Popular products abroad. Business in a European way: the most promising business ideas

12.08.2019 Lenten dishes

Studying the experience of European start-ups, as well as the opinions of experts in the field of entrepreneurship, we can distinguish 10 promising business segments that are relevant for Europe and, to a large extent, for Russia.


Europe today is an extremely "colorful" market. However, it is believed that there is room for both traditional and innovative business segments. The business portal Moneymaker Factory has selected for you 10 new business ideas in Europe (5 are business concepts and 5 already working business models).

Business Concept: Hygge Style Leisure Store

Where it is popular: Denmark, UK

The word "hygge" is of Danish origin. In the original, the word sounds like hygge and means "comfort" (understood as home). The Danes are a northern, sedate people who cannot do without comfort at home, and, besides this, they propagandize their own values \u200b\u200bin terms of arranging life among other Europeans.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bhygge is to arrange a home with simple and inexpensive, but at the same time helping to completely disconnect the owner from pressing problems - at work, in business, in relationships - with things. It is possible, of course, that there are already hygge things in the house, but it is important to find them in time, and also to use them correctly.

Video about what hygge is:

So, a typical house that has everything for hygge will have:

  • a soft, ultra-comfortable sofa - for the owner to spend the whole evening after work (or even the whole weekend) on it;
  • a set of large cups designed for slow and delightful drinking of tea and coffee during the evening;
  • a set of foamy bath fragrances - which the owner will take after tea;
  • a pleasant book - the best of all classical literature.

And a sine qua non - no electronics around. The idea of \u200b\u200bhygge is in abstracting a person from the world of gadgets and television, e-mail and SMS, in communicating with oneself, close friends, or at least with a cat or dog - and, by all means, face to face.

An entrepreneurial European has every chance of making money using his hobby of hygge as a business idea. To do this, he needs to organize a specialized store in which a person who has discovered a hygge can purchase everything listed above for a reasonable fee.

Business Concept: Applied Policy Consulting

Where it is popular: United Kingdom

In the past few years, political processes in Europe have been developing at an unprecedented speed. It comes to a literal reshaping of the political map of the continent: the British made the famous Brexit, and it is likely that they will not do the same. The West and the East of Europe now and then strive to prick each other with another economic sanction, and intrastate contradictions are aggravated.

In a word, a European, albeit an experienced entrepreneur, who is accustomed to a measured life, can literally spin his head from ongoing events in an attempt to understand how to be and develop a business (or develop oneself) if another large market is unavailable or if the rate of the national currency is unpredictable will jump in which direction?

It would be great, according to British experts, who are proficient in overcoming the consequences of global political events - which their native state knows not by hearsay, any interested person to have a chance to turn to knowledgeable people for reasonable advice on such issues. Now in the consulting market there are no qualified services that would, for example, explain to inexperienced Europeans:

  • how business will go when Britain leaves the EU de jure and de facto;
  • where to sell farm products, if not to Russia;
  • what to realistically expect from the governments of southern European countries whose economies are mired in debt;
  • what business ideas in Europe in 2017 and later will be relevant in view of changes in the markets.

It turns out that the European business community and not only feels the need for applied political consulting - instead of the daily television populism. This kind of consulting is a worthwhile business idea as knowledge in this area can sell well. The main thing is that they are presented in a qualified manner.

Business Concept: Alternative Fitness

Where it is popular: United Kingdom

Going to a fitness club for Europeans turns into a routine, and often does not give the necessary emotions to lovers of a healthy lifestyle. According to British experts, there is a clear shortage of "alternative" fitness concepts on the market that would offer amateur athletes, and perhaps professionals, the opportunity to experience sensations that effectively complement or even replace the pleasant, but boring weight of the barbell press or air ease of running along a monotonously rotating track in the hall.

How exactly can an “alternative” fitness center lure visitors? Something like:

  • classes with elements of virtual reality (when running on the track visually takes place in a virtual forest or at a stadium - thanks to the use of Oculus Rift glasses or their analogues);
  • workouts with elements of enthusiasm and fun (like a cross around the hall with jumpers);
  • individual and collective training with overcoming obstacles (for example, in the form of a truck that must be pulled aside to move to the next obstacle).

Such a European business idea as alternative fitness is another example of an as yet undeveloped segment of entrepreneurship. At the same time, its potential capacity can be gigantic and comparable to the scale of activities of conventional fitness centers.

Business concept: release of author's 3D products

Where it is popular: United Kingdom

Today, 3D printers are available to everyone. But very few, according to British experts, have tried to make a business on the production of original products that are so easy to make even at home. The software attached to modern 3D printers allows you to create rather complex product templates, among which there may be the most popular and sold things on the European market. For instance:

  • dishes, kitchen utensils;
  • christmas decorations;
  • home decor items;
  • goods for pets;
  • parts for furniture, cars;
  • toys.

Author's concepts can become quite competitive factory ones, and form a promising business idea. The attractiveness of such concepts can be increased by personalizing the release of 3D products, which at the appropriate level may be unattainable in large enterprises.

Business concept: specialty store of "clean" products

Where it is popular: Great Britain, Italy

We are talking about "purity" in terms of the absence of content in the composition of such components as, for example:

  • sugar;
  • gluten;
  • milk.

The priority in the formation of the assortment in the store can be determined taking into account various national gastronomic traditions. For example, in Italy and Ireland, the gluten diet is equally popular, but Italians consume much less sugar than the Irish.

Europe, according to British experts, lacks stores that could specialize in the corresponding "clean" products. Millions of markets are open to implement the relevant business idea - represented by people who are on a diet and simply have special dietary preferences.

Working business: mobile application for targeted savings

Business: Qapital (Sweden).

In Europe, buying an expensive thing, even if there is no free money, is not a problem, since a loan is easily taken for this with minimal interest rates. However, the founders of the Stockholm startup Qapital suggest that citizens begin to refuse overpayments to banks, and effectively accumulate money to make the desired purchase on their own.

The main thing, according to Swedish entrepreneurs, is to determine the specific goal of savings. Then - trust the automatic algorithm for managing your personal budget, implemented in the Qapital application.
This algorithm assumes that the user will quietly generate free money due to:

  1. Differences between planned costs and actual costs.

    For example, if a person walks into a cafe hoping to spend 3 euros there, but in fact (as an option - because of discounts that he did not know about) spends 2.50, then 50 saved euro cents go into savings.

  2. Rounding off costs.

    Buying sandwiches every day for 2.39 euros, a person can easily write down 2.50 as expenses, and after a while (as an option, after a month) - find that his actual expenses are much less due to the "virtual discount" of 11 euro cents from each sandwich.

Small and often subtle savings or "virtual discounts" can turn into free and sufficient capital to buy a new thing.

Working business: organization of payment acceptance in Bitcoins

Business: Pey (Germany)

Bitcoin cryptocurrency is becoming de facto one of the most popular payment methods. For European experts, it is obvious that this trend will be consolidated rather quickly and de jure, despite the fact that legislators in developed countries are far from always loyal to Bitcoin.

If the cryptocurrency nevertheless turns into a completely legal means of payment, then very soon it will become in demand not only when paying for goods and services through a browser, but also offline. The question will arise about the organization of effective "acquiring" of payments using accounts in the Bitcoin system - so that, in terms of convenience and efficiency, this method of payment is not inferior to card transactions.

The German startup Pey offers the business community hardware solutions that are technologically advanced in structure, but simple in execution, allowing an interested store to implement special terminals for accepting payments through buyers' bitcoin accounts. In the absence of competitors, the Germans have the right to count on a monopoly position in this potentially extremely promising market segment.

Running business: a mobile app instead of a key

Business: nello (Germany)

Considering which small business ideas in the field of high technologies in Europe may deserve attention, you can pay attention to another unusual German startup - nello. It embodies yet another interesting approach to leveraging mobile apps on smartphones and tablets.

Mobile applications are a powerful tool to improve comfort in terms of a person's use of various familiar things. Including even the simplest ones - such as opening the front door with a key.

The founders of the German startup nello invite users to forget about the everyday worries about lost house keys and use a reliable mobile application as a tool to open the lock. By using it (in combination with a specialized door lock) the user can:

  • configure the opening of the door lock automatically - as the user approaches the house (which is determined by his GPS coordinates);
  • open the lock by voice command via a smartphone;
  • open the lock manually via a smartphone;
  • configure the opening of the lock on time.

Signals are exchanged between the smartphone with the nello app and the lock via secure, cloud-based wireless interfaces. If desired, a person can, using a mobile device, let a visiting friend or visiting relative into his apartment.

Running business: portable scales as a mobile accessory

Business: YuScale (Germany)

For a European, it is in the order of things to zealously monitor their diet and habits that are associated with food consumption. An important aspect of this attitude to food is weighing it regularly. It allows a person to control whether the norm in the consumption of a particular product is not exceeded (or, conversely, whether it has been met - if required).

At the same time, weights sometimes have to be used often. So, a popular diet program in the world, in which a person reduces the consumption of a beloved and at the same time harmful product (for example, sweets) at an extremely slow pace - by 0.1-0.2 percent per day or even per week, literally requires weighing every sandwich you eat or even a canapé.

The German startup YuScale has proposed an interesting solution - an ultra-portable scale the size of an average smartphone, connected to it at the same time - as a mobile accessory that you can, like the main gadget, always carry with you and use when needed.

But this is far from all the functionality of the YouScale platform. The user can take a photo of the food on the plate, after which - highlighting the main ingredients of the dish in the picture and noting their nutritional value (according to the classifier built into the application), calculate the calorie content of his breakfast, lunch or dinner.

Running business: "free" restaurant

Business: Der Wiener Deewan (Austria)

Traditional European restaurants have been making money in the same way for hundreds of years: adjusting the pricing policy for each dish to the cent and doing everything to make the client generous with tips. The Austrian establishment Der Wiener Deewan, opened by Pakistani migrants, offers Europe a business idea: to start a different, postmodern approach to gaining customer loyalty: in the restaurant in question, neither the dishes sold have a price, that is, formally, the establishment is free. The client can, having come there, eat as much as he wants - and pay for the eaten as much as he sees fit.

The concept of interaction with consumers, implemented by Austrians of Pakistani origin, is not new (for example, a similar restaurant Pay As You Please previously operated in Ireland), however, it is not widespread enough to form a full-fledged market segment. But this is within the power of European restaurateurs.

Many studies carried out by scientists in various parts of the world prove that processes in the economy have clearly defined interrelationships. In the context of globalization, such interconnections spread not only within the economy of a particular country, but also link different economies by cause-and-effect processes. In fact, we are talking about the effect of running circles on the water. The reader will ask the question, what is the meaning of such a preface?

The last decade has shown the existence of a very clear hierarchical structure between small businesses in different countries. Despite a number of significant political issues (we are talking about sanctions against Russia from the West) and, of course, the mental characteristics of different countries, there is a clear relationship between the emergence of new and profitable small business areas in different countries. So most of the new trends are born in the United States, gradually "moving" to Europe and then spreading in waves around the world. Perhaps such a statement is not entirely patriotic, but at the same time clearly characterizes the situation and gives great advantages to small businesses in Russia. In fact, comparing the new popular business ideas of 2013 in the USA with the same rating of new and popular ideas in Europe in 2014, we can say with a 95% guarantee which ideas will be in demand in 2015-2016 in Russia. After all, it is worth remembering clearly that in the West, new startups keep pace with the growing demand from consumers, and the citizens of our country do not differ in their needs from Europeans and Americans. As one classic said, "You can't forbid living beautifully."

It is worth noting that the proposed rating of the "hottest" areas for creating your own business contains a wide variety of areas and areas, ranging from the now popular Internet to the creation of quite traditional mini shops. The only thing that really unites all these new ideas for business is the huge demand from American and now European buyers, which actually guarantees a quick and most importantly successful start.

Over the next week, we will analyze 14 new popular business ideas in Europe with you, do not forget to subscribe and receive article announcements to your mail, there will be no spam, I guarantee it.

# 14 - The latest among the best and newest small business ideas in Europe are mini-breweries. Of course, it is difficult to call it new, but mini-breweries received a "second wind" in the US in 2013 and are already conquering "old" Europe anew. More details on why this happened,.

No. 13 - the honorable thirteenth place is occupied by the idea, which is characterized as a business with super minimal investments, in fact, you don’t need to invest anything, you only need your own work and skills, we are talking about individual fitness trainers.

No. 12, the development of technology has spawned a boom in freelancing all over the world, but the direction has received a rather interesting continuation. As a new type of freelance services, vitrual assistants have appeared. The consumers liked the direction so much that today we can talk about the boom of this business idea -.

No. 11 where in our time without the Internet and e-commerce! European business is no exception, which began to look for new niches, sort of like in the old idea of \u200b\u200bonline services for comparing products,

# 9 IT security is one of the most competitive areas of the industry, however, the introduction of a new policy of using private gadgets (the so-called BYOD) creates an entirely new niche in which creation.

№ 8 The emergence of new computers characterized as a super economical option, in fact a computer. costs about 25-30 dollars not only opens up new opportunities for consumers, but also serves as a new direction for business and so on accessories for the Raspberry Pi

In the context of the active development of the modern world economy, many people strive to organize their own business. The inhabitants of our country are no exception. Choosing a field of activity, many novice entrepreneurs study foreign experience and adopt interesting ones from abroad, which can be used in Russian realities.

Features of foreign business

Considering business abroad, which is not in Russia, you need to understand that not every idea can be implemented on the territory of our state. This is due to both the political and economic situation in Russia, but to a greater extent by the mentality of the country's population.

Business ideas from abroad: European experience

Having decided to take advantage of foreign ideas and open a business that does not yet exist in Russia, it is worthwhile to study in detail the examples of European businessmen. In Europe today, some of the most popular ideas are business options related to environmental improvement and recycling. The following areas are most in demand:

  • production of rubber paving slabs;
  • growing vegetables and fruits in ecologically clean areas without the use of chemicals;
  • development of unique fragrances for business;
  • unlimited taxi.

The most promising business idea among the above is the production of paving slabs. Rubber tiles are durable, their service life reaches 20 years.

It is produced from crumb rubber obtained by recycling old car tires. There are practically no competitors in this segment, and the profitability of this business is very high - up to 150%. To start production you will need:

  • volcanic press;
  • drying chamber;
  • forms for tiles;
  • mixer;
  • dyes for the possibility of producing multi-colored tiles.

Investment costs are about 2,000,000 rubles, while they are paid off in less than a year.

Another interesting idea is supplying the organization with its own fragrances. Such a business carries many prospects and is already being implemented in Belgium, Germany, France. Thanks to the unique aroma, the company's clients remember the company better, connecting the sense of smell to their visual memory.

The costs of opening this business are low - it is enough to conclude contracts with perfumery manufacturers and purchase aromatic products. Most of the capital will be spent on building an advertising campaign and organizing presentations.

American commercial projects

In the United States, there are also a lot of different ideas that allow you to get good income with minimal investment. These types of businesses include work as a personal consultant. To do this, it is enough to have knowledge in a certain area, which can be useful to potential clients.

Fields of activity can be completely different: accounting, law, psychology, economics, nutritional science and many other industries. In addition to information and experience, you will need a computer and Internet access. In this business, recruiting a person is quick and convenient, and all the costs for online consultations are paid off in 2-4 months.

The next business idea abroad, which is not yet in Russia, is the production of car covers. Americans have recently started selling car covers to protect cars from rain, snow, hail and other adverse conditions. This is very important for car owners whose cars spend a lot of time outdoors.

There are two options for starting a business - launching your own production, or a simpler option - reselling ready-made covers.

If funds allow, you can buy a franchise for this type of business.

Possible problems in the implementation of foreign business ideas

Finding out what is abroad, what is not in Russia, in particular, what business ideas bring success to entrepreneurs, you need to understand that not all of them are suitable for our country. Many types of activities will not bring expected income, since Russian consumers are still quite conservative in their choice of goods.

In addition, the abundance of advertising for specific brands makes the population of Russia focus on certain well-known manufacturers and be very wary of newcomers to the market. This reluctance to change the order of things often gets in the way of making better purchases.

But the main problem is the insufficiently prepared legislation in the field of small business and the lack of necessary support programs for small entrepreneurs, which are very necessary in the face of a lack of funds for start-up capital.

If you are looking for new business ideas in Russia, and you yourself want to outstrip the market of goods and services in Russia, then you need to look for new business ideas that are not yet available in Russia. The best foreign ideas for unusual business from Europe, America, China, Japan and other countries.

The content of the article :

7 foreign business ideas that are not yet in Russia

There are quite a few international and local business variations that are taking root well in all corners of the planet. It is rather difficult to determine their source, since the process began immediately in many states. The best business ideas that are not available in Russia will be listed below.

Idea # 1. Server water heating

Company Nerdalize implements ideas for small businesses in Russia. She proposed to heat the water in the house using servers, which allows homeowners and the owner of data servers to benefit. The essence of innovation is as follows:

  • A special heater receives energy from the server (computer) cooling system;
  • This approach allows you to save about 40% of energy, cut costs (in Holland, they announce the savings figure of 300 euros per year for an average house);
  • Environmental benefits by reducing carbon dioxide emissions.

At the moment, the startup Nedalize has become quite successful and has received an impressive investment in 320,000 euros.

Something similar was offered in Germany by the company Cloud & Heat, but for the installation and purchase of the server they asked for at least $ 15,000. Nerdalize installs servers for free, charging only a monthly fee, which is actually more profitable than a simple monthly electricity bill.

Idea # 2. Car service aggregator

A foreign business idea with a car service aggregator got off to a good start. In most regions of Russia, this type of business is still absent, so there are great prospects for its implementation. There can be two options in total:

  1. Creation of your website and the conclusion of contracts with services;
  2. Finding a suitable franchise operating within the brand across the country ( for example, "V-AUTOSERVICE").

For the aforementioned franchise, the cost of entry will be about 135,000 rubles for assistance in organizing, providing access to a large project and other nuances, while a potential income is declared - over 100,000 rubles per month. The only task on the part of the entrepreneur will be to conclude contracts with local car services.

Thus, this foreign business idea is quite fresh for Russia, and given the number of car owners, it is also relevant.

Idea # 3. Key duplicate machine

Automation of manual labor is taking over the world more and more, gradually moving to the Russian space. Nowadays, artisans who specialize in making keys may lose their jobs, since it is now possible to make a copy of the key simply using an automatic machine in a shopping center or other place.

This idea is used very actively abroad, but in Russia so far the process is progressing slowly, especially in regions where the income level is lower. Specialty machines come from various brands such as: MinuteKey, KeyMe other.

The cost of the service does not differ much from the masters (from 100 to 250 rubles, depending on the complexity of the key). The required investment is 200,000 - 300,000 rubles to buy an automatic machine, therefore, due to the low popularity, the idea can take a long time to pay off.

Nevertheless, progress is inevitable, sooner or later Russia will be overrun with these machines. If you want to take part in a new trend, then you shouldn't hesitate.

Idea # 4. VR broadcasts of sporting events

An excellent and modern business idea with minimal investment. Virtual reality is a fairly new phenomenon for the whole world, but unlike Russia, most countries are trying to actively introduce innovations into their lives. In particular, this affected sports matches, which can now be watched in virtual reality glasses, acquiring the feeling of being in a real stadium.

In the future, in the next 5 years, 360-degree videos and broadcasts of matches in this format will become massive, but the implementation of the idea will require a lot of effort and taking into account hundreds of legal nuances.

Idea # 5. Cybersport children's camp

Esports is firmly entrenched all over the world, gaining particular popularity in Asian countries, where the training of esports players is treated as a state project. In Russia, such hobbies are treated with caution, but this does not prevent the industry from developing extremely quickly.

Organization of a camp will require taking into account many factors that are not much different from an ordinary children's institution (food, entertainment programs, accommodation). Cybersport will be here as one of the entertainment, but we must not forget about a full life. On a smaller scale, the camp can be turned into a simple eSports section.

To organize and build your own camp, you will need a fairly large amount, as a rule, it is easier to negotiate a partnership with already open children's camps. Investments will only be required for equipment and hiring counselors, the rest depends on the agreement with the camp.

Idea # 6. Electronic coffee pass system

Morning coffee in the office or before work is a popular way to tone up. Many people drink coffee in this way every day, spending considerable sums in the general recalculation. Special coffee subscriptions have long been popular abroad, which are valid in various restaurants and cafes. In Russia, only recently has one such system appeared - “ Coffee Cup».

The advantages of a subscription are that:

  • Its owner can save up to 60% on the cost of coffee, it is enough to show his subscription in the application to a seller or a waiter in a cafe participating in the program, and also provide a special code;
  • The distributor of the subscription will receive about 25 rubles from each cup and more if the coffee is ordered in bulk by corporate clients;
  • Restaurants and cafes also benefit as they receive additional advertising and customers.

It is also interesting that almost no investment is required if you work together with the Coffee Cup. It is enough to become a partner and negotiate cooperation with local cafes, after which you will receive a profit ( net profit in the network is about 240,000 rubles per month). Otherwise, having capital, you can try to create your own subscription system and compete with the Coffee Cup. It is enough to recruit a team of partners, develop a website and a mobile application.

Idea # 7. Wedding Gift Aggregator

Quite an interesting idea that we invested in Social Capital in the amount of more than $ 40 million. The application was named " Zola". It is a wedding gift service with the following features:

  • Newlyweds choose a list of things in the application that they really need;
  • Guests pay for the selected goods, if possible.

The service is distinguished by a high level of usability, very easy to operate and convenient.

Russia at the moment is far from such ideas, but you can try something similar. This will definitely require considerable investment, in the absence of which it is possible to come up with an easy analogue with less potential, which does not require complex development.

American business ideas that are not in Russia

New ones that are not in Russia are born every day, but only a few of them are ways to really work. America has great financial potential due to cheap lending, therefore, American unusual and new business ideas, which are not in Russia, are quickly being implemented.

Idea # 1. Aggregator of cafes and restaurants with delivery

This niche is already gaining momentum in our country, but some cities do not yet have worthy competitors. A prime example is Delivery Club with food delivery from many restaurants, which is often included in the ratings and the best business ideas in Russia. You can hardly find a worthwhile replacement for them, and in some cities there is no Delivery either, but there is someone to deliver.

The idea is simple:

  1. A website is being created, an application with a menu of various restaurants and cafes (McDonalds, KFC, Subway, etc.);
  2. People are encouraged to order products at a specific price;
  3. Service employees buy food in a cafe and take it to the customer.

Profit comes out of the food markup plus shipping costs. The idea clearly came from America, but perhaps the train in this niche is already leaving. Nevertheless, if you have capital, you can compete with Delivery Club, or work in small cities where they have not yet reached.

Idea # 2. Salad constructor

An interesting idea from the USA, similar to Subway, allowing you to design salads in high-traffic places and cafes. In America, one of these cafes is Chop't, in Russia such analogs have not yet been observed.

As customers of such cafes note, the cost of a salad goes from $ 8 and more, someone picked up ingredients for $ 15.

It will take a lot of investments, over 500,000 rubles to implement such an idea, because you need your own cafe, various permits and compliance with sanitary requirements.

The income from a decent restaurant or cafe can be unlimited, it can be scaled within the framework of the franchise throughout the country. Thus, the salad designer is an interesting analogue Subwaywhich appeared in the USA. It can be adapted for many variations of chain cafes.

Idea # 3. Street phone charging

Recharging the battery on the street or on the bus has gained popularity in other countries for a very long time. Many say that it all began with the United States. There are similar charges almost everywhere in New York.

It will be rather difficult to implement such an idea in Russia, because it is more of a social project that requires government permits and support.

Monetization is usually carried out by promoting your own brand, there are no paid chargers, so income can only come from the profit from a government contract during installation.

As a result, the idea is interesting with street charging, but business from it can only be made if there are connections in government agencies. In addition, it takes time for Russia to come to the need to equip most cities with such innovations on a federal scale.

Idea # 4. Interactive lunch and grill

Similar restaurants have actually existed in the United States for a long time, and in many other countries, for sure, in Russia they can also be found, but in very, very rare cases.

The idea is that the client is provided raw meat and seafood, which he grills on the coals himself right at the table and eats.

People are primarily interested in the emotions they receive, when everyone can fry the meat as he wants, smell the smell, and so on.

To implement interactive cooking, you will need a cafe-restaurant, plus considerable investments in equipment ( at least 5,000 USD by US standards). The profit is not limited.

Idea # 5. Flower hostel

Not only pets need care during a long vacation, but also plants. The so-called “ hotels for flowers". Such establishments already exist in Russia, especially in the capital, where progress is in full swing. Regions, as usual, lag behind in this regard, which opens up great opportunities for entrepreneurs.

Today there are already many successful cases in this niche, let's highlight the main nuances:

  • For storage of flowers of various sizes, they usually take from 2 to 5 rubles per day;
  • More than 40 small pots can be placed on one square meter, which will bring over 80 rubles a day and 2,400 rubles a month, which is not bad for a business idea with minimal investment;
  • Volume growth depends on the region and opportunities, business advertising;
  • Although in most cases, investments for such a business are practically not needed, but the income is not great either.

A flower hostel is a great overseas business experience as many need flower care while on vacation. It is difficult to predict income, it all depends on the size of the city and the degree of advertising activity, of course, all this can be attributed only to the category of small business.

Idea # 6. Selling bags with speaker

The next option is the sale of briefcases and bags with a built-in Bluetooth speaker. Modern teenagers very often use such devices in everyday life, so the device will fit well with the trend taken from the United States.

The price for a portfolio depends on the quality of the speakers and varies from 2,000 to 10,000 rubles. The main option for starting a business is the wholesale purchase of portfolios and bags, and then the resale of bags in our own outlets and online stores. To start, you will need capital of about 100,000 rubles or more, depending on offline or online sales.

potential profit in the region of 30,000 - 50,000 rubles per month and more.

Reselling trending items like speaker backpacks is an interesting business option. A lot of various new products appear in the financial center of the world - the USA.

Idea # 7. Plant phytowalls

A narrow and innovative niche - the design of phytowalls from plants in offices and residential buildings. Another name is “ vertical gardening". There are very few companies in Russia in this direction, basically everything is concentrated in Moscow, so in large regions the path is free, with practically no competitors.


  • Phytowalls and phytomodules will require initial investments, now there are manufacturers in Russia (the price per square meter is from 10,000 to 30,000 rubles);
  • Profit from 50,000 rubles per month and is not limited, depending on the scale of the city, region;
  • Large customers - shopping centers and corporate offices - will become a gold mine.

In general, phytowalls are a trend in recent years, since many participants are actively breaking into the niche, so you should hurry up when choosing this direction.

Idea # 8. Vacation rental car service

A prime example of an interesting business idea from the United States is the FlightCar car rental service. The idea is to rent cars to those who leave them at the airport during their vacation. The owner of the car makes a profit and the founder of the service, which gives some legal guarantees.

In the United States, the owner of a car is paid 15 USD per day, and if it is rented, then an additional 10 USD per day.

The American business idea of \u200b\u200brenting a car is a pretty good way to earn extra money while on vacation, but there are also a number of problems associated with the timely return of the car and other aspects.

European business ideas that have not yet come to Russia

Following the USA, we present to your attention a new business in Russia, taken as an example from European countries that are no less developed and open to innovation.

Idea # 1. Bicycle cafe

This type of cafe is still developing in Europe under the Velokafi brand, but has already managed to make noise and gain a reputation. The idea is that visitors to the café ride their bicycle and can have a snack or drink coffee without getting off it.

This approach relieves the burden on bike parking and prevents potential bike theft.

Opening in Russia will require investments of at least 500,000 rubles and approval from the municipality, the potential profit is about 15,000 - 30,000 rubles per month.

A considerable number of cyclists travel across Russia, but parking is rare for them, so this business idea from Europe can attract a lot of attention and visitors.

Idea # 2. Shop with a selection of food recipes

The use of non-standard solutions is always appreciated all over the world and in Europe. One of these is a store that sells ready-made food collections for various recipes.

The point is to provide absolutely all the products needed to prepare a particular dish. For example, all products for preparing Greek salad or Caesar, for various soups, etc. It is convenient for a person that he does not need to look for various goods in different stores, to buy them in excess. The store is profitable because you can make a mark-up.

As you know, retail trade in food requires a lot of investment and business registration, so capital is needed from 1,000,000 rubles. The potential income depends on the scale of the city and the chain of stores, at one point it can vary from 30,000 to 200,000 rubles per month.

As a result, a selection of products is an original solution for a grocery store, which can bring novelty and add convenience to people. Such an unusual business idea in Russia may well take root.

Idea # 3. Chocolate products constructor

For the first time such an idea was realized in France by designer Elsa Lambinet and her chocolate brand “ Sweet play". The idea is that a person is given the opportunity online to create his own modification of chocolate, both in terms of fillings and appearance.

The process of making your own chocolate gives pleasant emotions and allows you to create ideal gifts for loved ones. Unsurprisingly, the service quickly gained popularity.

Today there are already companies that make handmade chocolate, so at the first stages you can start working on a service with minimal investment in a similar style, and then open a full-fledged production.

Thus, the chocolate constructor is again a non-standard solution for the usual purchase of chocolate, which appeared in France. In Russia, such an idea can be successful with a competent approach to marketing.

Idea # 4. Vending with goods for travelers

Unusual vending is quite common in Europe. Of course, there are machines with completely useless goods that are easier to buy in a store. You need to bet on urgency and speed. One of these areas is the sale of goods for travelers directly at the airports.


  • The vending machine contains chargers, headphones, shoes, clothes and other things for long trips that a person can forget.
  • The cost of the machine depends on the model and ranges from 150,000 to 200,000 rubles.
  • Also, you will have to negotiate and pay rent at the airport, which is not always possible. In this case, the prices are completely individual.

In general, vending is a very popular trend; people find it convenient to buy goods quickly and without consultants. Non-standard solutions from Europe will work very well in Russia as well.

Idea # 5. Vending with the sale of rolls

The next variant of unusual vending is the sale of rolls. There are a lot of such machines in Europe, and they are in good demand. In Russia, they are already trying to implement such ideas, for example, they often sell sets of rolls in supermarkets, but branded vending can work well.

Vending machines for storing food are more expensive than usual, their cost is in the region of 250,000 - 300,000 rubles. Additional investments will be required to purchase rolls from trusted suppliers.

The approximate income depends on the location of the machine and can vary from 10,000 to 20,000 rubles per month. Daily maintenance of the machine will be required.

As a result, unusual vending with rolls is a great idea from Europe, which can be easily adapted in Russia. In the vastness of the capital, such machines are already found, but more often they still try to open the delivery of rolls, so there will be practically no competitors.

Idea # 6. Healthy food restaurant with calorie counting

We continue the original ideas that came from Europe. The next interesting solution is a healthy food restaurant, where calories, proteins, carbohydrates and fats are counted, diet recommendations are given depending on the goal. Healthy lifestyle, weight loss and weight gain have become a very fashionable trend in recent years, which opens up excellent opportunities for the restaurant business.

The organization of a unique restaurant business is not an easy task; considerable investments will be required from 1,000,000 million rubles or more. Much depends on the scale of the city, in small settlements there will be no audience able to perceive fashion trends in a healthy lifestyle. Potential profit - over 100,000 rubles per month.

A calorie-counting restaurant is a unique idea from Europe that can be well implemented in large cities of Russia. At the moment, the niche is underdeveloped, there are only a few establishments of this kind.

Idea # 7. Construction of custom houses

Any niche has many narrow directions, and construction is no exception. In Europe, they took advantage of this fact, which led to the popularity of highly specialized construction companies building original houses in non-standard designs. Non-standard means ultra-fashionable designs in minimalist and other styles with panoramic windows and other attributes.

A company will need an impressive portfolio to win new customers.

Registration of a construction business is always a large investment and considerable risks associated with hiring experienced workers and team leaders. To organize a decent company, you will need at least 2,000,000 rubles. Potential profit over 300,000 rubles per month. In larger cities, profits will be higher; in small regions, it makes no sense to open such a company.

Thus, the construction business is still relevant, especially if you choose ultra-fashionable areas and narrow specialization. There are very few such companies in Russia, for the most part, organizations are focused on stamping monotonous cottages with a minimum of extravagant solutions.

Idea # 8. Taxi pass

Many people know what a revolution in the world of taxi Uber and similar services have made. In Europe, they went further, knowing that many people and businessmen travel by taxi, created special passes for almost unlimited travel.

To sell season tickets, it is not necessary to organize your own agency with a taxi, sometimes it is enough to conclude partnership agreements, but not all companies make such concessions. When opening your own taxi, you need to have a budget of at least 1,500,000 rubles in stock.

Subscriptions are rarely found in Russia today, the approximate price in Moscow is 26,000 rubles per month for 60 minutes of travel per day, which, when calculated, allows the owner of the subscription to save about 10,000 rubles.

These taxi passes are beneficial, provided that you need to travel up to 50 km per day. They will disperse well in large cities of Russia, where the level of wages is much higher than in the regions.

5 business ideas from China

Not only Western countries are distinguished by interesting solutions and business ideas, but also Eastern ones. The current section will present business ideas from China that are not yet available in Russia.

Idea # 1. Paid 3D printing

A real innovation for the whole world has become the production of 3D printers that allow printing any shapes and products. Today it is not difficult to get a 3D printer, as a result, entrepreneurial citizens have appeared, selling various products printed on such devices, and also performing custom printing. The whole trend began in China, where the direction has gained particular popularity.

A good 3D printer will cost the owner around 500,000 rubles. Anything that costs less is low quality and amateur level.

3D printing can be organized as an analogue of a modern copy center with enormous possibilities. In this case, you will need to rent an office, as well as additional investments in components and consumables for the printer.

Printing on 3D printers is something new, which is still extremely weak in Russia. Using such a solution from China as paid 3D printing and selling various products made with a 3D printer can become a real trend for the next decades.

Idea # 2. ESports business

As you know, Asian countries are famous for their serious attitude and love for esports. We have already mentioned the creation of an e-sports camp for children at the beginning of the article, now we will talk about a more serious direction - sponsoring and collaborating with e-sports teams, promoting e-brands, etc.

The business model of an esports organization is based on advertising contracts with other companies. Before full-scale work, you should at least enlist good partners. You need to have connections both among professional players and among potential sponsors. Initial capital - at least 500,000 rubles.

Another option is to earn money through special services for esports players, the sale of gaming equipment and the organization of major tournaments. Here the scale is completely different and larger investments are required.

In theory, the esports business looks very attractive and has great prospects, but in practice in Russia it still lags behind in terms of development. Most of the teams have foreign sponsors, and Russian corporations are just beginning to take their first steps in advertising and brand promotion through eSports.

Idea # 3. Restaurant with robots

D another interesting area in China and other eastern countries are robots, which have already started to participate in business. For example, there are restaurants and cafes where special robots act as waiters, they bring food and can take orders. One of these robots has already been installed as an experiment at Domodedovo airport.

Today such robots are already being sold in Russia, the price starts from 500,000 rubles per piece.

Robots in a restaurant are interesting and new, but in terms of return on investment, they are far from ideal. Taking into account that one robot costs how to open a separate cafe in the region, such ideas are not available to everyone in Russia, and in China they are in the order of things.

Idea # 4. Roll chips

Eastern countries are also famous for their unique dishes and cuisine, which are quickly gaining popularity when introduced to the business of another country. At one time, Japanese rolls received such success, but China has its own rolls in the form of potato chips. They are often sold on the streets and are some kind of fast food option.

To open a business, you will need an amount of 200,000 rubles or more. This includes the purchase of a special apparatus for spiral chips, as well as a deep fat fryer and other equipment. Depending on the place of sale and marketing, income can be in the region of 20,000 - 50,000 rubles per month.

In general, roll chips are analogous to french fries and any variation of fast food, but since it is not widely used, it will play like a "novelty" for many people.

Idea # 5. Company for the promotion of game accounts

As already mentioned, in China, computer and online games are simply super popular, so there is a huge demand for pumped accounts for various games. Of course, in the post-Soviet space, such a business will not gain a large scale, but as a variant of an idea for a small business in Russia, it is quite suitable. We already offer such services for Dota 2 and CS: GO, and in China they even make money on simple games like the Farm.

Promotion of gaming accounts is not a very serious business, but rather a small business that vaguely resembles esports. In theory, such an idea can "shoot" and bring a good income against the background of the popularity of any game, but all this will only be a temporary phenomenon.

5 Japanese business ideas

No less amazing business ideas from Japan, which are not yet available in Russia. The Japanese have a completely unique mentality and way of doing business. Let's take a look at some of the Japanese businesses.

Idea # 1. Alcoholic second-hand

Similar stores began to open in Japan back in 2013 under the Liquor Off brand. The idea is to resell used alcohol that is at home but has not yet been opened.

The key advantage of second-hand alcoholic beverages is affordable prices. The Russian mentality could accept this kind of establishment, but it will not be easy to resolve legal issues, so it will not be possible to predict profit so far.

Idea # 2. Capsule hotel

Japan has always been distinguished by its special traditions and approach to life. A kind of analogue of a kind of hostel has become a capsule hotel, which in fact gives a kind of single space, but at the same time is a hostel.

To open a capsule hotel, you will need to purchase a room with a large area, as well as its repair and arrangement, which will cost at least 10,000,000 rubles. Capsules are sold separately from specific manufacturers such as “ KOTOBUKI". The cost of one capsule is about 100,000 rubles, 6 capsules will take about 15 square meters. meters.

Idea # 3. Cafe with surprises

The essence of a cafe with a surprise is that here you can order a dish for yourself and for the next guest, or taste a surprise prepared for you, respectively. Such cafes have existed in Japan for a long time, and in Russia they began to appear in isolated cases only recently.

In appearance, it is an ordinary cafe, the business plan is not much different from restaurants and cafes, only you should position yourself differently. In Russia, cafes with a surprise are still a novelty, it is difficult to find them, so this is a free niche in Russia.

Idea # 4. Cocktail maker at the bar

We have already mentioned the websites that construct chocolate and salads, but in Japan we went further and began to design drinks in the bar through the application. The activity is quite fun, it allows you to get special emotions. Of course, a bartender is still needed to control the process and make cocktails ordered through the constructor.

You will need a special terminal or several so that customers can place an order, as in McDonalds. It can be used in large clubs and concerts. This approach can unload the queue and speed up the process of preparing drinks.

Such a constructor is well suited as an idea for improving an existing business in the form of a club with a bar where there are a large number of people.

Idea # 5. Cafe for the lonely

An interesting find has become a cafe where lonely people come, but instead of leaving such guests alone, the heroes of a fairy tale called "Moomins", made in human size, are brought to them. There is already a whole chain of such cafes in Japan under the brand Moomin House Cafe... You can also choose other characters as toys-neighbors, investments in soft toys for each table will cost about 5,000 - 10,000 rubles apiece.

There are no such establishments in Russia yet. Due to the specifics, this business idea, which does not yet exist in Russia, can work successfully only in large cities.


Foreign business ideas that do not exist in Russia are common. There are unique options from a wide variety of countries: USA, Japan, Europe and China. These can be non-standard options for cafes, vending machines and shops.

Usually, in all categories of entrepreneurship, considerable investment is required, because innovative ideas for small businesses are rare in Russia. In addition, in most cases, a non-standard business is difficult to adapt to the Russian mentality, it may take a long time for a product or service to be accepted by a local audience, and often it may not even turn out to be a profitable business.

Wisdom has been added to the basic personality traits of a successful businessman. Work experience allows us to understand the essence of the laws of development and prosperity of certain market segments. However, there comes a time when the competition in the main areas of business is so high that you have to borrow ideas from other countries.

The desire for European standards and the American way of life, the overwhelming of the Russian market with Chinese products are pushing for the search for ideas for the implementation of new areas of business in their country. Innovative goods and services allow us to occupy the still vacant niches in which only a few work today.

Variants of ideas from America

  • Sale of unique covers for stylish and regular car models. This device protects against ultraviolet rays, precipitation and mechanical damage. It will be cheaper to buy such a cover for a number of motorists than to repair the hood or change the headlights. Russian entrepreneurs can try to buy such cases in the United States and resell them at home.
  • Construction of unique garages is unlikely to be as popular as in America. This niche in the Russian market is occupied, and the buildings are very diverse. There are also enough companies engaged in individual design and design.
  • Grocery van moving around town, very popular in the United States. The variety of dishes and the accompanying performances of artists to brighten up the expectations of buyers attracts the attention of Americans. These vans are very popular in Washington DC. Whether anyone will be able to organize such a "food and entertainment" business in Russia is a moot point. Tough sanitation and hygiene regulations and huge competition in the catering industry have made the demand for such services to a minimum.
  • Idea "Taxi for animals" suitable for wealthy residents of large cities, more precisely, for Moscow and St. Petersburg. The task is to accompany the animals to the specified location, in particular to the veterinary clinic.
  • Personal consultationspopular in the United States are unlikely to be in demand among Russians. Our people are more confident in themselves and usually do not need anyone's advice. Lawyers are an exception, but this niche is so densely occupied that inexperienced beginners have nothing to do here.

You can learn a few more interesting methods of earning from the following video:

Variants of ideas from China

  • Work on requests - reselling goods with a low cost, if you make purchases via the Internet. The cost of products in China is 50-60% lower than analogs in our markets. The advantage of the outbid business is that in China you can find any product that is in demand in Russia - from ballpoint pens to medical and industrial equipment.
    Now in Russia, small business is actively developing, which requires new types of equipment for its own production of construction goods, clothing, and household items. China is the most mobile country for the introduction of any new products.
  • Opening of a salon selling popular Chinese goods with the placement of the store's website on the Internet. It is necessary to organize a courier service and postal delivery. Many citizens of the Russian Federation are embarrassed to go to cheap Chinese eateries. Selling small items via the Internet can bring a good income for the store owner. You can also purchase online. Large investments in this business will not be required.
  • Organization of sales of piece goods... The essence of the idea is to purchase bulk lots of goods and pack them in a separate container. The price will depend solely on product recognition. If you manage to create a brand, then the initial cost can increase by 2-5 times.
  • Sale of gadgets is already being actively implemented in Russia, but the market niche is still not densely filled, there is always a place for innovations in it. New phones and software versions appear daily, replacing each other. Car registrars are popular. Their independent purchase in China will cost half the price of those offered by local wholesalers. With phones, the percentage of sales will be lower, but they are often changed.
    There is a strong demand for seasonal novelties - sunglasses, sports and leisure equipment, as well as various electronic gadgets. All of these devices are good for an inexpensive gift to friends and acquaintances. There are many options here. The main thing is not to overdo it with the purchase of large quantities of goods, since the demand for these products is spontaneous.

Ideas from Europe

  • Production of rubber paving slabs opens up considerable prospects. The ability to find customers is important. There is no high level of competition in this segment yet. The profitability of the business is approximately 40%. Rubber tiles have many advantages over their counterparts:
    • long service life - up to 20 years;
    • high resistance to fading, cracking;
    • lack of slipping;
    • low cost (rubber crumb for the base can be obtained from old, obsolete car tires).

    Equipment required to start production: molds, volcanic press, dryer and colorants.

  • Calorie-counting restaurant... This idea with an indication of the number of calories opposite each dish in the menu can be supplemented and developed further. For example, a person who breaks the calorie record can be given a bottle of champagne or a glass of wine.
  • Snow advertising, which has found application in England, is unlikely to be appropriate in Russia, where posters and posters are full of posters at every corner. It's worth a try if next year's winter will please Russians with snow. Law enforcers can ban this business in the bud.
  • Unlimited taxi rides for a monthly fee... The high cost of gasoline and the irrepressible desires of Russians will ruin a businessman who dared to do such a business in the first month. The investment is unlikely to pay off. The increase in taxi rental fees will scare off rare customers. The disadvantage of the service is that it operates only within the city and is provided exclusively on a prepaid basis.
  • Pizza in the form of a cup... Russians liked the national Italian dish. And if you cook what has become one of your favorite snacks in edible cups, filling them with a variety of fillings, it can turn out to be very convenient and popular.
  • Processing of fruits and vegetablesthat have lost their visual appeal. A huge number of supermarkets have appeared in Russia, where customers choose the products they like themselves. Preference is given to vegetables and fruits of the correct shape, without cracks and spots. All the rest are sent to the lower boxes, where they continue to rot. If you conclude a lucrative contract with the directors of hypermarkets, you can open a profitable business for the processing of fruits and vegetables into juices, dried fruits, soups and salads. Sales can be organized with the permission of the administration at the points of purchase of raw materials.

Ideas from Japan

The country of the Rising Sun offers many original ways of investing, but not all of them are applicable and appropriate in Russian conditions:

  • Divorce ceremony for a nominal fee... There is nothing like this in Russia. Is it worth organizing such a business? You can try the idea as other services for banquet halls and restaurants. Perhaps decent people will want to disperse beautifully, to find out all the painful problems in the circle of loved ones. Perhaps such an event will serve both spouses a good lesson for the future. And friends and acquaintances will have no ground for gossip.
  • Cooler manufacturing... Their application to the skin in the heat lowers the body temperature, and the stuffiness is more easily tolerated. Given the hot summer in Russia, this idea is worth trying to implement. The price of the spray will be approximately $ 60. Such a cost may not be affordable for the average mass of the population, but clients vacationing in hot countries and at their own dachas will certainly be found.
  • Making 3-D masks - production is expensive, but when finding a distribution channel, it is very profitable and cost-effective. The mask, made of high quality material, is worn over the face and is completely invisible. The business is partially implemented in the Russian Federation, but the quality of the products leaves much to be desired.
  • In Japan they practice hotels for single girls... In a confined and calm environment, they prepare themselves for marriage. This idea is inappropriate for Russia and somewhat wild. However, you can use the idea to organize a version for couples who want to get married in the near future. Most likely, such a service will be in great demand if the price of a room for lovers is lower than the daily rent of apartments in Russian cities.
  • One book store... There is still no such practice of selling one printed edition for a definite period in Russia. Often, buyers visit bookstores out of nothing else to do, not even hoping to see a long-awaited book there. The new Japanese trend is not to overload the reader with a large offer, but to introduce him to a specific publication or topic. Perhaps this way of selling can interest certain circles of consumers of book products. The most important thing is timely, targeted advertising. You can work on requests.