The main ingredient in curry. Curry spice, composition, how to cook curry

06.09.2019 Desserts and cakes

Curry is a spicy sweet flavoring with Asian roots. It goes well with vegetables, rice and all types of meat. Turmeric, contained in the aromatic mixture, gives the dish a reddish hue, and the composition of peppers, coriander and other spices adds new, surprisingly soft flavors to the dish.

In India, the mixture has long been prepared just before consumption from fresh ingredients. All components were ground in special mills to a powdery state. Europeans could not always find the necessary raw materials, so they preferred to buy ready-made seasoning.

Seasoning composition

Each European country has its own traditional recipes for creating a fragrant composition. Not only the proportions differ, but also the components, however, turmeric and red pepper are required ingredients. The composition of the classic curry is a mixture of popular spices and rare spices: ground turmeric, coriander, several types of pepper, ginger, cinnamon, cumin, fenugreek and salt.

There are options with cardamom, nutmeg, cloves, mustard, fennel. Some manufacturers add monosodium glutamate to the mixture. There are compositions with exotic components: powdered mango, asafoetida, pods, azhgon, legumes.

Healing properties of curry ingredients

The seasoning combines plants with strong healing properties:

  1. Turmeric. The spice contains vitamins B6 and C, manganese, phosphorus, iron, copper, magnesium, zinc, potassium. The dye curcumin, which is found in the root of the plant and gives the spice a yellow tint, fights inflammation, cancerous tumors that form on the skin, in the mammary gland and the gastrointestinal tract. It is recommended to use it for diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, high blood pressure. Turmeric is added to milk with honey and taken for colds, to lower cholesterol and improve digestion;
  2. Coriander. The second name of the spice is cilantro. The leaves of the plant contain B vitamins, rutin and carotene. Fresh fruits have a specific smell, so in cooking they are used only in dried form. Greens are added to soups and salads, and seasoning is added to meat and fish. Cilantro is used in the food industry for making cheese and sausages. In folk medicine, coriander is used for cystitis, ulcers, allergies, arthritis and diabetes mellitus;
  3. Curry seasoning can include a variety of peppers (from the most common black to the sour and pungent lemon pepper). Without it, it is impossible to imagine the taste of the sauce, to prepare marinades and garnishes from vegetables; pepper is found in recipes for flour products, drinks and desserts;
  4. Ginger. The root is used to treat colds, improves the functioning of the stomach and intestines, cleanses the body of toxins and helps to get rid of extra pounds;
  5. Cinnamon. The dried bark is a powerful antidepressant. The spice enhances brain activity, lowers sugar levels, fills with energy.

Curry in traditional medicine: benefits and harms

The composition of the seasoning complies with the principles of Ayurveda. The use of the spice has a beneficial effect on all processes in the body.
It is known for its pain relieving, antifungal and antimicrobial effects. Curry helps to improve memory, slows down the development of infections and the growth of malignant tumors. The spice helps to get rid of acne and psoriasis. It also helps to lose weight, improve metabolism and slow down the aging process.

Curry, like other spices, should be consumed in moderation. Contraindications to the use of spices for medicinal purposes are allergies and stomach diseases. It is not recommended for people who have problems with blood clotting, as well as while taking anticoagulants and aspirin.

Curry in cooking

All women living in India are familiar with the secrets of curry cooking. They grind the ingredients with a pestle and mortar, or using a heavy stone. There are no strict proportions of the components - all the spices are added by handfuls by eye. That is why each time the spice composition acquires new flavors.

Curry is used for cooking vegetable, meat and fish dishes, added to pilaf, soups, salads and pasta.
The amount of seasoning is determined by taste. The optimal ratio is a tablespoon of spice per kilogram of finished product.

Cooking with curry powder has its own characteristics:

  • before adding seasoning to food, it should be mixed with water so that the final product is completely saturated with aroma;
  • curry dishes are recommended to be cooked on low heat;
  • seasoning better reveals the taste in combination with onions or garlic;
  • spicy notes of spice allow you to prepare delicious meals without the use of salt.

Curry preparation method

The classic version of the spicy mixture includes three ingredients: turmeric (a quarter of the mass), coriander (about forty percent), pepper (no more than eight percent of the total mass).
The South Asian curry has the largest amount of constituents. The blend contains four main ingredients (turmeric, cayenne red pepper, coriander and curry or fenugreek leaves) and sixteen to twenty additional ingredients, including ginger root, cloves, cumin, basil, mint, garlic, Jamaican allspice and many more.

Rules for the selection and storage of seasonings

The aroma of the curry retains well in a sealed container. On average, a self-prepared spice has a shelf life of 60 days, and one purchased in a store or on the market is 12 months.
The main criteria for choosing a quality product are color and aroma. The seasoning should have a bright shade. Rubbing a pinch of curry with your fingers increases the aroma of the spice.

Classic sauce

Curry sauce is used to add new flavors to dishes. It consists of a liquid base, which can be meat broth or tomato paste; salt, flour and dry spices. Vinegar is sometimes added to add a pungent flavor, but this ingredient causes the curry to lose its flavor.
Making a classic sauce is very easy. This will require: one medium-sized onion, two large sweet apples, half a tablespoon of vegetable oil, a tablespoon of spice, one hundred milliliters of water and the same amount of cream.


Peeled onions must be chopped and sautéed in oil over medium heat. The apples should be cored and peeled, cut into small pieces and placed on fire with onions for two minutes. Put seasoning in the resulting mass, mix everything, and then pour water and put on fire for fifteen minutes. Add water if necessary to prevent the apples and onions from burning. Then the mixture should be crushed until a homogeneous mass is obtained, pour in the cream and put on the stove. When the sauce boils, reduce heat slightly and simmer for another five minutes, stirring occasionally.

Curry seasoning allows you to experiment with ingredients and proportions, adding new flavors to your favorite dishes. Experiment and surprise your loved ones with culinary masterpieces!

The curry seasoning, which came to us from Indian cuisine, has become so popular that it is simply impossible to imagine a huge variety of dishes without it. Housewives who are accustomed to adding spice to meat, fish, vegetables and rice dishes, as well as using it as a base for savory sauces, find themselves in complete despair when the seasoning ends at the wrong time. Indeed, without curry, many dishes in their minds seem imperfect and not so tasty.

What is curry? Or maybe this seasoning has analogues? Curry is a harmonious blend of herbs and spices. In fact, you can easily make such a seasoning yourself. In India, housewives do just that. Moreover, there are no clear proportions and recommendations for the combination of components, but only the mandatory presence of some of them.

What's in curry and how to make it at home?

The main ingredient that must be present in curry seasoning is turmeric. It should be at least a quarter of the total volume of the spice mixture. Coriander is no less important in curry. It can be as much as, or twice less or more, depending on the recipe and preferences. Additional essential ingredients of the seasoning are fenugreek, which can be up to 10 percent in total, and hot cayenne pepper (up to 6 percent). The rest of the spices and seasonings can be added at will and taste, giving new shades of curry. These include ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg, cardamom, cumin, cloves, basil and mint, fennel and garlic, as well as a variety of peppers to add extra pungency to the seasoning. All components must be dry and ground to a powder. They are combined in the desired proportions in a mortar and additionally ground to exchange flavors and their better mutual harmony.

Uses and benefits of curry

Curry is used to add new flavors to dishes and to color them for better aesthetics and amazing aroma. In addition, curry seasoning is extremely useful, because each of the spices in its composition has a huge complex of healing and preventive properties, an impressive arsenal of vitamins, minerals and various elements that help improve the functioning of all body systems, strengthen immunity and increase vitality.

Where to add curry seasoning?

Curry seasoning perfectly complements rice dishes, vegetables and various meats, and also perfectly harmonizes with chicken meat, creating a truly royal taste. Moreover, the spice is added not only during marinating poultry, but also salads with the participation of chicken supplement it, soups and stews based on it are seasoned.

A lot of sauces are prepared from curry, which are used as an addition to serving meat dishes, and also added to dishes when stewing. Some of them are even named after the most popular condiment. So, for example, it is made from meat with vegetables and a curry-based sauce and supplemented with rice, and for Indian curry, chicken is marinated in an impressive portion of spices and then stewed until tender.

Curry is used not only for preparing first and second courses and sauces. Sometimes seasoning is added when creating drinks and cocktails, filling them with color and giving a special taste and aroma. Moreover, it is believed that drinking, which contains curry, helps to fight extra pounds by burning fats and removing toxins from the body.

Curry is a popular Indian condiment that is considered the true symbol of this sunny country. The popularity of the spice has long crossed the borders of India and today curry has become a favorite seasoning in many countries. And this is quite understandable, because in addition to the bright, rich taste and unique aroma, the benefits of curry for the body can also be attributed to the benefits of the spice.

Curry composition

Curry is a mixture of several spices. Such an unusual and original combination allows you to add a piquant spicy note to meat and fish delicacies. Seasoning is also added to cold dishes, drinks and even baked goods.

Curry ingredients:

· Turmeric - improves blood composition, helps to remove toxins from the body;

Cayenne pepper - stimulates blood circulation, accelerates food digestion and fat burning;

· Coriander - activates the digestive processes;

· Cumin - normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract;

· Cardamom - has an antioxidant effect, tidies up the nervous system;

· Basil - is considered a natural antidepressant, improves sleep, has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects.

Seasoning recipe and ingredients may vary depending on the region of India. Curries are mixed with ginger, fenugreek, cinnamon, fennel or mustard seeds, as well as garlic and nutmeg.

The calorie content of the spice is 325 kcal per 100 g. But since the seasoning has the ability to speed up the metabolic process and burn fat, it is recommended to include it in the diet for weight loss.

The benefits of curry

The benefits of curry for the human body have been known since ancient times. One of the beneficial properties of the seasoning is its unique composition - the combination of several spices in the correct proportions gives an interesting, original taste that will perfectly complement almost any dish. At the same time, each of the ingredients has its own positive effect on the body.

Turmeric - improves brain functioning, effectively fights various tumors, improves blood quality.

Pepper enhances the benefits of curry. It activates blood circulation, promotes rapid digestion of food, and normalizes stool. People who often consume the healthy seasoning never experience constipation and diarrhea.

Coriander in the curry spice has a choleretic effect, normalizes the level of "harmful" cholesterol in the blood. Regular consumption of foods with this seasoning helps to improve digestion.

Quite often, cumin is included in the aromatic seasoning, which enhances immunity and activates the body's defenses to fight viruses and microbes.

Cardamom is known for its ability to put in order the intestinal microflora, accelerate tissue regeneration, normalize the nervous system, and protect against stress.

Curry is perfect for people who dream of shedding a few extra pounds effortlessly. This spicy spice, due to its beneficial properties, activates digestion, as a result of which adipose tissue is not formed. Also, the seasoning is a natural diuretic, removing excess fluid from the body and preventing the occurrence of edema.

Curried dishes must be present on the table of people suffering from frequent headaches and migraines. The herbs that make up it have antispasmodic properties and help solve the problem without pills.

In India, it is believed that the hot spice stimulates the muscular system, normalizes metabolic processes in the body, and removes accumulated toxins and toxins. Due to its benefits, curry is recommended to be consumed regularly for the following diseases:

1. Bronchial asthma.

2. Influenza and other acute respiratory diseases.

3. Arthritis.

4. Gout.

5. Rheumatism.

6. A tendency to bloating.

7. Alzheimer's disease.

In the course of scientific research, it was found that the aromatic mixture activates the body's defenses to fight cancer cells. In addition, people who regularly consume curry foods notice improvements in heart and vascular health. The spice cleanses the blood vessels from atherosclerotic plaques, removes cholesterol and prevents the development of thrombosis.

Can curry be harmful?

Despite the huge list of useful properties of the spice, it is also known about the dangers of curry. Most often, the negative effect of the seasoning is associated with an individual intolerance to the body or an allergic reaction to the spice.

Who shouldn't eat Indian spice?

· Women treating breast cancer;

With kidney pathologies;

After a heart attack or stroke;

· People suffering from gastrointestinal diseases;

· With obstruction of stones in the gallbladder.

The aromatic spice has a strong effect on the process of hematopoiesis. Curry is also harmful because it slows down blood clotting and increases the likelihood of bleeding. Therefore, dishes that are generously curried should not be consumed by people with hemophilia.


The aromatic spice can add a touch of oriental sophistication to even the most ordinary dish. But behind the original taste, do not forget about the dangers of curry and its combination with certain medications.

The Indian spice is known for its effects on the circulatory system. Therefore, in case a person is taking blood thinning medications, the use of curry must be strictly limited. Excessive addiction to hot seasoning can lead to internal bleeding.

Also, doctors do not advise combining the reception of Warfarin, Clopidogrel or Aspirin with a dish that contains an Indian spice mixture. This can cause poor health and other side effects.

The use of curry for weight loss

The herbs in the aromatic blend are high in antioxidants and folate. This means that it is simply irreplaceable for women's beauty and health. Curry increases sexual activity, improves skin standing, stimulates rejuvenation processes.

Indispensable Indian spice for people who want to lose weight. Thanks to the spicy spicy taste of curry, it perfectly speeds up the metabolism and activates the metabolism in the body. As a result, the accumulated kilograms simply "burn out".

Curry is part of the dish of the same name, which is considered ideal for quick weight loss. Many varieties of it are known - with rice, lentils, fish, meat, vegetables, nuts and other spices. For dietary nutrition, it is best to use low-fat varieties of fish and meat, skinless chicken, tomatoes, eggplants, zucchini, corn, bell peppers.

In addition, the spicy Indian mixture can be added to various meat, fish and vegetable dishes, rice, and aromatic broths and sauces can be prepared on its basis.

The harm of curry for weight loss is that such a diet does not have to be long-term. Regular spicy food will be a real blow to the digestive system and can lead to such sad consequences as gastritis of the stomach.

Curry, the oldest seasoning that began its history in India. There, more than one dish can do without this spice. Curry is also used in Asia and in eastern countries. Curry is a mixture of spices, the amount of which may vary. But any variation contains curry leaves, turmeric and coriander. In Asia, the composition sometimes has up to twenty ingredients. There are no specific proportions, for example, in India the curry mix has its own recipe for each household. Curry goes well with meat dishes and rice, and it also serves as a base for sauces and gravies. Seasoning colors any dish in a beautiful yellowish tint and endows with an unforgettable aroma.

Health benefits of curry:

Because of its extensive combination of ingredients, curry has a beneficial effect. The main component of turmeric has been subjected to numerous studies, during which scientists have come to the conclusion that it is capable of protecting the body from cancer cells. Turmeric protects the immune system and destroys harmful substances that inhibit mental activity. Curry is also considered a dietary product that burns excess body fat. Ginger, which is often found in the herb, improves digestion when combined with other ingredients. In addition, curry helps to get rid of bronchitis, this is facilitated by fenugreek, which has expectorant properties. It is also often used in the production of bactericidal patches. Coriander, also found in curries, improves digestion and cures flatulence. It is believed to have a wide range of antimicrobial properties to help get rid of skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema. The complex of ingredients contains salicylic acid, which will help with migraines during attacks. Fenugreek, will improve the functioning of the liver and the outflow of bile. Cinnamon relieves indigestion. And cumin will cope with pain in the gastrointestinal tract, while eliminating the inflammatory focus. The seasoning has valuable properties for women, the vitamin A contained in it rejuvenates the skin, making it elastic. A classic blend rich in phosphorus and zinc. The spice will strengthen bones and improve the condition of hair and nails, due to the large amount of calcium. It is worth noting that the beneficial properties of curry directly depend on the set of spices included in it.

Contraindications to the use of curry seasoning:

Any use of spices should be moderate. For people suffering from heart ailments, it is better to eliminate curry. An individual allergic reaction may occur, to any component, but these are personal characteristics, and not the harm of curry. If there is internal bleeding, turmeric can increase the bleeding. Curry in large quantities can contribute to the formation of kidney stones. Also, this spice should not contain flavor enhancers and dyes; this is worth paying attention to when buying. Dosed use will have a tonic effect with health benefits.

Curry is the spice of an ancient and traditional part of Indian cuisine. It is used to flavor meat, vegetables and fish. Today, curry powder is familiar to Western cuisine and is a mixture of spices mixed in the right proportions. It includes turmeric, coriander, cumin, nutmeg, ginger, black pepper, mustard seeds, chili and garlic. Sometimes cloves, salt, fenugreek, cardamom and cinnamon are added to the mixture.

Curry properties

Curry contains many valuable health-promoting properties. It has antifungal, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, thus inhibiting the development of infections and preventing bacterial attacks. Moreover, the spice has a carcinogenic effect that reduces the growth of tumor cells. This spice improves memory and protects against Alzheimer's disease.

Curry has antioxidant properties, so the spice effectively fights free radicals responsible for the aging process. It helps the body fight skin conditions like psoriasis, eczema, or acne.

The spice will help a person suffering from severe migraines. It has an analgesic effect due to the presence of salicylic acid. To do this, curry stimulates the production of endorphins, the hormone of happiness.

The Indian spice has been known for years as a proven weight loss aid. Curry increases bile secretion and helps burn fat. Yellow powder improves metabolism and intestinal motility.

The benefits of curry

Curry not only adds flavor to our lives. It contains spices that have anti-inflammatory properties that help fight cancer, speed up metabolism and improve digestion.

Controlling blood sugar levels

Turmeric, one of the main spices in curry powder, may reduce the risk of diabetes. Curcurmin prevents spikes in blood sugar levels and improves insulin sensitivity.

Cholesterol management

Curry powder can lower cholesterol and prevent gallstones due to one of its constituent spices, fenugreek. It also reduces liver lipid oxidation.


The spice can help remove toxic heavy metals such as mercury and lead from the body.

Cancer prevention and treatment

Eating curry on a regular basis can provide cancer prevention benefits. Curcumin, which is found in curry, is one of the most widely studied plants in cancer research. It is safe for human consumption and is recommended as an anti-cancer therapy and to prevent cancer recurrence. Curcumin slows down the spread of a wide variety of tumor cells.

Protects Against Alzheimer's Disease

Curcumin is a promising agent in the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer's disease.

Aids in digestion

Traditional curry powder is packed with spices that aid the digestive system. Black pepper promotes gastric acid secretion and reduces intestinal gas. Bay leaf promotes proper digestion. Cinnamon is an antidote for diarrhea, vomiting and indigestion. Clove also treats diarrhea and indigestion. Coriander and cumin helps relieve stomach pains and treat digestive disorders.

Curry application

Curry is the spice of Indian cuisine. This spice works especially well with rice, adding a pleasant yellow color (the variety originating from Sri Lanka gives a dark brown color and a slightly more pungent flavor). The secret of the aroma of this spice lies in the unique composition of the ingredients. On the basis of this spice, you can also prepare aromatic sauces.

Curry harm

Some people need to be careful before drenching curry dishes. The increased amount of spices can lead to side effects. This is especially true for patients with breast cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

Increased bleeding

Turmeric is naturally blood-forming and may increase bleeding when combined with certain medications. It cannot be used with anticoagulants (prevents blood clotting) or antiplatelet agents.

Suppresses chemical drugs

Curry should also be used with caution during chemotherapy. Curcumin may interfere with cyclophosphamide, an immunosuppressive drug used in breast cancer treatments.

Stones in the kidneys

A large dose of turmeric can lead to kidney problems. It increases oxalate levels, which raises the risk of kidney stones.

May worsen gastrointestinal distress

Curry is not advisable for those who suffer from gastrointestinal diseases such as stomach ulcers, biliary obstruction and gallstones.