50 gr lemon juice 1. Little-known uses of lemon in oriental medicine

30.10.2019 Egg dishes
The product's name. How much does 1 tablespoon weigh in grams. - - - - -

Lemon juice.
20 - 21 - - - - -

So, we have an urgent household need to measure a portion of a product or substance, according to a folk recipe, operating instructions, a modern diet (in fact, it doesn't matter why). A certain inconvenience, most likely, may be due to the fact that we need a portion for which very smart people who have drawn up instructions, a recipe or a diet did not indicate the amount of lemon juice in tea, tablespoons, dessert spoons, as it would be logical, correct and conveniently. And the mass or weight in grams. It is quite natural that a normal person, “close at hand in a kitchen cabinet”, always “does not have” special scales. But if you look a little, almost certainly, somewhere there is, at least 1 (one) ordinary tablespoon (or teaspoon). And, it is with the help of this simple cutlery that we have to do the dosage of a portion of lemon juice by weight in grams. The task is simple, but not very correct, initially "doomed" to a large error, but our instruction, diet or recipe does not offer any other choice or method. In order to translate grams into tablespoons, we are forced to use not strict reference information, but some kind of experimental, everyday relationship established by an experimental (empirical) way. The resulting error, with this dosage method, certainly scares a decent person accustomed to accuracy and order, because, as indicated in some reliable sources, it can be 14 - 18%. From my experience, in practice, the error in measuring the mass or weight of lemon juice in grams by this method can be even greater. Here it is difficult to speak about the objectivity of the methodology. Although the size of the spoons is considered more or less standard, their shape does not allow you to measure the same portions. Due to the fact that they can be filled in different ways, it does not hold the same volume, and this will affect the weight of the product in grams. Therefore, in cases where we need a really accurate dosage of lemon juice, we cannot use a cutlery. It is necessary to use another, very similar instrument to measure the weight portion in grams - this is a special, deep measuring spoon. The size differs slightly, however, the well-thought-out shape of the measuring spoon excludes "discrepancies" in the degree of filling. Roughly speaking, when measuring a portion of lemon juice not with 1 tablespoon, but with a measuring spoon, we always measure for a recipe, instruction or diet, a sufficiently accurate volume that our "kitchen tool" can hold. This implies an order of magnitude higher accuracy in determining the portion weight in grams: 2 - 4%. Now, in our case, let's decide on the mass - 1 (one) tablespoon, how many grams of lemon juice it contains. If you have interest and extra time, you yourself could make sure that a small "underfilling or overflowing" in any spoon, including a small teaspoon, will significantly affect the weight of a portion of the product. However, conventionally, for recipes, instructions and diets, it is generally accepted that a tablespoon holds a certain amount of grams of lemon juice. See Table 1 for the exact weight per serving. This will help you convert grams to tablespoons of lemon juice. By the way, recalculating the mass from teaspoons, in a ratio of 1 to 3, in practice usually "does not work", except perhaps for some liquids. So, better use the data from the table, you get a more accurate approximate dosage of a portion of lemon juice in grams by weight.

Citric acid is a product that can be found in any home. It is widely used both for preparing various dishes and in everyday life, as a cleaning agent or as a component for bleaching lotion, hair rinse. How can you replace citric acid, if it is over, simple tips will tell you.

Curious! For the first time, citric acid was obtained from unripe lemons, hence its name. It was first synthesized by the Swedish pharmacist Karl Schleele in 1784. Now it is obtained synthetically from beets.

Citrus instead of citric acid

  • The most natural alternative to citric acid in a variety of dishes is regular lemon or lime.

On note! The juice of 1 lemon can replace 1 teaspoon of citric acid. When preparing desserts, a few drops to 1-2 teaspoons of lemon juice will be enough to replace citric acid.

  • If there is no lemon on hand, oranges or tangerines will do the job of replacing citric acid.

On a note! Citrus fruits will not only give the necessary acidity to the dish, but also enrich its aroma and taste.

The most successful will be replacing citric acid with citrus fruits when cooking:

  • creams: protein, cream, custard;
  • sweets;
  • meringue;
  • mousse;
  • syrups;
  • baking powder for dough;
  • fillings for pies, pastries and cakes.

Citric acid is added to the dough to give the baked goods a pleasant taste with a slight acidity. Using citrus zest, vanillin or cinnamon instead, you can get not only delicious, but also very aromatic baked goods.

On a note! A few drops of lemon juice will make it easy to whip the whites into a strong foam, will not let it settle, and will make it snow-white.

Citric acid being excellent anti-crystallizer, is an integral component of syrup and fondant recipes. Thanks to its addition in a strictly defined concentration, you can get a thick, non-candied syrup that perfectly whips into a fudge. Replacing the acid with lemon, you will have to play around to achieve the required concentration of acid in the product.

How to replace citric acid in conservation

When preparing compote, jam or jam from irgi, quince, gooseberry or chokeberry, you cannot do without citric acid, because it is she who gives them a piquant sourness. In this case, you can use orange or lemon zest and citrus juice or applesauce and zest instead of citric acid.

Sour berries instead of citric acid

Citric acid is a component often used in preservation to set off the taste of sweet berries and fruits, or to protect compotes and preserves from spoiling. Some recipes for canned and pickled vegetables also recommend using citric acid as a preservative. Usually, recommendations to replace vinegar with citric acid are associated with gastrointestinal problems. But if citric acid was not at hand, then whole berries can be used instead:

  • red currant;
  • cranberries;
  • lingonberries.

Sour berries will give an original flavor to pickled cucumbers, zucchini, peppers, tomatoes.

On a note! Instead of citric acid when preserving vegetables, you can use for 1 liter jar:

  • 200 g red currant or,
  • 200 g rowan or,
  • 100 g lingonberries or,
  • 100 g of cranberries or,
  • 100 g of Chinese lemongrass or,
  • 0.5 l of fresh tomato juice or,
  • 100 g sorrel or,
  • 1 sour apple or,
  • ½ a small bunch of grapes, or,
  • juice of ½ lemon.

The berries are washed and placed in jars with vegetables, and it is recommended to pre-boil and puree sorrel, and then add to jars. On the basis of a broth of sorrel, you can prepare an excellent pickle for pickling cucumbers.
From the use of sour berries, fruits and vegetables as natural preservatives, homemade preparations will become not only tastier, but also healthier.

Natural juice instead of citric acid

Juices obtained from fruits and berries contain a significant amount of organic acids and are quite capable of replacing citric acid in the preparation of some dishes:

  • desserts;
  • compotes, jelly and other drinks;
  • preserves and marinades;
  • sauces and gravy.

On a note! Citric acid is often used as an essential ingredient in meat marinades. For example, a leg of lamb is marinated in a marinade with the addition of citric acid: ¼ teaspoon per 2 kg of meat with bone. In this case, grape or pomegranate juice can be used instead of acid. They will not only make the meat tender, but also give it a pleasant taste.

For these purposes, it is better to use natural, unsweetened juice:

  • grape;
  • pomegranate;
  • cherry;
  • cranberry;
  • apple.

On a note! The sour fruit or berry juice added when cooking the jam will keep the fruit attractive and prevent the jam from becoming sugared.

Vinegar instead of citric acid

When preparing marinade for cucumbers and other vegetables, you can use vinegar instead of citric acid:

  • apple;
  • wine;
  • dining room.

Microbiologically produced natural fruit vinegar retains all the bioactive substances contained in fruits, so replacing the acid with natural fruit vinegar will only bring health benefits.

Apple cider vinegar and wine vinegar can also be used instead of citric acid in fruit and berry dishes. It will be enough to add 1-2 teaspoons of fruit vinegar at the end of cooking.

On a note! 5 teaspoons of 3% vinegar can replace 1/2 teaspoon of citric acid. 4 teaspoons of 9% vinegar will replace 1 teaspoon of citric acid.

In everyday life, citric acid is actively used to descale teapots. In this situation, table vinegar and soda can replace it.

As you can see, there are many ways to replace citric acid. Some of them, in terms of their qualities, not only fully compensate for the absence of citric acid, but also improve the taste and aroma of the dish. In some cases, replacing citric acid is quite troublesome, as it requires experience to adjust the desired acidity percentage of the dish.

The lemon elixir is more in demand than the nectars of other fruits. This is due to the composition of citrus, its many beneficial properties and a wide range of applications. The sour drink will relieve fatigue, replenish the lack of vitamins in the body, save from colds, provide effective skin, hair and nails care, and also give dishes an exquisite taste. And this is not the whole list of his abilities. The advantages of such fresh juice also include the simplicity of its preparation. And how to make lemon juice, we will find out below.

How to squeeze lemon juice

Lemon is the most acidic citrus fruit and is very healthy. The yellow fruit is rich in a number of vitamins: A, B2, C and P. Its slices are used to decorate many dishes and drinks, and they are also added during preparation to add flavor. And lemon nectar is just a treasure trove of vitamins. It is used in cooking, cosmetology and in everyday life. How do you get the most of this golden liquid? There are several ways.

Using a juicer

The simplest method of squeezing is to use special equipment, namely a juicer. They are both electric and manual.

Modern methods include mechanical devices. There are different models. From the simplest juicers to sophisticated combines equipped with many additional functions. Depending on the power of the device, you can lay fruit with or without skin.

You may have to strain the resulting juice through a sieve, as there is a high probability of getting seeds, pulp and peel. Typically, one medium-sized lemon makes about 50-60 ml of liquid.

With the help of hand-operated devices, a lot of juice also comes out. True, you will need to make an effort. But the process will not take much time and the dirty dishes will be several times less. Next, let's figure out how to squeeze lemon juice without using a juicer?

Without using a juicer

If there are no special devices at hand, it doesn't matter. Once there was no technology at all, so you can completely cope without it. How to juice lemons without using a juicer? We offer several methods:

  1. With forks and spoons. Rinse the citrus and cut it in half. Insert a spoon into the middle of one part so that it pierces the pulp. Turn ½ part of the fruit over the bowl with the spoon facing down. Start squeezing out the juice until all of it drains into the container. To get the remaining nectar, turn the device clockwise and back.

You can also mash the peeled fruit with a fork. To do this, cut the fruit into 4 pieces and place everything in a deep bowl.

  1. Heat treatment. How to squeeze liquid out of citrus quickly and easily? Dip the lemon in boiling water and leave it there for one minute. Then refrigerate the citrus. This will make it easier for you to extract as much of the acidic liquid as possible by hand.
  2. Using gauze. Finely chop the fruit pulp and wrap it in cheesecloth and squeeze out the juice. You can use a regular bandage.

We now know how to squeeze lemon juice without using a device such as a juicer. However, there are several varieties of citrus drink. For example, using citric acid or concentrate.

How to make lemon juice from citric acid or concentrated lemon juice

Citrus pressing is most often required in cooking and marinating dishes. What to do if there is no lemon at hand, and if you only need a couple of drops and it is a pity to spend a whole fruit on it? Everything is very simple. The drink can be obtained from both citric acid and concentrate.

We use citric acid

This juice is made very simply. The standard recipe requires only two ingredients. Namely:

  • Water;
  • Lemon acid.

The ideal proportion of lemon juice from citric acid is one part powder to two parts liquid. Its ratio to lemon juice is 1 to 6. The cooking technology is simple. The concentrate is diluted with water. To make a drink correctly, it is better for the product to brew for at least 30 minutes. This is required for better dissolution of crystals in water.

This method has its advantages:

  • Acid powder has a longer shelf life;
  • She is not whimsical to storage conditions;
  • You won't need to use a whole lemon for a few ml;
  • Juice is made easily and quickly;
  • No effort is required to squeeze the citrus.

And disadvantages:

  • Lack of natural ingredients;
  • The drink should be consumed with caution, in small quantities.

If you still have lemon zest, add it to the lemon juice and let it brew for half an hour. This will give the artificial drink a pleasant aroma.

We use concentrate

Almost all juices that we see on the shelves of retail outlets are obtained from a concentrated product. In other words, concentrated lemon juice is a preparation for the future drink. This also applies to other fruits.

Such raw materials are obtained after harvesting. Fruits and vegetables are squeezed out, then this liquid is evaporated. Thus, a concentration is obtained. It is thick and viscous in consistency. It is produced under special conditions, under which all the beneficial substances of the fruit are not lost.

Why make juice from a preform yourself if purchased drinks are made in the same way? The fact is that factory production involves the addition of various preservatives, fragrances and flavor enhancers to nectars. At home, only two components are taken. The main thing is to know the proportion. The recipe tells you how much liquid and concentrate you need.


  • Water - 3 l.;
  • Concentrated lemon juice - 600 gr.


The juice must be diluted in water. The components in the correct ratio are thoroughly mixed with each other. Natural delicious nectar is ready.

The concentrate is measured in kilograms due to its dense consistency. It is possible to purchase the product at retail. Usually on the boxes with it they write: "reconstituted juice".

Sweet lemon juice: recipes

The yellow citrus drink turns out to be sour, so not everyone can consume it in its pure form. Basically, such a product is used as an additive to various dishes, or is used in cosmetology.

At the same time, almost everyone loves lemonade. This is because in such a drink, acidity and bitterness are softened by the addition of additional ingredients. Ultimately, it turns out sweet, not sour. How to cook such fruit drink at home? There are several recipes.

Natural lemonade

No preservatives and other harmful substances that have a negative effect on the body. And most importantly, the drink is prepared quickly, easily and from affordable products.


  • Sugar - 3 tsp;
  • One lemon juice - 50 ml.;
  • Water - 150 ml.;
  • Fruit zest.


  1. We put the water on the fire, throw the zest in there and bring to a boil.
  2. Boil for 2-3 minutes.
  3. Pour sugar and stir here until it is completely dissolved.
  4. Pour in lemon juice and mix everything thoroughly.
  5. Cool down the drink.
  6. Homemade healthy lemonade is ready.

A few slices of citrus can be added to the container with juice for a rich taste and aesthetics to the drink.

Cold Lemonade

A delicious treatment for cold symptoms. Take note of the prescription and you will no longer have to run to the pharmacy on the first occasion.


  • Dry chamomile (flowers) - 1 tsp;
  • Lemon juice - a glass;
  • Honey - 1 tablespoon;
  • Water - 350 ml.

Cooking technology:

  1. Steam the chamomile with one glass of boiling water and leave to infuse. Desirable for 2-3 hours. If time is short, then 15-30 minutes will be enough.
  2. We prepare lemon juice.
  3. We pour in a strained herbal drink to it.
  4. Add honey.
  5. The drink is ready. Drink it warm.

Honey can be replaced with sugar or jam. This lemon tea contains many vitamins and nutrients. It is not necessary to drink it only for colds. The drink is suitable for preventive purposes, as well as for daily daily use.

Despite its widespread use, lemon nectar is difficult to find commercially. Therefore, it is easier to make the product yourself. There are a lot of ways, as you can see in our article. You can make a drink even if you don't have a juicer or the fruit at hand.

Lemon is an evergreen tree with a height of three to seven meters. Lemon bark is grayish on perennial branches, and green or red-violet on young ones. In annual shoots, it is smooth, as a rule, contains thorns (but it can be without them). The leaves of this tree are leathery, glossy above and matte below, oval or ovoid in shape. Their length is 10-15 centimeters, width is 5-8 centimeters. Leaves are placed on winged or wingless petioles.

Lemon flowers can be paired or single. They include a notched calyx, a five-membered rim. The color of the petals is white, cream, on the outside it is purple-pinkish. They have a delicate aroma and are strongly curved, naked. The fruits of the plant in question are ovoid or oval in shape, narrowed at both ends, of a light yellow hue. Their length is 6-9 cm, diameter is 4-6 cm. The peel can be pitted or tuberous. It contains a large number of glands, including essential oil.

Inside, the fruits have several nests. Their seeds are yellow-green or white, in a cross-section - greenish tint, they are ovoid. Lemon blooms in spring, fruits ripen in autumn. This tree grows in the subtropical region of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, on the territory of Azerbaijan, the republics of Central Asia. The plant is cultivated on a plantation and grown as a room culture.

Harvesting and storing lemon

For medicinal purposes, peel, lemon juice, ripe fruits are used. Juice is obtained manually or using a juicer. From the pressed peel, lemon oil is obtained, which must be stored in a glass, tightly closed container in the form of a 10% alcohol solution. In order to preserve the fruits for a long time, they are thoroughly washed, dried, cut into small slices, the thickness of which should not exceed 7 mm. If the lemon is large, it is additionally cut in half. Be sure to remove the seeds from the fruit. The resulting raw material is placed in glass jars and sprinkled with sugar. They should be at room temperature for 2-3 days. Then you need to store the container in the refrigerator.

Home use

Lemon can be used to remove greasy stains. For these purposes, sprinkle half of the fruit with salt (it acts as an abrasive) and rub the oily surfaces with it. In this way, marble and other acid-sensitive substances must not be processed. The juice of the fruit in question allows you to remove scale from a kettle, coffee maker. To do this, fill them with water, add finely chopped lemon zest, heat and allow to cool. Some housewives use lemon to clean the inside of the microwave. So, a container is placed in the stove, half filled with water, in which the zest is diluted, the product is turned on for 5-7 minutes. After the condensation has settled on the walls, they must be carefully wiped with a damp sponge.

Lemon juice is also used to deodorize the rubbish bin (it is wiped from the inside, thereby killing germs). They also polish chrome, copper surfaces, clean stainless steel sinks, and repel insects (in particular, ants). In addition to all of the above, the fruit in question is actively used in the preparation of various kinds of dishes (cookies, cakes, drinks, etc.).

The composition and medicinal properties of lemon

  1. Lemon-based preparations have anti-inflammatory, restorative, antimicrobial, anti-sclerotic, wound-healing effects.
  2. It is recommended to drink lemon juice for hypo- and avitaminosis, atherosclerosis, for the treatment of lung diseases, wounds, and poisoning.
  3. Lemons should be included in the diet for people with cardiovascular diseases, jaundice, rheumatism, gout, gastritis (which have low acidity), and pregnant women.
  4. Lemon syrup is an excellent anthelmintic.
  5. Lotions made on the basis of lemon juice and chlorine help to cope with gangrene.
  6. Lemon juice allows you to soften the skin, whiten, rejuvenate it. It should be used by persons who have salt deposition, hemorrhoids, tuberculosis, sciatica, infectious and viral diseases.
  7. Outwardly, lemon juice should be used to treat fungal skin lesions, age spots and freckles (in order to lighten them).
  8. Traditional healers use the juice of this fruit in the treatment of gonorrhea.
  9. It has been proven that in persons who have a lot of vitamin "C" in their bodies, wounds, fractures, gastrointestinal ulcers heal faster, tuberculosis, asthenia and other ailments are easier to treat.
  10. In the lemon environment, streptococci, which are the causative agent of sore throat and other ailments, die.
  11. Citric acid is added to the blood that is being prepared for transfusion (this prevents it from clotting).
  12. Lemon can also treat diseases of the throat and mouth, typhoid fever, scurvy and diphtheria (the substance is smeared with plaque).
  13. Lemon juice eliminates cracks in the skin, relieves brittle nails. Mixed with water, it stimulates the appetite.
  14. Citric acid is contained in "Citramone", which is used for migraines, neuralgia, colds.
  15. Lemon essential oil helps to cope with indecision, improves concentration, mood.
  16. The use of lemon in traditional medicine

    Lemon-based remedy for vitamin deficiency

    Add the juice of one lemon, honey (1-2 tsp) to hot water (1 tbsp). You need to drink the indicated remedy 2 times a day, 1/2 cup.

    Vitamin infusion based on lemon juice

    Pour chopped pine, fir or spruce needles (600 g) with cold water (4 glasses), add the juice squeezed from one medium-sized lemon. It is necessary to insist the remedy for two days in a dark place, stirring it. The composition should be consumed per day, 200 ml.

    Lemon-based tonic and appetite-enhancing product

    Mix lemon juice (1 tsp) with vegetable oil (1 tbsp) and honey (1 tsp), mix everything. Take the composition before breakfast.

    Lemon Peel Tincture to Increase Appetite

    Grind the dried peel of the fruit in question (100 g) and fill it with vodka (1 l), leave for 21 days in a dark place, shaking the container periodically. Straining the product through cheesecloth, take it three times a day, 30 ml (before meals).

    Lemon-based remedy for feeling weak and exhausted

    Twist lemons with peels (4 pieces) through a meat grinder, add fresh lemon juice (200 ml), olive oil (200 g), pharmacy extract of valerian and hawthorn (15 g each), camphor (1 g), peppermint oil (15 drops ). After mixing the composition thoroughly, take it three times a day before meals.

    Lemon decoction, used for inflammation of the mucous membrane of the pharynx and mouth

    Boil the juice of two lemons over low heat for 10-15 minutes (do not let the composition boil), add honey or molasses (1 tablespoon), stir until they are completely dissolved. After straining the product, drink it in a warm state, several tablespoons, after rinsing the throat with the composition. You must not drink anything for 45-60 minutes after that.

    Lemon based asthma remedy

    Add grated fresh horseradish (100 g) to the juice of 3 lemons, mix the composition thoroughly. It is worth taking it 2 times a day, 1/2 teaspoon. Do not eat or drink anything for 30 minutes after that. During treatment, dairy products should be excluded from the diet.

    Lemon juice remedy for flu

    Place one medium fruit in boiling water for 1-2 minutes, then twist it through a meat grinder. Add butter (100 g), honey (2 tablespoons) to the composition. The product should be spread on black bread and eaten 6-8 times a day.

    Lemon based atherosclerosis remedy

    Mix the lemon, twisted on a grater, with the garlic (one head), pour boiling water (1 l) into the composition. Insist the product for 2 days in a tight-fitting container. You need to use it three times a day, one tablespoonful.

    The composition used for the prevention of stroke and hypertension

    Pour dried or fresh lemon bark (2 tablespoons) with water (400 ml), cook over low heat with the lid closed for half an hour, leave for 10-15 minutes. After straining, take the broth three times a day, 100 ml (before meals).

    Lemon-based remedy used for cholecystitis, liver cirrhosis, jaundice

    Twist the lemons through a meat grinder together with the skin (2 pcs.) And the same amount of peeled lemons. Add honey (1 kg), olive oil (200 ml) to the resulting pulp. The product should be stored in a cool, dark place. It should be drunk 3 times a day before meals (30 minutes), 1 tbsp.

    Lemon-based composition for angina

    Pour freshly squeezed lemon juice (1 pc.) With hot chamomile infusion (250 ml), take 1 tablespoon of the product. before going to bed.


    Due to the fact that lemon juice irritates the gastrointestinal mucosa, drugs based on it can not be taken by people with stomach and duodenal ulcers, who have high acidity, acute nephritis, diseases of the pancreas, and also with individual intolerance.

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Spring is in full swing, but we still need to recover from a long winter. The first step is to include in the menu foods that contain a lot of vitamin C. And there is very little that compares with lemon!

website collected delicious lemon dishes that will help you cope with any spring cold.

Fish with lemon and black pepper


  • 1 kg fillet of any fish
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1/4 cup olive oil
  • 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice
  • 0.5 tsp lemon zest
  • 0.5 tsp black pepper
  • 0.5 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp oregano (can be substituted with rosemary)


  1. Combine finely chopped or grated garlic, oil, lemon juice, lemon zest, ground black pepper, salt and oregano in a large bowl.
  2. Put the fish in a bowl so that it is covered with marinade. Cover with a lid and refrigerate for 15–20 minutes.
  3. We heat the grill (or preheat the oven, if there is no grill, it will turn out a little differently, but also tasty) to 150 ° С, put large pieces of fish on the wire rack in one layer. Fry the fish on each side for 5-10 minutes.

Chicken with lemon


  • 1-1.5 kg chicken thighs or wings with skin
  • 1 lemon
  • a couple of sprigs of rosemary (you can replace 1-1.5 tsp. dried)
  • 2 tsp olive oil


  1. Cut the lemon into thin slices.
  2. Preheat the oven to 200 ° C.
  3. Salt and pepper the chicken.
  4. Heat olive oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Put the chicken in the pan and fry until golden brown for 5-7 minutes on each side.
  5. Now put the lemon wedges and rosemary in the pan and cook for another 1-2 minutes on each side.
  6. Put the chicken on a baking sheet and bake in the oven for 15–20 minutes.
  7. Serve the chicken with lemon slices. Garnish with rosemary sprigs and olives if desired.

Lemon risotto


  • 250 g rice
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 stalk of celery
  • 1 onion
  • 1.5 l vegetable or chicken broth
  • 50 ml cream
  • 100 g Parmesan cheese (can be replaced with any hard cheese)
  • 3 tbsp. l. olive oil
  • 2 tbsp. l. butter
  • 1 egg yolk
  • salt to taste


  1. Chop the onion and celery very finely and fry in a deep frying pan with butter for 5-6 minutes until the onion is transparent, lightly salting.
  2. Add olive oil to the pan, pour in the rice, stir and fry it lightly. Then gradually, ladle by ladle, add the broth as it evaporates. The rice should not float in the liquid, but absorb the broth. On average, this takes 15–20 minutes.
  3. Rub the lemon zest on a fine grater, and squeeze the juice from half of the lemon.
  4. Mix the yolk, cream, half of the cheese, zest and lemon juice. Add the resulting mixture to the risotto. Mix and remove from heat.
  5. Sprinkle with the remaining cheese and serve.

Greek chicken soup with lemon


  • 2 lemons
  • 2 l chicken broth
  • 250 g long grain rice
  • 300 g chicken breast fillet, cut into small pieces
  • 2 eggs
  • a small handful of finely chopped mint leaves
  • salt to taste


  1. Boil the chicken. We filter the broth. Salt to taste.
  2. Finely rub the zest of 1 lemon. Squeeze the juice from 2 lemons.
  3. Add grated zest to the broth. Bring to a boil in a saucepan.
  4. Reduce heat to medium and add rice. Cook over low heat, stirring occasionally, for 15 minutes. Add the chicken. Cook, stirring occasionally, for another 3-4 minutes.
  5. We remove from the fire. Add lemon juice and stir.
  6. Beat the eggs lightly. Add 0.5 cups of hot broth to them and mix. Slowly add the egg mixture to the soup, stirring constantly.
  7. Pour the ready-made soup into bowls. Decorate with lemon zest and mint.

Baked cauliflower with lemon


  • 1 head of cauliflower
  • 6 tbsp. l. olive oil
  • 1 cup finely chopped parsley
  • 0.5 tsp grated lemon zest
  • 2 tbsp. l. freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • salt and ground black pepper to taste


  1. Preheat the oven to 220 ° C.
  2. We disassemble the cauliflower into inflorescences and put on a baking sheet.
  3. Water the cabbage 4 tbsp. l. olive oil. Salt and pepper.
  4. Bake for 25-30 minutes, until the cabbage starts to turn brown.
  5. Meanwhile, combine chopped parsley in a bowl, 2 tbsp. l. olive oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper.
  6. Mix the finished cabbage with the resulting dressing.
  7. Sprinkle with lemon zest before serving.

Fettuccine with lemon


  • 200 g fettuccine paste
  • 4 egg yolks
  • 150 ml cream 20% fat
  • 3 tbsp. l. olive oil
  • 1 tsp lemon peel
  • a small bunch of fresh basil
  • salt, pepper to taste


  1. Boil the pasta in boiling salted water, following the instructions on the package.
  2. In a bowl, combine the cream, olive oil and yolks. Add the zest and chopped basil. Salt and pepper.
  3. Mix the sauce with warm pasta and serve.

Potatoes with olives and lemon


  • 600 g potatoes
  • 4 tbsp. l. olive oil
  • 1 tsp ground cumin
  • 1 tsp oregano
  • 2 lemons
  • 1.5 cups of water
  • salt and black pepper to taste


  1. Peel the potatoes and cut them into pieces of any size. Transfer to a bowl. Add olive oil, zest of one lemon, ground cumin, salt and pepper to the raw potatoes.
  2. Squeeze juice from lemons. Sprinkle the potatoes with lemon juice and mix well.
  3. Transfer the potatoes to a deep frying pan. We add water. Bring to a boil. Then cover and cook over medium heat for 10-12 minutes. Remove the lid and cook the dish until the remaining water evaporates.
  4. We lay out the potatoes on plates and serve. You can decorate with greens.

Cucumber salad with lemon


  • 2 cucumbers
  • 1 cup cherry tomatoes
  • half yellow bell pepper
  • 3 tbsp. l. chopped parsley
  • 2.5 tbsp. l. lemon juice
  • 1.5 tbsp. l. grated lemon zest
  • 1 tbsp. l. olive oil
  • 1.5 tsp white wine vinegar
  • salt and black pepper to taste


  1. Cut the cucumber into thin slices. Cut the cherry tomatoes into halves or quarters (you can cut it very finely). Cut the sweet pepper into small cubes.
  2. Mix vegetables in a bowl. Add chopped parsley.
  3. In a separate small bowl, mix together lemon juice, lemon zest, olive oil, wine vinegar, salt and pepper.
  4. Pour the dressing over the salad, stir and serve.

Lemon Bars


  • 115 g butter
  • 255 g sugar
  • 170 g flour
  • 1 lemon
  • 2 eggs
  • icing sugar for decoration


  1. Bars are a delicate two-layer treat. First, let's prepare the first layer - a sand base. Combine butter at room temperature and 115 g of sugar, beat well at high speeds.
  2. Add 140 g flour and beat a little more. The dough will begin to clump.
  3. Preheat the oven to 180 ° C.
  4. Cover the baking dish with parchment and spread the dough on it. We level it. It is desirable to take a mold 18 × 18 cm - if your mold is larger, it is better to double the amount of ingredients for the dough so that the bottom layer is not too thin.
  5. We put the dish in the oven and bake for 10-15 minutes, until the top is lightly browned.
  6. While the first layer is baking, prepare the second. Rub the zest of 1 lemon and squeeze out the juice - you need 3 tbsp. l.
  7. Combine eggs and 140 g of sugar in a cup. Beat with a mixer at maximum speed for 5 minutes or a little longer. The mass should increase in volume three times, become very dense and light.
  8. Pour the whole zest and 30 g of flour into the finished mass. Beat again.
  9. Pour in lemon juice and beat for another 1 minute. The finished mass will be dense, like thick yogurt.
  10. The first layer should be browning by now. Let it cool for 5-7 minutes and pour the mass for the second layer on top. Put in the oven for 15–20 minutes. The top layer should be baked well and not shake.
  11. We take out, let the dessert cool in the form, cut into 3 × 5 cm cubes. Sprinkle with powdered sugar on top through a sieve and serve.