Apple and orange compote for the winter without sterilization. Apple and orange compote - a delicious drink with exotic hints

04.08.2019 Salads

We roll up a compote of apples and oranges "Home Fanta" for the winter according to my recipes

Your kids love Fanta and don't want to stuff them with bottled chemicals? There is a way out - make apple compote with oranges and lemons for the winter according to my recipe. Believe me, after such a drink, store bottles with a poisonous orange mixture of unknown origin will cease to attract the eyes of your household!

Recipe without sterilization

It has long been known that excessive heat treatment is detrimental to water-soluble vitamins. Therefore, we will prepare an aromatic and healthy drink in several stages, each time boiling the infusion separately from the fruits themselves.

Recipe for 1 three-liter can:

  • 8-9 small apples of green varieties (red after scalding darken and have a slightly different taste);
  • 300 gr. granulated sugar;
  • 2.5 liters of drinking water;
  • half an orange (medium size, so that it can completely pass into the neck of the can);
  • 1/3 of a ripe lemon of the same size.

How we cook:

  1. Wash the jars very thoroughly and degrease them with baking soda. Fry in the oven or soak over steam for at least 15 minutes. Sprinkle the lids with boiling water.
  2. Remove the peel from the apples, cut the fruit in half and take out the core. We cut them into slices of medium thickness.
  3. Be sure to wash the citruses under the tap and then scald with boiling water in a deep bowl so that the bitterness leaves the peel.
  4. We put apples in a jar, cut into rings across the citrus. The thickness of the circles should not exceed 1 centimeter.
  5. Add 3 circles of orange and 2 slices of lemon to the apples.
  6. We boil water, fill the prepared jars to the top. Cover with lids and wrap with a terry towel for 209 minutes.
  7. Pour the infusion back into the pot. I advise everyone to buy special lids with holes made of food grade plastic. They cost a penny, but they are very convenient to use in the procurement process.
  8. Pour sugar to the infusion and heat the liquid until the grains are completely dissolved, bring to a boil, pour it back into jars.
  9. Fill the steamed fruit with the finished dressing, and immediately roll up the lids.
  10. We turn it over on a thick mat, insulate it with unnecessary things.

You can store homemade products only after they have completely cooled down at room temperature.

Compote of apples and oranges for the winter "Tropical"

The aroma of this drink cannot be confused with anything - apples of light varieties are perfectly combined with spices and fragrant citrus. I cook such a treat all year round, since all the ingredients can be bought at the nearest grocery store or supermarket, regardless of the season. From the specified amount of ingredients, you can roll up 2 three-liter jars. If such volumes do not suit someone, you can use two-liter or one and a half liter containers.

  • 1 kg of apples of any size, since you still have to cut them into pieces;
  • 2 large glasses of granulated sugar (0.5 kg);
  • 2 large oranges;
  • 1/2 cinnamon sticks;
  • 2-4 clove buds.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. We steam clean cans. I like to fry containers for canning in the oven more - I send containers to a cold unit and set the temperature to 100 degrees. As soon as the light tells me that the required heat has been collected, I set the timer for 5 minutes and go to process the ingredients of the treat.
  2. My apples, cut in half and take out the seed capsule with a sharp knife. You do not need to peel off the fruit!
  3. I send the fruits into a large saucepan, pour the prescribed amount of drinking water - it needs so much so that the drink remains saturated in the end. Much depends on the selected variety of fruits. If you wish, you can take a little more of them.
  4. As soon as the fruit is boiled until soft, I add sugar and spices to the company. At this stage, it is convenient to control the amount of sweet addition to the compote - some people like sour drinks.
  5. In a deep bowl, pour boiling water over the citrus fruits and cut them into thick circles along with the peel. I add oranges to compote.
  6. After 10 minutes, I put the pieces of fruit in jars and pour the spicy liquid to the top.
  7. I roll it up immediately, turn it over onto a substrate.
  8. I warm the seams with an old blanket and in a day I take them to the cellar for storage until winter.

Such a charm is not worth long, as it looks very appetizing and turns out to be fragrant and tasty.

Vitamin preparation for hypertensive patients

It will be necessary to prepare such a twist in the fall - it is at the end of September that the black chokeberry will become suitable for blanks. I have several mature chokeberry bushes on my site, and therefore I freeze the rest of the crop. Then you can use the berries in the off-season, since the rest of the components are sold all year round. In this case, it must be remembered that the plant is able to dramatically reduce pressure and therefore it is better for hypotonic people not to get carried away with drinks with its participation.

We need:

  • 3 large apples of any kind or 6-8 small ones;
  • 1 glass blackberry;
  • 2 medium-sized oranges;
  • 2.5 liters of purified water;
  • 1 cup of sugar.

Preparing a healthy drink:

  1. Rinse fruits and berries, drain off water.
  2. In a saucepan for boiling compote, we put the blackberry, breaking off each berry from the bunches.
  3. Remove the core and spoilage from apples, cut them into small pieces. If you only have small fruits at hand, you can skip them and send them whole to the pan.
  4. Pour the prepared components with the prescribed amount of water, bring to a boil.
  5. As soon as the apples are boiled, add sugar to the company and stir. Heat over low heat until the grains are completely dissolved.
  6. Pour boiling water over the citruses, drain the liquid.
  7. Chop tropical fruits into large pieces suitable for a meat grinder.
  8. Grind oranges, send to a boiling compote of apples and blackberries.
  9. After a minute, pour the fragrant liquid into jars prepared in any way, add boiled fruits and berries.
  10. Roll up with scalded metal lids.
  11. Turn over, insulate, leave in the kitchen until it cools completely at room temperature.

It is better to store the vitamin preparation in a dark and dry place - chokeberry can ferment in the sun, and then the compote will have to be thrown away for the winter.

The apple compote itself is not particularly original, but if you add oranges to it, this is a completely different story.

Citrus fruits will add spice and freshness to compote.

Apple and orange compote - general principles of preparation

Apples for compote are selected without wormholes and damage. The fruit is washed well, cored and cut into slices or cubes. Oranges are poured over with boiling water, wiped and chopped into not too thin slices. The peel from the orange can be peeled off or used without peeling.

Dishes with water are placed on the stove. As soon as it boils, add sugar and cook, stirring occasionally, until it dissolves. Then put fruits and citrus fruits in the syrup. The compote is boiled for another two minutes. Turn off the heat and leave to infuse for 20 minutes under the lid.

If the compote is harvested for the winter, fruits and oranges are placed in a jar and poured with boiling syrup. When the contents become warm, the liquid is drained, boiled and poured back into the jars. The procedure is repeated three times, after which it is hermetically rolled up.

Recipe 1. Apple and orange compote


    large oranges - two pcs.;

    2 liters of drinking water;

    large apples - 3 pcs.

    granulated sugar - a glass

Cooking method

1. Thoroughly wash and dry the apples. Cut the fruit in half and remove the core. Cut the apples into cubes.

2. Pour oranges over with boiling water and chop not too thin slices.

3. Pour sugar into a saucepan with two liters of drinking water. We put the dishes on the stove and bring to a boil.

4. Put apples and oranges in boiling syrup. When the compote boils, cook for another two minutes.

5. Remove the compote from the heat and leave under the lid for 20 minutes. Strain the compote and serve with fruits and pastries.

Recipe 2. Apple and orange compote with ginger


    apples - 300 g;

    a pinch of dried ground ginger;

    drinking water - 2 liters;

    150 g sugar;

    330 g of oranges.

Cooking method

1. Peel the citrus fruits. Place on a board and cut the pulp into thick slices.

2. Wash apples, cut into four parts and cut out the core with seeds. Then the mode is thinner with their slices.

3. We put dishes with drinking water on the fire. Pour sugar into boiling water and stir until it is completely dispersed. Put slices of oranges and apple slices in boiling syrup. Add ground ginger.

4. Cook the compote for another three minutes and turn off the heat. We infuse the compote for half an hour and pour it into tall glasses. Serve with pastries.

Recipe 3. Apple and orange compote with plums



    several plums;

Cooking method

1. Scald the orange with boiling water and cut into thin slices.

2. Wash the apple, wipe it, cut it in half and remove the core with seeds. Chop the fruit into thin slices.

3. Rinse the plums, break them in half and remove the seeds.

4. Place the container with water on the stove, add sugar and cook until it disperses. Dip fruits and citrus fruits in boiling syrup. Cook for a few minutes and remove from heat.

5. Add honey to taste to warm compote, stir and serve with biscuits or rolls.

Recipe 4. "Winter" apple and orange compote


    anise asterisk;

    two large pears;

    cinnamon stick;

    large sweet apple;

    half a glass of brandy;

    large sour apple;

    half a glass of sugar;

    5 g dried ginger;

    two large oranges;

    a glass of dried apricots;

    a quarter cup of dried cherries;

    a glass of prunes.

Cooking method

1.Use a vegetable peeler to remove three strips of zest from the orange. Cut it in half and squeeze out three quarters of a glass of juice.

2. Pour three and a half glasses of drinking water into a saucepan, add sugar. Add anise, cinnamon, brandy, and orange zest. Cover the saucepan with a lid, put on fire and boil. Twist the heat and simmer the spice syrup for five minutes.

3. Wash, peel and core the apples and pears. Cut the fruit pulp into slices.

4. Rinse dried fruits. Cut the figs, dried apricots and prunes in half. Add everything to a saucepan and cook for five minutes. Then add pears and apples. Cook, stirring occasionally, for about ten minutes.

5. Remove the saucepan from the stove. Pour in the orange juice and let the compote steep for an hour. Remove the cinnamon, orange zest and star anise from the compote before serving.

Recipe 5. Apple and orange compote with chokeberry


    drinking water - 1 liter 500 ml;

    large orange;

    chokeberry - 150 g;

    sugar - 250 g;

    apples - five pcs.

Cooking method

1. Dip the chokeberry in boiling water for five minutes, then take it out and immediately place it in cold water. We remove the berries from the branches.

2. We wash the apples under the tap. We remove the stalks and cut out the core. Grind the fruit into thin slices.

3. Place the rowan and apples in a sterile jar, fill it with boiling water and cover with a lid.

4. After ten minutes, pour the liquid into a saucepan. We put it on the stove and bring it to a boil.

5. Pour oranges with boiling water, cut into four parts and twist in a meat grinder. Add sugar to the orange puree, mix and put the resulting mass in boiling water.

6. Boil the syrup over low heat for about five minutes. Fill fruits and berries with boiling liquid. Tightly tighten the lid and cool.

Recipe 6. Apple and orange compote with mint


    half a kilo of young apples;

    four and a half liters of drinking water;

    large orange;

    300 g sugar;

    a sprig of mint.

Cooking method

1. Wash the apples under the tap, dry slightly, cut into quarters and remove the seeds from the core. Cut the fruit into thinner slices. Place the apples in a bowl and cover with cold drinking water to keep them from turning black.

2. Pour oranges over with boiling water, cut in half and chop into thin slices.

3. Rinse the mint sprig and cut into thirds.

4. Put all prepared ingredients in a saucepan and fill with drinking water. Add sugar, stir and put on fire. As soon as the compote boils, cook for literally another five minutes. Then remove from heat, cover and leave to cool completely. Strain the compote and bottle. Place it in the refrigerator.

Recipe 7. Apple and orange compote with cognac


    50 ml of brandy;

    four apples;

    a glass of sugar;

    two large oranges.

Cooking method

1. Peel the oranges and cut them into half a centimeter thick slices.

2. Rinse the apples, peel them off with a sharp knife, remove the cores and cut them in the same way as oranges. Put them on a plate and sprinkle with sugar.

3. Place fruits and citrus fruits in a saucepan, fill with drinking water and cook from the moment of boiling for a few minutes. Then remove the compote from the heat, pour in the cognac, stir and cool under the lid.

Recipe 8. Compote from dried apples and oranges


    ginger root;

    2 liters of drinking water;

    175 g granulated sugar;


    a glass of dried apples.

Cooking method

1. Pour drinking water into a saucepan and set over medium heat. Pour sugar into boiling water and stir until it dissolves. Add dried apples and cook for ten minutes.

2. Pour boiling water over the orange and cut into centimeter-thick slices. Peel a piece of ginger root and grind it on the finest grater.

3. After ten minutes, put ginger and oranges in the compote. Stir and cook for a couple of minutes. Then cover and leave to cool. We filter and pour into tall glasses.

Recipe 9. Exotic apple and orange compote with kiwi


    drinking water - two liters;

  • 175 g sugar;

    two kiwis;


Cooking method

1. Pour drinking water into a saucepan and place on the stove.

2. Wash the apples, remove the core using a special device. Cut into rings.

3. Peel the kiwi and cut into circles.

4. Pour boiling water over the orange, wipe and cut in the same way as apples. We will cook not only delicious compote, but also beautiful one. To do this, we take iron cookie cutters in the form of an asterisk and a flower.

5. With their help we cut stars from apples, and cut kiwi in the form of flowers. Leave the oranges in circles.

6. Pour sugar into boiling water, stir until completely dissolved and lay out fruits and citrus fruits. As soon as the compote boils, cook for a couple of minutes and turn off the heat. We use it hot or cold.

    Cut the apples into slices of the same thickness so that they cook evenly.

    Small apples can be put in whole compote.

    Dip the sliced ​​apples in a mild citric acid and salt solution. Soak for half an hour. This way the fruit will retain its beneficial properties.

    To prevent the apples from darkening, immerse them in boiling water for six minutes, then immediately rinse them with cold water.

Apple compote is a favorite delicacy of many since childhood; the pleasant light taste of this drink has many admirers. Why not add a new note to the usual bouquet? The apple and orange compote for the winter will be an excellent alternative to the classic recipe. The drink is aromatic, tasty and very healthy. If apple compote seems "fresh" to you, you want a more interesting and rich taste, then adding orange to the drink, you will discover new culinary horizons.

General principles of making apple and citrus compotes

Before you start preparing compote, you need to pay attention to several subtleties of preparing a drink from apples and oranges. Recommendations will come in handy especially for novice housewives who are just learning the intricacies of cooking.

The fruits, which we are talking about in this article, have a sufficient acid content, therefore, when preparing compote, sterilization is not carried out in most cases.

The apples must be firm so that the fruits do not fall apart during the infusion. The widespread "Antonovka" will not work, it quickly "sours" in the compote.

If not only the taste, but also the type of drink is important to you, choose not one, but two or three different colors to get, for example, a combination of red and green apples and orange oranges.

To serve separately canned fruits on the table in addition to compote, when preparing a drink, you need to cut them beautifully, remove the seeds, peel the oranges from the peel and the white layer under it.

It is better to filter the drink before drinking.

Preparation for cooking compote

For cooking, you will need a large-capacity pan - aluminum or enamel, a knife, a fruit cutting board, a scale and a measuring container for water. Apples can be cut without a cutting board, but it is inconvenient to cut oranges "by weight" - you will not get neat pieces like that. You will also need a special nylon lid with holes for draining the compote and "twisting".

Wash and dry the jars well, sterilize the lids.

Prepare the fruit ahead of time so it can dry after washing. Choose non-rotten, hard fruits. Do not cut the apples too thin - they will turn into a compote in mashed potatoes, the pieces should be medium in size, remove the core with seeds. peel off the peel and the white layer under it, cut into half rings, or cut the circle into four parts. Next, we will consider several ways to prepare compote.

A classic recipe for apple and orange compote for the winter for children

This cooking option does not contain preservatives such as citric acid or vinegar, so this safe apple and orange compote is a recipe for children. Even the smallest can drink it, unless, of course, the child is allergic to citrus fruits.

So, to prepare three liter cans of compote, you will need:

  • 800 grams of oranges (about 4 pieces);
  • 1,500 grams of apples (6 medium fruits);
  • 400 grams of sugar;
  • 1 liter of water.

Cooking steps:

You can diversify the taste of compote with a small amount of ginger root.

Apple-orange compote recipe for a multicooker

Compote from apples and oranges in a slow cooker is cooked in just half an hour. For this recipe you need to take:

  • 6 apples;
  • 3 oranges;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 2 cups sugar

Cooking process:

  1. Prepare the fruit as described above.
  2. Pour water into a multicooker, add sugar. Bring the syrup to a simmer on the fry setting.
  3. Put apples and oranges in a boiling sugar solution, bring the drink to a boil and simmer for twenty minutes.
  4. Compote is ready to eat!

You can also pour the finished drink into cans and roll it up for future use.

If you want to consume the compote immediately after cooking, then you do not need to remove the peel from the oranges - the compote will be more fragrant. But for long-term storage, the peel must be removed; when infused, it gives the drink bitterness.

Recipe for apple and orange compote with honey

For a 3-liter jar of compote you need:

  • six apples;
  • one large orange;
  • 100 g Sahara;
  • 100 g honey.

Step-by-step instructions for making apple and orange compote for the winter:

  1. Prepare apples and oranges as above. Fold into a jar.
  2. Pour boiling water over for 15 minutes.
  3. Drain the water back into the saucepan, add sugar, honey, orange peel. Bring the syrup to a boil and simmer for ten minutes.
  4. After removing the peel from the filling, pour it into the jars and roll them up with sterilized lids.
  5. Put the jars on the lids, wrap and leave to cool completely.

A simple recipe for apple and orange compote

This compote recipe is very simple. For him you will need (for a 3-liter jar):

  • 10 small apples;
  • half an orange;
  • 1.5 glasses of sugar;
  • 3 liters of water.

Put whole apples and oranges cut into slices in a jar, add sugar. Pour boiling water to the brim and let stand for 5-7 minutes. Pour the water back into the pan, bring to a boil, let it boil for a minute. Pour the syrup into a jar and roll it up. Apple and orange compote is ready.

If, after consuming compote, you still have fruits that have not been eaten, you should not throw them away. They make a delicious filling for pies.

In the described ways, you can prepare compote with other citrus fruits. Apples can be combined with tangerines or lemons, in the latter case, you will need to add more sugar.

The apple and orange compote in the recipes with photos that are presented in the article will appeal to you and your family. Drinks diversify the assortment of preparations for the winter, delight with a bright aroma of citrus. And maybe they will become one of your family's favorite compotes.

Oranges and apples compote without sterilization - video

Apple compote is familiar and loved by many for a long time.

In addition, apples are the most common fruit in our country, so the drink comes out quite economical.

At the same time tasty and healthy. What happens if you add an orange to an apple?

Today, culinary specialists have plenty of room for imagination, experiments are only welcome. The combination of apples and oranges in one compote is very successful: the two flavors complement each other, besides, both fruits have great benefits, are rich in vitamins and other substances.

Cooking such a compote is as easy as shelling pears, and the result is always pleasing. In order for the apple and orange compote to please the family and guests, you just need to take into account a few simple rules.

Basic principles of making apples and oranges compotes

The process of preparing the drink itself is quite simple. Whole or peeled and chopped apples are immersed in hot water. Orange slices are added and separately - zest. Sugar or honey is used for sweetness. The fruit compote boils for several minutes, then it is infused.

If a drink is being prepared for future use, for the winter, then fruits and sugar in cans are poured with boiling water. Then the water is drained, boiled again. Back to the jars, then they are sealed and sent under a warm shelter until they cool down. You can pour hot syrup at a time, then sterilize the jars for a certain time, depending on the volume. Further, the compote is twisted hermetically.

Additional ingredients are also added to the compote of apples and oranges, it can be berries and fruits - lemon, chokeberry, cherries, raisins, currants of any kind, as well as various spices: cloves, cinnamon, vanilla.

The main thing when cooking compote is to properly prepare the ingredients. It is better to choose apples sweet and sour, of medium ripeness. Unripe fruits will not be fragrant, and overripe fruits will fall apart into porridge when boiling.

Small apples can be boiled whole, while large ones are better to be peeled from the core and cut into pieces.

An orange is usually advised to peel it. White films are removed, otherwise the drink will be bitter, and the aromatic peel itself, if desired, is added to the compote along with the orange pulp.

The ratio of apples and oranges can be very different. From equal proportions to one to ten. Moreover, in any case, there should not be more orange than apples. Yet it serves more as an aroma and flavor additive to the apple base.

It is better to boil apples for a couple of minutes and only then add more tender oranges to them.

The compote boiling time is no more than five minutes from the moment of boiling. Next, you need to let the drink brew until it cools completely.

Compote, especially if the fruit pulp is boiled, it is better to strain. If you wish, you can add apple pieces to the glass.

Making a simple apple and orange compote

This is a basic recipe by which you can easily and simply make a delicious compote from apples and oranges. A minimum of ingredients, and the amount of sugar can be varied as desired.


Half a kilo of apples

Two oranges

Sugar glasses

Two liters of water.

Cooking method

Cut the apples into slices, after removing the middle.

Pour water into a saucepan, put sugar and put on fire.

Throw apples into hot water.

Peel the oranges, remove the seeds, cut into slices or divide into slices.

When boiling the compote, add the slices of oranges.

Let it boil for 3 minutes and turn off the heat.

After cooling, strain the compote. Uncooked pieces of fruit can be eaten separately or added to glasses with compote if desired.

Apple and orange compote for the winter

A tasty preparation for the winter with the aroma of summer and the tropics - apple and orange compote. It is very simple to prepare, using a set of your favorite spices, you can adjust the taste of the drink. Small apples will do, and it's even easier to handle them.


A kilogram of apples of any size

Two glasses of sugar

Two oranges

Half cinnamon stick

Several inflorescences of a carnation.

Cooking method

Products are given for 2 three-liter cans. However, you can make 3 two-liter, 4 one and a half liter or 6 liter.

Wash cans, sterilize - pour boiling water over or hold in the oven, microwave.

Also process the covers.

Wash the apples. Cut the large ones into 4 parts, removing the core. Small take whole.

Arrange the apples evenly in the jars.

Also split up the sugar.

Wash oranges, cut into slices, add to jars.

Put in each spice.

Pour boiling water over each jar. Wait 5 minutes, drain.

Boil the syrup again and refill the contents of the jars.

Roll up the lids and put them under a warm cover for a day, putting the lid down.

Apple-orange compote with cinnamon and wine

Thanks to wine and spices, the compote gets a taste reminiscent of mulled wine. However, it does not contain alcohol - a small amount of alcohol evaporates at high temperatures. More or less sweet options can be made.


Half a kilo of apples

Litere of water

A glass of sugar

Pair of carnations

Piece of cinnamon stick

Vanilla pod slice


Cooking method

Boil the syrup from water and sugar.

Wash apples, cut, taking out the middle from each.

Remove the zest from the orange with a knife or a special device.

Squeeze the juice out of the pulp.

Put apples in the boiled syrup.

After boiling, add all the spices and zest.

After 3 minutes of boiling, pour in the juice, let it boil again and turn it off.

Leave to infuse for 15 minutes.


It can be eaten hot, warm or chilled, but not icy.

Apple and orange compote with chokeberry

This is an autumn compote, it is prepared when the blackberry ripens. However, if you freeze its stock, then you can cook the compote for a whole year. It is very rich in vitamins. True, one must take into account that chokeberry lowers blood pressure. And although its concentration is not great, it is better to take this fact into account. For those with high blood pressure, the drink will become a lifesaver.


3 large ripe apples or 7 small pieces

Blackberry glass

Two oranges

A glass of sugar

Two liters of water.

Cooking method

Rinse fruits and berries.

Cut large apples in half; you do not need to peel or remove seeds.

Put the rowan and apples in a saucepan with water, bring to a boil, cook for a couple of minutes.

Grind the orange with a blender or meat grinder with peel.

Add orange and sugar to the compote.

Cook for a minute.

Allow to cool, stir so that the mountain ash gives off its juice.

Strain, squeeze out slightly.

Compote from apples, oranges and other fruits

This compote is a real fruit platter. You can make it for consumption immediately after preparation, or you can prepare it for future use. Let's consider the second option. The first is even easier - boil the fruit in syrup and refrigerate.


Two apples

Two pears

Three apricots and three plums


Half lemon

Sprig of mint

One and a half cups of sugar

Three liters of water.

Cooking method

Peel and core apples and pears. Cut into cubes.

Dip apricots and plums in boiling water, then in cold water. Remove skin and bones.

Peel the orange and lemon. Remove the white pulp from the skins.

Cut the orange and lemon into cubes.

Put pears and apples in a saucepan, add water and sugar.

Cook for two minutes.

Add apricots and plums, cook for two minutes.

Add citrus zest and pulp.

Cook for two minutes.

Turn off the fire. After a couple of minutes, put the sprigs of mint in the compote.

Allow to cool completely. Remove the lemon and orange peels and mint.

If desired, you can strain, or you can use it with fruits.

Apple, orange and red currant compote

Red currant goes well with apples in compote: it adds brightness to the pale apple broth, and also brings a pleasant sourness. The combination with orange will enrich the palate and create a mixture of different flavors. The recipe is offered for compote for the winter, you can also prepare a drink for consumption immediately after preparation.


Half a kilo of apples

A glass of red currants

One orange

Two glasses of sugar

A pinch of vanilla sugar - optional.

Cooking method

Wash apples, cut into wedges.

Wash the orange, cut into wedges or slices

Arrange fruits in liter jars - you will need 4 jars.

Rinse the currants, you can not remove the twigs for beauty.

Place on top of the apples.

Boil three liters of water with sugar. Add vanilla sugar.

Pour equally into the cans. If it is not enough, top up each with boiling water. To do this, boil the water at the time of pouring, so that it is at hand.

Cover with lids. Place in a large pot of hot water, turn on the heat.

Sterilize within 20 minutes after boiling.

Twist, cool, put in a cool place.

Tips and tricks for making apple and orange compote

    Often in apples, especially small ones, worms can be hidden. By the way, cherries and plums suffer from the same problem. If you plan to use the whole fruit, then you can remove the pests in a simple way. Fruits or berries should be placed in salt water for an hour. The larvae will definitely get out.

    Apple compote usually does not have a pronounced color. A small amount of orange will only give it a slightly orange hue. But bright berries like plums, chokeberry, currants will strongly color both the drink and the apples in it.

    If a compote is made of apples and oranges for future use with double pouring, some of the sugar may remain undissolved. It's not scary. You just need to put the can on its side and roll it slightly. Then put away in a warm place. It is generally recommended to do so with any preservation for better distribution of substances.

Apple and orange compote is a delicious and aromatic drink. It can be cooked not only in summer, but also in winter. You can make such a drink in different ways. In summer, it is best to drink such compote chilled. Then it will refresh well.

The first option for making a drink

To prepare such a compote you will need:

150 grams of sugar;
... three liters of water;
... two apples;
... three oranges.

Apple and orange compote: the recipe is as follows:

1. First wash the fruit, peel it. Then cut into pieces. Then remove all seeds from the fruit.
2. Then send them to the pan, add sugar.
3. Then fill it with water. Send it to the fire.

4. After the water boils, wait a couple of minutes. Then turn off the gas.
5. Then the compote of apples and oranges should be infused for about an hour. After which it can be consumed.

We prepare compote for the winter

Now we will tell you how to make apples and oranges compote for the winter.
We will prepare three liters of a fragrant drink.
For cooking you will need:

  • seven large apples;
  • four oranges;
  • one liter of water;
  • two glasses of sugar.

The process of preparing compote for the winter at home:

1. First, cut the oranges into slices, first remove the peel (chop it into pieces too).
2. Slice the apples while removing the core. Leave the peel.
3. Put apples and oranges in prepared jars, spreading evenly over 3 jars.
4. Pour water into a saucepan, add sugar. Send the orange peel there. Boil.
5. Pour the syrup into the fruit jars (without the peel). Then drain it after ten minutes. After boiling, pour into the jars again. After ten minutes, repeat your steps.
6. Roll up the jars with lids, cool upside down, wrapping them in towels.
7. Send the cooled preservation to the pantry. You can store compote there for two or three years.

Delicious lemon drink

Now let's consider another option for making a fragrant drink. Products for its creation are available all year round.
To make apples and oranges compote, you will need:
... a kilogram of lemon;
... sugar to taste;
... a kilogram of apples and oranges.

Cooking fruit compote: step by step instructions

1. Wash the fruit thoroughly initially. Cut the apples into large pieces. Cut off some of the peel from the citrus fruits, squeeze out the juice.
2. Then scoop out the fruit pulp with a spoon into a saucepan.
3. Then fill everything with water. Then add sugar, bring to a boil over medium heat.
4. When the compote boils, turn off the heat. Then refrigerate it without removing the lid from the pot. The cooked compote turns out to be fragrant and thick, opaque, since it contains the pulp of citrus fruits. By the way, in the summer season everything cools down for a very long time, so you can use the method of our grandmothers. To do this, take a basin, fill it with cold water. Then put a saucepan with boiled compote there.

In a multicooker

You can make apples and oranges compote in a slow cooker. This process will take much less time.
To prepare a healthy and tasty drink, you will need:

  • two glasses of sugar;
  • two liters of water;
  • three oranges;
  • six apples.

The preparation of a fruit drink in a multicooker is as follows:
1.from oranges and apples? Wash the fruit first. Cut the oranges into slices no more than one centimeter thick.
2. Then remove the core from the apples, cut into cubes without peeling.
3. Then pour the water into the multicooker container. Then add sugar. Then turn on the "Fry" mode. Wait for the water to boil.
4. Then add oranges and apples to the sugar syrup. Then wait for the compote to boil again. Then cook it for about twenty minutes more.

5. Then strain the compote. You can taste the drink right away. Although it is best to try the drink when it is already cool.

A little conclusion

Now you know how to make a delicious and aromatic compote from ripe apples and juicy oranges. We hope that the recipes presented in the article, as well as recommendations, will help you make such a drink at home. Good luck!