What you need to eat in case of alcohol poisoning. How to stop vomiting after alcohol poisoning? Acute alcohol poisoning: symptoms

21.09.2019 Grill menu

Alcohol poisoning, or intoxication, means the poisoning of the human body with ethyl alcohol. In a normal state, a small amount of ethanol will be detoxified in the liver area without any consequences. However, when using such an amount of alcohol, which exceeds the detoxifying "capacity" of the liver, the poison enters the brain and provokes disturbances in the higher nervous activity. Outwardly, this can manifest itself as euphoria, clouding of consciousness, problems with coordination, as well as the fact that vomiting begins after alcohol.

First aid for alcohol poisoning

The fact of alcohol poisoning and the addition of vomiting requires, first of all, independent first aid. This is necessary not only for severe alcohol damage, but also for moderate intoxication.

So, first aid means removing the remnants of alcoholic beverages from the stomach area.

To do this, provoke vomiting, after which the stomach is washed. Usually, a person vomits if he drinks about two to three glasses of salted water. Next, you will need one more time and repeat this until predominantly pure water comes out of the stomach area.

In addition, the treatment of vomiting and alcohol poisoning at home means that if you lose consciousness, you should not provoke such urges. The following actions will need to be taken:

  1. call an ambulance not during the day, but immediately;
  2. while waiting for her arrival, place the victim strictly on his side, loosen his clothes, and also check the pulse and breathing rhythm;
  3. the head will need to be turned, but make sure that the tongue does not sink in, and the vomit does not penetrate directly into the respiratory tract;
  4. in order to bring a person to his senses, it is recommended to give him a sniff of ammonia, to ensure that his ears are rubbed.

If with alcohol poisoning there is no threat to human life, then intoxication is neutralized independently at home. Thus, everyone needs to know how to stop vomiting after alcohol poisoning at home.

Features of the treatment of intoxication at home

First of all, it is recommended to attend to the removal of the residues of ethyl alcohol and its decay products from the intestinal area. For this, enterosorbents and enveloping agents are taken. Further, it will be very important to attend to the restoration of water and salt balance in the human body. According to experts, in order to stop any negative symptoms, it will be necessary to attend to the restoration of the microflora in the intestinal area, as well as to neutralize and remove the decay products of ethanol.

The next type of influence will be the so-called symptomatic therapy, which consists in relieving the painful syndrome. In addition, it is recommended to maintain the work of the heart and other internal organs.

It is necessary to understand that if a person vomited once or twice, then this is just a natural reaction to the poison - there will be no harm from it.

However, when, for example, vomiting of blood after alcohol begins or the urge does not stop for a long time, certain measures will need to be taken.

So, at home, you will need to rinse your head with cold water or briefly apply ice to the occipital region. Next, you will need to use a small amount of water or reducing compounds, for example, Rehydron. When vomiting after alcohol, it is very important not to eat or drink anything else until the stomach has calmed down.

In addition, antiemetic drugs may be effective when such interventions fail. It should also be borne in mind that the addition of indomitable vomiting, the presence in or bloody impurities should be taken as the basis for the most urgent hospitalization. However, in order to understand what to do with alcohol poisoning, one should not forget about some categories of drugs.

What medicines are used for poisoning and vomiting?

Most often we are talking about the use of agents such as enterosorbents. First of all, it is Enterosgel, which, like other components of the presented category, acts in the intestinal area, capturing toxins and decay products, and also ensuring their excretion together with feces. In addition, experts insist that at home, even with a strong attack of intoxication, they use the following formulations:

  • Polysorb PM is a powder that allows you to remove toxins from the body. In case of significant poisoning, it can be taken about five times during the day;
  • Smecta, which is characterized by a sorbing and enveloping effect. More often than not, it turns out to be just an addition to the main recovery course;
  • Filtrum - removes toxic substances from the body, helps to cleanse and restore the intestinal area;
  • it is permissible to use activated carbon, which is characterized, perhaps, by the least significant sorption capacity. However, it is inexpensive and completely affordable for all segments of the population, and therefore it is very often taken even the next day after poisoning.

It must also be remembered that any enterosorbents should be used separately from medicines, because the latter may lose their effectiveness. In addition, it is very important to observe a break of one to two hours between their use in order to know exactly how to stop vomiting after alcohol and cope with nausea.

How to restore water balance at home?

It is no secret that vomiting contributes to dehydration of the body, and also flushes out the salts of mineral components from it. In addition, alcohol is a powerful diuretic. In case of poisoning, it is strongly recommended to consume a lot of water, best of all mineral or acidified with lemon juice. They make it possible to cope with the imbalance and medicinal formulations that belong to the category of rehydrating components. They include a balanced amount of sodium, potassium, and chloride. In some cases, carbohydrates are concentrated in them, which help a person to cope with poisoning after alcoholic beverages.

In addition, regardless of the cause of vomiting with blood, Regidron should be used. This must be done exclusively internally in a ratio of 10 to 17 ml of the finished solution per kg. One sachet of the composition is dissolved in a liter of ordinary boiled water and kept in the refrigerator for no more than 24 hours. Analogs of Rehydron should be considered such drugs as Hydrovit and Citraglucosolan - they also help with vomiting due to alcohol intoxication.

Normalization of intestinal flora after poisoning

In order to cope with the poisoning, it will be necessary to attend to the restoration of the intestinal flora. This will also need to be done regardless of the specific reason for vomiting blood after alcohol. To restore beneficial bacteria in food, they use fermented milk and fermented names, as well as compounds such as probiotics. Speaking of the latter, they mean Linex, Lactobacillus, Bifiform and some others. The elimination of toxic products from the large intestine will also be facilitated by the use of an enema. However, everyone who is wondering what to do if poisoning has begun should take into account the list of unacceptable measures.

What can not be done in case of intoxication?

It is strongly discouraged to combine the use of alcohol and a diuretic called Furosemide, because it negatively affects the condition of organs such as the liver and kidneys. Aspirin should also be used very carefully. It is allowed to be consumed exclusively during hangover. While if the intoxication has not passed, this drug may well provoke all sorts of complications, which will subsequently be extremely difficult to stop.

It would be wrong to use any sleeping pills, because they aggravate the deterioration of the central nervous system, provoked by alcohol. In addition, the recommendation to visit the bathhouse (as a means of getting rid of a hangover) is only relevant for people with very, very good health. Therefore, when wondering what can be done to cope with alcohol poisoning, you need to know exactly which of the methods are acceptable, and which, on the contrary, will be extremely harmful.



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    1.Can cancer be prevented?
    The occurrence of a disease such as cancer depends on many factors. Not a single person can provide himself with complete safety. But everyone can significantly reduce the chances of a malignant tumor.

    2.How does smoking affect the development of cancer?
    Absolutely, categorically forbid yourself from smoking. Everyone is tired of this truth. But quitting smoking lowers the risk of developing all types of cancer. Smoking is associated with 30% of deaths from cancer. In Russia, lung tumors kill more people than tumors of all other organs.
    Eliminating tobacco from your life is the best prevention. Even if you smoke not a pack a day, but only half, the risk of lung cancer is already reduced by 27%, as found by the American Medical Association.

    3.Does being overweight affect the development of cancer?
    Look at the scales often! Extra pounds will affect not only the waist. The American Institute for Cancer Research found that obesity triggers the development of tumors in the esophagus, kidneys and gallbladder. The fact is that adipose tissue serves not only to preserve energy reserves, it also has a secretory function: fat produces proteins that affect the development of a chronic inflammatory process in the body. And oncological diseases just appear against the background of inflammation. In Russia, WHO associates 26% of all cases of oncological diseases with obesity.

    4.Does exercise help reduce the risk of cancer?
    Spend at least half an hour a week exercising. Sport is on the same level with proper nutrition when it comes to cancer prevention. In the United States, a third of all deaths are attributed to the fact that patients did not follow any diet and did not pay attention to physical education. The American Cancer Society recommends exercising 150 minutes per week at a moderate pace, or half as much, but more active. However, a study published in the journal Nutrition and Cancer in 2010 shows that even 30 minutes is enough to reduce the risk of breast cancer (which affects one in eight women worldwide) by 35%.

    5.How does alcohol affect cancer cells?
    Less alcohol! Alcohol is accused of causing tumors of the mouth, larynx, liver, rectum and mammary glands. Ethyl alcohol decomposes in the body to acetaldehyde, which then, under the action of enzymes, turns into acetic acid. Acetaldehyde is the strongest carcinogen. Alcohol is especially harmful to women, as it stimulates the production of estrogens - hormones that affect the growth of breast tissue. An excess of estrogen leads to the formation of breast tumors, which means that every extra sip of alcohol increases the risk of getting sick.

    6 what kind of cabbage helps fight cancer?
    Love the broccoli. Vegetables are not only part of a healthy diet, they also help fight cancer. This is also why recommendations for a healthy diet contain a rule: half of the daily diet should be vegetables and fruits. Cruciferous vegetables are especially useful, which contain glucosinolates - substances that, when processed, acquire anti-cancer properties. These vegetables include cabbage: common cabbage, Brussels sprouts and broccoli.

    7 Which organ cancer is affected by red meat?
    The more vegetables you eat, the less red meat you put in your plate. Studies have shown that people who eat more than 500 grams of red meat per week have a higher risk of colorectal cancer.

    8. Which of the proposed remedies protect against skin cancer?
    Stock up on sunscreen! Women aged 18–36 are particularly susceptible to melanoma, the most dangerous form of skin cancer. In Russia, in just 10 years, the incidence of melanoma has increased by 26%, world statistics show an even greater increase. The equipment for artificial tanning and the sun's rays are also blamed for this. The danger can be minimized with a simple tube of sunscreen. A 2010 study by the Journal of Clinical Oncology confirmed that people who regularly wear special cream suffer from melanoma half as much as those who neglect such cosmetics.
    The cream should be chosen with an SPF 15 protection factor, applied even in winter and even in cloudy weather (the procedure should turn into the same habit as brushing your teeth), and also not be exposed to sunlight from 10 to 16 hours.

    9. Do you think stress influences the development of cancer?
    Stress by itself does not cause cancer, but it weakens the entire body and creates conditions for the development of this disease. Research has shown that persistent anxiety alters the activity of immune cells responsible for triggering the fight and flight mechanism. As a result, a large amount of cortisol, monocytes and neutrophils are constantly circulating in the blood, which are responsible for inflammatory processes. And as mentioned, chronic inflammation can lead to the formation of cancer cells.


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  1. Question 1 of 9

    Can cancer be prevented?

  2. Question 2 of 9

    How does smoking affect the development of cancer?

  3. Question 3 of 9

    Does being overweight affect the development of cancer?

  4. Question 4 of 9

    Does exercise reduce the risk of cancer?

  5. Question 5 of 9

    How does alcohol affect cancer cells?

Alcohol intoxication is a very complex condition associated with the consumption of excessive amounts of alcoholic beverages.

In such a situation, a person needs urgent help.... If this is not done, there is a risk of developing dangerous health consequences.

Treatment of alcohol poisoning at home involves the use of sorbents, replenishment of the water balance, and normalization of the intestinal microflora.

The essence of the problem

Under alcohol intoxication, it is customary to understand poisoning with ethyl alcohol. In a normal state, a small amount of ethanol is rendered harmless by the liver without any particular consequences. However, when you consume an excess amount of alcohol, the poison enters the brain, disrupting the functioning of the nervous system.

Many people wonder how much alcohol can lead to alcohol poisoning.

The following is considered safe for health: 60 ml of vodka, 300 ml of dry wine or 750 ml of beer. Any excess of these indicators can cause alcohol intoxication.

With a severe degree, a person loses sensitivity, reflexes weaken, stunning is observed. In the extreme stage, there is a risk of cardiac and respiratory arrest.

Such consequences are observed if the concentration of ethyl alcohol in the blood exceeds 3%. In terms of pure alcohol, the lethal volume of alcohol is 300 g.

Answering the question of what to do in case of alcohol poisoning, you need to analyze the symptoms of this condition.

So, intoxication of the body is accompanied by the following manifestations:

The presence of one or several symptoms at once indicates the onset of alcohol poisoning. This condition can be life-threatening, therefore, a person needs to be provided with timely assistance.

To quickly alleviate the patient's condition, he should be provided with first aid for alcohol poisoning. If the patient is conscious and can respond to manipulation, he needs to do the following:

  1. Apply a cool compress to your head.
  2. Rinse the stomach in any way. For example, it is permissible to drink several glasses of water, and then provoke vomiting by pressing your finger on the root of the tongue. This procedure is performed 3-5 times until the condition improves and the stomach is cleansed.
  3. Give the patient strong black tea to drink.
  4. Give any sorbent - Filtrum, Polysorb, Enterosgel.

To prevent fainting, you need to give the victim 5-10 drops of ammonia, after diluting it with water.

If the patient is unconscious, the answer to the question whether to call an ambulance must be in the affirmative.

You also need to do the following:

  • give a sniff of cotton wool, soaking it in ammonia;
  • before the arrival of doctors, the patient should be put on his side, unbuttoned his clothes, put a roller under his head;
  • provide an influx of fresh air;
  • avoid hypothermia or overheating of a person, do not leave him unattended.

It is strictly forbidden to perform gastric lavage on a person who is unconscious. Water and vomit can enter the respiratory system, causing partial or complete asphyxiation.

If the condition worsens, cardiac arrest or respiratory arrest, resuscitation should be performed. These include chest compressions and artificial respiration.

Alcohol poisoning: what to do? First aid!

Drug treatment

There are several categories of drugs that help relieve the symptoms of alcohol intoxication. So, what to drink in case of alcohol poisoning?

After cleansing the stomach, the patient needs to take enterosorbent. Such a medicine acts in the intestines, capturing toxic substances and decay products and removing them along with feces.

What to take in such a situation:

All enterosorbents must be taken separately from drugs, since their effectiveness is reduced. Between doses of the medication, you should take a 1-2 hour break.

Vomiting leads to dehydration of the body and excretion of important salts.... Moreover, alcohol has pronounced diuretic properties.

To normalize the water balance, you need to use drugs that are included in the category of rehydrating substances. They include a balanced amount of potassium, sodium, chloride. Sometimes it also contains carbohydrates. Thanks to the unique set of ingredients, it is possible to cope with the effects of intoxication.

One of the most effective means from this category is Regidron... In case of alcohol poisoning, it is recommended to take 10-17 ml of solution per 1 kg of body weight. To do this, 1 sachet of the drug should be dissolved in 1 liter of water. The finished product can be stored in the refrigerator for a maximum of 1 day.

Analogs of this substance include drugs such as Hydrovit and Citraglucosolan... You can also make the solution yourself. To do this, for 1 liter of water, it is recommended to take half a small spoonful of salt and soda, and also add 4 tablespoons of sugar.

With severe intoxication, a dropper is required. It includes the following:

  • saline solution, Disol or Hemodez;
  • glucose solution with a concentration of 5-10%;
  • solution of ascorbic acid with a concentration of 5%.

If necessary, vitamins are used - pyridoxine or nicotinic acid. It may also be necessary to use heart medications, potassium chloride or magnesia.

The dropper volume is usually 400-500 ml. Only a specialist can install it. Otherwise, there is a risk of a serious aggravation of the situation.

Complete excretion of alcohol breakdown products is carried out by the kidneys.... To do this, use diuretics - diuretics. In this case, ordinary water will be the best and most harmless option.

You can also use decoctions of medicinal plants to help replenish vitamin stores and fill the body with antioxidants.

Treatment of alcohol poisoning after a binge at home must include probiotics. This is due to the fact that alcohol kills beneficial intestinal microflora.

After intoxication, the work of the organs of the digestive system often suffers. What helps in this situation:

  • Linex;
  • Enterol;
  • Bifiform;
  • Bactisubtil;
  • Lactobacillus;
  • Enterofuril;
  • Phosphalugel.

To alleviate the condition, you need to empty the intestines in time. If constipation is observed after drinking alcohol, it is recommended to use an enema. Thanks to this, it will be possible to get rid of toxic products.

Homeopathic remedies

There are a number of homeopathic medicines that can help improve the condition after alcohol poisoning. These include the following:

  1. Anti-E... This remedy can be used for alcohol poisoning or severe hangover. With its help, it will be possible to eliminate such manifestations as headache, weakness, discomfort in the epigastric region. Also, the tool perfectly copes with nervousness and helps restore sleep. Its use is carried out in accordance with special instructions.
  2. Proproten-100... The drug is effective for withdrawal symptoms and chronic alcohol poisoning. It contains special substances that activate a positive effect.

There are several effective folk recipes that will help answer the question of how to recover from alcohol poisoning:

  1. Marshmallow tea... To make a drink, you need to take a couple of tablespoons of the leaves of this plant and mix with 2 cups of boiling water. This tool is insisted for 5 hours. It must be taken with the addition of honey 4 times a day.
  2. Ginger tea... To get this drink, pour 250 ml of boiling water over a tablespoon of ground ginger. You need to take this remedy as often as possible.
  3. Dill with honey... To make a decoction, 1 large spoonful of dill should be poured with a glass of boiling water and cook for 20 minutes over low heat. Put honey in the cooled product and take it half an hour before meals.
  4. Infusion of tansy and chamomile flowers... To prepare this product, you need to take 1 spoon of chamomile flowers and 3 tablespoons of dried tansy, and then add 1 liter of hot water.
  5. Potato starch... Mix 1 small spoonful of this product with a glass of warm water. The resulting solution must be drunk in case of alcohol poisoning.

A special diet will help speed up the recovery process from alcohol poisoning. Nutrition must be balanced. The menu should not contain heavy products - smoked meats, spices, fat. You should also reduce the amount of salt.

What can you eat in case of poisoning? It is useful to eat meals containing a lot of proteins and carbohydrates. Products should be boiled, stewed or baked. It is better to refuse fried food. To speed up the elimination of toxic substances, you need to drink plenty of fluids.

Avoid sugary foods, legumes, dry foods, and chocolate. It is also better to give up barley and barley porridge, canned meat and fish, fatty dairy products.

In some cases, with alcohol intoxication, severe vomiting occurs. This symptom can be present for a long time. Before you stop vomiting, you need to determine its nature:

  1. Vomiting with food debris... This symptom is considered a normal variant. Thanks to this, the body is cleansed. In such a situation, it is helpful to drink plenty of fluids.
  2. Vomiting with yellow-green discharge... This indicates problems with the biliary tract.
  3. Vomiting with bloody impurities... This symptom indicates bleeding.
  4. Black vomit... This indicates the localization of bleeding in the digestive system.

For any vomiting that is present for a long time and has some kind of inclusions, you should immediately consult a doctor. At home, you need to consume a lot of fluids - this will help replenish the water balance and remove toxic substances.

You can also use the following tools:

  1. Lemon balm tea... To prepare it, you need to pour boiling water over several branches of the plant and leave to infuse for a couple of hours. Drink 3-4 times a day. Mint can be brewed in a similar way.
  2. Dill seeds... A couple of teaspoons of raw materials, you need to pour 100 ml of boiling water and cook for 5 minutes. After that, chill and drink 1-2 times.
  3. Apple vinegar... 1 small spoon of this product should be mixed with 100 ml of water and drunk at a time. Repeat this procedure 3-5 times a day.

There are certain prohibitions for alcohol intoxication..

  • induce vomiting if a person is unconscious;
  • Induce vomiting in people with heart disease or seizures
  • take laxatives;
  • drink carbonated drinks;
  • lie on your back, as there is a risk of choking on vomit;
  • take a cold shower;
  • move.

Preventive actions

To prevent alcohol poisoning, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Carefully choose drinks, paying attention to storage conditions, manufacturer, availability of excise stamps.
  2. Control the volume of consumption on your own. When mixing alcohol, it is not recommended to switch to drinks with a lower strength.
  3. You should not drink alcohol on an empty stomach.
  4. Move actively, often go out into the fresh air, consume non-carbonated liquids - juices, fruit drinks, tea.
  5. Eat fatty foods, meat, soups.
  6. Avoid smoking.

Alcohol poisoning is a rather serious violation that can lead to dangerous consequences and even death.

To avoid these problems, you should avoid drinking too much alcohol. If intoxication still occurs, you need to rinse the stomach and restore the water balance.

Alcohol, even in small doses, has a toxic effect on the central nervous system. In medicine, there are three stages of alcohol intoxication - mild, moderate and severe.

What are the signs of alcohol poisoning and how to relieve alcohol intoxication at home? What medicines can be used to relieve hangover? What can not be done in case of poisoning, and in what cases do you need to see a doctor without spending time on self-medication? Let's look at these questions, but first, let's define what alcohol poisoning is.

What is alcohol intoxication

The term alcohol intoxication itself means the poisoning of the body with ethyl alcohol. Normally, a small amount of ethanol is rendered harmless in the liver without consequences for the body. But when you consume an amount of alcohol that exceeds the detoxification capabilities of the liver, the poison enters the brain and causes disturbances in higher nervous activity. Outwardly, this is manifested by a feeling of euphoria, clouding of consciousness, and impaired coordination.

With a severe degree of poisoning, a person loses sensitivity, reflexes weaken, and stunning sets in. In the extreme stage, cardiac arrest, cessation of breathing, and deep coma are possible. Such consequences arise when the concentration of ethyl alcohol in the blood is 3% or more. The lethal dose of alcohol is about 300 grams in pure alcohol. If we consider the average lethal dose in terms of body weight, then it is 8 grams of ethanol per kg.

In everyday life, alcohol poisoning is called any changes accompanied by a deterioration in well-being due to drinking alcohol. They can appear immediately after taking a large dose (vomiting, loss of consciousness) or visit you the next morning - a hangover syndrome. In general, these conditions are treated in the same way, but there are some nuances. In the phase of acute poisoning, the effect of ethanol on the gastrointestinal tract and the brain is of great importance, and a hangover is largely provoked by the products of the partial decay of ethyl alcohol, in particular, acetaldehyde.

Poisoning by low-quality alcohol

Separately, it must be said about the poisoning of alcohol substitutes. According to statistics, this type of poisoning occupies a leading position in the list of all intoxications. Moreover, more than 90% of the victims die even before the hospitalization.

Alcohol surrogates are:

In case of poisoning with such products, intoxication is poorly expressed or does not occur at all, visual disturbances, convulsions, salivation, sweating, vomiting, pain in the abdomen and joints are often observed.

Intoxication with surrogates cannot be removed at home - you must immediately seek qualified medical help. Delay can cost your life. As first aid measures, induce vomiting, take enterosorbent and any enveloping agent. Further, hospitalization is required.

First aid for alcohol poisoning

What to do in case of alcohol poisoning at home? For this, a number of measures are taken to rid the body of ethyl alcohol and neutralize the products of its decay.

First aid for alcohol poisoning includes the following actions.

  1. Remove the remnants of alcoholic beverages from the stomach. To do this, induce vomiting, then wash the stomach - drink 2-3 glasses of salted water, provoke vomiting again, and so on until practically pure water comes out of the stomach.
  2. If you lose consciousness, you cannot provoke vomiting. Call an ambulance. While waiting for her arrival, lay the victim on one side, loosen his clothes, check the pulse and breathing. Turn your head, make sure that your tongue does not sink in, and vomit does not enter the respiratory tract. To bring the victim to his senses, give him a sniff of ammonia, rub his ears.

If alcohol poisoning does not pose a threat to life, then intoxication is removed independently at home.

Treatment of alcohol intoxication at home

Treatment of alcohol poisoning at home consists of the following actions:

Sometimes the poisoning is accompanied by bouts of vomiting. If you vomited once or twice, this is a natural reaction of the body to poison and there will be no harm from it, but only benefit, given the current state. But if the gagging does not go away after emptying the stomach, then you need to take action.

How to stop vomiting after alcohol poisoning?

  1. Rinse your head with cold water or briefly apply ice to the back of your head.
  2. Drink some water or Rehydron-type reconstitution solutions.
  3. Do not eat or drink anything else until the stomach has calmed down.

If the measures taken do not work, then antiemetic drugs will help. Indomitable vomiting, the presence of bile in the vomit or blood impurities are grounds for immediate hospitalization.

Let us dwell in more detail on the medicines with which alcohol poisoning is treated at home.


After emptying the stomach from the contents, you need to take enterosorbents. These drugs act in the intestines, capturing toxins and waste products on their surface, and removing them with feces. The following drugs have proven themselves well.

It must be remembered that all enterosorbents must be taken separately from drugs, otherwise the latter will lose their effectiveness. Between their receptions, it is necessary to observe a gap of at least one hour, and preferably two hours.

Restoring water balance

Vomiting dehydrates the body and flushes mineral salts out of it. In addition, alcohol is a powerful diuretic. In case of poisoning, you must drink a lot of water, better mineral or acidified with lemon juice. Medicines belonging to the group of rehydrating agents help to cope with the imbalance that has arisen. They contain a balanced set of sodium, potassium, chlorides, and sometimes carbohydrates and help the body to cope with intoxication.

"Regidron" in case of alcohol intoxication can be taken orally in the amount of 10-17 ml of the ready-made solution per kg of body weight. One package of the drug is dissolved in one liter of water and stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day.

The analogues of "Regidron" are the preparations "Hydrovit" and "Citraglucosolan". You can also prepare a similar solution yourself: take 1/2 tsp for one liter of water. salt, 1/2 tsp. soda, 4 tbsp. l. Sahara.

With severe alcohol intoxication, a dropper is needed. Its composition is something like this:

  • saline, or "Disol", or "Hemodez";
  • 5 or 10% glucose solution;
  • 5% solution of ascorbic acid.

If necessary, include vitamins (nicotinic acid, pyridoxine), magnesia, potassium chloride, panangin, heart drugs. The dropper volume is usually 400–500 ml. It should be installed by a medical professional, as well as to determine the composition of the solution for infusion - inept handling can cause harm to health.

Complete cleansing of the body from alcohol, possibly in the case of its excretion by the kidneys. For this, diuretics (diuretics) are used, the best and safest of which is ordinary water. You can also use traditional medicine recipes - drink herbal decoctions. They not only restore vitamin losses, but also supply the body with the antioxidants it needs.

Restoration of intestinal microflora

Alcohol and its decay products kill the beneficial intestinal microflora. After alcohol intoxication, the activity of the gastrointestinal tract is often disrupted, constipation or diarrhea develops. The beneficial bacteria must be restored. This can be done by eating fermented milk and fermented foods or taking probiotics:

Eases the course of a hangover bowel movement. If constipation is noted after drinking alcohol, then an enema can be given - this will remove toxic products from the large intestine.

What not to do in case of alcohol poisoning

  1. In no case should you combine the intake of alcohol and the diuretic "Furosemide", as this negatively affects the condition of the liver and kidneys.
  2. Also, take aspirin with caution. It can be drunk only in a state of a hangover, but if the intoxication has not yet passed, then this medicine can cause various complications.
  3. You can not use any sleeping pills, as they aggravate the depression of the central nervous system caused by alcohol.
  4. The recommendation to go to the bathhouse and thereby get rid of a hangover is suitable only for people with Siberian health.

What to do with a hangover

How to treat a hangover in the morning after heavy drinking? The following measures are effective:

It is not worth experimenting with medicines, it is better to resort to the help of special tablets for alcohol poisoning:

  • Biotredin;
  • "Limontar";
  • "Metadoxil";
  • Alka-Seltzer.

Folk remedies for a hangover

If there are no tablets at hand, then you can use folk remedies used for alcohol poisoning. In addition to the already mentioned pickles from a hangover, the following remedies help:

A contrast shower helps with a hangover. Start with hot water, then switch to pleasantly cold water, alternate for 30-60 seconds several times, gradually increasing the temperature difference. Such a contrast will allow the skin to get rid of toxins and toxins, improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

In conclusion, we note that preventing a hangover is much easier and more enjoyable than treating it. To do this, do not abuse the amount of alcohol, have a good snack with foods containing starch and pectins (potatoes, bananas), and before the feast, take one of the recommended enterosorbents for preventive purposes.

There are many reasons that can lead to the development of alcohol poisoning. This condition is very dangerous for humans and can lead to severe disruptions in the work of internal organs and systems. In this article, we examined what to drink in case of alcohol poisoning, the main drugs for providing first aid in the event of this serious condition.

Causes of alcohol poisoning

Alcohol intoxication can be caused by many factors. The main causes of alcohol poisoning:

  • drinking alcohol in large quantities, in which its concentration in the body rises sharply;
  • combining alcohol with drugs or drugs. Particularly strong alcohol intoxication develops during the combination of alcohol with antipsychotics, antidepressants, hypnotics, narcotic pain relievers;
  • poisoning with alcohol substitutes. These substances are toxic to humans. They meet in fake liquor. They are added to drinks to reduce the cost of the product;
  • binge, often a drinking person is more prone to poisoning. His liver is unable to effectively neutralize alcohol.

Why is alcohol poisoning dangerous?

Alcohol in large doses is a potent poison for the body. Alcohol poisoning develops when the concentration of alcohol in the blood rises to 2.5-3 g / l. In this concentration, alcohol suppresses the work of the central nervous system, poisons all organs and systems of the body. It can lead to the following serious consequences:

  • the development of acute renal failure. This pathology occurs with the use of alcohol substitutes;
  • bleeding from the vessels of the esophagus, stomach or duodenum. People suffering from chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer disease, cirrhosis of the liver are more prone to this pathology;
  • acute pancreatitis, which develops as a result of high alcohol intoxication. This disease is treated with an operative method;
  • dehydration - a serious condition of the body, which develops as a result of the loss of a large amount of fluid along with vomiting and diarrhea. Dehydration leads to thickening of the blood, disruption of the heart, an increase in blood pressure;
  • severe disruption in the work of the central nervous system. With severe alcohol intoxication, a person falls into a deep coma;
  • irrevocable blindness that develops with methyl alcohol poisoning;
  • the development of alcoholic hepatitis (liver inflammation). This pathology often develops in drinking people, alcoholics, who often fall into a binge state.

Remember that complications of alcohol intoxication can be avoided through timely seeking medical help.

Where and by whom is alcohol poisoning treated?

Treatment for alcohol poisoning should be done by a healthcare professional. It is forbidden to independently treat him at home with drugs or folk remedies. When the first symptoms develop, an ambulance should be called. The dispatcher should list the symptoms and give the exact home address.

In case of alcohol poisoning at home, only first aid can be provided, thanks to which the patient's condition will slightly improve.

Medicines in the provision of first aid

Before giving the patient pills for alcohol poisoning, you should quickly cleanse his digestive system from the remnants of alcohol. To do this, you need to carry out a gastric lavage and a cleansing enema.

Gastric lavage is necessary to remove alcohol that has not yet been absorbed into the bloodstream. It helps with alcohol intoxication and is essential for the patient's health. In order to flush the stomach on your own, you need to drink a liter of water at room temperature in one gulp and induce vomiting.

Please note that such a folk remedy as potassium permanganate is not recommended for acute alcohol intoxication. In a person in a state of severe intoxication, swallowing reflexes are disturbed. He may choke and inhale this solution. Also, potassium permanganate can be poisoned due to improper dilution.

A cleansing enema is made on the basis of simple boiled water at room temperature. This procedure can be repeated several times until clean intestinal lavage water is obtained. Enema accelerates the removal of alcohol intoxication.

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After you have cleansed your stomach and intestines of alcoholic toxins, you can give the person some alcohol poisoning medication. Only a few drugs are allowed to be taken at the pre-medical stage.

What pills and medications can be given to the patient on their own is described below.


Sorbents are drugs that you can take on your own. Due to their structure, they bind, neutralize and remove toxins and alcohol residues from the intestines. In case of alcohol intoxication, you can give the patient any sorbents that you find in your home medicine cabinet.

Remember that before taking them, you should carefully study the instructions and check the expiration date of the medication. The dosage of some sorbents is calculated by weight and others by age.

Examples of drugs:

  • Activated carbon;
  • white coal;
  • enterosgel;
  • sorbex;
  • smecta;
  • atoxil.


Rehydron is a drug for the regulation of water and electrolyte balance in the body. It can help fight dehydration. This drug is included in many home medicine kits. It is produced in portioned packaged form.

One sachet of rehydron is diluted with a liter of water and fed to the patient. In order not to provoke repeated vomiting attacks, you should drink a little and often.

Recently, many analogues of Rehydron have appeared in pharmacies (Hydrovit, Trihydron, Reosolan). The way they are bred may differ. Read the instructions carefully before using them.

If you do not have these drugs at home, do not be discouraged. At the stage of providing first aid, they can be replaced with table or alkaline mineral water. Drinks should not be carbonated, too cold or hot. It is best to drink drinks at room temperature.

First aid

More extensive first aid is provided by physicians who have come to the call. After taking the history, examining the patient, checking his pulse, pressure, respiration and oxygen saturation, they will begin treatment. Its components are presented below. Droppers with solutions that help reduce intoxication and improve water-electrolyte balance. The following drugs can be used:

  • trisol;
  • saline;
  • glucose with vitamin C;
  • disol;
  • rheopolyglucin;
  • reosorbilact;
  • drugs for nausea. Vomiting is controlled using metoclopramide, cerucal or sturgeon. These medications affect the vomiting center located in the brain. They are administered intramuscularly. The urge to vomit disappears within 10-15 minutes.
  • preparations from the head are necessary to eliminate severe headaches and dizziness. Doctors can inject analgin or ketans intramuscularly.
  • antispasmodics (nosh-pa, drotaverin) - eliminate abdominal pain and relieve vascular spasms.

During transportation to the hospital, the patient is put on an oxygen mask and solutions continue to drip. Hospitalization is carried out in the intensive care unit, in which treatment continues and an examination is carried out.

Hospital treatment

Hospital treatment begins in the first minutes after hospitalization. In parallel with it, the patient is examined. A general blood test is taken from him, the concentration of alcohol in the blood is determined.

The length of hospital stay depends on the severity of the patient's condition. Treatment may consist of the components described below.

  • Hemodialysis. This procedure aims to cleanse the blood from toxins. It is carried out in case of poisoning with alcohol surrogates (ethylene glycol, methyl alcohol).
  • Administration of an antidote (ethyl alcohol) for methyl intoxication. Thanks to this procedure, the development of total blindness can be prevented. Although in severe cases, it is impossible to completely restore vision.
  • Massive intravenous administration of solutions to replenish water and electrolyte losses. Diuretics can be added to the droppers for forced diuresis.
  • Diet. In the first days of treatment, the patient is on the strictest diet. During this period, he can only eat liquid rice water or oatmeal. A decoction of flax seeds is also given, it protects and restores the gastric mucosa.
  • Enzymes are drugs that improve digestion.
  • Surgery, which is indicated for the development of acute pancreatitis or internal bleeding.

Alcohol poisoning is treated in a hospital. With the development of his first symptoms, you must call an ambulance. Some drugs can be given to the patient at home before the arrival of doctors. You can also wash the stomach and intestines at home. The length of hospital stay depends on the severity of the patient's condition and the timeliness of seeking medical help. Do not self-medicate this disease, it can lead to disability and death.

Drinking alcohol is a common occurrence in human life. People quite often face the negative effect of intoxicating drinks - alcohol intoxication. But there are not always reliable remedies at hand to get rid of ill health. In case of alcohol intoxication, measures are taken aimed at the immediate elimination of toxic components and decay substances of ethanol.

Detoxification methods for alcohol poisoning

Severe cases of alcohol poisoning are associated with the occurrence of intoxication due to the excess of the consumed amount of alcohol or its poor quality. All this seriously affects the human body. Therefore, simple measures are not very effective at home. It is necessary to urgently consult a doctor for a timely qualified intervention. The measures taken are aimed at detoxifying the body, so that toxic decay substances do not cause serious damage to health.

If the drinker experiences vomiting or nausea, it is important to expedite the end of this process. Give him warm water to cleanse the esophagus of toxins. After that, a significant improvement will be felt.

If not so serious, try a less serious detoxification method. Medicines of the medical category of sorbents help. They bind and eliminate poisons and other negative components from the body, and this greatly facilitates the condition of alcohol intoxication at home.

The absorbing agent for treatment is activated carbon. But you can consume white coal, which is considered a unique substance, without harming the stomach. There are also natural sorbents about which little is known. These are beets, strawberries, cabbage. You can eat foods with a high level of fiber, as it can not only cleanse the body of toxic substances, but also increase metabolic activity and relieve acute symptoms. Fiber is found in vegetables, fruits, and grains.

Also, pectin, which is found in raspberries, carrots, and apricots, is considered a sorbing substance in treatment. But these are not all the remedies that are used at home to eliminate poisoning. How to deal with the consequences of drunkenness and the poisonous components of alcohol?

To reduce the level of alcohol poisoning, you must consume mineral water. The liquid speeds up the metabolism, so toxic substances are released faster. It helps with severe dehydration, which manifests itself after any use of alcohol. Avoid sugary drinks, as sugar provokes severe alcohol intoxication. It is forbidden to use a repeated amount of alcohol if you want to relieve symptoms.

Another drink perfectly removes toxic and poisonous substances. To prepare it, take a lemon, squeeze it out, mix the juice to be mixed with table water and mint leaves. Add honey to it, which is a natural remedy that removes toxic components from the body and relieves symptoms.

At the time of detoxification, methods for external influence are effective. Let's talk about the bath. Going to the bath cleanses the body, especially if a person has gone overboard. Slags and toxic substances are eroded through the pores. If a person suffers from heart disease and high blood pressure, the bath is contraindicated with such treatment. But getting rid of intoxication and symptoms is not enough. It is important to take other methods to completely reanimate the body after drinking a lot of alcoholic beverages.

Recovery methods after alcohol poisoning

How to help a person who has faced severe poisoning? You can reanimate and strengthen the body after alcohol poisoning with the help of a vitamin complex. A common option in this situation is taking vitamin C. It has a tonic effect, a person becomes cheerful, cheerful, and gains strength. Ascorbic acid, which is found in tangerines, oranges, and lemons, also acts.

If you are poisoned with alcohol, vitamins of category B are suitable. They control the work of metabolism, which have been disturbed by alcohol intoxication, and eliminate unpleasant symptoms in case of acute intoxication.

During the period of poisoning, it is important to return the previous salt balance, which is actively processed by the decomposition of ethanol substances. To do this, you need to use more table water. By all means, everyone will help the body after an overdose of alcohol.

How to provide emergency care for acute poisoning

How to behave in case of acute poisoning and how to start treatment? There are a number of methods aimed at eliminating alcohol and neutralizing substances of its division and symptoms.

Emergency care for alcohol intoxication consists of the following measures:

  • Get rid of alcohol residues from the esophagus. Induce vomiting, flush the esophagus - for this you need to drink a few glasses of salt water, induce vomiting again, and so on until vomiting is a clean mass.
  • If a person has lost consciousness, it is forbidden to induce vomiting by force. Call an ambulance urgently. Before the arrival of the doctors, lay the patient on one side, get rid of tight clothes, and feel the pulse. Tilt your head and watch his tongue closely to avoid sinking back. Try to bring him to consciousness, use ammonia, wipe his ears well.

If the intoxication is mild, detoxification is carried out at home.

Elimination of alcohol poisoning at home

Getting rid of alcohol intoxication consists of the following activities:

  • To cure alcohol poisoning, you need to eliminate the remaining alcohol and its decay substances from the intestinal tract. Here it is necessary to take enterosorbents and substances enveloping the intestinal tract to restore the salt and water balance.
  • Improving the microflora of the intestinal tract.
  • Elimination of alcohol fission substances from the body. Elimination of pain, restoration of the work of the heart, blood vessels and brain.
  • Sometimes intoxication leads to vomiting. If the patient has vomited several times, you should not worry, since this is a normal effect of the body on toxins. But if vomiting does not stop after emptying the stomach, serious measures must be taken to relieve acute symptoms and begin effective treatment.

How to prevent vomiting

What to do if an emetic state occurs:

  • Place your head under cold water or ice.
  • Use water or Rehydron, which instantly restores the body.
  • You can not eat food until the esophagus is restored.
  • Take antiemetic medications if vomiting continues.

If bile particles or bloody discharge are found in the vomit, urgently call an ambulance to relieve acute symptoms and begin effective treatment. And now let's talk in more detail about drugs against alcohol poisoning at home.

Enterosorbents: what you need to know about them?

After the contents of the stomach have left, enterosorbents must be consumed. These drugs begin activity in the intestines, taking with them all the poisons and toxins, removing them along with the feces and eliminating the symptoms of intoxication. What is the best drug to buy?

Enterosorbents are taken separately from other medicines, or the latter lose their effectiveness. Better to observe a few hours between their meals.

How to restore water balance?

Vomiting dries out the body, removing useful minerals from it. Alcohol is a potent diuretic. In case of poisoning, you need to consume a lot of water, mineral or salty. Regenerating agents are more suitable in this case. They contain potassium, sodium, chloride, carbohydrates. So you will quickly get rid of severe alcohol poisoning.

Rehydron is taken 10-15 ml of the finished product per kg of body weight. One packet is dissolved in a liter of table water and placed in a cold place for a day.

Total purification of the body from ethanol is possible in that situation if it is excreted through the kidneys. For this, diuretics are used - water. Read the advice of traditional medicine - make herbal teas. They are able to restore the lack of vitamins and provide the body with the necessary antioxidants.