What do they drink in hot weather? What you can and cannot drink in the heat.

When the long-awaited summer arrives, we wonder how to escape the heat?

According to scientists, in the summer period of time, a person begins to be thirsty when he loses 1 liter of fluid from the body, with a loss of 2 liters, brain activity decreases, at 3 liters, dizziness begins, and a loss of 4 liters leads to fainting and heart attacks. Of course, fruits, soups, vegetables can replace some of the liquid, but they are not able to quench your thirst. So, what to drink in the heat and what soft drinks will not harm your body.


The amount of water consumed must be doubled, that is, up to 2-3 liters daily. Doctors advise you to start drinking water before you feel very thirsty. It is necessary to drink in small sips and often. Under no circumstances should you consume a huge amount of liquid at once. Doctors do not recommend drinking ice water, since cold water is less absorbed by the body. The best water temperature for the throat and intestines is 24 ° C.

Green tea is the best way to quench your thirst, it requires one third less than water. You can drink tea in any form: cold, hot or warm, but always without sugar. Green tea contains vitamin P, which has a positive effect on strengthening blood vessels, normalizing blood flow and lowering cholesterol levels in the body. Black tea, due to the content of caffeine, tones the body. Remember that the drink should be consumed in moderation, because excessive consumption can lead to negative effects on the liver and kidneys. Hypertensive patients are prohibited from drinking tea, as the drink increases blood pressure.


Fresh juices perfectly quench thirst and reduce hunger, replenish the body with vitamins and minerals. They contain pectin, fiber, fat-soluble vitamins, so their nutritional value is very high. Remember that freshly squeezed juices should be drunk immediately, otherwise they will lose their energy value, it is better to drink juices in the morning. In hot weather, juices can be diluted with water. In summer, cherry, grapefruit, plum, tomato and cornel juices help a lot. Lemon juice is considered the best juice because it restores the body's electrolyte balance and prevents sweating. Vitamin C, which it contains, prevents fatigue, headache and lethargy, which are the consequences of heat.

Fermented milk drinks

Natural fermented milk products - ayran, kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, in addition to helping digestion, restore the intestinal microflora, are easily absorbed by the body and also quench thirst, as well as the feeling of hunger.

Mineral water

It relieves thirst, because it contains salts and minerals that the body removes along with sweat. It refreshes and stimulates appetite, even relieves fatigue. You can add a slice of lemon to the water, drink it in small portions and often. When choosing water, it is better to give preference to table or medical-table types, the degree of mineralization of which is no more than 1 g / l. It is better for people with cardiovascular diseases to refuse mineral water.

Berry fruit drinks

An excellent way to save yourself from the heat is currant juice, which contains many vitamins and antioxidants.

No drinking!

  • Alcohol - doctors insist on giving up strong alcoholic beverages in the heat, because alcohol puts a huge load on the heart and blood vessels, and on a hot day it poses a special threat even to a healthy person, not to mention people suffering from cardiovascular diseases. Remember that alcoholic beverages increase heat dissipation, which leads to overheating. But one of the main dangers remains the favorite summer drink of men - beer, which puts stress on blood vessels and the heart, especially with a large amount of drink consumption.
  • Coffee - The caffeine in this drink is a diuretic that dehydrates the body, leading to high blood pressure.
  • Sweet carbonated water - the high sugar content only provokes the appearance of thirst, so the drink is consumed in large quantities. With every glass you drink, concentrates, food colors, flavors and preservatives enter the body, which lead to allergies and harm the body.

We drink!


Naturally, in the first place we have - water. She should be in this place, by the way, in any season.

A healthy adult needs, on average, 1.5-2 liters of water daily.

The best water is water from natural sources. It is also known as "spring water" or "well water". Spring water is naturally filtered, it is enriched with oxygen and minerals (sulfur, magnesium, calcium) from nature. This water does not come into contact with our polluted environment.

As for mineral water, as the name suggests, it contains an increased amount of minerals. Although mineral water such as "Essentuki" and "Narzan" is sold freely in stores, it should not be drunk without the advice of a therapist. This is especially true for people with chronic diseases of the heart, kidneys and gastric tract.

Read more about which water to drink and which one should not.

Pomegranate juice

Summer brings not only heat, but also a large amount of ultraviolet radiation, which in excess is harmful to the skin and general health. Numerous clinical studies using pomegranate extract show that pomegranate slows down skin pigmentation caused by ultraviolet radiation. This is due to antioxidants. Pomegranate owes its strong antioxidant properties to a unique polyphenolic complex. The main components of this complex are the polyphenols elagitanins. It is to them that pomegranate is believed to have such a strengthening effect on health.

Tomato juice

Tomato juice contains the carotenoid lycopene. Lycopene is also known to be effective against UV damage to the skin. By the way, lycopene is lipophilic (“loves fat”). In practice, this means adding a few drops to tomato juice.

Tomato juice is also a good source of potassium. Potassium is responsible for the balance of fluid within cells.

Coconut water

Coconut water (not to be confused with coconut milk) is an excellent thirst quencher. Coconut water, like tomato juice, is high in potassium. In addition, it contains a significant amount of almost all other electrolytes - sodium, magnesium, calcium and phosphorus. Plasma electrolytes maintain water-electrolyte balance and osmotic pressure.

Coconut water is a low-calorie product. On average, 100 ml of coconut water contains only 15 calories.

Green tea

Green tea is a source of the unique EGCG polyphenols, which also help protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation. Green tea is also a rich source of the mineral manganese and, depending on the variety, contains up to 50% of the daily value of this element in one cup. Chilled green tea can be a great alternative to the so-called "ice-tee". Simply brew the tea, let it brew, add herbs, spices and fruits of your choice (such as mint, ginger, orange or lemon slices) and, if desired, some honey or stevia. Let cool. Serve over ice.

Don't drink!


Cold beer in the heat can quench your thirst and give you the feeling of long-awaited coolness, but this feeling will not last long.

Alcohol does not cover our need for fluids; on the contrary, it leads to dehydration. In addition, alcohol intoxicates and gives an additional load on the heart and blood vessels.

Fruit juices

I recommend giving up fruit juices. First, they are relatively high in calories. On average, there are about 150 calories in one glass of juice, which is comparable to two slices of bread, two small potatoes or two chocolates. Secondly, fruit juices are high in (natural) sugar, which immediately goes into the bloodstream and causes a spike in blood sugar. The jump is followed by the same rapid decline, as a result of which you feel tired, lack of concentration, and so on. It is always better to eat the whole fruit than to drink the juice squeezed out of it.


The sour berry juice seems to refresh well. Traditional fruit drinks, however, contain no less sugar than carbonated drinks. Read about them below.

Sweet soda

It seems that everyone has known for a long time that carbonated drinks such as Coca-Cola, Fanta, Sprite, etc. consist of extremely harmful ingredients, the most important of which is sugar. However, repetition, as you know, is the mother of learning. So I repeat: these drinks should be completely abandoned.

Soda light

Light soda is no less harmful than usual. I recommend skipping foods containing synthetic sweeteners altogether.

Sweeteners are added to foods by manufacturers to make foods sweet without sugar. All sweeteners are assigned E-numbers (E, by the way, stands for "Europe"). Take, for example, one of the most common sweeteners, sodium cyclamate (E 952). Cyclamate is 30-50 times sweeter than sugar. Sodium cyclamate entered the US market after it was approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1951. In the 1970s, a report of an increase in the incidence of bladder cancer in rats and monkeys injected with mixtures of c cyclamate and saccharin (10: 1) led to a ban on cyclamate in the food industry in the United States and several other countries. It should be noted that cyclamate is still completely banned in the United States. For example, a company Coca Cola, which uses cyclamate in its European products, is replacing it with another synthetic sweetener in the United States. The FDA believes cyclamate is a potential carcinogen. In almost all other countries of the world, alas, cyclamate is used today, often in combination with other sweeteners.

I hope this blog was helpful to you. About what products are relevant in the heat, read my previous one.

Today we will talk about what is best to drink in the heat in summer, because it is Summer, the hottest time of the year ... And to help your body cope with temperature anomalies and dehydration, you need to increase the amount of fluid you consume.

Even from the school course on anatomy, everyone knows that the human body is 80%, and the brain is 75% water. Aqua vita est - said the ancients. Water is an excellent regulator of metabolic processes, a source of biologically active mineral and organic compounds. In the hot summer season, natural cooling mechanisms work in our body to protect against overheating - water here acts as a body temperature regulator.

How much should you drink in the summer?

But how much liquid, all the same, you need to drink in the heat, what is the right way and what is better to drink to quench your thirst?

If we are talking about the mandatory amount of fluid intake in the summer, then it is important to take into account factors such as age, physical activity, and the state of the environment. For example, in a hot, humid climate, a person sweats more, and accordingly, you need to drink more.

An important role is also played by the observance of the correct drinking regime, since situations of all extremes can be harmful to health: a large volume of water drunk in a short period of time entails a change in the volume (even composition) of blood, which, in turn, overloads the work of the cardiovascular and excretory systems.

The formula for calculating the rate of the required amount of water consumption

After a long debate, scientists came to the conclusion that the calculation of the daily rate also includes the liquid we get from food. To date, there is a formula for calculating the liquid required for each individual. To do this, you need to multiply your weight in kilograms by 0.04 - we get the daily rate of fluid in liters, in other words, for every kilogram of our body weight, there is 40 ml of fluid per day.

From the time of his Fall and until now, man has been so preoccupied with satisfying natural needs, including thirst, that he invented a great variety of all kinds of drinks. Moreover, the choice is so huge that it clearly indicates a deviation from their primary goals.

What is better to drink in the heat

Well, let's focus on this variety in order to understand what is better and more preferable to drink in the heat. At the same time, we should remember that on hot, sultry days, sweating increases, and with it the loss of minerals. Therefore, it is necessary to distinguish between drinks that quickly enough replenish the body's losses, and those that, on the contrary, have diuretic properties, dehydrating it.

Of course, water, pure, better than spring water, is the absolute leader on this list and it is this water that is best drunk in summer in the very heat, it is recommended for both children and adults.

If you don't like drinking just water, you can fantasize about the taste by adding lemon juice or a sprig of mint. By the way, ordinary water with lemon juice in a ratio of 1: 5 perfectly quenches thirst, being at the same time a tonic and even an extraordinary medicinal drink.

Well, we have already written separately and in detail on our self-development portal, so read separate articles about this most useful summer drink, and we will continue.

Can I drink cold drinks in the heat?

We all give preference to chilled liquid in the summer, but the body is not ready to assimilate it until it warms up to body temperature. Therefore, cold drinks in the summer heat can be a source of trouble for us - lead to an attack of angina pectoris or a stroke.

It has been proven that drinking water is better at room temperature or even hot. That is why hot green tea is drunk in hot countries, it quickly normalizes water balance, in addition, it is a source of antioxidants, flavonoids and vitamins.

Mineral water is undoubtedly one of the most thirst-quenching drinks in the hot season, it moisturizes and detoxifies as much as possible.

Do not forget, however, that one of the components of mineral water is salt, which can retain fluid in the body. In connection with this feature, it is better to drink table mineral water or medical-table water, limiting the amount of 2-3 glasses a day.

What is the best drink in the summer?

Thirst-quenching and healthy drinks include any fruit drinks, compotes, preferably with a minimum amount of sugar, natural freshly squeezed juices, such as: apple, orange, various smoothies with herbs, fruits and vegetables, and of course, bread or oat kvass. Prepared at home, it not only refreshes, but has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, hair, improves appetite and cleanses the intestines.

As for dairy drinks, the choice is also in favor of natural products. Tan, ayran, yogurt, kefir, fermented baked milk are not bad at satisfying both thirst and hunger, plus they are rich in beneficial bacteria, proteins, vitamins and minerals.

What not to drink in the heat?

Now let's dwell on the fact that you cannot drink in the heat in summer, or at least, it is better to limit consumption when the temperature outside reaches 30 degrees and above.

In the heat, you should avoid black tea and coffee so beloved by many, these drinks have a fairly high content of caffeine, due to which their diuretic effect is manifested - calcium and zinc are excreted from the body.

It is most reasonable to give up sweet water, which contains dyes, preservatives, as well as a huge amount of sugar, which, like salt, prevents the elimination of fluids and increases the risk of obesity and diabetes mellitus, and phosphoric acid contained in Pepsi-Cola and Coca-Cola "promotes the development of osteoporosis.

Can I drink alcohol in the heat?

To date, scientists have proven that not all types of alcoholic beverages can be harmful in hot weather, there are also excellent thirst-killing ones. First of all, this is dry wine (red or white), it tones up the blood vessels, and when diluted it perfectly quenches thirst and relieves fatigue.

Only you need to drink no more than two glasses a day and not on an empty stomach. It should be borne in mind that even the best wines cause headaches. The cause of this pain is polyphenols - those compounds that contain the greatest value in wines. So experts advise choosing low-fermented varieties.

It is better to abstain altogether from fortified wines, vermouths and liqueurs in the heat in summer. Passionate beer lovers can pamper themselves no more than once a week with only a light and light (up to 4% alcohol) drink in a safe one-liter dosage.

Just do not forget that in large quantities beer negatively affects the work of the pancreas, it additionally contains a huge amount of female hormones that negatively affect the male body and contribute to obesity in both men and women.

In addition, any alcohol, both in winter and in summer, unambiguously leads to the destruction of brain tissue and possible genetic disorders in you, and even more so in your children, so the self-development portal cannot recommend you to drink alcoholic beverages in either heat or cold, but rather, lead a healthy lifestyle and improve their intellectual level.

In summer, there are record temperature regimes in Russia, it is worth remembering 2010. Scientists today say that this is the hottest summer in the history of meteorological observations.

And if we imagine that in the next decades this heat will be repeated or become the norm?

The usual summer regime, in which it is good to eat sweet sorbet, drink a couple of liters of soda water, and celebrate a friend's birthday with champagne and salads in the evening, unfortunately, will not work in such conditions.

We will talk below about how to quench your thirst, what to drink in the heat and not harm yourself.

What is heat, what happens to the body in heat, why does a person want to drink?

The high temperature regime of air masses warmed by the sun's rays is called heat.

With a significant difference in the temperature regime of the human body and the external environment, the body is exposed to stress.

Water leaves the body in order to cool it.

This disrupts the proper functioning of the brain and other organs and systems.

A person can often experience a lack of comfort from hot sunny days in summer.

He may develop symptoms of dysphoria, namely, lack of mood, and may become angry and aggressive. In addition, spontaneous fears and lack of sleep may appear.

For someone, heat can cause stress, which will cause central nervous system disorders, because the body is constantly in tension, trying to protect itself.

Heat has a negative effect on people of different age groups, from low to high.

But, in particular, people with chronic pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, old people and babies suffer. In the heat, people more often than at other times of the year seek the help of doctors.

There are more patients with high blood pressure (hypertension), problems with blood circulation in the brain, myocardial infarction.

On the eve of the hot summer season, negative effects of the heat on human health are possible.

Therefore, it is very important to protect the body from overheating and replenish fluid loss.

How much liquid should you consume in the heat?

Those people who have been diagnosed with heart failure are not allowed to drink a lot of fluids.

Doctors, even in terms of therapeutic measures, give medications that stimulate additional withdrawal of water, but this article is about people without severe cardiovascular pathologies, because they must visit their attending physician, who will adjust the intake of medications during the heat period.

When it comes to the bulk of people who do not have severe diseases of the heart and blood vessels, then they need to increase the volume of water during the heat.

There is another very important factor. In the heat, especially in obese people, K and Mg are excreted from the body along with the liquid, and this can lead to serious health problems.

Preparations with these minerals should be used. In hot weather, you should drink at least 2.5 liters of liquid.

The best drinks to quench your thirst in the heat

So, what should you drink in the heat?

  • Water

Better mineral water without gas, purchased in bottles.

Mineral water contains salts and trace elements, which a person wastes when he sweats in the heat.

Perhaps add lemon juice, squeeze orange juice or grapefruit juice to the water.

Such a drink will remove thirst well than juice to which granulated sugar or its substitutes are added.

For one and a half liters of water, you will need the juice of 1 lemon, 1 citrus or half a grape. Drink water often and little by little.

In the case of mineral water, you should prefer table water, or medicinal table. Permissible mineralization is 1-3 g / l.

Medicinal varieties of mineral water will not work.

Drinking in moderation is the main rule.

Drinking tea in the heat is very useful, but green varieties should be preferred.

You need to brew high-quality green tea in a special teapot and drink in small portions.

Tea 100% will help quench your thirst, but he does not like large cups and fuss.

You should also remember the fact that hot black tea has a warming effect, and coffee, in addition, provokes the desire to drink water, and also flushes out salts and Ca from the human body.

You can add mint leaves, lemon balm to green teas - this drink will not only quench your thirst, but also soothe.

  • Freshly squeezed juices in the heat

You can drink freshly squeezed juices, they will only benefit. They will also reduce hunger. The body will be filled with vitamins and minerals.

Juices made from fresh vegetables, fruits, berries, refresh and cheer up. One drawback is the cost, because the juice must be fresh, just squeezed.

  • Kvass

Kvass is only natural, not a dark-colored carbonated drink that is sold in stores.

Homemade kvass is an ideal solution on hot days, especially if it is made with sourdough, horseradish and delicious herbs.

  • Compote, fruit drink and lemonade

Ideal for the hot season. The drink must be chilled, poured into bottles and drunk in small sips.

A decoction of herbs such as mint, basil, lemon balm will save from the heat.

Cool the hot broth, add ice cubes to the glasses and drink in small sips.

Ideal for cooking and chilling.

  • Fermented milk drinks

Sour-milk drinks such as ayran, tan, katyk will quench your thirst well on hot days. Real katyk mixed with mineral water is very good in the heat.

Lemonade and any sweet carbonated drinks quench your thirst for a minimum period, after a while you want to drink again. The same applies to alcoholic products, beer, vodka, wine or other alcohol will not quench your thirst, but, on the contrary, will provoke the possibility of developing health problems.

Why do they drink hot tea in hot weather?

Hot green tea is good at quenching thirst and replenishing body fluids.

The hotter the tea, the better it reduces body temperature in hot weather. The cooling process starts, just like in computers.

What to drink in the heat - video

Rules of conduct in the heat - how to prevent overheating?

  1. Do not eat sweets and salty foods.
  2. Give up alcohol.
  3. Don't overeat.
  4. Drink mineral water, natural kvass, green tea, compote, fruit drink, freshly squeezed juice and short-term products.
  5. Eat a lot of raw vegetables, okroshka.

These principles will help you feel better and also lose a couple of pounds.

By adhering to the rules of conduct in the summer, without drinking alcohol, you can easily survive hot days.

Hot weather leaves no chance: you constantly want to drink, you absolutely do not want to eat, you lose fluid and replenish it in different ways - there is no imagination. How to quench your thirst in the heat of summer so that moisture is of maximum benefit?

To begin with, measures should be taken so that the loss of fluid is not catastrophically large or, on the contrary, everything that we drink in the heat of thirst is not delayed. To do this, on hot days, you should exclude alcoholic beverages, do not overeat in excess, do not abuse salty and sweet foods, eat more raw vegetables and drink only healthy drinks. What will bring the maximum benefit?


The most important drink in the summer heat. Choose non-carbonated mineral water, because with the loss of moisture, we also lose useful minerals, the supply of which is difficult to replenish. You can add citrus juice to the water to taste - lemon, grapefruit or orange. Such water is useful because it does not contain sugar, unlike juices. Drink water often and in small portions, literally quenching your thirst a little.


In hot weather, green tea is preferable. It is not necessary to drink it hot, it is allowed from warm to ice cold. Like water, drink green tea in small portions. Black tea has warming properties, and coffee quickly removes water from the body and also flushes out minerals and salts. Tea with mint or lemon balm will have an additional cooling effect.


The most summer drink, and we are talking about homemade kvass, and not about carbonated drinks from the store. Each housewife has her own recipe for making kvass, because of its sharp taste and useful additives, it will perfectly cope with thirst.

Fresh juice

Juices will help to get the necessary vitamins in the heat, reduce hunger, cheer up and add variety to the diet. Purchased juices are insidious because of the added sugar and preservatives in them, so they do not cope well with the task. Summer harvest is generous with fruits, vegetables and berries, take advantage of this.