Apple wine from the falcon. Homemade apple wine - simple apple wine recipes

17.10.2019 Healthy eating

Everyone knows that the classic raw material for making wine is grapes, but what can you do if you want to make homemade wine, and we don't have grapes as evil. It doesn't matter, other fruits and berries can be used as raw materials. Now we will tell you a recipe for making homemade apple wine.

The classic apple wine recipe

To make wine from apples, we need high-quality ripe apples, sugar, a juicer and a fermentation vessel, preferably two.

In total, the recipe can be divided into 6 stages, all of them are simple and do not require any space conditions.

Selection and preparation of apples

The variety of apples does not play a special role for making wine, the fruits can be taken of any variety and color: red, yellow, green. The main condition is for them to be ripe and juicy.

The fruits can not only be plucked from the tree, but also harvested from the ground. The harvested fruits are not washed, there is wild yeast on their surface and it is very important for us to preserve them. If your apples are very dirty, then you can simply wipe them with a dry cloth or brush.

Now the fruit needs to be prepared for the next step - juicing. To do this, we cut off all the rotten areas, cut out the core and bones. If this is not done, then our wine will taste bitter at the exit.

We press the juice

The main task is to get juice with as little pulp as possible. How you do this depends on you and the equipment you have. A regular juicer is ideal. But if you do not have it, you can grate the apples or pass through a meat grinder, and then squeeze the resulting puree through cheesecloth. In any case, this method will be laborious, especially without the presence of a press.


The resulting juice must be defended, we pour it into a container with a wide neck, a saucepan or can is perfect. Leave the apple juice open for 2-3 days. This is necessary so that wild yeast gets into our future wine and fermentation begins. To protect yourself from flies or other insects, simply cover the pan with 1-2 layers of gauze.

During settling, the apple juice should clearly separate into two fractions: liquid juice and pulp. The pulp will accumulate at the top and prevent wild yeast from entering the liquid, so stirring is necessary from time to time 1-2 times a day.

On the third day, the pulp forms a dense layer on the surface, it must be removed with a colander or a saucepan. As a result, we should have pure apple juice and maybe a layer of pulp of 4 mm, no more.

The stage is considered complete when the first signs of fermentation begin to appear: the liquid begins to fizzle and an alcoholic smell appears.

Adding sugar

It is practically impossible to make wine at home without adding sugar, apples are quite acidic and if you do not sweeten the juice in addition, we will get a drink that resembles something, but not wine.

How much sugar should you add? There is no definite answer to this question, it all depends on two factors. The first is the fructose content in the fruits themselves, the second is what kind of wine you go to get dry or dessert.

On average, according to the recipe, 200-250 grams per liter of juice is enough for the preparation of dry wine, for dessert wine - up to 400 g. It is not recommended to add more sugar according to the recipe.

Apple wine fermentation

For fermentation, pour the apple juice into a glass bottle. We fill it by about 80% of the volume, the remaining 20% \u200b\u200bof the free space will be filled with foam and carbon dioxide, which will be released during the fermentation process. To prevent the wine from turning into vinegar, a water seal or a medical glove with a punctured finger must be installed on the neck of the bottle.

Apple wine fermentation lasts 4-6 weeks in a dark, warm place. The optimal temperature is considered to be 20-23 degrees.

As soon as carbon dioxide ceases to be emitted. This can be determined by a deflated glove or the cessation of the release of bubbles from the water seal tube. A sediment should fall to the bottom. As soon as we realized that fermentation is over, let it stand for another 2-3 days and drain the drink.

Ripening apple wine

To do this, you need to prepare another container. Rinse with hot water to sterilize a little. And pour wine into it, this must be done carefully so as not to touch the sediment at the bottom. We fill the container to the very top and close it tightly. We transfer to a dark, cool place, for example, a basement or cellar. The temperature should be between 10 and 16 degrees. The ripening process should take 3-4 months.

The strength of home-made apple wine will be 12-16 degrees, the color is amber, and the taste and aroma are pleasantly apple.

Honey apple wine recipe


  • 10 kg. - not washed juicy apples;
  • 500 g - honey;
  • sugar - 500-600 g.
  • 150-200 g - not washed raisins.


Core the apples and squeeze the juice from them. With 10 kg of apples, you should get about 6 liters of juice.

Add honey to the juice and stir it well. Then pour the resulting mixture through cheesecloth into a fermentation bottle. We fill the container by about 70-80% of the volume.

We need to make a sourdough from unwashed raisins, for this we pour the raisins into a half-liter jar and fill it with boiled water. Cover the tank with gauze and put it in a warm place for 2-3 days. Then pour the resulting sourdough into the apple juice.

Install a water seal or a glove on the neck of the container with juice.

After 7-10 days, add sugar and it is advisable to pre-dissolve it in a small amount of juice.

After a month and a half, pour the wine from the lees into a new container, close it tightly and set to ripen for six months in a dark, cool place. After that, the wine can be bottled and served.

Apple raisin wine recipe


Cooking at home:

  1. We wash the fruits, remove the core and seeds and grind with a meat grinder or blender.
  2. add sugar and not washed raisins to the resulting puree, mix everything well.
  3. Pour the resulting mixture into a glass bottle for fermentation, put a rubber glove on the neck.
  4. After 20 days, drain the wine from the sediment and filter through cheesecloth. Add another 200 g of sugar, close tightly and set to ripen for 1-3 months in a cool, dark place.
  5. In ripe wine, you can pour a little vodka or good quality alcohol, 100 grams will be enough. This will stop all unfinished fermentation processes.
  6. Stir and bottle for further storage in the refrigerator or cellar.

As you can see, all the recipes are not very complicated, I can easily make block wine at home, as an experiment you can add a little more raspberries to the apple juice or make a small fruit mix of apples, pears, plums and other fruits. As soon as you come up with your recipe, be sure to share it in the comments below.

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How to make delicious homemade wine from fresh apples? Wine is a pleasant beverage that not only tastes great, but can also provide health benefits when consumed in moderation. How to make apple wine at home? This popular drink can be made with several ingredients, including apples, grapes and berries.

To start making wine is to squeeze the juice. Remember, apples cannot be washed. Their skin contains a huge amount of yeast beneficial for fermentation.

Dirty or damaged apples are enough to wipe and remove the rotten surface. In order for the wine not to turn out bitter, it is necessary to remove the core from the apples.

How to make delicious apple wine according to a simple homemade recipe:


The apples are peeled - start processing them. If your home has a good juicer, it's best to use it. It will cleanse the juice from the pulp as much as possible.

Instead of a juicer, you can use a powerful mechanical grater. The resulting product must be squeezed out, and then placed in a container with a wide neck, for a period of 2-3 days.

During this period, applesauce is divided into juice and pulp. The pulp forms on top of the juice. It is dense, so the puree must be mixed for the first 2 days - 2-3 times. On the third day, the pulp is left alone, and at the end of the period it is removed with a colander.

It's time to add sugar. The amount of sugar you add depends entirely on how strong your apple wine you want it to be. If you want to get fortified wine, add 250 gr. To 1 liter of wine. Sahara. The more sugar, the stronger the drink. Apples themselves are sweet, so the main thing is not to overdo it with the amount of sugar.

The wine is ready to ferment. Place the juice in a container or container that can be sealed. Foam forms during fermentation, so the container should be 45% empty.

During fermentation, gases are formed; to exit them in the container, you need to make a small hole and insert a thin tube there. The outer end of the tube should be released 2-3 centimeters into a glass of water. Place the container in a non-cold place.

Gases are released into the glass throughout the entire fermentation period. As soon as the gases have disappeared, the wine is ready. However, don't open it right away. Let it brew.

On average, fermentation lasts from 1 to 1.5 months. The longer the aging, the tastier the wine. You can also add rowan or pear juice to apple wine. This will give it astringency. Now you know how to make delicious apple wine at home.

Homemade winemaking has long taken a well-deserved place in the preparation of stocks, along with canning, making jams, pickles. Recipes for all kinds of drinks from a variety of, sometimes unexpected fruits, fruits abound in cookbooks and notebooks with records of zealous owners. For many, making wine from a hobby develops into an occupation for the soul and for life. Apples are not an exotic raw material for making a drink, however, homemade apple wine requires a lot of attention, patience, a careful approach to observing all the rules of preparation. But the result is excellent apple wine that will delight the most fastidious connoisseurs of wine drinks.

Paradise Fruit

You can grow an apple tree almost everywhere, except for the Far North. There are a great many varieties of this fruit. For each region, you can choose the optimal variety of apple trees. Apples help to effectively lower blood cholesterol levels, are low in calories, rich in pectin substances. The high content of pectins has made them one of the favorites for dietary and medical nutrition. It is pectins that tend to bind and remove from the body salts of heavy metals (strontium, cobalt, cesium), various toxins, poisons, apple juices with pulp - an integral ingredient in the diet of people employed in hazardous work. Due to the presence of malic and citric acid in their composition, they help improve metabolic processes in people with diabetes. The inclusion of apples in the menu helps to fight problems of the gastrointestinal tract (constipation, irregular bowel movements). The high content of potassium has a beneficial effect on the conduction of electrical impulses of the heart muscle and prevents arrhythmias. The ability to have a beneficial effect on digestion is also manifested in the normalization of the removal of excess fluid from the body. This property is especially valuable for people suffering from cardiovascular and renal diseases, pregnant women. The rich content of fiber, fruit acids have a beneficial effect on the condition of the gums, teeth, microflora of the oral cavity, stimulating natural cleansing processes. Even apple seeds are valuable for their iodine content, a vitamin K needed to participate in normal blood clotting.

Features of making wine from apples

Not all varieties are suitable for making apple wine.

You should take only compressed live yeast, dry for this purpose is categorically unsuitable. Apple wine can become acidic.

Finishing touches

It is important to properly prepare the raw materials for making apple wine. To do this, it is necessary to take only high-quality fruits, not broken, without flaws, since the presence of defects in apples can give apple wine an unpleasant taste and smell. Peel apples as carefully as possible. It is also important to thoroughly grind the raw materials taken. This can be done using a meat grinder, food processor. If the preparation of wine will take place on the basis of juice, it can be obtained using a juicer. A small amount of pulp will even have a beneficial effect on the wine making process. Fermentation reactions will be faster and better. Apple wine will taste softer.

Recipe 4k6


  • We take apples of different varieties: sour 4 parts, sweet 6 parts.
  • Granulated sugar - the ratio to apples is 1: 4, i.e. for 10 kg of fruit 2.5 kg of sugar.
  • Prepared water - an amount equal to apple juice.

Wine preparation:

The recipe for such an apple wine is simple in composition, but requires scrupulousness and accuracy. The result is a fairly strong alcoholic drink, slightly opalescent, with a color ranging from yellow to light brown. Taste and aroma - ripe, sweet apples.

Honey recipe


  • Sweet apples, prepared 15 kg.
  • Granulated sugar 4 kg.
  • Prepared water - 7 liters.
  • Honey - 2 kg.

How to make honey apple wine:

According to this recipe, apple wine turns out to be opaque, with a rich honey taste and aroma. The combination of apple and honey flavor leaves a unique sensation.

Yeast recipe

This time, we offer you a recipe for apple wine with the addition of yeast.

What you need to take:

  • Apples 15 kg.
  • Water 8 liters.
  • Granulated sugar 6 kg.
  • Yeast - 150 grams.

Step-by-step instruction:

Wine made with the addition of yeast ferments faster, therefore, its taste will more resemble the taste of fresh apples. The aroma is richer and more pronounced if the wine is prepared according to this recipe.

Yeast and Citrus Recipe

Apple-citrus wine. Here it is necessary to make a reservation that the addition of citrus fruits to wine drinks is rather an amateur. But well-prepared wines with varied fruit flavors are undeniably some of the favorites on our table.

What you need:

  • Apples 10 kg.
  • Water 5 liters.
  • Granulated sugar 5 kg.
  • Lemons or oranges, you can mix - 1 kg.
  • Yeast - 100 grams.

Step-by-step instruction:

I must say that the combination of apples and sour or sour - sweet citrus fruits is always beneficial.

Wine with such a bouquet of taste, of course, cannot but surprise fans of alcoholic drinks made from apples. Having tried to make wine from apples, following this recipe, you will forever leave it in your culinary piggy bank.


Apples are an inexhaustible storehouse of all kinds of delicious recipes, not only for culinary masters, but also for lovers of home winemaking. You can diversify recipes for homemade apple wines with a huge number of ingredients. Apple flavor and aroma are rarely combined with anything. When making wine from apples, you can add not only honey, lemons, but also cinnamon, vanilla, raspberries, pears. The list can be endless. For all its seeming simplicity, apples are just a gold mine for those who like to experiment, surprise family and friends with amazing recipes.

Homemade winemaking became famous centuries ago. Proverbs and monuments of antiquity serve as evidence. Previously, wine was available to high society, the priests. This is a generally available product these days. It has an exquisite taste. It is known that homemade wine is made from almost any fruit. For example, homemade apple wine can be made according to a simple recipe, like grape wine. On my blog, I'll share with you my lightest favorite recipes.

First, let's collect the "right" apples

Before you start making wine, I want to give some tips for choosing apples:

  1. Poorly ripe or overripe fruits are tasteless. It is better not to use them for making apple wine, because they do not have enough sweetness, aroma, acidity.
  2. It is good if you have your own garden or a couple of apple trees in the yard. If not, and you want to make homemade wine from purchased apples, you should know that fruits bought in the store are often covered with special wax. They will not give the required fermentation, the wine will be spoiled.
  3. It is better to buy this fruit from trusted sellers.

Homemade apple wine: a simple recipe with a glove

Many gardeners and summer residents prefer to make homemade apple wine. All vitamins and microelements are preserved in the wine drink. Have you ever made homemade wine? It is worth making up your mind to make this drink. I assure you, the wine will be to your taste, and you will prepare it constantly.

There are many ways to make it, but I will share the simplest apple wine recipe that is easy to make at home using a glove.

You will need:

  • 10 kilograms of apples;
  • 1.6 kilograms of sugar;
  • 2 liters of water.

A little about raw materials. You can use any apples, but homemade wine from autumn varieties of sweet and sour taste is the best in taste. They can be from one tree or from several, which is much more effective.

The collected fruits of summer varieties are processed immediately. Autumn is given five days to rest. Winter ones should lie down for two weeks before processing. Sort the finished fruits, remove the rotten, damaged ones. It is imperative to remove the core with seeds, otherwise the wine will taste bitter.

Important! Do not wash the apples in order to avoid the loss of natural yeast.

Grind the prepared fruits. Better to do this with a juicer. If it is absent, twist through a meat grinder, grate. Place the resulting product in an enamel pan, cover with two-layer gauze, secure in a circle with an elastic band, leave warm for three days, stirring the contents 2-3 times a day.

On the fourth day, remove the pulp from the surface, add water (preferably spring or well), half the sugar. Stir, pour into a bottle, leaving a space of 10 centimeters to the top of the neck. This space is necessary for the foam formed during fermentation, carbon dioxide released. Wear a rubber medical glove with a punctured finger. Leave to ferment.

On the fifth day, drain a glass of wort, dissolve two glasses of sugar in it, pour back into the bottle, put on a glove, leave to ferment. The procedure is carried out using a rubber tube, which will prevent agitation of the sediment. After 4 days, repeat everything with the remaining sugar. Fermentation continues. Its completion is evidenced by a deflated glove.

Advice! If fermentation has not stopped after a month and a half, pour the wine from the sediment into a clean jar or bottle, put on a glove, after a few days fermentation will stop.

Pour the finished wine into clean jars, close, let stand. Drain apple wine from the lees two or three times a month. Pour the fully clarified wine into bottles, send it to storage, using it if necessary.

You have learned the recipe for a great table wine. To get fortified wine, you need to increase the amount of sugar or add half a liter of vodka. Put on a glove, put on additional fermentation for 10 days. Then send for ripening. This wine is better stored, but the taste deteriorates, the aroma decreases.

There are different ways of making wine. I want to offer a simple homemade apple wine recipe without juicing.

Homemade apple wine without juicing

We need:

  • 20 kilograms of apples;
  • 2 kilograms of sugar.

We take ripe apples, sort them out. We cut out the rotten places, clean them from the tails, very dirty fruits can be wiped with a dry paper towel.

Important! Apples do not need to be washed, they have natural yeast on their skins.

Remove the core, cut the fruit into slices. We need to get mashed potatoes, so we pass the fruits through a meat grinder. Transfer the resulting gruel to a large enamel pan, close the lid. Stir the drink several times a day, preferably with a wooden spoon. For three days.

During these days, the pulp will take a hat over the juice, it must be removed on the third day. Now we will gradually add sugar at the rate of 300 grams per 1 liter of juice. Pour 100 grams of sugar into the resulting wort, mix well.

After five days, add 0.5 cups of sugar, pour the wort into a bottle.

We make a small hole in the nylon cover, insert the tube into it. We close the bottle with wort with this lid. The end of the tube must be dipped into a jar of water. This is how the fermentation process will take place. After five days, add 2 tablespoons of sugar, add the last 2 tablespoons after another five days. The wine will ferment for a month, maybe two.

Important! The drink should be warm at 22-25 degrees. If there is a drop in temperature, the wine will stop fermenting and will be spoiled.

If a sediment appears after a month, it means that the wine can be poured into three liter jars. Pour the wine gently so that it does not mix with the sediment. We close the resulting drink with a nylon lid, put in a cool place. The wine should mature within four months. If a sediment appears during this time, pour the wine again into another bottle.

The wine is very tasty, amber in color, with a pleasant apple scent. In a small amount, even useful. During production, it is not subjected to heat treatment, thus preserving a lot of vitamins.

To make the recipe clearer, you can watch a video on how to make apple wine at home simply and without unnecessary hassle.

I also want to tell you about one recipe for apple wine that can be made at home without using yeast. We will replace them with raisins.

Apple wine with raisins

For this recipe we need:

  • 10 kilograms of apples of different varieties;
  • 1 kilogram of sugar;
  • 100 grams of raisins;
  • 100 grams of raisins of different varieties for sourdough.

We use several varieties of apples so that the wine has a richer taste and an unusually pleasant aroma.

Usually apples are not washed when making wine, but since we add raisins, it will play the role of natural yeast. We cut the washed apples into four parts, remove the seeds, twist them in a meat grinder. Add a kilogram of sugar, unwashed raisins to the resulting puree, mix everything well.

To be sure of the quality of the raisins, we will take a small amount of this berry and make a sourdough. Pour one tablespoon of raisins (unwashed) with 0.5 cups of warm water, add one tablespoon of sugar. Cover with gauze and leave warm for three days.

Reference! It is better to take several varieties of raisins, make a sourdough from each variety. After three days, determine which raisins fermented better, and use that one for making wine.

Put the apple puree with raisins in a glass container. We put on a medical glove on the neck, pre-piercing it with a needle.

After about a month, pour the wine into a clean jar, pour out the sediment. We try for sweetness, if the wine is too sour for you, add sugar. We close the jar tightly with a lid, lower it to the basement or put it in a cool, dark place. The wine will be ready in five months. We filter the ripened wine with gauze, pour it into bottles. The wine is ready to drink.

On a note! If you like fortified wine, you can add 150 grams of vodka to it before storing it. But the taste will be tougher.

Now you know that apples can be used to make not only juice, jam, jam, but also make excellent wine.

Apple cake wine after juicer

In our garden there are several apple trees of different ripening periods. One of the apple preparations is juice. After the juicer, apple cake remains, and we decided to make wine out of it. It turned out to be a good, amber-colored, aromatic, light apple wine. I will tell you how to do it in stages.

Making homemade wine starts with raw materials. Ripe apples are best. Do not wash the fruit before processing. Can be wiped off with a dry cloth. Remove damaged, rotten areas.

Important! Be sure to clean the core. The dishes used for making wine must be doused with boiling water. The cake should be used immediately, in order to avoid mold, sour wine material.

Let's see how to put the wine:

  1. We take a suitable container (glass, enameled), fill it two-thirds of its volume with the remains of raw materials from the juicer.
  2. Pour half a glass of sugar for each kilogram of cake, pour in unboiled cold water. Stir until sugar is completely dissolved.
  3. During fermentation, foam forms, so the contents of the dishes should not reach the top of the neck by 10 centimeters.
  4. We cover the dishes with gauze in several layers, leave for 4 days to ferment in room conditions. Stir a couple of times a day.
  5. If the wort is in a saucepan, tank, it is poured into bottles, a water seal is installed, a rubber glove can be used. We put for 10 days in a dark place, shaking daily. Then we filter through a fine sieve.
  6. Add half a kilo of sugar to ten liters.
  7. We set for fermentation with a glove or a water seal. The total fermentation time takes about one and a half months.
  8. We drain the young wine from the lees, send it to the cellar for settling, for at least three months, ideally half a year.
  9. We pour the wine three times a month, freeing it from the sediment. After the cessation of sediment formation, the wine is ready to drink.

I'll tell you the simplest recipe for making apple wine. To make it, you will need apples dried in slices. I share the secret of how to make sugar-free wine.

It is better if the apples are of autumn varieties with a sweet and sour taste. Leave the harvested crop to rest for a week or two. Then remove damaged, rotten, grind. This will be the raw material for making wine. You can use the cake after the juicer.

Pour a layer of dried apples on the bottom of the barrel. On them - fresh chopped or cake. Pour completely cold boiled water. Close the container tightly, lower it into the basement for a month. Pour the finished product into a jar or bottles. The wine is sour due to the lack of sugar. Can be sweetened before serving if desired.

Advice! The pulp remaining in the keg can be poured a couple more times with water to repeat the process. The resulting wines can be mixed or consumed separately.

You can always go to the store, buy a bottle of wine for the holiday. But homemade wine, made by hand, is still better. You know that there is nothing superfluous, there are no impurities in it. You have learned simple recipes on how to make wine from apples and grapes at home. It remains only to use them.