Butter or sour cream. Greasy does not mean harmful

03.11.2019 Restaurant notes

Milk fat has valuable biological and taste qualities. It includes a balanced complex of fatty acids, contains a significant amount of phosphatides and fat-soluble vitamins, has a low melting point (32-35 ° C) and hardening (15-24 ° C), is easily absorbed by the body (90-95%).

Butter also contains proteins, carbohydrates, some water-soluble vitamins, minerals and water (this non-greasy portion is called oil plasma). Butter has a high calorie content (Vologda oil - 730 kcal / 100 g) and digestibility. Butter contains vitamin A and, and in the summer, carotene

Milk fat is well absorbed, immediately gives a person energy. That's why a butter sandwich is considered an excellent breakfast. It gives us strength and strengthens the body.

Butter is especially useful for those who have a mess with digestion. An "oiled" stomach and duodenum heal faster. Healing Vitamin A speeds up the healing of ulcers. Those suffering from chronic cholecystitis, pancreatitis and gallstone disease can treat themselves to 15-20 g of oil per day. But you should not eat more than 5-7 g in one sitting.

Cholesterol is indispensable for the production of biologically active substances: bile acids, sex and some other hormones. If a woman does not have enough fat in her body, her periods disappear, conception is impossible.

Fats are part of the cells and are necessary for their renewal. Especially a lot of fat-like compounds in nerve tissues and the brain. Therefore, poor nutrition in infancy causes irreparable damage to the intellect. Inadequate fat intake in schoolchildren may result in impaired concentration and decreased performance.

In butter, up to 40% monounsaturated oleic acid, which is the glory of olive oil. It has a particularly beneficial effect on blood cholesterol, not to mention the fact that it improves the overall balance of blood lipids. In addition, oleic acid inhibits the activity of the cancer gene.

Thus, moderate consumption of butter is good for our health. It is no coincidence that our ancestors ate butter only on short days, which, as you know, are fewer than lean meat in the year, and were healthy.

Evgeny Shumarin

Reading time: 12 minutes

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Butter is obtained by churning cream or separation. Most often, this food product is made from cow's milk. This oil has a high fat content - at least 82.5%.

We will consider how this product is useful and harmful, and also we will figure out which butter is the best on Russian shelves.

Varieties and types of butter - which is tastier and healthier?

According to the taste and raw materials used, the oil is divided into:

These are two standard types. They can be sweet and salty. Mass fraction of fat in them is 82.5%. This is real oil, not a spread. But it is difficult to find it on Russian shelves, or its price is very high.

The following types of butter are distinguished from how much fat is in oil:

  • Traditional
      Its fat content is 82.5%. This butter consists of pasteurized cream. To taste it is sweet creamy, soft. This oil is healthier than all other types.
  • Amateur
      This oil is also good, but it is considered to be a spread, since the fat content is exactly 80%. Such butter is different - sweet, salty, sour.
  • Peasant
      Oil is also considered a spread. Its mass fraction of fat is even less than the previous one - 72.5%. It can be sweet cream - only sweet or salty, and sour cream.
  • Sandwich
      This spread has 61% fat content. Unsalted sweet and sour cream to taste.
  • Tea
      The fat content of the spread is 50%. And this means that such oil is not healthy.
  • Oil with various fillers
      For example, chocolate butter has a fat content of 62%. There are also honey and fruit fillings. But note - they will also have a low percentage of fat content and not benefit your body.
  • Ghee
      This butter is made from butter by melting milk fat. Its fat content is not less than 98%, but at the same time there are no useful substances in it.

Despite the fact that the first three varieties are considered to be the best, they may contain table salt, carotene (food coloring), bacterial preparations, concentrates of milk microorganisms.   These substances are not dangerous.

But the composition of other types of oil, except ghee, can include not only useful vitamins and bacterial concentrates, but also harmful flavors, preservatives, stabilizers and emulsifiers . That is why you should not buy such a spread.

Composition, calorie content and nutritional value of ghee, sandwich, peasant and other types of oil

100 g of butter contains:

  • 15.8 g of water.
  • 82.5 g of fat.
  • 0.8 g of carbohydrates.
  • 0.5 g of protein.
  • 0.03 g of organic acids.

And it also contains vitamins:

  • A - 0.59 mg.
  • D - 0.008 mg.
  • Beta-carotene - 0.38 mg.
  • E - 2.2 mg.
  • B2 - 0.01 mg.
  • PP - 0.05 mg.

Not all grades contain vitamins in small quantities. C, B1, B9.

Butter contains useful micro and macro elements:

  • 0.2 g of ash.
  • 19 mg of phosphorus.
  • 15 mg of potassium.
  • 12 mg of calcium.
  • 7 mg of sodium.
  • 0.4 mg of magnesium.
  • 200 mcg of iron.
  • 100 mcg of zinc.
  • 2.5 mcg of copper.
  • 2 mcg of manganese.

Consider the nutritional value of different grades of oil:

  • In 100 g of butter is - 717 kcal.
  • In the same amount of traditional - 748 kcal.
  • In amateur - 709 kcal.
  • In the peasant - 661 kcal.
  • In the sandwich - 566 kcal.
  • In the tea room - 546 kcal.
  • In melted butter - 892 kcal.


Butter has positive properties:

  • Gives the body strength and energy due to its rich composition.
  • It is quickly acquired.
  • It has a wound healing effect. Helps those who suffer from gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Heals ulcers, fights gastritis, pancreatitis, gallstone disease.
  • Patients are allowed to eat 15-20 g of oil per day.
  • Useful for women. Thanks to cholesterol, bile acids and sex hormones are produced in the body that promote menstruation and conception.
  • Children have improved intellectual abilities, restored memory, concentration of attention.
  • The overall balance of lipids in the blood and cholesterol levels are normalized.
  • Reduces the risk of cancer.
  • Preserves the visual function of the body.
  • Prevents osteoporosis and rickets.
  • Improves all metabolic processes of the body - cellular, mineral, vitamin.

Oil should be consumed fresh   or add to the dish after cooking.

Frying in butter will not bring any benefit, all the nutrients and nutrients that make up its composition will disappear.

Special melted butter is suitable for frying . It contains 98% fat and several times more vitamins and elements than in cream. Dietitians recommend frying food on it, as it contains almost no unsaturated fats, which oxidize and become harmful when heated.

Harm and contraindications

Too much butter can cause:

  • Obesity due to high calorie content and fat content.
  • Atherosclerosis and heart disease, blood vessels because the oil contains a large amount of cholesterol and unsaturated fats.
  • Allergy, as in butter consists of milk proteins.

The trans fats that make up the spread or margarine do huge harm to our body. They are:

  • Disturb the metabolism. Hence the obesity.
  • They settle on the walls of blood vessels and clog the cells.
  • Increase the risk of developing atherosclerosis, cancer, heart disease.
  • Spoil the quality of milk of a nursing mother.
  • They develop diabetes, especially in pregnant women.

To avoid unpleasant consequences, eat really real oil. Spread or margarine will not bring benefits.

In the diet of children, nursing mothers, pregnant women, diabetic allergy sufferers - SF answers all questions

When using butter, many questions arise. We will answer the most common:

At what age can butter be added to the children's menu?

  • This product can be given to a baby in 5 months in an amount of 1-4 grams.
  • In 7-8 months, the dose should be - 4-5 g., In a year old - 6 g., In 1-3 years - from 6 to 15 g.
  • In the first months of life, it is better to assimilate the oil with vegetable puree, then you can add the oil to cereals.

Is butter good for diabetes?

  • The hypoglycemic index of butter is very high, so diabetics should refuse this product.
  • But, since the oil is nutritious and healthy, nutritionists are allowed to use it for diabetes with a maximum of 15 g per day.

Can there be an allergy to butter in children or adults?

Butter allergies are rare. It can occur in allergy sufferers due to the harmful substances that make up the product, for example, emulsifiers, flavorings, etc. Therefore, when choosing an oil, read its composition.

How much butter can a pregnant woman eat?

The human body needs 10 grams of butter daily, and the pregnant woman needs 30 grams.

Dishes with butter in the diet of a nursing mother?

Nursing mothers should eat butter in the first month after birth.

The maximum and necessary dosage is 30 g. This amount will be enough to restore strength, energy in the mother and for the development of the baby. Oil can be added to porridge or just make a sandwich.

Butter for gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis

  • With these and other gastrointestinal diseases, it is allowed to eat 20 g of oil per day. This amount will not harm the body and will help cure diseases, facilitate the patency and absorption of food.
  • With exacerbations of the above diseases, it is necessary to refuse, both from butter, and from other fats and oils in the patient's diet.

Cooking and storage rules

Dishes with butter for an adult menu

Children's dishes with butter

In a children's diet should also include dishes with butter. Here's what kids can cook:

  • Soup mashed cauliflower or. Suitable for a child from 1 year.
  • Liver pate with butter. Pate can be eaten by children from 1 year.
  • Cups with butter - for children from 5 months.

How to store butter correctly?

Store butter is in bulk.

We give important criteria and shelf life of this product at home:

  • In parchment at a temperature of min 3 degrees, oil is stored for 10 days.
  • In a plastic dish at the same temperature is stored for 15 days.
  • In lined foil - 20 days.
  • And in a metal can - 3 months.

So that the butter does not mold   and stored longer, it is worth storing it in the freezer. Its beneficial properties do not change at cold temperatures. From a frozen piece, you can cut a small one and put it in an oiler.

By the way so that the oil does not mold, does not turn yellow and does not have an unpleasant smell Store it in a ceramic or wooden oiler on the top shelf of the refrigerator.

Oil can also be stored at room temperature . It is worth putting a piece in an enameled pot of salt water, cover with a plate, set the load on top and put in the coldest place. 20 g of salt are dissolved in 1 liter of water.

And ghee should be stored in a glass jar,   in fridge. It does not spoil for a long time.

How to cook ghee yourself?

  • Melt the butter in a ladle or pan.
  • Bring to a boil and reduce heat.
  • As soon as you notice a sediment, transfer the mixture to another bowl.
  • In order to melt 400 g of oil, it takes half an hour, and 1-2 kg - an hour.

How to cook butter at home?

You can cook at home and the butter itself. This difficult method is divided into several steps:

Does butter help to lose weight?

Drinking butter is allowed with several diets:

  • With a salt-free diet, as there are no salts in this product.
  • With a diet for diabetics.
  • When prescribed after removal of the gallbladder
  • or with a stomach ulcer. Butter is allowed to be added to soups and mashed potatoes.
  • With a diet for pregnant women. Be sure pregnant women should consume oil, it is of great benefit to the baby.

Note oil is better to eat in the first half of the day,   preferably at breakfast.

Nutritionists recommend consuming it and with a low-calorie diet for weight loss.   For example - you can add butter to porridge, season salad or pasta. You should not refuse it completely, because it carries the necessary nutrients for the body.

The widespread food supply and demand among the population is no less than other products made from milk - this is cream. They can be used both separately and mixed in tea and coffee, improving the beneficial properties and taste of the drink. This product is also used in many recipes.

The product at home is prepared from milk, by the method of separation of mixtures of liquids of different densities. A dense layer forms on the surface of the milk, which merges into another container. Hence the name of this product. In dairy production, cream is produced on special equipment: separators. There are two types of cream:

  • natural;
  • restored.

Composition and nutritional value

The benefit of a dairy product for a person is manifested in a rich caloric composition, which is entirely determined by the fat content and freshness of the product. Cream of good quality are considered when they contain a lot of fat and have a single density - it is a component of milk in the form of fats. Fats rise and accumulate on the surface. Their quantity, per a certain volume of milk, depends on the fat content of the milk itself, and not on what the cow is fed with. The dairy industry produces cream with various fat content, such as:

  1. Low-fat - 10%, 12% and 14%.
  2. Low-fat - 15%, 17% and 19%.
  3. Average fat content - 20% and 35%.
  4. Fatty - 35% and 50%.
  5. Highly fatty - 50% and 60%.

The calorie content of 20% cream per 100 grams is 220 kcal.

Particular useful properties of the product are that they contain: (phospholipids, lecithin, macrocells, microelements, carbohydrates, proteins, minerals, vitamins). They also contain a lot of calcium, therefore, drinking cream, we strengthen our health and increase life expectancy. The adult population, fats and beneficial components of cream, absorb much faster than from milk.

Beneficial features

Using this product, you can cure some diseases. Those who are forced to engage in physical activity by occupation are recommended to drink to get more energy for the body. It is also useful to add them to the diet for diseases of the stomach and intestines.

Cream is characterized by the ability to remove toxic substances from the body, so when intoxicated, they are the number one medicine.

This dairy product contains an amino acid that, when ingested, is processed into serotonin. In both men and women, this substance is deficient in the body. Thanks to serotonin in humans:

  • working capacity increases;
  • a good mood;
  • lack of depression;
  • deep dream;
  • facial skin improves and rejuvenates;
  • growth hormone is produced;
  • there is a recovery of the brain and psyche;
  • performance improves;
  • the intensity increases.

Cream with carrot juice, have the ability to improve the performance of the kidneys and bladder, reduce swelling. If honey is added to this composition, then the vital activity of the sexual function will increase. Tea and coffee with cream reduce the negative effects on the gastrointestinal tract, and tooth enamel protects against harmful and unwanted plaque. Lecithin has a beneficial effect on venous and vascular manifestations, protects against the appearance of atherosclerosis, plaques in blood vessels and regulates the maximum cholesterol allowed.

Cream is of great benefit if consumed with various fruits. In addition to a pleasant taste, such desserts are useful for humans. The fats contained in this dessert have an effect on the rapid absorption of vitamins found in fruits. Elderly people, in no case should you refuse to take cream, even when the stomach and intestines react negatively to them. The fat contained in the cream increases the life span. However, when consumed, you must adhere to the norm and take no more than 70 grams per day. Children of kindergarten age also need to be given cream, but in a small amount, it is still more beneficial for them to consume milk.

Harmful properties

Although cream is good for humans, it can also be harmful at the same time. By abusing cream and drinking a large number of them, the body will begin to resist: instead of lowering the level of cholesterol, it will quickly begin to rise. It is not recommended to give cream to babies up to two years, because at this age a product containing so much fat is difficult to digest. Cream is contraindicated and harmful to those who suffer from diseases associated with the function of the liver, the inability to transfer milk proteins, allergic reactions to dairy products, increased cholesterol, high blood pressure, and is also prone to cardiovascular diseases.

Rules for selection and storage

The store sells two types of cream: sterilized or disinfected and pasteurized by heat treatment. Sterilized cream is prepared by boiling at high temperature, so they have a shelf life of up to four months. They are packaged in airtight packaging, and they taste similar to baked milk. Pasteurized cream can only be stored for 3 days, and they taste like boiled milk. Such a product cannot be stored for a long time because it has the ability to sour quickly.

It is not so easy to choose a useful and high-quality product: you cannot open a package in a store and evaluate taste and other qualities. When buying cream, you must read what is indicated on the package: manufacturer, release date, shelf life, composition. If the types of cream are not indicated on the package, then be sure that vegetable fats are present here, and this is no longer a natural product, but a substitute.

Cream should not contain lumps, grains, bad smell, extraneous taste. They should have a slightly sweetish taste, white or pale cream color, be without foreign mixtures, so as not to harm the body. Sterilized cream does not turn sour, since they lack foodborne microbes and bacteria, so rot eventually develops and a bitter aftertaste appears. Such cream should be returned to the store or poured into the sink. The shelf life of pasteurized cream is 36 hours, at a temperature of 4 to 8 degrees, and sterilized - no more than 30 days, at a temperature of 1 to 20 degrees.

The effect of the product on weight loss

Arranging once a week the so-called fat fasting days, consuming only cream during the day, you will lose a few pounds of unnecessary weight. Cream creates beneficial saturation and prevents the formation of fat from carbohydrates. Eat cream and be healthy!

Cream is a real milk treat, which is used to make desserts and meat dishes, they decorate cakes and can be used as a supplement to fruits. But how useful are creams and can they be consumed by absolutely all people? Let's try to figure it out ...

The composition and calorie content of cream

Nutrition value of 100 g of cream of 35% fat content:

  • Calories 8 kcal
  • Protein 2 g
  • Fat 35 g
  • Carbohydrate 2 g
  • Water 59 g

The product in question differs from its dairy "counterparts" in a high fat content, but it is leveled out by the presence of phosphoric acid and nitrogen bases. The cream contains vitamins and trace elements that are important for the normal functioning of the body - for example, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, copper, selenium, zinc and others.

Separately, it is worth noting that cream contains a lot of protein, but it differs somewhat from ordinary cow's milk protein in its high lecithin content. This substance is actively involved in the formation of cell membranes.

The calorie content of the cream is very high - from 206 Kcal per 100 grams of product and above, depending on the percentage of fat content, which makes them invaluable for those people who suffer from exhaustion, cachexia and a severe postoperative period. However, the same indicator makes cream unacceptable for people who are obese or overweight, although they are not forbidden to use.

The benefits of cream for humans

It has long been proven that foods with a high fat content in the composition are poorly absorbed by the body, but this statement does not apply to the product in question! Due to the fact that the cream contains Omega-3 acid, they are not only well absorbed by the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, but also have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the brain. It is especially important to regularly use cream for people who are engaged in mental work - this milk treat will nourish brain cells and increase their performance.

As mentioned above, cream will be useful in the recovery period, when patients get stronger after a long illness or surgery. And this milk treat is able to normalize and stabilize metabolic processes, but this applies only to those cases when metabolic disorders have led to exhaustion, anorexia, cachexia.

It is useful to use cream for patients with gastritis, peptic ulcer and / or duodenal ulcer. By the way, with regular use of the product in question, the work of the intestine normalizes, which immediately affects the person's face - his skin becomes less oily, acne and acne disappear.

Cream is actively used in cosmetology - they are added to various skin care products, and traditional medicine recommends a milk treat not only to be ingested, but also used for facial skin care. It is enough to apply them 2-3 times a week on previously cleansed face skin and after a couple of months of such procedures you can notice the result - the skin becomes velvety, its color is smoothed out, the pores are narrowed, small wrinkles are smoothed, peeling and redness disappear.

Cream can also beneficially affect the nervous system - this product is useful for those people whose labor activity is associated with stress, irritation and stress. There is evidence that cream helps to cope even with depression!

Despite the many useful properties of the dairy product in question, cream has some contraindications.

Possible harm to cream

Firstly, cream is strictly forbidden to use with diagnosed hepatosis. This disease is characterized by the degeneration of liver cells into fat cells, therefore too fatty foods are generally prohibited.

Secondly, the product in question should not be used for inflammatory processes in the pancreas - cream is too “heavy” for this organ. But there is a reservation to this case - if the main stage of treatment of pancreatitis is completed, then adding cream, for example, to coffee or tea is quite appropriate.

Thirdly, cream is not needed for excess weight and obesity.   Still, the high fat content of this product will adversely affect the processes of weight loss.

Separately, it is worth paying attention to the fact that with too frequent use of cream, or when eating a simultaneously large amount of this milk treat, an intestinal upset may occur. And in this case, the person will be disturbed by diarrhea (diarrhea) - it seems that it's okay, but constant loose stools irritates the intestinal mucosa and can trigger the development of pathological processes.

Cream is a unique product that is used both in pure form and for additives to many dishes. If there are no strict contraindications to their use, then it is worth introducing this milk treat into the diet - the most important microelements and vitamins will begin to enter the body, brain cells will work more actively, and metabolic processes in the body will normalize.

Dairy products have always been and remain quite popular among the population. They contain a number of nutrients, in addition, they are a universal food product for people of different age groups. In addition, a fairly large number of consumers use dry analogues of dairy products. The category of analogues include dry cream. At the same time, many consumers are thinking about the beneficial and harmful effects of this product on the human body.

What is in the package with a beautiful picture? The composition of the product

The composition and nutritional level of cream is almost completely determined by the method of their manufacture.

There are two types of dried cream:

  • 1st grade. It is made only from whole natural cow's milk.
  • 2nd grade. For the manufacture of vegetable oils are used.

To choose which product is more suitable, you need to study the composition written on the package.

In most cases, cream is prepared on a natural plant basis. But oil based on vegetable fats is slightly diluted with water, and then a number of flavoring components, often synthetic ones, are mixed. The mixture may contain oils: palm, palm kernel and coconut. In addition, among the fundamental components may be milk proteins (food form - powder), which give the finished product a pleasant smell and natural color. The role of this component is remarkably performed by sodium casein.

The cream also contains in dry form:

  • stabilizers;
  • acidity regulators;
  • dyes;
  • flavoring additives;
  • emulsifiers.

The composition of cream of natural origin includes more diverse components:

  • choline (high percentage);
  • vitamins PP, D, A, C, group B;
  • minerals (Co, Sr, Sn).
  • metals (Al, Cu, Zn, Se, Cr, Mn).
  • fluorine.

Powder cream is a storehouse:

  • vitamin E and H;
  • iodine;

How many calories are in dried cream?

There are two types of dry mix:

  • sugarless;
  • with added sugar.

Sugar free cream is less than the calorie content of its natural counterpart. This moment will be very important for those who keep themselves in good physical shape.

  • 100 grams of cream without sugar \u003d 175 calories.
  • 100 grams of natural cream \u003d 280 calories.

But 100 grams of dry product with sugar contains:

  • Protein - 76 kcal.
  • Fat - 378 kcal.
  • Carbohydrates - 121 kcal.

Powdered cream, which contains sugar, is very high in calories and, accordingly, harmful for people suffering from excess weight.

rice flour - health benefits and harms

What should not be in the composition?

To determine a good quality product, you should read its nutritional composition.

Components that should not be:

  • starch;
  • preservatives;
  • dyes;
  • herbal supplements.

The tightness of the container must not be compromised.

What is such a product good for? What benefits does the body have?

  1. Calorie content.   Low calorie content makes cream attractive for people who carefully monitor their weight.
  2. Shelf life.   Unlike natural creams, the shelf life of dry creams reaches 24 months.
  3. No harmful components.   Dry cream contains a very small percentage of fat, and there is not a drop of cholesterol.
  4. Mix with any food.   This is a pretty practical fact. In addition, when mixed, they do not collapse and retain their full volume.
  5. Useful composition.   This product is a storehouse of elements that play a significant role in keeping the body at a high level of life. In addition, vitamins, amino acids, Ca and P.
  6. Bringing a person in tone.   Drinks with an admixture of dried cream give optimism and a surge of vitality to a person for extremely productive activities throughout the day.
  7. Replacement of natural milk.   Due to the fact that the basis for the production of dried cream is vegetable, they are allowed to eat even those people who are allergic to any natural milk and its derivatives or intolerant to lactates.
  8. Cost.   This plus is quite significant. Dry cream is almost half the price of natural cream, which reduces the cost of production, without compromising on quality.

Who should not eat dried cream?

  1. Allergy.   The finished mixture includes a number of preservatives and food supplements of dry form. According to allergists, people who are predisposed to various allergic conditions and also have an individual intolerance to the ingredients in the composition should refuse this product.
  2. Oncological diseases.   Doctors agree that dry cream is harmful to humans, because the body absorbs transisomeric acids, which in fact are carcinogens, quite poorly. It is believed that such particles can be a trigger in the formation of cancer.

But, despite all the negative sides, dried cream is a very common additive that is found in most confectionery products manufactured industrially.

milk powder - benefits and harms

The main areas of application of cream in dry form

  1. At home. Powdered cream is quite straightforward to use. They are simply diluted with water and added to your favorite drink. No more than two teaspoons of the product are consumed at a time.
  2. Confectionery.   Dry cream is an integral part of many confectionery products. Also on sale is a dry mix for whipped cream.

  The product is used in the manufacture of:

  • mayonnaise;
  • ice cream;
  • yoghurts;
  • a variety of drinks;
  • soups;
  • semi-finished products;
  • sauces;
  • creams;
  • baby food;
  • condensed milk, etc.

If you do not overdo the use of dry cream in food, then they are unlikely to be able to cause irreparable harm to health.

cornmeal - benefits and harms

Cream is a milk separation product. The name of the product - “cream” - comes from the verb “merge”. Cream can easily be removed from the surface of the settled milk and drained into another bowl. Cream has a homogeneous consistency, sweet taste, delicate color and should not have flakes, lumps or other impurities.

Cream is distinguished by fat content and the method of processing raw materials. Depending on the processing method, pasteurized and sterilized are distinguished. Pasteurized cream can be stored for no more than a week, the shelf life of sterilized can reach four months.

Cream Composition

Cream of various fat content from 8 to 35% goes on sale. Calorie content of cream depends on fat content. The calorie content of 10% cream is about 120 kilocalories, with a fat content of 35%, the calorie content of cream reaches 350 kilocalories. Cream of 40% fat content has a calorie content of about 600 kilocalories. Most of the nutritional value is fats, the rest is proteins and carbohydrates. About 70% is water.

Cream contains both saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. 100 ml of cream with 25% fat contains about 11 grams of saturated fatty acids, 87 mg of cholesterol, about 0.5 grams of ash, slightly less than one gram of organic acids.

The vitamin and mineral composition of cream is close to milk, which is not surprising: cream is a very fat milk. 100 ml of cream contains: 124 mg of choline, vitamin PP - 0.6 mg, vitamin E - 0.4 mg, vitamin D - 0.1 μg, ascorbic acid - 0.3 mg, vitamin B12 - 0.4 μg, folic acid - 8.5 μg, vitamin B2 - 0.11 mg, vitamin B1 - 0.03 mg, vitamin A - 160 μg.

Per 100 ml of cream: molybdenum - 5 μg, fluorine - 14 μg, selenium - 0.3 μg, manganese - 0.3 μg, copper - 20 μg, iodine - 7 μg, zinc - 0.25 mg, iron - 0 , 22 mg, chlorine - 61 mg, phosphorus - 60 mg, potassium - 109 mg, sodium - 35 mg, magnesium - 8 mg, calcium - 86 mg.

Cream milk fat consists of round fractions - balls. 1 ml of cream contains about 3 billion of these balls. The balls do not merge with each other, since they have a fatty shell, inside which is lecithin, which combines with the protein.

The main advantage of cream can be called a high content of phosphatides, similar in composition to fats, but having a nitrogenous base and phosphoric acid in the composition. The process of heating the cream destroys the fatty membranes of the fractions, and lecithin passes into buttermilk. In the same way, whipping cream affects the cream. Phosphatides in this case are also destroyed.

Therefore, natural cream is more useful than butter or heated almost to boiling point. Cold cream should replace butter in cereals, desserts, sauces. So the product will be not only less high-calorie, but also more useful.

The benefits of cream

Cream is a tasty and healthy product with high nutritional value. It can and should be eaten by everyone except infants, even the elderly, whose diet has great limitations in terms of calorie content and fat content, but in small quantities.

Phosphatides (phospholipids) are a structural component of almost all body cells. The use of cream in old age helps to avoid senile dementia, phospholipids play an important role in the functioning of the nervous system.

Since fats are a source of energy, cream can be considered one of the best power engineers. They should satisfy hunger with high physical exertion. Athletes add fat cream to the diet: they are a source of energy and protein.

Another reason athletes love cream is its high content of casein, a complex protein. Casein is valuable not only as a source of protein, but also as a substance that helps control appetite.

The cream fat fraction is so large that it is absorbed as well as possible. The body does not have to spend additional energy on the digestion of cream.

Fats contained in cream envelop the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, therefore, cream is an essential product for gastrointestinal diseases. Cream will help with food poisoning, slow down the absorption of toxins and poisons, make this absorption incomplete, and the conclusion from the body quickly. It is recommended to drink cream in case of chemical poisoning, even when painting walls or floors during repair, it is recommended to drink a glass of cream after work that neutralizes the harmful effects of chemical compounds.

Cream is the source of the amino acid L-tryptophan, which synthesizes serotonin in the body. Serotonin increases efficiency, improves mood, helps to cope with depression and insomnia. L-tryptophan reduces cravings for sugar, for simple carbohydrates. So, despite the high calorie content, a small amount of cream helps to lose weight.

Cream added to coffee or tea reduces the irritating effect of caffeine on the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. In the same protective way, cream acts on tooth enamel and protects against the risk of plaque fastening on enamel.

Cream as a source of lecithin helps to reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood, reduce the size and number of existing cholesterol plaques, protect blood vessels from the appearance of new ones.

Cream is a source of calcium that helps strengthen bones and teeth. Cream should be drunk during the period of intensive growth of the teenager, to form healthy bone tissue. Cream is useful in violation of posture, phosphorus, which is part of the cream, enhances the action of calcium.

Cream is the best “neighbor” for fat-soluble vitamins A and E, so cream is recommended to be added to carrot juice. This is how the full absorption of vitamins A and E. The combination of vitamins A, E and D in cream is ideal for absorption, so cream is suitable for baby food, which need vitamin D.

Beauty Cream

Cream to maintain beauty has been used since Cleopatra. The famous milk baths are nothing more than water with the addition of cream. Such milk baths smooth the skin, rejuvenate it, bleach. Cleopatra owes its beauty, not least, to baths with cream.

Cream is used to make homemade masks. They soften the skin, nourish it, smooth small wrinkles.

How to make homemade cream

Not all store creams are healthy: sterilized, with a long shelf life they lack many useful ingredients. Therefore, cream with a short shelf life should be preferred. Alternatively, cream can be made at home on your own to be absolutely sure of their usefulness.

Milk for cream should be bought natural steam, but not store-bought. Milk is poured into flat containers, in plates, for example, and left in a cool place. In a day, cream will appear on the surface. They are carefully collected with a spoon and transferred to a separate bowl. The thickness of the cream layer and their fat content depend on the initial fat content of the milk.

Harm cream

Cream, especially high fat - a very high-calorie product, so they should be consumed in limited quantities. If there are no problems with weight, then 100 grams per day is the maximum. For obesity, cream should be excluded from the diet.

Cream, like milk, should not be drunk with lactose intolerance. Children under three years old should not be given cream due to high fat content and difficulties with digestion. For liver diseases, it is better to refuse cream.

Berestova Svetlana
  for the women's magazine InFlora.ru

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  Picture Why is butter useful?

One of the products that is present on our table daily is butter. Without this natural and tasty addition to sandwiches (and not only), many people do not imagine their life. However, there are enough of those who do not want to use it, believing that it can harm the state of health.
  Why is butter useful? Photo: Depositphotos

Opponents of this food product argue against being present in their daily diet. Among these arguments are an increase in cholesterol, the risk of developing atherosclerosis, the risk of heart attacks and coronary artery disease.

Fans of butter claim that replacing it with vegetable fat, in particular margarine and spread, causes significant harm to health. Let's try to figure out how this product is useful and whether it is worth abandoning it?

What is the use of butter?

This product is characterized by a high content of vitamin A, which is necessary for eyesight, healthy skin and hair. This vitamin is also beneficial for the endocrine system. In addition, there are other vitamins in the oil: D, E, K.

It is a record holder for the most useful chemical element, which is a strong antioxidant - selenium, ahead of such rich in selenium products as wheat and garlic. It also contains iodine, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland.

The product has a beneficial effect on the intestines. It also has anticarcinogenic properties. The lauric acid contained in it is characterized by antimicrobial and antifungal abilities. The presence of linolenic acid in it helps protect the body from the onset of oncology.

Butter has a positive effect on the body's production of sex hormones. It also contains oleic acid, which contributes to the normal metabolism, lowers cholesterol.
Why is butter useful?
  A photo:

Another useful component of the product are glycosphingolipids, which protect the intestines from various infections. They are found only in cream. It is advisable to abstain from the use of skim milk, since it leads to the fact that there is a predisposition of the intestine to infections. It is especially not recommended to give such milk to children.

Another substance necessary for our body, which is in oil, is cholesterol. It is necessary for our body to function normally, especially we are talking about the intestines, brain and nervous system. Many people are afraid of excess cholesterol, so they do not want to eat butter. In vain, because if you do not exceed the recommended servings, there will be no problems.

How much oil can be eaten without harm to health?

Such a high-calorie and heavy food product, such as butter, needs a moderate dosage. Reasonable use of it is the key to ensuring that there are no health problems. The product is recommended for use in the following amounts:

For children under the age of 7 years, the daily norm is not more than 10 g;

Children from 7 years old and adults - 30 g.

It is advisable to use butter with bread of coarse grains, with dishes of vegetables and various cereals.

By eating this product correctly, you will be able to prevent calories from being stored in fat. Oil contributes to the body receiving energy, nourishing brain cells and nerve tissue. That is why it is very useful for children. Its use has a beneficial effect on the development of the mental abilities of the child.
Why is butter useful?
  A photo:

People suffering from gastric ulcer are advised to consume at least 20 g of oil per day. This will contribute to the healing of the gastrointestinal mucosa.

In the cold season, when colds, flu and respiratory infections are common, the consumption of butter must be increased to 60 grams per day. This measure will help strengthen immunity and protect your body from infections.

Enjoy this tasty and healthy product with pleasure. Its healing properties will stand up to protect the health of you and your loved ones!

Overview of the dairy product - butter, animal origin: properties and contraindications, calorie content and composition of chemical elements, production method at home, storage, interesting facts.

The content of the article:

Butter is a product of processing fat cow's milk (cream), a high-quality product has a high fat content of at least 72.5%. This product cannot be called known from ancient times or innovation: cooking oil (whipping from fat milk) at home began around the 9th century in Russia, and industrial production began in the 19th century.

Used in cooking: for a sandwich and for seasoning (softening) cooked dishes. There are several types: salted, unsalted, sour cream, sweet cream, with fillers (fruit, chocolate, etc.).

The effect of butter on human health is debatable - due to the presence of animal fats (cholesterol), it is also a useful and harmful product that requires careful consumption and balance.

Chemical composition of peasant oil

One of the less fatty types of butter consists of 72.5 percent cream and its name is "Peasant". It is believed that the less animal fat is in the product, the better and more it can be eaten. For example, one of the popular "diet" varieties, consider all the components of this product.

Calorie butter   "Peasant" per 100 g of product - 660 calories. And:

  • Fats - 72.5 g
  • Proteins - 0.82 g
  • Carbohydrates - 1.33 g
  • Water - 25 g
  • No dietary fiber
  • Cholesterol - 170 mg
  • Saturated Fatty Acids - 47.2 g
  • Unsaturated fatty acids - 2.25 g
  • Mono- and disaccharides - about 1 g
  • A - 0.39 mg
  • D - 1.33 mcg
  • E - 1.1 mg
  • Beta Carotene - 0.35 mg
  • PP - 0.09 mg
  • B1 - 0.01 mg
  • B2 - 0.1 mg
  •   - 0,049 mg
Macro and trace elements:
  • Sodium - 15.1 mg
  • Calcium - 24.2 mg
  • Potassium - 29.9 mg
  • Magnesium - 0.41 mg
  • Phosphorus - About 30mg
  • Sulfur - 7.95 mg
  • Copper - 2.55 mcg
  • Iron - 0.21 mg
  • Manganese - 0.002 mg
  • Zinc - 0.09 mg

Useful properties of butter

Dairy products have been used by mankind since time immemorial. These are cheeses, and sour-milk products (kefir, fermented baked milk) and sour cream, and butter - are delicious and occupy the main place on the dining table. All of them bring health benefits and contain a lot of micro-macrocells, vitamins and acids useful for the skin, digestion, and internal organs. As for the benefits of butter, this is a moot point. Such an amount of fat, calories, cholesterol that it contains requires a competent balanced relationship, because a little "overdoing" with the use you can get a completely unpleasant disease until the end of life. But first about the benefits ...

Butter has been consumed for centuries, naturally without all kinds of modern impurities like palm oil, etc., it was completely natural, high-quality, holistic natural and therefore more healthy. But only after modern research can we say with accuracy about the benefits of this product for humans, for example, for hormonal levels. For women feeling the bitterness of the inability to conceive a child, oil can be invaluable - it normalizes reproductive ability, the ability to conceive.

Doctors recommend the use of high-quality butter, which eliminates gastrointestinal infections and normalizes the microflora, for patients with ulcers and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Saturated fats increase the body's ability to resist tumors. Lauric acid is able to inhibit the growth of the fungus (fights candidiasis), improves skin condition. also found in butter enhances immunity.

Vitamin D, known for its exclusivity and benefits, is found in high concentration in butter and plays a role in the absorption of calcium, is good for bones and teeth, for vision, just like vitamin A in the same product. It is useful to use oil for skin, hair, to increase efficiency and reduce fatigue.

But it should be noted that the product brings benefits only in certain quantities. To think that the more the better is a mistake. Animal oil is a fatty product and contains “bad” cholesterol, which causes atherosclerotic vascular diseases and poor nutrition of internal organs.

Butter Harm and Contraindications

In the last century, the results of international studies on the dangers of cholesterol found in animal fatty foods were published. So butter is a product made from fatty milk cream and also contains cholesterol. Therefore, it must be consumed within reasonable limits, for example, two sandwiches with oil per day is enough. Cholesterol is especially dangerous for blood vessels. In small quantities, it is a building material that makes tissues elastic (including the walls of blood vessels), accumulates in large quantities as surplus (in the form of plaques) on the inner walls of arteries, veins and completely blocks the lumen in the capillaries. Starting the atherosclerotic process in the body, ultimately unpleasant diseases - strokes, heart attacks, blood clots, venous insufficiency, etc.

There are less oily grades of oil, which contain 72.5% fat. Such varieties as "Peasant", "Smolensk" and others, on which the package contains precisely these figures of fat content - contain less cholesterol.

For people with high cholesterol, or with existing health problems in the form of past strokes, heart attacks, thrombophlebitis and other vascular problems, the consumption of butter should be minimized, or replaced completely, however, like other products containing a large number of animals fats.

Slimming Butter

David Esprey’s new diet is called Bulletproof, which is based on a cup of black coffee in which an 80 gram slice of unsalted butter is dissolved. The statement is debatable that you can lose weight with a fatty animal product, but the “inventor” of this diet insists on its effectiveness. Coffee combined with butter makes the waist slimmer, he said, and gives as an example the favorite drink of Tibetan monks - tea with butter of animal origin (buffalo milk). In Tibet, they are sure that a drink with butter gives energy, strength, health and harmony.

Several famous people have already tried this experimental diet and coffee with butter, which Esprey called “maslate” and tastes were polar: from “pleasant, giving strength” to “the taste of the drink is terrible.”

Cooking butter at home

The best butter, without impurities, flavor enhancers, preservatives, etc., can be obtained at home. The main ingredient for this is top-quality cream or sour cream. The procedure takes from several minutes to several hours - depends on the technical equipment. If you make butter manually (in the old-fashioned way in a special wooden nudge), you will get the most delicate product as a result, if you do it in a mixer, then the butter will turn out coarser. A plus of the home procedure is that you can mix it with any additives: garlic, onions, herbs, salinity or chocolate (cocoa).

So, one of the options for cooking oil with your own hands:

For example, we take 1 liter of thick fat cream, shift their capacity for whipping. Take a whisk (spoon, fork, etc.) and begin to beat the contents until a granular mass is formed. Then remove the tool and begin to knead it with your hands, then the granular mass will begin to separate into oil and liquid. Drain and crush the mass further. When a sufficiently dense glomerule forms, rinse it under a stream of cold clean water. The butter is ready, salt it or sweeten, as you wish, laying in a pre-prepared tray. Flatten, place in the freezer for several hours.

How much cream or cow's milk is needed to produce 1 kg of butter?   To make a kilogram of oil, you need cream, on average 2 kg of this product with a fat content of at least 36% is required (the fatter the cream, the more the final product will be). To make 2 kg of cream, you need about 25-30 liters of milk.

Total: for the production of butter in a volume of 1 kg, you need about 25-30 liters of milk.

Watch video recipes and tips on how to make butter at home:

How to store butter from cow's milk

Butter is a delicate product and absorbs a lot of unpleasant odors (if they are, of course, present in your home), therefore, store it separately from other products, in a tightly closed container-oiler.

Be sure to protect from sunlight. It’s good in the refrigerator, it’s even better in the foil, but for a few days (up to 15 days). For long-term storage (for example, a large piece of animal oil), a freezer is used - for several weeks and even months.
  • This dairy and animal product appeared later than cheese. At the beginning of its appearance as a food product, it was whipped by the Sumerians for medicinal purposes.
  • It may seem surprising, but it really is: the quality, taste of the oil depends on the pasture of the cow. In other words, what kind of food digested the stomach of cattle, so will the milk that it gives. So, and cream, and sour cream, and cottage cheese, and butter ...
  • Butter is rightly called food for the mind. Fats in its composition are involved in the process of updating and building cells, especially a lot of them in the tissues of the brain and nerve fibers.
  • When cooking hot dishes, butter is not used - useful substances and vitamins are lost. The best use is sandwiches and seasoning for ready meals.
  • More than 5 million tons of this dairy product is consumed in the world in 1 year.
  Video about the benefits of butter: