The use of baking soda in house cleaning. Unusual household uses of baking soda

04.04.2019 Healthy eating

Soda is a natural and safe substance for the body, unlike household chemicals... Housewives can handle a variety of household chores with soda alone.

For baking soda to show its amazing properties, first check whether it is good or not: drip lemon juice or vinegar into the baking soda. If the soda hiss, then an alkaline reaction has gone - the soda is of high quality.

Alkaline properties of soda in everyday life widely used to dissolve dirt and whiten things.

Using baking soda at home

Recipe number 1:

  • Baking soda perfectly cleans dishes: stainless steel, porcelain and enamel. To remove stubborn greasy dirt, baking soda can be mixed in dry mustard in a 1: 1 ratio.

Recipe number 2:

  • Using baking soda and vinegar, you can easily clear blockages in pipes. Pour half a glass of soda into the drain, pour the same amount of vinegar next. Cover with a damp cloth and after 5 minutes pour boiling water over the drain.

Recipe number 3:

  • A soda solution will help to clean dirty wallpaper and any other surfaces from stains: for 1 liter of water we take 2 teaspoons of soda. Stir with a sponge and three dirty stains. If, nevertheless, it has not been wiped off, we make a concentrated paste from soda: 1 teaspoon of water per 1 tbsp. spoon of soda, mix. The paste is ready and can now be applied to the stain for 5 minutes and then washed off.

Recipe number 4:

  • With the help of soda, you can clean and whiten your teeth, including mixing it with toothpaste (the main thing is not to get carried away and use this method no more than 1 time a week).

Recipe number 5:

  • If you get your feet wet, put a soda bag or handkerchief in your boot. Moisture and odor will disappear by morning.

Recipe number 6:

  • Soda will help clean bad smell from the skin of the hands after onions or fish. You just need to wash your hands with baking soda.

Recipe number 7:

  • Baking soda is great for refreshing carpets. Apply the baking soda evenly to the carpet, rub in a little with a dry sponge. And vacuum after an hour.

Recipe number 8:

  • Using baking soda can help remove odors from furniture. For example, sprinkle baking soda on a foul-smelling chair and leave it on for 10-15 minutes. This time is enough for the soda to absorb all odors. Remove the remaining soda with a vacuum cleaner.

Recipe number 9:

  • Using the property of soda to neutralize unpleasant odors, we clean the toilet bowl: once a month, 2 packs of soda must be poured into the toilet bowl (in the evening, to leave it overnight). In the morning we wash off the substance. The lye will dissolve the entire contents of the toilet.

Recipe number 10:

  • Place a small cup of baking soda in the toilet or refrigerator to avoid unpleasant odor.

With the help of soda, you can wash the bath, shower and everything in the house. Effective and completely safe. Soda - cheap productbut has incredible wide scope of use in everyday life.

Now, having a cheat sheet with many recipes for using soda in everyday life, you can easily deal with any stains! Bookmark 😉

There is baking soda in every home. Try these simple tipsto deal with minor household chores efficiently and inexpensively.

Use baking soda as a natural toothpaste. Even a rare addition to toothpaste can easily and effectively whiten teeth. Use the powder to clean dentures and teeth on pets. Freshen up your breath. Mix a teaspoon of baking soda in 200 ml of water. Rinse the mouth with the resulting solution. This neutralizes acid deposits and prevents the development of caries. Get rid of unpleasant foot and armpit odors. Prepare a foot bath. Dissolve 3 tablespoons in it. soda. It is useful to wipe the armpits with a small cotton pad dipped in a baking soda solution. Use sodium bicarbonate as an exfoliator. Mix 3 parts baking soda with 1 part water. Using gentle circular motions, wipe your face and body. Wash it all away clean water... Treat your hair with baking soda. Tea spoon white powder with a handful of shampoo will help make hair shiny and get rid of excess oil. To combat dandruff, sprinkle with a large number of soda on the head and rub into the scalp for a few minutes. Then, rinse the baking soda from your hair using your regular shampoo. Whiten your nails. Make a paste from equal parts soda and hydrogen peroxide. Brush the top and bottom of your nails. Leave the paste on for 3-5 minutes and then wash off. 2 tbsp baking soda in your baby's tub will help ease the onset of diaper rash. A solution of soda will help cope with the unpleasant consequences after an insect bite: relieve itching, swelling, and prevent pathogenic bacteria from entering the wound. To ease the soreness of tanned skin on a small area of \u200b\u200bthe body, try a combination of baking soda and ice water... Apply this soothing solution with cotton pads or a soft washcloth. If you have burned big square body, then take a 15-minute bath with 100 g of soda dissolved in it.

Mix 1/2 tsp. baking soda with 100 ml of water to get rid of heartburn. Do not abuse the described method, as it does not heal, but only removes the current condition. Soda has long been proven to be an excellent cleaning agent. kitchen utensils, microwave ovens, ovens, bathtubs, tiles, sinks and even furniture stains. With baking soda, you can clean silver cutlery and jewelry without gemstones or organic inserts (pearls). Simply wipe the darkened and stained areas with a baking soda paste (3 parts baking soda with 1 part water) applied to a cloth or brush. An unpleasant smell from the carpet is removed by sprinkling soda on the contaminated surface, which will need to be vacuumed after 3-5 hours. Use baking soda as an air freshener. Add a few drops of your loved one to a bowl of powder essential oil... Put 50-100 g of baking soda in a container and place it in the refrigerator to neutralize unpleasant odors. After two weeks, this soda can be thrown into the kitchen sink to deodorize the drain.

Believe it or not, regular baking soda has a wider range of uses in everyday life than just cooking or cleaning the sink. In the kitchen, any housewife has this simple and inexpensive tool. The properties of baking soda allow it to replace many of the much-touted chemicals used on the farm. Soda is completely non-toxic and highly effective.

With its help, you can get rid of heartburn, as it neutralizes artificial nutritional supplements and thereby reduces the acidity of the stomach. Just one teaspoon per glass is enough boiled water... If you have a sore throat, you can add some baking soda to hot milk with honey and butter.

Another unique property of baking soda is to eliminate and prevent unpleasant odors. Whether it's a trash can, a refrigerator, a shoe cabinet, or a cat litter box, treat them with a baking soda solution. And the smell will disappear.

It will be useful to take baths with the addition of a few tablespoons of baking soda. You can also add a few drops of essential oil. And you don't have to buy special salt. After all, regular baking soda will soften the skin and make it smooth and tender.

With baking soda, you can clean tiles, chrome, stainless steel. And even teeth! Baking soda can help reduce plaque from tea or coffee.

The next area of \u200b\u200bapplication for baking soda is washing. A glass of this substance is able to enhance the effectiveness of any washing powder and soften hard water. In addition, after washing, colored laundry will become even brighter, and whites - whiter.

Another useful property of baking soda is the ability to unclog clogged drains. Prepare a solution: a glass of vinegar and a glass of baking soda. Pour it into the drain. And after five to ten minutes, rinse with water. That's all, the drain is free of clogging and unpleasant odors.

You can make a paste from baking soda and wash your hair with it. The hair will then become soft and shiny. And even for pets, soda can help. Spray a baking soda solution over the cat or dog's coat and brush out. This is easy and simple to do. If you are in a hurry and there is simply no time to bathe the animal, then this method will come in handy.

Cleaning carpets while eliminating odor is another unique property baking soda.

Also, this powder can easily restore the pH balance of the pool water, after which it long time will not deteriorate.

Baking soda also has such a wonderful property as soothing irritated skin and relieving it of itching after insect bites. Unlike most household detergents, baking soda is non-flammable and can put out fires with ease.

Due to the fact that soda is absolutely harmless, it is recommended to use it as a cleaning agent during pregnancy.

It would seem that baking soda is a useless white powder. In fact, it is a universal household remedy. If you know of other ways to use baking soda in your home that we have not described, share them in the reviews for this article.

ABOUT useful properties soda people have known since the days of Ancient Egypt. There are now about 300 known uses of soda that have been used by housewives for centuries.

For economical management household soda is an irreplaceable assistant. It is most popular in cooking because of its known loosening properties. Pancakes, biscuits, pies and various other baked goods are impossible without the use of soda.

Very acidic fruits or berries made for pies can be sprinkled with a pinch of baking soda and the unpleasant acid will disappear.

To prevent the milk from curdling when boiling, add a pinch of baking soda to it. Some sellers use this property to delay the milk souring process. homemade milk.

Beans, peas and other legumes will cook faster if you add 1 teaspoon of baking soda to 1 liter of water during cooking.

Tea or coffee will be especially flavorful if you add a little baking soda to the water to soften.

Soda - excellent remedy for washing cans for canning, as well as the fruits and berries themselves for harvesting for the winter.

Doctors recommend washing vegetables and fruits in a weak soda solution (1 tablespoon per liter of water). This procedure disinfects them and neutralizes the chemicals in them. The soda solution will get where water cannot.

Peeled potatoes can be kept in water with the addition of soda for some time before cooking. This will rid it of chemicals, and after cooking, the potatoes will turn out to be crumbly and aromatic.

Vitamins when cooking cabbage will be preserved better if you add a pinch of soda to the water.

To green vegetables (spinach, green beans and others) did not lose color during boiling, add a little soda to the water.

Before cooking, put the fish in a soda solution (two teaspoons per liter of water) and keep it in the refrigerator for two hours. Then rinse the fish and start cooking - there will be no smell.

Tough meat will be softer and faster to cook if you rub it with baking soda and put it in the refrigerator for three hours. Rinse the meat well before cooking.

The baking soda that anyone has in their kitchen economical hostess is a very cheap, yet incredibly effective, natural cleaning agent. With its help, you can wash almost any pollution much more efficiently and safer than many expensive imported cleaning products. In addition, it is environmentally friendly and does not corrode your hands.

During pregnancy, it is advisable to use exclusively soda on the farm, because it is non-toxic, which means it will not bring any harm to the fetus.

Baking soda is completely non-toxic, so it can be safely used for washing children's dishes. Excellent odor removal sour milk from baby plastic bottles.

Porcelain, glass, earthenware dishes, glasses, vases, glasses - all this will shine after washing with soda.

Soda is indispensable for cleaning cups and teapots from tea plaque. Soda not only removes the most stubborn dirt, but also disinfects and removes unpleasant odors. Pour a liter of water with a teaspoon of baking soda into a teapot and let stand for two to three hours. Thus, you can get rid of persistent tea plaque, clean the nose teapot.

Soda effectively cleans burnt pots and pans. Turned yellow with time enamelled pots quite easily can be cleaned with soda gruel.

Tarnished silverware will shine again if you rub it well with a damp sponge dipped in baking soda.

The smell of garlic or fish will disappear from your hands if you rub your hands with baking soda and rinse with water.

In a solution of soda, combs, brushes, cosmetic brushes and sponges are perfectly cleaned. Soak them in a solution (1 cup of water - 1 tablespoon of baking soda) for 4 hours, and then rinse them with clean water. Baking soda will clean your brushes and sponges much more gently than regular soap, and after such cleaning they will be soft and fluffy.

Stainless steel products - a bathtub, a washbasin, a tile will not only be clean, but also disinfected if you use soda for washing: pour it on the walls of the bathtub, sink, toilet bowl, for the best effect, you can leave it for 1 hour, then rub and rinse.

The drain in the sink must be cleaned from time to time: pour a few tablespoons of baking soda into the hole and quench with vinegar. Then wash off hot water.

Need to clean your sewer? Put 1 or 2 packs of baking soda in the toilet before bed. Rinse off in the morning. All dirt on the walls of the toilet will dissolve overnight.

The plastic baby potty starts to smell unpleasant over time. This smell can be removed by filling the pot with a solution - 2-3 teaspoons of baking soda per half liter hot water, leave for 20 minutes.

Wash the refrigerator and freezer you can use a soda solution: 3-4 teaspoons per 1.5 liters of water, while you can easily remove any odors. After all, soda adsorbs any odors.

Put small containers of baking soda in the refrigerator, in the toilet, in a shoe cabinet, and even in your car, and you will get rid of unpleasant smells in these places forever. It is recommended to change the soda every three months.

You can clean the carpet and remove unpleasant odors from it:
Sprinkle the baking soda on the carpet evenly, leave it on for two hours, and then vacuum it up. You can apply a baking soda solution to your carpet and leave it overnight and vacuum it in the morning, or you can get rid of the unpleasant odor on your furniture.

A glass of baking soda added to the detergent will increase the efficiency of the wash, soften the water and help preserve the color of the laundry, its whiteness, and will give a fresh scent. Some add it when rinsing.

When washing yellowed tulle curtains, add baking soda to washing powderand they will shine white again. Baking soda will help wash gray bed linen and shirts.

A shower curtain soaked in a baking soda solution for two hours can easily be cleaned of stubborn dirt.

Baking soda is also good for household appliances such as a dishwasher. Add three teaspoons of baking soda to the detergent and run the car for a full cycle. Then repeat the cycle with clean water. This procedure is a good prevention of breakdowns and will help get rid of odors.

To remove limescale in a kettle: Boil water in it, add 3 tablespoons of baking soda and let cool. After half an hour, boil the water again and pour it out. Fill a kettle with hot water, add 1-2 teaspoons vinegar essence and boil the water again, pour out the water after half an hour. After such a procedure, the scale in the teapot will become loose and can be easily removed with a sponge.

Iron marks on silk fabrics can be removed with soda pulp. Apply the mixture to the stain, let dry, then scrub with a brush.

Soda instantly extinguishes the fire. Therefore, keep it in close proximity to gas stove, in case of fire during cooking. If suddenly something caught fire during frying - just pour baking soda over the place of fire.

Soda will come to the rescue with blooming water in a garden pool. It can be added to water without fear for your health. Soda is safe for the skin.

No way to bathe your pet? The dog smell can be removed by sprinkling baking soda on your pet's fur and combing it over after a while. Or spray the coat with a soda solution, then comb, then it will become clean, shiny and the smell of dog or cat will disappear.

Place some baking soda on the bottom of the litter box. This way you get rid of the unpleasant odor.

The strips of paper on the windows will come off easier if you first moisten them with a warm soda solution at the rate of 1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water.

You can clean the dirty area on the wallpaper with soda gruel. Apply the paste to the stain and rinse off after a while. With the help of such a paste, you can also clean a painted wall.

Advice to summer residents. Japanese researchers have found that baking soda can protect garden plants from powdery mildew. Spraying with a solution (1 teaspoon of baking soda in 1 liter of water), applied once a week on different garden crops, has been very effective. At the same time, soda prevents not only infection with powdery mildew spores, but also the development of the disease on different stages.

If you add a teaspoon of soda to a vase of flowers in water, the acidity of the water will be neutralized, and the flowers will delight you with freshness and beauty for a longer time.

To drive the ants out of the house, you need to sprinkle soda on the thresholds and all the cracks from where the ants can enter the room. After a couple of days, wash the floors and re-spread the baking soda. After a while, the ants will leave your home. They do not like soda and cockroaches.

You can get rid of the unpleasant odor in the ashtray by adding a little baking soda to it.

Place a small bag of baking soda in your shoes and let sit overnight. By morning there will be no smell or moisture. You can do the same to get rid of the characteristic odor in your new purse.

Baking soda washes away unpleasant black stains from plastic windows well after a long winter.

To help the car enthusiast: To prevent the contacts from rusting for a long time, periodically rinse the battery terminals with soda gruel using a toothbrush. Then wipe dry and brush with petrol jelly.

And finally, how do you test the baking soda for goodness? Try to extinguish it with vinegar, if the hiss is weak, then the soda has run out. However, do not rush to throw it away. Sprinkle it on the bottom of a garbage can or cat litter box to help you freshen the baking soda.

Jewelry or tableware made of this metal is no longer considered a rarity. Unfortunately, over time, dark spots appear on the surface of the silver. You can get rid of them in the following way. First you need to take a large container and cover it with foil. Then pour hot water and add 100 g of baking soda and the same amount of salt. Next, you should soak silver items in this solution for 30 minutes, rinse, wipe with a dry soft cloth. The dark spots will disappear.

White sneakers

Footwear white will always be in fashion. But the spots on it are best seen. Not every method will help to remove them in the best quality and return the whiteness of your favorite thing. In order to refresh the color, you need to mix 2 tablespoons of baking soda, a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide and a tablespoon of water in a container. Stir the mixture thoroughly. Using an unnecessary toothbrush, apply the resulting suspension to the surface of the shoe in two layers. After application, leave the sneakers for 3-4 hours in the sun. After a while, the mixture will dry out. It needs to be removed. As you can see, the sneakers have become lighter in several shades.

A place to relax after hard day... Over time, the bath begins to acquire plaque. To get rid of it, you need to take 4 liters of water, add ¼ cup of baking soda, a glass of alcohol and ½ cup of vinegar. Apply the resulting mixture to the walls of the bath. Leave on for 20 minutes. Rinse the bath. If the result is not satisfactory, the procedure can be repeated.

Tip 2: How to properly use baking soda as a baking powder

Yeast-free dough will be fluffy and soft if it contains baking soda as a baking powder. Of course one can use baking powderwhich makes the dough porous. But it also contains soda, so you can cook the product yourself.

Some housewives don't know why baking soda is used as a baking powder. This powder is nothing more than sodium bicarbonate. When interacting with an acidic environment, it decomposes into salt, water and carbon dioxide. The last component gives the dough fluffiness and friability.

Extinguished or not?

Baking powder, aka baking powder, is convenient in that it does not require quenching, because it already contains acid. Soda, on the other hand, loosens the dough only when it interacts with something sour. For example, vinegar lemon juice, kefir, etc. Only then will carbon dioxide be released and the dough will become porous.

Many housewives extinguish soda in the old fashioned way: pour it into a spoon, and pour vinegar or lemon juice on top. When the composition foams, it is poured into the dough.

This method gives practically no results - the dough rises only slightly or at all. And if the baking still rose, it means that some of the soda is not extinguished.

From this it follows that there is no need to extinguish the soda. The fact is that when soda and vinegar come into contact in a spoon, the reaction necessary for a loosening effect occurs in the air.

To obtain air baked goods, soda must be put directly into the flour, and only then knead the dough. Interacting with kefir, whey, or yogurt, soda gives the maximum loosening effect.

Or maybe baking powder?

Many people wonder why use soda if it is already contained in the factory? But the baking powder already contains wine or lemon acidas well as starch, flour or powdered sugar... The first is put in order for the reaction to pass without a trace. The second acts as an inert ingredient.

Some housewives prepare homemade baking powder for the dough. To do this, you need to strictly observe the proportions. To get 20 g of baking powder, you need to mix starch or flour (12 g), soda (5 g) and lemon (3 g). For those who have electronic scales, this is easy. For the rest, it is recommended to use a purchased baking powder or baking soda.

Tandem or interchange?

Baking powder, like soda, does not require quenching. But soda needs an acidic environment, so it is better to use it for dough where there are dairy products or lemon.

Some recipes contain both baking soda and baking powder. Their combination is necessary when a large amount of kefir or fermented baked milk is put into the dough, which can provoke a strong reaction. Then you need a tandem of soda and baking powder.

In addition, baking soda can substitute for baking powder and vice versa. Exceptions are