What you need to use and know to properly brew white tea. How to brew white tea properly

White tea requires a particularly reverent attitude towards itself, because it is collected by hand and undergoes minimal processing, and if you do not follow the general rules for brewing this drink, you risk completely depriving it of its useful properties. To prevent this from happening, in this article we will answer the questions in as much detail as possible: how to brew white tea correctly and how much to brew white tea?

  1. You need to brew in porcelain or glass dishes.
  2. The kettle is first rinsed with boiling water and dried.
  3. Then the tea leaves are poured. Focus on this proportion: for a glass of water - two teaspoons of tea.
  4. You cannot brew with boiling water so that the tea does not lose its beneficial properties. The water should cool slightly - up to 60-70 degrees.

How many times can white tea be brewed

White tea can be safely brewed 3-4 timesand every time to enjoy its most delicate taste.

How much to brew white tea

The first brewing lasts 5 minutes, each subsequent brew takes about three... However, special varieties require the brewing time to be extended to 15 minutes.

The drink turns out to be yellowish with a floral aroma and a long pleasant taste that unfolds a minute after the first sip.

And remember, brewing white tea is a careful process that does not tolerate haste, because any mistake made will deprive this drink of its wonderful aroma and beneficial properties.

Proper storage of white tea

Tea should be stored only in ceramic dishes under a hermetically sealed lid. The storage utensils must be new so that the tea does not absorb foreign odors. Like any other variety, it is undesirable to keep it next to spices.

Paper bags are not suitable for storage, tea leaves will instantly lose their aroma. Metal dishes are also contraindicated, since they do not allow the leaves to breathe.

The exquisite drink confidently stepped over the boundaries of simply pleasant and aromatic, it is recognized throughout the world as a very useful product. If it is brewed correctly, you can enjoy the subtlest taste, smell, which are distinguished by the fragile transparent buds of tea, called white, at the same time getting rid of diseases and bad mood.

White tea - what is it

Gourmets know very well that white tea is an exquisite drink with an original taste, aroma and healing influence. In the old days of the Song dynasty (from 960 to 1279), this variety of tea was discovered, later the description of plant cultivation is found in the ancient books of the Ming dynasty (1368-1644). The product was supplied only to the imperial family, but the smugglers managed to arrange the supply of Silver Needles to European connoisseurs of tea. What explains the elitism of this product?

Grown in the north of the high-mountainous Fujian province, the tea is harvested in April, when spring awakens the green leaves. Fragile, almost transparent buds and young leaves, which are covered with a silvery pile, are carefully plucked from the bushes in the early morning, subject to slight fermentation or oxidation. Only undamaged raw materials retain their unique smell and exquisite appearance, for which this elite grade of tea is famous.

White tea - benefits and harms

At first, gourmets paid tribute to the excellent aroma and taste of the drink, then the researchers decided to find out what the benefits and harms of white tea are. Since the raw materials are supplied to the consumer after minimal processing, the maximum amount of nutrients is preserved in the tender buds and leaves. Tea has antibacterial properties, therefore it is especially recommended for consumption during the period of the spread of viral diseases.

Regarding contraindications to the use of the product, there are very few of them:

  • kidney disease (due to the diuretic properties of tea);
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • ulcer, gastritis;
  • hypertension, diabetes;
  • insomnia because tea has a tonic effect.

Properties of white tea

This drink is recognized as the elixir of youth, capable of giving energy. It is worth mentioning in more detail the properties of white tea: the Silver Needles variety is considered the most useful in comparison with others due to the fact that it contains a record amount of vitamins (groups B, C, PP), amino acids, microelements, including fluorine. At the same time, there is less caffeine in the plant than in other varieties.

The level of antioxidants in this variety is significantly higher than in the green one. By regularly using the product, we protect the body from the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system, oncology. Researchers claim that the drink actively fights free radicals, preventing tissue aging and disruption of metabolic processes in the body. The anti-inflammatory, antiseptic properties of Silver Needles are noted.

It is also important that the drink gives a good mood, helps fight chronic fatigue syndrome, and effectively quenches thirst. This is due to the presence of essential oils that have a beneficial effect on the human body. By activating metabolic processes, tea helps to fight obesity, cleanses the body of toxic substances, therefore it is used in case of poisoning.

The benefits of white tea for women

Silver Needles are a part of preparations for weight loss, skin and preservation of youth. If we talk about the benefits of white tea for women, then it is necessary to remember the high level of antioxidants in the plant, which helps to fight the aging of the body. Actively affecting metabolic processes, tea helps to lose excess weight, perfectly relieves irritability, soothes.

Cosmetologists have found that tea actively fights aging, so its extract is used in the manufacture of anti-aging cosmetics. The mask is applied to the face, décolleté, held for a quarter of an hour, washed off with warm water. The skin will become lighter, smoother and more elastic. It is easy to prepare an excellent face mask at home, it includes:

  • sour cream - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • tea leaf - 1 tsp;
  • lemon juice - 1 tsp.

How to make white tea

It is recommended to learn how to brew white tea so as not to lose those valuable substances that were carefully preserved during collection, drying and very weak fermentation. Use high-quality water, special porcelain or glassware. This is the recommended tea brewing process.

Any tea requires careful handling during brewing. After all, if you brew it incorrectly, you can not only deprive tea of \u200b\u200bits taste and aroma, but get rid of its beneficial properties. An even more reverent attitude is demanded by the hand-harvested plantation in Fujian province.

General rules for brewing white tea

For, to make white tea, you will need purified water. You need to have time to bring it to the boiling point and turn it off. The water must cool down to about 50-70 degrees, otherwise some may simply be destroyed.

For brewing it is better to use porcelain or glass teapots. First you need to warm up the kettle by pouring boiling water over it. The tea leaves should be poured into a bowl with the expectation that more infusions for white tea are required, since white tea leaves are less dense than other teas. The approximate proportion is two teaspoons per glass of water.

Tea can be brewed about four times... During the first time, the brewing procedure lasts 5 minutes, during the next - about 3 minutes. However, some white teas take 15 minutes to brew.

Brewed tea has a yellowish tint and smell of flowers... However, the smell of white tea is not as intense as that of other teas, but it is longer. The taste of tea is not felt immediately, but a few minutes after a sip.

It should be remembered that a mistake made during brewing can deprive white tea of \u200b\u200bits delicate aroma.

A few words about storing white tea

Besides the fact that white tea needs to be brewed correctly, it also needs to be stored correctly. Ceramics are best suited for storing tea. The container should be as tight as possible, since any sharp extraneous odors destroy the aroma of white tea. It is advisable that the dishes were new, specially purchased for this occasion, since the tea can absorb the smells of what was stored in the dishes earlier for a long time.

Paper is categorically unsuitable for storing white tea, since after a week it will lose all its properties: both taste and medicinal. Metal utensils do not allow white tea to breathe, which also deteriorates quite quickly.

Let's say you managed to buy quality white tea. Suppose - because it is impossible to buy it in our, even very expensive, tea shops. This tea, by virtue, does not tolerate packaging and transportation, and its shelf life is calculated in several months. So, the white teas offered for sale are either low quality, or overexposed in terms of shelf life, or even high quality green teas. There are white teas produced in India, Sri Lanka, but they have nothing in common, except for the name, with Chinese white tea. They are just different varieties.

So, you've traveled to China, found a reliable and reputable tea shop, and purchased real white tea harvested this spring. At the same time, they laid out a solid amount of money for the "white" pleasure.

What you need to make white tea

You have to brew white tea in such a way that the harmony of taste, aroma, benefits and paid expectations does not scatter to smithereens.

Water Is the first problem you will face when brewing white tea. Plumbing, chlorinated - not even discussed, not acceptable. Sold in bottles, supposedly purified from harmful impurities, this is also not water. Rather, water, only lifeless. Brewing white tea requires pure spring water. Suppose you got some water too.

Water temperature for white tea should be slightly lower than for other teas, namely - 80 ° C. Because young hairy buds (tips) open and release the nutrients embedded in them faster than hardened leaves. And since we are talking about white Chinese tea, we will describe the process of heating water using flowery Chinese terminology.

In fact, Chinese masters have acted wisely using numerous allegories and comparisons. They studied and taught to observe and understand the essence of phenomena. Judge for yourself: the first stage of boiling water was called "fisheye". This is when the first large air bubbles appear at the bottom. The second stage is called "pearl threads". If you carefully observe the process of heating the water, you will definitely see them - a lot of small bubbles rising from the bottom of the kettle in threads. The third stage - "the noise of the wind in the pines" - the water begins to make a dense noise.

To brew white tea, it is necessary to remove the water from the fire at the moment when the "pearl threads" turn into "wind noise", not earlier and not later.

Although ... Not everything is so simple. Chinese tea growers who grow and produce tea claim that it should be brewed only with boiling water. So experiment.

Brewing utensils for white tea should be special. If you are a tea gourmet, if you brought real white tea from the “city of Beijing”, and even got some spring water, then it will not be difficult for you to purchase utensils for the tea ceremony.

By the way, the dishes are very unusual by our Russian standards and appetites. It should be petite. But don't be confused by the toy size of the bowls. They are designed to highlight the beauty, value and richness of tea.

The set of dishes includes: gaiwan (100-120 ml), strainer, open teapot (teapot of justice), bowls.

Brewing white tea

Before brewing tea, all utensils must be doused with boiling water.

The first infusion, rinsing the tea and revitalizing the tea leaf, is completely drained away. It lasts about two minutes.

After draining the infusion, take a few minutes to inhale the aroma of the tea, admire the tea leaf. And at the same time, make sure that the tea is of high quality. Pragmatic but true. Neat, beautiful, evenly colored, equal-sized leaves are the first sign of good tea.

Then water is re-poured into the gaiwan. If you did everything according to the rules, you drained the first brew, then the second one will be very fast - a minute or two. Overexpose - the tea will taste bitter.

Drain the tea through a strainer into the teapot of justice (so that everyone is equally divided) and pour into bowls.

How to drink Chinese white tea

The tea drinking ceremony in the East differs from the Russian tradition of tea drinking. Remember the huge samovar, big cups, jam, cheesecakes? In China, everything is different - a minimum of sweets and no buns.

Before sipping tea, it is customary to hold the bowl in your hands, peering at the color, enjoying the smell, and finding peace of mind.

The first sip is the brightest. It fully reveals the aroma and taste, leaving a great aftertaste. The bowl is enough for three or four thoughtful sips. Enjoy them to the fullest.

After a short pause, you can start the second brew.

The Chinese say: "Time is infinite." Remember this when you start drinking tea.

White tea is considered the best variety among various varieties, it is not surprising that its cost is so high, because it is rich in nutrients and vitamins (A, group B, PP, C, P) that make it so useful for our body.

White tea is harvested only in spring and only in China in the mountainous regions of Fujian province. The collection and processing of white tea follows strict guidelines. For example, following the rules, the collection of tea leaves can only be carried out in the morning period from five to nine o'clock, while certain rules are also provided for the pickers. In particular, they are forbidden to include in their daily diet garlic, spices, onions, alcohol and any other compounds with a strong odor that can spoil the aroma of tea leaves.

Only the top one or two leaves are subject to collection, which are further subjected to steam treatment for a minute, and then drying, and no twisting, as a result, the tea leaves look like a scattering of dry leaves. Young leaves are covered with delicate fluff on top, the Chinese call it "white eyelashes". In the most expensive varieties of white tea, only the upper half-open leaves go. The leaves of high quality tea do not curl, remaining as intact as possible. Also, high-quality white tea does not contain broken, flabby or oxidized leaves of dark shades. Fermentation of this type of tea occurs naturally without the use of any technology.

White tea needs a neat approach. Brewing white tea also has a strict sequence of actions that allow you to get the maximum benefit and pleasure from the resulting drink. So, you need to brew white tea with hot (but not boiling!) Water, that is, brought to a boil (about 50-70 degrees Celsius). If the water is boiled over, it will not allow the white tea aroma to fully develop.

It is necessary to store white tea leaves in a tin can, tightly closed, without access to air and foreign odors. After brewing, a delicate, aromatic and refined drink of amber with an admixture of green is obtained. Since the natural taste of white tea is somewhat weak, it is recommended to drink it after spicy, salty and other products that leave a strong aftertaste. It must be consumed between meals without eating anything.

The benefits of white tea.
The benefits of white tea are simply invaluable for our body. It is considered the most natural of all varieties, since its leaves are subjected to minimal processing when harvested, which contributes to the preservation of all nutrients. In its composition, white tea contains a lot of vitamins, antioxidants that have a rejuvenating effect on the body, inhibiting the aging process and preventing the development of malignant neoplasms (in particular, colon cancer). White tea compresses can protect skin from the negative effects of UV rays, preventing the appearance of wrinkles and keeping the skin firm and even complexion. In addition, this type of tea has an antibacterial, antiviral effect, strengthening the immune system and the cardiovascular system.

White tea contains a huge amount of fluoride, which, if consumed regularly, prevents the formation and development of tartar and caries. In addition, according to the latest research data from American scientists, white tea has a destructive effect on fat cells, since, according to them, it contains natural substances that contribute to weight loss.

It is also worth noting that the inclusion of white tea in your daily diet is an excellent prevention of the development of colds, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes mellitus (according to scientists from North Dakota State University). In addition, it has a detoxifying property, cleansing our body of accumulated toxins and toxins (including alcohol, chemical and food intoxication).

It should also be said that white tea affects the content of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood, lowering their levels. White tea is also useful for stress, depression, chronic fatigue, helps to improve the overall emotional state, relieve symptoms of overexcitation, and is an excellent substitute for sedatives and antidepressants.

The benefits of white tea during pregnancy.
In general, there were no contraindications to the use of white tea, so it can be drunk during pregnancy. However, it is still recommended to first consult with the doctor leading the pregnancy. During pregnancy, this tea will perfectly protect against colds, soothe the nervous system, and also keep the skin young and elastic.

Despite the absence of contraindications, white tea should not be consumed in large quantities. True connoisseurs of tea ceremonies do not recommend drinking such tea at a time when the spirit is in a bad or irritated state. When brewing, you should be very careful and attentive, you should not make the tea too strong.

How to brew white tea correctly.
As mentioned earlier, white tea does not tolerate boiling water, since it destroys the finest essential oils that are present in it. For brewing, it is recommended to use pure spring water or filtered water brought to a boil. Then the water should cool down within a few minutes. Pre-boiled water cannot be used either.

The ideal temperature for the tea brewing ceremony is considered to be 60-75 ° C. Water should be placed in a preheated glass or ceramic teapot. Since the leaves of the tea leaves do not have a curled appearance (this makes them more voluminous), then for one serving of tea you will need several more leaves, about two tablespoons of the tea leaves. The duration of brewing depends on the type of tea, on average, the first brewing takes about five minutes, and the subsequent ones - two to three minutes. You can brew white tea no more than three to four times.

For medicinal purposes, white tea should be brewed (infused) for fifteen minutes. For example, drinking white tea three times a day is recommended to normalize blood pressure. The course of treatment is three to four weeks.

White tea is a true gourmet delight. Due to its very low content of caffeine and tannin, white tea has a mild taste compared to other teas. To understand the delicate taste of this drink, you need to prepare for its use. Be sure to choose a free minute, prepare a separate cup specially designed for white tea. It should be noted that the dishes must be absolutely clean, without the smell of detergents or other drinks.

If you are a connoisseur of black teas, then before trying white tea, you need to drink and taste green tea for a while, otherwise you will not feel the taste or aroma of white tea.

The most famous varieties of white tea are: "white peony", "old man's eyebrows", "green snow", "white-haired silver needles", "snow bud", "gift".

White tea is not a cheap pleasure, which not everyone can afford, about three hundred rubles per hundred grams. This unique drink will be an ideal and welcome gift for real tea connoisseurs.