How does the influence of energotonics manifest itself on some indicators of higher mental functions of a person. Energy drinks: danger in disguise

17.09.2019 Snacks

Drinks that increase human energy every year. The funds are especially popular among young people and students. They allow you to prepare all night for exams without getting tired, and dance in discos until the morning. What energetics consist of, and their effect on the body, scientists from all over the world have been trying to figure out for several years.

Companies producing the drink assure that energy does not bring significant harm to the human body. Anyone who drinks a jar of a wonderful cocktail for several hours gets a boost of vivacity and good mood.

In the first minutes after taking the drink, the brain begins to work in an enhanced mode, strength is felt in the arms and legs, the mood rises, you want to do something, move. But doctors warn that additional forces in the body are in store for emergencies. Therefore, an unexpected surge of vivacity can provoke serious malfunctions in the work of some organs.

The composition of the drink

In order for a person to feel a surge of strength, stimulation of the nervous system with active components that are present in energy drinks is required.

  • Caffeine is a brain-stimulating substance. contained in all drinks, without exception.
  • Taurine is a substance that naturally accumulates in muscle tissue and has a cleansing effect on the liver.
  • Extract from ginseng and guarana - have a tonic effect, relieve pain during exertion.
  • Carnitine - normalizes metabolism.
  • Vitamin B and glucose are used to normalize the nervous system.
  • Matein is a component that relieves hunger. It is sometimes used in weight loss diets.
  • Carbon dioxide - increases the absorption rate of the drink.

At first glance, all components are harmless enough. However, medicine officially recognizes energy drinks as harmful drinks, and their effect on the body causes concern.

Energetics and their effect on the body


  • contribute to cheerfulness and a surge of strength;
  • glucose with an increased amount of vitamins stimulates the work of all organs and the circulatory system;
  • the effect of power engineers lasts 4 hours;
  • Convenient cans allow you to take a drink anywhere (on the dance floor, driving a car, in the gym).


  • An increased rate of the drink (more than 2 cans per day) will gradually lead to hypertension and diabetes mellitus due to the large amount of glucose.
  • Energy sources are not available in all countries in the public domain. In Europe - only in a pharmacy. The ban is associated with frequent deaths caused by a drink overdose.
  • An increased dose of vitamin B destroys nerve cells (weakness and trembling of the limbs, increased heart rate).
  • Caffeine is addictive and requires an increase in dose to get the desired effect, it also has a diuretic effect that removes beneficial salts from the body.
  • Carbon dioxide together with taurine irritates the stomach lining, provoking the development of gastritis and ulcers.

In addition, energy drinks combined with alcohol can lead to negative, unpredictable consequences.

How old can you drink energy drinks?

Invigorating drinks do not contain alcohol, however, their sale to minors in many European countries is prohibited. This is due to the destructive effect of the cocktail on the immature organism. First of all, a fragile child's psyche suffers from an invigorating drink. There are cases when a small dose of the drink led adolescents to a "stupor" - a complete lack of motor functions and lack of reaction.

Research has influenced the ban on the sale of energy drinks to minors in several European countries. Scientists have proven that even 1 can of a drink depletes a child's body and can lead to consequences:

  • irritability;
  • loss of strength;
  • insomnia;
  • depressed state;
  • of death.

Thus, to the question: "How old can you drink energy drinks?" the answer will be unequivocal "Never!". Such drinks, in fact, give neither strength nor energy. They only stimulate the central nervous system, which sooner or later will lead to its defeat.

How to use energy drinks correctly

People who can no longer do without invigorating drinks are advised to take precautions:

  • maximum 2 cans per day;
  • do not mix with alcohol;
  • do not take a cocktail after training, as the heart is already working in an accelerated mode.

After taking energy drinks, a person needs time to restore the body. It is advisable not to drink alcohol during this period, eat well and rest.

Thus, power engineers and theirs have more disadvantages than advantages. But if in this situation you cannot do without a drink, it is recommended to study the rules for its use.

Modern people live under stress and high stress. By the end of the day, eight out of ten people feel squeezed out, exhausted and tired. But you really want to be cheerful and cheerful all day, and in the evening not to lie on the couch and think that there is absolutely no strength and desire to move, but to go to a meeting with friends or dance until the morning in a nightclub. What does it take to bring these plans to life? Extra energy!

But where to get this energy, so important for the body? Energy drinks are a popular and inexpensive option that relieves drowsiness and invigorates all day. But not everything is so simple! Energy drinks do more harm than good to the human body! Why? Let's try to figure it out and find the answer to this important question.

Some facts and statistics

people consume just over 3 billion liters of energy drinks a year!

The main consumers of synthetic energy drinks are young people from 16 to 35 years old. They very rarely think about health, therefore, in pursuit of 25 hours a day, they waste valuable resources of their body. Young people drink energy drinks in order to spend as much time as possible in nightclubs, while preparing for exams, at parties and at a party.

In the past few years, not only young guys and girls, but also older people are increasingly using energy drinks. They do this in order to cope with the stressful rhythm of life. Constant household chores, endless rushwork at work, a frantic urban rhythm are the eternal companions of modern man. All this literally pushes a middle-aged man or woman to resort to the help of energy drinks.

What is included in energy drinks

Almost all power engineers have absolutely identical composition. The non-alcoholic energy drink consists of:

  • prepared artesian water;
  • Sahara;
  • caffeine;
  • theobromine;
  • theophylline;
  • taurine;
  • B vitamins;
  • flavorings;
  • dyes.

The components are arranged in decreasing order of concentration.

Taurine is an amino acid produced by the body itself. If a person eats normally, he receives 200-300 mg of taurine per day with food. This substance accumulates in muscle tissue. Taurine was once thought to improve heart function. Now scientists have proven that it has no effect on the heart muscle at all. Caffeine, theobromine, theophylline etc. are the main tonic components of most energy drinks. Water for power engineers is purified using a complex filter system. A special syrup is prepared from sugar, aromatic, flavoring additives, a complex of B vitamins, caffeine and taurine, which is then mixed with water (one part of the syrup for three parts of water). After that, the drink is carbonated, which positively affects its taste and shelf life.

Temporary effect

Power engineers have the following positive qualities:

  • a complex of vitamins in combination with glucose gives a charge of energy, has a tonic effect on the body, makes a person more alert and focused;
  • brain work is significantly activated, which is why students like energy drinks during a session, lovers of noisy night parties and workaholics who constantly do not have enough time;
  • if we compare a jar of energy drink with a standard cup of coffee, then the duration of the first drink is twice as long as the second.

Negative effect on the human body

Despite the fact that the use of energy drinks brings temporary benefits to the body, there are still much more disadvantages than advantages, because:

  • these drinks are high in calories;
  • caffeine, which is present in the energy drink, is a stimulant and addictive. Getting rid of this addiction is not easy;
  • if you consume more than the daily allowance of energy drinks, then blood sugar is actively increasing, and blood pressure begins to rise sharply;
  • many people who regularly use energy drinks think that the drink gives them a boost of vivacity. In fact, the body uses up its reserve reserves, gradually depleting them. After taking energy drinks, the body needs to recover.

The price to pay for the spike in artificial vigor is dire health problems. If a person regularly consumes energy drinks, then this leads to the fact that the resources of his body are drastically depleted. The cardiovascular system suffers greatly, arterial hypertension and tachycardia may develop. If you drink several cans of drink in one gulp, then the normal heart rate, which is equal to 73-75 beats per minute, soars to 120-130 beats per minute.

Head of the cardiac resuscitation department of the city clinical hospital №29 named after N.E. Bauman Aleksey Erlikh says: “Try to clench your fist 130-140 times a minute. Pretty soon, a person will stop doing this, because fatigue will cause the fist to simply stop functioning. The same happens with the heart. When it starts working at a high frequency, its effectiveness drops significantly. "

The liver, stomach, pancreas, nervous system suffer from the intake of energy drinks no less than the heart and blood vessels. Gastritis, ulcers, cirrhosis gradually develop. There are cases when people who used several cans of energy drinks a day for several years fell into a coma.

Energy drinks are actively depleting the body. After each intake of such a drink, the body must be given time to recover. That is why many people, having experienced an unprecedented surge of strength, begin to feel tired and exhausted: their mood deteriorates markedly, insomnia or depression may develop.

Energy drinks: to drink or not to drink?

Avoiding energy drinks is the best solution. But not every person can completely abandon the use of a drink that has a pleasant taste and gives a boost of vivacity. If you cannot stop drinking energy drinks, then remember the basic rules for their use.

Energy drink manufacturers claim they are beneficial. Just one jar - and the body is filled with vigor and efficiency. But scientists and many doctors have proved that the harm of energy drinks for the body is obvious.

Composition of almost all types of power engineers

  1. Caffeine that stimulates the brain.
  2. L-carnitine, which promotes fatty acid oxidation.
  3. Matein. A substance that dulls hunger and helps to reduce weight.
  4. Extracts of ginseng and guarana, which remove lactic acid from cells and help cleanse the liver.
  5. Glucose and the accompanying complex of essential vitamins that keep the nervous system normal.
  6. Powerful antioxidants - taurine and melatonin.

In addition to these ingredients, the composition of energy drinks includes: sugar, glucose, fructose, sucrose, shock absorbers, stabilizers, dyes, food and flavoring additives. Are these supplements harmful in and of themselves? Yes, they are harmful to the body.

The influence of power engineers on the human body

  1. The first effect is vigor, which lasts for several hours, but the consequences can be a sharp deterioration. This is insomnia, depression, migraine, disorientation.
  2. Each energy drink is carbonated, which provokes tooth decay, increases blood sugar, lowers the defenses of the body's immune system.

The harm of energy drinks

  1. Their frequent use increases blood pressure.
  2. The drink itself does not give invigorating energy to the body, it works at the expense of personal reserves, which the body takes from itself.
  3. The consequences of taking energy drinks are irritability, sleep disturbance, depression.
  4. Caffeine breaks down the nervous system and can be addictive.
  5. The increased content of vitamin B in energy drinks increases the heart rate and provokes tremors of the limbs.
  6. High calorie content.
  7. Overdose is expressed by the following symptoms: nervousness, apathy and depression, mental agitation, chronic heart rhythm disturbances.

Mixing energy drinks with other energy drinks that contain caffeine can have unpredictable consequences. Such drinks are categorically contraindicated for children, adolescents, pregnant and lactating women, elderly people and people with chronic diseases.

Consequences of Regular Consumption of Energy Drinks

  1. Deaths due to myocardial infarction.
  2. Suicidal behavior.
  3. Accidents that occurred as a result of an unexpected loss of consciousness.
  4. For pregnant women, the use of energy drinks threatens miscarriages.
  5. Convulsions, bleeding, hearing impairment.
  6. Sudden development of many phobias.
  7. Arrhythmia, migraine and severe mental disorders.
  8. Diarrhea and prolonged vomiting.
  9. Loss of performance and concentration.

If a person cannot do without energy drinks, then it is worth taking care of precautions. It is allowed to consume no more than 2 jars a day, but it is better to refuse them altogether. Energy drinks should never be mixed with alcohol. This will enhance the toxic effect of alcoholic beverages on the body. You can not use energy after physical exercise, so as not to put pressure on the heart, which already works at high frequencies.

After taking energy drinks, the body needs time to recover. During this period, you need good food and no alcohol. The more energy drinks were consumed, the more time it takes to replenish the body's reserves.


Modern society lives in a constantly accelerating life. It's no secret that in order to keep up with the rapidly slipping away time, you need to spur something on yourself. Few of us imagine our morning without an invigorating cup of coffee, but even this is not enough: inventive humanity has come up with energy drinks. And what, great! I drank it, and it was as if I had renewed the battery inside myself! Is it really?

It is not surprising that the first power engineer appeared in Japan. The Land of the Rising Sun is distinguished by a frantic pace of life, in which there is almost no place for rest. This discovery took place back in the 60s of the last century, but the world was far from immediately delighted with it. Energy drinks came to Europe only in the late 80s, and in America they appeared even later - in the 90s of the twentieth century.

The constantly accelerating pace of existence in most of the civilized countries of the world over time demanded a slightly forgotten invention of the Japanese minds, and since about the mid-2000s, energy drinks have gained extraordinary popularity, which they retain to this day. The growing pace of consumption of such drinks has caused serious concerns among the World Health Organization: in just 4 years (2008–2012) in the United States of America, the growth in sales of stimulating delicacies has increased by more than one and a half times, or rather, by 60%! Moreover, the main consumers of energy drinks are young and middle-aged adolescents.

Composition and action on the human body

Why is the world organization guarding the health of mankind so concerned about this fact? Energy drink makers have their own truths, which they promote with creative, aggressive ads that appeal to teens.

A boy or girl with a bright attractive jar in hand is a free and happy person who knows how to live life to the fullest! Such a template easily found its way into the hearts of young people.

Bright jars are attractive to young people

The commercial interests of energy companies dictate to them the need to argue that these drinks do not bring anything but benefit. In fact this is not true. First, let's analyze the composition typical of any energy drink:

  1. The main active ingredient is caffeine, which stimulates mental activity, for which it is quite enough to consume it in an amount of 100 mg. A double dose of caffeine is able to spur the activity of the cardiovascular system, and for this it is already necessary to drink several jars of energy.
  2. Taurine. This is the name of an amino acid that is formed in the human body, more precisely, in its muscle tissue. In moderation, she takes care of the normal intensity of the heartbeat.
  3. Carnitine is an amino acid synthesized by the human liver through the transformation of methionine and lysine. Without its presence in the body, fat and energy metabolism will be impossible.
  4. Medicinal plants with a tonic effect - ginseng and guarana. These natural ingredients help to withstand physical activity, fight the formation of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels, and cleanse liver cells. However, some doctors are not inclined to attribute such serious healing properties to these plants.
  5. Vitamins. It will probably be superfluous to talk about the role of vitamins - everyone knows that. However, you should also know that, starting from a certain dose, these substances cease to be absorbed by the body and simply "fly" to the exit.
  6. Green tea extract - matein. It is believed to help fight obesity by dulling hunger.
  7. Melatonin is a hormone produced by the brain and provides the daily rhythm of human life.

What are the dangerous energy drinks, and what are the consequences of their constant use

So, it would seem that the composition of energy drinks includes so many useful components. What is the truth? Of course, for an adult, drinking a can of an energy drink to tone up will not hurt anything if you do it only from time to time. However, as already mentioned, the main adherents of this dubious delicacy are precisely children, who are strongly discouraged from using such components as, for example, caffeine. And these are far from all the arguments that testify against power engineers:

  1. These drinks, unlike ordinary refreshing waters, cannot be consumed uncontrollably, without observing the dosage: exceeding the norm can lead to an attack of hypertension or a jump in blood glucose levels in people with diabetes and hypertension. In a number of countries, energy companies are recommended for sale not in ordinary grocery markets, but only in the pharmacy chain.
  2. The presence of vitamins in energy drinks does not at all make them useful - vitamins are beneficial only when taken in dosage.
  3. The assertion that the drink provides additional energy is fundamentally wrong - it only releases the body's own energy, which will certainly bring negative results over time. Imagine what would happen if you mercilessly whipped a tired horse, forcing it to run faster. So it is with the body - over time, it will respond to constant stimulation with insomnia, loss of energy, irritability and even depression.
  4. An overdose of caffeine will become addictive over time as well as depletion of the nervous system. A person will need more and more doses to whip up the body. The consequence can be tachycardia (increased heart rate), overexcitation and chronic sleep disturbance. As mentioned above, caffeine is categorically not recommended for a child's body.
  5. Energetics stimulate increased urination, and with urine valuable trace elements, for example, potassium, necessary for the work of the heart muscle, leave the body.

Overuse of energy drinks can lead to neurological disorders

Based on the information about power engineers, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  • energy drinks are categorically not recommended for use by children, especially younger adolescents;
  • uncontrolled intake of energy drinks is dangerous for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, diseases of the central nervous system;
  • energy drinks are not recommended for pregnant and lactating women.

You need to understand that these drinks cannot be equated with ordinary lemonade or citro, with which you can quench your thirst. High doses of caffeine in children can lead to drug addiction, decreased mental performance, and neurological disorders.

Natural juices are a great alternative to quench your thirst

Dangerous is the fashion among young people to consume energy drinks together with alcoholic beverages.... This combination significantly aggravates the negative impact of energy drinks on the body due to the fact that these two components act in antiphase: alcohol depresses the nervous system, and the energy drink spurs it on. This leads to the fact that a person loses control over himself and drinks more alcohol than he would drink without an energy drink. This condition is extremely dangerous in that it increases the risk of developing alcohol poisoning and loss of control over one's own behavior.

Considering all of the above, it seems advisable to ban energy drinks in some countries - Turkey, Denmark, Iceland, etc. Such a ban is also valid in a number of American states, and in the countries of the European Union certain restrictions on the sale of these drinks have been adopted and special warning labels have been introduced on the packaging ... In Hungary, for example, the energy producer pays a special tax for harmfulness, while in Australia and New Zealand such firms are subject to special registration. There are no restrictive measures in Russia yet, although health authorities insist on the advisability of such a step.

Energy drinks are a relatively recent human invention. Although their components have been used as invigorating since the centuries before the invention of aluminum cans. It seems that the invention of energotonics is a panacea for students during the session, workers on dead-line days, fitness athletes reaching the record, tired drivers and visitors to nightclubs and everyone who is very tired, but must continue to be in a vigorous state of mind and body. I drank a jar - and you no longer nod, but you can continue again and again ...

Manufacturers claim that their drinks are only beneficial and are releasing more and more new varieties. If everything is so rosy, why did legislators try to pass legislation restricting the distribution of the miracle drink? Let's figure it out.

Caffeine. It is contained by all, without exception, "energetics". Acts as a stimulant: 100 mg of caffeine stimulates mental activity, 238 mg increases cardiovascular endurance. To get this effect, you need to drink at least three cans, but the manufacturers of "energy drinks" recommend to consume no more than 1-2 cans a day.

Taurine. One can contains on average 400 to 1000 mg of taurine. It is an amino acid that is stored in muscle tissue. It is believed to improve the function of the heart muscle. Recently, however, opinions have appeared among physicians that taurine does not have any effect on the human body at all.

Carnitine. It is a component of human cells that promotes the rapid oxidation of fatty acids. Carnitine enhances metabolism and reduces muscle fatigue.

Guarana and ginseng. Medicinal plants with tonic properties. Guarana leaves are used in medicine: they remove lactic acid from muscle tissues, reducing pain during physical exertion, prevent atherosclerosis and cleanse the liver. Physicians, however, believe that the aphrodisiac properties attributed to guarana and ginseng are not supported by research.

B vitamins. Necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system and the brain in particular. Your body may feel a lack of them, but increasing the dose will not improve your performance, mental capacity, or anything else, as energy drink manufacturers are trying to convince.

Melatonin. It is contained in the body and is responsible for the daily rhythm of a person.

Matein. A substance found in the South American green tea mate. Ilex Paraguarensis Evergreen Tree Extract helps reduce hunger and supports weight loss.

Energy drinks: harm or benefit?

Facts "For"

    If you just need to cheer up or revitalize your brain, energy drinks are great for these purposes.

    You can find a drink that suits your needs. Energy tonics are divided into groups for people with different needs: some have more caffeine, others - vitamins and carbohydrates. "Coffee" drinks are suitable for avid workaholics and students who work or exercise at night, while "vitamin-carbohydrate" drinks are suitable for active people who prefer to spend their free time in the gym.

    Energy drinks contain a complex of vitamins and glucose. There is no need to talk about the benefits of vitamins. Glucose is rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream, is involved in oxidative processes and delivers energy to the muscles, brain and other vital organs.

    The effect of taking coffee lasts 1-2 hours, from energy drinks - 3-4. In addition, almost all energy drinks are carbonated, which speeds up their effect - this is the third difference from coffee.

    Packaging allows you to use energy drinks in any situation (dance floor, car), which is not always possible with the same coffee or tea.

Facts against:

    Drinks can be consumed strictly in dosage. Maximum 2 cans per day. As a result of drinking in excess of the norm, a significant increase in blood pressure or blood sugar levels is possible.

    In France, Denmark and Norway, until 2009, "energy drinks" were banned for sale in grocery stores; they could only be bought in pharmacies, since they were considered a medicine.

    People with blood pressure or heart problems should avoid these drinks.

    The opinion that the tonic saturates with energy is absolutely wrong. The contents of the jar, like a key, open the door to the internal reserves of the body. In other words, the jar does not give energy, it sucks it out of you. A person uses his own resources, or, more simply, borrows them from himself. Debt, of course, sooner or later you have to pay back with fatigue, insomnia, irritability and depression.

    The caffeine contained in tonics, like any stimulant drug, depletes the nervous system. Its effect lasts an average of three to five hours - after which the body needs a break. Plus, caffeine is addictive. However, it is worth noting that the EU Food Safety Authority carried out studies, on the basis of which it was concluded that the risk from consuming non-alcoholic tonic drinks does not exceed the risk from consuming coffee - again, only if you do not exceed the recommended dosage.

    An energy drink, like a drink containing sugar and caffeine, is unsafe for a young body.

    Many energy drinks are high in vitamin B, which can cause heart palpitations and tremors in the hands and feet.

    Fitness lovers should remember that caffeine is a good diuretic. This means that you cannot drink the drink after a workout, during which we lose water.

    In case of an overdose, side effects are possible: tachycardia, psychomotor agitation, nervousness, depression.

    Tonics contain taurine and glucuronolactone. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) published a statement on these constituents in February 2009 as ingredients in non-alcoholic tonic energy drinks. It has been found that in the quantities in which they are found in energy drinks, taurine and glucuronolactone are safe for human health. However, these additives have their own contraindications: in particular, age up to 18 years, long-term use in diabetics (possibly exacerbation of the disease).

As you can see, there are more arguments "against" than arguments "for". And yet, it is quite possible that there may come a moment in your life (hopefully, one-time) when you feel the need to drink a jar of energy. In this case, read the rules for using tonics to help not harm your beloved body.

Caffeine is removed from the blood after 3-5 hours, and even then half. Therefore, you cannot mix tonics and other caffeinated drinks (coffee, tea) during this time - you can greatly exceed the allowable dose.

    Many drinks are high in calories. If you use energy drinks at the gym, drink them only before your workout. If your plans include only recuperation, and you are not going to lose weight, you can use such tonics both before and after classes.

    You can not mix tonics with alcohol (as often do, for example, visitors to nightclubs). Caffeine increases blood pressure, and in combination with alcohol, its effect is greatly enhanced. As a result, a person can easily experience a hypertensive crisis.

Health and medical experts argue that tonics are no more than fortified coffee substitutes, only more hazardous to health. And fruit juices and glucose contained in many products can lift our spirit to the same heights. So it's up to you to decide whether to use tonics or not. But now we have a reason to drink a cup of coffee with your favorite chocolate (instead of tonic) without remorse!

Tatiana POLYAK