move, it repels the fat that combines in the milk. This is why skim milk is not suitable for the experience.

See what I have? (Cloth and iron)

What need to do? (Iron our letter)


What did I write to you in my letter?



Who wants to try with their parents, show what miracles we did today?

What product were we talking about today?

What conclusion can you make about him?

Children drink milk - you will be healthy!

Surprise moment: screening of the cartoon "Smeshariki-Milk bet"



Open synopsis


and a research lesson in the middle group

"Laboratory of miracles"

on this topic: " MILK. DAIRY PRODUCTS»

Educator: Biryukova M.M.

Target: creation of favorable conditions for the use of various types of activities, their integration in order to increase efficiency in the cognitive and research process. In the process of children's experimentation, satisfy the children's need for knowledge, independence, joy.



to form ideas in children about the benefits of milk and dairy products for the human body;

teach children to be mindful of their diet.


educate children conduct elementary and accessible experiments, build hypotheses, look for answers to questions and make the simplest conclusions, analyzing the result of experimental activity;

develop cognitive interest in children in the process of organizing elementary research, experiments, observations and experiments, the desire to share information, participate in joint experimental and experimental activities, the desire to learn new things;

develop the spoken language of children, expand vocabulary.


to bring up in children a healthy lifestyle, the ability to work in a team, kindness, caring attitude towards each other.

Activities:cognitive, research.

Forms of organization:group, individual

Forms of implementation of children's activities:child experimentation


white sheets of paper where children will write letters;

brushes for writing letters;

plastic cups,


lemon acid,


cotton buds,




liquid soap,

Coca Cola,


food colorings;

a set of dummies of dairy products,

multimedia equipment,

presentation on the topic of the lesson

Preliminary work:

conducting an experiment with milk and Coca-Cola;

experiment with milk if left in the refrigerator and in a warm place;

reading poems about milk, solving riddles about dairy products.


Introductory part.

I will guess riddles

So sophisticated!

Who will guess the riddles

Goes to the laboratory.

And in a laboratory, not easy, but scientific.

Are you ready for the challenge? Shall we solve riddles?

You not only need to guess the riddles, but also find the answer at our product exhibition.

White water,
It will come in handy for all of us.
From white water,
Do whatever you want:
Cream, curdled milk,
Butter in our porridge,
Curd for a pie,
Eat, Vanyushka, friend!

Very fond of children
Chill in the package.
Chill, chill
Let me lick you once!
Ice cream

Guess who she is
Snow-white, thick?
Whipped cream early in the morning,
So that we have ... Sour cream

What are these white grains?
Not grain or snowflakes.
Sour milk - and on time,
We got ...

It is made of milk
But his sides are firm.
There are so many different holes in it.
Have you guessed? It...

We will spread it on bread,
And add to different cereals.
Porridge will not be spoiled for sure
White-yellow pieces.

Children find and show dairy products that are on display at the dairy exhibition.

What good fellows you are! Quickly coped with the task !! Found all the answers right!

Maybe someone guessed and understood what we are going to talk about today? (About milk and dairy products)

What dairy products have we not mentioned yet? (Kefir, yogurt, yogurt, condensed milk, fermented baked milk, snowball, ... ..)

What kind of milk dishes do the chefs prepare for you in the kindergarten? (Milk soups, cereals, cottage cheese casseroles, coffee drink, milk tea, lazy dumplings ...)

Main part.

Well done, guys, they guessed all the riddles, answered difficult questions.

And now, guys, I'll tell you about the benefits of milk.

Educator's story and talk about the benefits of milk. Show presentation.

Mother Nature gave us milk. Nature is arranged so that newborn children and animals know how and love to drink milk. (Slide 1 The baby drinks breast milk, kittens drink milk).

From early childhood, mothers begin to give their children different dairy products: cottage cheese, cream, kefir, sour cream, yogurt, cheese, butter ... (Slide 2 Photo with dairy products).

Where does milk come from? Who gives it to us? (Cows)

Adults and children know

And it is known to the whole planet

No healthier in the morning -

Drink a cup of milk!

To keep everyone healthy

A cow gives it to us!

Who else? (Goats ...)

It's no secret that cows and goats give us milk. What is the name of cow's milk? (Cow) Goat? (Goat)

There are other animals in the world that give milk. Do you know these animals? (Slide 3)

For example, a horse. Horse milk is used to produce a very healthy drink called koumiss. (Slide 3).

Camel milk - sweet, healthy; residents of Asian regions appreciate and love him very much. (Slide 4).

And where it is always cold and there are problems with the delivery of fresh cow's milk, deer help people out. The northerners learned to make cheese, curd products, butter from reindeer milk. (Slide 4).

Milk occupies a special place in baby food. Casserole, milk soup, porridge with butter, dumplings, pancakes, condensed milk with pancakes made with milk, and everyone's favorite ice cream - all these children eat with pleasure. (Slide 5).

The most important component of milk is protein. If a person does not consume protein for a long time, then this will have a bad effect on his health. Milk contains vitamins, minerals and other useful substances. (Slide 6).

Do not forget, children, about milk. Eat dairy products every day. The most valuable thing a person has is his health.

Children drink milk - you will be healthy! (Slide 7).


We are tired, stayed too long

We wanted to warm up. (One hand up, the other down, jerkily change


Then they looked at the wall,

Then they looked out the window.

Right, left turn,

And then vice versa. (Turns the body.)

We start squats,

Bend the legs to the end.

Up and down, up and down

Do not rush to squat! (Squats.)

And sat down for the last time

And now they sat down on the chair. (The children sit down.)

Experiments. Experiments. Research.

I invite all of you to the laboratory of miracles! In it we will gain knowledge, we will be friendly with milk!

Miracles with milk.


How many knows how to write a secret letter or secret message?

Do you want to learn?

With the help of what do we write letters, draw? (Pen, pencil, paper ...)

In the past, invisible ink was used. Under certain conditions, they became visible (Heating, lighting)

Maybe someone guessed what kind of invisible ink we have? (Milk)

Want to write a secret message? Take leaves, cotton swabs or brushes and use milk to draw what you want, and I want to draw my heart, how I love you all.

Now we need our milk to dry and become invisible. At the end of the lesson, we will find out what secret messages you have drawn.

EXPERIENCE 2. What is healthier than COCA-COLA or milk?

To clearly see what we drink, and to conclude that milk or Coca-Cola is healthier, we decided to mix cola with milk. And here's what we got.

What do I have? (Milk and Coca Cola)

What did we do yesterday? (They got mixed up)

What did we do?



In some factories, milk is diluted with water and starch is added to thicken it. In this case, milk loses its beneficial properties.

And what needs to be done for this?

To do this, add iodine to our milk.

What's up with the milk?





There is an expression "MILK Escaped" Does milk have legs? (No)

Why do they say that?

Milk "runs away" during boiling, it rises upward, and if the pan with milk is not removed from the stove in time, then some of the milk will simply run out of it.

Do you want to see how milk "runs"? We have no stove, no fire, no saucepan to boil milk.

But, we have a scientific laboratory of miracles.

Our experience will require citric acid, soda, and milk.

Let's add soda to the milk, what's going on? Now let's add citric acid.

See what's going on with milk? (It foams, boils)



Do you guys like to draw? What are you painting on? (On leaves, in albums, on snow, sand, on asphalt ...)

What do you usually paint with? (Paints, pencils, felt-tip pens, stick, crayons ...)

Did any of you paint on milk? (No)

Want to try?

There is milk on the tables in plates. Add a few drops of green, red, blue paint to it (with an eyedropper, brush or cotton swab).

Take another cotton swab and dip it in liquid soap. With a stick dipped in dishwashing liquid, touch the milk for literally 10 seconds. Just touching!

And then the most interesting thing begins - magic colors begin to "dance", scattering from a cotton swab. From a magic cotton swab and from a color explosion in milk. When we remove the stick, the paints continue to "dance" and move. The milk starts to move and the paint mixes. A real fireworks in a plate!

Output: We see an explosion of colors. Liquid soap reacts with milk and makes the dyes move, it repels the fat that combines in the milk. This is why skim milk is not suitable for the experience.

Well, has anyone figured out how to read a secret letter? What did I write to you?

See what I have? (Cloth and iron)

What need to do? (Iron our letter)


What did I write to you in my letter?




Who wants to try with their parents, show what miracles we did today?

What product were we talking about today?

What conclusion can you make about him?

Children drink milk - you will be healthy!

Surprise moment:screening of the cartoon "Smeshariki-Milk bet"