“Making bakery products from salted dough. Master class with parents "aunt bread grain"

07.09.2019 Healthy eating

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"Academic Success"


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Applied creativity

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Number 28.01.2015

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Lesson topic: Making baked goods from salted dough

Students age: 2nd grade

Form of carrying out: story, conversation, practical work

Lesson objectives:

1. Educational: to broaden the horizons of students on the history of molding baked goods from salted dough, to acquaint students with modern materials, tools and devices for making products from salted dough.

2... Developing: develop visual-figurative thinking in students; develop hand motor skills, cognitive interest.

3. Educational: foster a respectful attitude towards bread and people of labor, contribute to the education of aesthetic taste, increase interest in folk applied art, and improve communication skills.

Planned results of education:


    know the history of the use of grain crops on the territory of the region, be able to measure and cut the dough according to the given dimensions, hold the dough during work;

    to expand the knowledge of students about the different types of baked goods and about the methods of baking bread;


    respectful attitude to bread, to human labor.

Metasubject (criteria for the formation / assessment of UUD components):


    goal setting, planning, correction of their actions, control.


    search for information using the resources of libraries and the Internet;

    use reference books, dictionaries, encyclopedias.


    listen and understand others, cooperate with the teacher and children, mutually control each other.

Teaching methods- explanatory and illustrative, reproductive, partially exploratory, conversation, independent work.

Lesson type- combined.

Visual-illustrated material: samples with handicrafts from salt dough, technological sequence of making dough, video.

During the classes.

I... Organizing time.

1. Greetings, attendance control.

All stood at the desks beautifully,

They greeted politely,

They looked at each other,

They smiled and sat down quietly.

2. Checking the readiness of students for the lesson.

II... Learning new material.

-Guess the riddle:

Soft, lush and fragrant

He is black, he is white,

And sometimes it is burnt.

Bad lunch without him

There is no tastier it in the world. (Bread.)

And who knows the proverbs, sayings about bread?

Proverbs and sayings:

Bread is the head of everything.

If there is bread, then there will be lunch.

Who is happy to work

He will be rich in bread


We eat bread every day.

And what is it made of? (from flour)

And what is the flour made of? (from grain)

Where does the grain come from? (grown)

What crops do you know? (rye, wheat, barley, oats, corn)

Showing illustrations showing how bread is grown.

Do we grow grain crops in the Ulyanovsk region? (Yes)

That's right guys. Since our surface is flat, it is convenient for growing grain and other crops.

You were asked to find information on how bread was made in the past.

Pupils' speech:

1) The village of Staraya Maina used to be called the village of Kupecheskoye. And wealthy peasants and merchants lived there. There were several mills in this village. The peasants baked bread and then sold it in the shops. And since we have the Volga River, they traded in bread on the pier, where merchants from other cities came.

2) In our city there was a place of trade in bread and grain products, and it was called "Khlebnaya Ploshchad".

On August 13, 1864, a terrible fire began in Simbirsk, which lasted 9 days. Streams of fire in strong winds quickly destroyed one block after another. Simbirsk burned down almost completely, only one fourth of the city survived near the Sviyaga River.

The inhabitants of our city then had a very difficult time.

But it was even more difficult for the inhabitants of Leningrad.

What is the name of this city now? (St. Petersburg)

3) This year, January 27, marks 71 years since the blockade of Leningrad was lifted. It lasted 872 long days and claimed the lives of one and a half million people. During these most difficult days for the city, 400 thousand children were surrounded together with adults.

Then bread was worth its weight in gold.

The most difficult winter was 1941. Bread rates have been steadily declining and reached their minimum in November. Workers received 250 grams, employees, dependents and children - 125 grams of bread. And this bread was very different from the present one. Only half of it consisted of flour, which was sorely lacking then. Oil cake, cellulose, wallpaper glue were added to it.

- How should you relate to bread? (Carefully)

Watching the film "Where did the bread come from?"

III... Fizminutka

Look, winter has come!

There was a lot of snow.

Well, hurry up and run after me

Play snowballs and ... wait!

In Russia, there was a rite to greet dear guests with bread and salt. And in our time, they greet the bride and groom with bread and salt. (Show of loaf of bread)

We will eat it at recess when you wash your hands.

Guys, what are we going to do in class today? (sculpt bread)

And from what? (from salted dough)

How does is called? (layout - small copy)

Verbal and illustrative story.

Teacher: Today we will get acquainted with the techniques of working with salted dough, we will learn how to make bakery products. The motto of our lesson will be the proverb: "Work for hands - a holiday for the soul!"

Salted dough crafts are a very ancient tradition. Once upon a time, in the hoary antiquity, people began to sculpt bread cakes from flour and water and burn them on hot stones

Salted dough has become a very popular creative material in recent years.

And they began to call it - dough plastic.

Organization of the workplace

The room allocated for classes must meet sanitary and hygienic requirements:

Should be dry, light, warm;

With natural air access;

Well-adjusted ventilation

The distance from the eyes to the work should be 35-40 cm;

You need to sit straight, touching the back of the chair with the body;

Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water before and after work.

Safety briefing

When working with cutting piercing objects, be careful, store them in a specially designated place. Put the scissors on the right, the blades should be closed, rings towards you. Pass the scissors rings forward.

When drying, if an oven is used, check its serviceability, turn on and off the oven only with dry hands, observe the temperature regime.

Materials and tools

1. Flour. Wheat and rye flour is used to prepare the salted dough. But in the dough from rye flour, more pores are formed, it is more difficult to dry, in molding it is harder.

2.Salt. Excessive salt can make the dough brittle and brittle, leading to cracks in the product. Any salt can be used. But finely ground "Extra" salt is best suited.

3. Water. Cold water is used to knead the dough.

4. Gouache or watercolors.

5. Rolling pin for rolling out the dough

6. Wooden stack.

7. Scissors.

IV.Practical work.

The teacher invites the children to think and choose which bakery products they will sculpt. Remind me of the various sculpting techniques. If the children decided to sculpt

    Cake, then the teacher explains to the children that you need to roll a thick cake and cut ¼ part out of it, as if you cut yourself a piece of cake. The top of the cake can be decorated with a cherry or a candle molded from salted dough.

    In order to sculpt bread, roll up a ball, form a brick out of it, resembling a loaf of bread.

    We make bread straws by rolling out the dough with straight hand movements.

    Bagels and bagels, roll out the dough and roll the stick into a ring (connect the ends). Pretzels, roll out the dough with straight palms and roll the sausage in different ways.

    Roll out cookies, gingerbread in a circular motion, and flatten the ball.

(Doing work by children)


    Kneading the dough.

Dough recipe: 2 parts flour (200g.); 1 part fine salt (200 g); 3/4 part water (about 125 ml) water. When preparing the dough, it must be kneaded well so that it becomes elastic. The elasticity of the dough can be achieved by adding 1-2 teaspoons of vegetable oil while kneading. The dough can be hard or soft, depending on the amount of water and flour. If the dough crumbles during kneading, add a little water; if it sticks to your hands, add flour.

Drying of products

There are several ways to dry:

    Air drying

Products are air-dried; 1 day of drying is required per 1 mm of product thickness. The product, ready to dry, is placed in a sunlit place. If there is not enough sunlight, the volumetric product is deformed. Air drying is time consuming and does not require energy costs.

2. Drying in the oven

Drying time in the oven electric stoves on a baking sheet 1 hour for every 1/2 cm thick at a temperature of 75C.

Dyed dough products should be dried at a low temperature no more than

50C, otherwise their color will change.

In order to determine whether the product is completely dry, you need to take it from the baking sheet, put it on a kitchen oven mitt and tap on the back of the product. If the sound is resonant, then the product is dry. If the sound is muffled, it means that the model is damp inside and needs to be left in the oven for a while.

Coloring products

Before painting, you need to make sure that the product is well dried. Finished products are painted with gouache or watercolors

Salty dough can be obtained in color if you add an aqueous solution of gouache or food paints while kneading.

V... Reflection in order to consolidate the newly acquired knowledge and information

Teacher : The purpose of our lesson: to get acquainted with the history and technology of making baked goods from salted dough. And now we will find out how interesting the content of our lesson was to you and what you remember from it. Please answer a few questions:

What new have you learned in the lesson?

What did you learn in the lesson?

How to organize your workplace correctly?

What safety rules must be followed when working with salted dough?

What is the recipe for making salty dough?

What methods of drying salt dough figurines are used?

What paints are used for coloring salt dough products?

Did you enjoy working?

VI... Lesson summary

The teacher evaluates the work of the students.

List of used literature:

1. Belova A.A. "Tasty tale of dough", publishing house "EKSMO" 2007

2. Barylkina LP, SE Sokolova Technology: lecture notes, elective courses, publishing house "5 for knowledge" 2005.

decorate fashionable interiors of apartments and shops, handmade bijouterie complements the collections of fashion designers' suits, gifts, hand-made toys are very popular among adults and young people

I want to tell about

salted dough products,

which today occupy their niche among handicrafts

Salted dough modeling gives a lot of fantasy, and products made from it, at times, amaze with their beauty and grace

This kind of creativity brings pleasure and joy, like any other.

Many people think: well, think, some kind of salty dough - all these are crafts (meaning the childishness of the product).

But, only those who do not know that

Since ancient times, people have sculpted from salty dough, not only in Russia, but in all European countries, it was customary to give wreaths, dolls or other charms from salted dough.

Why exactly from the test?

It's very simple - salty dough is an amazingly energetically capacious material.

Anyone who has ever sculpted figurines from salt dough or received such a gift has felt this positive effect on himself.

Salty dough, like clay, has amazing energy, but if clay, as it were, draws out all the negative, salty dough, on the contrary, gives positive energy - good and warmth with this material is very pleasant to work with.

If you liked the idea of ​​interesting creativity that you can create together with your child, then by all means remember and try the following recipe in practice:

Salty dough recipe

1 cup flour
1 glass of salt
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
1/2 glass of water
The process of making salt dough is incredibly simple. Pour a glass of salt into a deep bowl (or any other convenient container) and fill it with half a glass of hot water.
Next, we stir salt with water and pour a glass of flour. Stir the salted dough until smooth. For convenience, you can use a mixer.

Add one or two tablespoons of vegetable oil, dry wallpaper glue or a spoonful of hand cream to the salted dough.

Mix everything in a bowl vigorously with your hands, if the dough is too sticky to your hands, add a little flour mixed with salt.

Put the resulting mass of salted dough in a plastic bag and place in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. After that, you can sculpt from the salted dough. If after modeling you still have dough left, store it in the refrigerator in a plastic bag.

The dough is ready, now you can mold all kinds of figures from it. We spread the finished crafts on a baking sheet and put in a cold oven, where we keep on low heat (80%) for about an hour or a little more if the figures did not have time to finally harden. Once dry, the figures can be painted and varnished.

Tips for working with salt dough:

1. Keep the container with salted dough closed, because if left open in the air, salty dough dries very quickly.
2. To prevent the dough from sticking to your hands, you need to add a little flour to it.
3. To prevent the dough from scattering, you need to pour a little water into it.
4. Unused dough should be stored in the refrigerator - it will stay there for one or two days.
5. Spices such as cumin, pepper, curry, nutmeg, cinnamon, etc. can be added to give the dough a pleasant smell and color.
6. In order to check whether the figures have dried well, tap them with your finger. If the sound is ringing, the dough is dry, and if it is deaf, then it is not yet.
7. After the oven, the dough figurines can be painted with gouache and then varnished.
8.If cracks appear on the figure after drying, dilute a little PVA glue, mix well and apply this mass to the crack, rubbing it.

Methods for coloring salt dough

You can tint salted dough with food colors, watercolors or gouache. You can also dye when preparing the dough, introducing a dye during kneading, and the finished product itself - on the surface.

An excellent chocolate color is obtained with the addition of cocoa. You can experiment with other natural dyes - soot, beet juice, carrot juice, ocher, etc. You can brown the product made of salted dough in the oven for a natural color.

When touching up, it must be borne in mind that after drying, the color will become less saturated, but if you cover the craft with varnish, it will become brighter again. What kind of varnish can I use? Acrylic and art are very good. It is also possible to apply the usual water-based construction for breathable surfaces i.e. for parquet or wood.

Features and methods of making salty dough:

There are a few things you shouldn't do with salted dough. So, for example, you cannot add pancake flour (or flour with any other with additives) to the salted dough, since the figurines will rise when dry like a good dough for pies and crack.

Also, you can not add iodized salt, large inclusions do not dissolve, subsequently the dough is not homogeneous - into a grain. Likewise, rock salt cannot be added without first dissolving.

About the water. So, in the dough it is best to use very cold water; be sure to add in parts of 50 ml after each addition, knead (due to the fact that for different flours, you may need a different amount of water).

Salt is first mixed with flour, and only then water is poured into the finished mass.

Salted dough is stored in a plastic bag or tightly closed container. It is better to take out salted dough from a plastic bag in small pieces, since the lumps of dough quickly become crusty and when rolling or sculpting, these dry crusts spoil the look.

And one more thing, if the figures are thick (more than 7 mm), then after the first stage, you need to remove the excess dough from the back side

The dough may be too soft. Then proceed as follows: Mix a tablespoon of flour with a tablespoon of salt at the bottom of a bowl. Press a lump of dough onto this mixture and then crush it. Do this until the dough is thicker.

You can sculpt or cut the figures right on the baking sheet. The baking sheet must first be moistened with water, in which case bubbles do not form between the product and the surface of the baking sheet, therefore, the surface of the product will be even and stable.

Everything that falls off is just wonderful and the main thing is not noticeably glued with PVA glue.

Swelling or crackling of salt dough crafts occurs in three cases:

  1. If the flour is incorrectly selected. For greater strength, you can add rye flour to the dough (the color will be warmer and crackles should not be) (for example, a glass of ordinary + a glass of rye, 1 to 1), 50 gr. starch - also give the dough elasticity and prevent cracking. You can also add PVA glue, since it also gives plasticity and does not allow the dough to rise.
  2. If drying has not been done correctly (see next section)
  3. If cracking occurs after painting, this means that the product is not completely dry (the product continues to dry and the air needs to go somewhere), therefore, the surface of the paint or varnish cracks. Take your time to paint or varnish the product, so that later you do not regret it and do not redo it.

Frequently asked question: how to dry salted dough?

It is best to air dry in natural conditions, but it takes a long time (complete drying can take a week or more - especially if the humidity is high during drying - since the salt pulls moisture), so you can dry in the oven, observing a few rules.

  1. The oven should be at the lowest temperature
  2. It's good if drying goes with the oven lid ajar
  3. Do not put items in a hot oven right away, heating should be done gradually. As well as taking out the product from the oven, it is better if it cools down gradually instead of with the oven.
  4. It is ideal to dry in several stages: an hour has dried up on one side, the craft has been turned over, dries from the inside out. I still take breaks between dryings, an hour dries in the oven - it dries for a day on its own - then again an hour and a half in the oven on the back side.

The drying time of a salted dough product depends on the thickness of the product itself. And also from the applied manufacturing recipe. So, dough containing oil, cream, etc. dries much longer than dough without oil additives.

To avoid crackling of the product, you can dry it in three to four stages, in the oven at the very minimum and always with the lid open for about an hour and a half, then a break for two or three hours, or for the whole night, the craft dries by itself, and then again turn on the oven to a minimum with the lid open.

With natural and oven drying, the craft must be rotated at each drying stage, i.e. an hour dries with the front side, rests, at the next stage they turned it over and dries already with the back side.

Thus, we have highlighted the basic recipes and methods for sculpting salt dough.

Happy creativity!

Perhaps it is difficult to find a person who has never stopped in front of a display case with doll houses at least once. Indeed, the art of miniature dolls leaves no one indifferent. One may not be interested in dolls at all, but it is practically impossible not to be interested in miniature: the smallest details repeating objects of real, "adult" life can be examined for hours. Some of the miniature interior items are so elegant and technically perfect that they are more worthy of taking a place in a museum than in a dollhouse room. It takes more than one month to create such masterpieces, but among the variety of doll interior items there are things that can be created by anyone. One of them is miniature bread.

As you know, for making bread, miniature or real, is required. For the preparation of various kinds of crafts, salty dough is traditionally used. There are many options for the composition of this universal modeling mass, but the basic components are always flour and salt.

Both ingredients should be taken in equal proportions and mixed well. Then gradually pour in such an amount of liquid so that, when kneading, a dense dough is obtained, the consistency of which should allow you to blind the smallest details. For strength, a mixture of water and PVA glue in a 1: 1 ratio can be used as a liquid.

From the resulting mass, small bars (, pretzels, etc.) should be molded. Products can be formed without using a foil "frame" - the dough will not lose shape when baked or dried due to the miniature size of the crafts.

Several cuts should be made on slightly dried products. You need to use only a very sharp knife or blade so as not to deform future "buns".

Then it is necessary to carefully make incisions in the opposite direction, and the resulting "notches" slightly move apart, so that outwardly they resemble incisions on.

If you wish, you can cut a few slices from the future "loaf".

Using light pressure with a toothbrush on the surface of the slices, you can give the products a natural, "bread" texture.

Formed "buns" should be baked in an oven preheated to 200 degrees, until lightly browned. It should be remembered that slices will bake much faster than whole loaves.

Finished buns should be “browned” using dry pastels.

A variety of miniature baked goods can be prepared in this manner. An imitation of rye bread will turn out if you use rye flour instead of wheat.

My new master class has come out in my beloved "Geoleonka".

How to make salted modeling dough.

  • 1 glass of premium flour,
  • 1/2 cup fine salt (not iodized!)
  • ¼ a glass of very cold water.

Mix flour and salt in a bowl. Pour water in small portions, kneading the dough well each time. The amount of water can be different, it depends on the properties of the flour, so the water should be poured in small portions. Knead until the dough crumbles and sticks to your hands. It will turn out very similar to plasticine. You need to store the dough in a closed container or bag so that it does not dry out in the refrigerator. The shelf life is three days. To keep the dough longer, you can add 2 tablespoons of citric acid when kneading. (UPD- It looks like citric acid somehow interacts with varnish for children's creativity, the first time I did it without it and the varnish was transparent, but now it is some kind of whitish.)

How to color the dough.

You need to take a small piece of dough, make a cake and put some gouache in it. Knead this piece until the dough is evenly colored. You can first mix the color on the palette, and then paint the dough. But it is much more convenient to paint the dough with the main colors, and then mix the already painted pieces until the desired new colors are obtained. For sculpting food, it is very important to repeat the color of what we are sculpting as accurately as possible.

For example - sausage color = pink + a little brown
pink = a lot of white + a little red

To sculpt food, you will need the following colors - white (a lot), pink, sand, brown, yellow, orange, green, red. And be sure to leave part of the test unpainted.

We sculpt almost like from plasticine. We take the dough out of the container in small pieces so that it does not dry out. If the dough is still dry, add a few drops of water. If it's wet, add a little flour. You can also sprinkle with flour on your hands. To glue the individual pieces of dough, moisten the junction with water using a brush. We use materials at hand for sculpting - a garlic press, a strainer, toothpicks and more.

How to blind:


Let's see what broccoli looks like. We mix three shades of green. We sculpt a sausage from a piece of the lightest shade, divide it into small segments - these are broccoli legs.
We push our dough through a kitchen metal strainer, an interesting texture is obtained. We moisten the leg with water and "glue" on it what was pushed through the strainer.


We make a thin sausage-colored cake. We put thin strips of white dough on it. We roll up the cake, roll it a little in our hands and put it in the refrigerator for a while. When it has cooled down, cut the sausage into slices. Sawing, not pushing the dough.

Ice cream

We make a sand-colored cake, a ball and a cone from white. On the cake with the back of the knife we ​​press the cells, like a waffle. Let it lie down a little, dry slightly - a piece that is too soft cannot be wrapped like a waffle. We make ice cream from white parts and wrap it in a waffle.

Cheese color = yellow + a little orange.
We make a tortilla, cut off the excess to make a triangular slice of cheese. With the rod from the handle we make holes, large holes with the back, small with the nose of the rod.

Bread and other dough products

We sculpt pieces of bread from unpainted dough, pies can be sculpted from unpainted dough or from sandy dough. We tint already completely dried products with crayons of oil pastels for children's creativity - we make a golden brown crust.

It is better to dry finished products simply in the air, on a smooth surface - for example, on a plastic file or oilcloth. When the top is dry, turn over to dry and the bottom.
When dry, the products turn a little pale, they must be covered with any varnish. It is better for children to use a special water-based varnish for children's creativity - it has no odor.

You can also make a very thin dough (add water) and spread it. This can be used to depict butter on a sandwich or chocolate icing.

In order not to get confused with the size, it is good to try on the plate during the sculpting, from which the toys will then "eat".

We got to dessert.


    Teach children to conceive the content of their work based on personal experience.

    Clarify and consolidate the knowledge of children about bakery products.

    To form the ability to convey the shape of familiar objects, their proportions, using the previously learned sculpting techniques.

Preliminary work: reading the story of G. Lagzdyn “The Adventure of a Bread Man”, S. Shurtakov “The Grain Fell into the Ground”, Belarusian folk tale “Light Bread”. Memorizing sayings about bread, viewing bakery products in a bakery store (excursion to a bakery store), reading poems by D. Kugultinov "A Piece of Bread", H. Myand "Bread", K. Kubilinskas "Sheaves", E. Shim's story "Bread Grows" ...

1. Organizational moment.

The teacher invites children to play the Magic Ball game. Children stand in a circle and take turns passing a ball to each other, naming a bakery product.

After the game, the teacher draws the attention of the children to the fact that there are role-playing games in the group. But the kids' favorite game is the store. Today in the lesson we will replenish the role-playing game "Shop" with bakery products.

2. Updating knowledge.

The teacher asks questions:

Where does the store-bought bread come from?

What crops do you know? (corn, wheat, rye, barley, oats).

Where does bread grow? (in field)

What are the names of the people who grow bread? (grain growers)

Where is the grain taken from the fields by car? (to the elevator)

What is an elevator? (the building where the grain is stored)

From the elevator, the grain is taken to the flour mill, where flour is obtained from the grain, then it is taken to the bakery, where bread is baked.

Physical minute.

Let's go to the field (children get up one after another and "drive" the car)
We ran into a bump (jump, squat, make turns to the right, left)
We drove into the pit
The hills drove around
And we came to the field!

The teacher invites the children to go to their places.

Guys, who bakes the bread? (bakers)

Today we will be bakers, we will make bread products with our own hands. Children look at pictures of bread products.

Gymnastics for the eyes:

Blink quickly, close your eyes and turn gray calmly, slowly counting to 5.

On the count of 5, open your eyes.

The teacher pays attention to a box on the table. He offers to guess riddles and, with each guess, takes out a picture or a dummy of a bakery product from the box.

Here is wheat in the mill
This is happening to her here!
They take it into circulation, they will erase it into powder!

It happens with rice, with meat,
It happens with sweet cherries.
They put him in the oven first,
And how will he get out of there,
Then they put it on a dish.
Well, now call the guys
Everyone will eat a piece.

I bubble and puff
I don't want to live in a dough.
I'm tired of the dough
Put me in the oven.

What is poured into the pan
Yes, they bend it four times?

Small, butter
The wheel is edible.

Sitting on a spoon
Dangling your legs?

The composition is simple: flour, water
And it turns out food
Now funny curls, then straws, horns, ears.

At the same time, the teacher pays attention to the correct posture of children, reminds how to work with a stack (rules for working with a stack).

Finger gymnastics: "Kneading the dough"

We kneaded the dough, we kneaded the dough,
We were asked to mix everything thoroughly,
But no matter how much we knead and how much, we don't,
We get the lumps again and again.

3. Practical work

(Caregiver instructions)

The teacher invites children to think and choose which bakery products they will sculpt. Remind me of the various sculpting techniques. If the children decided to sculpt

    Cake, then the teacher explains to the children that you need to roll a thick cake and cut ¼ part out of it, as if you cut yourself a piece of cake. The top of the cake can be decorated with a cherry or a candle molded from salted dough.

    In order to sculpt bread, we roll up a ball, form a brick out of it, resembling a loaf of bread.

    We make bread straws by rolling out the dough with straight hand movements.

    Bagels and bagels, roll out the dough and roll the stick into a ring (connect the ends). Pretzels, roll out the dough with straight palms and roll the sausage in different ways.

    Roll out cookies, gingerbread in a circular motion, and flatten the ball.

(Doing work by children)

4. Lesson summary

Guys, tell me why bread is called the most important thing in the house?

How should you feel about bread?

Why should we respect the work of people who grow bread?

At the end of the lesson, the teacher, together with the children, examines the products, selects the best ones and leaves them to dry so that they can paint the products in the next lesson.