Non-stick cookware. Preparation and care

A cast iron frying pan is a must-have element in the kitchen of any housewife, who, above all, pays attention to the durability and high quality of kitchen utensils. With the help of such utensils, you can prepare extremely delicious stews and fried foods. True, when buying a new piece of kitchen utensils, you need to know exactly how to ignite a cast-iron frying pan so that the thing will please its owner as long as possible.

Why bake a frying pan?

At the first experience of using such utensils, the information that it is necessary to anneal cast iron pans looks rather strange and causes confusion for many housewives. But cast-iron pans of Russian production, like similar dishes brought from another country, need to be calcined, and this is very simple to do. Even a beginner can easily cope with such a process, having understood the basic nuances.

But you should not refuse the procedure, because it is very important for further high-quality cooking.

What tasks does annealing perform?

Calcination must be carried out to perform the following tasks:

  • Preparing the pan for use. There is a specific manufacturing procedure that every factory follows with trepidation. And it consists in the fact that new dishes (especially cast iron) are covered with a special protective grease, which serves to protect the utensils, but at the same time has a rather unpleasant smell. Incorrect calcination and the absence of one as a result will affect the quality of the food that will be cooked in this dish.
  • Quality control of newly purchased cookware. It happens that a new cast-iron frying pan becomes cracked during ignition, or various deformations begin to appear. Only low-quality dishes behave this way, which can immediately be safely taken to the store where it was purchased. The reason for the return is a manufacturing defect. In 100% of cases, a seller who values \u200b\u200bhis reputation will either exchange the dishes or return the money.
  • Creation of a protective layer. Provided the correct annealing methods are used, a protective layer will appear on the surface of a brand new cast iron pan. Since cast iron is a porous material, food debris can easily enter its microscopic pores, which begin to decompose over time. In this regard, an unpleasant odor begins to appear, food begins to stick during cooking, and sometimes rust can even appear on the surface. So the extra protection doesn't hurt at all.

The main methods of roasting a frying pan

Information on how to anneal a cast-iron pan is passed down from generation to generation through the female line in many Russian families. And the knowledge that was used at the very beginning of the 20th century is more relevant than ever today.

There are many different and effective methods, but the most popular are:

  • salt,
  • butter.

Each of these methods, if used correctly, will show excellent results, guarantee long-term work of the dishes and high-quality cooking. Provided that the purchased utensils meet all the requirements in this area.

Calcining with salt

Our ancestors knew how to ignite a frying pan with salt. Such a product as salt has been known for a long time, therefore, it was used not only in nutrition several centuries ago. That is why the process is simple, and even an inexperienced hostess can handle it.

For work, you will need rock salt, which can be easily purchased at any store. It needs to be poured into the bottom of the pan. The salt layer is about 1 centimeter thick. In this case, the bottom must be completely closed. It is worth sending the pan to the fire and waiting for the salt to warm up well. It is this state of rock salt that allows it to perfectly absorb foreign substances, eliminating the unpleasant odor from the dishes.

Before igniting a cast iron pan on the stove using salt, you need to be prepared for the kitchen to be filled with rather unpleasant odors. However, this process is natural and, unfortunately, it will not work to avoid it. The calcination time ranges from 10-20 minutes. Important factors that affect time:

  • the intensity of the fire,
  • the size of the pan.

The color of the salt will help determine whether the calcination process is complete or not. When changing it, turn off the heat and leave the pan with salt on the stove. After a certain time, as soon as the salt begins to cool, you need to discard the contents, and wipe the surface thoroughly with vegetable oil. Next, you need to reheat the pan by turning on a small fire.

Igniting the pan using oil

There are many rules on how to ignite a cast iron pan before using for the first time, but only some of them are especially popular among our compatriots. Oil is very effective in this matter.

Initially, you need to thoroughly rinse the new dishes and wipe them dry. The next step is to pour in vegetable oil. The approximate amount is for the entire surface to be covered with a dense layer of liquid. Once the procedure is over, the oil should be discarded. Wipe the pan with a dry, soft cloth.

Annealing on the stove

The question of whether it is possible to calcine the pan on the stove worries many housewives. Experts say with confidence that this is one of the most effective ways. And it does not matter at all what kind of stove you have (electric or gas) installed, because any can be heated to maximum power.

The calcining process involves the following steps:

  1. Cast iron cookware is sent to the stove at maximum fire. It is worth preheating the pan until the bottom and walls begin to brighten. The message that the pan is completely heated will be dark gray. Then you can be sure that she got rid of the protective layer that was applied during production.
  2. A still hot frying pan must be transferred under a stream of cold water, thanks to which the cast iron will immediately cool down. Thanks to this simple move, you can achieve additional hardening of the dishes.
  3. We send the pan to the stove again. It must still remain wet, especially since when heated, the water will evaporate very quickly.

This type of calcination is combined with baking soda for maximum efficiency. All experienced housewives know how to ignite a cast-iron pan using this product. One has only to add that the procedure is carried out over moderate heat, and the salt is poured in an even layer covering the entire surface. After the salt turns yellow, discard it and put the pan under water again.

This step in calcining was the last, after which it is only necessary to put the dishes on soft towels that will absorb all the moisture. You can also send the skillet over a small fire where it can be dried.

Rinsing hot cast iron with cold water is a very simple way not only to temper the dishes, but also to check their quality. If at any stage of the process cracks, chips or other damage appear, this means that the pan is unusable and must be returned to the seller.

Roasting the pan in the oven

How to ignite a cast iron skillet in the oven? Easy peasy! Moreover, this method is preferred by most experienced housewives who value time and try to do everything with minimal cost.

The first step is to thoroughly rinse the dishes using your usual detergents. After that, you need to wipe the entire pan dry. It is recommended to use a soft cloth soaked in any vegetable oil for this. It is in this form, covered with a thin layer of oil for extra protection, that the pan is sent upside down into the oven, which has been preheated to 180 degrees. After an hour, you just need to turn off the oven and leave it in this state for a certain time (until the cast-iron cookware has completely cooled down). Once the pan has cooled down, it is ready to use.

And although this method takes more time, it still requires less labor. And this is incredibly convenient for busy housewives. How to ignite a cast-iron pan in this way is easy to understand. And high-quality work will help you to get high-quality dishes, which will become an indispensable assistant in the kitchen. By the way, the oven will be a good helper if the question arises of how to ignite a cast-iron grill pan.

Preparing unenamelled cookware

Before properly calcining a cast iron pan, it should be prepared for this process. There are preparation methods that are similar for all types of annealing. Before the first use and annealing, the dishes should be thoroughly washed with any detergent.

Care of cast iron unenamelled cookware

It is not recommended to leave food in a cast iron pan for storage. Neither Russian-made cast-iron pans nor a similar foreign-made product are suitable for this. The dishes should be washed immediately after cooking. By the way, experienced housewives do not use abrasive detergents so as not to spoil the dishes. Washing by hand, dishwasher can also negatively affect the quality of the pan.

Which way to choose?

The choice of this or that method directly depends on the hostess. Only she can focus on what is more convenient for her. The presented methods will help to obtain a good protective layer on the surface of the cast-iron cookware, as well as simultaneously rid the pan of the production film.

The real problem is food sticking to the dishes during cooking. In most cases, it is possible to get rid of this problem precisely due to the high-quality calcination of the pan. Housewives also note that washing such dishes is much easier.

Do not start cooking in a new uncoated pan made of aluminum.

Most likely, the food will stick to the bottom or burn. To prevent this from happening, you need to anneal new dishes. Learn how to prepare an aluminum pan for use. Check out the ways in which this work is done and choose the one that suits you.

What to do with a new aluminum frying pan

The new skillet needs to be cleaned. During production, technical oil and other harmful particles may remain on the walls. They are not even visible to the naked eye, nevertheless it is so.

To clean new aluminum cookware, do the following:

  1. Wash with a few drops of any kitchen utensil cleaner or laundry soap.
  2. Fill clean dishes halfway with water.
  3. Add a small slice of lemon. This will eliminate possible unpleasant odors.
  4. Boil water over low heat for about 20 minutes.

Then, in order to avoid burning in the future, do calcination in one of the following ways. All options are easy to do on your own at home.

Methods for calcining an aluminum frying pan

Methods were invented and used by people for a very long time, when there were no non-stick coatings. The purpose of the procedure for preparing for the first use is to clog the pores and create a peculiar protective film. The fact is that aluminum has micropores, which is why burning occurs. Calcining helps to fill them up until the moment of adhesion of the cooking dishes to the bottom appears.

"Grandma's" method using salt

The most common and simplest preparation for first use:

  1. Put a clean, dry frying pan on the stove and turn the heat as low as possible.
  2. Cover the bottom with coarse table salt in a layer of about 1 cm.
  3. Preheat for 20 minutes, then let cool completely.
  4. Remove the salt from the bottom and wipe with a soft cloth soaked in refined vegetable oil.
  5. Use in 2-3 days.

Option with water without salt

Boil water in a skillet, then drain. Leave to dry naturally without wiping. Apply vegetable oil evenly to the surface and do not use treated aluminum utensils for several days.

Calcining with vegetable oil

An equally common method of preparing a new aluminum pan for use is as follows:

  1. Pour in enough vegetable oil that the bottom is completely covered.
  2. Heat it over low heat for an average of 20-25 minutes.
  3. After cooling down, rinse with clean water without using chemicals.
  4. Use the dishes after a while (1-2 days).

Before working, set the hood to the maximum mode, open the windows, as a characteristic smell will appear during heating. Be sure to use refined oil, otherwise there will be a lot of smoke.

Combined method

This method combines the previous two, which use oil and salt. A good effect is obtained if you take two ingredients at the same time. To do this, add a tablespoon of salt to the oil at the start of heating the oil. After 20 minutes, stop heating, let cool, rinse.

Simplified way

The most time-saving option for preparing an aluminum frying pan for the first cooking, since you do not need to stand near the stove. The bottom line is roasting in the oven:

  1. Pre-grease a clean frying pan with refined oil on both sides.
  2. Place it upside down in a preheated 180 degree oven.
  3. After one hour, turn off the oven and leave the pan to cool.
  4. Start using your new non-stick cookware after a few days.

Important safety rules during annealing

Preparing an aluminum pan for your first use is easy. Meanwhile, you should pay close attention to safety measures during this lesson:

  1. Never pour water into hot oil.
  2. After heating, do not wash the hot pan immediately with water.
  3. Prepare thick potholders in advance so as not to burn your hands, and a stand so as not to damage the table.
  4. Take care that there are no flammable materials nearby.

Securing the resulting effect

The best way to permanently protect an aluminum pan from burning is repeat calcination several times.

  • wash the pan with soft sponges for dishes and do not use harsh, abrasive surfaces or metal products;
  • stir and turn food with a wooden or plastic spatula;
  • if, over time, burnt particles appear, then sprinkle them with baking soda and rub lightly - the pollution will easily be removed.

Remember that it is better to do a simple preliminary preparation before use immediately after buying an aluminum frying pan and not to postpone this activity until later, when it is already needed for cooking.

If you don't want to mess with preparation, buy pans with. Find out how to choose or in other instructions on our website "Types of dishes".

Almost every Russian family has at least one cast-iron frying pan in the kitchen. Someone inherited it, someone bought a new one. Against the background of light ceramic and Teflon pans, cast-iron pans are very weighty. But they have one indisputable advantage - restoring the non-stick coating at home without specialized equipment. An old cast-iron frying pan can be made usable; you just need to ignite it.

Why ignite cast iron pans

In order for your cast-iron frying pan to bring only benefits and cope with its duties, first of all it needs to be ignited. If the product is new, it is fired, getting rid of the engine oil layer. They are used to cover cast-iron dishes at the factory so as not to rust. Old pans are calcined to remove the perennial layer of carbon deposits.

There are three main purposes for calcining:

  1. Removing a layer of factory oil or carbon deposits from an old pan.
  2. Creates a non-stick coating on the inner surface.
  3. Corrosion prevention.

Roasting cast iron pans helps to get rid of machine oil and carbon deposits

When heated, the pores of the material expand, and particles of vegetable oil enter them. As the pan cools, the pores narrow and the oil creates a thin layer that serves as a non-stick coating. It also has an anti-corrosion function, protecting cast iron from rust.

In the process of calcining, they use the means that are always in the kitchen: salt and vegetable oil.

You can use sunflower, olive, linseed oil. Some housewives replace them with animal fat or lard. There is no difference, the result is the same.

How to properly anneal the product before the first use

At home, pans are calcined on conventional stoves or ovens.

A new cast iron skillet must be ignited before use.

Whichever method is chosen, it is desirable that you have the opportunity to ventilate the room well. The layer of engine oil that covers the new frying pan will begin to evaporate under the influence of high temperatures, smoke will appear in the apartment with a persistent unpleasant odor .

Adjust the gas so that the cooker hood can cope with the smoke from the heated pan.

How to clean a frying pan from machine oil on the stove

  1. Wash the pan with any detergent.

    You will need any mild detergent to wash your new cast iron skillet before baking

  2. Put it on fire and ignite it until it stops smoking.

    An empty cast-iron frying pan on the stove after ignition no longer smokes

  3. Remove from stove, rinse and dry.

    Dry the pan thoroughly before the next step

  4. Place the pan on the stove again, add a 1 cm layer of salt.

    Ignite a frying pan with salt

  5. Turn on the stove, ignite the pan over medium heat for 25-30 minutes.
  6. After the time has elapsed, the salt will turn yellow, which means that it has absorbed all the remnants of the engine oil.
  7. Turn off the gas, let the salt pan cool down.
  8. Pour in salt and rinse thoroughly with water.
  9. Place a wet skillet on a fire. When all the moisture has evaporated from it, grease the bottom and side walls with vegetable oil.
  10. Heat the skillet with oil for 10 minutes.

    After roasting with vegetable oil, a non-stick layer forms on the surface of the pan

  11. Repeat the previous step twice more, changing the oil each time.
  12. Rinse the cooled pan with running water without cleaning agents. To keep the resulting non-stick coating intact, do not wash it with corrosive cleaning agents or abrasives.
  13. Dry with a dry cloth or tissue.

Be sure to wipe the pan dry. If it is left with water droplets after washing, rust may appear on the surface.

The mechanism for igniting a frying pan in the oven is almost the same as on the stove. This method does not use salt; you need vegetable oil and foil.

Calcining a cast-iron frying pan on the stove - video

How to fire an old cast iron skillet

Some old cast-iron frying pans gather dust at home on the principle of “it’s a pity to throw it away”, since they are unsuitable for cooking and are covered with a long-term layer of carbon deposits and rust. However, even such things can be put in complete order.

Old cast-iron pans are covered with a layer of carbon and rust

You can restore an old cast iron pan to excellent condition in three steps:

The old cast iron skillet now looks like new and is ready to use.

Old cast iron frying pan before and after calcining

it's actually just ... 1. wash the pan well with a stiff brush 2. dry it with a paper or a simple towel 3. pour a few tablespoons of vegetable oil into the pan (depending on the size of the pan) 4. rub the oil well over the pan (along the bottom and sides) to form an oil layer, but it is not necessary for the oil to flow down the walls, in general, without fanaticism, some wink with oil even from the outside 5.heat the oven to 250 C 6. put the pan in the oven for a couple of hours 7.take it out of the oven, wipe the excess oil paper towel 8 everything. If you wash the pan with strong degreasing agents, the operation will need to be repeated.

Lady gray

Salt can also be used to anneal cookware. Sprinkle it in a layer of about 1 cm and heat over low heat for about an hour. After that, pour out the salt, and wipe the pan itself with a paper towel or cloth. DO NOT WASH, only wipe.


the cast iron pan must not be washed with any dish detergent, only water. After washing, dry immediately on the stove and brush with vegetable oil. After that, you can ignite coarse salt in a pan. Detergents destroy the fat layer on cast iron dishes, but it is necessary. Lubricate the pan with oil after each washing and drying. At first, a cast-iron pan can be "capricious", but over time, when the pores of the cast-iron accumulate fat, you will surely enjoy cooking in it.


Uniform heating, safety, the ability to create a new non-stick coating are the qualities of a cast-iron frying pan that are appreciated by all people who know a lot about cooking. By following the simple calcination procedure, you will get a reliable and versatile kitchen helper for years to come. Cook with pleasure and bon appetit!

Cast iron pans are one of the most proven and ancient kitchen utensils. Cast iron dishes can be used for an unusually long time, in fact, they can be inherited, and they will serve subsequent generations as well as the first owner. However, in order for a cast iron frying pan to really last long, you need to know a few secrets of proper preparation and operation.

Everything can be divided into two main types - uncoated and coated products. With the first type, everything is clear - in appearance, it stands out significantly from other objects by the presence of a large amount of oil on the surface, which protects the surfaces from corrosion. With the second type, it is more difficult - the coating can be different, for example, ordinary or special enamel, or, moreover, in appearance, this dish is practically no different. Therefore, be sure to look at the label to determine the type and availability of coating.

uncoated - preparation and use

So, if you bought an uncoated pan, the first thing to do is get rid of the machine oil. To do this, it is enough to thoroughly wash the dishes with any detergent, and then bake them well together with ordinary table salt to get rid of the unpleasant odor. After this procedure, the pan is once again calcined for half an hour, having previously greased the work surface with vegetable oil - this will create a non-stick layer. In order for an uncoated cast iron pan to serve for a long time, the following conditions must be met:

Do not use abrasive products when washing, wash the dishes only with your hands;

After each wash, the dishes should be thoroughly dried and stored in a dry, ventilated place to prevent the appearance of rust.

Coated Cast Iron Pan - Care

Coated cast iron cookware compares favorably with conventional cookware in that it does not need to be prepared before use. You can store food in such a container (if the opposite is not indicated on the label), the only thing is that the pan with black enamel still needs to be ignited. The operating rules are as follows:

Avoid overheating to avoid damage to the enamel;

Do not damage the enamel layer;

Do not use abrasive products when washing;

When preparing food, do not use metal objects for stirring, only wood or plastic.

In general, a coated cast iron pan differs from its counterpart without enamel in that its service life will be slightly shorter. The durability of this product is determined solely by the service life of the coating, since if it is damaged, then it is better not to use such dishes in the future.

For a long time, cast-iron pans have remained faithful helpers to any cook - it is not for nothing that they say that even the taste of a dish changes if it is cooked in the right dishes.

When purchasing new cast iron dishes, it is not recommended to immediately cook on it. It is important to know how to ignite a cast iron pan for its long and reliable service. I will tell you how to do it.

The need for annealing is due to some features of cast iron cookware:

  • A new cast iron frying pan is processed in production with special materials that protect the metal and give the dishes a presentation. At the same time, substances acting as a protective layer are not always safe, and sometimes emit a pungent odor when evaporated.

  • It is necessary to ignite the cast iron skillet after purchase, as protective industrial grease can spoil the taste of cooked dishes.
  • The properties of cast iron make it possible, over time, to absorb substances with which the metal came into contact. Microscopic food debris clogs in the pores, which spoils appearance, gives a specific color and smell. This can contribute to the appearance of rust. To avoid this, it is necessary to ignite the cast iron pan.

  • Annealing prior to first use will allow you to test the quality of your new utensil. Poor quality dishes may crack, deform, or bubbles.

That is why the key to a long and faithful service of the vessel is its correct calcination.

At the first signs of deformation and damage to the surface of the frying pan, remove it from the heat and present a claim to the store where it was purchased. A decent seller will definitely refund its cost or replace the damaged utensils with an equivalent one.

There are three ways to process a cast iron pan before the first use:

  • using vegetable oil;
  • using salt;
  • in the oven.

Each method of calcination is effective in its own way, and combining several methods will allow you to achieve the best effect.

Salt treatment

For processing, ordinary table salt is required, preferably coarsely ground, you can also use rock salt:

Picture Instructions

Step 1

Wash the container in warm water and soapy water or use detergent. Rinse well.

Step 2

Wipe dry your cast iron skillet with a paper or kitchen towel.

Step 3

Place the cookware over medium heat and wait until it warms up and the remaining water droplets evaporate.

Step 4

Scatter a layer of salt so that it completely covers the bottom and leave on fire, stirring occasionally.

Step 5

It is likely that an unpleasant odor may appear when the surface of the pan is heated, but you should not be afraid.

You can understand that the process is coming to an end by the salt that has changed its color: it will be of a yellowish-brown hue.

Step 6

When the salt turns yellow, remove it and rinse the utensils with hot water, but without detergent.

Then wipe dry.

Step 7

Grease the surface with oil and re-heat the pan.

Annealing with oil

How to prepare a cast iron skillet before first use? The use of vegetable oil for solving this problem is very popular and effective:

Picture Instructions

Step 1

Wash the skillet you just bought with dish soap. Wipe dry.

Step 2

Place the container on the stove and heat it up for 3-5 minutes.

Step 3

Gently pour in vegetable oil so that the bottom is completely hidden under it (as in the photo). Leave it on for 20-30 minutes.

Step 4

Drain the used oil, let the dishes cool slightly, and pat dry with a paper towel until all grease is gone.

In order to properly ignite the vessel, it is advisable to use olive oil, but since the price for it is significantly higher than sunflower oil, its use is not prohibited.

Oven processing

How do I prepare a new cast iron skillet for use with the oven? It's very simple: just grease the entire inner surface of a clean frying pan with oil and load it to languish in a hot oven for an hour or two.

In this case, put the dishes upside down, and put baking paper under it so that the oil drips.

By the way, an aluminum pan can be calcined in a similar way, as well as by the methods indicated above. It is important that the oil after calcining forms a special protective film that protects the surface of the cast-iron product from rust and food particles.


A cast iron pan must be calcined using high temperatures and oil before first use. This will remove the industrial protective layer and reliably preserve the utensils in future use.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in this process and you can easily repeat it with your own hands. The video in this article will clearly help you understand all the intricacies of the process. And questions and suggestions can be expressed in the comments.