How to make orange peels. How to make candied peels from orange peels

02.09.2019 Snacks

Candied fruits are called fruit fruits cooked in candied syrup and then dried and cut into pieces. They can be cooked throughout the year from harvested berries and fruits. For special gourmets, culinary experts suggest paying attention to candied fruits from carrots, green tomatoes and even pumpkin. But for most people, the most familiar and tasty is the classic taste of candied fruits made from orange peel. They are eaten as an independent dessert or as a powder for pastries and ice cream.

Beneficial features

Few people know, but candied fruits are not only a delicious dessert, but also colossal benefits for the body. All nutrients are converted into candied fruit. Therefore, the complex of vitamins B, PP, A, C, potassium, magnesium and iron, found in any citrus fruit, is definitely present in candied fruits prepared with your own hands. The benefits of orange peel also lie in the fact that it contains a huge amount of essential oils, which have an antibacterial effect that is important in the treatment of colds. In this regard, candied fruits are recommended to be eaten as a preventive measure or at the first signs of influenza and ARVI.

It should be noted that long-term storage of this product negatively affects the preservation of nutrients in the composition. Improper handling during preparation can also affect the benefits of the product. You need to be careful with this. Regular consumption of candied fruits has a positive effect on the general state of immunity due to the large amount of vitamin C. This dessert is recommended for people with high cholesterol levels. It is no secret that orange peel is an effective assistant in combating stress and depression, helps relieve stress after a long day at work.

Additional ingredients are often added to the classic recipe for making candied fruits to enhance the beneficial properties of this product.

Possible harm and contraindications

The possible risk associated with eating candied fruits made from orange peels is solely due to an allergic reaction to citrus fruits. Orange peel can be the strongest allergen that causes a negative reaction from the body to the product. It should be noted that even during the cooking process, which is necessary for the preparation of candied fruits, it does not reduce the risk of an acute allergic reaction.

Special care must be taken with children. In a small child, as a rule, an allergic reaction is more painful than in an adult, strengthened body. In addition, the presence of carbohydrates in candied fruits (we are talking about granulated sugar), assigns this product to the high-calorie category. 100 grams of candied fruits contains about 300 kcal. Therefore, people who are obese or actively trying to lose weight should use this product with extreme caution and in moderation. It is also worth noting that a person suffering from diabetes, it is advisable to refrain from abuse of candied fruits.


Classic recipe

First of all, let's define the required ingredients:

  • 500 grams of orange peels;
  • 1 kilogram of granulated sugar;
  • 2 glasses of water;
  • 2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon
  • 2 tablespoons of orange liqueur.

The recipe for candied orange peel is extremely simple and unpretentious.

  • For orange peels, pick 5-6 ripe oranges from the store. Prefer medium-sized fruits that are uniform in size. Fruits with a sufficiently dense and thick peel are needed, which will become the basis for the preparation of candied fruits. That is why it is recommended to carefully inspect each fruit for cracks or dents on the surface before buying. A ripe and tasty orange is characterized by a pronounced citrus aroma.
  • Then each fruit must be rinsed well in room temperature water and rubbed lightly with a brush. This step must not be ignored, as the orange peel may have come into contact with a large number of dirty objects during transportation.
  • After washing with a kitchen knife, make a small cross-cut in the top of the fruit. Peel the orange. It, in turn, must be cleaned of the white porous film. If you have a kitchen scale, weigh the volume of the rind. If the crust weighs less than 500 grams, you will need to peel another piece of fruit.
  • The resulting zest must be cut into thin strips or small squares. Due to the fact that during the cooking process the peel will decrease in size, it is permissible to cut it to a slightly larger size.

To get rid of the bitter taste of orange peel, it is recommended to soak it first.

  • Spread the zest evenly over the bottom of the pan and cover with cool water. Cover the pot with a lid. After 2 days, it is advisable to change the water in the pot a couple of times, for example, in the morning and in the evening. After 2 days, transfer the orange peels to a colander, allowing the liquid to drain.
  • Sugar syrup is an equally important ingredient for making candied orange peels. To get it, pour the required amount of granulated sugar into a container with a thick bottom, add water. On low heat, wait until the mixture boils. Remember to stir the syrup constantly. Then, as the granulated sugar begins to dissolve in the water, reduce the heat to low. Continue cooking the syrup until it thickens.
  • Once the syrup is ready, it's time to add orange peels to it. Continue cooking at minimum power. Do not cover the saucepan with a lid and watch the syrup prepare at all times. Do not boil or boil. Stir the crust and syrup thoroughly a couple of times. After 50 minutes, add freshly squeezed lemon juice and orange liqueur. The latter is not at all required to be added, so this step can be skipped. Continue cooking the mixture for another 10-15 minutes.
  • Remove the container of syrup from the stove and let the contents cool. Then transfer the orange peels to a colander so that all the syrup stacks. Spread the candied fruits evenly on baking parchment paper and sprinkle with powdered sugar or finely ground sugar. Leave the candied fruit to dry for a short time.
  • The resulting dried candied fruits are stored in the refrigerator in a closed container with a tight lid.

Quick recipe

The ingredients for the quick recipe are not much different from the classic ones; you only need to add a small amount of salt. This is a recipe for candied fruits from Julia Vysotskaya, which she often makes for her household. You will need:

  • peeled peels of 5 large oranges;
  • 2 cups granulated sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 2 grams of freshly squeezed lemon juice.

The technology for preparing candied fruits from orange peel according to the express recipe is as follows.

  • Place the peeled orange peel in an even layer on the bottom of the pan. Next, you need to fill the crusts with water so that it completely covers the entire surface. When the water begins to boil, it is necessary to reduce the power of the burner and leave the orange peels to simmer for another 10-12 minutes.
  • Then orange peels are laid out in a fine strainer and poured with a portion of ice water several times. Then, following the first step, cook the orange peels for a few more minutes. When the water starts to boil, add a teaspoon of salt. After that, you will need to re-pour the contents with ice water. Repeat the procedure 2 more times.
  • After completing the above steps 3 times, the contents are cooled in cold water and cut into a thin strip, no more than 2 centimeters in length.
  • Further, granulated sugar is evenly poured into a container with a thick bottom and filled with a glass of hot boiled water. Add the orange peel cut into strips. After the contents begin to "digest" (within half an hour), turn off the heat. Stir the contents regularly to avoid sticking to the sides of the pot.
  • The last step in preparing candied fruits according to the express recipe will be the addition of freshly squeezed lemon juice.

Recipe for making candied fruits without granulated sugar

As mentioned earlier, candied fruits, due to the use of a large amount of granulated sugar, may be contraindicated for people suffering from diabetes. However, there is a fairly simple recipe that will allow you to make candied fruits without adding sugar. First, let's figure out the ingredients:

  • 50 grams of orange peels;
  • 40 milliliters of water;
  • 90 milliliters of tuberous sunflower syrup (in the store it can be found under the name Jerusalem artichoke).

Actually, here is the recipe itself, which is not so difficult to complete.

  • All of the above ingredients must be mixed thoroughly. Put on the stove and wait until the contents begin to boil. After that, the power of the burner will need to be reduced to the minimum value. Leave the contents to simmer for 90 minutes.
  • Do not forget to be careful to ensure that the contents are heated evenly in the pan. Stir and turn syrup regularly. This will allow the orange peels to cook well.
  • Orange peels with Jerusalem artichoke must be brought to a translucent thick consistency. This process is quite time consuming and can take about 150 minutes. At the end of cooking candied fruits, the water, in most cases, already evaporates.
  • After completing the preparation of candied orange peels, they must be distributed in an even layer on a baking sheet over the entire surface of the parchment paper. Pay particular attention to the quality of the baking paper. To speed up the process, candied fruit can be dried in an oven or in a dehydrator. However, candied fruits, as a rule, dry on their own within 24 hours.
  • You can see an illustrative recipe for making candied fruits from orange peels in the next video.

If you want to make an expensive delicacy out of such a junk product as orange peels, then use this recipe proven over the years. You get amazing candied fruit from orange peels, without the slightest bitterness, with a smooth consistency typical for candied fruit. The recipe with the photo was taken step by step on purpose so that you do not get confused, because the cooking process takes several days. No, cooking candied fruits itself is a short-lived process, time is spent on impregnation, when orange peels stand calmly in a saucepan, filling with sweet syrup. I personally admired the result. Candied fruits are delicious! Auburn, transparent, with a subtle citrus aroma. If you want to keep them longer, prepare a glass jar with a tight-fitting lid.

The time is twenty to eleven. The tenth apple pie is being baked in the oven, and candied orange peels are boiling on the stove. The mixture of smells is absolutely stupefying. This is not the first time I make candied fruits from sunny red orange peels. I'll write down the recipe from memory - it will come in handy for the next batch (the crusts are already soaked). Cooking candied fruits is not quick. In total, it takes almost five days. But the effort and time for the actual preparation requires very little.

The recipe for candied orange peels is extremely simple:

  • 500 g orange peels
  • 600 g sugar
  • 400 g water

In fact, it is not so easy to collect exactly a pound of crusts. There are always more or less of them. To calculate the rest of the ingredients, you can use the calculator:

How to cook candied fruits

Place the crusts in a large bowl, cover with water, and place a lid or plate on top so that the crusts are completely submerged in the water.

You need to change the water every 6-8 hours, otherwise the crusts may sour or even begin to ferment. Just in case, every time I change the water, I wash the crusts under running water. In total, orange peels are soaked for three days.

After soaking, the crusts not only stop bitter, but also become soft enough that they are easy and even pleasant to cut.

You can cut orange peels for candied fruits as you like. For example, in small cubes or in the form of leaves. I just cut into strips.

Put everything in a saucepan, cover with water.

When it boils, reduce heat and simmer for 15 minutes. Drain the water.

Now let's prepare the syrup. Mix sugar and water, bring to a boil. And stir until the sugar dissolves (this takes 1-2 minutes). Put the crusts in the syrup, remove the pan from the stove. Leave it on for 12 hours.

Place the pot of candied fruit on the fire. After boiling, cook for 10 minutes. Leave to soak in the syrup for 12 hours.

Cook candied fruits a second time. Bring to a boil again and cook for 10 minutes. Leave it on again for 12 hours.

Cook candied fruits a third time. But now it will no longer be necessary to leave them soaked. Put the finished candied fruit in a sieve and let stand for a couple of hours to allow the syrup to drain completely.

Now all that remains is to roll the candied orange peels in a mixture of sugar and powdered sugar. I do this right in the sieve, shaking the candied fruits so that they are evenly covered with sugar. Then I pour everything onto a baking sheet and leave to dry. After 6 hours, you can already eat.

It is best to store candied fruits in tightly closed jars, otherwise they dry out.

Rinse the oranges and prepare the baking sheet. Take 4 ripe oranges and wash them thoroughly. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and place a wire rack in the pan. All of these will be needed when making candied orange peels, so don't move them far from the stove.

  • If you are worried about pesticides, try to get organic oranges. You can make candied rinds of any other citrus fruit, such as lemons, limes, tangerines, or sweets.

Peel the oranges and remove any blemishes, if any. Take a peeler and peel each orange. Try to peel off the peel in large chunks. Place the crusts on a cutting board and flip from the cut side up. If the white part of the crust remains somewhere (it is called the albedo), then scrape it off with a small knife, since the bitterness is contained in the albedo.

Place the crusts in a pot of water and place over medium heat. Place the crusts in a medium saucepan and cover with 2 cups (0.5 L) water. Turn the heat to medium and wait until it boils.

Reduce heat and simmer the crusts for about 15 minutes. Reduce heat to medium to medium-low so that bubbles form on the surface of the water. Let the crusts simmer for about 15 minutes. Place a colander in a sink and drain.

Add sugar and remaining water. Place the crusts back in the pot and add 2 cups (400 g) sugar. Stir in the rind and sugar and pour in the remaining 2 cups (0.5 L) water.

Cook the crusts in the sugar syrup for about 1 hour. First, bring the syrup to a boil, stirring occasionally. Wait for the sugar to dissolve. Then reduce heat to simmer the syrup and simmer for about 1 hour. Stir the contents of the pot occasionally to cook the crusts evenly.

  • You may need to lower the temperature as the water evaporates.
  • With this slow cooking, the sugar will gradually be absorbed into the crusts.
  • Check the temperature of the syrup and place the orange peels on the wire rack. Check the temperature of the syrup carefully with a kitchen thermometer. As soon as the temperature reaches 120 ºC, turn off the heat. Transfer the orange peels to the wire rack you prepared earlier.

    • At this point, you shouldn't have a lot of syrup left, and the excess syrup should have dripped onto the parchment paper you put under the wire rack earlier.
  • Straighten the crusts and let cool. Take a fork and straighten all the crusts before they stick together. Try to lay them all out separately. The crusts should cool in 10 minutes.

    Step-by-step recipe with photos and videos

    Today I propose to cook a simple and very tasty dessert - candied orange peel. As a rule, we add orange zest and peel to drinks and baked goods at best, but most often they are left unattended. And completely unfair!

    Bright and sunny slices of orange peel can become a healthy and tasty treat, an exquisite decoration for drinks and pastries, a fragrant component of desserts, as well as a natural sweets substitute - the main thing is to find the right approach to them, and here I have several options for you at once. Let's make candied orange peel peels, orange lollipops, and simple and tasty candies based on them. Let's start ?!

    Prepare ingredients according to the list.

    Wash and peel the oranges. The larger the pieces of peel, the easier it will be to give the candied fruit a neat shape. For two easy ways to quickly peel oranges, see the video version of the recipe.

    Cut the peel of the oranges into slices of the desired size and shape.

    Place the slices of orange peel in a saucepan and cover with cold water so that the water only slightly covers them.

    Bring the water to a boil and cook for 10 minutes.

    Then drain the hot water and pour over the orange peels with a fresh batch of cold water.

    Add 1 tsp. salt, bring water to a boil and cook for another 10 minutes.

    This step will help you quickly get rid of the natural bitterness of oranges while maintaining the rich orange aroma and flavor of the rind.

    Drain the salt water and pour cold water over the crusts one last time. Bring the water to a boil and cook the crusts for another 10 minutes. Then drain the water and fold the crusts onto a sieve.

    Meanwhile, prepare the sugar syrup: combine 2 cups of sugar and 1 cup of water and bring to a boil over low heat. Dip the orange peel slices in boiling sugar syrup. Bring the syrup to a boil and cook the crusts for another 30-40 minutes.

    At the end of cooking, if desired, add a little lemon juice or citric acid (to taste) to the syrup.

    Talking about candied orange peels, I cannot remain silent about another version of candied orange that I often cook - orange candies.

    You can purposefully prepare such candied candies from whole oranges. But in my opinion, this method is even more suitable for saving halves, "tails" and other restless pieces of oranges, which often remain during the holidays.

    The fact is that the process of making orange candies suggests that the pieces must be laid out in a single layer in the pan. In a large skillet, stacked in this way, usually 2, maximum 3 oranges are placed. Naturally, making candies from a large number of oranges in this way is tedious, but to give new life to pieces that would otherwise simply disappear - just right.

    To make orange peel candies, cut the oranges into thin slices.

    Prepare 2 containers: cold water and boiling water. Place the orange slices in boiling water for about 1 minute. Once the pieces are tender, transfer them to cold water. Let the pieces cool slightly and then drain the water.

    Combine water and sugar in a frying pan. Bring the syrup to a boil over low heat, stirring occasionally.

    Place the orange slices in a single layer in the pan. I spread the pieces slightly overlapping - 3 small oranges fit.

    Cook the pieces over low heat for 1–1.5 hours, not letting the syrup simmer.

    Spread the orange peel and slices on the parchment and pat dry. Candied fruits can be dried naturally - by leaving them at room temperature for 24–48 hours. Or in the oven - at a minimum temperature for 2-3 hours, until the candied fruits harden.

    Homemade candied orange peels are ready! Enjoy your meal!

    Ready-made candied peels and orange candies can be dipped in sugar, but even tastier - in melted chocolate, you get almost orange-chocolate candies. Chocolate can be applied thickly by dipping the pieces into the chocolate, or thinly by covering the pieces with chocolate with a cooking brush. In any case, it will be very tasty! Try it!

    Candied orange peels, a quick recipe for which we described in a master class with a photo, are easy to lick your fingers. Orange is a famous fruit all over the world, which is loved by both adults and children. Juices, jams are made from it, consumed in pure form and added to baked goods. But today we will talk about the unusual use of orange peel. After the orange has been peeled, everyone is used to throwing away the peel. but in fact, you can make delicious healthy candied fruits from it.

    Candied orange peels are a very versatile product. A large amount of vitamin C contained in them will help make the prevention of colds pleasant. In addition, they can be added to all kinds of baked goods or consumed neat. They are mixed into dough for muffins, yeast dough buns, cookies and more. It all depends solely on the imagination of the culinary specialist. This recipe is simple and even a school-age child can handle it.

    Method of making candied fruits and oranges, master class with photo

    Oddly enough, but in order to cook candied orange fruits according to our quick recipe with a photo, you only need three ingredients:

    • orange peel;
    • water;
    • sugar.

    There are no specific measurements, because it all depends on taste preferences. Moreover, orange is not the same, so here you need to count on your “culinary eye”. You can also play around with flavor and add a pinch of vanilla or cinnamon.

    I had two medium-sized oranges, which I peeled (you can even leave a white layer). Then I cut it into small cubes, about half a centimeter each. Someone likes a larger size so that the orange flavor is good in baked goods. Here, too, everything depends on personal preference.

    The sliced \u200b\u200bpeel should be soaked in a container with cold water so that it covers all the cubes. Leave in this form overnight (they do this so that excess bitterness goes away). It is worth noting that if you are engaged in this hot summer, then a vessel with future candied fruits should be placed in the refrigerator.

    In the morning, drain the water and rinse the peel well under running water. After that, you should pour the raw material with water so that it is one finger higher and put on fire. After boiling, add sugar. Here, as already mentioned, it all depends on the tastes. I add about three tablespoons of sugar to the peel of one orange. Then you should make less heat and cook until tender, stirring constantly.

    Willingness can be determined in two ways. Firstly, it is the complete boiling off of water, but, of course, one does not always need to be guided by it. Secondly, the translucent color of candied fruits. It is to this state that the peel needs to be brought. If it's hard to decide how much to cook it, then it's better to digest it than vice versa. When the water boils away, but you see that the candied fruits still need to cook, just add a few tablespoons of syrup.

    You can also cook candied fruits in a frying pan. We put it in a pan and simmer, at the end we add syrup, which can be easily prepared at home.

    If you plan to consume candied fruits in the near future, then you can save them as you like. But in the event that there was a lot of peel and a large amount of candied fruits turned out, then you can put them in a clean sterilized jar and store in the refrigerator. I will not talk about any long periods, they did not stay with me for more than two months.