How to choose the right black tea. Black leaf tea

28.09.2019 Buffet table

It is difficult to argue with the experience gained over millennia. Living in Western countries, we, by habit, drink tea every day, while in the East tea has long been considered a source of health, happiness, as well as peace of mind and wisdom. More recently, various studies have been carried out in order to fully determine which tea is better and the health benefits of having at least one cup of tea in your daily diet. Several studies have shown that certain teas can help prevent cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and promote weight loss, cholesterol reduction, and mental alertness. But what is the most valuable thing about tea? Undoubtedly, best tea Not only great for your diet, it tastes delicious and offers a huge selection of flavors with varying caffeine levels. Green, black, white, oolong, puer - all of these teas are obtained from the tea bush (Camellia), which grows in China, India and contains special antioxidants known as flavonoids. Herbal teas such as Chamomile, Echinacea, hibiscus, rooibos (herbal tea) and ginger tea are made from herbs, fruits, seeds, or roots that have lower concentrations of antioxidants and therefore have significantly different chemical compositions. Herbal teas are often sweet, while green or black teas may be too strong to be consumed without additional sweeteners. Natural foods are a good choice for enhancing flavor while maintaining the health benefits. Some foods contain fruits such as Paradise Fruits by Jahncke or Healthy Natural Sweeteners from Fitday.

Ginger tea

Ginger tea is made from the herb ginger. Its benefits include reducing nausea, reducing inflammation, improving circulation, reducing respiratory disease, reducing stress, increasing fertility, and strengthening the immune system. However, too much ginger tea can lead to side effects such as digestive problems or interrupted sleep.

Rooibos tea (herbal tea)

Rooibos (herbal tea) is the best natural sweet-tasting tea made from the South African rooibos bush. The bush leaves are harvested, crushed and rolled, and then left to ferment and dry. This type of tea has always been used to treat headaches, insomnia, asthma, eczema, weak bones, hypertension, allergies and premature aging. This tea does not contain caffeine and can be consumed at any time of the day.

Hibiscus tea

Echinacea itself is a plant that is used to make certain medicines. It is used to activate chemicals in the body, to reduce inflammation and to stimulate the body's immune system. Echinacea is widely used to fight infections like colds and other respiratory ailments. It is also used to combat migraines, indigestion, dizziness pain, snakebite and some skin problems. Echinacea is native to North America and was used by the local Indian tribes of the Great Plains for the preparation of medicinal plants.

Chamomile tea

Chamomile tea is made from the chamomile flower, a plant that has been used for centuries in folk and traditional medicine. Chamomile has soothing properties and can positively influence sleep, reduce stress and anxiety, and stimulate the immune system. Antioxidants help prevent complications from diabetes such as loss of vision, loss of nerve cells, and kidney damage. They are able to reduce the growth of cancer cells. The sixth line in the ranking of the most delicious and best teas in the world.

Puer tea

Pu-erh tea is a tea obtained by fermentation, the whole process includes fermentation and subsequent long-term storage or “aging” in humid conditions. The longer the pu-erh tea is infused, the better it will taste. Puerh is mainly produced in China, but is also popular in Taiwan. Tea has less caffeine than other teas, but is used to lower cholesterol because it contains a small amount of the chemical lovastatin, which is not the case with other teas.

Oolong tea

Oolong tea is partially fermented, while green is unfermented and black is fully fermented. It is used to concentrate thinking and improve mental alertness. Other health benefits include a reduced risk of cancer, tooth decay, osteoporosis, and heart disease. There are many different varieties of oolong tea native to China.

White tea

White tea is the least processed compared to black and green tea; it has the highest level of antioxidants. White tea has been shown to reduce the risk of cancer, stroke, and heart disease. It is also used to relieve the symptoms of various diseases, help the body recover by strengthening the circulatory and immune systems, strengthening bones, teeth and skin regeneration. The third line in the list of the best and healthiest teas in the world.

Black tea

Black tea is made from fermented tea leaves and is high in caffeine. Several studies have shown that black tea can protect the lungs from damage caused by cigarette smoke, as well as reduce the risk of stroke. This type of tea is widely used to increase mental alertness, especially for learning, improving memory and information processing.

Green tea

The best and most delicious tea in the world. Made from tea leaves using steam, green tea has the highest concentration of catechins (ECGC). It is a common antioxidant or flavonoid found in tea. ECGC and other antioxidants found in green tea are needed to prevent tumors in the bladder, breast, lung, stomach, pancreas, and reduce the risk of colorectal cancer. It also prevents clogged arteries, promotes fat burning, reduces stress, reduces the risk of neurological disorders such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, and may lower the risk of stroke and normalize cholesterol levels.

Raw materials go through all stages of processing - withering, rolling, fermentation, drying and sorting - in order to end up with the best variety of black tea. This type of tea is the most difficult to manufacture, while making green tea requires only three phases - rolling, drying and sorting.

Types of tea

There are three types of high-quality black tea - leaf, granulated (the so-called STS-tea) and. The first two are known in the CIS, and the latter is used only in China. There is also a powder - packaged - tea. But it does not belong to the elite species.

Packaged and granulated teas, in comparison with the large-leaf type, differ in strength. They are in no way inferior to him in taste, but during processing they lose most of the aroma.

Quality black tea in dry form has a dark color. Mostly black or brown-black. If the tea leaves have an ebb, this indicates a low quality of the product. The gray color indicates the deterioration of the tea, for example, that the tea leaves are damp.

High-quality black tea has a characteristic pearlescent tint, called by professionals a spark. And the presence of white villi, called tips, is permissible only in tea with floral additives.

Indian varieties

The finest black tea produced in India is called Darjeeling Tea. Darjeeling gets its name from the province where it is grown. Refers to elite varieties. It is not very strong and does not differ in astringency, but its aroma has characteristic floral-almond notes. To buy a real "Darjeeling", you need to take tea from the first or second harvest.

Indian "Assam Tea" has a richer tart flavor compared to Darjeeling. But its faint malt aroma is no match for the heady Darjeeling Tea. Assamese tea is often sold as a mix under the Irish Breakfast label, up to 80% original.

Nilgiri Tea is not considered elite. Has a rough taste and weak aroma. And “Sikkim Tea”, although of high quality, is not very popular in Russia.

Ceylon varieties

High-quality black tea from Ceylon came to the expanses of the former Soviet Union thanks to producers from England. Before that, the CIS had a wide selection of mediocre drinks made in Sri Lanka.

Today elite Ceylon tea is produced by Ahmad Tea and Twinings. The rest of the teas labeled "Orange Pekoe" are just a mixture of crops from ordinary plantations.

Chinese varieties

Green tea is preferred in China. And black, or as they are called at home, red varieties, are more common in the CIS countries.

The most famous Chinese black tea is Lapsang Souchong Tea. Lapsang sushong is fumigated with pine smoke during the drying process, which gives it a special aroma.

Keemun Tea is often included in a variety of English Breakfast mixes. Keemun is rarely sold in its pure form. It tastes more like Georgian black tea, which radically distinguishes it from Indian varieties.

Tea is the most favorite drink both in our country and all over the world. There are a great many varieties of drink, and their choice is a matter of taste. Black or green, expensive or cheap - the range is huge. Below we will figure out which tea is the best in the world, according to the majority of consumers.

On the planet today, there are at least a hundred varieties of this drink, each of which includes hundreds of varieties. Tea is distinguished by aging time, amount of enzymes, harvest season and quality of leaves. Some species are wildly popular in some states, while they are not at all successful in others.


It is generally accepted that this particular Chinese drink represents the finest tea on earth. The level of enzymes in it is average. The drink has a fresh aroma and taste of green tea with floral notes. It is noteworthy that oolong tea can be brewed repeatedly, from 7 to 12 times (the exact amount depends on the variety of the variety). And each time it will give a rich taste and aroma, a honeyed aftertaste, as well as visual pleasure: the drink has a very beautiful color, ranging from emerald green to amber orange. There are more than 250 varieties of Oolong, each of which is beautiful, unique and worthy to try.

The most famous and popular is milk oolong. There are many beautiful stories about its origins. For example, according to one of the legends, this is the fruit of the Moon's unrequited love for the Comet. The comet preferred the bright sun and flew away, wagging its tail, and the moon became sad. Then it became cold on Earth, a terrible wind arose, and when it ended, people reaped a harvest of wonderful tea. Another, more modern, version is that tea sprouts are poured with milk, while showering the roots with husks from rice.

The value of this drink lies not only in the wonderful taste and pleasant smell, but also in the proven benefits for the body.

In fact, everything is more complicated. In the process of growth, the bush is sprayed with a solution containing sugar cane. The roots are really poured over with milk and wrapped in rice husks. According to another method of production, the raw materials are processed with milk whey after assembly. In any case, no matter how this brand of the best tea is made, it has been loved all over the world for many years.

Of all the teas, he best of all will please the soul and body, will allow you to relax, free your head from thoughts and give your brain a rest. No wonder they came up with a tea ceremony, which is always held in a quiet and calm atmosphere. Few black tea contains as many antioxidants as milk oolong. Thanks to this, its use significantly increases vitality and performance. It is recommended to drink it after eating fatty or heavy food, it will speed up digestion and relieve stomach discomfort. In addition, oolong tea freshens complexion and breath, makes the skin look more youthful. It is curious that this type of tea can replace sweets, for example, ice cream, and this is very important in the process of losing weight.

To fully enjoy the taste and health benefits of oolong, you must first choose a quality product. Today, there is a lot of fake tea on the market and store shelves, sold by scammers as the original. First you need to study the packaging well, in particular the composition. It should not contain any unnecessary additives. Under the packaging itself, there should be no small debris that looks like dust - this will primarily indicate an incorrectly manufactured product. Further research is carried out at home, while drinking.

Real and high quality milk oolong just can't be cheap tea

Besides ingestion, tea can be used as a skin care product. It effectively prevents aging and increases collagen production. Making ice cubes out of tea and rubbing them on the skin will noticeably reduce wrinkles and open pores. The beneficial substances contained in oolong perfectly promote metabolic processes in the cells of the whole organism. It is recommended to drink this tea after a serious illness or during the recovery period after operations, as well as for the elderly and those who are engaged in intensive mental work.


This drink is originally from China, it is made from raw materials called "Yunnan tea tree", which grows on the Chinese plateau of the same name. The conditions for growth are the best there.

Puerh has been known and loved for over seventeen centuries.

Before the drink is put on sale, it is kept for several more years to allow the tea mass to ripen in the assembled form. Previously, this happened on the way, while the caravan was going to its destination, this was before the advent of high-speed transport. True, the technology of accelerated processing of tea has already been invented. Before the advent of this technology, tea leaves were placed in a container and poured over with warm water. So they aged much faster. Today there are two types of fermentation pu-erh tea - natural and forced. Many believe that in the second case, Puer loses all its beneficial properties, but this is just a myth.

According to doctors and scientists, Chinese pu-erh tea can help a person get rid of more than 100 diseases or alleviate them. The range of diseases ranges from being overweight to gastrointestinal disorders. Puerh effectively lowers blood sugar and cholesterol levels, reduces the number of cancer cells, improves hangover, cleanses the body of various toxins and toxins. Often, dietitians prescribe to their clients the regular use of this drink.

It is very important to brew pu-erh tea in the right way.

Tea has a bright color and rich aroma, so you should not brew it in a clay teapot, because clay quickly and firmly absorbs odors, then it will be very difficult to remove them.

The brewing process begins by separating a number of pu-erh pieces about 2.5 centimeters thick and placing them in a teapot. It is impossible to say exactly how many pieces will be needed - it depends on many factors, including personal taste preferences. The skill will come with experience. While the water is heating, the tea leaves need to be poured with cool (you can also hot) water, then drain it, and only after that pour boiling water. However, do not brew tea with water of 100-degree temperature, it will hopelessly ruin the taste. The water should cool slightly, up to 90 ° C. For the first time, 30 seconds are enough for brewing, and then 10 seconds altogether. But starting with the fifth brewing, it is necessary to increase the time to a minute.

White peony

This variety belongs to white tea, which in ancient China was an indispensable attribute of spiritual and financial wealth, as well as physical strength. Mostly royal persons drank it. This drink was discovered under very unusual circumstances. The famous emperor Chen Nan, famous for his love of science, in particular botany, once became obsessed with hygiene and cleanliness. He began to drink only boiled and thoroughly purified water. Once, resting under the shade of a tea bush, the emperor did not notice that several leaves fell into his cup. Thus, the accidentally brewed tea delighted Nana: it perfectly invigorated and quenched her thirst for a long time.

It grows only in one of the Chinese provinces. Excellent white teas have been grown here for hundreds of years and are distributed all over the planet. Real masters live here, treating their work like art.

White peony tea is quite rare, as a result of which it is expensive.

In appearance, White Peony is completely different from other Chinese teas. It consists of two-thirds of small neat leaves, and another third of unblown buds. In the process of processing, the leaves acquire a darker brown color, and the bud remains as it was. The leaves give the drink a unique aroma, and the immature bud gives its own flavor. These two components are harmoniously intertwined into one whole, creating a truly magical taste.

The brewed tea has a delicate, slightly sweetish aroma that cannot be confused with any other. This tenderness, as well as subtle notes of fruit, charge the body with vigor for the whole day. Experts also catch the taste of birch sap, pine needles and caramel here.

White peony has a whole range of useful qualities. This, of course, is a wonderful tonic effect, the ability to quickly quench your thirst. Tea helps in lowering blood pressure. True, all these qualities will manifest themselves only under the condition of correct brewing. It is best to do this in a specially designed small Chinese teapot. The infusion should be weak, so the taste is better revealed. 15 grams of tea is poured with water (85 degrees), after 1 minute it is drained.

It is believed that good white tea can last three infusions, with the latter being the richest.

Spring Darjeeling

This variety is considered the best of all black tea varieties. It has a unique marmalade-fruity smell with a hint of honey, and the taste is very mild. In part, it resembles white tea, but it is all woven of elusive undertones, which may not please everyone the first time. However, after a few times, the drink will definitely taste.

It is curious that, in addition to the Spring, there are also Summer and Autumn Darjeeling, in accordance with the season when the collection was made. Dried spring leaves have a delicate green color, the drink is yellow, transparent and fresh. Summer winds bring the second wave of tea bushes growth. The resulting drink has a more spicy taste with a hint of grapes. The leaves take on a burgundy hue. After that comes the third wave, the harvest with which has the strongest taste and is very strong. It is this variety that is usually used in mixtures and tea bags.

You need to drink spring Darjeeling tea calmly and unhurriedly, without sugar, in very small sips

There is also the Darjeeling Oolong, which is very different from the Chinese Oolong. The Indian variety looks like white tea, but when brewed, the leaves turn brown. Darjeeling is equipped with a special production system that is completely consumer-oriented. This means that the peculiarities of the tea culture of different states and even individual citizens are taken into account. For example, the Japanese prefer soft teas, while the British prefer strong ones.

These are the best teas, according to most connoisseurs. But, of course, each person can select completely different varieties and tastes for themselves. The main thing is that tea drinking is enjoyable and beneficial.

In the Soviet past, domestic shelves were surprised by the monotony of the goods presented, and tea was no exception. Each family purchased a black long-sleeve shirt with an Indian elephant on the package as standard.

Whether it is now. Black tea alone, and this type is preferred by 90% of the population of Russia, is produced in an unthinkable number of names. And in the varieties of tea with additives, you can get confused at all.

To avoid disappointment in the future, we decided to test 11 types of black tea, for which we purchased a drink in the capital's supermarkets and sent it for examination to the testing center of NPO Impulse LLC.

Our reference Traditional tea-producing countries are Sri Lanka, India, China and Japan. Exactly one third of Russian tea imports come from Sri Lanka, followed by India (25.2%), China and Kenya provide about 9% each, and Vietnam closes the top five - about 8%.

The technology of collecting and drying tea is complex, time consuming and requires true skill. Therefore, manual labor is still used in this area with might and main: only tender young leaves are torn from the branches.

During processing, water is removed from the tea leaf, the content of which is reduced to 3-7%. In addition to drying, the raw material undergoes fermentation; after its full cycle, the tea leaves acquire the black color familiar to most people. However, the process can be stopped at various stages and you can get green, white and even blue tea.

Tea infusion contains three types of alkaloids: caffeine, theobromine and theophylline. Most of all in the drink is caffeine, it is in the tea leaf in combination with other substances and it is often called theine. Having a milder effect on the body than caffeine, theine tones up well, increases physical activity, mental and physical performance, and has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.

Tea is converted into an irreplaceable dietary product by polyphenols, which include more than 30 substances, in particular tannins. They create the effect of astringency, due to which the tea infusion stimulates the activity of the salivary glands and quenches thirst well.

Most of all tannins are in green teas. Moreover, the higher the grade of tea, the higher the content of tannins in it. These polyphenols dissolve well in hot water, so when the strong brew is cooled, they precipitate and the drink becomes cloudy. If it is heated again, the transparency will return. If this is not observed, then the tea is of poor quality.

The aroma of tea is determined by the composition and concentration of aromatic substances in freshly harvested raw materials and depends on the harvest season, the breed of the tea bush, the degree of maturity of the leaves, and the region of growth. There are more aromatic substances in spring tea than in summer and autumn tea, in young tea it is more than in mature tea.

In each locality, tea has its own special aromatic palette. Of the samples we purchased, only three were packaged at the place of growth of raw materials - in Sri Lanka: Ahmad Tea OP, Dilmah and Nuwara Eliya Mlesna. Twinings English Breakfast Tea is packaged in Poland, the rest - in Russia: these are Greenfield Magic Yunnan, Riston, Lipton, Brooke Bond, Akbar, Matre de The Noir "Ceylon with tips" and "Crown of the Russian Empire".

All samples are produced in accordance with the manufacturers' own specifications. The mold content in all samples turned out to be significantly lower than the permissible level, and no metal-magnetic impurities were found at all.

Physicochemical indicators were also in order: the amount of water-soluble extractive substances, the mass fraction of moisture and total ash in all samples corresponds to GOST. The first indicator shows the freshness of the tea. This means that in those cases when tea was packaged far from plantations, the raw materials did not stale and did not lose valuable properties.

The results of the tasting turned out to be more curious. According to experts, Twinings English Breakfast Tea, declared by the manufacturer as the highest grade tea, in fact, is not such and is only up to the first. Brooke Bond has a similar problem.

Ahmad Tea OP also overestimated himself: judging by its appearance, it is not a large leaf, but a medium leaf tea, although in taste and aroma it corresponds to the highest grade.

Greenfield Magic Yunnan pretended to be the first: the “bouquet” variety is indicated on the box - the best according to the Russian classification. However, the number of tips was not enough to qualify for this title, and therefore the tasters attributed it to the highest grade.

But Matre de The Noir "Ceylon with Tips", on the contrary, was modest: experts believe that it belongs to the "bouquet" variety, although the highest is stated on the box.

On the whole, testing has shown that tea producers on the Russian market can be trusted. You just need to be able to choose a quality product.

Always pay attention to the information on the packaging, the more, the better. Ideally, the region where the tea is harvested should be indicated.

The second indicator is the quality of the packaging: the better the sealing, the higher the likelihood that the contents will not lose quality.

Expensive teas should be kept in the refrigerator in a hermetically sealed ceramic jar.

What the letters say

OP (ORANGE PEKOE) Tea in this class contains only whole curled leaves, usually young. This is the "royal" tea (orange is nothing more than the Orange Royal Dynasty of the Netherlands, the country - the largest supplier of tea in the 16th century). Regular ORANGE PEKOE does not contain tips, however, there are varieties with the addition of buds.

BP (BROKEN PEKOE) Tea made from broken or cut leaves, which are waste from the production of whole leaf tea or are specially ground. Such a mixture is brewed faster and infused stronger, but at the same time subtle shades of taste and aroma are lost.

P (PEKOE) Badly rolled, coarse, stiff sheet.

CTC (CUT, TEAR AND CURL) Granulated tea. The leaves are passed through rotating, fine-toothed rollers that cut and roll them. Tea brews stronger and has a brighter color, but less rich aroma.

F (FANNINGS) Seeding, small particles of tea (used for tea bags).

D (DUST) Crumbs, the smallest particles of tea (used for tea bags).

Tasting results

Ceylon black large-leaf tea "Dilmah" (THE SINGLE ORIGIN TEA 100% PURE CEYLON)

Highest grade

Appearance: especially large-leaved, twisted, heterogeneous, with a small amount of open and rough leaves, a broken leaf and a small number of petioles.


Aroma: quite pronounced

Taste: tart, rough, bitter

Score: 4.25

Corresponds to the highest grade

Long leaf black tea Ceylon large-leaf "AKBAR" / "AKBAR"

Highest grade

Infusion: above average, clear

Aroma: pronounced, pleasant enough

Taste: rather tart, with a bitter aftertaste

Broiled sheet color: copper brown

Score: 4.25

Corresponds to the highest grade

Long-leaf black tea Ceylon large-leaf "CROWN OF THE RUSSIAN EMPIRE" so-called. "MAY"

Highest grade

Appearance: especially large-leaved, twisted, with a small amount of coarse leaves and a small number of petioles.

Infusion: above average, clear

Aroma: quite pronounced

Taste: rather tart, bitter, rough

Broiled sheet color: copper brown

Score: 4.25

Corresponds to the highest grade

Ceylon black leaf tea O.P. "AHMAD TEA"

Appearance: medium-leaf (VOR), rather uniform, twisted, with petioles.

Infusion: medium, bright, clear

Aroma: pronounced

Taste: tart, astringent, with pronounced bitterness

Point score: 4.5

Corresponds to the highest grade in taste and aroma and does not correspond to the appearance (harvesting) declared on the label

Brooke Bond black loose leaf tea

Highest grade

Appearance: heterogeneous, small-leaved, with open plates of tea, petioles and fibers.

Infusion: medium, clear

Aroma: quite pronounced

Taste: medium astringency

Broiled sheet color: copper brown

Score: 3.75

Corresponds to the first grade

Black long leaf tea "LIPTON YELLOW LABEL TEA"

Highest grade

Appearance: fairly uniform, medium leaf

Infusion: medium, bright, transparent

Aroma: quite pronounced

Taste: tart, astringent

Bonded sheet color: copper

Score: 4.25

Corresponds to the highest grade

Ceylon black large-leaf tea, standard O.R. "RISTON CEYLON PREMIUM"

Appearance: very large-leaf, uniform, even, well-curled

Aroma: pronounced, pleasant

Taste: tart, full of astringent, with a harmonious bitterness

Broiled sheet color: copper brown

Point score: 5

Corresponds to the highest grade

Ceylon black leaf tea "Matre de The Noir" Ceylon with tips "

Highest grade

Appearance: large-leaved, even, well-curled, with a small amount of silver tips

Infusion: medium, bright, transparent, with a reddish tint

Aroma: pronounced, pleasant, with a light floral note

Taste: tart, full, astringent, with a harmonious bitterness

Broiled sheet color: copper brown

Point score: 5, 25

Corresponds to the "Bouquet" variety

Black long tea Ceylon medium-leaf "NUWARA ELIYA Mlesna" / "Nuwara Elia Mlesna"

Highest grade

Appearance: mixed: medium-leaved with large-leaved, well twisted

Infusion: medium, bright, transparent, with a reddish tint

Aroma: pronounced, pleasant

Taste: tart, astringent, with a harmonious bitterness

Bonded sheet color: copper

Score: 4.75

Corresponds to the highest grade

Long leaf black tea tm. "Greenfield" Magic Yunnan

Variety Bouquet

Appearance: large-leaved, well-rolled, even, with a small amount of golden tips

Infusion: above average, clear

Aroma: pronounced, pleasant, with a light note of dried fruits

Taste: rather tart, soft, with a dried fruit flavor

Bonded sheet color: copper

Point score: 4.5

Corresponds to the highest grade

Long leaf black tea tm. "TWININGS" "ENGLISH BREAKFAST TEA" / "English tea for breakfast"

Highest grade

Appearance: heterogeneous, small-leaved, with open plates of tea, petioles, fibers and fines

Infusion: medium, clear

Aroma: quite pronounced

Taste: medium astringency

Bonded sheet color: copper

Point score: 3.5

Corresponds to the first grade