Calorie content of cheese. The least fatty cheeses

10.05.2019 Seafood dishes

Cheese consumption reduces appetite, because cheeseincreases the level by 20 times satiety hormone in blood. Therefore, if 2-3 hours after eating you feel hungry again, eat a piece of cheese, and you will forget about hunger without consequences for your figure. This amazing product absorbs all the useful components of milk and contains them in a concentrated form. There is a belief that Semiramis - the queen of Assyria, in whose honor the Gardens of Semiramis were created - was especially beautiful and strong due to the fact that in her childhood she ate only cheese that the birds brought her in their beaks.

The benefits of cheese

Cheeseis an extremely healthy and nutritious product recommended by nutritionists. Its value for any person, and especially for someone who is actively involved in sports, is undeniable.

Content squirrel there is more in cheese than in meat or fish. For example, 70 g of Emmental cheese contains protein as much as 100 g of fish, 100 g of meat and 2 eggs. Cheese contains vital amino acids: methionine, lysine, tryptophan, as well as trace elements such as phosphorus, zinc, calcium, which regenerates bone tissue. amount calcium 500 g of cheese is approximately equal to the amount of calcium in 4.5 liters of milk. Only 100 g of cheese per day covers human needs for most vitamins (A, B2, B12, D) and minerals. Moreover, the body absorbs all the nutrients from cheese almost completely.

Cheese is very useful for those who consume a lot of energy: children, nursing mothers and pregnant women who are engaged in manual labor. The average fat content (which is the main source of energy) in this product is about 30%.


Kcal per 100 g


Kcal per 100 g

Hochland cheese in a briquette

Hochland cheese in slices

Processed cheese Druzhba, 55%

Adyghe cheese

Orbita cheese

Smoked sausage cheese

Cheese made from cow's milk

Brie cheese

Cheese made from sheep's milk

Camembert cheese


Parmesan cheese

Dutch cheese

Tilsiter cheese

Homemade cheese, 4% fat

Edam cheese

Cheese Kostroma

Emmental cheese

Poshekhonsky cheese

Cheddar cheese

Roquefort cheese

Soviet cheese

Russian cheese

Uglich cheese

Fat curd cheese

Chees Feta

Swiss Cheese

Mozzarella cheese

Lithuanian cheese

Estonian cheese

Gouda cheese (45%)

Yaroslavsky cheese

Read about how to cook feta cheese at home in the article Cheese at home.

Hard cheeses and their calorie content

Dutch cheese, Edam and Gouda have a slightly nutty flavor and make a great breakfast or dessert. They are great for fitness nutrition, as they are relatively low-fat (28%) and at the same time very rich in protein (25%). This is a real storehouse of calcium. With the consumption of only 70-100 g of these cheeses per day, the body receives the elements it needs. It is especially important to include such types of cheese in the menu for elderly people (over the years the body needs more calcium) and smokers (since nicotine interferes with the normal absorption of calcium).

Cheddar cheese is native to England. It has a slightly sour taste. Cheddar is slightly fatter and more calories (379 kcal). Parmesan, an Italian product, is recognized as the king of all cheeses. It is the hardest of the hard cheeses, but not very fatty (32% fat in dry matter).

Soft cheeses and their calorie content

Soft cheeses are lower in calories than hard ones. For example, French Camembert has 23% fat and 291 kcal. The famous French cheese with a nutty flavor, Brie, and the Greek soft cheese made from sheep's milk, Feta, have similar properties. These types of cheese contribute to the good functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Roquefort (blue cheese) is slightly higher in calories and contains more fat (30%) and less protein (17%). Mozzarella is widely used in pizza making. He is also known for fighting insomnia. This is a low-fat cheese with a fairly low calorie content (278 kcal), like Suluguni, a famous Georgian pickled cheese. The truly excellent fitness nutrition is feta cheese, which is less fatty and goes great with vegetables.

How to eat cheese and lose weight?

Nowadays, soy tofu cheese, which is high in protein, is very popular. In addition, this delicious cheese is low in fat, it is easily absorbed by the body and therefore is indicated for people with diseases of the digestive system. Calorie contenttofu cheese low - total 72 kcal per 100 g. Therefore, it can be eaten to lose weight! Nutritionists also recommend eating Adyghe cheese, which contains a minimum of fat. And, of course, pay attention to how few calories and fats are compared to other cheeses in homemade cheese.

Commonly known as greetings from around the world.

  • Very popular Dutch "Edam". His cousin-brother "Gouda". Here it is known as the famous Dutch cheese and its calorie content is 352 kcal. Many countries produce these hard cheeses for slicing, which speaks of their popularity and generally recognized taste. If you have a good sense of smell, you can easily recognize the nutty flavor, which increases with maturity. And for our theme "fitness nutrition" these cheeses are almost perfect.

In this group of cheeses. 25% protein and 28% fat are clear evidence of its suitability for fitness diets and breakfast desserts.

  • Here's greetings from good old England - the famous "Cheddar". World famous! Ripening for 2-3 months, in order to give us a feast of taste! With a sour-nutty taste and "bouquet" of data - 392 kcal, fat content in 32% and 23% proteins.
  • Do you like French cheeses? And the Munster? It contains 365 kcal, fat content 29, proteins - more than 26%. Try it. You should like it. Or maybe you prefer Limbur cheese or Livaro? And it is clearly worth trying "romadur" or "tilsiter".
  • If you prefer hard "Emmental" cheeses, then you are a clear fan of everything Swiss. But in Germany this cheese is known as "Algaus". Apparently in France, Austria and Finland they also love this cheese, since they produce it at home.
  • Another Swiss cheese "Gruyere" - for lovers of hard-hard varieties, slightly fatter than Parmesan and a calorie content of 396 kcal.
  • And here is the famous Parmesan cheese with its calorie content of 292 kcal, called the king of cheeses. This cheese is used grated. In its native Italy, all of its varieties are classified as the hardest cheese varieties with a fat content of 32%. Information about its production is very informative. It turns out that cheese “ripens” for 10 years or more. But 3-4-year-old cheese is usually supplied for sale. And according to experts, over the years it becomes tastier, harder, and you need a hammer to "crack" it! And also the ritual of checking maturity and "health" (a kind of quality control department) - tapping specials. the cheese brought out of the cellars with hammers. If something is wrong - rejection, grinding, drying and packaging.

Love yourself? Then "indulge"! - Enjoy only fresh grated cheese! No comparison with the already packaged!

  • My favorite cheese with huge holes! Cheese "Maasdam" with a calorie content of 350 kcal. Dutch cheese makers have created this gastronomic delicious unique in spite of the cheese makers of Switzerland and the famous cheese "Emmental". Are you aware that there are varieties of "holes"? - Cheese "Royal", "Frontera", "Jagibo", "Friko". And all this is "Maasdam"! It often seems to me that the more holes there are in the body of the cheese, the tastier and healthier it is!

Semi-hard blue cheeses

  • French "Roquefort". Aristocratic and famous. Recognized all over the world. Be aware that the “signature” Roquefort is strictly based on sheep's milk fermented into cheese mass, to which the “signature” fungus “Penicillium Roquefort”, grown from rye bread, has been added. The production of this particular cheese has become a monopoly for the owners of the natural grottoes, where all this is located.

If you see a red seal on the package shell - an oval with a lamb - then this is a branded product. Slightly crumbling with streaks of mold. Do not be afraid for your figure - the calorie content of cheese is 332 kcal, the fat content is -30%, and the proteins are only 17%.

  • Almost all over the world they produce soft (although it belongs to the group of semi-hard) Italian cheese "Gorgonzola" - a notable competitor of "Roquefort". Branded "mountain" - a rare guest on sale, with a strong smell and pungent taste. But there are gentle versions of this cheese - less spiciness and a piquant taste. With a lower fat content than "Roquefort" (26%), calorie content of 310 kcal - an excellent option in the case of fitness nutrition.
  • Camembert cheese, which is not very common outside of France, has a caloric content of 291 kcal (fat content 23%, protein 21%). It is brewed almost all over the country, but gourmets claim that the best is still Norman, where he comes from.
  • Another cheese from the galaxy of famous and French ones. Bree. With a delicate taste and a nutty aftertaste. With a calorie content of 291 kcal and a fat content of 23%. Cheese makers in France offer its varieties to lovers: "brie de Melin", "brie de Coulomier".

Soft exotic cheeses

  • This is a Greek pearl, perhaps even the source of Mediterranean cheeses, the famous "feta" - a soft cheese made from traditional sheep's milk. With a special recipe for maturation in brine. Its calorie content is 290 kcal, fat content is 24%.
  • The countries of the Mediterranean, the mountainous regions of the Caucasus have been preparing for a long time a relative of feta cheese, feta, mozzarella, soft homemade cheese "Adygeiskiy" with a calorie content of 240 kcal. And how nutritionists love to advise this cheese! Try with herbs and wine. Highlanders use it every day and many become long-livers. Maybe we should try?
  • Cheese-technologists of the Valio company have created Oltermanni cheese with a caloric value of 270.00 kcal, 17% fat, and a mild creamy taste on the basis of standard traditional cheese using unique technologies. This "tasty" is ideal for diets. Nutrition - the product is free of lactose and preservatives, a lot of protein and calcium, and the salt is minimized.

Processed cheeses

  • The Swiss did not have enough of their usual cheeses, so back in the 50s of the last century they invented a way to make "processed" cheese with a calorie content of 294 kcal, heat-treating rennet (again this is a funny word) cheeses. And they still produce such a product of the Kraft brand. Flavoring fillers are introduced into the mass - salt, spices, butter, sugar, mushrooms, bacon. The result is a yummy like pasta or a layer with different tastes.
  • And if we form “sausages” from the melted cheese mass (hence the name) and smoked them in special smokehouses-chambers, we get “sausage” cheese with a calorie content of 275 kcal. As a result, we get what we used to have breakfast - an exquisite aroma of smoked meat with a high content of vitamins A folic acid, phosphorus, calcium and potassium.

Pizza cheeses

  • Common truths and culinary taboos - very popular pizzas traditionally use the famous low-fat Mozzarella cheese with a calorie content of 240 kcal. This is a cheese making classic! But you need buffalo milk (for the brand). You can, of course, replace it with a standard cow. You can do a lot in cooking, but the taste will be a bit “wrong”. The fat content only remains the same - 24%.
  • Excellent fitness menu - "Brynza". 20% fat, 260 kcal. And most importantly, it is great for all kinds of vegetable salads.
  • Specifically brine cheese from Georgia, delicious and popular "Suluguni". Caloric content 290 kcal, fat content 24%.
  • Delicate consistency and the name, famous since the times of the USSR, cheese "Russian" with the familiar calorie content of 360 kcal and fat content of 29%. Prepared with rennet. Having become the brand of the country of origin, this semi-hard cheese mesmerizes with the familiar lace of small holes on the cut. Good for sandwiches and pizza.

The benefits and dangers of sandwiches

The rhythm of modern life. The cycle. Crazy speed. And everything needs to be done. And in a day there is clearly not enough a couple of hours for ... just for sleep and lunch. If it's really impossible to carve out an hour, half an hour or a minute for an exquisite dinner with the "Queen of England", then your style is sandwiches. Like a snack in between, like that dinner with the Queen. On a slice of your favorite rye with bran or any grain bread, a slice of real ham or super-favorite cheese, a thin slice of a tomato-cucumber plate, a ring of bell pepper and a sprig of greens ... mmmmm ... Do you smell the aroma? With a cup of your favorite aromatic tea or stylishly delicious coffee. And you enjoy a couple of minutes of peace. In these minutes, in your fantasies, you can move in space and through time! Something like meditation. Luxuriously!

But eating delicious sandwiches has a couple of flaws. Let's talk about them. Let's talk about the same calorie content. The preferred by many "Borodinsky" bread has 245 kcal, and a white loaf - add another 50 kcal. And if you make a full-fledged sandwich with traditional sausage-cheese, the calorie content soars by an order of magnitude.

Let's choose the best option for the benefits and those very calories.

A traditional cheese sandwich - its calorie content is 240 kcal. And it will be of great benefit to the body if it receives this energy charge before lunchtime. It was at this time that he (the body, not a sandwich) had a "problem" - he lacks the energy of carbohydrates.

Cheese belongs to the category of food products that are obtained from milk and at the same time use lactic acid bacteria and clotting enzymes. The benefits of cheese have been known for seventy centuries. Today this delicious product is present in the kitchen of almost every person.

The gastronomic value and taste, as well as the calorie content of the cheese, largely depend on the type of cheese and on the correct combination of foods and drinks that are served with such a delicacy. The usual cheese sandwiches do not reveal the aroma and full-fledged taste of the cheese. For example, many soft and hard cheese varieties are great for sweet and juicy fruits. The best option is cheese canapes with fruit. It is good to add this product to green summer salads, as the cheese in this case gives the salads a certain sharpness and density.

Cheese goes well with hot dishes. Young cheese will add a juicy flavor to your food, while aged varieties will add a special flavor and crispiness. The choice of alcoholic beverages is also important - the ideal option is wine. Tart wines are served with hard varieties, and delicate grape drinks are served with delicate varieties.

Composition and useful properties of cheese

If we consider the calorie content of cheese from a dietary point of view, then it is a unique food product, because it surpasses some types of meat in nutritional value. The composition of the cheese is the same composition of milk, only in a higher concentration. In addition, the calorie content of cheese is quite high, so it is classified as nutritious and satisfying.

Speaking about the calorie content of cheese, it should be noted that the calories of cheese include sixty percent milk fat, twenty-five percent protein, and three and a half percent mineral components. Cheese calories also include vitamins A, C, PP, E, B vitamins, and pantothenic acid.

Due to the fact that the calories in cheese are contained in the same amount as in milk, all milk components of cheese are contained in it in the same proportions. Calories in cheese, in the form of high phosphorus and calcium content, give it special nutritional value.

The calorie content of cheese varies depending on the variety. There are cheeses with a fat mass fraction of twenty to sixty percent. The calorie content of cheese can range from 232 to 380 kcal per hundred grams of product.

The value of cheese for human health is undeniable, but due to the fact that the calorie content of cheese is high, you need to use it carefully, especially for people who are on a diet. As noted above, cheese contains a lot of protein, and amino acids, which in turn are contained in protein, are vital for humans. When cheese ripens, cheese protein is broken down and, due to this, is absorbed by the body by almost ninety-nine percent, which is much easier than the assimilation of protein in natural milk. Cheese contains various trace elements and vitamins to help improve digestion and a lot of calcium, which is responsible for growth and mental development.

Each person has their own favorite type of cheese. Someone likes varieties of cheese made from low-fat milk, someone loves soft varieties of cheese, but hard varieties of cheese are considered the most delicious, and all varieties have different calories. Therefore, it is natural that the calorie content of cheese depends on the fat content of the milk from which it is made.

Despite the great benefits for humans, it is not recommended to consume large quantities of cheese. First, the calorie content of hard cheese is very high. Secondly, the calories of cheese are contained in it in the form of animal fat, therefore, due to the high content of cholesterol, problems may appear in the vascular system of the human body.

Cheese varieties

Cheese is considered an everyday product and a delicacy at the same time, because there are many varieties and types of cheese. Due to such an abundance of varieties and types of cheese, many are wondering: how many calories are in cheese?

The calorie content of cheese primarily depends on its type and method of preparation. For example, when answering the question of how many calories are in hard cheeses, it is worth noting that the average calorie content is 264 kcal per hundred grams of product. And answering the question, how many calories are in soft cheeses, it is worth noting that the calorie content is 291 kcal per hundred grams of the product.

Calorie content of Adyghe cheese

Adyghe cheese, like other dairy products, is a source of easily digestible mineral salts. Also, this type of cheese contains a lot of vitamins - retinol, beta-carotene, vitamins B1 to B12, ascorbic acid. Calories in Adyghe cheese are also contained in the form of amino acids and enzymes, fats, ash, carbohydrates, sugar, organic acids.

The calorie content in the Adyghe cheese is 240 kcal per hundred grams of the product. This is not much considering the beneficial properties of this cheese. The calorie content of Adyghe cheese, eighty grams, contains the daily rate of amino acids necessary for the human body.

Due to the low calorie content of Adyghe cheese, it has a beneficial effect on digestion and on the work of the entire nervous system. It can be eaten by people who are overweight, as well as those who have high blood pressure.

Adyghe cheese is also an excellent antidepressant. Due to the high content of tryptophan, mood normalizes, anxiety decreases, and sleep improves.

Due to the low calorie content of the Adyghe cheese, it is recommended to be consumed by athletes, nursing mothers and pregnant women, the elderly. It is easily digested and at the same time does not burden the body, enriching it with the necessary and useful substances necessary for the normal functioning of the entire human body.

Russian cheese is one of the most nutritious and high-calorie foods. This is due to the high content of protein in cheese - the most important "fuel" for the human body. Most of the protein in Russian cheese is in a soluble form, so it is easily absorbed by the human body.

The calorie content in Russian cheese is 360 kcal per hundred grams of product. One hundred grams of Russian cheese contains 29 grams of fat and 25 grams of protein.

The calorie content of Russian cheese, in addition to the high protein content, also includes vitamins A, B, PP, as well as essential amino acids necessary for the vital activity and successful development of the human body.

Calorie content of processed cheese

Processed cheese is a food product that is made from regular cheese and always with the addition of whey, preservatives, emulsifiers, melting salts and food colors.

The calorie content in processed cheese is 305 kcal per hundred grams of product. In addition, the calorie content of processed cheese contains 22 grams of protein, 27 grams of fat, 2.5 grams of carbohydrates in one hundred grams.

Regardless of the type of milk used in the manufacture of processed cheese, it is a source of nutrients, only concentrated, including calcium. Processed cheese contains nutrients such as zinc, phosphorus, riboflavin, vitamin A and vitamin B12. Also processed cheese is a source of high quality protein. It contains phosphates that prevent dental caries but can cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, you need to be careful with its use.

Anyone who is not indifferent to cheese, a leader in the popularity rating of fermented milk products, should take into account its energy value when drawing up a healthy diet. The calorie content of hard cheese, the most fatty and nutritious type, is high and varies from 350 to 420 kcal per 100 g of product. This indicator depends on the variety associated with the technology of its production, and the fat content of the milk used.


Numerous hard cheese varieties are produced using two methods: boiling or drying with the addition of lactic acid bacteria and enzymes that stimulate the milk clotting process. This product can mature from three months to three years.

A special niche is occupied by extra-hard cheeses (Italian "Parmesan" or Swiss "sbrinz"), which wait for their readiness from two to ten years. The famous Parmesan, when ripe, becomes the hardest product. It is split with a knife resembling a chisel, as well as a special hammer that hits the metal insert on the knife handle. If the calorie content of hard cheese "sbrinz" from Switzerland is 429 kcal per 100 g of product, then Italian parmesan is a more dietary option, its energy value is 292 kcal per 100 g.

Extra-hard cheeses are used to prepare gourmet dishes either in grated form or in small crushed pieces. And also they are served with the finest ready-made shavings as an appetizer for wine. Among the varieties of hard cheeses, there are: naturally ripened cheeses ("Gouda", "Edamer", "Maasdam"), gourmet cheeses with blue mold ("Blau Bastianse", "Delfts Blau"), peasant cheeses ("Bemster", "Stolviker" ), smoked ("Gouda") or with a red crust ("Doruvael"). The calorie content of hard cheese depends on its fat content, which is 32% in Parmesan, 45% in Dutch cheese, and 50% in Swiss cheese. It is known that the higher this indicator is for a popular fermented milk product, the tastier it is.

Hard cheeses are produced in Russia: "Gollandsky", which corresponds to "Edamsky" from the Netherlands, "Swiss", English "Cheddar", "Kostroma", "Russian", "Soviet", "Yaroslavsky", "Altaysky" and "Gornoaltaysky "," Moskovsky "," Caucasian ", cheese" Brie President ", smoked varieties and others.


Cheese contains 26-28% protein, which is absorbed by the human body much better than meat. Nutritionists call solid varieties "concentrated milk" because sometimes a small piece of cheese for breakfast (30-50 g) can replace 300-400 ml of valuable liquid. The high calorie content of hard cheese is associated with a high lipid content in milk (20-28%). They are also rich in vitamins: A, group B (B1, B2, B6, B9, B12), PP, E and C. The described product contains many minerals: zinc, calcium, copper, manganese, sodium, iron, magnesium, potassium , phosphorus. Milk fat has a low-melting structure and a large amount of phosphotites, which contribute to its almost complete assimilation (by 98-99%).


When consuming hard cheese, the calorie content of which is high, you need to watch out for moderate portions and a sufficient amount of physical activity. This will help you use up excess energy from the nutrient.

But hard cheeses, if eaten regularly in sufficient quantities, bring essential amino acids to a person, which are part of their composition: tryptophan, methionine and lysine. The first helps to reduce appetite, participates in the synthesis of vitamin B3, which is necessary for brain activity. In turn, lysine and methionine help break down fats and slow down the aging process of cells.

Calorie table of various types of hard cheese

Despite the benefits that hard cheese gives to the body, the calorie content in 100 grams of any type of this product is 17-20% of the total daily diet. Anyone who monitors their figure or blood cholesterol levels can consume no more than 20-50 g of mature cheese per day.

Cheese varieties


Energy value in kcal per 100 g





Kondrovo Russian "Olterber"

Dobryana Russian













Lithuanian "Gouda", "Edam"



Cheese with mushrooms








"Etorki" (sheep)





When preparing meals or snacks, hard cheese is often grated to create an appetizing crust. A teaspoon of this delicacy contains 8 g, of which 30 kcal can be obtained. A tablespoon of hard varieties contains 25 g, while the calorie content of the product is 94 kcal.

A glass (200 ml) contains 320 g of hard grated cheese with a calorie content of 1200 kcal, and in a cup (250 ml) - 400 g and 1500 kcal, respectively.

Energy value of "Russian" cheese

One of the most popular domestic cheeses - "Russian" - is produced today in Russia and some neighboring countries. The characteristic features of this type of hard cheese are its pronounced, delicate taste and "fine lace" pattern. Prepare "Russian" cheese from pasteurized milk obtained from cows, with the addition of rennet and lactic acid bacteria. The product is aged for 2.5 months and then goes to stores.

The calorie content of "Russian" hard cheese can vary from 337 to 366 kcal. Milk protein is about 23%, lipids - about 30% (in dry weight, the fat content of the product does not exceed 50%). This cheese is rich in vitamins B, A, E, D and PP. 100 g of the product accounts for 0.88 g of calcium, 0.81 g of sodium, 88 mg of potassium and 0.5 g of phosphorus. Cheese "Russian" with a fat content of 45% contains 337 kcal per 100 g of product, the calorie content of hard cheese 50% fat (of the same grade) is 358 kcal, and the energy value of the Russian "Como" is 363 kcal.

Harm and contraindications

When buying a favorite product, you need to pay attention to its natural composition: the addition of vegetable fats (palm oil) reduces its cost and significantly degrades its quality. It should also be borne in mind that people suffering from gastrointestinal problems are prohibited from eating spicy varieties of the described product. Sometimes hard cheese, the calorie content of which may be low, causes headaches, migraine attacks or nightmares. This harm is caused by an excess of the amino acid coming from the cheese - tryptophan. If you abuse solid varieties of the product, then this can become a trigger for the occurrence of excess cholesterol in the blood, its thickening, hypertension or atherosclerosis.

Blue cheese (hard), the calorie content of which is 340-353 kcal per 100 g of a spicy product, is prohibited in the diet of pregnant women, since certain foods with mold contain a dangerous amount of bacteria that cause listeriosis. This disease can lead to problems with bearing a baby and giving birth.

For fitness nutrition

The beneficial properties of hard cheeses are a godsend for a vegetarian menu or for those who want to diversify their protein diet. They act as a substitute for meat or fish. Protein is involved in the formation of muscles and organs, while phosphorus and calcium strengthen the structure of joints and bones. When choosing hard cheeses for a diet while losing weight, you need to pay attention to the product label, which indicates the exact energy value of the product in calories. For example, the calorie content of 45% fat hard cheese can vary from 310 kcal to 420 kcal.

At the same time, Cheddar cheese can be produced both with a fat content of 49-50% (405 kcal) and 33%. The calorie content in the second case will be only 380 kcal. A dietary version of this cheese called "Cheddar" contains only 18% fat and has only 282 kcal. At the same time, milk fat is absorbed by the human body quite easily, but a high percentage of lipids can prevent weight loss. Therefore, it is more advisable when losing weight to eat no more than two cheese slices (plates) in the morning. You can also consume no more than 20 g of your favorite hard cheese before lunch, but no more than twice a week.

The product helps to maintain muscle mass and health while fighting extra pounds, but it is necessary to ensure sufficient physical activity.

Zucchini diet dish with grated cheese

From products you will need: 1 kg of zucchini, 15 g of sunflower oil, 40 g of corn flour, 1-2 eggs, 200 g of Adyghe cheese and 150 g of "Russian", 1-2 cloves of garlic (to taste), fresh parsley. In order to prepare a delicious dietary casserole, the zucchini is grated on a coarse grater and sprinkled with salt. Then let them settle and drain the excess liquid, squeezing out the mass. Grated cheese, chopped parsley, favorite spices are added, garlic is squeezed out. Mix with flour and egg, giving the mass homogeneity. A baking sheet is greased with oil, the future casserole is poured onto it and the surface is leveled. Sprinkle with cheese and bake at 180 degrees for 30-40 minutes. The calorie content of such a dish is 156 kcal per 100 g of casserole.

What is the calorie and fat content of Russian cheese, how to use it correctly when losing weight. The benefits and harms of the product, how to choose quality cheese.

Russian cheese is made from pasteurized cow's milk. This product usually contains 50% dry fat. There are also less fatty varieties - 45% dry matter. The lower the fat percentage, the lower the calorie content. Despite its fat content, the product is an indispensable source of calcium. Just 100 g can meet the daily calcium requirement. But how many grams are allowed to eat per day so as not to harm the figure? Let's start with the chemical composition.

Chemical composition

Nutrients that are contained in 100 g:

Substance Content
Protein 25 g
Fats 28 g
Carbohydrates 0.25 g
Cholesterol 90 mg
Amino acids 14 g
Essential amino acids 8.5 g
Saturated fatty acids 16 g
Omega-6 0.7 g
Omega-9 7 g
Vitamins Content
AND 0.28 mg
E 500 mcg
FROM 700 mcg
IN 1 40 mcg
IN 2 300 mcg
AT 6 100 mcg
AT 9 0.02 mg
AT 12 1.6 μg
PP 6 mg
Macro and microelements Content
TO 87.9 mg
Ca 881 mg
Fe 1.05 mg
Ph 501 mg
Cu 51 μg
Na 809 mg
Zn 3.52 mg
S 233 mg
Mg 34.9 mg

Calorie content of Russian cheese

A large proportion of the calorie content of the product is fats, the higher their percentage, the more nutritious the cheese is. Below is an example of calories in two fat options per 100 g.

Benefit and harm

Cheese is especially useful for pregnant and lactating mothers, a rich complex of macro- and microelements will help maintain health, bone and muscle structure, and soothe the nervous system. Also, the content of folic acid and pyridoxine helps the correct development of the fetus.

It is known that not fats are the main enemies of diets, but carbohydrates, which are practically absent in cheese, only 0.25 g of lactose - milk sugar. But the product still contains cholesterol, although in small doses it is not at all harmful. Nevertheless, you need to be careful with the consumption of cheese, it has a fairly high calorie content.

A piece of cheese weighing 50 g is equivalent in energy value to a whole bowl of vegetable salad. Therefore, this is not the most correct ingredient in the dietary menu, but in any case it cannot be canceled, the main thing is to use it correctly.

Application in dietary nutrition

Many nutritionists are big opponents of mono-diets, the tendency to compose the menu is reduced to the permission to include your favorite dishes in the diet, and Russian cheese was no exception. Refusal from high-calorie and favorite foods, according to nutritionists, will lead to weight gain. Sooner or later, losing weight will return to the previous diet, and this will threaten the deposition of fat from dishes that have not been received for a long time. It is better to eat a small piece once a week and not bring the body to a state of stress.

Cheese is present in many diets based on protein nutrition, but their calorie content should not exceed 30% and, unfortunately, Russian does not apply to them. But there are diets, for example Japanese, in which no more than 15 g of fatty cheese is allowed.

A cheese diet has also been developed, in which, in addition to the main ingredient, protein products predominate - meat, eggs, dairy products. At the same time, carbohydrates are completely excluded, such a diet is designed for ten days. Tea and coffee are allowed.

Each diet has its own disadvantages and contraindications, it is better to eat right, combining foods in the right amount. For the best effect, it is worth adding physical activity, this will increase the consumption of excess energy.

An important condition for losing weight in the presence of cheeses in the diet is to reduce the daily calorie content, and the lower the calorie content, the faster the body will begin to spend energy from fats. That is, you need to create a deficit of incoming energy. Of course, with a diet of 1200 Kcal per day, you should not consume 100 g of cheese, because a piece will make up one fourth of the total calorie content. One small slice is enough.

How to Pick a Good Cheese

There is a huge list of manufacturers, but how not to be mistaken and choose a quality product, here are some tips:

  • carefully check the expiration date, a spoiled product can seriously harm your health;
  • choose products without palm oil and other cheap impurities;
  • cheese should not be slimy in appearance and have an off-odor;
  • the more expensive the product, the more high-quality raw materials were used in the manufacture.

How Russian cheese is made - watch the video:

Whatever the usefulness of the product, to maintain the rate of weight or reduce it, monitor its calorie content and composition. Cheese is really good for the body and practically harmless, with the exception of individual intolerance to dairy products. Eat healthy, exercise, and have fun eating.

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