Warming drinks for a great mood, favorite recipes. Winter warming drinks: what to drink in the cold

28.08.2019 Desserts and cakes

The winters have gone wrong, there is almost no frost, there is no sun, but often there is rain, slush and wind. Moreover, half-autumn and almost half-spring are more like a winter thaw, and you want to wrap yourself in a warm and fluffy one and pamper yourself with warming drinks with aromas and flavors of summer herbs or distant countries. Dream, and maybe plan a trip.

Warming drinks in bad weather are divided into 2 types: with and without alcohol. The funny thing is that there are relatively few purely alcoholic drinks, and you can add something intoxicating to any of the non-alcoholic drinks if you want. Therefore, let's talk about more universal ones - non-alcoholic ones.

Tea seems so banal, boring, ordinary and rustic, but take your time - there are varieties of tea that can change this attitude towards the ancient drink. In China, the homeland of tea, where this wonderful drink has been drinking for many thousands of years, it is believed that green tea cools, and red (black in European tradition) warms. Chinese red tea differs markedly from Indian, Ceylon, Kenyan, Indonesian and other teas of the same class.

The main supplier of red and black tea from China is Yunnan Province, a mountainous region on the border with Vietnam, Laos and Myanmar. Tea from this area has a smoky aroma, a confident taste and good versatility. This means that it is not afraid of thermoses and "unceremonious" brewing in any convenient container, it is suitable for the base of herbal teas, you can add bright warming additives to it, which we will now talk about.

It is known that the coolest spices are handled in India. In essence, real Indian tea is milk with spices and the strongest brew. This drink is called masala or simply milk tea. "Masala" in Indian is "a mixture of spices", hence the numerous "masalas" for different dishes and tea. Each region has its own masala. You can try making warming drinks yourself by taking a couple of cloves, cinnamon, ginger, cardamom and star anise. Wipe off the spices in a mortar or scroll in a coffee grinder or blender, boil them in boiling water for a minute or two, add a little milk, add a pinch of any black tea and bring to a boil. Give the drink a little "rest" and drink. Masala can be taken with you in a thermos, any milk drink warms and nourishes very well.

Tea is surprisingly friendly with a wide variety of spices. Black tea can be paired with a spice mix, or you can add just one. The best example is ginger. Ginger tea can be made at home or in a thermos and taken for a walk. Be sure to use fresh ginger root. Ginger powder can cloud the drink. If you want a stronger drink, rub the ginger on a coarse grater, and if you need a lighter taste or beautifully arrange in an Irish glass, chop it like chips.

You will be surprised - mulled wine can also be non-alcoholic! The European tendencies of recent years are a departure from alcohol, especially in the fresh air. But mulled wine is so delicious! And resourceful bartenders came up with a new drink based on grape juice, leaving the principle of making mulled wine unchanged - replace wine with juice and get non-alcoholic mulled wine. Recall that for this drink you need to take a little cloves, a piece of ginger, sugar, mint, (almost butter), vanilla, cinnamon, cardamom, star anise, lemon or orange zest, you can have a piece of apple. You don't need to grind spices. Boil the water, boil the spices, add the apple and juice, heat more, but do not boil. Pour into glasses or into a thermos. Add a few mint leaves, a wedge of lemon or lime to each, sprinkle with zest and garnish with a cinnamon stick.

It is very convenient to take tea with you for a walk in a thermos. There are a few details to consider. Not all varieties tolerate prolonged heat well. For example, green or delicate red varieties of Chinese and Indian teas can darken and lose their floral aroma and delicate taste. Coarse Indian varieties like Assam or Yunnan Chinese tea are best for a thermos. And also black Chinese pu-erh tea is well suited for a thermos.

General recommendation for tea in a thermos. Brew tea in a regular teapot and pour the tea into a heated thermos. A glass thermos preserves the taste of a drink better than a metal one. Ginger and spices can be added to a thermos, but remember that they will be infused continuously, so in this case add a small amount of spices. Tea, poured directly into a thermos and filled with boiling water, in an hour or two will turn into a very strong "tea leaves". The exception is Nepalese tea from Eelam. This is the only tea that can easily endure long brewing.

Puer is a secret Chinese weapon. There is green, white and black pu-erh. Green is a medicinal tea, it perfectly increases appetite, cleanses the blood and cleanses the respiratory system. White tea is very tasty, but "homemade" tea. But black pu-erh is the so-called "tea coffee"; programmers, French women and lovers of outdoor activities are very fond of it. Puerh is perfectly preserved in a thermos for several hours, almost without changing the taste. You can also cook pu-erh with milk, cocoa. Take 10 grams of pressed black pu-erh, rinse it in cold water, warm some water in a Turk, throw the pu-erh into a Turk, bring the water to a boil, add milk and wait until the milk begins to boil. Turn off the heat and let it brew. Drink hot, like cocoa.

In late autumn, winter and early spring, the autumn harvest of tea is drunk all over the world. This is the best time for roasted and cliff oolongs, red tea from China and the highlands of India and Sri Lanka. The most striking representative of fried oolongs is considered to be Da Hong Pao or Big Red Robe, which is harvested in Fujian province. According to legend, this tea was presented to the emperor for the treatment of a serious illness. Tea so quickly coped with the disease that the emperor in gratitude gave the tea bushes a red robe. (In ancient China, only the emperor could wear red clothes, and such a gift was a sign that tea was equal to the ruler of the Celestial Empire.) Da Hong Pao's taste is very diverse and varies from brew to brew, and one handful of tea can be brewed up to 10 time. This tea is for friends when you want to really surprise and spend time with warm conversation on a cold winter evening.

The turquoise oolong Te Guanin with a bright floral aroma and rich taste is no less famous, but few people know about the fried Te Guanin with the taste and aroma of plums and dried fruits. The aroma of an empty cup can amaze even a sophisticated tea drinker, and the drink itself has all the virtues of green and red tea. Fried Te Guanin has a warming nature, excellent tones and lowers blood pressure. Delicate desserts are well suited to such tea: dried fruits or exquisite natural sweets. But do not rush to tackle sweets right away, take a few sips, inhale the aroma, compare with the aroma in an empty cup ... A pleasant meditation activity for a long evening.

For black tea lovers, Dian Hong Chinese alpine tea from Yunnan province may be of interest. Tea has a light smoky aroma, bright shades of dried fruits and berries, honey color of the infusion and a long pleasant aftertaste. Dian Hong warms well, it contains the energy of the sun and mountain wind. This variety dries especially gently, and the taste is reminiscent of the best varieties of Indian Darjeeling, which in England is called champagne of tea.

Darjeeling is a mountainous region in northern India on the border with Tibet. It is curious that tea has always grown there, but only with the arrival of the British did they pay due attention to it and received many varieties of this most interesting type of tea. Darjeeling was nicknamed "Champagne of tea" for its lightness, light shades of infusion and taste, in which a clear predominance of black tea borders on green. The best darjeelings are full of floral scents, mountain meadows, forests, and even tropical fruits. But at the same time, Darjeeling is closest to the usual black tea. Perhaps because a little darjeeling was added to the classic blend of Soviet Indian tea.

But in winter, you don't always want tenderness, sometimes you need brutal punching power, and the best assistant in this is the Indian tea Assam. It has extreme astringency, it can be brewed tightly, you can smell good tobacco or even a cigar in the aroma, many find the aftertaste of Assam similar to the best varieties of cognac and whiskey. This men's tea warms up perfectly, is friendly with lemon and honey, can add aromatic herbs, rose hips and is ideal for homemade baked goods. Assam is usually brewed in the classical English tradition - 1 teaspoon of tea per cup and 1 spoon per teapot, 3-4 minutes of infusion with repeated infusion of 5-6 minutes under a warm cap.

But not only here it is so cold that you constantly want tea. In South America, where, it would seem, there is always eternal summer, it is rather cold in the mountainous regions, but they warm themselves there with the same tea. There are three leaders in South American tea: mate, lapacho and coca leaf tea. We will keep silent about the latter, but the first two have gained incredible popularity all over the world, including in Russia. Mate is dried and crushed leaves of Paraguayan holly, brewed almost like tea, but not with boiling water, but with water with a temperature of 75-80 degrees. Mate perfectly tones up due to the special substance Matein, increases attention and brain function, is well suited for drivers or students during sessions. In winter, mate also warms.

Lapacho is made from the bark of a special tree that grows in the Peruvian jungle. It is customary to cook the bark for 8-10 minutes, and then insist for a few more minutes, strain and drink in small sips. The taste of Lapacho is fresh, with a slight lemon hint. Lovers of a healthy lifestyle will be curious to know that the Incas treated intestinal inflammation, diabetes, arthritis, anemia, asthma, impotence, hair loss and other ailments with the help of Lapacho. Some argue that lapacho can cure cancer, but this has not yet been confirmed by scientists.

Another drink that is relevant in cold weather is kudin. Kudin is the leaves of the broadleaf holly, a relative of the South American holly. Kudin tea is a yellow-green broth with a bright slightly coniferous aroma and a very bitter taste that turns into sweetness. There is no need to sweeten the kudin, just wait a minute after the first sip, and you will feel the taste of sweet, almost sugar-like taste to the receptors of the tongue. Kudin has amazing properties, it is a whole pharmacy, and it is especially good in damp cold weather, as a preventive measure and just a pleasant interesting drink. Kudin perfectly increases the overall tone of the body, strengthens the immune system, treats cough and respiratory ailments, normalizes blood pressure and improves digestion. This is more of a medicinal tea, but nothing prevents you from adding kudin to ordinary black tea and drinking it constantly.

Hibiscus or Sudanese rose - red hibiscus petals in Egypt are poured with cold water and drunk like compote. But this is because it is warm there, and in other countries hibiscus is drunk hot, brewing with ordinary boiling water and insisting for several minutes. An excellent bright red drink with a pleasant fresh, sour taste. Hibiscus warms very well, has a dozen medicinal benefits and has no contraindications. Hibiscus is good with sweets and instead of juice with food. Hibiscus strengthens the walls of blood vessels, fights gastritis and can lower the temperature, and after a chilly wind with rain and snow, hibiscus is obligatory - it will warm and invigorate.

Rooibos is an African tea from the shrub of the same name. It is prepared in South Africa, where there are cold winters and the influence of Antarctica is felt. Tea is not only tasty, but also healthy - it contains rare elements and does not contain caffeine at all, which means that it can be safely brewed for children before bedtime. Rooibos has a sweetish taste and a bright, memorable unusual aroma.

Another traditional warming drink is Russian sbiten. For those who are confused by the name, we explain: sbiten is an infusion of herbs with honey and spices. In essence, it is similar to non-alcoholic mulled wine, but has a different aroma range. Sbiten is very pleasant, warming, and even a vitamin drink. For the base, oregano, St. John's wort and a little sage are suitable. Add cloves, star anise, allspice, cinnamon and ginger to them. Be sure to add a spoonful of honey. The cooking technology is very simple: the spices must be boiled in a small amount of water for a couple of minutes, add boiling water, throw the herbs, turn off the heat and leave for a few minutes. Honey can be put into the "common pot", or you can add it to your mug, in this case it can retain its useful properties. Sbiten can be cooked in a thermos - put some herbs, spices, honey, pieces of fruit, a slice of lemon and pour boiling water over it.

Good coffee warms up perfectly and cheers you up. Besides the fact that making coffee is a whole ritual that already sets you in a good mood, the smell of freshly ground coffee cheers you up and creates a cozy home atmosphere. Coffee is great friends with liqueurs, aromatic syrups, pastries, chocolate and spirits. Be careful, coffee actually raises blood pressure and flushes calcium out of the body. After a cup of strong coffee, drink a glass of mineral water to compensate for the loss of minerals.

Cocoa has been cooked in cold Europe for many hundreds of years, and every season of bad weather, cocoa does not lose its position. No, not hot chocolate, but a milk drink with cocoa powder. You can take low-fat milk, natural cocoa is better, and not instant. Try adding only one or half teaspoon and one pinch of salt instead of the usual 3-4 tablespoons of sugar. Cocoa goes very well with cinnamon and nutmeg. Well, the warming properties of cocoa and milk are beyond competition - even after a violent storm with a mixture of rain and snow, hot cocoa will be able to defeat the incipient cold. In addition, it is known that chocolate, and therefore cocoa, cheers up and tunes in to romance. It's a sin not to use it!

Black tea and pu-erh tea, coffee, sbiten, cocoa and non-alcoholic mulled wine, these warming drinks not only help to keep warm in winter, but can also stimulate new ideas. We wish you health, good mood, warmth and comfort in any weather.

With the onset of cold weather, warming drinks come to replace chilled drinks. The Russian people are accustomed to warming the soul and body with vodka, but doctors say that this does not save from the cold: after a temporary dilation of blood vessels, the opposite effect occurs, fraught with frostbite and more tragic consequences.

Meanwhile, there are many recipes for truly warming drinks, where a small amount of alcohol, coupled with other healthy ingredients, serves as an effective and even tasty preventive measure against colds.

Translated from German - red-hot (hot) wine. But the main highlight of the drink is not heating, but the addition of an abundant amount of all kinds of spices that have a beneficial effect on the body. Most popular in the countries of Northern and Central Europe. An example is the simplest classic recipe.


  • Dry red wine - 1 bottle.
  • Water - 0.3 liters.
  • Sugar - 1 tablespoon.
  • Nutmeg - 1 piece.
  • Carnation - 6 buds.


  1. Mix all ingredients (except sugar) in an enamel saucepan.
  2. Warm up the drink without boiling. Then strain and add sugar. Mix.
  3. Pour mulled wine into mugs, drink hot.

The drink was invented by English sailors and quickly spread throughout Europe.


  • Vodka (rum) - 2.5 glasses.
  • Water - 2 glasses.
  • Strong black tea - 0.5 cups.
  • Granulated sugar - 250 grams.


  1. Boil water, add two glasses of alcohol and sugar to it.
  2. Simmer the mixture for five minutes over low heat.
  3. Pour the rest of the alcohol and tea into the resulting syrup. Since the drink is very strong, you should drink it carefully.

The drink got its name from the Sanskrit "panchan" meaning "five". Initially, the drink consisted of five components: hot water, rum, tea, sugar and lemon juice. Then there were many more recipes, other components were added.


  • Rum - 0.5 liters.
  • - 0.3 liters.
  • Berry tincture (preferably cherry) - 0.3 liters.
  • Water - 0.7 liters.
  • Sugar syrup - 0.1 liters.
  • Lemons - 6 pieces.
  • Ginger and nutmeg (grated) - tablespoon each.


  1. Pour juice squeezed from lemons into a heated ceramic bowl, add sugar syrup and ginger.
  2. While stirring the mixture over low heat, add all the alcohol and water to it.
  3. Heat the mixture well, but do not boil. Pour into cups and sprinkle with nutmeg.


This drink is most popular in the ski resorts of Northern Italy.


  • Brandy - 100 grams.
  • Egg liqueur - 100 grams.
  • whipped cream - 1 glass.


  1. Heat the egg liqueur on the stove.
  2. Pour the liqueur and brandy into the irish glass.
  3. Stir and garnish with whipped cream.

The name of the drink comes from the Latin "Sicera" ("intoxicating drink"), but the French dispute the primacy of its invention and call it "Cidre". In Germany it is known as "Apfelwein" - "apple wine".


  • Apple cider - 1 liter.
  • Oranges - 4 pieces.
  • Carnation - 7 buds.
  • Honey - 1 tablespoon.
  • Bay leaf - 2 pieces.


  1. Pour cider and juice squeezed from three oranges into a saucepan, add honey, cloves, bay leaf and chopped fourth orange.
  2. While stirring, cook over low heat for several minutes. Do not bring to a boil.
  3. Strain and serve in tall glasses.

Japanese jasmine sake


  • Sake - 100 milliliters.
  • Jasmine tea - up to 100 milliliters.
  • Lemon - 1 piece.
  • Cane sugar - 2 cubes


  1. Wash the lemon. Rub the sugar cubes on it so that they absorb the essential oils of the peel.
  2. Heat sake, add sugar and stir.
  3. Pour the sake into a mug and top up with freshly brewed jasmine tea.


At one time, English athletes were warmed up with a drink. The recipe dates back to 1862.

Raw material composition:

  • El - 1 liter.
  • Sherry - 0.7 liters.
  • Gin - 0.5 liters.
  • Chicken eggs - 12 pieces.
  • Cinnamon - 1 stick.
  • Grated nutmeg - 1 piece.
  • Sugar - 12 tablespoons.
  • Lemon - 1 piece.


  1. Separate the yolks and beat them. Add to ale and gin.
  2. Pour the sherry into a saucepan and add the nutmeg, cinnamon, lemon zest and sugar. Boil.
  3. Mix both mixtures. Drink hot.


This is one of the oldest warming drinks. Invented at the beginning of the 18th century by the famous English Colonel Francis Negus, an expert in heraldry.


  • Port wine - 0.7 liters.
  • Water - 1 glass.
  • Lemon - 1 piece.
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons.


  1. Cut the zest off the lemon, barely touching the white skin.
  2. Place the zest in a saucepan and add the squeezed lemon juice, port and sugar.
  3. Stirring constantly, heat over low heat until sugar dissolves.
  4. Add a glass of boiling water and strain. Drink hot.


Healthy winter drinks

“Drink to keep warm” - under this slogan it will be much easier and more pleasant to survive the last month of winter. And this is not about alcohol, although in moderation and in the right combinations, it can be beneficial. Today we are discussing the best winter warming drinks.

Indian miracle

The first item on our list of hot winter drinks will not be a big discovery. It has long been known that tea warms the best. And if the soul craves for the sun and exotic, you can make Indian tea. Ginger and cardamom give it a unique flavor. To begin with, heat a liter of milk over low heat and add 3 tsp in the process. steamed tea leaves and honey to taste. As soon as the milk boils, add spices to it: a piece of grated ginger, ½ tsp. cardamom, if desired, a few cloves, a pinch of cinnamon and nutmeg. Next, boil the mixture over the lowest heat for 3-5 minutes. When the milk becomes creamy, remove the pan from the stove and let the tea brew for another 5 minutes. Now it remains to strain the drink and pour into cups.

Greetings from childhood

Milk will not interfere with the body in any season, and even more so in winter, because such healthy winter drinks are obtained from it. The good old moms prepared for us is definitely one of them. In addition, it can be improved with hot ingredients. Separate the yolks from the whites (5 pcs.) And beat them with 150 g of sugar until a white foam forms. Then pour 100 ml of rum, 100 ml of cognac, 2 tbsp. Into the yolks in a thin stream. l. milk and 1 glass of cream. Beat the whites separately into a strong foam and combine them with the yolks. We put the resulting mixture on low heat. Add a second glass of cream, 100 g of powdered sugar to it and stir until the mass finally thickens. Pour the finished mogul into glasses and sprinkle with grated nutmeg. If you are making a drink for children, substitute cocoa powder or fruit juice for alcohol. Such a treat will not only warm you up, but also cure a sore throat.

Solar pear

When asked what drinks are healthy in winter, many will not hesitate to answer: mulled wine. And they will be right. This wonderful spicy cocktail is energizing and uplifting. As you know, many recipes include red wine or something stronger. If you prefer alcohol-free winter drinks, you can experiment with other ingredients. For example, cook a pear mulled wine. To do this, we need 500 ml of pear juice, in which we put the zest of one lemon, a cinnamon stick, 5-6 clove buds, an star anise star and heat it in a large saucepan over low heat. Sweets can add some powdered sugar. While the juice is heating, peel 6-8 pears, cut them into thin slices and transfer to a saucepan. The mulled wine will be boiled for 30-40 minutes, after which the pear pieces must be caught. Strain the drink and pour into glasses.

Fruit charm

Another tasty invention of smart Indians is punch. In translation, the name means "five", since the classic recipe contains exactly this amount of ingredients: rum, tea, water, lemon juice and sugar (or honey). However, the Europeans, who liked this cocktail, began to add red wine, brandy, various fruits and berries to it. But since we're talking about winter soft drinks, our recipe will be appropriate. To make a healthy punch, mix 3 cups of cranberry and orange juice in a saucepan, add a little water and add the spice mixture to taste. This can be ground ginger, nutmeg, cinnamon, or any other spice you want. Bring the resulting mixture to a boil over high heat, reduce it to a minimum and continue cooking for another 5 minutes. Pour the punch into glasses, throw a few cranberries into each and decorate with fresh mint leaves.

Ginger therapy

Hot winter drinks, the recipes of which can be enumerated endlessly, are unlikely to do without invigorating ginger cocktails. This miracle root gushes with beneficial properties. It relieves pain and inflammation in the throat, prevents the growth of pathogenic bacteria, and strengthens the body's immune defenses. And it is also an excellent tool for those who dream of quickly losing excess pounds. To prepare a warming ginger-based drink, we need a thermos. Put on the bottom 20 g of grated ginger, 2-3 slices of lemon, cinnamon to taste. Pour the resulting mixture with 300 ml of boiling water and leave for 5-10 minutes. Then add 2 tsp. honey, mix until completely dissolved and let the drink brew for some time.

What is the use of our winter drinks hit parade? They not only warm the body, but also charge it with a mass of useful substances, keeping it in good shape. If you have your own warming recipes, be sure to share them with other readers.

Newby Tea Brewing Tips: Brewing Temperature

For black tea, use boiling water;

For green tea, use 70 - 80ºC water.

Enjoy your tea!

Winter is a great excuse to keep warm. It's so nice to wrap yourself up in a warm blanket after a winter walk, turn on your favorite movie or read an interesting book. Warming drinks for winter will help you feel the pleasant warmth. Here are the recipes for the five most famous and winter drinks.

It is most often an alcoholic drink that is drunk hot. It not only helps to keep warm and, but also has a positive effect on the digestive system.

How to make hot punch

This is perhaps the most classic of the winter drinks. It is prepared with red wine and cloves. In order to make an excellent mulled wine, pour half a liter of red wine into a saucepan, add 100 gr. sugar, cinnamon stick, 4 cloves and zest of half an orange and lemon, then stir.

Place the saucepan over moderate heat and bring to a boil, stirring occasionally with a wooden spoon. Let everything boil for a few minutes. Remove from heat and let sit for about 20 minutes. Pour mulled wine into glasses and enjoy.

Another mulled wine recipe

3. Warming drinks for winter - hot chocolate

This drink will warm and make happy children and those with a sweet tooth. It's easy to cook.


- 150 ml whole milk;

- 50 gr. dark chocolate;

- 2 tablespoons of potato starch;

- 2 tablespoons of bitter cocoa;

- 2 tablespoons of sugar;

- 1 teaspoon of cinnamon;

- nutmeg;

- ginger powder;

- whipped cream;

- cinnamon sticks.


In a saucepan, combine the potato starch, cocoa powder, sugar, cinnamon, a pinch of nutmeg, and a pinch of ginger. Then pour in the milk and stir with a whisk to avoid clumping. Put the saucepan on fire, adding to all ingredients. Stir constantly with a wooden spoon while preparing the drink. Wait until the chocolate is completely melted. Simmer for a few minutes; the longer you leave the chocolate on the fire, the denser it will become. When the drink is the desired consistency, pour it into cups with a cinnamon stick in each. The final touch is to add some whipped cream and enjoy.

And this is a recipe for hot white chocolate

4. Ginger with lemon

This deliciously spicy drink will keep you warm even on the coldest winter evenings and protect you from colds. It is easy to judge him. Pour water into a saucepan, add a little lemon zest and the juice of half a lemon. Then add the chopped ginger and bring the drink to a boil.

5. Cinnamon tea

Cinnamon has a spicy, sweet taste. It is definitely a winter spice. And making such tea is not difficult at all. To infuse, mix classic black tea with dried orange peels, a couple of pinches of cloves and ground cinnamon sticks. Stir all ingredients. Brew tea and enjoy its rich flavor.

What are your favorite warming drinks for winter?

What to drink in cold weather for pleasure and prevention of colds?

Warming drinks in winter are one way to create warmth and coziness around you. Remember how nice it is when you enter your house from the cold and touch a warm cup of fragrant tea with your palms! But, as they say, "tea is not the only one ..." There are other drinks that will not only warm you in the winter cold, but also become an excellent prevention of various diseases.


Cocoa used to be called "the drink of the gods" for a reason. You can read about the beneficial properties of cocoa bean powder in the article. As for the drink, it should be said that cocoa is a source of antioxidants, substances that are useful for the heart in particular and the whole body as a whole. Thanks to its serotonin content, cocoa will not only warm you on a cold winter day, but also lift your spirits.

Fun fact: adding a little flour, vanilla and chili to the cocoa makes a chocolatl - an ancient drink of the Maya Indians, which, according to connoisseurs, "rejuvenates the body and enlightens the mind."

Sbiten was known to our ancestors a thousand years ago. This drink was prepared by mixing honey, water and various spices. Often, the mixture included collections of medicinal herbs, which made the drink not only tasty, but also useful. Hot sbiten, due to its anti-inflammatory and warming effect, was drunk mainly in winter.

Today the popularity of this warming drink is not so great, but this does not mean that you will not be able to enjoy its taste. Making sbiten at home is as easy as shelling pears!

Dissolve 100 grams of honey in a liter of warm water and put on medium heat. Once the mixture boils, add 100 grams of sugar, 2 teaspoons of dry St. John's wort, 2 cloves, a few black peppercorns, and a teaspoon of cinnamon. Boil the mixture for 5-10 minutes and let cool slightly. You can also use mint in the finished drink. Drink as soon as the drink has cooled slightly.

Everyone knows about mulled wine as a wine with spices - a drink that is traditional for Austria, Germany and Switzerland. But in the popular ski resorts of these countries, frozen skiers and snowboarders are warmed up with non-alcoholic mulled wine, since skiing "under the fly" is quite dangerous.

Spicy, aromatic mulled wine will perfectly warm you even at a ski resort, even at work. And lemon, orange and apples in its composition will supply the body with such.

Cooking mulled wine like this: for three glasses of red grape juice we take a glass of water, 2-3 cups of orange and lemon and the same number of apple slices. Heat water and juice over medium heat, add fruits and spices (cinnamon, cloves, star anise, cardamom, allspice) and do not bring everything to a boil a little. Let it brew for 5-7 minutes and pour into glasses, after decorating them with orange and lemon zest.

Punch was originally the collective name for rum-based cocktails with fruit juice and fruit slices. We suggest you prepare cranberry and elderberry punch. Why cranberries? - you ask. Yes, because this berry can lie quietly in the refrigerator from late autumn to spring, and throughout the winter period give you health and good mood.

It is not for nothing that American doctors have included cranberries in the list of the most useful foods. Read about its medicinal properties in our material. Here we just give a recipe for a wonderful warming cranberry drink. So: first we prepare the cranberry juice. For 1.5 liters of water, take a glass of grated cranberries and bring the mixture to a boil. Keep on medium heat for 5-10 minutes, then filter and add half a glass of sugar. The punch base is ready! Add elderberry syrup and lime wedge juice to a glass with warm fruit drink. Decorate with a few cranberries.

Well, you can't do without tea! But masala is a very unusual warming drink based on tea and milk. The homeland of the real masala tea is India. And, as the Indians themselves say, literally every family has its own recipe for the drink. But we want to offer you the most unusual recipe - masala tea with salt. This recipe came to us from Nepal. This tea is served by Nepalese monks to climbers who come to conquer Everest.

Boil 350 ml of milk, add boiling water to a liter, add strong black tea, a pinch of coriander, cardamom, cloves, cinnamon, black pepper, nutmeg, grated dry ginger and salt. We want to warn you right away: the taste will seem a little unusual to you at first. But such a drink has not only warming, but also tonic and immunomodulatory properties.

The traditional system of Indian medicine Ayurveda states that masala tea is beneficial for general sleepiness, lack of energy, and also has excellent antioxidant properties.

Drink the right warming drinks and be healthy!