Alcoholism test. A test to help determine the stage of alcohol addiction

05.08.2019 Desserts and cakes

Alcohol dependence is a slowly progressive disease that has the appropriate ICD 10 code and does not belong to bad habits. Having started drinking, a person is no longer able to just stop and control his use.

Many people think that an alcoholic is a bum or a low-lying person sleeping drunk on the street. And when their relatives start making comments or criticizing for excessive use, everyone says: “Who is an alcoholic ?! I am not an alcoholic, I don’t lie under the fence, I want to go to work, or raise children, or play sports, or have a hobby other than drinking. ”

Unfortunately, after some time, there is no work, no hobby, no sports and no communication with children.

Initially, alcoholism is not necessarily antisocial behavior, vagrancy, or begging. Among the millions of alcoholics there are wonderful mothers and fathers, excellent professionals in their field and just kind and decent people. And they did not deserve to be sick with a hangover, to drink their last money, it becomes a shame for their family and in the end - to really end up on the street.

An alcoholism test will help you adequately assess your condition. Send this test to a friend who likes to sit at a bar on Friday, a friend who drinks only when a small child is asleep, or a loved one who likes to drink with friends every time they get together. And besides, you can go through it yourself so that the diagnosis does not come as a surprise.

Alcohol dependence is treatable at any stage of the disease. For help, you will need a competent psychiatrist and narcologist, as well as a desire to undergo psychotherapy or at least go to groups of Alcoholics Anonymous for free.

An alcohol addiction test can help determine if you have an unhealthy alcohol addiction. However, it should be remembered that only a doctor can make a diagnosis.

Alcoholism test

An alcohol dependence test will detect the presence of an alcohol use disorder. The questions are about drinking in the past 12 months.

It should be borne in mind that the portion of alcohol in paragraphs 2 and 3 is equal to 10 g of alcohol. For example, a can of beer (strength 5%) - 13 g of alcohol, (12%) - 13.3 g, a glass of strong alcoholic drink (40%) - 12.6 g.

Choose the most appropriate answer (the number of points is indicated in brackets).

1. How often do you drink alcoholic beverages?

  • never (0);
  • once a month or less (1);
  • 2-4 times a month (2);
  • 2-4 times a week (3);
  • more than 3 times a week (4).

2. How many servings of alcoholic beverages do you drink?

  • 1-2 (0);
  • 3-4 (1);
  • 5-6 (2);
  • 7-9 (3);
  • more than 9 (4);

3. Do you often drink more than 6 servings at a time?

  • never (0);
  • less than 1 time per month (1);
  • every month (2);
  • every week (3);
  • every day (4).

Continue to take the test if you score more than 1 point. If the score is 0-1, then it is the final result.

4. How many times have you been unable to stop drinking?

  • never (0);
  • less than 1 time per month (1);
  • monthly (2);
  • weekly (3);
  • daily or almost daily (4).

5. How often have you failed to do what was expected of you because of your drinking?

  • never (0);
  • less than 1 time per month (1);
  • every month (2);
  • every week (3);
  • every day (4).

6. How often did you drink in the morning to overcome?

  • never (0);
  • less than 1 time per month (1);
  • monthly (2);
  • weekly (3);
  • daily (4).

7. How often have you felt guilty about drinking alcohol?

  • never (0);
  • less than 1 time per month (1);
  • every month (2);
  • every zero (3);
  • every day (4).

8. How often have you been unable to remember what happened while you were drinking?

  • never (0);
  • less than 1 time per month (1);
  • monthly (2);
  • weekly (3);
  • daily (4).

9. Have you or someone else been injured from drinking alcohol?

  • no (0);
  • yes, but more than a year ago (2);

10. Has anyone ever worried about the alcohol you were drinking and / or advised you to drink less?

  • no (0);
  • yes, but more than a year ago (2);
  • yes, during the past year (4).

Calculate the number of points received.

Test result:

  • 0-6 (for women), 0-7 (for men) - low probability of alcohol dependence;
  • 7-15 (for women), 8-15 (for men) - increased alcohol consumption;
  • 16-19 - alcohol abuse;
  • 20 or more - alcohol dependence or the risk of its development.

Symptoms for determining the stage of alcoholism

In addition to the alcoholism test for women and men, there are a number of symptoms that can help determine the stage of alcohol dependence.

The first stage of alcoholism includes:

  • difficulty controlling the amount of alcohol you drink;
  • irritability, aggressiveness and possible memory loss when intoxicated;
  • lack of a critical attitude towards drunkenness;
  • excuses for drinking alcohol;

The first stage of alcoholism gradually turns into the second, which has the following symptoms:

  • an increase in alcohol tolerance;
  • loss of control over drinking;
  • the appearance of physical dependence on alcohol and withdrawal syndrome, which is accompanied by headache, thirst, irritability, sleep problems, pain in the heart, tremors of the extremities.

At the third stage, symptoms appear such as:

  • increased cravings for alcohol with a proportional decrease in control;
  • the appearance of mental, physical and social problems;
  • unconscious craving for alcohol;
  • complete depletion of the body;
  • mental disorder leading to alcohol degradation.

If you find these symptoms, you should consult a doctor.

Our free online alcoholism test by questionnaire method determines the stage of alcohol dependence or its absence. It is enough to honestly answer 12 simple questions, and then click on the "Show result" button. A detailed transcript of the received data can be found below. For prevention purposes, testing for alcohol dependence is recommended at least once every six months.

Stages of alcohol addiction

Prodromal (zero) stage- there are no signs of alcoholism, a person occasionally drinks alcohol in companies, while he rarely gets drunk to memory loss and other serious consequences.

At the zero stage, it is easy to refuse to drink alcohol without feeling any mental discomfort. This is considered normal for a healthy person. But with daily use, the prodromal period passes into the first stage of alcoholism after 6-12 months in men and after 3-6 months in women. On average, female alcoholism develops twice as fast as male alcoholism.

First stage- characterized by the appearance of mental dependence on alcoholic beverages. Almost every day, the patient has thoughts about drinking, the mood rises in anticipation of drinking alcohol. In a sober state, there is a feeling of dissatisfaction with oneself.

At the initial stage, vomiting disappears in case of an overdose, a person is able to drink much more than before. There is a desire to justify their actions. On average, the first stage lasts from 1 to 5 years. Without treatment and limiting the amount of alcohol, it smoothly flows into a more advanced second stage.

Second stage- pathological craving for alcoholic beverages arises spontaneously, the ability to self-control drops sharply. In a drunken state, a person begins to behave unpredictably and even aggressively. In some cases, psychosis and hallucinations may occur. The second stage lasts from 5 to 15 years, gradually leading to a complete degradation of the personality and loss of creative abilities.

Third stage- characterized by irreversible changes in the psyche, the work of internal organs (cirrhosis of the liver, hepatitis) and the nervous system. Situational control is completely lost - a person does not care about the place, circumstances and the company of drinking companions.

The amount of alcohol consumed decreases, but its consumption becomes everyday or turns into binges. Physical dependence develops, which, if untreated, sooner or later ends in death.

A total of 32 questions in the test.

1. You allow yourself to drink once a week:

2. In one evening, you usually drink one hundred grams of any alcoholic beverage:

3. The next morning you wake up in a great mood and ready to take action:

4. Seeing a cheerful company at a laid table with drinks, you do not have a desire to join:

5. Alcohol for the whole evening improves your mood:

6. At home, after a slight "relaxation", talk for a long time and in detail on those topics that are of concern to you:

7. You repent of the "extra glass" you drank on the eve:

8. The next morning you do not regret not taking full advantage of the opportunity to rest:

9. You consume alcoholic beverages only on holidays:

10. In one evening you can drink half a liter of any alcoholic beverage:

11. In the morning, after a shower and exercise, courage and readiness to overcome any difficulties do not return to you:

12. Seeing a cheerful company at the table gives you a feeling of slight envy:

13. In a company with friends, you make sure that someone does not pour more:

14. At home after a party, regardless of the time, you go to bed right away:

15. Family members sometimes reproach you with alcohol abuse:

16. You regret remembering last night the next morning:

17. You "relax" once a month:

18. The amount drunk per evening depends on the circumstances, but does not exceed two hundred grams:

19. The next day you do not come to work, getting drunk or using medications:

20. Seeing a group of people who drink alcohol, you do not have an irresistible urge to drink:

21. You can easily stop when you have decided that it is enough:

22. After the party, you begin to see more clearly all the shortcomings of your life and tell family members how to eliminate them:

23. You are not defending your rights to communicate with friends:

24. The next morning, you can easily remember how you found yourself at home:

25. Do you consider it beneficial to consume alcohol on a daily basis:

26. You like to demonstrate your ability to drink a lot and not get drunk in the company:

27. You are tormented by irritability caused by severe headache and nausea after a meal:

28. At the thought of alcohol and the inability to drink, you have feelings of discontent and anger:

29. Sometimes, after fun meetings, you wake up in an unfamiliar place and cannot remember how you ended up there:

30. At home, you feel growing indignation for any reason and an irresistible desire to throw out your dissatisfaction:

31. You do not give preference to one type of alcohol:

32. You can oversleep for work (study) after a party:

3 - 11 points.

Congratulations! If your result falls into this group, then alcohol does not have any destructive effect on your life. Of course, you can afford a glass of good wine, a glass of high-quality foamy beer, or a few sips of stronger alcohol at the festive table or just in good company (otherwise, why would you take the proposed test?). But you do this not regularly and not with the aim of forgetting yourself or getting away from life's problems, but rather to pay tribute to the hard work of winemakers and brewers, appreciating the taste of the drinks they produce.

Reasonable drinking is not harmful to your health. Moreover, according to some scientists, small doses of high-quality strong drinks can have a positive effect on the heart and blood vessels and even significantly prolong your life. Also, according to statistics, moderate alcohol drinkers are more successful in their careers and earn more than absolute teetotalers and outright alcoholics.

The ability to maintain an informal conversation, spend a free evening with colleagues outside the office, relax a little at a corporate party without going too far, helps you build a good reputation in the work collective and provides the necessary contacts that can serve you well in the future. Alcohol in your life is not an end in itself. Rather, it is a pleasant accessory that allows you to have a good time, emphasize taste and create a mood. It does not prevent you from living a full life, learning fruitfully, working purposefully and performing many other diverse roles. You do not rush to the barricades in the fight against the "green serpent", but at the same time you are in complete control of the situation. It remains only to wish you to continue to maintain a sober mind and sincere love of life.

12 - 30 points.

Attention! You should analyze the situation and, perhaps, try to change your attitude towards life before it gets out of your control. If you fall into this group, you probably have signs that indicate a tendency to abuse alcohol.

Alcohol turns into your constant companion, without which friendly or business meetings, family holidays and any significant events become impossible: be it the end of the next working week or an unexpected salary increase. It is dangerous not only the quantity, but also the regularity of the intake of alcoholic beverages. Seemingly innocent weekly feasts are a direct path to the development of alcoholism. It's time to replace them with sports, walks in the fresh air and a pleasant pastime with truly close and dear people. Learn to re-enjoy life without the help of additional stimulants.

See if you can stop for a couple of glasses of wine or a glass of beer. If it has become difficult for you to fight the temptation, and each libation ends in a banal drunkenness until you lose consciousness, this is an alarming bell. It's time to acknowledge the problem and start fighting it. A little more, and it will be extremely difficult for you to cope on your own. A decrease in the gag reflex and an increase in alcohol tolerance, when in order to achieve the same stage of intoxication you need to drink several times more alcohol than before, they speak of the beginning of physiological changes in the body characteristic of alcoholics. If your loved ones are worried about your alcohol addiction, listen to them. The support of family members, their participation and care can be a great incentive to end an addiction that leads to nowhere.

31 - 56 points.

The fact that you have passed this test indicates your willingness to face the truth. This means that there is still a chance to return to normal life and get rid of the emerging alcohol addiction. You may need professional help and / or medication. Don't neglect them. Alcohol abuse leads to irreversible consequences for the body, which are destroying it faster and faster.

You may already begin to worry about gastritis, a tendency to high blood pressure, poor sleep, which does not provide adequate rest. Movement coordination is impaired, which leads to an increase in minor domestic and industrial injuries. All these are the consequences of regular intoxication of the body. You purposefully look for an excuse to drink, justify your addiction by difficulties in the family and at work. Alcohol tolerance develops. To achieve the required "condition" you need more and more doses of the potion. Perhaps you are beginning to give preference to stronger drinks, gradually replacing them with the usual beer, wine or cocktails. You are offended by the lack of understanding and pressure from loved ones. Meanwhile, their concern is well founded. You become more and more intolerant and irritable, take any remark with hostility, especially when it comes to alcohol.

If you do not stop in the near future, the life of your family will turn into a complete nightmare. And you are in for a gradual moral degradation and irretrievably undermined health. At this stage, giving up alcohol will require some effort, determination and faith in yourself. But it's worth it! Alcohol will not help you get away from problems and will not solve them. It only gives a short-term semblance of happiness, which is quickly replaced by a gray hopelessness. It's time to say to yourself: "Stop!"

Next question -> Test result

We bring to your attention a test for alcoholism, which allows you to determine the propensity to abuse alcohol and identify problems with alcohol at the earliest stage, when irreversible changes have not yet occurred.

Alcoholism is a serious disease that causes not only disruption in the work of all human organs and systems, but also characterized by moral and social degradation of the personality, loss of life goals and guidelines. This is a pathological condition for the patient, a real tragedy for his loved ones and one of the most difficult problems of modern society.

Moderate drinking has no obvious negative consequences. However, in the presence of a genetic or physiological predisposition, addiction can form quite quickly. Often the impetus for the emergence of a painful addiction to drinking is psychological problems: life disorder, low self-esteem and self-doubt, depressive states and inability to withstand difficulties.

Some social factors also provoke addiction to alcohol. The parents' lack of restraint in drinking, the drinking environment and the lack of a positive example of sober leisure make a person an easy target for the "green serpent".

The transition from ordinary household drunkenness to the disease is gradual and hardly noticeable, first of all, for the alcoholic himself. Take a test for alcoholism in order to timely notice negative trends and avoid the formation and development of destructive addiction.

The seemingly innocent desire to "relax" at the end of the working week, quite understandable craving for a glass after a very hard day, the ability to drink quite a lot of alcohol without obvious signs of intoxication, which is flaunting in companies, can turn out to be very serious symptoms. keep a clear mind and control over your life. The earlier the addiction is detected, the easier it is to cope with it and the more chances are to regain shaky physical health.

Like any other disease, alcoholism is easier to prevent than to cure. Does alcohol have a negative effect on you? Is there a need to seriously consider changing your lifestyle? Do you need professional help? The proposed alcohol test will give you answers to these questions.