What can you do with herring. How to cook a herring? Herring dishes: simple recipes

09.04.2019 Egg dishes

Bakr entered, the elderly and sickly feeble servant of Howlapsil, carrying a platter of two fried herring neatly laid out so that the head of one was flush with the tail of the other. "

A. Zorich. Oath breakers

"— Herring? Yes, yes, give me herring, I want to eat herring, I want, I want. Is it a bow? Yes, yes, give me onions, give me a lot, everything, herring, onions, I want to eat, I want vulgarity, rather ... more ... more, see everything ... I eat herring!"
N. A. Teffi. Demonic women

Herring- R Yba, known mostly in a cooked, food-complete form - in salted and smoked (less often). It is used mainly in the kitchen of a cold table, although there are some hot dishes prepared from soaked salted herring and rarely from fresh, due to its fat content, it is completely unsuitable for storage and therefore spreads when heated. bad smell... Only in the countries of the sea, for example, in England, where freshly caught herring can be delivered to the market after an hour or two, it is fried in vegetable oil as a good counterweight fish oil, but at the same time they are fried not just by putting them in a frying pan or roasting pan, but wrapped in newsprint, which also serves as a means to eliminate the herring smell. Such dishes from fried herring prepared only in ports on outdoors, and therefore we can assume that dishes from hot herring practically nonexistent, at least for most people in most countries.

V. Pokhlebkin. Great encyclopedia culinary arts

Fried herring with mushroom sauce

An experienced cookbook. Translated from Polish by A.Z., Published by V. Goldstein, Voronezh, 1865

Peel the soaked herrings from the skin, take out the bones, chop finely, add a little onion and milk, and the same herring, moisten the bread in water, squeeze, mix the herring into one mass, lay on the bones, take out the herring, shedding the herring flour and fry gently in olive oil - or bake in the oven.
Red sauce for nim with lemon, or for eating mushrooms, lined with flour and olive.
On a short day, you can put a piece of butter in the minced meat, and bread soaked in milk, and drive in 2 eggs for bonding, fry in butter - and season the sauce in butter.

Fried herring

Dutch cuisine

Collection. home kitchen. European cuisine, 2011 № 4.

Ingredients: fresh herring - 2 pcs., wheat flour - 2 tbsp. l., salt - ½ tsp., ground white pepper - ½ tsp., vegetable oil - 5-6 tbsp. l., potatoes - 10 pcs., butter - 60 g, green dill - 3-6-7 branches, green salad - 3-4 leaves


Gut herring, peel, rinse in cold water and dry slightly with a napkin. Rub outside and inside with salt and pepper. Pour flour into a shallow plate, roll the herring in it, shake off the excess flour. Heat vegetable oil in a skillet and fry the herring on both sides until golden brown. Peel the potatoes, boil until tender, season with butter and finely chopped green dill... You can serve green lettuce with this dish

Fried herring with potatoes

Serves 4: 4 large fresh herring, juice of half a lemon, salt, pepper, 125 ml of vegetable oil, 1 lemon, 500 g small potatoes, 3 tablespoons butter, 1 bunch of parsley


1. Peel and gut the herring, rinse it inside and out, dry it. Pour over lemon juice, salt, pepper and put in a cold place for 15 minutes.
2. Wash the potatoes and boil them in their skins in salted water (about 10 minutes).
3. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan. Dip the fish in flour and fry on both sides for 10 minutes until golden brown. Cut the lemon into wedges. Place the herring on a platter and garnish with lemon.
4. Drain the potatoes, let them drain, peel and fry in butter for about 5 minutes at closed lid... Wash, dry, chop the parsley and sprinkle on the potatoes. Serve with the fish.

Dutch herring

Bon appetit "/ Gunther Linde, Heinz Knobloch; translated from German. - Moscow, 1971

Ingredients: 8 medium herrings, lemon juice, salt, pepper, roast fat, oil, dill, parsley or green onions.


Peel the herring, carefully freeing it from the insides, sprinkle with lemon juice, salt and pepper. Fry on both sides, make cuts on the back and stuff with fresh, finely chopped dill, parsley, mixed with butter. Serve now with crumbly rice.

Herring with thyme

Traditional Irish Cuisine "Andy Gravett & Debbie Cook, 2008

Ingredients: 2 carrots chopped, 2 onions chopped, 1 garlic clove, finely chopped, 2 teaspoons finely chopped fresh parsley, 1/4 teaspoon dried thyme, 1 Bay leaf, 4 peppercorns, 3 cloves (spice), 600 ml (2 ½) cups Irish stout (Irish dark beer), 10 small herring, 1 onion, sliced ​​into rings, 300 ml 1¼ cups light ale, 1 spoon of vinegar, salt and freshly ground black pepper

Herring dish cooked in strong drinks and flavored with thyme. The spicy aromatic herb of thyme is used in Irish cooking to flavor chicken and veal dishes, vegetables, and fish. This ancient herb also has therapeutic, antiseptic and antibiotic properties.


Preheat oven to 190 ° C. Combine carrots, chopped onions, garlic, herbs, and spices in a saucepan. Pour in 2 ½ cups Irish Stout, bring to a boil, then simmer for about 10 minutes until full readiness vegetables.
Spoon the vegetable mixture into large form for baking, place the herring on top and place the onion rings on top. Pour ale and vinegar into a mold and season with salt and pepper.
Bake in oven for 20 minutes, until fish is cooked through. Let cool, then serve with Irish soda bread.

Fresh herring baked with onions

L.L. Lagunov, M.O. Lifshits. Fish dishes, Moscow, 1973

For 500-600 g of fish - 1½ tbsp. tablespoons of flour, 2 tablespoons of butter, ½ cup of sour cream, 2-3 raw eggs, 2 onions; salt and ground pepper taste.


Prepared herring (large - cut in half, small whole) salt, pepper, roll in flour. Fry.
Chop the onions finely, season it with sour cream, raw egg, salt. Put the herring in a saucepan, pour over it with a mixture of sour cream and onions. Place in the oven and bake. Sprinkle with chopped parsley or dill before serving. Serve boiled or fried potatoes.
Instead of onions, you can use finely chopped green onions (120 g).

Fresh herring is inexpensive, and it makes dishes just as good as red fish!

On the first Saturday in June, the Netherlands celebrate the Herring Festival.

Thus, the Dutch celebrate the product that is their national pride, and the celebrations themselves are timed to coincide with the first catch of the year. We also love this fish very much, it is a frequent guest at both festive and everyday tables.

As a rule, many people buy only salted herring, but in fact, many delicious dishes can also be prepared from fresh fish.

Fresh herring in mayonnaise sauce

The easiest thing to do with fresh herring is to bake it in the oven with a sauce.

Ingredients (for 2-4 servings):

  • Fresh herring - 2 pcs.,
  • Classic mayonnaise - 150 ml,
  • Water - 500 ml.


Peel the herring of scales and entrails, remove the head, tail and fins. Rub the fish carcasses with salt and pepper, put in a deep baking sheet, on them - onions, cut into large rings or half rings. Pour all with mayonnaise, pepper a little more. Then carefully, along the side, pour water. Place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees and bake for 35-40 minutes.

You can garnish herring boiled potatoes... Alternatively, you can sprinkle ready-made fish green onions or finely chopped parsley.

Fresh herring with vegetables

Fresh herring can be used to make a kind of stew, in which all the ingredients harmoniously complement each other.

Ingredients (for 4 servings):

  • Fresh herring - 2 pcs.,
  • Bulb onions (large) - 4 pcs.,
  • Carrots (medium) - 4 pcs.,
  • Potatoes (large) - 4 pcs.,
  • Dill seeds - 1 tsp,
  • Salt, black pepper - to taste,
  • Vegetable oil (refined) - 4 tbsp. spoons (1 + 3),
  • Warm water - 1 glass.


Peel the herring of scales, fins, entrails, remove the heads and tails. Cut the fish into small 4 cm pieces, salt and season with pepper. Peel the vegetables, cut the onion into half rings, the carrots into slices, and the potatoes into half slices approximately 1.5 cm apart. Divide all prepared foods, including dill seeds, into 2 servings.

Grease a heavy-bottomed saucepan with 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil. Layer the first serving of food: onion, fish, dill seeds, potatoes, salt, pepper, carrots. Then in the same way - the second part of herring, vegetables and spices. Top it off with the rest vegetable oil and pour in a glass of warm water.

Place the saucepan over high heat, bring the stew to a boil, reduce heat to low and simmer, covered, for 35-40 minutes. No need to stir.

E If you do not like it when you come across fish bones then cook this herring fillet dish. Alternatively, for added flavor, you can add a few lemon wedges on top of a layer of dill seeds.

Quick heh made from fresh herring

This dish will appeal to those who love korean food... The herring is spicy, spicy and beautiful.


  • Fresh herring - 2 pcs.,
  • Carrots (medium) - 2 pcs.,
  • Garlic - 5 cloves
  • Onions (large) - 1 pc.,
  • Salt, hot red pepper - to taste,
  • Ground black pepper - 1 tsp,
  • Seasoning for carrots in Korean - 3-4 tsp,
  • Sugar - 3 tsp,
  • Soy sauce - 2 tbsp spoons,
  • Vinegar (9%) - 2.5 tbsp. spoons,
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. spoons.


To prepare this dish, use a glass or enameled dishes... Clean the herring from scales and entrails, remove the tail, head and all bones. Cut the fillet into pieces no thicker than 1 cm. Cut the carrots very thin straw(or grind on a special Korean carrot grater) and mix with the fish. Pour in vinegar and stir. Leave to marinate for 45-50 minutes.

Then add onion chopped into half rings, garlic passed through a press into a container with herring, soy sauce, salt, sugar, seasoning for Korean carrots, black and red peppers. Boil the vegetable oil and pour it over the spices and only then mix everything. Cover the container with a tight lid and refrigerate for 24 hours. When serving, you can sprinkle the heh with finely chopped cilantro.

Fresh herring in cucumber-tomato sauce

Herring with tomato puree and pickles - original and hearty dish which will pleasantly diversify everyday table or brighten up your Sunday lunch.

Ingredients (for 6 servings):

  • Fresh herring - 2 pcs.,
  • Pickled cucumbers (barrel, medium) - 6 pcs.,
  • Tomato puree - 100 g,
  • Sugar - to taste, depending on the acidity of the tomato puree,
  • Butter - 50 g + for greasing the pan,
  • Wheat flour - 2 tbsp. spoons,
  • Fish broth - 500 ml,
  • Bay leaf - 2-3 pcs.,
  • Black peppercorns - 7-8 pcs.,
  • Salt, black pepper - to taste.


Clean the herring of scales, fins, entrails, remove the tail and head, remove the fish from the ridge and, if possible, pull out small bones... Cut each fillet into thirds. Cook the broth from the ridges and tails, adding salt, black peppercorns and bay leaf to it.

Remove the skin from the cucumbers and cut them into thin slices. Lightly grease the pan with butter, lay fish pieces skin down, add tomato puree, sugar, black pepper and strained broth. Bring the mixture to a boil over medium heat, reduce heat to low and simmer, covered, for 30 minutes.

Then take out the fish and cucumbers, put them in a deep bowl and cover to keep them warm. Strain the broth again. Sift flour and mix with pieces of butter until an oily lump is formed, add it to the boiling broth and cook the sauce until thickened. If desired, finely chopped parsley can be added at the end of cooking.

Put the fish slices on plates, put cucumber slices on them and pour the sauce over everything. You can garnish herring in a cucumber-tomato sauce with boiled potatoes, rice or fresh vegetable salad.

Lightly salted herring spicy salting

Speaking of fresh herring dishes, one cannot ignore the salting of this fish, because it is in the salted form that it best reveals its taste.


  • Fresh herring - 2 pcs.,
  • Coarse salt - 60 g,
  • Sugar - 30 g
  • Black peppercorns - 6 pcs.,
  • Allspice peas - 6 pcs.,
  • Coriander seeds - 1 tsp,
  • Bay leaf - 6 pcs.,
  • Water - 500 ml.


First prepare the brine - in a saucepan, combine water, salt, sugar, black and allspice and bay leaf. Bring the mixture to a boil and simmer for 7-8 minutes. Let cool.

Rinse the herring under running water, you do not need to gut and clean it, but you need to pull out the gills. Place the herring in a suitable container, for example, in a large jelly container, sprinkle with coriander seeds, cover with cold brine, put under pressure and put in a cool place. If it's hot at home, it's best to keep the herring in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf. Cooking time - 1 day.

Pickled herring

The recipe for pickled herring came to us from the Netherlands, where real miracles are done with this fish.


  • Fresh herring - 2 pcs.,
  • Bulb onions (large) - 2 pcs.,
  • Carrots (medium) - 1 pc.,
  • Lemon (not very large) - 1 pc.,
  • Sugar - 60 g
  • Bay leaves - 8-10 pcs.,
  • Black peppercorns - 10 pcs.


Gut the herring, remove the scales, heads and tails, remove the fillets from the ridge, remove all small bones if possible and cut the fish into small pieces. Cut the onion into rings, the lemon into slices, chop the carrots into coarse grater... In a mortar, together with sugar, crush the black peppercorns (you should get a coarse grinding).

V glass jar with a screw top, lay out in layers: 1/4 of the onion, 2 bay leaves, a quarter of carrots, pieces of herring, sugar and pepper, lemon wedges. Repeat this process 3 more times. Tamp all the ingredients tightly, close the lid and refrigerate for 3 days.

Serve the pickled herring with fresh black bread, baked potatoes and salted "green" oil (mix softened butter, parsley leaves and salt).

At the end of the article, let's say: all of the above dishes can be prepared from freshly frozen herring. In this case, let it defrost on its own - either in the refrigerator or at room temperature. Do not use water and a microwave for defrosting, otherwise the fish will simply fall apart later.

Step 1: prepare the herring.

Put the herring in a medium bowl and leave aside to reach room temperature... Immediately after that, rinse the fish under running water. We spread it on cutting board and wipe with kitchen paper towels... Using a knife, carefully make a shallow incision along the abdomen towards the head. We remove the insides and protective film. Attention: the head can be cut off if desired. I usually leave it and decorate with olives or olives after baking.

We again thoroughly rinse the component from all sides under running water and wipe it again with towels. Put the herring back in the bowl and leave it aside for a while.

Step 2: prepare the lemon.

We wash the lemon under running water and put it on a cutting board. Using a knife, cut off the edges. Attention: in general, we need citrus in order to sprinkle the fish with its juice, but for beauty, you can cut off a couple of circles from the fruit. So, using a juicer, squeeze all the liquid out of the component.

Step 3: prepare the oven baked herring.

Cover a baking sheet or baking dish with food foil and then grease with a small amount of vegetable oil. Now, to taste, rub the herring on all sides with salt and seasoning for fish. Attention: you can not regret seasonings, as the dish with it turns out to be amazingly tasty. We spread the fish on a baking sheet, decorate with lemon slices and sprinkle with freshly squeezed juice. Now we turn on the oven and heat it up to temperature 200 ° C... Immediately after that, put the container with the dish on the middle level and bake for 30 minutes... During this time, the herring should brown and become so fragrant that it will be difficult to resist. We turn off the oven, and we take out the baking sheet with the help of kitchen potholders and set aside.

Step 4: serve the herring baked in the oven.

Using a wooden spatula, transfer the baked herring to a special flat plate, decorate if desired fresh vegetables, olives and olives, as well as herbs and serve with dining table along with such side dishes as mashed potatoes or boiled rice.
Enjoy your meal!

You can also use fresh herring for cooking. In this case, be sure to pay attention to the color of the gills and the density of the skin to get good fresh fish. The gill should be a bright scarlet color (by no means pale), and the skin should be dense. It is also necessary to remove the scales before cooking;

In addition to the spices indicated in the recipe, the fish can also be grated with a ground pepper mixture, a pinch of paprika and other spices of your choice;

Before cooking, you can put onion rings on the bottom of the baking sheet, then the fish will turn out with a spicy interesting aroma and taste.

Herring is a unique product from which you can prepare various dishes... I have collected for you recipes with herring, which, in my opinion, are the most popular, delicious and affordable recipes.

Of course, many are known different ways cooking herring, as well as the secrets of its preparation. But we often make mistakes, but we offer you step-by-step cooking recipes that will help you avoid many mistakes.

Most often, various snacks are prepared from salted or slightly salted herring, and we most often fry or stuff fresh herring. But not many people know that fresh herring dishes are more useful for the body because fresh herring contains omega-3-saturated fatty acid... Salted or lightly salted herring dishes are also very tasty, but they must be carefully consumed by those who have problems or suffer hypertension and kidney disease.

Especially for my readers, I found a video clip on how to choose the right herring on our shelves. I advise you to look.

I present to you the recipe in an original and very delicious snacks, which goes very well with white wine, and just so delicious. Try it sure a lot will like it.



Lightly salted herring - 1 pc;
Processed cheese - 200 gr;
Sour cream - 1 tablespoon;
Greens to taste;
Pancakes - 10 pcs;

Cooking process:

First, we need to make pancakes, you can use any recipe according to which you cook pancakes at home. If you don't know how to cook thin pancakes look step by step recipe with a photo on our website, see.

Remove the bones from the herring, leave one fillet, then finely chop the fillet of the herring.

V separate dishes grate on fine grater processed cheese, add chopped herring fillet, sour cream and finely chopped herbs (parsley, dill) to your taste. Mix everything well almost until smooth.

Then spread the pancakes with the resulting filling, roll them up, cut the pancakes into small pieces before serving, decorate with herbs if desired and serve. Bon Appetit!

The next recipe for a wonderful and tasty herring appetizer, which is prepared very simply, well, but the taste…. Need to try.



Herring fillet - 2 pcs;
Beets (slightly larger than a fist) - 1 pc;
Wine vinegar to taste;
Sour apple(medium size) - 1 piece;
Vegetable oil;

For the sauce:

Vegetable or olive oil- 2-3 tbsp.;
Mustard 1-2 tablespoons;
Wine vinegar - 0.5 tsp

Cooking process:

Peel the beets and cut into small cubes, then put in a skillet with heated vegetable oil and simmer under a lid over medium heat, stirring occasionally until tender. At the end of cooking, pour in wine vinegar to taste.

Peel the apple, remove the seeds and cut into small cubes (like beets).

Cut the herring fillet into small pieces.

Then put in a salad bowl in layers, first beets, then apples and the last layer pieces of herring fillet.

Mix the ingredients for the sauce with each other until smooth ( wine vinegar and add mustard to your taste), and season the salad with the prepared sauce without stirring.

We send the salad to the refrigerator and let it brew for a couple of hours. Enjoy your meal!

Below I present to you a collection of the most popular and easy-to-prepare herring recipes. Read, choose, cook, and eat to your health. Don't forget to subscribe to the new recipe from the Granny's Kitchen blog and stay tuned.

Herring is found in three oceans, but on the Russian table it is a favorite, almost always, an obligatory snack, and it does not matter which shores it was caught on, but the right ambassador and well-chosen ingredients for salad, sandwiches, forshmak, canapés and other snacks are important. dishes.

Herring snacks - basic technological principles

Appetizers are served before main courses and begin any festive feast, therefore, it is important that they are not only tasty and original, but also beautifully designed. The first impression is the most indelible.

An ordinary herring can decorate the table no worse than a "noble" fish, if you add a little creative imagination to your culinary skills. But first you need to choose the best and highest quality main ingredient - the most important thing in herring is the right ambassador.

Just buy a well-fed salty carcass, with dense pulp, a pleasant fresh smell typical for salted fish- most easy way preparing the main ingredient for a herring snack. But true connoisseurs and gourmets prefer to salt the herring on their own.

It's simple: 180 g of salt, 60 g of sugar, 1 l of water - a marinade for simple salting any fresh frozen fish... If you add cloves, allspice, and other spices to this marinade, then the taste of the herring will improve significantly, and, in fact, the spicy salted herring is already a wonderful and self-sufficient snack, which you just need to peel, cut and decorate with herbs or other ingredients that are ideal with it. are combined.

Before salting the fish, you do not need to plast or even remove the insides, but be sure to remove the gills - this is the most dangerous source of infection. No wonder they say that the fish rots from the head. Fish in a salty solution can be long time store in the refrigerator, in a sealed container.

Salted herring is the main ingredient in snack salads, which have already become traditional dishes... Herring salads are served as regular salads, their components are laid out in layers, in portions or in big platter... Portioned herring snacks are made out in different ways: sandwiches, canapes, rolls, dough tartlets, potatoes, cheese - these are the most simple options serving herring snacks, available to any housewife.

In addition to salted herring, the most different products: boiled or fried potatoes, cucumbers, apples, beets, carrots, green and onions, cheese, eggs, avocado - the list can be expanded at your discretion, but even these components are enough to surprise guests with a variety of herring snacks, never repeating.

1. Appetizer decoration: cheese tartlets with herring


Hard cheese 500 g;

Lettuce leaves,

Herring fillet, salted 1 pc.

Fresh cucumber 2-3 pcs.

Boiled eggs 3-4 pcs.

Green pea, pickled 200 g

Dill (leaves)


Grate cheese on a grater, Put glasses or other utensils on the table in advance, suitable shape and size, upside down. Prepare a brush to grease the pan and the bottom of the glasses.

Pour grated cheese in a thin layer on a preheated frying pan, and as soon as it melts, transfer the cake to a glass so that its edges hang down on the sides. Wait for the "cheese dishes" to harden, carefully turn the glasses over, place the tartlets on the dish.

Tear the lettuce leaves and line the bottom of the tartlets with slices so they don't get wet. Place thin slices of cucumber inside, overlapping. Place in the center a piece of fillet, a slice of boiled egg, a few peas, decorate the herring appetizer with a sprig of dill and mayonnaise.

2. Snack of potato baskets with herring


Raw eggs 2 pcs.

Potatoes, peeled 400 g;

Flour 150 g;

Lemon juice 50 ml;

Boiled beets 1 PC.

Herring fillet 2 pcs.

Green onions 100 g

Lemon (slices) 1 ½ pcs.

Fresh cucumber 1-2 pcs.

Onion, pickled (medium size) 2 pcs.


Purified raw potatoes chop into thin slices, sprinkle them with lemon juice so as not to darken. Prepare ice cream from eggs and flour, adding salt to taste.

Grease muffin molds or disposable foil baskets. Preheat oven to 180 ° C.

Spread the potato slices along the edge of the molds, overlapping, first dipping them into the egg-flour mixture. Bake until tender. Transfer the baskets to a dish, fill

3. Snack of herring and salmon caviar in an "edible bowl"


Flour 340 g;

Eggs 1 ½ pcs.;

Sour cream 100 g;

Butter 180 g

red and herring caviar, salted - 120-150 g each

green and onions (pickled)

dill (leaves)


Beat eggs and sour cream with salt. Combine the sifted flour with baking soda, mix, and knead the stiff dough. Wrap it briefly in a plastic bag, then roll it out thinly, cut out the mugs. Place the workpieces in the prepared round shapes for cupcakes. So that the middle of the baskets does not rise during the baking process, and then it can be filled herring snack, make small weights, and place them in the center of the baskets when baking. Wrap the peas in foil and place these balls in baskets.

Whisk the butter white, add herring caviar... Mix the mass well, deposit from pastry bag in chilled baskets. Sprinkle with chopped green onions.

Cut the small pickled onions across, making a zigzag cut with a sharp small knife. Divide the halves of the bulbs, disassemble into separate cover scales - you get small "water lilies". Fill them with red caviar, set on herring cream, garnish with a sprig of dill.

4. Herring appetizer in lavash roll


Lavash 1 pc.

Potatoes, boiled 250 g

Mayonnaise 200 g

Lemon juice 100 ml

Green onions 250 g

Eggs 6-7 pcs.

Herring fillet 500 g

Cheese, hard 300 g


Grind green onions, sprinkle it with lemon juice, stir. Spread the cake on work surface, spread the chopped onion over it. Grate potatoes, eggs and cheese. Finely dice the peeled herring fillets.

Spread the potatoes in a thin layer over the onions. Cover this layer with mayonnaise. Layer a layer of herring, then mayonnaise, eggs and mayonnaise, cheese. Roll up the roll, roll it up cling film... Soak the roll in the refrigerator, then cut into slices.

5. Snack of herring in a cucumber


Large cucumbers(fresh) 7-10 pcs.

Herring fillet 350 g

Fresh apple 200 g (net)

Lemon 1 pc.

Onions 120 g

Eggs 5 pcs.

Jacket potatoes 2-3 pcs.


Cut the onions into cubes and soak in lemon juice to remove the bitterness. Apples, also cut into cubes and sprinkle with lemon juice so as not to darken. Chop the potatoes and eggs. Combine the chopped ingredients, stir and season with mayonnaise.

Fresh cucumbers cut across, in half. Cut off the noses and tails, Cut the pulp with a sharp knife with a thin blade to make "empty kegs". Chop the flesh of the cucumbers and add to the salad. Place the "kegs" vertically on the platter, filling them with the prepared salad. Garnish the appetizer with ingredients from the dish.

6. Herring appetizer - sandwiches

Ingredients - in equal proportions:

Herring fillet

Lemon - for dressing onions and apples


Boiled potatoes

Greens - for decoration

Rye bread (crumb)


Potatoes and boiled eggs grate. Finely chop herring fillet, apples and onion and soak in sour lemon solution... Combine the ingredients, mix, season with spices. Mayonnaise can be used if desired.

Cut into circles from the bread crumb. Place the prepared salad on slices of bread, decorate the sandwiches with salad ingredients.

You can remove the specific smell of herring with lemon. Sprinkle the peeled fillet with lemon juice, add fresh to the marinade lemon zest... For these purposes, lemon can be replaced with an ordinary vinegar solution (100 ml / 1 l of water).

If the herring pulp is loose, which happens when fresh fish is re-frozen, then a strong acidic solution will also help to correct a minor defect. But such fish must be carefully examined - if there is a suspicious smell, it is better to throw it away.

If bought too salted herring, wash it in cold water, and soak for half an hour or an hour in fresh milk, then rinse again with plain water.

Choosing in the store salted herring, pay attention to the salty solution - it should not be cloudy and reddish. The carcass of fresh salted herring has a dense and elastic back: when you press on it with your finger, there should be no dents. The freshness of the herring can be determined by looking at the gills - in fresh fish they are reddish rather than brown. The carcass of fresh salted herring has reddish eyes.

The larger the herring, the higher the fat content. Herring has the highest fat content, which is harvested in colder waters. Best views commercial herring contain up to 33% fat - a valuable source of essential amino acids.