The magical properties of blueberries. Blueberries in cooking

07.09.2019 Snacks

Since ancient times, the blueberry has been known to man as a wonderful gift of nature and an invaluable source of vitamins. Blueberries grow on a small shrub that belongs to the heather family. Previously, blueberries grew only in the forest, but now people have learned to grow them in the garden. Garden blueberry differs from forest blueberry in that its berries are larger and the bushes are taller than forest blueberries.

The nutritional value

A portion

100 g

Amount per serving

Calories from Fat

% Daily value *

Total fat

0.5 g


0 mg


6 mg


51 mg

Total Carbohydrates

6.6 g


6.6 g

Alimentary fiber

2.5 g


1 g

Vitamin C

* Calculation for a daily diet of 2000 kcal

The ratio of BZHU in the product


How to burn 39 kcal?

The beneficial properties of blueberries

Blueberry is black in color, with a blue tint. Blueberries ripen by the end of summer, during this period the berries become tender and soft, with the most intense taste. Garden blueberry is a very delicate berry, so you need to handle it especially carefully so as not to crush it.

In addition to their great taste, blueberries have many beneficial properties. So, there is a whole list of its therapeutic effects on the human body, namely:

  • Diuretic;
  • Antiscorbutic;
  • Choleretic;
  • Cardiotonic;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Anti-sclerotic;
  • Antimicrobial.

Blueberry contains almost 90% water. In addition to water, blueberries contain a lot of sugar, organic acids, vitamins, fiber, pectins, tannins. Blueberry leaves are just as healthy as blueberry berries.

Blueberries contain a lot of useful ingredients:

  • Mineral salts;
  • Vitamin C;
  • Lemon acid;
  • A nicotinic acid;
  • Apple acid;
  • Acetic acid;
  • Oxalic acid;
  • Flavonoids;
  • Provitamin and vitamin A;
  • Magnesium;
  • Calcium;
  • Phosphorus;
  • Iron (a little);
  • Carotene;
  • Flavonoids;
  • B vitamins;
  • Vitamins K, P and PP.

Blueberry juice is recognized all over the world as one of the most valuable in terms of vitamins and antioxidant properties. No other fruit or berry has so many beneficial properties. Juice from this berry is much more useful for the body than pomegranate, apple or grape juice. There is not very much iron in blueberries, but it is through this product that this microelement is almost completely absorbed by the human body.

Drinking only 0.3 glasses of natural blueberry juice per day, you can provide your body with an average daily intake of vitamins.


The beneficial properties of blueberries are widely used in traditional and folk medicine, as well as in dietetics.

So, blueberries are useful for the following health problems:

  • Cardiovascular diseases;
  • Diseases of the stomach;
  • Intestinal disorders;
  • Excess blood sugar.

So what are blueberries good for? Eating blueberries regularly can help normalize pancreatic function. This is a very important action for diabetics. It is blueberry that enhances the therapeutic effect of drugs to lower blood sugar levels in patients.

Garden blueberries are extremely useful for those with vision problems and glaucoma. Eating blueberries on a regular basis can gradually restore vision and relieve eye strain.

Perhaps the main beneficial element of the blueberry berry, magnesium, has a powerful sedative property and is necessary for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system. The presence of vitamins K, P and PP in blueberries reduces the risk of developing varicose veins. Vitamin K, moreover, takes an active part in the process of blood clotting in the body. Therefore, blueberries are indicated before and after surgery, after childbirth, medical abortion and trauma associated with large blood loss.

In addition, what blueberries are useful for is that they actively protect the human body from the harmful effects of radioactive radiation, strengthen the walls of blood vessels and protect nerve cells from destruction. It is not for nothing that doctors are prescribed to regularly use blueberries for people who live and work in harmful conditions, in an unfavorable environmental situation. In the North, peoples cannot imagine their life without this plant. They consume blueberries in large quantities to make up for the lack of vitamins in the body.

Blueberry juice, a decoction of the berries and leaves of this plant is able to bring down high temperatures. The beneficial properties of blueberries can improve metabolism and quickly restore a weakened body after serious illnesses. In case of problems with the intestines, blueberries help to establish the normal functioning of this organ.

Blueberries contain highly active antioxidants that help prevent cancer.

In addition, the properties of blueberries are actively used in dietetics. Blueberry juice is absolutely recommended for any diet. In addition to maintaining the vitamin balance, the berry is very helpful in the fight against extra pounds. Blueberries help break down fats in the body, so they can be included in any diet. The calorie content of blueberries is only 37 kcal per 100 grams of product.

It is difficult to collect garden blueberries, and even more so, forest blueberries, so as not to damage the berries, its correct storage is no less difficult. If the berries are damaged, they can be squeezed out of juice or rubbed with sugar and stored in a cool place. This will not change the beneficial properties of blueberries during storage. During the season, you need to try to eat as many fresh berries as possible, it is during the period of their full ripening that the content of vitamins and other useful microelements is maximum.

For winter, blueberries are frozen, blueberry leaves are dried. Frozen blueberries do not lose their beneficial properties, so you can store blueberries in the refrigerator all winter and spring, eating them all year round. In winter and summer, you can squeeze juice from blueberries, prepare mousses, compotes and jellies. A fragrant and healthy tea is obtained from blueberry leaves.

Contraindications to the use of blueberries

In practice, blueberries rarely cause any side effects on the body. But just as with any product, it is not recommended to significantly exceed a reasonable amount of berries. Indeed, blueberries contain a lot of nutrients, which, when ingested in excessive quantities, can cause various signs of intoxication. This can include nausea, vomiting, headache, and weakness.

Pregnant women and those who are breastfeeding should be especially careful with the use of blueberries. In the latter case, a significant excess of the amount of the product can cause allergies and intoxication in the child.

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Blueberry is a fragrant berry of the family Lingonberry, the closest relative of blueberries and lingonberries, which have a number of medicinal properties. It is rich in vitamins and nutrients, has a rejuvenating beneficial effect on the entire body, especially on the skin of the face, lowers blood cholesterol levels.

Grows in marshy areas, often next to the rosemary, emitting ether icebreaker which causes headaches and depresses the central nervous system.

The blueberry itself, despite popular rumor (alt.names: gonobel, drunk, drunkard, fool) is not dangerous for health: it has an original taste and is very valuable for health.

Blueberries are replete with vitamins that are necessary for the proper functioning of the body: A, B, C, K, E, P, contains mineral salts of calcium, phosphorus, and it contains amino acids. And the energy value is only 61 kcal.

Benefits for all ages

  1. It is a "cure for old age" and treats heart disease. Contains antioxidants that have a rejuvenating effect and a general healing effect: they strengthen the walls of blood vessels, reduce the development of cardiovascular diseases, and allow the skin to stay young for longer.
  2. Fights extra pounds. This berry is a low-calorie product, it can be eaten without fear of gaining weight, which is very important for women who are watching their weight. Surprisingly, but true: if you include blueberries in your diet and consume them regularly, you can achieve a weight loss effect in a relatively short time. The berry has an amazing ability to literally burn all excess fat. There are even blueberry diets.
  3. Heals the genitourinary system. With existing problems with the kidneys and bladder, blueberries are an effective doctor. This berry contains compounds of complex polymers that flush bacteria that cause diseases from the genitourinary system. It successfully treats cystitis, pyelonephritis, diseases of the urethra and ureters, hydronephrosis, nephroptosis, kidney stones. In addition, with frequent use of the berry, a protective mechanism is created that prevents the onset of relapse.
  4. Helps preserve vision and cure existing eye diseases. Like blueberries, blueberries prevent the development of glaucoma, cataracts, hyperopia, myopia, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and help maintain visual acuity for a long time.
  5. Eliminates constipation. Those who suffer from this unpleasant phenomenon are familiar with the restless sensations and the need to constantly resort to the action of a laxative. Moderate consumption of blueberries helps prevent constipation and normalizes bowel function.
  6. It is a prophylactic agent against the onset and development of malignant tumors. For cancer patients, blueberries can be a real godsend and offer hope of salvation. The substances contained in it prevent the development of an already progressive disease and reduce the risk of its occurrence in healthy people.
  7. It has an antipyretic effect. Blueberries reduce body temperature, so they can be given for colds and flu. Not only does it bring down the high temperature, it also saturates the weakened body with vitamins, which is very important.
  8. Protects against radioactive radiation. Doctors recommend eating blueberries more for people who work in hazardous jobs, in environmentally unfavorable conditions.
  9. Helps with diseases of the digestive system. Has a normalizing effect on the walls of the stomach.
  10. Increases blood clotting, which is especially valuable for people who have recently undergone surgery and have lost a lot of blood. It has a beneficial effect on the lymph.
  11. The berry should be consumed by people with low hemoglobin. Blueberry prevents the risk of anemia.

Blueberries keep the body in good shape in order to stay in good spirits and excellent mood, to maintain a positive outlook on the world.

Other antiscorbutic and vitamin berries with a general tonic effect: *

  • cowberry,
  • viburnum,
  • honeysuckle,
  • wild strawberry,
  • marsh cranberry,
  • buckthorn buckthorn,
  • mountain ash,
  • chokeberry,
  • black currant,

For kids

Blueberries strengthen the immune system, which will allow the child to stay healthy even during periods of flu epidemics. Teach your baby to blueberries gradually, you should not allow him to overeat, this can be harmful: promote the appearance of nausea, the formation of berry intolerance in the future.

Blueberries are good for the teeth of a growing baby, they strengthen bones, increase blood clotting.

For pregnant

Natural blue berries can not only raise the mood of a pregnant woman, but also enrich her with vitamin C, which prevents colds and viral diseases, increases the overall resistance of the body, and helps to keep it in good shape.

In addition, it helps to eliminate the development of anemia and a feeling of weakness, since it is rich in iron, normalizes the functioning of the heart and strengthens the walls of blood vessels. The berry contains folic acid, which is essential for a pregnant woman.

For men

Since the product has a healing effect on the urinary tract area, it has a beneficial effect on the health of men: it prevents the development of prostatitis, helps to maintain sexual shape.

What to cook

You can cook all kinds of compotes, jellies, confitures, aromatic jam, which will have a unique smell, and make kvass from blueberries. Its ingredients are used to make delicious wine.

For the winter, blueberries can be frozen with practically no significant loss of medicinal properties, as well as dried and dried.


  1. The harm to blueberries can lie in the excessive use of berries. Excessive portions will provoke nausea, vomiting, increased blood pressure, and flatulence. Blueberries should be used with caution in people prone to intestinal upset.
  2. Pregnant and lactating mothers, too, should not forget about the prudence in the use of berries. An unreasonable hobby for blueberries can lead to allergic reactions, from which not only the mother, but also the baby will suffer. You need to eat the berry with care and in small portions.
  3. Blueberries are also harmful for biliary dyskinesia (impaired motility).
  4. The berry is undesirable for patients who are taking blood thinners, due to the fact that it has the property of increasing blood clotting. If you sometimes eat it, then in small quantities.

Blueberry is a unique berry because it has a beneficial effect on the human body. It is necessary for people suffering from any diseases, indispensable for pregnant women and children. It is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals essential for maintaining health and a harmonious life.

Blueberry is a wild berry, similar in taste to blueberries, with a pleasant aroma and taste, useful trace elements, biologically active substances and properties.

General information

It looks like a small shrub belonging to the heather family, it can grow both in forests and in gardens in the northern regions. At the same time, country berries are larger in contrast to wild forest ones. Blueberries bloom in early summer, and already in July you can harvest, feasting on it fresh or any other form.


Blueberry is valuable for biologically active substances. The benefits and harms of berries are not comparable in percentage terms, because the necessary components are present in them to a greater extent.

Fresh blueberries are rich in vitamins such as thiamine, niacin, riboflavin, tocopherol, C, K1, which is involved in the blood clotting process. From macronutrients it contains magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, and from trace elements - a little iron, which is completely absorbed in the body.

Phenolic compounds that blueberries contain - what are the benefits and harms of them? Of course, they are only useful, tk. they strengthen the capillaries and accumulate ascorbic acid in the body, saving its consumption. Berries also contain nicotinic, oxalic, malic, acetic, benzoic, citric acid. They contain a high content of pectin, which removes radioactive metals (strontium, cobalt) from the body.


A surprisingly organic combination of trace elements, sugar, vitamins makes blueberries very useful for humans. It removes toxins, toxins, heavy metal salts and generally has a positive effect in the form of:

  • improving digestion processes;
  • regulation of the speed of blood circulation and the work of the circulatory system;
  • normalization of the intestines, pancreas.

Blueberries, the benefits and harms of which are described in the article, have a moderate content of magnesium, which stabilizes the nervous system and has a sedative effect. The berry can be consumed even with diabetes mellitus, because its components reduce blood sugar levels.

With regular and correct use, berries resist pathogenic microbes that cause colds and infectious diseases.

Everyone needs to eat blueberries, but there are categories of people who especially need its beneficial properties.

These berries are very useful for them due to the high content of vitamin C, which strengthens their immunity and helps to avoid SARS and flu. And if the child is already sick, the berries will help to transfer the ailment faster and easier. But still, the main treatment, of course, should be carried out with antiviral drugs.

2. Vegetarians.

When meat products do not enter a person's oranism, iron deficiency appears, convulsions, increased fatigue, and fainting are observed. If vegetarians include blueberries in their plant-based diet, then they may not be afraid of anemia.

3. Nearsighted.

Blueberries are a health berry, the benefits and harms of which to some extent depend on the amount consumed. So, for those suffering from myopia, these berries, with frequent use, will help restore vision no worse than blueberries or carrots, and all because they contain easily digestible carotene.

4. Diabetics.

In their case, aromatic fruits will enhance the effect of sugar-reducing drugs.

5. Losing weight.

Blueberries are a low-calorie product (39 kcal), so you can enjoy their taste without thinking about your figure. Rather, on the contrary, the berry will help break down fat cells, turning them into energy.

6. Inhabitants of the northern regions

For them, this berry is the main source of vitamins, which, among other things, helps them avoid scurvy.

Not only the blueberry itself has the necessary qualities. The health benefits and harms can be found in its juice. It contains the average daily norm of vitamins, antioxidants, tannins, organic acids. Fragrant fruits slow down the aging of the brain, protecting it from radioactive effects, improve memory, attention, and normalize metabolism.

Blueberries are 80% water. Traditional medicine claims that you can use both fresh berries and juice from them.

They also use blueberry twigs and leaves. There are benefits and harms from them too. The foliage contains fewer microelements valuable for the body, but this does not interfere with the use of decoctions for the prevention of heart disease.


If a person suffers from cardiovascular diseases and uses drugs that thin the blood, then he should not eat blueberries. After all, it enhances blood clotting. When it is impossible to refrain from eating juicy berries and it is difficult to remember the fruits eaten, this is not very good, because an overabundance of antioxidants leads to a decrease in the supply of oxygen to the muscles, disrupting their functioning.

Blueberries, the benefits and harms of which have been proven, if consumed excessively, can lead to headaches, nausea, vomiting, and allergic reactions.

Blueberries for pregnant women

How does the berry affect expectant mothers? Doctors recommend blueberries during pregnancy. The benefits and harms from it to expectant mothers need to know. As for the harm, it is minimal, but the benefits are enormous. One glass of berries will satisfy a woman's need for vitamins (P, PP, B, C) per day. With the help of berries, a decrease in hemoglobin in the blood is prevented, the appearance of varicose veins is prevented, the condition of the walls of blood vessels is improved, and blood pressure is lowered.

For pregnant women, the anti-inflammatory, choleretic, antiscorbutic properties of blueberries will be valuable. It can be used fresh or as a decoction of dried berries. It normalizes intestinal dysfunction in various infections (salmonellosis, dysentery), helps prevent constipation.

In general, the berry strengthens the immunity of pregnant women and keeps it in good shape, increases the body's resistance to many diseases, and helps with general weakness.

Indications, contraindications

Blueberries, the benefits and health risks of which are incomparable, have practically no contraindications. But they are still there:

  • allergy;
  • biliary dyskinesia;
  • in pregnant women - intoxication or allergies, because the increased content of the active substances of the berry in the mother's blood can be dangerous for the child.

Doctors advise not to overeat berries, because they are laxative and can lead to diarrhea. And also, you should not use them in food for nursing mothers, because a child, due to weak protective functions of the body, may develop diathesis.

Blueberries will be useful for those suffering from avitominosis and the consequences arising from it, as well as for those who live in harmful conditions.

The plant world around man presents him with its priceless gifts. A striking example of this is the amazing blueberry in many respects. This inhabitant of impenetrable forests and swamps has such a rich composition that it can compete with many exotic fruits that are famous for their outstanding qualities. After all, many do not even suspect that this unremarkable-looking wild berry is able to fill the body's daily need for ascorbic acid (vitamin "C").

But besides this obvious advantage, blueberries hold the record for iron content. According to this indicator, the forest berry outperformed even apples. Therefore, it is no coincidence that this modest representative of the heather family is very popular, and is highly valued in traditional medicine and traditional healers.

Useful and nutritional components

The composition of blueberries surprises, first of all, with a harmonious selection of components. As if someone specially gathered together the most useful substances and placed them in the berry flesh of a forest dweller. But not only the berries of a bluish color with a matte shade, but also the leaves of the plant and its shoots are endowed with excellent properties.

If you display schematically the chemical composition of blueberries, it will look like this:

  • organic acids;
  • phenolic compounds (flavonoids, catechins);
  • mineral elements;
  • vitamin complex;
  • alimentary fiber;
  • polysacchara;
  • active antioxidants;
  • tanning component;
  • essential oils;
  • pectins.

It should be noted here that in terms of pectin content, marsh blueberry also takes the lead. It is known that it is pectin compounds that have undertaken such an important mission as the removal of heavy radioactive isotopes (strontium, cesium, cobalt) from the body.

Good to know! Blueberries like to live next to wild rosemary, which gives off an ether that can cause severe headaches. Therefore, it was blueberries that were previously blamed for the deterioration of a person's condition, and not its neighbor. In fact, blueberries have a very pleasant, original taste, they do absolutely no harm to human health.

Forest berry properties

First of all, it is worth noting the high nutritional quality of blueberries. The combination of vitamins in combination with minerals makes berries a valuable product with a minimum energy capacity - it is only 61 kcal. But the forest dweller is valued not only for its bright taste, it is also capable of having a beneficial effect on work:

  • of cardio-vascular system;
  • digestive organs;
  • organs of internal secretion;
  • immune structures;
  • genitourinary system.

Blueberries are unique. For example, when used for therapeutic or prophylactic purposes:

  1. The outflow of bile increases.
  2. The concentration of cholesterol is reduced, which prevents the formation of plaque on the walls of blood vessels.
  3. The tone of the vascular walls improves, and this does not allow the development of sclerotic changes.
  4. Cleansing processes are activated, this property is especially useful against the background of taking potent antibiotics.
  5. It has a general strengthening effect on the body as a whole.
  6. It successfully treats intestinal disorders due to the content of astringent agents.
  7. Relieves signs of fever.
  8. Regulates exchange processes.
  9. Eliminates inflammatory foci.

In the composition of cosmetic preparations, blueberries have a positive effect on the skin structures, therefore it is often called the “berry of youth”.

Often in folk medicine, dried blueberries are used to combat helminthic infestation. The berry also helps to normalize blood pressure readings, it is an effective diuretic.

Areas of use

Due to its antioxidant properties, blueberries are widely used in the production of cosmetic products. Having a beneficial effect on the skin, moisturizing them well, care products based on the wonderful berry significantly improve the condition of the skin. With regular use of such cosmetics, the contour of the face is tightened, the color improves. The face looks rejuvenated and refreshed.

Blueberries are also useful for other organs and systems:

  1. It has a positive effect on the work of the heart, strengthens blood vessels, increasing their elasticity.
  2. Exchange functions. Since the forest product is low in calories, you can quickly lose weight with it. Blueberries literally burn fat, so you lose weight very quickly and without painful hunger diets. Special diets where blueberries are the central component, although low-key, are quite nutritious. Therefore, this method of losing weight is quite comfortably tolerated.
  3. Problems of the genitourinary system can also be solved with the help of fresh or dried berries. Complex polymer compounds, presented in the composition of this natural component, perfectly cope with nephritis, cystitis, treat urethritis and destroy kidney stones. If berries are constantly present in the diet, then a natural defense mechanism is developed that prevents recurrence of chronic processes.
  4. Vision can also be preserved for many years if you regularly eat wild berries. Blueberries, as well as blueberries, are recommended by experts as a preventive measure to prevent the development of cataracts, glaucoma and other pathologies of the organs of vision.
  5. Digestion returns to normal if this wild berry is included in the diet. Moreover, it can be consumed both fresh and made from it jelly and compotes. Blueberries regulate bowel movements and relieve constipation easily. With pathologies of the stomach, medicinal compositions with it relieve signs of inflammation.
  6. Blood. The rich iron content makes blueberries indispensable in the treatment of even severe forms of anemia. In addition, it contributes to such an important physiological process as blood clotting. This quality is especially useful for people who have undergone surgery, which was accompanied by significant blood loss.

It has already been noted that blueberries bring down the temperature well for colds and flu. But, fighting this main symptom of respiratory infections, she at the same time saturates the sick body with such vitamins necessary for it during this period.

It is believed that this berry is a good prophylactic agent against oncological formations. By blocking the growth of foreign cells, it reduces the risk of developing tumors in healthy people and gives the sick a chance for salvation.

An important point! Residents of areas where the background radiation is increased, doctors recommend using blueberries in order to reduce the concentration of harmful isotopes. This also applies to people working in hazardous facilities where radiation may be present.

Use without age restrictions

In general, any wild berry belongs to those products that adults and children love. They have a bright rich aroma, delicious taste. From forest gifts, you can prepare a lot of healthy dishes and even make blanks. In this regard, blueberries are also a clear leader.

You can even feed blueberries to babies. It strengthens the tooth enamel, which is very important during the period of tooth growth. Blueberries also strengthen bones and have a positive effect on the properties of blood. You just need to always remember that overeating berries can cause diarrhea and allergies in children.

The body of a woman during pregnancy is in great need of constant replenishment of vitamin reserves. And here, no product is able to cope with this task better than blueberries. Enriching the body of the expectant mother with ascorbic acid, blue berries increase its resistance to disease and cheer up. In addition, blueberries contain folic acid, which is very necessary for the female body during this crucial period.

Men should also pay attention to the modest forest berry. Indeed, with its help, you can maintain a normal sexual form and prevent the development of such an unpleasant problem as prostatitis.


Of course, no matter how useful the berry is, negative manifestations after its use can be observed. Which, in principle, is typical for any product.

Usually side effects are associated with excessive consumption of tasty fruits. As a result, vomiting with nausea, increased gas production (flatulence), diarrhea may appear. Overeating berries can also increase blood pressure. It is possible that an allergic reaction will develop in response to excessive portions of the forest dessert.

Pregnant women and people with a tendency to bowel disorders should be especially careful in this regard.

Healthy recipes

Many lovers of natural products harvest wild berries for the winter in order to prepare delicious drinks from them if necessary. To do this, the berries are dried, dried or frozen. The last preparation option is the most optimal in order to preserve all the useful ingredients. In this form, you can use the natural component in winter, 300 g daily for diabetes, cholecystitis and digestive problems.

  1. A good universal recipe that will help support the body's strength in case of vitamin deficiency, after an operation and other pathological conditions. To do this, you need to prepare juice from fresh blueberries, and store it in a cool place until the need for the product arises. This drink can also be prepared from frozen berries. With these disorders, it is recommended to drink 50-100 ml of juice three times a day. This medicine is good for diarrhea.
  2. Berry infusion of blueberry fruits will help relieve gastritis, inflammation in the kidneys, pancreas. The product is prepared according to the following scheme: dried berries (20 g) must first be doused with a glass of boiling water, then leave the solution to infuse for an hour. Drink with an exacerbation of the disease, 50 ml every three hours.
  3. A remedy for constipation is prepared from the leaves of the plant. Dried material can be used. For 50 g of dry mass, you need to take 200 ml of boiling water, pour the raw material with water, insist. This instant product can be drunk after half an hour, 1 liter. Art. up to 6 times if it is not possible to restore normal bowel function.
  4. The medicine for anemia has a slightly unusual composition, but the result of such treatment is impressive. To get a healing agent, you need to mix fresh blueberry juice (1/2 tbsp.) With sour cream or milk whey (3 liters. Tbsp.). The mixture obtained in such a simple way has a very pleasant taste, so children are happy to take this medicine. It is better to take it in the morning for two weeks.
  5. You can try to solve heart problems with the help of a natural preparation prepared according to the following recipe: take the berries and leaves of the plant (you can take dry material) in an amount of 50 g, combine the raw materials with a glass of water and put on fire. The mixture should boil for at least 10 minutes. After cooling, the composition must be filtered and taken up to 6 times a day. The recommended single dose is 1 tablespoon.
Young shoots are also often used as a starting material. The drug is prepared in a similar way, and the herbal elixir obtained as a result of simple manipulations helps:
  • reduce sugar in diabetics;
  • relieve swelling;
  • get rid of worms;
  • remove toxins and radionuclides;
  • cope with the manifestations of gout.

Elixir of health
It is simple to prepare this infusion: first, the blueberry sprigs are crushed together with the leaves, then only 1 liter is taken. Art. plant mass, placed in a suitable container, filled with boiling water, boiled for ten minutes. It is necessary to insist the remedy for about an hour, and then you can drink it all day in small sips.

Blueberries can be called a unique berry. And this will not be an exaggeration of her capabilities. After all, she, so modest in appearance, has a lot of properties that are really beneficial to health. The main thing is to learn how to use it correctly.

Video: the benefits of blueberries for the body