Coca Cola subsidiaries list. Coca-Cola is a global brand of soft drinks

05.11.2019 Soups

Coca-Cola is one of the most popular alcohol-free drinks around the world. This brand has been recognized as the best and most expensive for many years, from 2005 to 2015.

The history of the creation and development of Coca-Cola dates back to 1886. The founder of the drink is the American pharmacist John Pemberton. Nevertheless, there is information that the original recipe for making Coca-Cola was invented by an ordinary farmer who sold it to John for $ 250. The name of the product was coined by the accountant Pemberton, who was fluent in calligraphy. The logo that we are used to seeing was written by the hands of that very accountant, becoming the hallmark of Coca-Cola, and is it to this day.

The drink received this name thanks to the ingredients that were included in its composition. The first Coca-Cola was made from coca leaves as well as the nuts of the tropical cola plant. An interesting fact is that initially the drink was positioned as a drug for the treatment of nervous disorders.

At first, Coca-Cola did not gain much popularity with customers, and the first year of its production brought more losses than profits. Two years later, the rights to release the drink were sold to an American businessman who became the founder of the famous The Coca-Cola Company. In 1892, a large number of factories and enterprises began to appear, selling the drink through special machines. A couple of years later, Coca-Cola was sold in glass bottles, and by 1902 it had become the most popular drink in the United States. Today, Coca-Cola is available in cans, glass and plastic bottles. The volume of the drink can vary from 0.33 or 0.5 to one and two liters.

Many buyers are interested in the question: "What is Coca-Cola made of?" The exact composition of the ingredients is a trade secret, but the main ingredients that make up this delicious carbonated drink are known. These include:

  • caffeine;
  • sugar;
  • water saturated with carbon dioxide;
  • natural flavors;
  • natural dyes;
  • orthophosphoric acid.

Coca-Cola producers have kept the secret of its preparation a secret for many years. At the same time, the company has more than once filed lawsuits for attempts by competitors to repeat the unique recipe and release similar drinks.

Despite the fact that Coca-Cola is the most popular drink in European countries, its fame reached Russia, where in 1980 the product became the official drink of the Moscow Olympic Games.

The cost of Coca-Cola is pretty low these days. Everyone can indulge in a delicious fizzy drink. There are also special machines in which you can buy cola in the amount of one glass to quench your thirst.

Assortment and types

The assortment of Coca-Cola is impressive in its variety. There are many types and tastes of this drink that many of you have not even heard of. Most of them are sold exclusively in the territory in which they are produced. Most varieties of Coca-Cola can be found in Japan and Korea, as the inhabitants of these countries are the craziest drink fans. The assortment of Asian cola includes a huge number of flavors, the most popular of which are the following:

  • green tea;
  • mint;
  • orange;
  • lime.

In France, Cola with the taste of Irish coffee is very popular, in Holland they prefer the drink with the taste of banana, and in New Zealand they prefer cola with the taste of berries. As for the United States and Russia, in these countries the range of Coca-Cola is quite large, but the following types are the most popular:

  • strawberry;
  • vanilla;
  • original (with original taste);
  • zero (low calorie);
  • cherry;
  • lemon.

At the same time, the color of the drink does not change depending on the taste. Every year the assortment of cola expands, new tastes appear, the design of the bottle or label changes, but the technology for making Coca-Cola remains the same.

Also, it should be mentioned that people liked the taste and aroma of Coca-Cola so much that this flavoring agent is used to make sweets, balms and lipsticks, e-liquids for electronic cigarettes, as well as many other edible and inedible products.

Coca-Cola Applications

The use of Coca-Cola in everyday life and in the food industry is so diverse that some hostesses buy a drink not at all to quench their thirst, but for other purposes, which we will discuss in our article.

Surely you did not even think that cola can be used not only as a delicious drink or a flavorful additive to cocktails.We bring you ten interesting uses for this product that you could not think of!

  1. Due to its composition, which contains phosphoric acid, Coca-Cola successfully helps clean rusty and oxidized surfaces... Also, with the help of a drink, precious jewelry is cleaned. To do this, it will be enough to collect a cola in a glass and lower the decoration there for a day. As for rusty surfaces, they must be poured with a drink and allowed to stand for about two hours, then rubbed with a hard washcloth.
  2. With Coca-Cola, you can easily descale the kettleand also clean the pot or frying pan from carbon deposits. To do this, pour the drink into a container and let it brew for several hours, then boil the cola and wash the dishes in the usual way.
  3. If you need clear the faucet from plaque, you should moisten a clean cloth with a freshly opened cola and wrap it around the soiled object. In the same way, you can get rid of plaque in the toilet by pouring cola into it and after a few hours wiping off the dirt with a regular brush.
  4. Also, with this soda, you can cleanse strongly dirty glass surfaces, including windows and mirrors. However, remember that surfaces can be sticky after cleaning with cola. For this reason, they will need to be rinsed with clean water and wiped dry.
  5. Coca-Cola gardeners will benefit from the fact that with its help you can handle the crop, which requires protection from slugs and the Colorado potato beetle. The main advantage of this method is that cola can be sprinkled on plants that have already begun to bear fruit, which cannot be done with chemical treatment.
  6. Among other things, Coca-Cola will help accelerate the maturation of the compostif you pour it over organic waste. They will start to decompose faster, and besides, the product will attract earthworms, which will also speed up the decomposition process.
  7. Many people know that Coca-Cola was originally viewed as medicine... Since then, the recipe for its preparation has undergone many changes. Coca-Cola now contains a large number of unnatural products, however, according to reviews, the drink helps to get rid of an upset stomach.
  8. Don't forget to bring a bottle of Coke with you when you go camping, as it will help get rid of itching after a mosquito bite, bees or other insects.
  9. if you chewing gum in the hair, do not rush to cut off a piece of hair. Simply dampen the gum with Coca-Cola, let it soften for 10 minutes, then remove the gum from your hair.
  10. Coca-Cola can also benefit your hair if the air conditioner has run out, and there is no vinegar and lemon on hand. After shampooing your hair, rinse your hair with cola and then rinse it off with clean, warm water.

In the culinary field, Coca-Cola is most commonly used as a flavoring additive in cocktails, desserts and baked goods. It is also added to the filling for cakes or pastries. This way of using the drink is especially popular in the United States.

Benefit and harm

The benefits and dangers of Coca-Cola are legendary. The opinions of doctors and scientists regarding this drink are rather ambiguous, since its composition and ingredients are not fully understood. Based on the known facts, we can conclude about the benefits and harms of this product for humans. We suggest adopting a simple but informative table of the strengths and weaknesses of Coca-Cola.

The benefits of this sweet soda water are rather dubious, but still take place. The useful qualities of Coca-Cola include the following:

  • activation of the brain's production of dopamine, which is responsible for feelings of joy and satisfaction;
  • providing a stimulating effect and eliminating drowsiness, which is useful for students and people whose work is mental activity.

This is where the benefits of Coca-Cola for the body end. Its useful properties include the fact that the drink is actively used in everyday life to clean heavily soiled surfaces.

The harm of Coca-Cola is much more significant than the benefits of this drink. The negative qualities of the product include the following:

  • increased blood pressure with excessive abuse;
  • deterioration of well-being in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • violation of the strength of bones and tooth enamel by leaching calcium from the body;
  • frequent use of Coca-Cola contributes to the destruction of the walls of the stomach, which can subsequently cause gastritis, and then ulcers;
  • the drink contains a very large amount of sugar, due to which, when drinking cola, the load on the liver increases;
  • overweight people, as well as those with diabetes mellitus, the use of Coca-Cola can cause serious harm;
  • a drink with a low sugar content (called a "diet" cola) contains many sweeteners that can cause migraines.

After studying the information about the beneficial and harmful properties of Coca-Cola, you can decide for yourself whether to consume this drink. It is highly discouraged to give it to young children, as the load on the liver may be too great. In addition, when buying a drink, pay attention to the expiration date, after which you cannot drink cola. Also, do not forget that the calorie content of Coca-Cola is very high, which is why it is not recommended to drink carbonated water for people who are on a diet.

Coca-Cola and Pepsi - What's the Difference?

Coca-Cola and Pepsi are similar in appearance and taste, but there is a difference between them. First, the drinks appeared at different times with a difference of ten years. Secondly, the composition of the products also varied significantly. The cola contained coca leaves and cola nuts, and pepsi contained a substance called pepsin, which is why the drink got its name.

Both products were initially marketed as pharmaceuticals, but their composition has changed over time. Today, Coca-Cola and Pepsi are principal competitors in the sparkling water market.

Despite the many similarities, cola and pepsi can be distinguished even by their taste. Pepsi has a sweeter and softer flavor, while Coca-Cola is more prickly and less intense in sweetness. As for the color and aroma, there are practically no differences between the drinks.

Answering the question about which is better: Coca-Cola or Pepsi, I would like to note that everyone has their own taste. That is why only you can determine for yourself which drink you like best.

The Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Company (Coca-Cola HBC) is the beverage production and distribution company of The Coca-Cola Company in Europe and part of the Coca-Cola System. Coca-Cola HBC operates in 28 countries and serves a population of 595 million. Coca-Cola HBC in Russia is one of the largest investors among manufacturers of consumer goods.

Assets in Russia

The company owns 10 plants for the production of soft drinks and juices in Moscow and the Moscow region, St. Petersburg, Samara, Yekaterinburg, Rostov region, Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk and Vladivostok. Coca-Cola HBC Russia provides jobs for 9,600 people. 90% of raw materials, excluding concentrate, for the production of drinks, the company buys from local suppliers. In Russia the company is registered in Nizhny Novgorod, legal name - Coca-Cola HBC Eurasia LLC.

The interests of the company in Russia in 2011 are represented by the Russian representative office of The Coca-Cola Export Corporation (LLC "Coca-Cola Export Corporation") whose office is located in Moscow.

Coca-Cola HBC Eurasia, a 100% subsidiary of the Greek Sosa-Cola Hellenic Bottling Company S.A., is engaged in the production of products with the permission and control of The Coca-Cola Company.

In 2011, Coca-Cola HBC Eurasia LLC owns 16 factories in Russia (in Moscow and the Moscow region, St. Petersburg, Orel, Nizhny Novgorod, Samara, Stavropol Territory, Volzhsky, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, Vladivostok and Rostov Region) ... The company owns over 80 distribution centers. The largest factories are located in Nizhny Novgorod and Orel. The Oryol branch of Coca-Cola HBC Eurasia CJSC supplies the entire southern part of the Central Federal District with respect to Moscow.

In 2010, the Irish European Refreshments (a subsidiary of The Coca-Cola Company) gained 100% control over the Russian juice producer Nidan Juices (trademarks Da! And Moya Semya).

Also, the Greek Sosa-Cola HBC in Russia owns a 50% stake in the Multon juice producer and, since 2007, a 100% stake in the Aqua Vision soft drink producer.

The factories and offices of The Coca-Cola Company in Russia in 2007 employed about 5 thousand people.

Product range

The company produces and offers in 2017 in Russia a range of soft drinks under world famous trademarks: Coca-Cola, Coca-Cola Zero, Sprite, Fanta, BonAqua drinking water, Powerade sports drink, Burn and Black Monster energy drinks, Schweppes tonic, beverage Fruittime, juice products under the Dobry, Rich, Moya Semya and Pulpy brands.

For 2013 the company produces and sells non-alcoholic soft drinks in Russia, both carbonated and non-carbonated:

  • Coca-Cola,
  • Coca-Cola Light,
  • Sprite,
  • Fanta,
  • drinking water BonAqua,
  • cold tea Nestea,
  • sports drink Powerade,
  • burn energy drink,
  • schweppes tonic,
  • kvass "Kruzhka and Bochka", as well as
  • fruktime drink.

In April 2005, after the acquisition of the Multon company, the range of products was replenished with juices, nectars and Rich purees, juices, nectars and Dobry fruit drinks.

In 2012, the production of a new juice drink Pulpy began.

In Russia, the company is a distributor of premium alcoholic beverages from the Brown-Forman Corporation.

As of July 2013, a high level of production localization has been achieved. More than 90% of raw materials and materials in 2012 were purchased from Russian counterparties.

History in Russia

* 2014: Withdrawal of advertisements from 4 TV channels

In August 2014, it became known that Coca-Cola had withdrawn ads from four Russian TV channels at once. According to a spokesman for an agency purchasing TV advertisements, this step was taken for economic reasons. At the same time, the sources of the publication do not exclude that this decision is associated with sanctions and the European Union. The newspaper "Kommersant" writes about this.

Since August 2014, advertising for Coca-Cola products will disappear from REN TV, Channel Five, Domashny and Zvezda, a source told Kommersant on the media market. It is noted that the first three are associated with Bank Rossiya, which came under US sanctions, and the fourth belongs to the Russian Ministry of Defense.

Anna Kozlovskaya, Director of External Relations of the Russian office of Coca-Cola, confirmed this information. According to her, the company decided to focus on key federal channels that are most effective for the target audience of the company.

At the end of July 2014, it became known that Coca-Cola's operating profit in the first half of 2014 fell by two percent to $ 5.5 billion. This indicator was also negatively affected by the restructuring of the juice business in Russia, which resulted in a loss of $ 25 million.

Brand name: Coca-Cola / Coca-Cola

Year of the brand's appearance on the market: 1886

Industry: soft drinks

Products: non-alcoholic carbonated drinks

Owner company: Coca Cola

Company headquarters: USA

Drink "Coca-cola" (Coca Cola) was coined in Atlanta, Georgia, USA on May 8, 1886. Its author is the pharmacist John Stith Pemberton, a former officer of the American Confederation Army (there is a legend that it was invented by a farmer who sold his recipe to John Stith for $ 250, which John Stith allegedly said in one of his interviews. The name for the new drink was invented by an accountant Pemberton Frank Robinson, who also wrote the words "Coca-Cola" beautiful curly letters, which are still the logo of the drink.

The main ingredients of Coca-Cola were as follows: three parts of coca leaves (from the same leaves in 1859 Albert Niemann isolated a special component (drug) and called it cocaine) to one part of the nuts of the tropical cola tree. The resulting drink was patented as a remedy for "any nervous disorder" and was sold through a vending machine at Jacob's largest city drugstore in Atlanta. Pemberton also argued that Coca-Cola heals impotence and that it can be switched to those who are addicted to morphine (by the way, Pemberton himself was not indifferent to morphine). It should be noted here that cocaine was not a prohibited substance at that time, and nothing was known about its harm to health (for example, in the story "The Sign of the Four" by Arthur Conan Doyle, Sherlock Holmes used cocaine in moments of inactivity, so painfully tolerated by him). Therefore, cocaine was freely sold, and it was often added for pleasure and tone to drinks instead of alcohol - Coca Cola this was not new.

At first, only 9 people bought the drink every day. Sales revenue for the first year was only $ 50. Interestingly, $ 70 was spent on the production of Coca-Cola, that is, in the first year the drink was unprofitable. But gradually the popularity of Coca-Cola increased, and profits from its sale, too.

Some time later, a poor immigrant from Ireland, Aza Kendler, appeared in Atlanta. He had only $ 1 and 75 cents in his pocket, but he firmly believed that he would be lucky in a new place. Possessing an outstanding commercial talent, he soon really earned a little capital and acquired the recipe "Coca-cola" from the widow of Pemberton for 2300 US dollars (at that time it was a lot of money). Together with his brother and two other associates, he founded The Coca-Cola Company in the state of Georgia with an initial capital of $ 100,000. And if Pemberton was the father of the drink, then Aza Kendler became the father of the company Coca Cola, registering it on January 31, 1893.

Trademark "Coca Cola", used since 1886, was officially registered in the United States on January 31, 1893. In the same year, the first dividends were paid on the Company's shares ($ 20 per share). Since then, every year the Company has rigorously paid dividends to its shareholders.

Business development requires two things - a good product and good advertising. Aza Kendler started the first ever "Coca-Cola" an advertising campaign under the slogan: "Drink Coca-Cola! Wonderful and refreshing!" Company Coca Cola started its activity with the creation of a sales department. Aza attracted young, energetic "drummers", as the sales department employees were called in America. And since good advertising is not limited to a logo and a slogan, even if it is very successful, Aza Kendler also used forms of advertising that were new for that time. He started mailing out coupons for a free portion "Coca-Cola", as well as a variety of souvenirs with the image of the trademark "Coca Cola".

New non-alcoholic soft drink "Coca-Cola" became more and more popular. Many of those who first tried "Coca-Cola" in a store or restaurant, they also took her home. Soon, almost everyone considered it their duty to taste the trendy drink that everyone around was drinking with such enthusiasm. Manufacture of souvenir products advertising a trademark "Coca Cola", brought the company unheard of success.

The easily recognizable trademark entered everyday life and began its triumphant course around the world. Logo "Coca Cola" readers found it on the covers of fashion magazines, on huge posters along the roads. Advertising Coca-Cola"has always been distinguished by bright and noticeable images that were to every American's liking. The drink was advertised by the most famous artists and athletes. The high quality of the drink and beautiful advertising brought "Coca-Cola" unprecedented success.

In 1894, the first syrup factory outside Atlanta was opened. It happened in Dallas, Texas. Factories in Chicago (Illinois) and Los Angeles (California) were next. In 1895, Mr. Kendler was pleased to report in his annual report to shareholders that "henceforth "Coca-Cola" drink in every state throughout the United States. ”As demand for "Coca-Cola", the headquarters of the Company grew. In 1898, a new three-story office building was constructed on Edgewoodway in Atlanta. Isa Kendler naively believed that it would be quite enough for the needs of the Company "for all time" - it turned out to be cramped after a decade.

In 1902 with a turnover of $ 120 thousand Coca-Cola became the most famous drink in the United States.

The novel by the English science fiction writer Herbert Wells "Tohno-Benge" is a satire on the creation, advertising and distribution of Coca-Cola (named "Tohno-Benge" in the novel). But in the late 1890s, public opinion turned against cocaine, and in 1903 a devastating article appeared in the New York Tribune, claiming that it was Coca-Cola that was to blame for the fact that the blacks from the city slums, who were drunk with it, began to attack whites. people. After that, not fresh coca leaves were added to Coca-Cola, but already "squeezed" leaves, from which all the cocaine was removed.

Since then, the popularity of the drink has grown exponentially. And already fifty years after the invention of Coca-Cola has become for Americans something like a national symbol. Since 1894, Coca-Cola has been sold in bottles, and since 1955 in cans.

In 1915, designer Earl R. Dean of Terre Haute, Indiana, came up with a new 6.5-ounce bottle.

The shape of the bottle was inspired by the cocoa fruit (according to one version, Dean confused the words coca and cocoa, according to the other, he could not find anything about coca or cola in the library). To make the bottle fit better on the conveyor, an extension is made at the bottom. Over all subsequent years, more than 6 billion of these bottles were produced.

In 1916, 153 lawsuits were filed against imitation brands such as Fig Cola, Candy Cola, Cold Cola, Cay-Ola and Koca Nola.

In 1955, Coca-Cola began to be sold in bottles of 10, 12 and 26 ounces.

In 1982, the Diet Coke was launched.

In 1988 "Coca Cola" entered the USSR market.

Later, under pressure from competitors that produced decaffeinated and sugar-free drinks, the Coca-Cola company began to produce drinks: Classic Coke, New Coke, Cherry Coke, Tab, Caffeine-Free New Coke, "Caffeine-Free Diet Coke" and "Caffeine-Free Tab".

December 4, 2007 "Coca Cola" introduced a new glass bottle with a capacity of 0.33 liters, which is 13 mm shorter and 0.1 mm wider and weighs 210 grams, which is 20% less than the previous one. The changes reduce the use of glass - for example, in the UK - to 3,500 tons per year - and carbon dioxide emissions to 2,400 tons per year.

Today is

World empire today Coca-Cola looks like this: 11 large bottler companies operating on a scale of several countries, and several dozen separate unconsolidated bottleler companies. For example, Coca-Cola Enterprises Inc. operates in the United States (where it produces approximately 70% of the drinks consumed by Americans) and in several countries in Western Europe. In 1996, the company acquired $ 1.6 billion worth of concentrates. Another major bottler is Coca-Cola Amatil Ltd. occupies a similar position in the countries of the Asia-Pacific region. Coca-Cola Helenic Botling Company operates in Eastern Europe.

Today the company Coca-Cola - it is more than 2 800 drinks that are produced and sold in more than 200 countries around the world. But three of them account for 80% of the total global sales volume - this is Coca Cola, Fanta and Sprite. About 70 varieties of Fanta are produced in the world with a variety of flavors (orange, lemon, tangerine, grapefruit, kiwi, melon, watermelon, and so on). Coca cola there are 8 types. Company Coca Cola tries to satisfy the tastes of all consumers - it also produces high-calorie drinks enriched with minerals - Aquarius, 100+. And also the company Coca Cola produces 12 types of natural juices called Minute Maid. Together with the company

Nestle produces cold tea - Nestea and cold coffee Nescafe. Summer 1999 Coca Cola Acquired all rights to the Schweppes trademark, owned by Cadbury.

Today trademark "Coca Cola" is the most famous trademark in the world and the company Coca Cola - the most famous company on Earth. Trade mark Coca-Cola know 98% of the world's population. "Coca-Cola" is sold in almost 200 countries around the world. About 1 billion units of the Company's products are sold every day around the world.

The Coca-Cola Company - Everyone knows the "name" of our today's hero.

The stories of successful organizations are very similar to the biographies of great people. The largest companies were also once “born” - founded, they also had “dad and mom” - founders and investors, they were also given a name at birth, and their life was filled with both ups and downs.

The Coca-Cola brand is the most popular on the planet, with 6.5 billion people familiar with it, which is equal to 94% of the world's population. Thanks to the world's largest distribution system, the legendary soda is consumed in more than 200 countries.

The company employs over 146,000 people worldwide. Coca-Cola is now supplier # 1 drinking water, carbonated and non-carbonated drinks, juices, nectars, as well as ready-to-drink teas and coffee.

In addition to widespread recognition, the Coca-Cola brand is also a leader in financial performance. The company's net profit is calculated in billion dollars.

Coca-Cola shares are a tidbit, with major investment funds such as Berkshire Hathaway holding a stake in the venture. In the rankings of the most valuable brands over the past decade, Coca-Cola has firmly occupied the 1st place, pushing back corporations such as Microsoft, IBM, Google and Nokia.

The Coca-Cola Company has achieved this success thanks to the beverage of the same name, which is its most famous product.

Do not rush to run away from monitors if you drink exclusively natural juices and look disapprovingly in the direction of "sweet water". As the popular wisdom says, “there are no comrades for taste and color”. I admit honestly that I myself do not drink Coca-Cola. Not only does she not quench her thirst, because she is sweet and you want to drink from her even more, she is also harmful.

This is what I admire the most! How did you manage to create such a successful business that helped the Coca-Cola brand become the most recognizable... I also want to say that I even managed to work for the whole day in this company. This is not a typo, I worked for this company all day, but I will tell about it next time ...

The world empire for the production of soda was organized not even in the past, but in the century before last - in 1892 in Atlanta.

Now the company, which began with selling a dozen bottles a day, sells more than 1.5 billion drinks daily. If we divide the entire produced Coca-Cola among the population of the Earth, then for each of us there will be 767 bottles!

How did the Coca-Cola Company manage to achieve such impressive results?

The success of an enterprise depends on two main components - the product and its advertising. Let us dwell in a little more detail on these important components.

Coca-Cola celebrates its "birthday" May 8, 1886when an American owner of a small pharmaceutical company invented his recipe.

He did not limit the circle of consumers of the drink to his relatives, but went straight to the largest drugstore in Atlanta, where he offered to sell his invention at 5 cents per serving.

Pamberton was convinced of the remedies for cola, which helped to cope with nervous disorders, fatigue and stress. The "curative" means of "cola" were quite understandable, because the syrup contained an extract of coca leaves, that is, cocaine, the harm of which was proven only at the beginning of the 20th century.

Pamberton's entrepreneurial spirit was the beginning of a long cola journey. The name of the drink was invented by Pamberton's accountant.

He put together the names of the main ingredients of the drink, which, in addition to coca leaves, included the nuts of the cola tree. Knowing calligraphy, Robinson also donated his logo to the drink. - beautiful curly letters on a red background.

One of the Coke sellers, Mr. Venable, once diluted Pamberton's syrup with soda instead of plain water. The populations, saturated with carbon dioxide, are very fond of.

Unfortunately, the creator of the "cola" died 2 years after its invention, and did not have time to reap the fruits of his success.

The Pamberton syrup recipe is bought by an aspiring entrepreneur (Asa Griggs Candler, lived 1851 - 1929), an immigrant from Ireland, and thus the business falls into very safe hands. Mr. Candler was a model of the entrepreneurial and assertive business man. In 1893, he registers the Coca-Cola trademark and founds The Coca-Cola Company of the same name.

Under Candler's leadership, both the product and the way it is promoted have undergone innovation. The businessman took on the improvement of the drink recipe to improve the taste and increase its shelf life.

By replacing fresh coca leaves with "squeezed" ones, cocaine is removed from the composition of the soda, the dangers of which have been talked about in scientific circles. The press even blamed the cola as the reason for the aggressive behavior of blacks in poor neighborhoods. In the then popular newspaper "New York Tribune" there was a devastating article in which it was said that "blacks" who drank Coca-Cola, became insane and attacked "whites."

Nowadays, caffeine is used as a stimulant, and the detailed recipe for modern "cola" is no longer a big secret. True, some of the ingredients are impressive - the amount of sugar in one glass of the drink is 9 tablespoons!

Candler was one of the first entrepreneurs to understand the benefits of the "trademark." To create a popular and easily recognizable product, the businessman used non-standard solutions.

Now they are the alphabet of marketing, but then they belonged to the class of innovations.

For example, Candler delivered a batch of free "cola" to pharmacies in exchange for the addresses of visitors to the establishment, to whom he sent free coupons by mail to purchase a drink. People were happy to "skip a glass" for free and buy the supplement themselves.

I want to note that Coca-Cola owes much of its success to dry lawwhich was introduced to Atlanta in 1886. The people then switched from alcohol to sweet soda. That is, if you intend to create a successful business, then you should take this aspect into account.

The product must be in demand. Coca-Cola has become a good alternative to alcohol. By the way, look at the advertisements above, have you noticed what you were betting on?

In fact, at that time, Coca-cola was promoted not only as a medicine, but also as an energy drink, which is so popular now. Coca-Cola refreshed, invigorated - so declared the advertising slogans of those years.

The production of various souvenirs with the Cola logo also increased the brand's spread. In 1902, with a turnover of $ 120,000, Coca-Cola became the most famous drink in the USA.

The resourceful Irishman also launched the first ever cola advertising campaign. Her first motto was: “Drink Coca-Cola. Delicious and refreshing. " Since those distant times, Coca-Cola has changed dozens of slogans, among which there are not only those calling to quench their thirst (1922: “Thirst does not know the season”, 1929: “A respite that refreshes”), but also patriotic (1906: “The great non-alcoholic Drink of the Nation, 1937: America's Favorite Moment, 1943: A Universal Symbol of the American Way of Life) and even romantic ones (1932: The Light of the Sun with the Cool Ice, 1949: KOCA ... on the Road That Leads Anywhere) , 1986: "Red, White and You").

The Cola slogans played on the innermost strings of the American soul, touching upon a sense of pride in their nation.

Coca-Cola was advertised by the most famous and beautiful actors, the most beloved and popular athletes. Now the Coca-Cola brand is so successful that it no longer needs advertising from celebrities whose fame is already much less than the glory of the brand itself. On this account, I am reminded of an anecdote:

“A representative of the Coca-Cola company calls President Putin:

- Do you want to change the Russian flag for 10 billion dollars to red and white, to match the color of Coca-Cola?

- It's hard to answer right away, you need to think about it. Calls back to Medvedev: - Dima, when does the contract with Aquafresh expire? "

In 1989, Coca-Cola became the first foreign company to place its advertisements in Moscow on Pushkinskaya Square.

It is no secret that a highly sought after product becomes a victim of counterfeiting. The company even hired the famous Pinkerton detective agency to combat the falsification of the drink.

In addition to obvious fraud, the corporate identity of the Cola was harassed - they borrowed its name, color, and logo font. Such attempts to bask in the rays of someone else's glory were suppressed quickly and categorically - the court recognized the exclusive right of the company to the patented Coca-Cola brand.

In 1916 alone, a more than 150 lawsuits against imitation brandssuch as Fig Cola, Candy Cola, Cold Cola and others. Relations with the main competitor Pepsi were also difficult. The battle of "stake" has known both litigation and peace agreements, some marketing moves in this "cold war" of soda generally deserve a separate article.

The widespread availability of the drink also played a large role in the success of the company, when it began to be produced in glass bottles. Before 1894 Cola was sold on tap, and Joseph Biedenharn, a Mississippi businessman, became the first person to packed the cola in glass containers.

He sent 12 bottles personally to Mr. Candler, but he was not enthusiastic about the innovation. With a brilliant entrepreneurial streak, for some reason he could not see the great future of cola packaging. In 1899, two lawyers, Benjamin Thomas and Joseph Whitehead, bought the exclusive rights to bottled Coca-Cola from Candler for a nominal fee of $ 1.

In 1915, Benjamin Thomas turns to the designer Earl Dean to came up with an original shape for a bottle of "cola"... With the task set - to make the glass container recognizable "to the touch, in the dark, and even in broken form" - the creative coped with "excellent".

The low-waisted bottle shape, reminiscent of a cocoa fruit, was introduced to the public in 1916 and brought another distinctive feature to the cola image. At auction in California, a Dean bottle, which is the prototype of the following models, sold for $ 240,000!

1919 - new owner of Coca-Cola

In 1919, The Coca-Cola Company changes its owner. This was preceded by the appointment in 1916 of Asa Candler as mayor of Atlanta. With the transition to a new position, Candler had to relinquish the powers of the chief executive officer of the Coca-Cola company.

At the time, he was already a very wealthy man, all thanks to his timely investment in cola. By the way, do you know that Aza Candler bought the patent for Coca-cola from Pemberton's widow for only $ 2300 (!). This subsequently earned him hundreds of millions of dollars.

Thanks to the sweet fizz, Candler later established the Central Bank and Trust Company, became the owner of a large amount of real estate, was famous for donating millions of dollars to the Methodist Church, and also bought and donated a large plot of land to move Emory University from Oxford to Atlanta.

Subsequently, he showed his brilliant entrepreneurial talent as mayor of Atlanta. He passed on most of The Coca-Cola Company to his children, who later sold them. for $ 25 million group of bankers led by Ernest Woodruff, who, four years later, handed over the reins of the company to his 33-year-old son Robert.

With the advent of Woodruff at the head of the company, Coca-Cola's entry into foreign markets is associated. This is how cola factories appear in France, Cuba, Puerto Rico, the Philippines and Guam.

Soda has become an integral part of American life and has become a "boyfriend" for celebrations, sports, and even the battlefield.

During World War II, the president of the company since 1923 set a goal for employees so that “everyone in military uniform can buy 5 cent bottle of cola wherever he is, and no matter what it will cost us. "

By the way, before the start of World War II, Coca-cola was sold in 44 countries around the world. It was Woodruff for 60 years of his reign had the greatest influence on the development of the company and, in particular, on the expansion of the drink around the world.

Could Robert Woodruff then have imagined that in the 21st century the company's products will be produced in more than 200 countries around the world ?!

Under the leadership of this marketing genius, the first machines for the sale of "cola" were launched, a standard packaging of six bottles was developed, the assortment was replenished with Sprite and Diet Coke, and plastic bottles of Coca-Cola appeared.

With Woodruff, Coca-Cola began its partnership with the Olympic movement, in 1928 sponsoring the IX Olympic Games in Amsterdam... Since then, Coca-Cola has gone hand in hand and even runs with sports - since 1992 the company has been among the organizers and sponsors of the Olympic torch relay.

The Coca-Cola Company currently works with more than 190 National Olympic Committees and is the official partner of FIFA, the NBA and the World Cup sponsor.

In 1931, another turning point in the history of the company took place. Artist Haddon Sandblom drew Santa Claus for the Coca-Cola advertising campaign.

The image he invented as a good-natured old man dressed in a red-and-white suit was so successful that now US residents imagine Santa to be like that.

But before Sandblom, the main character of the American New Year holidays was portrayed as you like, even an elf, and dressed in costumes of various colors.

Now Santa Claus "in winter and summer - in one color", and his bright "Coca-Cola" coloring in itself serves as a good advertisement for the drink.

But the history of Coca-Cola is not in every way like a Christmas tale. The vastness of the Internet is full of "horror stories" that describe alternative methods of using the drink - removing rust, cleaning car windows, etc.

The height of cruelty to soda is the claim that American cops use it to wash off blood at the crime scene. Is this how the representatives of the law understand the advertising slogan of 1993 “ always coca cola»?)

In program releases Myth Busters on Discovery Channel many of these legends have been tried and dispelled. The efficiency of cleaning with a drink is higher than that of ordinary water, but much lower than that of special products.

Any specific negative effect of "cola" on the human body has not been officially established. So “to drink or not to drink” is a private matter for every adult. I would like to emphasize, an adult, because children themselves cannot give up the temptation, therefore it is the responsibility of parents to monitor their health.

The company's marketing executives say they are not targeting children in their strategy. That is so, but in the only Coca-Cola museum in the world in Atlanta, admission for schoolchildren is free and they are brought on excursions by whole buses. So the next lovers of sweet soda are growing up.

The continuity of generations is obvious - just think, Coca-Cola, which has already managed to fly into space and win the love of the NEXT generation, was also drunk by the great-great-grandmothers and great-great-grandfathers of our contemporaries.

Coca-Cola is tin!

In 1955, Coca-Cola tries to dress in new clothes. The drink began to be poured into aluminum cans, which were originally invented during the war for the convenience of soldiers.

The late 50s and early 60s were characterized by the expansion of The Coca-Cola Company's product range. Fanta appears in 1958 and Sprite in 1961.

Currently, the world empire produces more than 200 types of drinks, of which Coca-Cola, Fanta and Sprite owns 80% of all sales. By the way, this fact once again confirms the effectiveness of Parreto's principle, according to which in retail outlets 20% of the products presented on the shelves make 80% of the turnover.

Or in other words, they say that 80% of all goods are needed only in order for the main 20% to sell well.

70-80s of the last century, the company continued to increase its presence in the world. New factories were built, new quality standards were introduced, distribution channels were improved, new advertising and marketing "chips" were developed, which immediately affected the results of the company.

So, in 1988, according to a survey conducted by various independent agencies, Coca-Cola became the most famous and preferred brand in the whole world. By the way, the company held this title firmly from 2000 to 2012.

Rapid growth in the 90s ...

The nineties of the XX century were very successful for the company. So, by 1997, the company's sales increased so much that the volume of sales of drinks for twelve months of the ninety-seventh year was commensurate with the sales of all the company's drinks over the past 75 years (!). Just think about these crazy numbers!

Innovative 2000s ...

The 2000s are characterized as innovative for the company. Coca-cola introduces new production standards. So, for example, the legendary curly bottle of cola is being changed. No, it has not changed visually, the production technologies have changed, thanks to which it was possible to increase the strength of the bottle by 40%, and reduce the weight by 20%.

The company also begins to fight against waste recycling and improve the environmental situation in the world. In 2007, the company introduces equipment in production with the help of which used PET bottles can be used to create new packaging.

And in 2009, The Coca-Cola Company received a special award for the invention of a new packaging that is 100% recyclable, and also one third of herbal ingredients.

From 2008 to the present, the company is headed by Mukhtar Kent. This Turkish American got his start at the Coca-Cola Company from the bottom. He managed to work for companies around the world.

So in 1985 he headed the Coca-cola branch in Turkey and Central Asia. Later he was appointed vice president of Coca-Cola International, which is responsible for 23 countries of the world. In 1995, Mukhtar Kent became the head of Coca-Cola Europe. where he managed to increase turnover by 50%.

What makes Coca-Cola so successful?

According to the company itself, they use the world's largest beverage distribution system. Throw in billions of dollars in advertising budgets and smart marketing - here's a recipe for success.

Year after year, grain by grain - the company was engaged in building competent sales. I am a little familiar with how Coca-Cola works. I was able to study her sales system from the inside. True, it was a very short moment, which I will tell you about in one of the next issues, but it was enough for me to appreciate the genius of the “salesmen” of this company.

  • At first, the company has rebuilt factories for the production of its drinks in all major countries and cities.
  • Secondly, has a well-calibrated logistics, which allows it to deliver its products every day to all outlets where the company's drinks are sold.
  • Thirdly, the company has entangled all cities and regions with its sales representatives not only in Russia, but all over the world. Thanks to this, the company's refrigerators are available not only in large shopping centers and mega-markets, but also in courtyard stores and stalls. What does these refrigerators cost in the most advantageous places, which most of all attract the attention of buyers and, accordingly, make the greatest sales.
  • Fourth, aggressive advertising that affects our consciousness from all possible media around the clock!

The company's mission in the 3rd millennium is not only to refresh the world, body, mind and spirit, but also to bring meaning to everything it does.

The Coca-Cola Company is improving water use, replacing refrigeration equipment with clean refrigeration, and investing millions of dollars in plastic bottle recycling plants.


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