Beer poisoning what to do. Beer poisoning: Cunning of a low alcoholic beverage

04.04.2019 Restaurant Notes.

Beer is obtained as a result of alcohol fermentation malt sula In the presence of yeast and hops. It refers to the class of low alcohol drinks.


Beer for contemporaries - part of the life. Many even perceive it at the level of carbonated drinks. While to drink wine, brandy or other alcohol need a reason or observance of the ritual, the beer can use "just so". Meanwhile, it contains alcohol and products resulting in the collapse of hops. The composition of the present low alcohol drink Depends on the manufacturer.

Qualitative composition

Malt and hops in beer preparation recipe

Beer, however, like any other alcoholic beverage, there are their traditions. Which is popularized in advertising, like that: our drink is prepared by an old method, from special varieties malt and hops. However, this is only legends. The current beer is more often the same global products, as well as all that we will "hide" from TV screens.

The newest formula

Brewers known perfect formula this product. It is "Reinehanthebot" - so called "Okaz" about the natural purity of the drink, which was signed in 1516 in Bavaria.

According to him, the production of this alcohol can be used barley, hop cones and pure water. On the use of malt from such cereals, like wheat, rye and others, a ban was installed ..

The current brewers invented technology and chemical additiveswhich allow you to produce more economical beer. What is due to the use of poor-quality raw materials and, most importantly, without malt.
The formula of the current drink is longer. Malt in some quantities in it. It is complemented by a fragulated barley, rice, wheat and corn.

In the case when the proportion of these components above 20%, enzymes are made. Although it does not indicate this on the label. Often add sugar (beet and barley - maltose).

Such a mixture passes the fermentation process rather and easier.

In addition, for giving special taste And the flavor to the mixture is added:

  • oils extracted from hops barley grains and malt;
  • waste activity of yeast bacteria.

Also in minor quantities there are quite harmful components:

  • cobalt for foam formation;
  • methyl alcohol;
  • resins belonging to the class of carcinogens;
  • preservatives.

All of these components are capable of accumulating in the body and make tremendous harm.

Friction process

The barley is rich in starch - basic raw materials. However, this substance does not wander, does not dissolve in water, its endless molecular chains are not powered by beer yeast. Therefore, starch needs breaking on the part - dextrins, and it is better for single links - sugar. They are easily fermented. Destroy starch 2 ways:

  • location during the growth process of grain, when the activity of its own enzymes, destroying starch manifests;
  • the use of enzyme preparations, without germing of grain and malt production.

The second method is economical and faster. However, as a result, the product is not based on the germ, but the likeness of the digestive process.

Couple words about the timing of fitness

When complying with the necessary storage rules, the product may preserve suitable qualities for a long time.

If the beer is overdue, then it is an excellent bridgehead for breeding bacteria.

The term of suitability to use living beer corresponds to two months. The product with a suitability of up to 7.5 months includes preservatives that change their qualitative characteristics fully, after a certain period of time. What can entail beer poisoning.

Causes of intoxication

Overdue beer can cause poisoning

Considering this drink weakly alcohol, many people have a question, can I choose beer? As with any other alcohol drink, beer poisoning can also be obtained. This is possible for several reasons:

Plastic dishes, interacting with alcohol, distinguishes dibutyl phthalate - a poisonous substance capable of provoking death.

The glass container itself is perfect for storing beer. However, its equipping by the KronenProbet, which, with long-term contact, leads it to unsuitability, makes the glass floor losing in front of aluminum. The latter is more popular because it protects the product from the aggressive impact of external environmental conditions.

Signs of toxemia

When the beer poisoning occurs, the symptoms are similar to those that occur during other food poisoning. The only difference is that in this case the manifestations of alcohol toxemia are characteristic.

In the good half of the cases, the following symptoms are observed in the beer poisoning:

  • nausea, abundant vomiting;
  • diarrhea possible;
  • disgust for food and alcoholic beverages;
  • strong thirst;
  • excessive pallor or non-shy face;
  • perspiration;
  • headaches and dizziness;
  • violation of coordination of movements;
  • it is possible to reduce temperature and chills;
  • narrowing of pupils;
  • rapid heartbeat (tachycardia);
  • disorientation in space;
  • it is possible a fainting or delusional state.

Treatment of intoxication

If someone from your loved ones or acquaintances poisoned by this drink, you will need a work of simple events:

Give a victim aqueous solution of reguderon

  • provide a victim abundant drinking, without preventing the learning of the vomit;
  • prepare an aqueous solution of the reguder and give a drink, following the instructions, to replenish the loss of fluid;
  • give the antibacterial agent Furazolidon, four times a day for 2 tablets;
  • give sorbing drugs (it is best to apply a polysorb or enterosgel in such cases);
  • eliminate fatty and protein food from everyday diet;
  • put black tea with honey.

It is strictly forbidden to wash the stomach with a solution of manganese, because they can burn the gastric mucous membrane and increase acidity. You can also drink carbonated drinks.

If the dynamics of intoxication progresses and passes in a heavy form, urgently need to call an ambulance.

The danger of drinking alcohol is known to everyone, but not everyone knows that the beer poisoning is possible. In Russia, this drink alcohol is not considered and most foam lovers do not know what to do if they caught sour, overdue beer and how to cope with poisoning.

Causes of beer poisoning

Classic beer is a drink from malt (barley), hop cones and yeast. Is it possible to poison beer made by such a recipe? If you believe the classic works, then it was before I could have been reappearing who had flourished or poison the drink made from those cones.

Today, such a beer can be found only in separate brewery or do it yourself, and a drink that is sold in most stores is made of powder and various additives. Ready beer Sushlo dried, add or not add a little hop and malt (expensive ingredients), yeast and diluted with water, offering all foam fans.

In private brewery, also rarely boiled ancient recipes, Preferring to use a malt concentrate, and to accelerate the fermentation process, add to special inhibitors, carbon dioxide, artificial foaming agents, taste amplifiers and many other ingredients.

Attention! Adding concentrates and other compounds to beer worsens the product quality and increases the risk of poisoning.

Here are the main reasons for poisoning:

  • Beer intoxication - content ethyl alcohol In beer can reach from 3% to 6% ( strong varieties May contain up to 14% alcohol). But this amount is enough for intoxication, if you drink more than a few liters at a time. The risk of intoxication increases, if drinking beer on an empty stomach, mix it with other alcoholic beverages or with high susceptibility to alcohol.
  • Allergies - with intolerance of alcoholic beverages, symptoms of poisoning may occur even after one mug of beer. Allergic reaction More often occurs on the can, with a high content of concentrates or on new varieties in which various connections are added to enhance taste.
  • Adding surrogate alcohol is one of the most frequent causes due to which beer poisoning occurs, the symptoms of which are forced to treat medical care. The addition of alcohol surrogates helps to increase the "degree" of the drink and increases the risk of poisoning several times. Narcotic poisoning in this case may occur even when taking small dose Drink.
  • Overdue beer - each type of drink has its own shelf life. The answer to the question: can be the beer to blame, unequivocal - easy. Sour beer begins to disintegrate into components: yeast, malt and hop extract (if it was natural drink), preservatives and cobalt (in powder), carcinogenic components and a large number of Bacteria and their livelihoods. The proof drink may cause serious intoxication or food poisoningTherefore, it is always worth paying attention to the shelf life of the drink and not buy "stagnant" beer with a characteristic, sour smell.
  • Not compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards - most often these norms and rules are violated during trade spill beer. Dirty hands or containers, mixing acidic residues with fresh and other disorders lead to the appearance of poisoning symptoms.

Symptoms of poisoning foam

Symptoms with beer poisoning depend on the cause of the occurrence and can be very different.

So, during intoxication, alcoholic intoxication arises, which is divided by three severity. At easy I. middle degree the gravity of the state of a person remains satisfactory special help He is not required and to fight him will have to be only with the classic hangover syndrome: nausea, headache, common malaise.

More seriously manifests itself alcoholic intoxication, a person has vomiting, the coordination of movements is disturbed, decreases arterial pressure, Tachycardia and drowsiness appears. At this stage of intoxication, assistance is necessary, since the alcohol coma is possible.

With other types of poisoning - low-quality or overdue products, the following symptoms arise:

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Headache and dizziness
  • Abdominal pain
  • Chaula disorder
  • Motion coordination violation
  • Weakness
  • Increase body temperature.

Symptoms of poisoning occur 1-3 hours after drinking. The severity of the state depends on the cause of poisoning and the amount of dried beer.

Not heavy poisoning of beer or other alcoholic beverages (what to do if I was poisoned by vodka, read here), does not require hospitalization and medical care. You can cope with him at home. But with severe intoxication without medical care, it is not necessary.

Urgently access to doctors needed at the following symptoms:

  • Loss of consciousness
  • Violation of perception or inadequate perception of reality (a person can not answer where he who he is, his behavior inadequate)
  • The emergence of auditory or visual hallucinations
  • Breathing disorder - too frequent and difficulty breathing or superficial
  • A sharp disruption of coordination of movement - can not sit on their own, a person is fascinated, it falls.
  • Violation of speech
  • Sharp heart or stomach pain.

First aid with beer poisoning

What to do with beer poisoning? The first thing is that it is required is to assess the condition of a person with poisoning, only with the mild and moderate degree of intoxication, you can try to assist yourself.

Important! If the state of a person inspires fears or he has at least one of those described above dangerous symptomsIt is necessary to urgently seek medical help.

At home, the treatment of poisoning must be started from the stomach wash.

For this you need to give a patient as much as possible warm salt water. Not less than 1-2 l per 50-80 kg of human body weight. After drinking water, a person has a proper vomiting, it is necessary to continue the procedure until the vomit will not consist of pure water.

After washing or instead of it, after the cessation of nausea and vomiting, you can give a patient adsorbents. It may be activated carbon, Smekt, enterosgel, polysorb, tagan-sorbent or any other similar means. Approximate calculation of activated carbon - 1 tablet by 10 kg of body weight, when applying other means, you need to follow the instructions. Take sorbents needed for 3-5 days 3-4 times a day.

After washing the stomach and adsorbents, it is important to restore the water-alkaline balance in the body. To do this, the patient needs to give sufficient number Water or regider. Need to follow so that he drinks water room temperature In small quantities for several hours.

On the day of poisoning, the patient should be abstained from meals, and the next few days adhere to a gentle diet.

What can not be done with beer poisoning

Oddly enough one of the most frequent questions From patients: Is it possible to drink beer in poisoning or after it to remove thumping syndrome.? According to physicians, take any alcohol drinking drinks after poisoning with alcohol is categorically impossible. This can provoke a sharp deterioration in the state or the development of secondary poisoning, which will be much heavier than the first.

  • - Adding potassium permanganate to water to wash water can lead to a burn of the mucous membrane of the esophagus and the stomach or provoke the aggravation of gastritis and ulcers.
  • Smoking - it can strengthen intoxication.
  • Drink coffee or strong tea - Tea and coffee will not help to cope with the symptoms of poisoning. Drinks increase the load on cardiovascular system And they increase blood pressure, so they better refuse them.
  • There are fatty foods - this is a way to prevent intoxication to reduce the absorption of alcohol in the stomach, but after poisoning such food will only worsen the state. It will only slow down the removal from the body toxins and increase the load on the digestive system.

How to avoid poisoning foam

A avoiding beer poisoning is simple enough. The main thing is to control the amount of drunk and follow the quality of the drink.

Exist different methods Definitions of the quality of beer - foam, smell, taste, color. But usually they are familiar only to the connoisseurs foam drink. And you can avoid poisoning without buying beer in unknown places, abandoning the pillow and always follow the shelf life of the drink.

Beer in our country is a fairly common drink among low alcohol counterparts. Beer production is considered to be one of the most important on the world market. This is connected directly with the need of residents in this fennable drink.

Given the specifics of our site and this immutable fact, we will try to find out whether it is possible to poison beer? Under what circumstances can it happen? What symptoms will we tell us about it? What if the poisoning is still coming, how to deal with it? We will talk about this by examining the necessary information.

Is there a beer intoxication?

Beer poisoning is not quite a rare phenomenon, so it is best to find out what reasons can cause it:

  1. The intolerance to alcohol or its excessive abuse.
  2. Mixing surrogate alcohol, which contains toxic alcohols.
  3. The product that is overdue the shelf life.
  4. Failure to comply with sanitary and hygienic standards when spilling beer in tanks (dirty hands or packaging). Such poisoning has the same symptoms as in food toxicoinfection.

Symptoms of beer poisoning

Oddly enough but most often alcoholic poisoning It is caused by a beer, so we will dwell on it more. After use huge number Beer is the alcoholic intoxication of three degrees:

  • Weak;
  • Moderate;
  • Strong.

After some time, intoxication passes into poisoning, the signs of which become tangible and quite noticeable at the stage of moderate intoxication. If the reception of beer at this stage does not stop, it occurs a strong degree of intoxication, which can lead to a state of deep coma.

We suggest you consider the symptoms of poisoning with a beer drink at each stage of intoxication.

Easy intoxication

The person is in an excited state, which is characterized by speech and motor activity, excessive emotionality. At this point, the feeling of self-control decreases sharply. It is observed in the eyes of shine and redness of the face. Man, experiencing incredible joy, is noticeably relaxing. Increases sweating and salivation. Such intoxication takes place most often without consequences.

Middle intoxication

At this stage, the motor activity falls, a person feels sharp lethargy, drowsiness. The coordination of movements is disturbed. Speech becomes unbearable, attention scattered. Criticism to its actions is significantly reduced, and at the same time an adequate assessment of its capabilities.

After this, it necessarily comes a hangmelist syndrome, which is a messenger light alcoholic intoxication.

Heavy intoxication

At this stage, the symptoms of poisoning are the most obvious:

  • inadless speech;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • eliminated the ability to move independently;
  • drowsiness, turning gradually in violation of consciousness;
  • decrease in blood pressure;
  • tachycardia.

All these symptoms talk about serious intoxication of the body and can provoke anyone.


In a person who is in a coma, there is no movement, speech, disturbed consciousness. Suspension of pupils that practically do not react to light.

The visible reaction to the ammonia alcohol is preserved (pupils are expanding), painful irritation.

If the pupils cease to respond to light, it means that the condition of a person is aggravated, it flows into anyone. In this case, it can be completely absent painful syndrome, the body temperature is sharply reduced, muscles are completely relaxed.

Other types of beer poisoning

With the simultaneous use of beer with another strong alcoholic productwhich contains toxic alcohols, poisoning can be accompanied by exactly the same symptoms of intoxication.

Violation of vision indicates the poisoning of methanol, pain in the abdomen - about intoxicating ethylene glycol, propyl alcohol.

For such poisoning, the oppression of consciousness with the subsequent development of the coma is typically. I would like to note that in such cases, the deterioration occurs much faster than in poisoning just beer.

In the case when poisoning is provoked by non-compliance with sanitary and hygienic conditions (dirty packaging), timing or storage conditions, the most likely diarrhea, vomiting, an increase in body temperature, abdominal pain.

What to do when poisoning beer?

First of all, we draw your attention to cases when the doctor's intervention is simply necessary:

  • violation of consciousness;
  • cardiac or respiratory failure;
  • manifestation of signs of "white hotness", hallucinations;
  • suspected poisoning by any surrogates;
  • pronounced psychosis;
  • the presence of any serious diseases.

With light forms of intoxication, the patient may remain at home, with a moderately, but only if there are no deviations in the work of the cardiovascular system, normal breathing is observed.

If it is decided to leave the patient to leave at home, the following steps should be performed:

  • obligatory reception of sorbents;
  • a large amount of drink (water or tea);
  • absolute peace, best of all calm sleep.

First aid with medium severity poisoning

In the poisoning of the average severity, the mandatory washing of the stomach with small portions of the liquid (up to 500 ml) and the reception of sorbents are shown.

In the case when the patient is unconscious, it is placed on a solid surface, heads tilge to the side so that the vomits of the masses do not blocked the respiratory tract, the language has not occurred. Next, you must immediately call ambulancewhich will be able to provide qualified assistance.

Treatment of severe beer intoxication

Poisoning is a serious illness, it is very important to start assisting on time. It is from this that depends on the result. With a serious degree of poisoning, the hospitalization of the patient in the resuscitation separation is shown, where it is placed by the stomach using the probe, breathing with the help of tracheal intubation. Patient prescribed forced diuresis. In some cases, hemodialysis can assign hemodialysis (poisoning). At the same time, antibiotics are prescribed in order to prevent aspiration inflammation of the lungs. Doctors stabilize the work of the heart.

Treatment of food poisoning beer

As we have already noted, heavy forms of poisoning, including food, are treated in the infectious compartment, weak and medium - outpatient.

During heavy forms, the stomach washing is definitely carried out, intravenous-drip administration salt solutionsAnd also prescribed antibiotics.

So let's summarize that beer can be poisoned for various reasons. The question remains, what is alive and bottized? The answer is one, with the abuse of any beer, you can seriously suffer. You can choose when non-compliance with the storage rules, beverage spill.

Symptoms can manifest themselves differently, as it depends on what form and what the beer was used. Of course, the alcoholic dependence of a person plays a decisive role. The concentration in the blood of alcohol speaks of the degree of poisoning. In the course of treatment are used mainly general principles Therapy of any poisoning.

Subject to hygienic requirements, checking the storage period and moderate consumption Beer to avoid poisoning real.

Most likely, you will be interested and it

Modern society has accustomed to assume that the beer does not apply to alcohol drinks that can be poisoned. And some are not at all consider this alcohol due to a small number of degrees. It is worth remembering that the beer contains alcohol, so you can get poisoning this drink in the same way as any other alcohol.

How is the beer poisoning

A distinguished condition will be the amount of drunk, which will entail the poisoning of the body. The feast with the presence of beer is not limited to one two bottles. This drink is calculated in liters of drunk. It is often found a phenomenon that beer consumes like a cooling drink in the hot season, or just like that. While for heavy alcohol need a reason.

Such a frivolous attitude to beer drink leads to accumulation in the human body toxic substances that it contains. Namely:

  • fusel oil;
  • bacteria;
  • alcohols belonging to a series of toxic (isopropanol, methyl, etc.);
  • formalin;
  • cadaverin (Podepny poison);
  • poisonous resins;
  • cobalt;
  • narcotic substances allocated by Khmelem (Gasish, Marijuana, Morphine).

Symptoms of poisoning

If the beer poisoning occurred: symptoms and treatment with almost all over with poisoning, the resulting alcohol drink. Symptoms in beer poisoning is divided into some stages. Each of them has specific signs of beer poisoning. Namely:

Stage of light intoxication

In most cases, it disappears without side Effects. It is inherent in it:

  • a person bluses face;
  • there is a relaxed state, accompanied by unreasonable joy;
  • emotional state increased;
  • the feeling of self-preservation is missing;
  • man begins to talk a lot and pulls him on feats;
  • begins to sweat very much. It does not depend on temperature mode Environment.

The middle stage of intoxication

At the end of this stage, a person will feel a hangover. This means what happened light intoxication. The middle stage is inherent:

  • preceding emotional overexcitation ends;
  • excessive activity disappears;
  • a person is branded by the language;
  • speech is incoherent and uncontrollable;
  • the man becomes sluggish, his clone in sleep;
  • consciousness is bold;
  • self-criticism decreases to zero;
  • the feeling of fearlessness prevails over the instinct of self-preservation.

Stage of heavy intoxication

It causes anxiety, since the symptoms passing into poisoning are characterized by intensity:

  • heart mental fence;
  • speech loses meaning and clarity;
  • blood pressure decreases;
  • nausea and bouts of vomiting appear;
  • will disappear to move;
  • the emergence of a feeling of stunning;
  • possible loss of consciousness.

The skin of the victim will acquire a pale shade. Hands and legs will become cool. Even if in the room is hot. Painful sensations in the stomach will disappear in a few days. Only with proper treatment.

Stage Coma

Follows the middle stage. Characterized as follows:

  • motor activity disappears;
  • there are no speech and consciousness;
  • sewaged reaction of pupils on light stimuli;
  • there is a reaction of pupils to inhalation of the ammonia;
  • body temperature drops.

If a person further flows into a comatose state, his pupils will cease to response to light indicators. There is a disappearance of various reflexes. Body temperature drops to critical indicators. Comatous state, possibly after the beer was knocked strong drinksprobably even have dubious quality. In the absence of appropriate assistance, a fatal outcome is possible.

First aid for beer poisoning

Proponial assistance to the poisoning person will be similar to the one that is provided with food poisoning. You should remember the sequence of actions:

  1. Perform a person who poisoned, washing the stomach. It is important to make it clean boiled water. It is impossible to use potassium permanganate powder (manganese) or food soda as auxiliary substance. If the poisoning occurred due to spoiled beer, then the situation can only be aggravated, since when mixed, the reaction will be.
  2. After the washing procedure, have a sorbent. For example, activated carbon, polysorb, smect. It will buy toxic substances and will naturally withdraw from human organism. Only if there is no vomiting.
  3. It is recommended to drink abundant to avoid dehydration, which can entail irreversible consequences.

If beer poisoning carries easy or mean, it should be remembered what to do at home to facilitate the status and elimination of symptoms. In addition to the above events, the patient should be provided. For the period of independent treatment, adhere to a gentle diet. Aggressive food is able to adversely affect gastrointestinalwhich has been influenced by beer poisoning. Strictly prohibited to drink alcoholic beverages, regardless of the number of alcohol in them. Refrain at least three weeks. During this time, toxic substances will abandon the body, as a result of which it will be restored.

Treatment of heavy beer poisoning

A timely person rendered qualified assistance will affect the future condition of a person who poisoned the beer drink. With a heavy form of beer poisoning of the victim in obligatory Place in the hospital. What treatment will write down the attending physician depends on the severity and duration of the available symptoms.

If a person has difficulty breathing, it will be connected to the device of artificial ventilation of lungs. Medical workers will carry out the procedure for removing mucus, the masses from the oral cavity, from the pharynx and the nose. In case of poisoning, the doctor will prescribe a blood purification procedure from toxic substances. Qualified experts will engage in the restoration of normal heart activities. Therapeutic therapy may include reception of antibacterial drugs. This will help avoid partial inflammation of the lungs.

Overdue beer and methods for treating poisoning

Overdue beer poisoning Frequent phenomenon in modern times. People chase behind a reduced price, without understanding how this drink can harm their health. If the poisoning of such a beer beverage happened, it is necessary to make a normal stomach wash. Procedure to carry out water without any impurities. Washing is carried out by the standard method: drink a liter of water with large sips, and if vomiting has not appeared arbitrarily, press the root of the tongue.

Recommended using absorbent substances. To do this, activated carbon, sorbex, lactiform, etc. follow abundant drinking mode. This will help to avoid violation of water-electrolyte equilibrium, capable of leading to sad consequences.

The above measures are appropriate in case of non-hazardous symptoms. If the poisoning has a heavy form, you need to call an ambulance brigade, which will take the victims of the hospital, where the doctor will write down the appropriate therapeutic therapy. These symptoms include:

  • The body temperature rises to 38-39 degrees;
  • Incessant vomiting;
  • Arterial pressure drops to critical indicators;
  • The skin has acquired a pale shade;
  • Heart mental fence;
  • The appearance of weakness in the body.

Timely help will help to avoid negative impact on the internal organs Human and vital systems of its body.

Poisoning of draft beer

The probability to poison the beer drink increases if it is purchased at points where it is spilled in glasses. Finding beer occurs in special kegs. In order for the beer a long period, it is fresh and high-quality, it is worth following the following rules:

  1. The beer drink is poured only in the dishes intended for one-time use;
  2. The room temperature in which storage takes place should not exceed 18-22 degrees;
  3. It is important to control the devastation of the line on which the beer passes. This will carry out the accumulation of residues, which, with long-term finding, pathogenic microorganisms will be distinguished. They are able to cause intoxication.

An important moment is the presence of a sanitary book from the realizer. If the spill beer was poisoned, the signs will let them know after a few hours. They are similar to the signs in the beer poisoning with an expiratory expiration date.

On the dangers of drinking beer

Proven fact is that frequent and excessive use Beer causes alcohol addiction. In addition, it is mercilessly affecting the human heart, hormonal background organism. For example, if a man is regularly applied to a beer bed, it can sacrifice its sexual function. Given all the negative qualities of the drink, you can safely call it a drug that is addictive. And a timely refusal to a detrimental habit will save the health and life forces of a person.

In different cities and villages, ask the problem, really in the XXI century, poison beer. After all, it is for some people now a drink that is consumed almost every day. The answer is simple - you can. Poisoning noble drink There are all sorts. Each person who uses this foam drink knows that it also happens different: draft, bottle and cannon.

Beer poisoning is all sorts

Making different varieties and mix with various surrogates, it can be done in underground and non-certified enterprises. The factor and symptom of beer poisoning is, the content of ethyl alcohol in it. And it turns out that, beer fans, do not know much about beer and its impact on the body, with poisoning.

All beer and different poisoning

Now often occurs a draft beer drink, it can be sold as on the lathes, and in outlets. In such places in trade, mostly antisanitary, we invisible where she washed and washed whether the seller hand washed, he poured beer in a one-time cup or a washed glass, all this he is under, the counter and not everyone sees the entire process of pouring a foam drink in a glass.

After using this, the symptoms appear similar to the use of spoiled products, overdue. There are a lot of unfair manufacturers who are in order to improve the taste and the fortress of beer mix into it poisonous alcohols (ethanol), and do it necessary for the fortress. And often after such mixing in people who drank over the norm of such a drink, the beer poisoning occurs, the symptoms of such poisoning:

  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • liquid chair (diarrhea);
  • stomach ache.

Symptoms of beer poisoning are similar to those that occur when using spoiled products

The cause of such poisoning is an antisanitary market in establishments, but there is also an overdue beer, which also trade and do not think about the consequences. And here are different symptoms:

  • increased temperature;
  • painful painters;
  • vomit urge, vomiting;
  • diarrhea.

As a result, a person used a large amount of alcohol, gets such intoxication. As a result, the body poisoning occurs.

First medical care person at home

With beer poisoning, such actions are welcome:

  • Give a drink to the victim one of the sorbents (white or activated carbon).
  • Use as much liquid as possible.
  • Provide a patient full of peace (let sleep).

There are different degrees of poisoning

As you can drink, a person is in different degrees of alcohol intoxication. There are three degrees, weak, moderate and strong. With weak intoxication, a person can do adequate actions after the adoption of first aid. And when such symptoms occur in a strong stage: the coordination of movement, psychosis is disturbed, respiratory and heart activities are disturbed. Each minute is important, you need to call an ambulance care.

There are three degrees of alcohol intoxication

First medical care for beer poisoning

Before the arrival of ambulance if a person who poisoned to be in the mind, the first thing to do washing the stomach, small doses of water (up to 500 ml), to remove the symptom of intoxication, and give a medicine to restore the lost fluid in the body, and does not allow the body's dehydration. But if a person has lost a reason, it must be put on the floor or a couch, tilt the head of the side, so that in case of vomiting the person has not strangled with the lots of the masses, and the valet has occurred.

After the arrival of ambulance, the patient will examine and send to hospitalization to the hospital, there it will provide an oxygen mask if necessary. From a minute of enrollment in the clinic, the patient is unconscious and with strong intoxication, prescribed medications In order to prevent the inflammation of the lungs, they are taken to normalize the work of the heart.

Alcoholic beer poisoning, comes from mixing different varieties and mixing it with other alcoholic beverages that were also drinking in a very big dose if you drink permissible dose This beverage of the consequences will not be as deplorable and symptoms are not so noticeable. Inxication is determined by the degree of poisoning. All you need for a safe rest with friends, this is the observance of the rules of hygienic procedures, to verify the shelf life of the product, all this will help to avoid poisoning.