How many grams of condensed milk are in a tin can. How many grams are in a can of condensed milk? Product classification, benefits and harms

29.06.2020 Lenten dishes

2 years ago

In author's culinary blogs, you can often find the lack of a clear indication of the volume or weight of a specific product: some housewives simply mark, for example, “a pack of butter”. But there are no special difficulties with decoding - most packages contain 180-200 grams, and a small error is not critical. But what if there is no information, how many grams are in a can of condensed milk? Moreover, you need to know this not only to understand the recipes, but also to identify unscrupulous manufacturers.

Condensed milk is a favorite delicacy, familiar from childhood, for many people, but the main thing is a product that must still comply with GOST. Thus, the correct condensed milk should not only have a clearly regulated composition or color, marking, barcode, but also always the same weight. In the process of comparing products in a store, you will notice that some manufacturers, trying to get profit, deliberately reduce the weight of the product.

So, before you is a standard can of condensed milk: how many grams of goodies should there be?

According to GOST, the net weight (net, excluding container) of a can of condensed milk should be 400 grams. The volume of the can is 325 ml.

Accordingly, if you see that other numbers are written on the product, you should think about why the manufacturer reduced them (which happens more often) or increased them. It is possible that not only the weight, but also the composition has undergone changes, which means that in front of you is not quite condensed milk (or not condensed milk at all), but a rather dubious product.

As for how many grams of boiled condensed milk are in a can, the picture is similar: according to GOST there should be 400 grams, but according to TU it can be 380 grams, and even less from an unscrupulous manufacturer.

If you often cook and use condensed milk, you should find out not only how many grams are in an iron can of condensed milk, but also how much is contained in a more familiar container. So, a tablespoon of this delicacy is 30 grams, a teaspoon is only 12 grams. An ordinary faceted glass with a volume of 200 ml will fit 250 grams of condensed milk .

It is not only the weight of the product that should be checked - much more often manufacturers who want to save money and get the maximum profit violate the established composition standards. In a good condensed milk, only normalized milk and granulated sugar should be present, cream, water, potassium and sodium-based antioxidants can be observed, since they do not affect the quality characteristics of the product.

Immediately refuse to buy condensed milk, which contains vegetable fats, soy protein, starch and other components.

Also pay attention to the fact that classic condensed milk has a fat content of 8.5%, the energy value per 100 g is 320 kcal, and the shelf life cannot exceed 12 months. Additionally, you can evaluate the BJU: 53.9% carbohydrates and 7.2% proteins should be present here.

The texture of the correct condensed milk deserves special attention: it is thick, uniform, and has a milky hue. You will not feel sugar grains on your tongue, there will be no stratification when heated. Boiled condensed milk has a denser texture, caramel color.

As for the benefits of condensed milk, then, of course, due to the high calorie content, this is not a product that should be abused, however, 1-2 teaspoons a day will not harm people who have mental work, as well as children, but not infants - in them, condensed milk often causes diathesis.

In supermarkets, at the time of purchase, some people ask themselves: how many grams are in a simple can of condensed milk? Comparing prices, brands of manufacturers and composition, an interesting nuance is noticed - crafty merchants knowingly and slightly reduce the weight of the product, in this way reaching the top sales due to automatically reduced prices.

Following the classical recipe according to GOST, the composition should only contain sugar and concentrated milk, but dishonest manufacturers began to use raw materials much cheaper than indicated - vegetable fat, little useful preservatives and frankly harmful flavors.

A competent consumer who cares about his health will save himself from counterfeiting by carefully reading the components of the product, which must be included in the list on the label. All manufacturers are required to indicate on the packaging GOST certification, weight, calorie content of the product and constituent ingredients.

Classic, non-skim condensed milk has a standard fat content of 8.5%. The product contains only cream, milk, water and sugar, the standard net weight is 400 grams and the volume of a can is 325 milliliters. According to state standards, only a small amount of antioxidant and stabilizers based on potassium and sodium is allowed in the recipe, since these substances are not inclined to significantly affect the cost of goods and its quality, which cannot be said about cheap substitutes. Soy protein, palm oil and numerous similar substances that can be in the contents of the can significantly reduce the cost of production.

People who do not understand brands at all can be seduced by the cheapness, which means they can be deceived by the quality. Common condensed milk from palm oil has a disgusting aftertaste, excessive sugar content and an overly liquid structure. And if you cook it, then the type of boiled condensed milk resembles a very thick sour cream, or even it is not possible to achieve the desired result at all.

It is frustrating that low-quality raw materials pay for themselves several times in comparison with their real counterparts.

Everyone knows that in addition to the ingredients, the label indicates the energy value, that is, the calorie content and nutritional value - the presence of fats, carbohydrates and proteins.

100 grams of condensed milk contains 320 kcal, they account for about 8.5% fat, 7.2% protein and 53.9% carbohydrates. Shelf life in a tin can is one year from the date of manufacture. The weight of condensed milk in a faceted glass is 250 g, in a teaspoon 12 g, in a tablespoon 30 g.

It is widely believed that due to prolonged heat treatment, the product loses its useful qualities. In reality, this is not the case. Of course, not all vitamins can survive high temperatures, but the concentration is so high that calcium alone in this milk is twice as large as normal! If you work intensively on a mental level, feel a decrease in brain activity or a loss of strength, it is recommended to take a couple of teaspoons a day to restore strength, but you should not get carried away. Young people sometimes abuse tea with condensed milk, which means that the baby is at risk of getting diathesis, at an early age it is extremely difficult to be treated.

Sometimes in confectionery recipes you can see the presence of "condensed milk cans". How much it is by weight is not always indicated. Irresponsible manufacturers do not weigh the product, while boldly indicating this on the label. Read it carefully, because instead of 400 grams, 370 g may be indicated. Look for brands of bona fide manufacturers, ignoring low-quality fakes.


Often we are interested in the question of how many grams are in a can of condensed milk when we start checking the price ratio in the entire variety of assortment on store shelves. Often, the manufacturer goes for a small commercial trick, reducing the declared mass of the product, thereby automatically reducing the price in the competition for the consumer.

The original composition of a quality product

Based on the original recipe, sugar is the only ingredient in the product. Unscrupulous manufacturers have long learned to make goods from cheaper raw materials - vegetable fat with the addition of various preservatives and flavorings. However, the composition of the product must be indicated on the packaging, after carefully examining which, the buyer will insure himself against cheap counterfeiting.

Also, each manufacturer indicates on the label how many grams are in a can of condensed milk, the calorie content of the product and certification in accordance with GOST.

Caution! Vegetable protein

Regular (not fat-free) condensed milk has a fat content of 8.5%. It contains milk, cream, granulated sugar and water. According to GOST standards, only an antioxidant and some stabilizers (potassium and sodium derivatives) are permissible in the product. These substances do not affect the reduction of the cost and quality of the goods. But vegetable oils, and other similar components that a can of condensed milk (400 grams of standard weight) may contain, indicate a low cost of raw materials. A person who is poorly versed in the brands of the product may be attracted by the relatively low price of the product. The quality of this product leaves much to be desired. "Vegetable" condensed milk is liquid, sugary, has an unpleasant aftertaste. The color made from low-grade substitutes is also not at all characteristic. The original quality product is white, with a light pleasant creamy shade.

It's a shame that the cost of cheap raw materials pays off many times over due to the fact that the price of all kinds of "Condensed milk", "Varenok" and "Toffee" products does not differ much from the price of a certified product.

1 can of condensed milk: how many grams according to GOST?

As we know, in addition to the composition, the label indicates the calorie content of the product, as well as the ratio of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

  • 100 grams of the product contains 320 kcal.
  • The shelf life of condensed milk released in a tin can is 1 year from the date of production.

Many consumers are interested in how many grams of condensed milk is in a can, according to the approved GOST standards? Answer: 400 grams.

In addition to 8.5% fat, 100 g of the product contains 7.2% protein and 53.9% carbohydrates.

Is there any benefit from the product?

It is believed that after prolonged heat treatment, milk loses its beneficial properties. This is not entirely true. Of course, not all vitamins are able to withstand high temperatures. However, the concentration of milk in the product is so high that calcium alone in condensed milk is 2.5 times more than in ordinary raw milk. It is recommended to use this product for people of mental labor for recovery processes after active brain activity. The daily rate is 2 teaspoons per day. You shouldn't get carried away with the product.

Noticing how much milk comes from a nursing mother after drinking a cup of tea with the addition of condensed milk, some women are trying to actively absorb this product, despite the prohibitions of doctors. This is fraught with negative consequences, because the baby runs the risk of getting diathesis, which at an early age is very difficult to treat.

Cooking applications

Very often we use boiled condensed milk in the preparation of desserts, whether it is bought in a store ready-made, or cooked on our own. For example, greasing biscuit cakes (especially if there are more than two of them) can take a whole can at a time. How many grams is in the product? One can also contains 400 grams.

Marketing move

We have already spoken about unscrupulous manufacturers striving to skillfully disguise vegetable fat as high-quality raw materials. Now it's time to talk about the so-called underweight. The manufacturer does not do anything criminal and openly writes on the label how many grams are in a can of condensed milk. So do not be surprised if, instead of the 400 grams you should have, you find the declared 370. Carefully read the composition and trust only a trusted manufacturer that has passed certification, and leave the cunning ones for uninformed consumers.

Comparing the prices of condensed milk from different manufacturers, you should pay attention to how many grams are in a can of condensed milk. Indeed, most often the manufacturer resorts to a little deception, reducing the weight of the goods.

According to the rules, only cow's milk and sucrose should be used to prepare the treat. But today the product in this form is less and less common. For a long time, technologists have learned to create condensed milk from vegetable fats and harmful additives. Fortunately, they are obliged to write a real composition on the bank, so do not be lazy to study it so as not to run into a low-quality fake.

Caution when choosing

Standard condensed milk has 8.5 percent fat. It contains milk, sugar and water, as well as many useful substances (such as potassium and sodium). However, if you see a low price of a product, do not rush to purchase it. After all, the quality and nutritional properties are likely to leave much to be desired. How ? The latter is characterized by increased fluidity. A high-quality dessert is white and thick.

The ratio of mass and energy value

Let's talk about how many grams are in a can of condensed milk according to the rules of GOST.

It is known that in addition to the composition of condensed milk, the bank indicates:

  • (320 kcal per 100 g of product);
  • from the date of issue (usually 1 year).

As a rule, condensed milk is produced in cans of 400 g (which, based on the above, is 1280 kcal).

The benefits of dessert

This product is a useful delicacy, it contains much more useful properties than drinking milk. It is better to eat condensed milk for people who are engaged in mental activity all day. But do not overuse this product, because it is useful only in minimal quantities.

Buy only those brands that you are sure of the good quality.

Test purchase. Condensed milk: Video

Condensed milk is a sweet treat made from concentrated cow's milk and granulated sugar. This highly nutritious product of white or light cream color has a thick, homogeneous consistency. It is often used in cooking for various desserts. Therefore, in almost every refrigerator there is always a standard can of condensed milk. How many grams of the product is contained in one container and how useful this delicacy is, you will learn from today's article.

Varieties and form of release

A wide range of condensed milk is presented on the shelves of modern supermarkets. It is sold not only in cans, but also in other containers. For example, today you can see this product packaged in glass containers, bottles and even special bags. For those who are interested in how many grams are in a can of condensed milk, you need to remember that according to GOST it should contain 400 g of a sweet treat.

Depending on the fat content, there are two main types of condensed milk. The classic whole food, widely used in cooking, contains at least 34% protein and more than 28.5% dry matter. Low fat, which is produced using a slightly different technology. It is made from the same milk and sugar. But it contains no more than 1% fat.

In addition, there is condensed milk, in the production process of which chicory, cocoa, coffee or coconut flakes are added to the main components. Such a product has a corresponding taste and pronounced aroma.

Energy value and composition

Having figured out how many grams of condensed milk are in a can, it should be noted that it is a good source of many useful substances. It contains a sufficient amount of essential amino acids. Moreover, it is rich in vitamins B, E and PP.

Also, this product is appreciated for its high content of copper, zinc, calcium, sulfur, manganese and potassium. It is considered an excellent source of iron, magnesium, phosphorus, selenium and sodium. Plus, condensed milk is rich in trace elements such as chlorine, fluorine, iodine and cobalt. It contains a sufficient amount of saturated fatty acids.

Since you already know how many grams of condensed milk are in a can, you can easily calculate its energy value. It is important to remember that 100 g of the product contains 328 kcal. The fat content of a classic delicacy is 8.5%. Despite the fact that condensed milk is 35% milk, the share of moisture contained in it does not exceed 26.5%.

Valuable properties

Having figured out how many grams are in a can of condensed milk, you should pay attention to the benefits of this delicacy. Since this product is made from whole cow's milk, it has a beneficial effect on the human body. Due to the presence of calcium in the condensed milk, it helps to strengthen teeth and bones. The presence of a sufficiently high amount of phosphorus salts makes it possible to activate brain activity and accelerate the processes of blood restoration.

In addition, moderate consumption of condensed milk helps to strengthen the immune system and increase the body's resistance. It should be noted that this product has a beneficial effect on the work of the heart muscle and helps to bind free radicals.


Despite all the useful properties, a can of condensed milk eaten in one fell swoop, the net weight of which is 400 grams, can cause serious harm to human health. To prevent this from happening, you need to observe the measure.

This product should be excluded from the diet of people with allergies or diabetes mellitus. Also, do not forget that the abuse of condensed milk can lead to the development of tooth decay, obesity and other health problems. Nutritionists recommend eating no more than three tablespoons of sweet treats a day.