How to clean moonshine with soda at home. Rules and technology for purifying moonshine with potassium permanganate and soda

01.05.2019 Bakery products

Soda is a very budget and simple moonshine cleaner from acetic acid... It is useless to filter fusel oils and other harmful impurities in this way, therefore, it is better to choose other methods for these purposes. Many are interested in potential harm which can apply soda to moonshine. We will devote a separate chapter to this topic, which goes just below.

The cleaning technology is simple and fast, therefore this way has already established itself among the moonshiners. Sodium bicarbonate will not filter moonshine as well as milk or a water filter, but it can be used for a change. We believe that it is advisable to use it for spot cleaning, when you perfectly understand what and for what purpose you are doing.

After mixing, the drink becomes turbid. After precipitation and filtration, it disappears.

The only danger is sedimentthat falls out during cleaning. It is in it that all the harmful substances that mandatory must be excluded from our product. To do this, a mixture of moonshine and soda is filtered through a thick layer of cotton wool or gauze so that all solid particles of sediment do not pass.

There are no more consequences and cannot be. Correctly following the cleaning technology, you will achieve a certain degree of cleaning, so there will be only benefit from soda.

Note that we are talking about baking soda. We will write about other soda compounds separately.

Step-by-step cleaning process

As in most similar cases, the whole point comes down to mixing the purifier and moonshine, infusing and filtering the sediment through cheesecloth. All this can be done at home without additional equipment. Step by step technology as follows:

Whether to distill moonshine repeated time you decide for yourself. It will never be superfluous.

  1. We take soda in proportions of 10 grams per 1 liter of product and mix it with the same amount of water (10 grams of soda per 10 ml of water).
  2. Pour the resulting mixture slowly with the moonshine and stir.
  3. Shake vigorously.
  4. We wait half an hour, after which we shake vigorously again.
  5. We put on 12 o'clock in a dark place.
  6. We drain the moonshine from the sediment through a thick layer of gauze or cotton wool.
  7. If there is any problem with the drink, re-distillation of the distillate is recommended (it never hurts anyway).

The optimal strength for cleaning is 40%, unless a second distillation is planned.

On video Alexandra Winnie the Pooh you can see how this process occurs visually. The author recommends using this method before the second distillation.

I repeat that the point of our whole venture is to filter acetic acid, which should be present at a minimum in an alcoholic beverage. Fusel oils and other impurities practically remain in the initial amount, unless cotton wool will slightly reduce their amount.

You will probably be interested in reading our opinion on and, which are sometimes used for combined cleaning. I want to say right away that we recommend only soda and salt, and all other methods are extremely ineffective and even dangerous for the body.

Moonshine is considered to be a traditional Russian drink, which is not inferior in quality to other spirits, such as rum. Considering the technology of making moonshine and rum, there are practically no differences, except for the raw materials from which they are created. Today in stores the consumer is offered a wide range of vodka, forty percent of which is of dubious origin and is prepared in violation of the requirements of GOST. Therefore, it is better to spend time and effort making moonshine at home. This will help save your budget and keep you healthy. Today we will look at how to create homemade moonshine, the recipes of which have been tested, as well as the methods of its purification, since this contributes to obtaining high-quality, pure alcohol.

Selection and preparation of raw materials

When choosing raw materials for production, it is necessary to pay attention to their availability. Sugar is very often used as a raw material, but starch, grains, and so on can also be used. So, for example, if homemade moonshine is boiled from starch, then its output will be one and a half liters from a kilogram of raw materials used. In the case of using sugar, the output of vodka will be one liter and ten grams. The choice of raw materials determines the quality of the final product.

Fermentation process

The quantity and quality of the final product also depends on how fermentation takes place. To do this, it is necessary to maintain the optimum temperature, it should be between eighteen and twenty-four degrees Celsius. In this case, it is necessary to strictly observe the proportions of the ingredients, since an insufficient amount of sugar will lead to the fact that the fermentation process will proceed very slowly. Therefore, it is recommended to use sugar, yeast and water in a ratio of 1: 0.1: 3. This proportion is used for many types of raw materials. Using an example, let's look at how mash is made from grain and potatoes, so that you can then make homemade moonshine from it. The recipes are all proven, so there is no doubt about the quality of the drink.

Braga for moonshine from grain

Ingredients: 1 kilogram of grain, 200 grams of sugar, 50 grams of yeast, 100 grams of malt.


The grain is washed, crushed with a pusher, diluted with water (in a ratio of one to three), then sugar, yeast and malt are added, covered and placed in a warm place for 15 days, periodically removing the foam that appears and shaking.

Potato braga

Ingredients: 8 kilograms of potatoes, 10 liters of water, 200 grams of malt, 300 grams of sugar, 150 grams of yeast.


Homemade moonshine turns out to be very good qualityif it is made from potato mash. However, in this case, it is necessary to carry out double distillation and purification. So, to prepare the mash, you need to mix all the components, put the container in a warm place for two weeks, periodically mixing the contents and removing the resulting foam.

It must be borne in mind that during fermentation, not only is formed ethanol, but its oxidation also occurs, as a result of which oxidation products appear, which then enter the moonshine. These are such as acetaldehyde, ethanol, acetic acid, methane and more. The presence of such components in alcohol is undesirable, as it can adversely affect health. Therefore, it is recommended to clean the moonshine with soda or other products. We'll look at how to do this a little later.


Distillation is considered to be the process of heating a liquid to boiling with further condensation of vapors. Primary distillation allows you to get rid of fusel oils and other impurities. So, the first eight percent of the total yield of moonshine is poured out - this alcohol is not suitable for consumption, since it poses a danger to the body. 85% is the volume of the main fraction, which is used for food purposes. The last fraction contains it is usually distilled again, observing the same principles. Thus, as a result of the first distillation, moonshine is freed from most of harmful substances... The second happens according to the same principle as the first. But to get high quality alcohol, it is necessary to supplement the distillation with cleaning methods. Today we will look at how moonshine is cleaned with soda.

Complete purification of moonshine

Before cleaning, moonshine must be diluted to 40 or 45 degrees, since the higher the percentage of alcohol, the stronger it retains various impurities. In this case, it is recommended to use high quality water. Its amount will depend on the strength of the alcohol. Usually take 500 grams of water per 1 liter of vodka. Cleaning the moonshine with soda helps to remove fusel oils from alcohol. It is taken at the rate of 8 grams per 1 liter of alcohol. Cleaning with soda is an intermediate stage in the purification of moonshine, which must be carried out before the second distillation. If this is done after the second distillation, then you can get a drink with an admixture of soda, which is harmful to the body. The taste, smell and clarity of such an alcoholic beverage will be very bad. Consider how moonshine is purified baking soda... The whole process is described below.

Cleaning moonshine with soda

Baking soda can quickly neutralize acetic acid. It is added to the moonshine after the first distillation at the rate of 1 gram (1/3 teaspoon) per 1 liter of alcohol. The mixture is stirred well and distilled again, pouring out the first and last 150 grams of the drink. The second distillation allows you to get alcohol with a strength of up to 70 degrees. The container is put in the freezer for a while, after which the moonshine is drained, throwing out what is frozen to the walls of the bottle. Dilute vodka with distilled water up to 40 degrees.

Cleaning with moonshine manganese and washing soda

Promotes quality alcoholic beverage free of foreign odors and impurities. For each liter of vodka, take 10 grams, mix it and put it for half an hour, after which they add 2 grams per 50 grams of water and 1 liter of alcohol. After half an hour, soda is added again in the same proportions and left for 12 hours. Over time, the liquid is drained and distilled, diluted with distilled water.

Filters for purifying moonshine

After the second distillation, the moonshine is filtered and bottled. The simplest filter is prepared as follows: into the funnel big size put three layers of gauze or cloth, then place cotton wool, pour clean calcined sand on top, and then put gauze again. If the layer of sand is two centimeters, filtration will take place at half a liter of vodka per hour. You can use such filters to purify moonshine, which purify water. You can buy them at any specialty store. They are installed in distillation apparatus in front of the container for the assembly of moonshine.

The harm of cleaning vodka with soda

Many believe that cleaning moonshine with soda can harm the human body. But this is only in the case when alcohol is consumed directly with this powder (when cleaning after the second distillation). To ensure that this product does not remain in alcohol, there is a second distillation. In addition, when using soda and potassium permanganate, you can achieve that alcoholic beverage will be free of foreign odors and fusel oils.

Cleaning moonshine with oil

This method also contributes to the elimination of fusel oils in the moonshine. For this purpose, refined vegetable oilwhich is odorless. So, the alcohol is diluted to 30 degrees, vegetable oil is added (20 grams per 1 liter of vodka), shaken well for three minutes three times, taking short breaks. Cleaning the moonshine with oil helps to obtain a dull color of the drink. It is left until two layers are formed (the oil floats up). This takes about 12 hours. Then the liquid is poured into another container through a filter (we discussed how to do this above) and distilled again.

Thus, purification of moonshine with soda or oil makes it possible to obtain pure alcohol, devoid of any foreign odors and additives harmful to health. Finally, consider several recipes for home brewing.

Wheat moonshine

Ingredients: 6 kilograms of sugar, 5 kilograms of wheat, water.


This recipe for homemade moonshine is known to almost everyone. First, the cereals are washed, poured into a container and poured with water, add 2 kilograms of sugar, cover and put in a dark place for one week. Then add the rest of the sugar and 15 liters of water, cover and put it back in a warm place for 4 days. Then the mash is distilled the first time, not forgetting that the moonshine needs to be cleaned with soda, the second and the third. And we already know how to do this.

Moonshine made from sugar and yeast

Ingredients: For 1 kilogram of sugar, take 100 grams of yeast and 4 liters of water.


This recipe for home-made moonshine is very simple and quite popular. So, sugar is poured into a suitable container, poured cold water and stir until it is completely dissolved. Then the yeast is kneaded and added to the liquid. A few grams of vegetable oil is poured onto the surface of the mash on top so that foam does not form. Braga is placed in a warm place for two weeks, after which it is distilled, cleaned, distilled again, filtered and bottled.

After distillation in an apparatus, moonshine needs additional cleaning, since it cannot be drunk in an uncleaned form. It is tasteless, the drink has a characteristic odor and is hazardous to health. Therefore, in order to get a quality product, you will have to cleanse the drink from impurities. You can do it different ways, but one of the most controversial is the purification of moonshine with potassium permanganate and soda.

Purification of moonshine with potassium permanganate

There are also separate ways to improve the product using soda and potassium permanganate. All of them have disadvantages and advantages, so it is difficult to make the final choice between them.

Manganese use

Speaking of potassium permanganate, it is worth saying that scientific name the substance is potassium permanganate, and today it is impossible to find it in pharmacies in the public domain. The substance may remain with someone from the old days. In appearance, these are dark crystals that dissolve in water and color it in pink color... By chemical properties potassium permanganate is a strong oxidizing agent, and substances that are oxidized by the action of potassium permanganate precipitate. Also, when cleaning the moonshine, a precipitate is formed, which then needs to be filtered.

It is also worth mentioning that potassium permanganate acts selectively during cleaning. That is, it does not eliminate all harmful substances in the drink, so additional cleaning may be required, which is done with soda in the combined method. Manganese is also not used if the mash is fruit.

The technique of how to clean moonshine with potassium permanganate is easy to use. For her, you need to use up to 2 grams of potassium permanganate per liter of moonshine, which is mixed in a liquid. After which the container is left for 12 hours in a dark place at room temperature... After this time, the liquid should generally brighten, and a precipitate should appear at the bottom, which must be filtered. As a filter, either ordinary gauze with cotton wool and charcoal is used, or a kitchen water filter.

In addition to the adherents of the method, there are those who criticize it. In most cases, criticism is based on a series of chemical reactions that show the essence of the purification process. Moreover, this method can be hazardous to health.

If you carry out an experiment and write down the formula for chemical reactions, you get the following picture: 2KMnO4 + 3C2H5OH \u003d 2KOH + 2MnO2 + 3CH3CHO + 2H2O, where:

  • 2KOH - potassium hydroxide - a substance belonging to the class of alkalis, and also belongs to food additives "E525". A class of acidity regulators and preservatives. It is quite strong and is not used in high concentrations.
  • 2MnO2 - looks like brown flakes that settle at the bottom. Some people think that this is a booze.
  • H2O is ordinary water.
  • 3CH3CHO - acetaldehyde or acetaldehyde. This is the substance that is the most dangerous in the reaction that has taken place. On the contrary, they want to get rid of it during the cleaning process. The point is that acetaldehyde can cause alcohol dependence. In nature, it is found in fruits, coffee, tobacco, and sometimes in plants. But its amount is low compared to moonshine. And acetaldehyde is also a potential carcinogen, and if the substance enters the body from the outside, it can increase the risk of tumors. It is also produced by our liver, it is an intermediate product of alcohol metabolism. The liver converts alcohol into acetaldehyde and then into acetic acid. Therefore, if you clean the moonshine in this way, the strength of the drink will decrease, and the aldehyde content will increase.

This is not to say that potassium permanganate is completely useless, because it oxidizes some of the harmful substances. But the positive effect of the procedure is generally questionable, and it is better to use other methods. The strength of alcohol still remains unchanged, since the amount of potassium permanganate is low, and the concentration of the substance is too low in order to split all the alcohol. For fairness, it should be noted that even subsequent cleaning with oil, soda, or other substances will not change the concentration of acetaldehyde in the drink.

The technology of how to clean moonshine with soda is also imperfect. A drink in combination with alkali forms by-products, which are difficult to get rid of in the future. Although the technique itself is more effective than using only manganese.

Purification of moonshine with soda

Soda has the ability to absorb harmful substances and form a sediment. It must be filtered as efficiently as possible, since it is the sediment that contains all the harmful components that cause poisoning and intoxication of the body. After soda purification, filtration is supposed, as well as, if possible, re-distillation. If you do everything correctly and completely get rid of the soda residue, then the drink can be safely consumed.

Soda for cleaning moonshine

For cleaning, use only baking soda or caustic soda in combination with manganese. The use of soda ash in any form is hazardous to health.

In defense of the technique, it should be said that the taste of moonshine after cleaning with soda is excellent, the liquid is transparent and does not have a nasty smell. And even after repeated filtration, the strength of the drink will not change, so the result fully justifies the means, especially if you use the correct technique and adhere to the recommendations.

Combined cleaning technique

A popular combination is to clean the moonshine with soda and potassium permanganate. The result is the most effective, as opposed to using the components separately. Each component fulfills its assigned role:

  • baking soda neutralizes acetic acid;
  • potassium permanganate fights fusel oils and ether;
  • baking soda better removes fuselage from the drink.

Before cleaning, it is also necessary to reduce the strength of the drink to 40%, then the process will be more efficient.

The proportions for each product should be used as follows:

  • A liter of moonshine needs 2 grams of potassium permanganate. These components should be thoroughly mixed until the crystals are completely dissolved, after which the liquid turns crimson. The drink is left in this form for 12 hours, after which the moonshine becomes discolored, and the manganese precipitates.
  • Further, cleaning with soda is carried out, for which the proportion is used: 1 liter per 10 grams of substance. After mixing the substances, the drink is also left for 12 hours until a precipitate appears, which is re-filtered.

This technique is a step-by-step cleaning with two substances. But you can also use simultaneous cleaning. For her you need:

  • Make a solution of water and manganese in the ratio of 1.5 liters of liquid to 1.5 grams of potassium permanganate. If 10 liters of alcohol is purified, you should take 15 grams of manganese and one glass of water.
  • Soda and moonshine are mixed in a proportion of 10 grams of alkali per 1 liter of liquid. If caustic soda is used, then 2 grams of the substance is poured with one liter of moonshine.
  • The solutions are mixed with each other and wait half an hour. After that, the liquid is re-mixed and insisted for 14 hours, after which the moonshine must be filtered. This can be done using a funnel with cotton wool and coal. If you need to increase the strength of the moonshine, it is sent for re-distillation.

Moonshine cleaning can be done by any method. Empirically, you can determine and improve all proportions, as well as choose the most suitable way.

To maximize the purification of moonshine from fusel oils, you need to choose the most suitable method. Each technique is quite simple and is produced using substances that are found in every home. Moonshine cleaning takes away bad smell and smack, imparting special softness to alcohol. You can get rid of an unpleasant taste using different methods. However, not all methods are harmless and help to drive out pleasant, high-quality alcohol. How to properly clean moonshine is of interest to many manufacturers of this folk drink.


Moonshine has been widespread for a long time. The methods of making homemade alcohol are passed down from generation to generation. Moonshine recipes are countless. Different products are used for its preparation, therefore, moonshine of different quality is produced. This factor also depends on the fusel oils that are present in the liquid after the distillation of the mash.

Bad smell and taste are not the only drawbacks of moonshine. Fusel oils are dangerous for human health. They can lead to poisoning of the body. These toxic substances are created during the fermentation of the mash. Most of the fusel oils remain in it during distillation. But even an insignificant fraction of them, which has passed into home vodka along with alcohol fumes, poses a serious danger.

Fusel oils in moonshine

To reduce the content of toxic oils and drive out high-quality alcohol, you need:

  • make a bookmark for mash from proven ingredients: sugar, wheat, barley;
  • to provide correct mode fermentation;
  • stick to distillation optimal temperature heating.

Fusel oils are viscous side substances in alcohol with unpleasant odorformed during the production of alcohol from starch, sugar and fruit components during fermentation. With strong boiling of the mash, the amount of evaporated fusel oils increases, which are then condensed in the cooling tube along with alcohol. Therefore, monitor the heating temperature of the mash in the apparatus. It should not exceed 90 C.

It is important to know!

The easiest way with a 100% guaranteed result to recover from alcoholism without pills, injections and doctors. Find out how our reader, Tatiana, saved her husband from alcoholism, without his knowledge ...


Among available fundsused for cleaning home brew are the most popular:

  • potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate);
  • baking soda;
  • activated carbon;
  • charcoal;
  • milk;
  • poultry eggs.

Cleaning moonshine with eggs

They are added to the produced moonshine to bind and separate from alcohol. harmful components... After the formation of a precipitate, the homemade vodka is filtered. How to clean moonshine using these products?


The technology for cleaning moonshine using potassium permanganate is simple. It is diluted in distilled alcohol at the rate of 1 g per 1 liter. Stir well so that all crystals dissolve completely and leave for a day to settle. Complete clarification of the liquid and a precipitate in the form of flakes at the bottom of the can will signal the end of the process. It remains to strain the alcohol through cheesecloth folded in several layers. To improve the filtration process, you can put powder on the fabric activated carbon.

Moonshine purification technology using potassium permanganate

Use only the specified proportion, a large number of potassium permanganate can negatively affect the body and also cause poisoning.


To cleanse the moonshine of harmful substances and not harm the body, you can use regular soda. It is widely used in baking and for other household purposes in every home. To neutralize acetic acid, which is in the moonshine, it is introduced in an amount of 1 g per 1 liter.

Alcohol purification soda

Keep in mind that the amount of baking soda in a flat teaspoon is 12g. Use these parameters in your calculations when you determine how much of it will need to be added to the moonshine. The action of soda lasts at least 10 minutes, after which it is necessary to filter the alcohol neutralized by it.


These drugs are different in composition, but are similar in their absorbent properties. They are the substances to which fusel oils and other poisons in moonshine "stick". They are used in different ways:

  1. Put any charcoal to filter the condensed alcohol into a watering can on cotton wool when distilling the mash.
  2. At the rate of 50 g per 1 liter, activated carbon powder is poured into a jar with homemade alcohol and left for a month. A mixture of coal and moonshine is thoroughly shaken every day. After a month, the mixture must be filtered through several layers of gauze.
  3. Filtration is also carried out using charcoal, but the process of binding fusel oils in moonshine is accelerated from 30 to 3 days. Therefore, 3 days after filtration, homemade alcohol will be ready to eat.

Filtration with charcoal

Cleansing moonshine with different kind coal chips are of the highest quality. This technique can be used at the final stage in combination with other options for getting rid of alcohol from fusel oils. This guarantees maximum cooking. pure drink for home brewing.


It is very effective to cleanse moonshine with milk. The content of casein and albumin in it determines the removal of harmful components in homemade vodka when they are chemically combined. The use of this product makes it possible to prepare high-quality alcohol self-made... Here are some milk cleaning methods:

  1. Purification of milk mash during the distillation process. This technique is used to precipitate harmful substances and condense pure alcohol vapors without fusel oils. Use the ratio: 1 liter of milk to 5 liters of mash. The prepared alcohol is distilled several times to a transparent state. The effect will increase when using activated carbon on cotton wool in a kitchen watering can, where moonshine is dripping.
  2. If you need to purify distilled alcohol from ordinary mash, use this proportion for this: 2 liters of milk per 10 liters of moonshine. Within a week, the created mixture must be stirred and stored in a dark place. Milk protein curdles when combined with fusel oils and settles to the bottom. Removal procedure harmful impurities from alcohol is completed by filtration through several layers of gauze. Then the filtered moonshine must be distilled again.

Purification of distilled alcohol with milk

Use only skimmed milk, so as not to get an unpleasant taste and muddy moonshine.

Cleansing with milk is safe and effective method, which is notable for its simplicity and affordability. After cooking pure alcohol With this method, you will be pleasantly surprised by the softness of the moonshine when consumed.


Operating principle egg white to remove poisons is similar to the dairy technique. In the process of coagulation, toxic impurities are bound by protein components in alcohol solution and sink to the bottom. To remove harmful particles from 1 liter of moonshine, you need to use 2 eggs. Pre-whisk the whites a little until a homogeneous consistency and then pour into a container with homemade vodka... When all the sediment sinks to the bottom, you will need to filter the alcohol with gauze. In the cleaned moonshine, in no case should there be flakes with harmful particles. Pay attention to the freshness of the eggs. If they don't sink in water, they shouldn't be eaten or used to clean up alcohol. Such eggs can poison humans.

How egg white works to remove poisons

Manufacturers of homemade moonshine often believe that alcohol made with their own hands cannot harm the body. However, do not forget to clean it after distilling the mash. It contains poisons. It is imperative to use the above methods of purifying this drink in order to protect yourself from poisoning. Only then can you safely put up a decanter of homemade vodka for yourself and your guests without fear unpleasant sensations during the holiday and the next day. You just have to choose the way how to clean the moonshine. Take care of yourself!

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Manufacturing homemade alcohol has long been a fairly popular activity. This is not only cost savings, but also confidence in use. quality product... However, such a process requires adherence to clear rules. Only under this condition, the result will be really good drink... One of the important stages for its manufacture is the actual cleaning process. You should consider the procedure for cleaning the most common homemade alcohol - moonshine.

Cleaning is necessary to separate fusel oils and toxic impurities. Their presence in the composition of the drink causes:

  • unpleasant taste and smell;
  • danger to human health.

The easiest way to filter it out of the listed constituents is to use salt and soda. These are natural antiseptics that neutralize unnecessary ingredients.

Cleaning moonshine with soda

Clean homemade moonshine with salt, possibly with an alcohol strength of 30-40 degrees. Only regular baking soda is used for this process. To achieve the correct effect, follow these steps:

  • 10 g of soda is calculated per liter of moonshine, in advance it must be diluted in 100 ml of drinking water;
  • the appropriate proportion is prepared depending on the amount of alcohol-containing liquid;
  • soda is introduced into alcohol;
  • the container is tightly closed, shaken intensively. This mixture is allowed to settle for about 50 minutes;
  • after the time has elapsed, it is shaken again, and then again settled in a dark place for 14 hours.
  • the next step will be filtration, when the settled liquid is filtered through a homemade filter. For this, folded and rammed cotton wool is used.

For the best effect, you can put the powder of crushed activated carbon on top of the cotton wool. Strain the liquid carefully, then distill again.

How to clean moonshine with soda and salt: sequence of actions

These two components neutralize toxins, so their use gives a fairly effective result. In addition, salt affects the taste of moonshine, gives it softness.

Purify moonshine better soda and salt at the same time. The procedure is appropriate when the drink has a strength of no more than 30 degrees. Therefore, before this strong drink diluted with water to the required degree. Further, the sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Add salt and soda with the calculation - one tablespoon per liter of drink.
  2. Pour the mixture into the drink, leave to stand. This will take approximately a few hours.
  3. In the next step, the liquid will change its properties. A sediment will appear at its bottom. This will actually be a signal that the moonshine can be filtered.
  4. After filtration, the drink is put back on the distillation.

This method is absolutely perfect option for the cleaning. However, it is important not to overdo it, because the wrong technique and the presence of soda in the drink will ruin it. And this is not the most the best way will affect the taste.

To bring alcohol to the right taste characteristics, often use citrus peels, cinnamon and other flavorings.