The most expensive vodka. The most expensive varieties of vodka

Vodka is a very specific strong alcoholic beverage without color and smell, the taste of which is impossible to enjoy. Nevertheless, it is vodka that is the basis for many cocktails and it is it that many people prefer to drink at parties and while on vacation. Of course, the mighty of this world are ready to pay several thousand dollars for the most expensive, or, in extreme cases, one of the most expensive vodkas in the world, which some companies did not fail to take advantage of. Here are the ten most expensive vodkas in the world.

Absolut Crystal vodka opens the rating of the most expensive spirits in the world. Its cost of $ 1000 was primarily not so much from excellent quality drink as much from a design approach to creating a bottle. She is cut from whole piece crystal. All 800 bottles (this is how many were released in 2010) were engraved by craftsmen by hand.

At the exhibition of goods for duty-free trade at the airports TFWA World Exhibition, which took place in Cannes, elit by Stolichnaya vodka glowing in the dark was presented, to which a luminescent substance was added for a "wow" effect. This vodka is made by traditional recipe, main secret which in filtration, which takes place according to a patented technology using deep freeze... A total of 3,000 bottles of elit by Stolichnaya luminescent vodka were made. The cost of one bottle is 3000 dollars.

This drink was released under the German brand IordanovVodka in 2011. It was a whole collection with varied flavors... Besides classic version, connoisseurs could taste vodka with currant, cherry flavor, citrus fruits, cranberries. The variety and design of bottles amazes. There were 4 types of them in the collection: standard, luxury, ultima, decadence. All vodka containers are decorated with Swarovski crystals, the color of which depended on the taste and aroma of the drink. So the standard bottle is decorated with 1 crystal, 1400 stones were spent on the luxury, but the ultima and decadence sparkle with 8000 crystals. In addition, all containers are made of heavy-duty glass with an anti-shock coating. So don't be afraid to break the $ 4353 Decadence bottle.

it a real masterpiece, created by the famous German designer who previously created luxury mobile phones. This high-class drink was produced in a limited collection, it is very difficult to purchase a bottle from which one could drink only in certain establishments. To make a unique purchase, it was necessary to pay 7 thousand dollars. The price included not only a bottle of vodka in 7 thousand Swarovski crystals, but also a box made of genuine nappa leather.

Vodka Belver Bears Polish production. Produced exclusively for guests of the Cannes Film Festival. The bottle has an original design in the shape of a bear (from the court and the name). The cost is about 8 thousand dollars.

The Imperial Collection Vodka Fabergé-Eggs or "The Imperial Collection" was released by the St. Petersburg company Ladoga. Vodka is poured into decanters made of Venetian glass. They are decorated with gilded ornaments and packaged in egg-shaped tubes, stylized as the work of the jeweler Carl Faberge.

The cases are made of metal and decorated with enamel, gilding and precious stones (rubies, emeralds, sapphires, pearls). Above is the figure of a double-headed eagle, plated with 24-carat gold. In addition to the decanter, the set includes four glasses on a stand. For production, the water of Lake Ladoga was used, which is particularly soft. In addition, cleaning was carried out through quartz sands, charcoal and seaweed, which further increased the softness of the drink. A bottle of unique vodka from the imperial premium collection will cost $ 9,502.

Russo-Baltique-2 occupies the fourth position in the rating. And there is a reason. The cost of one bottle is $ 740,000. It is a 9 kg gold vessel. The producer of this vodka, Russo-Balt concern, is engaged in the production of armored vehicles. A pleasant surprise awaits the buyer, since together with the golden vessel he will become the owner of an SUV. This is such a "small" gift of the campaign.


It is impossible not to mention the Scotch vodka Diva, which costs $ 1,000,000 for a bottle filled with a set of precious stones suitable for making chic jewelry. Water from northern springs and unique alcohol by old recipes, which became the basis of the drink containing diamond powder and crumbs of precious minerals.

Although Scotland is famous primarily for its excellent whiskey, the Scots, as you can see, also succeed in vodka. Interesting shape a bottle, an abundance of semi-precious and precious stones inside, great taste drink. But what is most interesting is that not only millionaires can enjoy diva vodka, but also people of much lower income. The manufacturer company produces a whole line of drinks of various prices. The price of a bottle directly depends on the type of stones placed by the manufacturer in a special tube inside the bottle. A bottle of diva filled with the cheapest semi-precious minerals costs about $ 70, which is quite affordable for a wide range of buyers.

No one will argue that Scottish masters know how to prepare high-quality distilled alcohol that has gone through several stages of distillation and purification. Charcoal northern birch, water from the purest Scottish springs give a unique softness and original taste. Passing through the finest powder of diamonds and natural minerals, vodka is saturated with ions that change the structure of the drink at the molecular level, which makes it possible to obtain unique taste qualities drink.

Glass that won't even take a bullet, white and yellow gold in cork, precious inlays, a Dartz Prombron class SUV on gold wheels and a beautiful the purest drink... This is our way. This is Russo-Baltique - the most expensive vodka in Russia. The cost of this set is $ 1,400,000. And it's nice to know that this splendor is made in Russia.

The most expensive in the world is Le Billionaire Vodka from Leon Varres. $ 3.7 million is a 5-liter hand-made bottle, decorated with gold inserts with three thousand diamonds. As if the Snow Queen from Andersen's fairy tale in a dress decorated with inserts of white fur, majestically bears a gold label, hand-made by renowned jewelers.

To match the bottle and contents. Crystal purity vodka made from selected grain and the purest spring water has mild taste and a unique aftertaste. There is no bitterness in this drink, and only soft heat gradually warms the body along the way.

The gold-plated logo on the snow-white gloves attached to each bottle emphasizes the high material status of its owner.

The most expensive, the biggest, the most delicious vodka - the mere presence of these nominations suggests that a simple drink luxury vodka has become an attribute of high society.

Vodka is known and drunk all over the world. It is added to original cocktails or drink in one gulp. It can simply be added to other spirits to raise the degree. This drink is considered primordially Russian, but the most expensive vodka in the world it is not produced in Russia.

The most expensive vodka in the whole world

The cost of vodka vodka varies depending on the place of production and brand. But the place of sale also affects the price, because it also includes expenses for delivery, as well as profit for the supplier. The following three brands are considered the highest quality, according to numerous ratings around the world:

  • Crystal (Russia).
  • Krolewska (Poland).
  • Gray goose (France).

But quality does not necessarily mean a high price, from which you will instantly want to get depressed. And the most popular in the world are by no means expensive luxury bottles. Moreover, our "national" drink is sold most of all not even in Russia, but abroad. Russians prefer to drink other alcoholic beverages rather than "native" vodka.

Very often the overpriced vodka comes out due to its packaging, and not just the promoted brand. Because manufacturers tend to dodge this way: some make a design in the form of a bow tie, while others completely glue the bottle with Swarovski rhinestones. And it is no longer so important how many stages of distillation the drink went through in such a bottle. It should be placed in the most prominent place, and drunk only on the most important occasions. After all, it was clearly created as a decoration for an alcoholic collection, and not so that you would drink it after a bath.

Top 10 most expensive vodka bottles

The top of the most expensive bottles of the most banal (but in fact, not) vodka can start with “cheap” options for $ 800, and end with drinks for more than $ 1,000,000, completely wild and collectible. Some can be bought freely, having undermined a couple of thousand dollars, while others will have to be caught at auctions and then blown off the dust particles in the collection. For an ordinary feast, even the richest man in the world would hardly buy a bottle for a million.

The top 10 in the world and in Russia will be as follows (starting with the cheapest):

  1. Belvedere (Poland).
  2. Absolut Crystal (Sweden).
  3. Elit by Stolichnaya (originally from Latvia).
  4. Iordanov (Germany).
  5. Oval (Russia).
  6. Belver Bears (Poland).
  7. Faberge-Eggs (Russia).
  8. Diva Vodka (Scotland).
  9. Russo-Baltique (Russia).
  10. Billionaire Vodka (USA).

Bottles (and accompanying gifts) of vodka become pieces of jewelry. But the drink in such bottles is different pleasant taste and aroma. Although most of us are unlikely to be able to taste alcohol in life from bottles encrusted with diamonds.


The cheapest alcohol of this top will cost the buyer $ 800. It is produced in Poland, and the bottle for it was developed by Italian designers. It is adorned with two main male attributes of the suit at once - a tie and a bow tie. Drink passes 11 mandatory steps cleaning.

Absolut Crystal

A bottle resembling a real crystal, molded from a single piece of crystal, will cost $ 1,000. It is produced in Sweden and Finland and undergoes a continuous distillation process. Only high quality ingredients are used in the preparation.

Elit by Stolichnaya

Water from the Himalayas is used to prepare this drink. Alcohol is deep-frozen and the bottle itself glows in the dark. It costs $ 3,000 and is produced in Latvia.


It will not be so easy to take and break a bottle of Iordanov vodka decorated with Swarovski crystals. All in all, this container with an anti-shock coating contains 14,000 polyhedral crystals. This alcoholic beverage is made from the finest raw materials harvested throughout Northern Europe, is produced in Germany and will cost the buyer $ 4353.


$ 6922 costs one oval-shaped bottle decorated with Swarovski crystals. But you can't just take it and buy it, you can only try it in seven London elite clubs.

Belver bears

In 2011, the Polish vodka Belver Bears was released in limited edition for the Cannes festival. Today one container with a drink will cost $ 7240. It was served to eminent guests. The bowl with a bluish backlight was made of plexiglass in the shape of a bear.


As the name implies, the bottle itself for this drink is made in the shape of a Faberge egg, which is crowned with an eagle made of real gold. The drink is cleaned with algae and quartz dust. And the cost of one such container with an alcoholic drink in the form of a famous jewelry masterpiece is $ 9502.

Diva vodka

Scotland produces vodka worth $ 1 million per bottle, cleaned through ice, birch charcoal and gemstone powder. Diamond spraying goes to the bottle itself, and there are diamonds in the middle. Moreover, gems are added to the drink itself.


For $ 1.4 million you can buy a bottle of this vodka made in Russia. This price is not yet the limit, although this amount already seems to be absolute madness. The container is made of bullet-proof glass 30 cm thick, and it is also made in the form of a bullet-proof vintage car grille. The cork is cast from a mixture of yellow and white gold. And as a gift, an armored SUV with golden wheels goes to her.

Billionaire Vodka

5 liters of vodka made from the purest spring water and the best wheat are poured into a bottle encrusted with diamonds and Swarovski crystals. It is also adorned with fur and gold. One such super-elite bottle will cost the buyer $ 3.75 million.

In fact, vodka has never been considered an elite drink, but there are companies that produce a product that in its price can easily compete with the most expensive wines, whiskeys and other well-known branded drinks. Often the price increases not at all due to alcohol, but due to the vessel in which it is sold. But still wondering how much the most expensive bottle of vodka in the world costs?

1. In the first place is the creation of an eminent Russian company called Russo-Baltique, which is well known to motorists, because earlier domestic cars were released from under its wing. Enlisting the help of the daughter of an oil tycoon from Kazakhstan, the company's employees presented the world with vodka valued at $ 1.4 million. It is stored in a bullet-proof vessel, tightly closed with a lid made of gold. But what is most unusual is that the buyer, purchasing it, will receive an armored jeep, developed by the best specialists of the General Motors auto company, as a gift.

2. With a price of exactly one million dollars, a vodka called DIVA appeared on the world alcohol market not so long ago, for the production of which a company from Scotland is responsible. They give their product a thorough check, vouching for highest quality and taste. Water for alcohol is taken from a clean spring, but after that it is still filtered in three stages: with the help of ice, birch coal, and also precious stones. Real diamonds are added to the final product before the closure, which raises its price.

3. And again another creation from the Russo-Baltique company, this time worth 750 thousand dollars. This vodka differs from the leader of the list in that the vessel in which it is contained is poured out of pure gold and weighs about eight kilograms. An SUV also comes with it as a gift, but already an order of magnitude lower in its characteristics than the previous one.

4. A Polish liquor company presented a limited edition vodka in honor of the Festival de Cannes. The bear-shaped bottle was illuminated internally and the liquid contained in it was intended only for the most honored guests. The cost of one such vessel was estimated at 7,430 dollars.

5. What is it called the most expensive vodka in the worldthat can be found in many countries is OVAL Vodka Bottle. Its price ranges from 7 thousand dollars. The bottle has an oval shape, which is clear from its name, and is also luxuriously trimmed with Swarovski crystals, which are not easy for a couple of dozen, their number is in the thousands. Such exquisitely decorated liquor is available in many high-end nightclubs.

6. Lordanov is another drink placed in a vessel decorated with Swarovski crystals. But the number of stones here is less, which explains the lower cost - 4,400 thousand dollars. The creators of this alcohol claim that in its manufacture they use only the most the best wheat and most clean water.

7. At the end of our rating is alcohol, which is not purely vodka. The Alize Limited Edition is a fairly limited batch of booze specially crafted for Valentine's Day and costing no more than $ 2,000 on average. The drink contains vodka, but besides it there are also cognac and some exotic fruits.

Cheap brands of this alcoholic beverage... Despite the widespread myth about the availability of vodka in the world, some of its varieties and brands are beyond the reach of even fairly wealthy people. In the world ranking, the price of the most expensive vodka corresponds to the cost of a new foreign business class car. The selection of the most expensive vodka in the world contains the top 10 unique premium drinks designed for elite connoisseurs with a big wallet.

Absolutcrystal - $ 1 000

This is a Swedish drink. The cost of one bottle is equal to 1 thousand dollars. Such a high price is due not so much taste characteristics vodka as a unique bottle design. Absolut Crystal is hand-carved from one single crystal by craftsmen.


Alizeroseedition - $ 2 000

French liqueur company Alize in 2007 released a limited line of a new drink - vodka. Appearance bottles attract the fairer sex. The vessel is completely decorated with Swarovski crystals of delicate color pink... The content of the bottle is also different from familiar taste vodka. The drink contains a mixture of cognac and French vodka with a small addition of rose, passionfruit, lychee and strawberries. Price - within 2 thousand dollars.

ElitbyStolichnaya - $ 3 000

This drink can rightfully be considered the most expensive vodka in Russia because wheat for its production is harvested in the Tambov region. The cost of the bottle is 3 thousand dollars. The bottle is made of Bohemian Czech glass. Manufacturers assure that the melt water for the drink is brought from the Himalayan reserve, located at an altitude of 3 thousand meters.

Iordanovvodka (Decadenceversion) - $ 4 500

The cost of vodka of this brand is in the range of 4-4.5 thousand dollars, depending on the model of the bottle: luxury, mini, standard or ultima. The bottle of vodka glows like a diamond, as it is decorated with 8 thousand Swarovski crystals. The range of flavors of the drink is also presented in a wide variety: currants; lemon; grapefruit; orange; cranberry; bird cherry.

Oval vodka - $ 7,000

This is a real masterpiece created by the famous German designer who previously created luxury mobile phones. This high-end drink was produced in a limited collection, and a bottle of which could be purchased only in certain establishments. To make a unique purchase, it was necessary to pay 7 thousand dollars. The price included not only a bottle of vodka in 7 thousand Swarovski crystals, but also a box made of genuine nappa leather.

BelverBears - $ 7 400

A series of drinks was released by Belvedere in 2011. The production was timed to coincide with the Cannes Film Festival. The cost, which increased after the end of the festival, amounted to $ 7.4 thousand. The peculiarity of the bottle is a crystal stand in the form of the well-known symbol of the company - a bear, illuminated from both sides. Water for the drink goes through 11 degrees of purification.


Faberge-Eggs - $ 9,500

The premium drink of the domestic company "Ladoga" will cost connoisseurs $ 9.5 thousand. The price of a bottle is formed from the cost of its rich design. The decanter is made of bohemian glass from Venice, which is packed in a metal case in the form of a Faberge egg, decorated with gilding and jewelry. The drink is filtered through seaweed, birch charcoal and quartz sand.

Diva vodka - $ 1,000,000

The top three most expensive vodka is opened by a drink scottish production by Blackwood distillers. The most expensive Diva vodka costs about $ 1 million. The vodka is purified through diamond powder and birch coal. Each bottle contains diamonds. Ruler of this drink presented in a wide variety. The price of vodka varies depending on the type and quantity of stones with which the decanter is decorated. This is a glamorous drink among vodka.

Russo-Baltiquevodka - $ 1,350 000

Vodka is in second place russian production - automobile concern Russo-Balt. Buyers' attention is focused on the design of the bottle, called the bulletproof bottle. The fact is that the bottle is made of glass 3 cm thick and decorated with real gold. Externally, the decanter resembles a car's radiator grill. The lid is also made of gold in the form of the Russian coat of arms with diamond inserts. The luxury drink also has a luxury value of $ 1.35 million.

A nice addition is that when buying vodka Russo-Balt gives the lucky ones an armored car Dartz with gold rims. Well, what no reason to drink?


There is also cheaper vodka from this manufacturer


The cost of one bottle is $ 740,000. It is a 9 kg gold vessel.

Billionairevodka - $ 3 750 000

And here is the leader of the rating of the most expensive vodka in the world. The drink costs an impressive amount - $ 3.75 million. The company Leon Verres produces such wealth. The 5 liter beverage bottle is available in two colors: lilac and white. Vodka is pre-filtered with diamond chips. The bottle is decorated with white natural fur, 3 thousand diamonds and gold rings. Leon is nowhere near as generous with gifts as Russo-Balt. When buying vodka, the company gives customers only white gloves decorated with a golden inscription - the name of the drink.

The most the best vodka

There is a rating of the best vodka, compiled by American experts and a rating compiled by Russian experts. Russian experts evaluated domestic brands. According to experts from, the best vodka is the French "Gray Goose", produced in the province of Cognac. The second place, in their opinion, is taken by the Russian vodka "Kristall". In third place is the Krolewska vodka produced by Poland.

The fourth position was again given to vodka from Russia - "Yuri Dolgoruky", which is prepared according to classic recipe... In fifth place is the well-known "Finlandia", which has long conquered the whole world, including. The Russian Jewel of Russia took the sixth position. This vodka is produced on the basis of wheat rusks, it contains lactose and fructose. The composition includes gold foil in the form of microscopic pieces. And in seventh place is the Dutch vodka Vincent. It is produced from wheat and barley in small batches and is double distilled.

American Rain vodka, which is made from corn, ranks eighth. It is known to be filtered with coal and diamond dust. The ninth place goes to Ketel One vodka from Holland, and the tenth place goes to the English vodka 3 Olives. Russian experts named the following vodka brands the best: Sibalko, Milky Way, Kristall, Finnougoria and Haoma White. Also among the best were "Old Classic Mark", "Old Yaroslavl", "Three clean rivers", " White tea"And others. When evaluating vodka in the mid-price segment, the best were named" Sayany "," Vecherny Altai "," Krasnaya Gorka "," Shark Zolotaya "and others.

Best selling vodka

The consumption of vodka is growing every year in the world. Of all the alcohol sold, vodka accounts for twenty percent. This is also due to the fact that there are no problems with the supply of raw materials required for its production. In addition, consumers' love for cocktails is growing in the world, which often include vodka.

The most "vodka" country is America, which consumes almost forty percent of this strong drink in monetary terms. Russia is behind it. It accounts for twenty-five percent of consumption in monetary terms. Poland drinks eleven percent. Twenty percent is accounted for by Belarus, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, England, Uzbekistan, Germany and Romania.

The best selling brand classic vodka the world recognized vodka "Smirnoff". Its annual sales volume is nearly two hundred and thirty million liters. This is followed by the French vodka Absolut, in third place in terms of sales of vodka of the Ukrainian brand.

The best-selling Russian brand abroad is Stolichnaya, and in recent years, sales have continued to grow. It is followed by such a brand as "Russian Standard".

The cheapest vodka

There is an opinion that vodka is a Russian drink, supposedly in Russia this drink has a low price, and that it is a popular drink in Russia. In fact, this is far from the case.

In Copenhagen on 03/01/18, a bottle of vodka worth $ 1.3 million disappeared from the Cafe 33 bar. The drink was in a 6-kilogram container made of gold and silver. The owner of the establishment is sure that the thief knew exactly what he was after.

According to the owner of the establishment, vodka collector Brian Ingberg, the thief stayed in the cafe for only 3 minutes and took a bottle of Russo-Baltique vodka, which is considered the most expensive in the world.

Brian Ingberg, collector: “I'm desperate. This bottle was the jewel in my collection. Out of my 1200 bottles of vodka, this one was very special. "

The owner of the cafe suspects that his former employee, who made copies of the keys to the bar and the safe with the precious exhibit, is behind this crime. Ingberg said that the stolen bottle had previously appeared in the TV series House of cards, where Russian President Petrov, played by Dane Lars Mikkelsen, was drinking exclusive vodka American President Frank Underwood (played by Kevin Spacey).

According to Ingberg, he rented a golden bottle six months ago from the Latvian company Dartz Motorz, which produces armored vehicles and positions itself as the successor of the traditions of the famous pre-revolutionary automobile brand Russo-Baltique.

The founder of Dartz Motorz, Leonard Yankelovich, on his Facebook page shared a post by Ingberg, who asks everyone who may know anything about the fate of the bottle and the robber caught in the camera lens for help in finding the attacker.

The stolen bottle is made of white, yellow and rose gold, trimmed with a leather insert with a gold image of the Russo-Baltique racing car. The cork is decorated with a coat of arms Russian Empire with precious stones. The beverage manufacturer claims that the vodka poured through a special nozzle is filtered through a layer of diamonds.

But already on 01/05/2018, they found her. The most expensive bottle of vodka in the world, found intact but empty.

A $ 1.3 million bottle of Russo-Baltique vodka that was stolen Wednesday from a Danish collector was found empty. At the same time, the bottle itself, made of gold and inlaid with precious stones, remained intact.