Drying apples in the oven. How to dry apples in the oven: a step-by-step method

19.08.2019 Restaurant notes

The benefits of drying can hardly be overestimated. The finished product boasts the following composition.

  • Potassium, magnesium. They support the normal functioning of the heart muscle.
  • Iron, phosphorus, copper... Participate in the processes of hematopoiesis, help the cardiovascular system to function correctly.
  • Vitamins of group B, C, K, E, A... They help the nervous system to maintain a stable state, participate in the metabolic processes of the body, strengthen the immune system, and support brain activity.
  • Polyphenols. They help to lower blood pressure, improve the elasticity of blood vessel walls, get rid of toxins and other "debris".
  • Pectin substances... They improve metabolic and digestive processes, normalize blood cholesterol levels.
  • Organic acids... Maintain the acid-base balance of the body.
  • Tannins... They act as antioxidants, have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects.

Drying is suitable for diet menus. The energy value of the product is 230 kcal per 100 g. If you eat six small pieces, you won't get a lot of calories. Several apple slices can be used as snacks, as an addition to cereals. For those with a sweet tooth who are trying to lose weight, this is a great substitute for cookies and sweets.

Preparation and processing of fruits

The first question that housewives ask is what sort of apples is better to dry? You can prepare any fruit, but it is recommended to give preference to summer and autumn varieties that have a sour and sweet-sour taste. They should be ripe, firm, with a juicy medium-firm pulp. You can dry apples at home that are tainted with rot. In this case, you just need to cut off the damaged areas. Frozen apples, "scavenger" are also suitable. It is not necessary to pick the fruits from the tree, as you can pick up those that lie on the ground.

For convenience, it's best to worry about the tools in advance. A bucket, a basin, a saucepan, a cutting board, a knife are integral attributes of the preparation of dry fruits. The entire preparation procedure has three stages.

  1. Selection. The collected fruits are thoroughly washed and dried.
  2. Cleaning. The core is extracted from the apples. Everyone decides for himself whether to remove the peel or not. If dried fruits will be used in the preparation of jelly, charlotte, pies and other baked goods, then it is better to cut them off. It is worth removing the skin from store products, as it may contain nitrates.
  3. Slicing. The fruits are cut into slices, the thickness of which should be no more than 10 mm. This size is the most optimal for uniform and fast drying. Another cutting option is circles or semicircles. Unlike slices, they look prettier and neater.

The sliced ​​fruit quickly turns rusty. Iron, which is part of them, is oxidized in air. To prevent them from darkening, use the following tips: Soak the fruit for ten minutes in a solution of salt and water - 20-25 g per liter. You can also sprinkle the slices with lemon juice or hold them in water with citric acid (10 g per 1 L).

How to dry apples in an electric oven

The use of electric ovens is especially important for city residents. An indisputable advantage is that in the process of cooking dried fruits, the air in the kitchen is not "heavier", as it happens when using a gas stove. An electric oven is safer in maintaining a stable fire. It is much easier and more convenient to control and regulate the temperature regime.

The technique on electricity is so good that it allows the fruit to preserve the bulk of the useful elements. From 10 kg of fresh fruit, approximately 1.5 kg of dried fruit is obtained. Before drying apples in an electric oven, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic principles and rules of the process itself.

During the cooking process, you need to take care of protective equipment. Protect your hands from burns with gloves. We operate the stove during the cool part of the day, otherwise, in the heat, you can get heatstroke. We ventilate the kitchen area.

Fruit layout

The sliced ​​fruit can be placed on a wire rack or baking sheet. The first option is better, as it provides uniform drying. Parchment paper is laid on the wire rack and fruits are neatly laid out on it. If you still dry the apples on a baking sheet in the oven, then the sheet should be clean and dry. So that the slices do not stick to it, it is covered with paper. It is important that the apple pieces are thin, otherwise they will turn out not dried, but dried. To prevent the apples from burning, you need to shake the baking sheet periodically.

Cooking time

Depends on the state and power of the equipment. On average, it takes five hours to dry apples in the oven with constant supervision. But the process can take eight to ten hours if the fruit is too tough and sour in taste.

Temperature conditions

The basic principle of cooking is to constantly increase the temperature and lower it closer to being cooked. At the very beginning, you need to preheat the oven to 45-50 ° C. The fruit starts to wither. At the second stage, apples should be dried at temperatures up to 70-95 ° C and maintained for several hours until most of the moisture evaporates from the fruits. At the third, final stage, the initial temperature is set. A yellowish or brownish tint will indicate the readiness of the product. You can take one wedge and bend it. If it does not leave marks on the fingers, it means that it has reached "full condition", it has broken - the fruit is overdried.


When operating a conventional device without hot airflow, the above alternation should be followed. The technique can be convection. This is a stove in which a fan for blowing hot air is installed. Here the following sequence is used - low (40 ° C), medium (75-80 ° C) and again low heating power. If you dry the fruit only on a medium setting, it will not spoil. Drying time in a convection oven is reduced by no more than a couple of hours.

Other methods

In addition to using an electric oven, fruit can be dried in other ways. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. The main methods include the following:

  • in a gas stove;
  • in the microwave;
  • in the airfryer;
  • in a special dryer for fruits and vegetables;
  • on air.

In a gas stove

Peculiarities . The method is suitable if you need to process a large amount of the crop. As for the disadvantages, with prolonged operation of the gas stove in the kitchen, the air becomes heavy. Uncomfortable conditions can be changed with high-quality ventilation.


  1. Put the prepared fruits on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper. During the cooking process, shake it periodically so that the apple pieces do not burn. If we put several sheets in the oven, then from time to time we change their places. We can put the apples on the wire rack. They will dry out on it more evenly than on a baking sheet. You don't have to use paper.
  2. At the first stage of drying, set the temperature to 50-55 ° C. During this period, we open the door of the equipment a little to ensure air ventilation.
  3. After two hours, gently mix the slices. Next, increase the temperature to 70 ° C. We keep it until the main liquid from the fruit evaporates. Reduce heating power to 50 ° C.
  4. It is better to dry apples in a gas oven for six to eight hours. We check their readiness in the same way as when using an electric oven.

Modern gas stoves can be equipped with a convection function. Drying involves the same steps as for a conventional oven. The difference lies in the temperature regime. The first stage is heating up to 40 ° C, the second - up to 75-80 ° C, the third - up to 40 ° C. The door does not need to be opened for the first two hours. Drying time can be reduced by one to two hours.

In the microwave

Peculiarities . One of the quickest ways to prepare dried fruit. Suitable if you need to process a small amount of the crop.


  1. We spread the prepared pieces of fruit on a plate.
  2. We put it in the microwave and select a power of 200-300 W. We set the timer for three to four minutes. We try to check the fruit every 30 seconds.
  3. If the pieces are dry on one side, but not on the other, then turn them over.
  4. We check the readiness, as in the two previous options.

In the microwave, you can cook beautiful apple chips for compote, tartlets and charlotte. Place the fruit pieces overlapping the wire rack. They are grilled for 15 minutes. Ready-made chips can be sprinkled with cinnamon and drizzled with lemon juice. The delicacy is suitable for children's parties.

In the airfryer

Peculiarities . The fastest way - the cooking process takes only one hour. Moisture is removed from the fruit evenly, which ensures even drying. Ready-made dried fruits have a long shelf life.


  1. We spread the slices on the levels of the airfryer so that they do not come into contact with each other.
  2. Cook for one hour at 100 ° C and low airflow.
  3. If the first portion is not dry enough, then set the second at 120 ° C.

To properly dry apples for the winter, you need to calculate in advance the approximate amount of the finished product. Fruits lose up to 85% of their weight during cooking. Therefore, take this indicator into account, especially if you need to prepare a large amount of dried fruits.

In an electric dryer

Peculiarities . It is convenient to dry apples at home in this way, since you can process a lot of raw materials. The electric assistant will do everything herself. You just need to load fruits into it and choose a suitable program. They do not need to be turned over or shaken, constantly monitor their condition. The slices will not burn and will be the correct degree of dryness.


  1. Put the sliced ​​apples in one layer on pallets.
  2. We install the grates in the fruit and vegetable dryer. We set the temperature not higher than 55-60 ° C.
  3. We are waiting for seven to eight hours. If the slices are not completely dry, then we can put them on for another couple of hours, increasing the temperature to 75-80 ° C.

On modern models of electric dryers there are functions for preparing specific fruits. If the device is outdated, then it will not be difficult to set the required mode manually. The only disadvantage of using this technique is a rather high consumption of electricity.

On air

Peculiarities . The classic time-tested version that was used by our great-grandmothers and grandmothers. It is considered the most budgetary. More suitable for owners of private houses. But it can only be used in dry, warm weather. The option is also suitable if the fruits are dried on a central heating battery. For several days, the fruits lie on it, until the bulk of the water leaves them. Then they are taken out into the street for final drying.


  1. Put the sliced ​​apples on a baking sheet.
  2. We place it outdoors in direct sunlight.
  3. We cover with gauze so that wasps, flies and other insects do not sit on the fruit.
  4. Stir the slices two or three times during the day.
  5. We bring the baking sheet into the room at night.
  6. We dry for five to seven days.
  7. We check the readiness of the fruit, as in the previous methods.

You can air dry fruits not only on a sheet, but also on a string. The cut slices must be strung on a thick thread, leaving a little free space between them. "Garlands" are hung in the attic, open balcony, terrace, where there is good air circulation. The apples will be ready in 10-14 days.

After you managed to dry the apples in the oven or in other ways, you need to take care of their safety. Suitable for storage are linen, cotton bags, boxes made of cardboard or wood, glass jars. Drying is poured into them and left in a dry, warm, darkened place that is well ventilated. Do not use plastic containers and plastic bags for storage, as the drying will "suffocate" in them. The product should be checked periodically for mold, signs of decay, insects.

How to dry apples in the oven? This question is especially relevant in late summer and early autumn. After all, if the season turned out to be fruitful, then gardeners simply have nowhere to put such fruits. But if you dry them correctly, then in winter you can independently prepare various compotes, fruit drinks, as well as bake delicious pies.

How to dry apples in the oven: a step-by-step method

Required ingredients and inventory:

  • apples of any kind - 5-8 kg;
  • oven sheet - 1 pc .;
  • cooking paper to the size of a baking sheet;

Choosing the right fruit

Before drying apples in the oven, purchase or harvest enough fruit in advance. It is worth noting that such a product is well obtained from any type of product. However, it is preferable to use an unsweetened ingredient that does not turn black for a long time after cutting.

Fruit processing

In the oven, so that in winter you can make a tasty and rich compote from them? To do this, take a few kilograms of fresh fruit, and then wash them thoroughly and deprive the seed pod. Also, the product must be cleaned of all existing wormholes and slightly rotten areas. At the same time, it is not recommended to cut off the peel from apples, since it contains the most useful elements and it gives the compote a richer taste. The only exceptions are store fruits, on the surface of which a thin layer of wax was applied.

You can dry apples at home in the form of slices or circles (optional). However, in any case, the thickness of such fruit pieces should not be more than 5-7 millimeters.

Heat treatment

Before drying apples in the oven, you need to take a baking sheet and line its surface with parchment (cooking paper). Next, you need to distribute the sliced ​​fruits in a thin layer and immediately send them to the oven. The fresh ingredient should be dried at a temperature of 40-45 degrees. And after 60-85 minutes, it is increased to 70-75 units. It should be especially noted that the main purpose of such heat treatment is not toasting apples, but their maximum deprivation of moisture. That is why the temperature in the oven should be carefully monitored.

It is advisable to open the oven door slightly during the first minutes. During the entire heat treatment, it should also be periodically opened. Doing this will significantly reduce the humidity level in the oven.

When drying apples, it is recommended to turn them over regularly to avoid scorching and to promote uniform drying. After half or 2/3 of the moisture has evaporated from the fruit, the oven temperature must be reduced to 55 degrees. Such thermal processing of fresh product is quite long. Its average duration is approximately 8-11 hours (depending on the variety).

Apples when properly dried have a beige-brownish color. They are quite elastic and resilient to the touch, and when compressed they do not emit juice and do not break quickly. It is recommended to store fruit products in a dry place in a glass jar or cloth bag.

Those who like to cook fresh compotes in winter or make baked goods with dried fruits know that they need to start preparing dryers in the summer. The most accessible and useful fruit for this is an apple. This tree grows well in our climate and bears fruit. Therefore, almost everyone has the opportunity to pick or buy homemade apples.

Apples consist mainly of water, and as a result of drying, they lose almost all the liquid, but all the useful trace elements and vitamins are retained. Therefore, there is no need to doubt the benefits of dried fruits.

And also keep in mind that the output will be no more than 10 percent of the mass of fresh apples. It is very easy to prepare dried fruits, and if you use modern kitchen appliances - in general, it is a pleasure.

Dried Apples Benefits:

  1. Retain useful properties;
  2. High palatability;
  3. Compact and long-term storage;
  4. Lightweight workpiece.

What fruits to choose

Sour and sour or sour apples are ideal for drying. Sweet apples, on the other hand, do not retain their special taste. To get a higher yield of the product, it is worth choosing fruits with a thinner skin and fewer grains.

Preparing apples:

How to avoid apple oxidation:

Now that the fruits are ready for further processing, it is necessary to decide on the method of drying them. There are many options here. It all depends on the technology that you have or lack of it.

Drying apples with home appliances

At home, apples can be dried using a dryer, oven, microwave, airfryer and, ultimately, just in the sun.

In an electric oven

An electric oven is perfect for drying fruit of high quality. This requires:

During this time (6–8 hours), the fruits must dry to the required condition. Become plastic, not breaking and not oozing light brown dryers.

In an electric convection oven

An electric oven with convection function solves the issue of creating artificial air circulation without closing the door and significantly speeds up the process.

A convector is a fan built into the oven that provides an even flow of hot air. Consider the convection drying process in stages:

  1. Preheat the oven to 40-50 degrees;
  2. Place baking trays with chopped apples in it;
  3. After 1–1.5 hours, turn the slices over and increase the temperature to 70–80 degrees for more intense moisture evaporation;
  4. When the water has practically evaporated, reduce the temperature to its original value and leave for another two hours.

In an oven equipped with this function, the entire drying process will take from 3 to 6 hours.

On the gas stove

You can also dry apples on a gas stove if for some reason you cannot or do not want to use the oven. There will be some difficulties with the choice of the intensity of the fire and the height of the baking sheets, but this is quickly eliminated through trial and experiment.

Thus, the drying process is reduced to 3-4 hours, but requires constant attention.

other methods

if you have airfryer, then it is perfectly possible to dry apples in it, the principle will be approximately like in an oven with convection, but the process will take only an hour in time. In this case, in the device, you need to select a circulation mode with a low speed, set the temperature in the limit of 100 degrees. Lay the slices loosely to each other, for maximum airflow.

Dryer- a specially designed device for drying any fruits and berries. The device is equipped with all the necessary containers, grids, tiers so that you turn it on for a certain time and forget about it - it will turn itself off when it performs its function.

It is necessary to distribute the prepared apples on the grates (for this there are a lot of them in the device), set the desired temperature and in a few hours you will get perfect drying.

In the microwave you can also dry apples. The process will take about 5 minutes. The main thing is to choose the required temperature and power so that you get dryers, not coals. Because the microwave will burn the fruit as quickly as it will dry it.

To do this, you need to evenly and in one layer spread the slices on the dish and set the mode to ultra-high frequency. Power - 250 W, turn on for 30-40 seconds. Then turn over half-dried apples, increase the power to 300 W and turn on the timer for 3 minutes. Get ready-made dryers.

You can use the old method of drying apples - in the sun. But this option is suitable, first of all, for owners of private houses living in hot climates. Since apples are harvested mainly in late summer - early autumn, and during this period the sun is no longer so hot and it often rains.

Prepared apples are strung on strings and hung or laid out on baking sheets and exposed to the open sun, not forgetting to turn them over from time to time.

At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that insects do not have access to the fruits - for example, cover them with double gauze. At night, when the humidity of the air rises, dryers should be removed to a closed, but ventilated space. The drying process will take 6-7 days.

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Signs of fully prepared dryers

Regardless of the drying method, the degree and characteristics of the finished dried apples are the same:

  1. Drying should not break or crunch, it is plastic;
  2. The release of moisture when it is squeezed is unacceptable;
  3. The color can be light brown, but not light yellow or dark.

If at least one of these signs does not match, or you suspect that the apples are not ready, it is better to dry them a little more to avoid spoilage.

Long-term storage

Apples can be stored for a long time after proper drying. How to store dried apples properly? Cotton bags or pillowcases are great for this. You can also use paper, wooden or cardboard boxes, glass jars. But by no means plastic bags or plastic containers - they suffocate dryers.

Store dried apples at room temperature in a dry, well-ventilated, dark place. Remember to periodically re-examine dryers for deterioration so that they do not show signs of mold or decay.

Drying apples is a ready-to-eat product. But they are also used in the preparation of compotes, jelly, all kinds of baked goods. Before that, it is better to soak apples for several hours in water, strong tea, you can even in cognac or liqueur. Some mothers also twist drying through a meat grinder with nuts and sculpt sweets for their children. In general, the use of this most useful product in food is a free flight of imagination.

In conclusion, I would like to give a comparative table of the advantages and disadvantages of different apple drying processes, depending on the devices used:

Dryer Advantages disadvantages Duration of the process
Electric oven - almost everyone has a device - swap baking sheets;

- ajar door

6-8 hours
Oven with convector - acceleration of the drying process;

- uniform blowing of fruits

- not everyone has this feature 3-6 hours
Gas panel - is present in all - energy costs;

- duration;

- constant supervision

3-4 hours
Convection oven - hot air circulation - not everyone has this device Approximately 1 hour
Dryer - the device is specially designed for this process - lack of it in your kitchen 3-4 hours
Microwave - the shortest process duration - apples can burn quickly 5 minutes
The sun - does not require other devices - duration;

Dried fruits have been accompanying people for centuries. It is assumed that it was one of the first products of our distant ancestors. Apricots and apples that fell from the tree, peeled and not picked in time, dried up in the sun, weathered, lost excess moisture and turned into a real delicacy. It is noteworthy that such a delicacy could be stored for a long time. Hundreds, maybe even thousands of years have passed. The harvesting technology has hardly changed. Today, many people love dried fruits and dishes made from them. And even novice housewives know how to dry apples in the oven.

The benefits of dried fruits

It is no secret that dried fruits are health products. They contain many vitamins, especially group B. In addition, they contain mineral elements: calcium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, magnesium. Apple "drying" contains vitamins A, B and C, essential oils, pectin, organic compounds. The glycemic index of this delicacy is low, so even those who adhere to strict diets can use it.

The benefits of dried apples are also confirmed by doctors. They advise to eat this food for those who have problems with sugar levels, suffer from gout, rheumatism, atherosclerosis.

And cosmetologists appreciate this product for its beneficial effects on skin, hair, nails.

Choosing raw materials

Almost any apple variety is suitable for drying. Before you dry the apples for the winter, they must be sorted according to their size. The large ones will have to be cut, and the medium ones can be dried in halves. The forest wild apples of a very small size are very tasty. They can be prepared entirely.

Making dried fruits in the oven

Today, you can easily find dried fruits of all kinds in the supermarket. On the shelves are dried pineapple and melon slices, colorful berries, "drying" of tangerines, plums, watermelon, papaya and passion fruit. There are also apples on sale. The same assortment can be found in the markets. Among the imported delicacies, you can easily find the most common fruits dried by local grandmothers.

It is always easier to buy, however, in order to be sure of the quality of the product, you will have to do it yourself. Moreover, there is nothing difficult in drying apples at home. This will require an oven and the apples themselves. And patience.

Apples need to be washed, dried and chopped. You can do this in the usual way, or you can use a special recess for the middle. Then you get beautiful rings. If, before drying in the oven, soak the apples in cold salted water, then their color will remain light. Place the slices on a wire rack or baking sheet and place in the oven. At what temperature to dry apples? Of course, with a minimum! And the oven door should be kept open. This is done so that the fruits are not fried, but dried. If the chunks are on a baking sheet, stir them. This should be done at least once every 30 minutes. They will be ready in 8 hours.

How to dry apples on the wire rack in the oven? Similar. Only the pieces should be larger so that they don't fall through. And you don't need to stir and shift anything. Such apples will completely dry in 5-6 hours.

Alternative procurement methods

In addition to drying in the oven, there are other methods of harvesting apples. Previously, they were simply dried in the sun, laid out on pallets. This method is primarily good for its cost-effectiveness - it does not require practically any costs. To dry apples in the sun, you need several baking sheets. You can spread the slices in only one layer so that the fruit does not deteriorate. The process will be long. For the fruit to completely lose moisture, you will have to wait at least a week. But no intervention is needed. You can simply cover the sliced ​​fruit with gauze to prevent insects from settling on them.

The second method, on the contrary, is the most modern. Electric dryers were on the market a few years ago. In such dryers, dried fruits are cooked for several hours. Washed and chopped apples just need to be stacked on trays and turned on.

Apple slices can be strung on a string and hung in a draft. Preparing "drying" in this way will be interesting and easy even for children.

Apple "drying" recipes

The most common recipe with dried apples is compote. Its taste has been known to everyone since kindergarten. The main rule of dried fruit compote is that it cannot be boiled for too long. Otherwise, the apple flavor may evaporate. No less popular are baking recipes, which contain such a healthy and tasty ingredient. Anyone who knows how to dry apples in the oven probably bakes pies with them in winter. In order to add to the dough, dried fruits must be prepared. To do this, they are poured with boiling water and allowed to stand. Then you can cut the slices into small pieces and add to the dough.

But with all the abundance of recipes, the use of "drying" in its pure form does not lose its popularity. This is a great alternative to overseas chips and sweets.

For residents of city apartments, the question may arise where it is most convenient to dry fruit - or an electric oven. Each has its own characteristics, pros and cons, but, of course, it is best to give preference to the most optimal one.

basic information

Can apples be dried in an electric oven? Experience has shown that it is possible to achieve a good result in both cases - when drying in a gas oven and in an electric oven. Of course, the quality and cooking time will depend on on the power of the furnace, its state and how well she managed to warm up.

Experts advise using an electric oven, not only because it more reliable, but it is also much easier to ensure that the air is not "heavy" from long work in the case of a gas oven.

In addition, an electric oven is a priori safer and more reliable in maintaining stable fire.

In the event that you are lucky and the house has just a stove powered by electricity, consider a few simple rules to properly cook mouth-watering dried fruits.

The electric oven is good because it allows preserve the bulk of nutrients... For this reason, you can do without full cleaning and not cut the core of the fruit, leaving it with the seeds. This will not affect the taste in any way, but will only serve as a benefit in preparing a good basis for the future compote.


What is the process of drying apples in an electric oven? The first thing to remember is maintaining the correct temperature... It is advised to gradually increase it so that the apples do not roast and burn. When the required temperature is reached (approximately 60-80 ° C), the stove should be slightly open.

Thanks to this "airing" excess moisture, which evaporates from the pulp, will freely come out.

Apples need to be looked after periodically. Once every few hours, you may need to turn the slices, stirring slightly so that they not adhered to the surface of the sheet, and reached an even color.

Step-by-step instruction

How to dry apples in an electric oven? We have already discussed the key principles, and we will not focus much on this process. After the sliced ​​apple slices or rings are ready, they need to be laid out on the lattice covered with baking paper ( parchment paper).

Trays they are not suitable for this purpose - dried fruits will be unevenly dried, and drying will take much longer than planned.

Leave the apple skin before drying or not is a matter of personal preference and the purposes for which you dry the fruit.

For cooking for charlotte, jelly and other sweet dishes, they are most suitable completely purified apples so that the skin does not scratch and spoil the taste.

Cooking time

How many hours to dry apples? Cooking times will vary depending on how new and strong your oven is. Drying takes 5 hours on average with proper supervision. However, the process may take up to 8-10 hours maximum if the apple variety is too tough and sour in taste.

Exposure temperature

At what temperature do we dry? The most beneficial solution is considered to be a gradual increase in temperature, followed by a decrease closer to readiness. First, preheat the oven at 45-50 ° С... At this stage of drying, the fruit withers slightly. Then you can increase the fire to 70-95 ° С and hold for several hours until most of the moisture has evaporated from all the fruits.

At the end of the drying phase, the temperature should be lowered again to protect the product from combustion.

The apples will reach the desired state and will be sterilized, which will be clear with a yellowish or brownish tint.


In what mode should apples be dried in an electric oven? Modes should be alternated: from low to medium, and vice versa. Otherwise, you will not spoil future dried fruits at all by drying them for 6-7 hours on medium mode with convection function (with a fan).

How to determine the readiness of dried fruits?

Take several slices from different parts of the wire rack, making sure all the slices are the same color and size.

It is important that among dried fruits there is uniform color.

If you are pre processed apples in solution or blanched, the dried fruit will be light brown and slightly "rusty". Otherwise, a delicate light beige color is ideal.

Try bending one of the pieces. Properly cooked dried apples feel enough flexible and not crumble... Don't worry if the bites are dry and brittle, as they can still be used to make jellies, fruit salads, and more.


For a dessert option, where the apples turn out sweet and elastic, stock up on a small supply of sweet syrup - homemade or store-bought (cranberry or any other). Pour fruit slices into deep containers with them, leave soak for a day or a day, and only then transfer to drying in the oven, as usual.