Greenfield tea all tastes. Fruit tea from Greenfield

Who doesn't love tea? Greenfield, whose assortment has been loved by the people of Russia for a long time, is one of the sales leaders. The store shelves are dotted with a variety of flavors. wonderful drink, and the price cannot but please - available to everyone! Would you like to treat yourself to a hot cup of tea? "Greenfield", whose assortment we will consider in this article, will offer a lot of variations of tea leaves - both loose and packaged.

Who is the manufacturer?

Fans of domestic products will only be glad about the fact that this tea is produced on the territory of our country. The brand belongs to the company "Orimi Trade", which is headquartered in St. Petersburg.

At the end of the summer of 2003, the company began to expand its boundaries and opened the Grenfild Tee LTD company in London, which began to produce the drink we were familiar with.

Soon, Greenfield tea appeared on the shelves of Russia, the assortment of which immediately fell in love with consumers. It should be noted that the product supplied to Russian stores is purely Russian-made.

Wide assortment of Greenfield tea

A drink created by traditional technology England, fell in love with its huge offer. Indeed, in this assortment it is difficult not to find what you want right now. And the price of the product is such that everyone will like it, you can enjoy exquisite tastes every day without spending a lot of money.

Greenfield offers an assortment of loose tea, packaged and quite interesting - in pyramids. Here you can find a variety of black varieties, greens, whites, with added fruits and herbs.

Raw materials from different countries... It could be India, Kenya, China, Ceylon.

Consider the assortment of Greenfield teas. Of course, we will not be able to place a photo of each separately in one article, but we will post the most popular tastes. Everyone will be able to see the packaging of the flavor they are interested in and easily find it on the shop window.

Black tea

To prepare black tea, the leaves of the plant are dried in special equipment. But even so, tea leaves retain many useful substances, which in one way or another affect the body. For example, have you noticed that after a mug of black tea energy appears? This is due to the fact that in real black tea, the caffeine content is almost the same as in coffee.

What else does black tea contain?

  • theophylline;
  • essential oils;
  • complex of vitamins;
  • phenolic compounds;
  • minerals;
  • proteins;
  • tannin;
  • pantocrine acid.

In the assortment of Greenfield tea, the photo of which is presented in the article, there are many varieties of black tea. Let's take a look at the most popular ones.

The most popular varieties of Greenfield black tea

Leafy assortment of Greenfield tea is presented quite widely. Here everyone will find something to their liking.

  1. Classic Breakfast - translated sounds like " Classic breakfast". To create this bouquet, raw materials from India are used. The variety is long, its taste is a little tart, will appeal to lovers of strong tea. Thanks to invariably quality drink you can get a huge charge in the morning. Having drunk a mug of this tea at lunchtime, you are awake and ready to go again!
  2. Delicate Keemun was born on the spacious plantations of China. Due to the special location of these plantations, the tea leaves absorb the taste and aroma of linden and honey and bring it to our table. Would you like to pamper yourself with this exquisite bouquet of flavors? Choose this variety.
  3. Magic Yunnan is from the Middle Kingdom. The zest of this species is a slightly astringent aftertaste of prunes. The first notes are very delicate, but the aftertaste will give a barely perceptible bitterness.
  4. Golden Ceylon - native to Ceylon. Nothing special, it is a classic noble drink.
  5. Earl Gray Fantasy is a native of Sri Lanka. It is notable for the addition of bergamot, which is refreshing in summer and warming in winter. The aroma and taste of this drink will give a feeling of celebration and comfort, help while away the evening after work under your favorite blanket while watching an interesting movie.
  6. Fine Darjeeling is famous for the fact that it grows only in India and only in its highlands. This drink is considered a rarity; it has never been grown in any other place. That is why you can be one hundred percent sure of his noble origin.
  7. Kenyan Sunrise will appeal to amateurs strong tea... They say about this variety that it is as hot as the Kenyan sun, under which it grows. Add milk to the drink and it still stays strong.

Choose any - loose or in bags "Greenfield" tea, the assortment (unfortunately, we cannot provide a photo of each one, there are a lot of them) is not all presented in this article. Let's continue to familiarize ourselves with the choice and move on to green varieties.

The benefits of green tea

The beneficial properties of green tea are legendary! It's hard to believe that this drink helps our body so much, but the fact remains. Let's see why everyone needs to include it in their daily diet.

  • People who drink daily green tea at least one cup at a time, are less prone to diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular failure. This can be explained by the high content of antioxidants in tea, which cleanse the body of harmful substances.
  • Drinking green tea makes it easier for women to lose weight. This is due to the ability of the drink to help burn fat cells. In addition, green tea gives vigor and energy, with the help of which you can go in for sports more easily.
  • This drink contains many vitamins, trace elements and minerals that are so important for health, youth and longevity.
  • The theanine in tea helps relieve stress. Drinking five cups of this drink a day, you can forget about antidepressants.
  • Green tea helps digestion by cleansing the intestines, kidneys, and removing toxins.

There is no need to doubt the benefits of this product, because it has been proven not only by examples. healthy people but also scientifically. It is not necessary to buy a loose product, the assortment of Greenfield tea is also high in bags (photos are presented in the article). Buy a package of such tea for work, drink at least two mugs a day, and after a few days you will notice that you have begun to feel much better.

Green Greenfield

The range of green varieties presented by the brand is much more modest, but here you can also find a lot interesting options... We propose to consider the types popular among consumers.

  1. Flying Dragon will allow you to enjoy the aromas of a summer meadow, flowering plants. These are the qualities that this variety is endowed with.
  2. Jasmine Dream - green tea with jasmine petals. It will give you warmth and peace, additional beneficial substances for the body.
  3. Green Melissa will appeal to lovers of lemon balm and mint shades in taste. The composition, in addition to tea leaves, includes lemon balm and mint leaves.
  4. Lotus Breez is the perfect refreshing drink on a hot summer day. It contains mint and beautiful lotus petals.
  5. Japanese Sencha is one of the most original varieties that Greenfield offers. The country of origin of this tea is Japan, and not every European can appreciate the interesting taste of the drink. When you take a sip, it seems like a little cream has been added to the tea, although it is green and there is not a hint of dairy in it. But, if you taste it properly, it becomes clear that it is really unusual and tasty.

The benefits of white tea

White tea contains not only many vitamins and macronutrients, but also antioxidants, niacin. This drink contains the least amount of caffeine when compared to the black and green counterparts.

White tea improves immunity, normalizes the work of the cardiovascular system, removes toxins and toxins from the body, helps in losing weight and inhibits the growth of cancer cells.

White tea is considered the most expensive and elite. This is due to the technology of its collection. Leaves are collected early in the morning, while the dew is still standing. The people involved in the collection are forbidden to consume alcohol, eat pungent-smelling foods, even hold them in their hands - and all this in order not to spoil the aroma of the future drink. Only one or two top leaves are collected, and then they are dried using a special technology.

It is very easy to recognize white tea: its leaves practically do not fold, they remain as intact as possible.

Greenfield White Tea

The company is trying to introduce Russians to this wonderful drink as much as possible. But some are not satisfied with the price (it is more expensive than black and green), and some do not understand the charm of this tea, and they do not consider it a tea at all.

  1. White Bloom - light amber color, especially plays and shimmers on a sunny day. The taste is pleasant, light, hints of honey are noticeable.
  2. Mango Delight. This is a great way to pamper yourself. fragrant fruits, which are recognized in the composition. Mango and apple are added to white tea, will please cheerful people.

Let's move on to a review of herbal teas. We will not talk about the benefits, because how many herbs are added to the drink, the benefits are so varied. Let everyone choose the one that suits their taste.

Greenfield herbal teas

If you want to drink tea with the addition of herbs, then you will have to be content with only the option of a bagged product. Greenfield does not produce loose teas with herbs.

  1. Summer Bouquet is perfect for tea drinking on hot days, as it has a wonderful refreshing character. The composition includes raspberries, rose hips, hibiscus. The taste is pleasant, with a slight sourness, the aroma is beyond words.
  2. Rich Camomile. Main component- chamomile flowers. It also has a cinnamon and apple flavor - perfect for a winter evening.
  3. Camomile Meadow - pleasant mix flavors of chamomile, lemon balm and very rare fruit called chili.

Fruit tea from Greenfield

The company does not produce separately created fruit teas, it is a black and green drink, to which pieces of fruit are added.

If you prefer the packaged version, then take a look at the assortment of Greenfield teas in pyramids. Everyone knows that not the most quality product... When purchasing one that is packaged in pyramids, it can be noted that they contain real leaf tea with pieces of fruit. The ingredients will feel more free and will brew much better.

Julia Vern 63 544 3

The Orimi Trade group of companies begins its history back in 1994, just then Russian market a new trademark tea - "Princess Kandy". In the next few years, the young ambitious company showed serious growth rates - affiliated companies in Ukraine and Kazakhstan, new brands of tea are presented - "Princess Java", "Princess Nuri" and "Princess Gita".

Already in 1998, Orimi Trade was one of the three leaders among tea companies in Russia, in 1999 Princesses occupied more than 20% of the country's tea market. In subsequent years, the company continues to develop dynamically - it builds factories, opens subsidiaries in neighboring countries, develops a network of regional offices, expands its range (now it also includes Jockey coffee) and starts exporting its products abroad.

Today, Orimi Trade's tea and coffee products are sold in 35 countries of the world, and in many markets, including Russia and the CIS countries, it is the leader in terms of market share and consumer preferences.

A milestone event both for the company and for consumers took place in 2003 - the Orimi Trade group of companies signed an agreement with the British Greenfield Tea Ltd and began promoting Greenfield tea. Today, according to numerous studies, the Greenfield trademark deservedly takes the place of the “favorite tea” of the people of Russia, and this is not surprising - the brand's assortment includes more than 30 varieties of drink for every taste.

Black tea is traditionally popular in Russia and Europe as a warming and tonic (recall that black tea has almost the same amount of caffeine as coffee) drink, probably everyone at least once in their life appreciated the charm of a cup of hot tea after a frosty day or at breakfast. In this collection, the manufacturer offers both varieties well known to tea connoisseurs, and more exotic species, surprising with their taste and aroma. A real tea gourmet will try everything, and suddenly there is a new favorite variety.

Golden ceylon

  • ceylon tea from Rugunu province without additives and flavors
  • , tin can 150 g

Tea from Ceylon (or from Sri Lanka) is probably known to every connoisseur aromatic drink, but not everyone knows that the cultivation of tea plants on the island began only at the end of the 19th century, and now tea plantations occupy most of its area. Black tea from Sri Lanka has a strong aroma and noble taste, which is closely followed by the plantation owners who have devoted their lives to the continuous improvement of the qualities of their product.

Classic breakfast

  • Indian tea from Assam province without additives and flavors
  • sheet: cardboard pack 100 g
  • packaged: packing of 25 or 100 pcs. (each in a separate sachet)

The variety grown in the foothills of the Himalayas has a slightly tart taste and a pronounced tonic effect, which makes it great drink since morning. Interestingly, the Himalayan climate had a very detrimental effect on the classic Chinese tea plant, so the British in the 1930s had to cultivate its Indian variety - Camelia assamica.

Magic yunnan

  • Chinese tea from Yunan province with a slight hint of prunes
  • packaged: packing of 25 or 100 pcs. (each in a separate sachet)

The southwestern Chinese province of Yun'an is considered the historical homeland of that very tea tree, there are even historical documents and evidence confirming this fact. It was here that the first tea plant was cultivated more than two millennia ago, here they still preserve and honor the centuries-old traditions of growing and collecting tea, including drying tea leaves over an open fire, which gives the drink a certain "smoky" aroma.

  • Ceylon tea from the Uva plantations with bergamot
  • sheet: cardboard box 100 g, tin can 150 g
  • packaged: packing of 25 or 100 pcs. (each in a separate sachet)

The history of the famous "gray-haired earl" is full of legends, one is more interesting than the other, but what cannot be taken away from the indispensable companion of the English five'o'clock, it is a little spicy scent saturated citrus notes... This variety has gained wide popularity and recognition all over the world due to its noble taste and its ability to energize the whole day.

Fine darjeeling

  • tea with cinnamon, apricot pieces and calendula petals from the highlands of northern India
  • allows for repeated brewing
  • sheet: cardboard pack 100 g

This type of tea is famous for the fact that it can grow only in the vicinity of the town of Darjeeling on the ridge of the Himalayas at an altitude of more than two thousand meters above sea level. Attempts to grow this variety elsewhere have not been crowned with success, since the climate in the places where the plantations are located is absolutely unique. There are several types of Darjeeling, which differ greatly in taste, depending on the time of harvest. Fine Darjeeling tea belongs to the so-called "summer" variety, has a distinct nutmeg flavor and a bright aroma of flowers.

Delicate Keemun

  • Chinese tea from Anhui province
  • sheet: cardboard pack 100 g
  • packaged: packing of 25 pcs. (each in a separate sachet)

Kimyn is a fairly young variety against the background of its counterparts, which have a centuries-old, or even a thousand-year history. It has been grown in the eastern province of Anhui since 1875, previously mainly known for green teas. Kimyn is distinguished by a rich, richly nuanced taste and honey-floral aroma, the secret of which is that tea is harvested four times a year, after which the technology prescribes to mix leaves from different harvests.

Kenyan sunrise

  • Kenyan tea from the Kericho area
  • sheet: cardboard pack 100 g
  • packaged: packing of 25 or 100 pcs. (each in a separate sachet)

The Kericho area is the heart of Kenya's tea plantations, with so much ideal conditions for the growth of a tea plant (abundant rains, high-altitude thin air, high humidity and coolness), that the tea leaf is harvested here every seventeen days. Kenyan varieties are characterized by light astringency in taste and bright amber color of infusion, tea connoisseurs argue that it is Kenyan tea that is best consumed with milk.

  • Chinese tea from Yunan province
  • allows for repeated brewing
  • packaged: packing of 25 pcs. (each in a separate sachet)

Today, even those who are not very versed in tea have heard about pu-erh. Extra large-leaved variety that undergoes strong fermentation and after a passing period of aging, similar to cognac. V oriental medicine It is believed that pu-erh is useful for the digestive and cardiovascular systems of the body, and what definitely cannot be taken away from it is its tonic properties - tea really invigorates. It has a mild sweetish taste and a somewhat specific aroma characteristic of varieties with strong fermentation.

Lapsang souchong

  • Chinese tea from Fujian province
  • allows for repeated brewing
  • sheet: cardboard box 75 g
  • packaged: packing of 25 pcs. (each in a separate sachet)

This variety is one of the varieties of red tea (which, as you know, is a subspecies of black), has a fairly unusual taste and aroma, which is due to the process of its preparation. One of the stages is drying and roasting the leaves on pine wood, which gives the tea a characteristic "smoky" smell (sometimes this variety is called "smoked"). The finished drink has a bright burgundy-red color, taste with hints of dried fruits and a slight sourness.

Collection Green Tea

Until the end of the 20th century, green tea was more popular in the countries of the East, while the Western world traditionally preferred black varieties. But with increasing popularity healthy way life has grown and the audience of amateurs

green tea, as this drink has a decent amount of beneficial properties. Green teas help to strengthen the immune system, have a positive effect on various systems of the human body, and help with stress. Interestingly, green tea is made from the leaves of the same plant as black tea, it is just that green tea is subjected to minimal fermentation.

  • Chinese tea from Hunan province
  • sheet: cardboard pack 100 and 200 g, tin can 150 g
  • packaged: packing of 25 or 100 pcs. (each in a separate sachet)

Hunan Province is located at the intersection of two ancient Chinese trade routes, in an area that has all the conditions for growing a tea plant - climate, an altitude of over 1000 meters, soil. Therefore, tea from these places has received worldwide recognition for its thick floral aroma and rich color of the drink of yellowish shades. In addition, it invigorates the whole day, quenches thirst and refreshes.

Jasmine dream

  • Chinese tea from Yunan province with jasmine aroma
  • sheet: cardboard pack 100 and 200 g
  • packaged: packing of 25 or 100 pcs. (each in a separate sachet)

In Yun'an province, the flowering time of jasmine coincides with the time of the first collection of the tea leaf, from this coincidence this variety was born. To dried on open fire tea leaves are added to the jasmine flowers plucked by all means in the evening (in the evening during the flowering period, the aroma of jasmine is especially strong) and mix thoroughly. After some time, when the tea leaves are saturated with aroma, the flowers are selected by hand, and what more expensive variety tea, the more carefully they do it. As a result, jasmine essential oils increase the tonic properties of the drink, which is especially noticeable if you use it in the morning before a busy day.

Japanese sencha

  • Japanese tea from Fukuoka province
  • sheet: cardboard pack 100 g
  • packaged: packing of 25 pcs. (each in a separate sachet)

In Japanese culture, the tea ceremony has a special place and one of its components is sencha tea. Due to the island location of plantations, a special climate has developed here, extremely favorable for growing a tea plant. There are also some special steps in tea production, such as shading with a bamboo canopy, steam treatment and subsequent flattening of the leaf. Combined, these factors give a rich creamy taste and the presence of notes of sea breeze in the aroma.

Oolong Tea Collection

Oolong tea is an incompletely fermented tea leaf, and according to the Chinese classification, it is between green tea and red. This variety is rather difficult to produce, but labor costs are justified, because oolong has absorbed the best features of both black and green varieties, not counting a whole bunch of all kinds of vitamins and other useful substances that are contained in this drink.

  • Chinese red tea from Fujian province
  • sheet: cardboard pack 75 and 100 g
  • packaged: packing of 25 pcs. (each in a separate sachet)

This tea is closer to the red varieties of oolong (there are also the so-called "turquoise" or green oolongs) and traditionally for varieties from Fujian has a rich taste with notes of chocolate and honey. In addition, oolong has another characteristic feature, which the Chinese call "rhyme" - the drink has a very rich taste and a long, slightly sweet aftertaste.

Collection White Tea

White tea is one of the most exclusive varieties, because it is harvested only a couple of days a year and only young buds and the first two upper leaves, which are covered with delicate white fluff, are harvested, hence the variety got its name. This tea is unfermented and therefore rich in a large number of antioxidants, for which it is so highly valued.

White bloom

  • Chinese white tea from Hunan province
  • sheet: cardboard pack 50 and 100 g
  • packaged: packing of 25 pcs. (each in a separate sachet)

Collection rules white tea were installed back in the 17th century during the Ming dynasty and have not changed much since then. There is a whole set of rules of conduct for a white tea picker, which takes into account the weather, time of day, even the food consumed before collection. This variety is harvested and processed by hand, dried naturally, which allows you to maximize the content of nutrients that are lost in other varieties during fermentation. The drink has a light amber hue (the so-called "pale amber") and a characteristic light honey smack.

Herbal Tea Collection

Herbal collection "Greenfield" is a combination of familiar varieties with unusual exotic fruit and floral flavors, an attempt to push the boundaries of the ordinary and find new combinations that will appeal to tea lovers.

Rooibos is a fluffy, red-yellow shrub that grows exclusively in southern Africa. Studies have shown numerous beneficial features drink, such as a general sedative effect, beneficial influence on the nervous system, an impressive amount of vitamins and minerals necessary for human life. Also, rooibos is a natural antioxidant, even more powerful than green tea. The drink has a bright golden-orange color, sweetish aftertaste and perfectly quenches thirst.

Summer bouquet

  • fruit tea based on raspberries, rose hips, hibiscus and apple
  • allows for repeated brewing
  • sheet: cardboard pack 100 g
  • packaged: packing of 25 and 100 pcs. (each in a separate sachet)

The drink perfectly supports strength due to the healing properties of rose hips and hibiscus, which contain vitamin C and provide

restorative effect on the body. It has a pleasant, rich, slightly sour taste, perfectly refreshes when chilled and at the same time has a warming effect when hot. Contains no caffeine.

Christmas mystery

  • Ceylon black tea from Uva plantations with additives orange peel, cloves, cinnamon and dried apples
  • allows for repeated brewing
  • sheet: cardboard pack 100 g
  • packaged: packing of 25 pcs. (each in a separate sachet)

English tea timed to coincide with Christmas is a wonderful evening drink, spices give it additional tonic and warming properties, a rich aroma. In addition, cloves and cinnamon contain elements that reduce fatigue, while citrus notes give the ensemble a festive flavor and scent.

  • herbal tea made from chamomile flowers with addition of dried apples and cinnamon
  • packaged: in packs of 25 and 100 pcs. (each in a separate sachet)

Chamomile tea is believed to have a calming effect and this is not without reason, it does not contain caffeine and is excellent for relieving fatigue and tension. As a powerful natural antiseptic, chamomile is very beneficial in winter period in prevention colds... The drink has pleasant taste, very organically complemented by the aftertaste of dried apples and a slight pungency of cinnamon.

Green melissa

  • Chinese green tea with lemon balm, mint and lemon flavor
  • packaged: packing of 25 and 100 pcs. (each in a separate sachet)

The composition of first-class green tea, lemon balm and mint has a number of beneficial qualities - it prevents insomnia, relieves emotional fatigue, according to legend, even Avicenna believed that lemon balm helps with diseases of the cardiovascular system. The drink has greenish tint, slightly tart taste, slightly spicy aroma with distinct hints of lemon. Great for quenching thirst and refreshing in hot weather.

Mate aguante

  • Paraguayan tea with lemon sorghum (lemongrass) and grapefruit flavor
  • allows for repeated brewing
  • packaged: packing of 25 and 100 pcs. (each in a separate sachet)

"Paraguayan" tea is made from the leaves of the evergreen holly tree (or mate), which grows in Argentina and Paraguay. Mate is a unique drink, in addition to almost all vitamins and other substances necessary for a person, it contains a special element matein, which has all the benefits of caffeine, but without its side properties. Therefore, mate can be safely drunk in large quantities for a tonic effect and concentration, in addition, it strengthens immune system and reduces stress. The drink has a rather thick and tart taste with a slight citrus tinge and aroma.

  • fruit tea with rose hips, hibiscus and dried apples with ginger flavor
  • allows for repeated brewing
  • packaged: packing of 25 pcs. (each in a separate sachet)

Today ginger is as popular as it was in the Middle Ages, when it was added to almost any dish and drink. Healing properties ginger is quite extensive - it helps digestion, is used as a warming drink, as a pain reliever, strengthens the immune system and contains a wide range of all kinds of vitamins and minerals. Ginger Red tea has a rich taste with a pronounced ginger aroma, has warming properties and is an excellent thirst quencher.

Lotus breeze

  • Chinese green tea with lotus aroma and natural mint leaves
  • allows for repeated brewing
  • packaged: packing of 25 pcs. (each in a separate sachet)

In eastern traditions, the lotus is given a special place, it is often endowed with magical properties and tea with its petals - old chinese tradition... The base of Lotus Breeze is made up of green tea, lemon balm and mint leaves; this is well felt by the aroma of the drink, which is interwoven with light aromatic tones of lotus. The caffeine content of the drink is lowered, it is good for hot weather, has an excellent refreshing effect.

Festive grape

  • fruit tea with grape leaves based on rose hips, hibiscus and dried apples
  • allows for repeated brewing
  • packaged: packing of 25 pcs. (each in a separate sachet)

The basis of this tea is hibiscus, rose hips and pieces of dried apples, which endows it with a significant amount of vitamin C. The drink has a tonic effect, perfectly refreshes when chilled, the aroma of red grape leaves favorably sets off the slight sourness of hibiscus and the sweetness of apples.

Camomile meadow

  • herbal tea made from chamomile flowers with rose hips, lemon balm and lychee flavor
  • packaged: packing of 25 pcs. (each in a separate sachet)

Decaffeinated drink with a pronounced relaxing effect. The light and pleasant taste of chamomile petals and the scent of lemon balm unexpectedly brightly sets off the aroma of lychee - an exotic fruit growing in the subtropics, also known as "Chinese plum".

  • Indian black tea with mint, thyme and black currant leaves
  • allows for repeated brewing
  • packaged: packing of 25 and 100 pcs. (each in a separate sachet)

Thyme is a spice that has been known for a long time and has managed to acquire an incredible number of legends and beliefs. Tea with it is good to drink in the morning, since thyme is a fairly strong natural stimulant, it helps well with stress and depression, energizes for the whole day. The drink has a tart taste, in which mint adds coolness, and thyme adds spices. Black currant leaves give light tea floral scent.

Creamy rooibos

  • herbal African tea with vanilla aroma and orange peels
  • packaged: packing of 25 pcs. (each in a separate sachet)

Young sprigs of rooibos give the drink a sweetish taste, favorably set off by a light aftertaste of vanilla, and orange peels add bright, sunny notes to the aroma. Tea is an excellent antioxidant, caffeine-free and has a good refreshing effect.

Easter cheer

  • Indian black tea with mint, verbena, vanilla and citrus zest
  • allows for repeated brewing
  • packaged: packing of 25 pcs. (each in a separate sachet)

The rich taste of Indian tea with a light vanilla aroma is complemented by citrus notes from lemon and orange peels, a cool mint shade completes the ensemble. The presence of verbena in the collection endows the drink with tonic properties - for a long time, verbena has been used in case of a breakdown, it is also believed that it stimulates mental activity.

  • Chinese green tea with pineapple pieces, black currant leaves, lemongrass, ginger and dried apples
  • allows for repeated brewing
  • sheet: cardboard pack 100 g
  • packaged: packing of 25 pcs. (each in a separate sachet)

This drink has a special combination of taste and aroma - dried apples give a sweet taste to the astringency of green tea, ginger adds spice, and the combination of lemon sorghum (also known as lemongrass) with pineapple and black currant leaves creates a unique aroma with bright fruity and citrus notes.

Mango delight

  • Chinese white tea with mango pieces and dried apples
  • allows for repeated brewing
  • packaged: packing of 25 pcs. (each in a separate sachet)

Possessing all characteristic features white tea, this drink acquired additional shades of taste and aroma - thanks to the pieces of mango, the sweetish aftertaste intensified and enriched with apple shades. Perfectly quenches thirst, especially when chilled.

Barberry garden

  • Indian black tea with hibiscus, barberry, cornflower petals and hibiscus
  • allows for repeated brewing
  • sheet: cardboard pack 100 g
  • packaged: packing of 25 pcs. (each in a separate sachet)

The natural noble aroma of Indian tea is enhanced by the fragrant berries of barberry, the taste is delicate and, at the same time, bright, rich, barberry gives it a sweet and sour hue. Thanks to the hibiscus, the drink perfectly refreshes and has a bright tonic effect.

Lemon spark

  • Ceylon black tea with orange and lemon zest
  • allows for repeated brewing
  • sheet: cardboard pack 100 g
  • packaged: packing of 25 pcs. (each in a separate sachet)

The taste of black tea with lemon is probably familiar to everyone - it is a versatile drink that is drunk both to keep warm, both chilled and during a cold. Lemon Spark has a classic lemon tea aroma with light orange notes that add some freshness to the familiar drink.

  • Ceylon black tea with calendula petals, apricot pieces, vanilla and cinnamon
  • allows for repeated brewing
  • sheet: cardboard pack 100 g
  • packaged: packing of 25 pcs. (each in a separate sachet)

The drink has a complex multifaceted taste - tart Ceylon tea, to which cinnamon adds spices, apricot pieces give a sweetish taste, vanilla notes are also intertwined here. Calendula petals have a calming effect and have a beneficial effect on the immune system.

In addition to the above, the Greenfield trademark periodically releases Gift Baskets tea - in a tin box there are usually up to four packs loose leaf tea different varieties or about thirty varieties of packaged. There are options with four special varieties in pyramids, New Year's or Christmas sets. Everyone will find a drink to their liking in the company's assortment, especially since Greenfield never ceases to delight those who like to sit with a cup of aromatic drink with new tastes and aromas, both classic and completely exotic.

A tea lover, regardless of territorial location, is clearly familiar with a variety of varieties grown in the territories of Ceylon, India, China, Kenya and Japan have long taken leading positions on store shelves and among connoisseurs. They are the filling of the collection of famous Greenfield teas.

Description of Greenfield tea

The special processing of the leaves, passed down through the generations, and the environmental conditions are the direct creators of the unforgettable taste of Greenfield tea. To deliver a flawless and delicious drink, growers select the most tender, juicy leaves and buds.

The product can be purchased in two types, in individual sachets and in bulk. The packaged packages have excellent and fresh taste, which is preserved due to a sealed three-layer foil bag. Cardboard packages are usually packaged in 25 and 100 pieces.

Varieties of Greenfield tea

The highlight of the Greenfield collection is the uniqueness of the varieties. Its assortment is not repeated in tastes and aroma features.

Collection of white teas

This type is exclusive among all types. In its production, they use the most delicate young buds growing on the top of the plant and several leaves following them. They are covered with white fluff. This served as the name for the species.

The collection of this species falls on several days a year. Produced without the use of enzymes, which is the highest rate quality. Thanks to this formula, it contains a large amount of antioxidants. It has no grassy taste, is the most delicate and delicate.

Spring water is perfect for cooking. Otherwise, well-filtered running water is used. It needs to be boiled and cooled to 80 degrees. Take a 250 ml bowl, pour in water and brew 1 teaspoon of the collection or 1 sachet, leave for seven minutes.

White bloom- very delicate tea with a honey tint. Has the color of white amber.

Collection of green teas

The enzyme-free collection consists of selected leaves, initially dried, rolled and dried. Has components that help to improve the health of the body. Eliminates inflammatory processes, does not negative impact on tooth enamel, normalizes the central divisions nervous system... Contains vitamin B complexes.

To prepare for a teaspoon of the collection or one sachet, you need 250 ml of filtered water. Cool water to 80 degrees, leave to steep for 3 minutes. If it is longer, then there will be bitterness in the taste.

Types of Greenfield Green Tea:

  • Flying Dragon. Small and tender leaves growing on the plantations of Hunan, after meticulous finishing, acquire a silvery color. They convey to tea a delicate and pigeon taste, as well as an unobtrusive smell of flowers. Made from green varieties, the look is refreshing and thirst-relieving for the whole day.
  • Jasmine Dream. It is grown on Yunnan plantations. Has an unforgettable jasmine scent. Ideal for breakfast.
  • Japanese Sencha. It is rare, grown on the Fukuoka plantations, it gives an idea of ​​the true Chinese tradition.
  • Green Melissa. It has excellent and unforgettable qualities. Contains mint and lemon balm foliage. Has almost no caffeine. An excellent soothing formula before bed.
  • Lotus Breeze. Flavors of this species are complemented by the aromas of lotus and mint. Contains the leafy part of mint, lemon balm and lemon flavor. Has a refreshing and relaxing effect.
  • Tropical Marvel. The astringency of the green broth has pineapple and ginger notes. Contains currant leaves, apple, lemon, ginger root, a pineapple.
  • Exotic Asai. It has an unobtrusively sweet acai berry scent and a subtle fragrance of Senchi. The taste has lemon and ginger notes.
  • Mango Delight. Its alluring sweet notes are revealed in combination juicy mango and a fragrant apple.
  • Classic Genmaicha. Harmonious and original disclosure of flavor. For its expressiveness, pre-fried rice grains and Sencha leaves are mixed. The aftertaste has a hint sweet caramel with a smoky aroma.
  • Green Ginseng. This collection is distinguished by subtle notes of ginseng. Fujian tea is blended with pre-ground tea. Then they are woven into dense "stones", this allows you to slowly reveal the taste when brewing. , ginseng, licorice.

Black teas collection

Their production begins with steaming the leaves, followed by drying and adding enzymes. Black tea is classified according to the size of the leafy weave. It has a tonic effect due to its high content of caffeine. Perfect for breakfast for a pep.

For preparation on a spoon or sachet, you need to take 250 ml of filtered water. Pour boiling water over and leave for 5 minutes to brew. The waiting time directly depends on the size of the leaves. Better to brew in a ceramic pot.

Types of Greenfield black tea:

  • Golden Ceylon. Consists of tea tree leaves that are harvested from the plantation areas of Rugun. Has classic tea notes.
  • Earl Gray Fantasy. Based on leaves collected from plantation areas Alas. Delicate citrus scent mixed for the entire duration of the day. Great option for tea drinking in the morning.
  • Classic Breakfast. Its leaves are collected in the plantation areas of hot Assam. Has a high astringency and invigorating effect. Great for breakfast tea to recharge the entire day.
  • Magic Yunnan. Fire-dried tea leaves, native to the plantation areas of China, have a special smell of haze. Delicate aftertaste is full of delicate taste prunes.
  • Delicate Keemun. The leaves collected in China are distinguished by a honey flavor and smell. They have an invigorating effect and an excellent aftertaste. The species occupies a special place among
  • Kenyan Sunrise. Sufficient astringency and richness of taste is combined with a sensitive fragrance, reminiscent of the scorching weather of Kenya. Has a color amber color, similar to the sun of Africa, shining all year round over tea plantation areas. Contains high amounts of caffeine.
  • Lapsang Souchong. This collection has smoked and ginger notes, as well as prunes and other dry fruits. The smoky aroma adds even more quality flavor to the drink.
  • Spring Melody. This collection is called "Spring Melody" for a reason. It is enriched with mint, thyme and fresh currant foliage. Due to this, the drink has astringency and tenderness.
  • Noble Pu-Erh. Endowed with a velvety lightness of taste. Similar to any species that contains enzymes. The drink is able to give strength and excellent tone to the entire body.
  • Barberry Garden. Due to its sour barberry notes, hibiscus and cornflower petals, the drink has an unsurpassed flavor and juiciness, it is an excellent drink with a refreshing effect.
  • Christmas Mystery. This is one of the most famous teas in Ceylon with pronounced cinnamon, citrus, apple and clove flavors. He is able to improve mood, create an atmosphere of comfort. It warms up perfectly.

Herbal teas collection

Our ancestors have always drank herbal infusions. In ancient times, herbal decoction was taken to quench thirst, get rid of diseases, warm and communicate. They were prepared from boiling water, dried inflorescences, various herbs and dried fruits. Useful qualities raw materials used and wonderful sweet notes give these drinks a significant celebrity.

V herbal drinks does not contain caffeine.

Views herbal tea Greenfield:

  • Festive Grape. Collection of rose hips, apples and ripe grapes. It does not contain caffeine, it has components that can strengthen the body's immune cells. Ideal for preparing a refreshing drink for hot days.
  • Camomile Meadow. This species consists of herbs such as lemon balm and chamomile inflorescences. Supplement to great taste the inducing smell of lychee comes out. Relaxes and refreshes. Differs from other teas in semi-sweet notes.
  • Ginger Red. This species contains a dried apple, hibiscus inflorescences and ginger root, has a fruity-sweetish notes. The warming effect is the basis of this tea.
  • Rich Camomile. The basis of this drink are chamomile inflorescences with a complementary fragrance of dried apple fruits. The presence of cinnamon gives the tea an exquisite spice, it remarkably refreshes, relieves fatigue.
  • Mate Aguante. Mate drink has a juicy grapefruit scent. This collection perfectly copes with fatigue, concentrates attention, has pronounced anti-stress properties.

Greenfield teais produced by one of the leading manufacturers of tea products, which includes more than 30 items of this category in its production. A distinctive feature of the brand is refined taste, high quality and packaging that reliably preserves the properties of the product.


Today Greenfield tea presents:

· black - exists in leaf and sachet form. Possesses unique properties: a tonic effect, the ability to quench thirst and invigorate a person for a long time. This drink is the most common among domestic consumers;

· green - taste qualities teas are the most expressive. The greenfield tea bags can be purchased sorted into 25 or 100 pieces per pack. In addition, green tea is packaged in packs of 100 and 200 grams. The drink has a pronounced jasmine, floral and creamy aroma, so you will certainly find tea to your liking;

· oolong is a semi-fermented product that is an intermediate drink between green and black tea;

· white - is considered a fairly popular product, since the drink is saturated with a large amount of antioxidant substances. On white greenfield tea price, as a rule, the highest is set, since it is harvested only on certain days of the season, while only the upper leaves and buds are torn off;

· herbal teas - have the largest number of positions. The collection includes teas supplemented with berry and fruit particles, as well as flower petals, etc. Chamomile teas with cinnamon, mint and lemon, ginger, rose hips and others are very popular.

In the specialized online store "Moscow Tea Company" greenfield tea buy in Moscow possible as soon as possible at very competitive prices. For more detailed information, regarding how greenfield tea buy online, contact the representative of the online store at the specified phone number.

Greenfield tea brand is represented by several directions. These are Black Tea, Green Tea, Oolong Tea, White Tea and Herbal Tea, which include black, green, red and white teas. Greenfield also offers its customers an exclusive collection of natural herbal teas.

There are thousands of teas around the world, but there are a select few grown in particularly tea-friendly conditions on the famous plantations of Ceylon, India, China, Kenya and Japan. These are the varieties that make up the Greenfield tea collection.

Plantation tea means grown on one plantation. Often the term "plantation" is used in the context of expensive wine or collection tobacco, but the same is true of elite teas.

Secrets of processing tea leaves that are passed down from generation to generation and create unique natural conditions impeccable taste Greenfield tea. Only the most delicate, juicy tea leaves and a tea bud are used for its production. This kidney is called tips.

There are no similar varieties in the Greenfield collection - each has its own individual, unique taste and aroma.

High tech.

Black, green, as well as red and white collections are presented in loose leaf and tea bags.

Leaf tea is packaged in a sealed bag made of three-layer polyester foil, and then packed in a cardboard box.

Tea bags are individually wrapped in special foil. This packaging is called a thermostat. It perfectly preserves the taste and freshness of tea, protecting it from moisture and foreign odors.

The herbal collection contains only packaged varieties. Tea bags are also thermo-packed.

Legend on packs.

Each package of Greenfield tea has a special badge with recommendations for the preparation of the drink. On the packaging of herbal collection varieties, there are special symbols indicating the effect of the drink.