How to make wine from sour apples. Homemade apple wine

08.05.2019 Egg dishes

Home wine business has long occupied a well-deserved place in the preparation of supplies, along with canning, making jams, pickles. Recipes for all kinds of drinks from a variety of, sometimes unexpected fruits, fruits abound cookbooks and notebooks with notes of zealous owners. For many, making wine from a hobby develops into an occupation for the soul and for life. Apples are not an exotic raw material for making a drink, however, homemade apple wine requires a lot of attention, patience, a careful approach to observing all the rules of preparation. But the result is excellent apple wine that will delight the most fastidious connoisseurs of wine drinks.

Paradise Fruit

You can grow an apple tree almost everywhere, except for the Far North. There are a great many varieties of this fruit. For each region you can choose optimal grade apple trees. Apples help to effectively lower blood cholesterol levels, low in calories, rich in pectin substances... The high content of pectins has made them one of the favorites for dietary and health food... It is pectins that tend to bind and remove salts from the body. heavy metals(strontium, cobalt, cesium), various toxins, poisons, apple juices with pulp are an integral part of the diet of people employed in hazardous work. Due to the presence in their composition of apple and citric acid, they help to improve metabolic processes in people suffering diabetes mellitus... Including apples on the menu helps fight problems gastrointestinal tract(constipation, irregular bowel movements). The high content of potassium has a beneficial effect on the conduction of electrical impulses of the heart muscle, prevents arrhythmias. The ability to have a beneficial effect on digestion is also manifested in the normalization of the excretion of excess fluid from the body. This property is especially valuable for people suffering from cardiovascular and renal diseases, pregnant women. The rich content of fiber, fruit acids have a beneficial effect on the condition of the gums, teeth, microflora of the oral cavity, stimulating natural cleansing processes. Even apple seeds are valuable for the content of iodine, vitamin K, necessary for participation in the process of normal blood clotting.

Features of making wine from apples

Not all varieties are suitable for making apple wine.

You should take only compressed live yeast, dry for this purpose is categorically unsuitable. Apple wine can become acidic.

Finishing touches

It is important to properly prepare the raw materials for making apple wine. To do this, it is necessary to take only high-quality fruits, not broken, without flaws, since the presence of defects in apples can give apple wine an unpleasant taste and smell. Peel apples as carefully as possible. It is also important to thoroughly grind the taken raw materials. This can be done using a meat grinder, food processor... If the preparation of wine will take place on the basis of juice, it can be obtained using a juicer. Not a large number of pulp will even have a beneficial effect on the process of making wine. Fermentation reactions will be faster and better. Apple wine will taste softer.

Recipe 4k6


  • We take apples of different varieties: sour 4 parts, sweet 6 parts.
  • Granulated sugar - the ratio to apples is 1: 4, i.e. for 10 kg of fruit 2.5 kg of sugar.
  • Prepared water - an amount equal to apple juice.

Wine preparation:

The recipe for such an apple wine is simple in composition, but requires scrupulousness and accuracy. The result is a fairly strong alcoholic drink, slightly opalescent, with a color ranging from yellow to light brown. Taste and aroma - ripe, sweet apples.

Honey recipe


  • Sweet apples, prepared 15 kg.
  • Granulated sugar 4 kg.
  • Prepared water - 7 liters.
  • Honey - 2 kg.

How to make honey apple wine:

According to this recipe, apple wine turns out to be opaque, with a rich honey taste and aroma. The combination of apple and honey taste leaves a unique sensation.

Yeast recipe

This time, your attention is invited to a recipe for apple wine with the addition of yeast.

What you need to take:

  • Apples 15 kg.
  • Water 8 liters.
  • Granulated sugar 6 kg.
  • Yeast - 150 grams.

Step-by-step instruction:

Wine made with the addition of yeast ferments faster, therefore, its taste will be more reminiscent of the taste fresh apples... The aroma is richer and more pronounced if the wine is prepared according to this recipe.

Yeast and Citrus Recipe

Apple citrus wine. Here it is necessary to make a reservation that the addition of citrus fruits to wine drinks rather an amateur. But well-prepared wines with varied fruity taste are undoubtedly some of the favorites on our table.

What you need:

  • Apples 10 kg.
  • Water 5 liters.
  • Granulated sugar 5 kg.
  • Lemons or oranges, you can mix - 1 kg.
  • Yeast - 100 grams.

Step-by-step instruction:

I must say that the combination of apples and sour or sour - sweet citrus fruits are always beneficial.

Wine with such a bouquet of taste, of course, cannot but surprise fans. alcoholic beverages from apples. Having tried to make wine from apples, following this recipe, you will forever leave it in your culinary piggy bank.


Apples are an inexhaustible treasure of all kinds delicious recipes not only for culinary masters but also for lovers home winemaking... You can diversify recipes for homemade wines from apples huge amount ingredients. Rarely does not combine with anything apple flavor and aroma. When making wine from apples, you can add not only honey, lemons, but also cinnamon, vanilla, raspberries, pears. The list is endless. For all its seeming simplicity, apples are just a gold mine for those who like to experiment, surprise family and friends with amazing recipes.

Making apple wine at home is quite simple. There are several recipes for homemade apple wine, this pleasant, reminiscent of summer drink.


Imagine: there is a blizzard outside the window, frost paints ice patterns on the glass, and your place smells like apples. DIY cider will brighten up your long winter evenings.

Apple juice in a glass

However, you can drink homemade apple wine not only in winter. The main thing is to choose a recipe to your liking.

In a productive year, the number of apples in the garden often exceeds the capacity for processing them into jam or jam. You can make juice or compote. But apple wine is easier to store than juice. And it will allow you not to lose a bountiful harvest.

It's important to know!

The destructive effect on the brain is one of the most dire consequences of the effects of alcoholic beverages on a person. Elena Malysheva: ALCOHOLISM CAN BE WINNED! Save your loved ones, they are in great danger!


The taste of the future wine depends on the apple variety. If you want the wine not to be sour, you must choose late varieties and picking ripe apples. Some gardeners, on the other hand, prefer sour apple varieties. You can, of course, mix varieties in different proportions achieving the desired taste.

Unwashed fruits are used to prepare the drink. As a last resort, you can wipe them with a damp towel. Natural yeast found on the skin is needed for the fermentation process.

Pitted apple pieces

Apples must be peeled of seeds, internal scales and tails. Then you need to cook applesauce... To do this, you can use a meat grinder or juicer. Leave the puree in an open container for a day, stirring from time to time. The top of the puree will turn into a tough crust that needs to be removed. After that, the puree should be left again for a day.

Then squeeze out the soft part of the puree, add 150 g of water to the resulting juice for each 1 liter, as well as 250 g granulated sugar... With such proportions, you will get dry wine... If you want the wine to be stronger and sweeter, the amount of sugar should be increased to 300-400 g per 1 liter. Stir the juice well so that the sugar melts, and then pour it into a glass bottle. The cork must necessarily have a hole for the carbon dioxide to escape, and it is necessary to provide for the gas to escape through the water, since when the fermenting juice comes into contact with air, you will not get wine, but apple cider vinegar.

The bottle should be stored at room temperature in the dark for about a month and a half. When carbon dioxide stops emitting, it will mean that the wine is ready. If you close the bottle with a glove, it will stop "voting" and fall off.

Now comes the turn of the most difficult and responsible operation: the wine must be poured into another container in order to get rid of the sediment. This can be done with a hose by placing a second vessel below the one containing the wine. All, in principle, wine can be drunk. But if you let it stand for a couple of months, and then pour it back into a clean dish without sediment, its taste will improve significantly.

Apple juice in cans

The wine this recipe offers is real cider. This vintage drink originally from France. However, in the preparation of classic cider, no water is used; it is obtained by fermentation of pure apple juice... Cider is very popular not only in France, but also in Spain, Germany and the USA.

In our country, cider appeared at the end of the 19th century and immediately on the imperial table. Classic cider has a golden color; for its production, they combine different varieties apples, of which sour should be no more than 1/4 part. Cider wanders in oak barrels but also in our glass jar the result will be good. The taste of wine is very dependent on apple varieties, so you can experiment by making wine from different varieties.


You can also try a recipe that does not require added sugar. Then the wine will not be stronger than 7 °, but it will quench your thirst well, especially if you drink it chilled.

For making cider by classical technology it is necessary to squeeze out the apple juice and leave it to settle in the dark at room temperature for a day. Then you should carefully pour the juice into a jar, in which it will ferment. In this case, the main thing is not to disturb the sediment. Close the jar tightly with a medical glove and leave for a month in a dark place at room temperature. After a month, pour the fermented juice again into clean jar and close tightly. Now it must be left in a cool room with a temperature of 10-12 ° C, but still in the dark, for 3-4 months. Over time, the drink must be filtered and bottled.

Apple cider with cinnamon

Making fruit wines at home is much the same old tradition how to plant gardens. Delicious cherry, raspberry, blackberry, grape wines cooked with their own hands from their own fruits are prepared in many families, and the recipes are passed down from generation to generation. And of course, homemade apple wine takes pride of place among them. Apple is a very common fruit, it has many varieties. Homemade apple wine has a number of useful properties... It contains a lot of iodine and pectin, removes salt from the body and regulates the digestion process.

Besides cider, there are other varieties of homemade apple wines.


Take 5 kg of good ripe apples free of wormholes and bruises, rinse them, remove the cuttings and cores and scroll through a meat grinder. In the resulting puree, add 1 kg of granulated sugar and 50 g of well-washed dried raisins from green grapes. If necessary, if the apples are not juicy enough, you can add 500 ml of water to the puree. The jar with the mixture should be kept at room temperature, covered with a medical glove, for 3 weeks.

Then the fermented juice must be drained by filtering through 3-4 layers of gauze. Put the rest of the thick on a thick cotton cloth and squeeze out. Add the resulting liquid to the fermented juice, add half a glass of granulated sugar there and close the lid tightly. The jar should be placed in a dark place for a week - to ripen. After that, pour 75 ml of vodka into the wine, stir well and pour the drink into bottles.

Apples and a bottle of wine

V different countries cider is drunk in different ways. In England, the recipe is the same, but it is drunk with ice, poured into tall glasses. In France they drink it like champagne. But not everywhere. At home, in Normandy, ceramic bowls are used for cider.

The Spaniards believe that it should be poured from a height of 60-100 cm in a thin stream. Then the drink is saturated with oxygen and foams, revealing shades of apple flavor.

You can make wine and stronger from apples. Here's a quick and easy recipe.

It is necessary to take 2 kg of ripe sweet apples without defects, rinse them, peel and pass through a juicer. Add 1 tbsp to the juice. l. yeast. As in the previous cases, ferment the mixture. When carbon dioxide stops emitting, the wine must be filtered and bottled. The sweeter the apples were, the stronger the wine would be. You cannot store it for a long time, so you will have to drink it without delay.

Sugar in wine can be replaced with honey, and instead of purchased yeast, use wine, homemade.

You can use raisins to make this yeast. 200 g of raisins must be poured boiled water and leave for four days. After this time, the starter culture can be used.

Ripe raspberries will also make a good sourdough culture. 2 tbsp. unwashed berries must be kneaded with 0.5 tbsp. granulated sugar, pour 1 tbsp. water. Leave the starter culture at room temperature for 3-4 days, and use it within a week. Then it will deteriorate and be unusable.

You can also make apple champagne from apples. Maybe someone will like this recipe. For 7 liters of water, take 2.4 liters of juice and 1.5 tbsp. granulated sugar, as well as 0.75 liters of vodka.

A deep container is required to prepare champagne. It is necessary to pour the juice into it, and mix the water with sugar and boil the syrup. Cook it over low heat for an hour. Then the syrup needs to be cooled and poured warm into a container with juice. Leave the resulting mixture in a cold place for a week. Then add vodka to the container, carefully cork and put in a cool place, for example, in a cellar, for 3-4 months. You will surely appreciate the light, a little sweet taste fragrant champagne.

When the apples are ripe, do not hesitate - you will succeed! Choose a recipe to taste - and get started. Every home, every family will have something different. It is not customary to drink cider to the bottom. It is necessary to leave a little, because sediment collects below. Perhaps this rule can be extended to other apple wines.

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If it is a productive year, then it is difficult to process all the apples on the site. Jam, compote, jam, juice, drying - this is only a small part of what is done with these juicy fruits... You can make apple wine at home without and with additives. It will become an adornment of any holiday, easily quench your thirst and benefit the body.

Secrets of making apple wine at home

Making wine at home has its own characteristics. If you do not take them into account, then final result is unlikely to please the manufacturer.

  1. The most important thing in making wine at home is choosing the right raw materials. Apples differ in maturity, ripening time, sugar content and acidity. To make dry wine at home, you should take unripe fruits that have fallen from the tree, while the drink from them is not stored for long. All late varieties are used for winemaking.
  2. Homemade apple wine is made from unwashed fruits. They are wiped off with a napkin if there is too much dirt, but it is not recommended to rinse them with water. This is how you can preserve living bacteria, without them the fermentation process will not begin.
  3. They choose apples that are not wormy and without rot. Any damage is cut with a knife before juicing. The core is removed.
  4. To get more juice from apples, you need to use a juicer. If it is not there, then the fruits are chopped with a meat grinder.
  5. To separate the juice from the pulp, let the raw material stand for three days, stirring every 12 hours, allowing the yeast to be evenly distributed.
  6. Sugar and other components of homemade wine, except alcohol, are added before the billet begins to ferment.
  7. The process must take place in a hermetically sealed container. This solution prevents air from entering and prevents the gas formed during fermentation from escaping. Usually winemakers use a water seal or a medical rubber glove, pre-piercing it with a needle.
  8. After the homemade wine stops fermenting, it should be poured into a clean container for settling. Add more sugar if sour, and alcohol.
  9. The best container for fermenting homemade wine is a glass bottle with a narrow neck, if the portion is small, then use a jar.

How to make homemade apple wine - a simple recipe

To make apple wine at home aromatic, late varieties are taken. Unusual taste obtained by mixing sour and sweet apples.

For cooking take:

  • 20 kg of apples;
  • 150-400 g / l of juice.

The process of making wine consists of several stages, you need to know more about each one.

Receiving and settling juice

Initially, you need to get juice from the fruit. The best solution would be to use a juicer, if not, a grater or meat grinder will do. The apples are crushed, and then the mass is squeezed out through cheesecloth.

The juice is sent to a container, covered with gauze, protecting it from insects, and allowed to stand for 3 days. During this time, natural yeast is activated. During settling, the pulp rises - the pulp.

On the third day, the layer on the surface becomes dense, it is removed using a colander. After such manipulations, juice and a thin film remain. As soon as foam, hissing and a slight smell of alcohol begin to appear, proceed to the next step.

Adding sugar

The amount of sugar depends on the variety of apples, if they are sweet, then take it to a minimum. At a concentration of more than 20%, fermentation does not take place. Therefore, the amount of this component must be calculated carefully.

When making dry homemade wine, 150 g of sugar are used for 1 liter of juice, and 200 g for dessert wine. Add in portions:

  • removing the pulp 100 g / l;
  • after 5 days 50-100 g;
  • 30-80 g after 5 days.

The first time it is poured directly into the juice. Part of the wort is drained through the tube, an important ingredient is diluted in it and returned again.


This stage does not allow the juice and air to come into contact. If their contract happens, then vinegar is formed. Therefore, for making wine, it is better to choose bottles made of plastic or glass, hermetically sealed.

Advice! Raw materials in the container should be 4/5 and no more.

During the fermentation of apple juice, a large amount of carbon dioxide is released. For diversion, use a water seal or a rubber glove pierced with a needle.

Fermentation should take place in a room with an air temperature between 18 and 25 ° C. The process will take about 2 months. Its end will be reported by a deflated glove, sediment at the bottom, the absence of bubbles in the water, where the tube from the water seal enters.


So the apple wine is ready. If there is a pungent smell and taste, then aging is needed. Would need glass container washed and dried. Wine is poured through a tube carefully, without touching the sediment. The drink seems sour, then add sugar, close the container with a water seal, let it stand for a week.

Optimal temperature regime for standing from 6 to 16 ° C. Time - 2-4 months. The first 2 weeks are poured, removing the sediment.

Homemade apple wine lasts up to three years, its strength is 12 °.

Fortified homemade apple wine

This homemade apple wine recipe involves adding foods that contain alcohol. To prepare it you will need:

  • 10 kg of apples;
  • 10 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 1/2 tbsp. dark raisins;
  • 1 tbsp. vodka.

Step-by-step wine making technology:

  1. Wipe the apples with a rag, cut, remove the seed box.
  2. Grind the fruits through a meat grinder, add sugar and raisins.
  3. Fill the wine container with the prepared mixture, cover with a glove.
  4. Leave to infuse for 3 weeks.
  5. After 21 days, a sediment will appear, pour the contents into another container, add 1 tbsp. sugar, stir.
  6. Close the bottle hermetically again, let stand for 14 days.
  7. After 2 weeks, pour the mixture again, removing the sediment, add vodka, mix, send to the basement.
  8. After 21 days, homemade apple wine can be served at the table.

It turns out a drink with a strength of 16 °.

Dry apple wine at home

This wine is prepared with minimum amount sugar but different spicy taste... Products:

  • 5 kg of apples;
  • 100 g sugar / l juice;
  • 10 tbsp. water.

Step-by-step technology for making dry homemade wine:

  1. Grind the apples with a blender or meat grinder.
  2. Fill the fermentation tank 2/3 with chopped fruits.
  3. Spread the sugar evenly, cover with gauze, let stand for 4 days. Strain.
  4. Fill the container with juice, close the neck with a glove.
  5. Leave to ferment for 30-60 days. The end of the cooking process is determined by the deflated glove.
  6. Pour into bottles, let it brew.

Homemade apple wine without yeast


  • 2 kg of apples;
  • 4.5 liters of hot water;
  • granulated sugar;
  • 1 kg of grapes.

A simple recipe for homemade amber apple wine with delicate taste prepares like this:

  1. Cut the fruit into wedges, removing the seed box.
  2. Pour the finished raw materials into a bucket, pour hot water but not to the brim and add sugar.
  3. After the infusion has cooled, add the crushed grapes, close the lid tightly, leave to ferment for 4 days.
  4. Strain the wort from a bucket, pour into a bottle, add sugar (for 1 liter of the mixture - 200 g). Install a glove or water seal, leave to ferment for 5 months.

When the fermentation process is over, strain the homemade wine into clean bottles, send it to the cellar.

Semisweet homemade apple wine recipe

Raw materials for making homemade apple wine with a glove:

  • 12 kg of apples;
  • 3 liters of water;
  • 10 tbsp. Sahara.

Cooking technique:

  1. Wipe the fruits with a rag and chop in any convenient way, for example, with a meat grinder. Transfer the apple puree to a container, cover with gauze.
  2. Stir as soon as the pulp rises to the surface.
  3. Remove the pulp after 5 days.
  4. Divide granulated sugar into 10 portions, add one at once, stir, let stand for 5 days, putting on a glove.
  5. Leave the homemade apple wine to infuse at a temperature of about 20-25 ° C for 40-45 days.
  6. Fermentation is over - the drink is ready. Pour into bottles. To improve its taste, let it sit for 3-4 months.

How to make apple wine with lemon at home

Light aromatic apple wine with delicate aroma citrus is prepared from the following products:

  • 8 kg of apples;
  • 2 large citrus fruits;
  • 8 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 10 liters of water.

Step-by-step technology for making homemade wine from apples with a glove according to the recipe:

  1. It is better to take the sour fruit, peel them from the seed box, cut into pieces.
  2. Grate lemon zest, mix with sugar.
  3. Pour the ingredients into a bottle, pour in water, cover with gauze.
  4. Let stand for 7 days so that the drink begins to ferment.
  5. After a week, strain the wine.
  6. Pour out ready drink by bottles.

How to make spiced apple wine at home

Spices will help add a touch of piquancy to homemade apple wine. Ingredients:

  • 2 kg of fruit;
  • 8 tbsp. water;
  • 1 tsp cinnamon;
  • 6 tbsp. Sahara.

Cooking steps:

  1. Wipe the apples with a rag, remove the seeds and cut into wedges.
  2. Combine fruits, water and cinnamon. Cook until apples are tender. Grind the ingredients through a fine sieve.
  3. Pour into a bottle with a narrow neck for further maturation.
  4. Close the container tightly using a water seal or a medical rubber glove, punching a few holes with a needle.
  5. Every 7 days, the liquid is filtered, sugar is added in small portions, and so on for 3 weeks.
  6. After 21 days, drain the wine, removing the sediment. Pour into bottles and ripen. After 30-60 days, you can taste the homemade wine.

How to make homemade dried apple wine

This homemade drink is brewed with leavened yeast. The process is quick, the wine has a tart taste with a sour note. Strength from the amount of alcohol used. Raw materials:

  • 1 kg fresh fruits- 100 g dry, 1 tbsp. Sahara;
  • alcohol - 1 tbsp / l of wort;
  • 1 liter of wort - 300 g of sourdough;
  • water 4 tbsp. / kg of fruit.

To make homemade wine, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Cut the apples into slices, pour in water, heat to 60 ° C, leave to stand for 3 days, then remove the cake.
  2. Let the liquid ferment.
  3. It's time to prepare the starter: 100 g wine yeast, dilute with water (1 tbsp.), wait for the appearance of bubbles.
  4. Fill the container with sourdough, sugar, cover with a glove, allow 20-40 days for fermentation. Determine the readiness of homemade wine on a deflated glove.
  5. Drain the wine, trying to keep the sediment intact, add alcohol. Pour into bottles, send to stand for 2 weeks.

Homemade apple jam wine

Eat all supplies during the winter apple jam hard. Over time, it becomes more, then you can make homemade wine. For 1 liter of jam, you will need to take the same amount of water and 1/2 tbsp. seedless raisins.

Stages of making homemade apple wine at home with a photo:

  1. Wash the container with soda, rinse with boiling water.
  2. Boil water, cool.
  3. If the jam is not sweet enough, then you need to prepare the syrup by mixing water and sugar, a ratio of 1: 2.
  4. Put the jam mixed with syrup in a jar, add raisins. Leave for 10 days.
  5. During fermentation, pulp will appear on the surface, remove it.
  6. Drain the liquid without touching the sediment, install a glove.
  7. Homemade apple wine will ferment for about 40 days. A deflated glove will tell about its end.
  8. Pour a clear drink into bottles, let it brew for 2 months.

Aromatic homemade wine with a strength of 13 ° is prepared from old apple jam.

Making wine at home from apple pomace

During the preparation of apple juice, housewives often canned it for the winter, there is a lot of cake left. It's a pity to throw it away, and why - a delicious drink is prepared from it.

You can make apple wine at home using a simple technology:

  1. Transfer the main ingredient to a container, after weighing it. For a 3-liter can, you will need 2 kg of cake, for a 10-liter can, 8 kg.
  2. For every 1 kg of cake, add 1 tbsp. Sahara.
  3. Fill the container with water, leaving a place for fermentation so that the foam does not come out.
  4. Cover with a cloth, do not touch for 3 days.
  5. After the allotted time, the cake will rise, it should be removed, the liquid should be carefully drained.
  6. After straining, add another 100 g / l sugar, close it with a water seal or a glove, leave to ferment for 30 days. After the end of the process, young homemade apple wine, so that it calms down, then drain carefully, without touching the sediment.
  7. Pour into bottles, send to infuse.

Rules for storing homemade apple wine

Making apple wine is only half the battle. The drink must be provided correct storage over the next few years.

  1. After pouring, the wine is tightly closed, placing it horizontally.
  2. The optimum temperature for settling wine is + 6-16 ° C.
  3. The basement should not be exposed to direct sunlight, the lighting is dim.
  4. Move bottles with a drink from time to time, subject to vibration.


There is no difficulty in making apple wine at home. By following all the steps and recommendations, you can stock up on useful and invigorating drink for several years.

Self-made apple wine at home is great alternative store. This product has excellent taste characteristics and does not contain harmful substances and preservatives in the composition. Therefore there will be good addition to the table.

Apple wine recipe at home video

The fruits can be used to make the most various types of this drink - dry and semi-dry, table and dessert. Making wine from apples without yeast with water will require ingredients such as the fruits themselves, they need up to 10 kg, sugar, at least 1.6 kg and water, about 2 liters. Fruits better to take with sweet and sour taste - this will allow you to get a table drink. The fruit should not have any damage, they should first be cored to finished product did not taste bitter.

For better juice extraction, apples are crushed and the resulting mass is placed in a glass container for 3 days, stirring from time to time. After that, the pulp is removed, leaving no more than 0.5 cm. 0.8 kg of sugar is poured in and placed in a fermentation tank, on which there must be a water seal... After a few days, 0.2 l of the resulting wort is poured through a special tube, mixed with 0.5 kg of sugar and poured back into the container. After a few days, everything is repeated. When the vigorous fermentation ends, the wort is drained from the sediment and allowed to brew. Every half a month, it will be necessary to drain the liquid from the sediment, achieving complete transparency. Then the product is bottled and stored.

Cooking details, and such questions, do i need wort, you can watch the video.

How to make making wine enjoyable and easy? In this case, you can use another instruction, which, as a result, will give a strong and aromatic drink... This requires only 2 kg of fruit, sugar, and a tablespoon of yeast... Apples should be ripe and undamaged. Juice is squeezed out of them, sugar is added, and a little yeast, and then placed in a vessel for fermentation. Then you just need to wait until the release of gases from the mass ends. Then the product is carefully filtered and packaged in bottles. It should be noted that the shelf life of such a drink is limited, so you need to use it as early as possible.

Make a good alcoholic product of these ingredients, possibly more quickly. To learn how to make such a drink, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with a rather simple technology. It is well suited for people who do not want to spend a lot of energy, and who does not have much experience in winemaking, but wants to make wine.

Juice must be squeezed out of peeled fruit without damage. To do this, you can use a device such as juicer... Raw materials are filtered and sugar is added to it in proportion for every 2 kg of raw materials 1 kg of sand. The resulting mixture is left in a special vessel. It is best if the container is glass. After 10 days, it is necessary to mix the fermenting mass well. After a few days, mix again and leave alone for 30 days.

After this period, the drink is carefully drained from the bottle, so as not to disturb the fragments that have settled to the bottom, and packaged into vessels. It can be consumed, however, if it is kept for a few more months at low positive temperatures, the product will acquire more noble taste.

Few know that it can be made from fresh, only harvested fruits, and from dried... At the same time, the taste characteristics are not inferior in quality to wines made from fresh raw materials, and can even be much superior to them. However, one should observe the right technology preparation of a drink and properly dry the fruit so that it retains its unrepeatable aroma and taste.

Wine can be made from high-quality dry fruits, which require about 1 kg. In addition, you will need to take 12 glasses of sugar, 20 g of yeast and 8 liters of water.

Before starting work, dried fruits must slightly soak in warm water... After that, the raw material is crushed and mixed with granulated sugar, yeast is added and placed in a warm place. The amount of sugar used depends on what strength is needed - large quantity will provide a higher percentage of alcohol.

After 30-45 days, active processes end in the mixture. In this case, the temperature environment should not be below 20 degrees, as this will slow down the process. Then the resulting liquid is carefully drained from the sediment. This drink is already considered usable, however, taste characteristics and the smell will still be far from ideal. Outwardly, this wine is unclear. Therefore, in order to improve the condition, liquid poured through a tube in a container for ripening. It must have such a volume that the contents fill it to the top - if air remains inside, this will deteriorate the quality of the product. Thus, the drink can be stored in a dark, cool place for up to 4 months. Then it receives good taste, pleasant aroma and becomes transparent. When it is ready, it is poured again without sediment and packaged in glass containers.

Wine from dried apples at home maybe a great addition, both to the festive and to the usual table. If observe the correct technology and adhere to all requirements, the drink will be of very high quality and tasty, no worse than traditional varieties.

There is also a way when you can get wine from frozen apples. The resulting drink will be no different from analogues made from fresh raw materials, which means that we can safely make wine from frozen fruits... It will require ingredients such as the fruits themselves and granulated sugar. In some cases, you can not add sugar, or replace it with a small amount of wine yeast.

Raw materials should be thawed, chopped, turning into a mass that resembles mashed potatoes, add sugar. After that, the puree is placed in a bottle. Sometimes the resulting mass is diluted with water to obtain the required volume. Further, the same actions are carried out as in other technologies - when it ferments, it is poured with precautions into another container so as not to disturb the sediment. Then it is infused for some time and again drains from the sediment. After that, the finished product is poured into containers and removed to cool shaded place... It is worth noting that sometimes homemade frozen fruit wine still tastes slightly different from fresh fruit.

For those who prefer stronger, it will be interesting to know how to do fortified wine on one's own. There are a number simple recipes with and without yeast, thanks to which you can prepare a strong homemade wine from apples. You need 6 kg of raw apple, preferably sweet and sour taste. Sugar is also needed, a little more than 2 kg, about 200 g of raisins and 150 ml of vodka.

From the fruits, you need to get mashed potatoes, add steamed raisins to the resulting substance, as well as 2 kg of sugar. Place the entire workpiece in a glass container, on top wear a rubber glove on which you should pierce your finger to evacuate gases.

When the process is over, the liquid is poured into another container so as not to disturb the thick at the bottom. Add another 200 g of granulated sugar and set for 10-15 days before full readiness... Further add vodka and packaged in glass containers.

The product has a higher strength compared to conventional tableware. And the taste is in no way inferior to those made according to other recipes. These methods of wine production are distinguished by simple technology and will be available even to beginners.

Have you made wine from apples at home? Leave your opinion or feedback for everyone on the forum.

This autumn in our village all the corridors and closets were filled with apples. The smell was awesome! Antonovka is one of the most aromatic varieties. You can't put a lot on storage, it is unrealistic to recycle everything. So my husband, after a short argument with me, decided to start winemaking again.

We argued about the expediency of this rather laborious process - we have had wine since last year. But since it is a pity to throw apples away, my husband won.

For about a month and a half, a measured gurgle was heard in our warm corner - the wine was walking well. And since this is the case, I decided to tell Alimero's readers how to make this delicious low alcohol drink, which is also called cider. This is not entirely correct, since cider is a carbonated drink, and it is problematic to make it at home. But their composition is the same - apple juice.

I once tried to make apple wine myself. A friend provided me with a bunch of apples and a corresponding recipe. I got busy. Squeezed out 3 liters of juice manually since I didn't have a juicer back then, added to the jar the right amount sugar and began to stir. To do this, I took a stainless steel spoon. Girls, don't repeat my mistake! One slight blow to the wall of the can - and apple juice gushed out in the kitchen. I poured the leftovers, threw out the can, cleaned for half an hour. This was the end of my experiments with making cider. Now I only have my husband in the wings.

To make apple wine you will need

Apples, or rather freshly squeezed apple juice

The amount can be completely different, and the final proportions are as follows:

For 1 liter of apple juice 280 grams of granulated sugar and 100 milliliters of water. Just do not rush to mix everything - everything in order.

Cooking time

The wine is prepared in several stages.

From the moment of squeezing the juice to the moment sweet appears on the table amber drink takes from 2.5 to 6 months (depending on how long you will age the wine).


If you have a juicer, it is not difficult, but you will have to tinker.


We pass the apples through a juicer, pour the resulting juice together with the rest of the pulp into one container and leave in a warm place for fermentation for 3 days.

During this time, mix the wort several times.

After 3 days, we strain the juice from the pulp and measure the amount pure juice... Add 100 g of water for every liter of juice.

We pour it into bottles or cans, leaving a place for fermentation and counting on the addition of sugar.

We add sugar at the rate of 1 liter of pure juice (we do not take into account water) in 4 doses:

1 day - 100 g.

4 day - 30 g.

7 day - 30 g.

We close the bottles with corks (this is done on the very first day), insert a PVC hose (you can buy for the meter) so that the carbon dioxide formed during the fermentation process is released. If your wine ferments in cans, you will have to spoil nylon cover: punch a hole in it, insert a hose and cover it around, for example, with plasticine.

To prevent the oxidation of the juice, which can result in vinegar instead of wine, we make a water seal: the gas will come out, but oxygen will not come in.

After a month and a half, fermentation will end, that is:

    gurgling stops;

    the juice lightens a little;

    pulp particles stop moving;

Gently drain the fermented juice from the sediment using the same PVC hose. We discard the sediment.

We pour it into bottles or cans (now there is no need to leave a place for fermentation), we close it with corks or lids. We leave the wine material for another month, preferably in a cool place. During this time, it will become transparent and acquire amber.

After that, we again drain it from the sediment - bottle it, add sugar to each liter of wine material:

100-160 g. To receive dessert wine,
- 200 g to get liqueur.

Homemade apple wine is ready. Unfortunately, we do not have a wine meter to measure the strength of the drink, but, of course, it is not strong. If you want the wine to acquire a fuller and more harmonious taste, seal it and remove it for 2-4 months for aging.

This wine is well stored in a cool place, does not turn sour and does not grow moldy. So in apple year you can make this healthy (if you observe the measure) drink for the whole year.

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