How to make cherry wine. Cherry wine - successful recipes for fragrant homemade alcohol

17.10.2019 Desserts and cakes

The tradition of celebrating any more or less significant event by uncorking a bottle of wine has long been entrenched all over the world.

Well, if it is home-made wine from frozen cherries, then there will be more positive emotions from the holiday.

If you are still a complete layman in winemaking, then use our step-by-step recipes, and then you will very soon be able to become an excellent winemaker.

Features of fruit wines

In winemaking, the technology for making fruit wines is practically no different from the classic grape-based.

However, one very important nuance should not be overlooked: grapes are the product in which the acid content is perfectly balanced, and this is what makes fermentation optimal in every sense.

The situation is different with other fruits. For example, cherry juice is able to ferment very quickly, and this is a plus. However, the increased acidity of the berries clearly indicates a deficiency of sucrose, which can negatively affect the quality and taste of the wine.

That is why, for the preparation of an alcoholic drink from cherries, some adjustments are made to the original recipe of wine, namely, water and granulated sugar are added.

Can you make wine from frozen cherries?

Cherry is a very unpretentious berry and grows everywhere in our latitudes. For home winemakers, a rich cherry harvest is always a joy. However, on winter days, when fresh berries cannot be found during the day with fire, one has to be content with frozen ones.

Looking ahead, it should be noted right away that a very tasty wine can be made from frozen cherries. However, some modifications will still have to be made to the traditional recipe. For good fermentation, wine yeast and raisins should be added to the composition to speed up the fermentation process.

Homemade Frozen Cherry Wine: A Classic Recipe


  • Cherry (frozen)— 2.5 l + -
  • — 2.5 l + -
  • - 800 g + -
  • Raisins - 1-2 tbsp + -

How to make wine from frozen cherries

This recipe is perhaps the most popular in the post-Soviet space. It was according to this technology that our fathers and grandfathers prepared the best cherry wine for the holidays. So about this recipe, we can safely say that it is time-tested.

  1. Take the cherries out of the freezer and leave to thaw at room temperature. After the berries become soft, remove the seeds from them, pour the pulp into a blender and puree.
  2. The resulting cherry mass is mixed with raisins, transferred to a three-liter jar and left warm for 48 hours.
  3. After 2 days, pour warm (up to 40 ° C) boiled water into the container, mix everything and drain the liquid through a three-layer gauze into another clean jar. Press the pulp and discard.
  4. We pour granulated sugar into the resulting composition, put a latex glove or a special shutter with a tube on the neck of the jar, after which we put the wine to ripen in a warm room, for example, in the pantry. The fermentation process can last from 20 to 40 days.

A sign of wine readiness is its color. If the surface of the drink is clarified, and the sediment has sunk to the bottom, then the wine is ready. The end of fermentation is also indicated by the absence of gas bubbles. If the glove has ceased to inflate (or bubbles do not come out of the water seal), you can pour the wine into small containers.

6. There are two ways to pour wine into bottles without lifting the sediment from the bottom:

  • Wine pipette. Gently lower the end of the pipette to the middle of the jar and gently "suck" the drink without sediment, and then pour it into the bottle.
  • Tube. We put the container of wine on the table. We lower the tube from the dropper with one end into a jar of wine, without reaching the bottom, and insert the other end into a bottle, which should be on the floor or on a low chair. Fill all containers with wine and cork.

We clean the spilled and packaged wine in a cool dark place for several days to infuse.

Fortified wine from frozen cherries: a recipe with vodka

This wine recipe will appeal to those who prefer fortified drinks to classic drinks. The drink gets stronger very quickly, and its taste is significantly different from the wine prepared according to the above recipe.


  • Frozen cherries - 2.5 l;
  • Raisins - 1 tbsp;
  • Boiled cooled water - 0.5 l;
  • Sugar - ½ kg;
  • Vodka - 100 ml;
  • Wine yeast - 1/3 sachet.
  1. Defrost frozen cherries, pit, grind in a blender and mix with raisins. We insist the resulting mass for a couple of days and fill it with water.
  2. After that, we filter the liquid through a fine sieve, squeeze out the remaining berries and pour wine yeast into the resulting drink. We close the jar with a water seal and leave it warm for 10 days.
  3. After the specified time, using a pipette or a tube, pour the wine into a clean container, without capturing the sediment. Then add sugar and dilute with vodka.
  4. In this composition, the wine should be infused for another 10 days, after which we filter it again and bottle it. Store bottled drinks in a cool place.

Making wine from frozen cherries at home is not difficult at all, the main thing is to follow all the rules of winemaking, and then you will be rewarded with a chic drink.

Cherry is a popular favorite. The Japanese celebrate every year during its flowering.

We, unfortunately, do not have such a holiday, in our area it is simply customary to plant it under the windows of houses from the side of the street. So she is always in sight, pleases with her delicate pink-white beauty and the owner, and neighbors, and passers-by.

However, cherry gives not only charming fragrant flowers to the person who grew it on his site - her main gift will be heavy dark red berries on long legs, poured with scarlet juice. Not every berry can be compared with cherries in terms of the variety of uses of its fruits, they are tasty both immediately from the branch, and when dried, and in jam or compote. Separately, I would like to mention homemade cherry wine.

It is easy to make wine from cherry berries at home. Anyone who wants to taste the sour-sweet red drink will cope with this task.

Recipe for homemade cherry wine:

  • cherries - 10 kg,
  • sugar - 3 or 4 kg,
  • water - 5 liters,
  • dark raisins - 2 handfuls as needed.

It should be noted that this is a recipe for homemade wine with pits. They give the drink a special taste.

1. Do not harvest cherries immediately after rain. Wild yeast on the surface of the skin of the fruit is washed away by rain. Their number will be restored in a day.

2. Carefully sort out the cherry. Do not wash if it is not dirty. In the event that the berries are contaminated, rinse them with running cold water. In this case, when preparing the wort, you will need to add 2 handfuls of unwashed raisins, preferably dark.

3. We transfer the berries to a spacious enameled pan and knead them thoroughly. The smaller the better. Pour sugar, pour water. Mix everything thoroughly and put in a warm place for a week. Active fermentation may end sooner, it may take a little longer, it doesn't matter.

4. As soon as the juice “replays” and active fermentation is over, strain it through a sparse cloth. Squeeze out the pulp.

5. Pour the juice into glass jars or bolons. The container must be two-thirds full. This is a mandatory rule in the preparation of all types of wine. If the berry was washed, add raisins. Put a water seal on the container. Now it's not juice, but wort. Put it on fermentation in a fairly warm place - 22 or 24 degrees, not lower.

The type of water seal is not important. The main condition is that air should not penetrate to the wort. If you do not have a complex water seal - it does not matter, an ordinary medical rubber glove will do. During fermentation, it is filled with carbon dioxide and rises above the jar. As soon as she droops helplessly, the wine is ready.

6. Drain the drink from the sediment. Strain. Pack up and send to the cellar for storage.

A simple recipe at home

There is also a simplified version of making homemade wine from pitted cherries.

Pitted cherry wine

You will need:

  • cherries - 1 bucket,
  • sugar - half a bucket.

1. Pick berries in good weather. Go through.

2. Put the cherries and sugar in layers in a large enameled pan. Cover the pan with a lid and leave for slow fermentation in the cellar. The process of extracting juice and melting sugar in it occurs gradually. Due to the low temperature, acidification does not occur, and besides, sugar is an excellent preservative.

3. When the sugar dissolves, squeeze the cherries. Strain the wine and package.

It must be stored in the cellar. The drink can be consumed immediately, or it can be left to ripen.

Many winemakers prefer to make wine from the juice of cherries rather than directly from the berries. But to make juice, in our case, you need to choose the seeds or squeeze the juice by hand without damaging the shells. The seed has a bitter shell. The bitter taste quickly turns into juice. Wine can turn out with bitterness. The berry does not need to be washed if it is clean.

Cherry juice drink

  • juice - 10 liters,
  • water - 10 liters,
  • sugar - 4 or 5 kg.

1. Mix the juice with water and sugar.

2. Transfer the liquid to the fermentation tanks.

3. We install a water seal and carefully monitor the fermentation process.

4. As soon as fermentation is over, drain the wine from the sediment and strain.

5. Pack the drink and put it in the cellar for ripening.

From frozen berries

Wine made from homemade frozen cherries also works well. By nature, the berry wine made from frozen cherries is very good, and freezing does not affect its taste and aroma.

Before being placed in the refrigerator, every berry is washed, dried, and then sent for freezing. For this reason, it is necessary to use unwashed raisins. It replaces yeast.

Recipe: cherries - 5 kg, water - 3 liters, sugar - 1.5 kg, raisins - 100 gr.

1. Berries must be removed from the refrigerator. Place in a large bowl and leave to thaw completely at room temperature.

2. Mash the cherries. Transfer to an enamel bowl. Mix with sugar, add water and raisins, cover the pan with a lid.

3. Put the pan in a warm place. Active fermentation lasts about a week. After its completion, strain the juice, squeeze the pulp.

4. Pour it into jars or bottles for fermentation. Containers are filled no more than two-thirds of the volume.

5. Install a water seal and watch the process carefully. As soon as fermentation is over, drain the drink from the sediment. Pack and send for storage and ripening in the cellar.

From frozen berries, you can make juice and make wine from it.

The classic recipe is ideal for this: juice - 5 liters, water - 5 liters, sugar 1.5 or 2 kg, unwashed raisins - a handful.

Cherry wine at home is wonderful. Densely colored, with a rich aroma and taste. It retains all the charm of a fresh berry. In addition, it is necessary to remember that to the huge list of useful substances it is necessary to add the ability, characteristic of dark-colored fruits, to improve the process of hematopoiesis. In this capacity, cherry wines are not inferior to red grapes.

The harsh climate of our latitudes will not allow the grapes to ripen and open a bottle of homemade Cabernet for the holiday. But there is a way out. Do you have a cherry harvest? Make cherry wine at home with pits according to a simple recipe.


A wine drink made from cherries requires strict adherence to safety precautions due to the content of hydrocyanic acid and cyanide in the pits. To neutralize harmful substances, follow the preparation instructions.

Choosing berries

First you need to choose berries. The key to quality is sweet and sour varieties. Cherries for wine do not require washing, you need to carefully sort out the berries. A rotten fruit is a fly in the ointment in a barrel of honey! Choose the largest and darkest specimens. Unripe cherries will not allow the wine to ripen, and damaged pits will make the drink bitter.

Let's prepare the container

When the berry is prepared, proceed to the processing of dishes. Opt for glassware to make it easy to watch the fermentation. At home, jars can be sterilized on the stove or even in the oven; some models of dishwashers are equipped with a temperature regime up to 100 degrees.

Dry the processed dishes with a cloth. Wash your hands thoroughly before handling the must.

For reference! Wort is the berry juice that is released as a result of fermentation.

Why can't you wash the berries?

As soon as you picked a cherry from a branch, the process of oxidation started and natural yeast began to form on the skin. If the harvest was going in rainy weather, then the berries will have to be washed and a special wine sourdough added or made by yourself.

Try the easiest recipe for making wine without yeast.

How to make homemade wine from pitted cherries: a simple recipe

When the preparatory procedures are completed, we proceed to the most interesting part - how to make wine. It is said that the fermentation process depends on the mood and psychological state of the person. To learn all the basics of cherry winemaking, cook with inspiration and joy.


  • Cherry - 1.5 kg;
  • Water - 1.5 liters;
  • Sugar - 0.5 kg.

Making wine from cherries without removing the pits. But strictly follow the cooking technology so as not to provoke the release of poison.

  • The calculated ingredients are placed in a three-liter jar. If you have a giant bottle, then you can be envied. Double the amount of food and with this volume of wine you can drink all relatives and friends.

In classic films during 19th century Italy, beautiful peasant women squeezed grape juice in barns, singing soulful songs. Catch the lyrical mood! Your task is to mash the berry until juice is formed, but without damaging the seeds. It is better to do it manually, without technical assistance.

  • Transfer the cherry mass to the jar.

Important! Do not use aluminum or metal utensils for making wine!

  • Top with a glass of granulated sugar, 1.5 liters of water and cover with gauze in several layers. You can close it with a plastic lid, but with home-made ventilation: make many small holes with an awl.
  • That's what wort is! Place it in a warm place and limit direct sunlight. The cherry experiment is suspended, to be continued… in 4 days.
  • Glass containers allow you to observe the oxidation process. The next day, the first bubbles and a specific smell of wine will appear at the neck of the jar. Every day, the mass must be stirred with a large spoon made of wood or plastic. You can "drown" the cherry with clean hands.
  • On the 5th day of fermentation, strain the juice through a sieve and squeeze out the remaining pulp. Pour the cherry juice back into the jar along with some of the cherry leftovers. Pour in 100 grams of sugar and mix.
  • Now we need special equipment - a water seal. You can buy it in wine shops. It is a small gas outlet tube.

But is it possible to make a water seal at home? Certainly! Put on a medical glove with a perforated thumb on the neck.

  • Come up with a storage place for "intoxication" of cherries. Store wine in a pantry to keep the sour smell from spreading throughout the apartment. The next day, the latex seal will inflate. This means that you are doing everything right. Let the juice ferment for another 5 days.
  • On the 6th day, add another 100 grams of sugar. Do not violate the correct proportions. In order not to forget the amount of added sugar, you can make notes directly on the jar. Just stick a paper sticker on the side surface.
  • Burning with curiosity? Tasting the must is not only possible, but also necessary. The drink should not be bitter, otherwise strain the juice again and remove the remaining mass with the seeds entirely. Another week of waiting ahead.
  • On the 7th day, filter the drink and remove the remaining seeds. You can prepare a new container for wine or wash the old one thoroughly, as there is cherry foam left on the walls of the jar. It is also better to use a new glove.
  • Add the last sugar portion, put on a homemade hydraulic apparatus. Leave the must to ferment on its own for a month. The homemade wine will be ready when the glove deflates, a sign that the yeast has finished its work.
  • When fermentation is over, strain and taste. You can add sugar to your taste or increase the percentage of strength with alcohol or vodka.
  • The maturation stage is a long process. Only in a month the wine will be finally ready. It is recommended to monitor the formation of sediment every 2 weeks and filter, pouring the wine through a straw with minimal access to oxygen.
  • Store wine in an airtight container. At home, it will not be possible to cork a bottle of wine with a wooden cork like in a store. You can use plastic bottles or glass jars. It is necessary to reduce the contact of wine with air as much as possible.

The longer you wait, the tastier it will be. Homemade drink is stored for about 5 years.

Remember that cherry wine that was made at home according to a recipe from Soviet times? Many kept a jar of such a wonderful drink. Our resourceful grandmothers knew what to do and how to do it. This is a classic recipe that has stood the test of time. Such wine will not collapse like the Soviet Union!


  • Cherry - 1 kg;
  • Water - 1 l;
  • Sugar - 300 g.

You already know how to prepare berries for wine and what dishes to use. The cooking recipe is designed for a three-liter jar, although during the USSR, villagers used huge containers of more than 10 liters.

Place already crushed cherries, sugar and water in a glass dish. Immediately put a glove on the neck, piercing one rubber finger with a needle, and leave it in a warm, dark place to start the fermentation process. Periodically shake the bottle gently without removing the glove. Ripening lasts about a month.

When the glove is blown off - the young wine is ready! To extend the shelf life, add 50 ml of vodka. This method not only increases the strength of the drink, but also prevents bacteria from multiplying.

Note to the owner! I liked the recipe and want to try it in practice, but the berry season is over? Use frozen cherries. Take advantage of any cooking method by revitalizing the berries with a handful of unwashed raisins. This will not affect the taste of the wine, but will only start the natural fermentation process. Now you know how to put wine even on frozen cherries.

A very drunk cherry. Vodka wine recipe

This recipe is like homemade liqueur. Male version, strong and drunk. Such a cherry bouquet is suitable for a bachelor party, and for a "glass of tea" with a neighbor. At home, you can make cherry wine with vodka according to a simple recipe.


  • Cherry - 1 kg;
  • Sugar - 300 g;
  • Vodka - 0.5 l.

To measure the weight of products, use a home scale. Vodka can be replaced with any quality alcohol with an alcohol content of at least 40%.

Pierce the cherry with a needle or toothpick. We will lay out the berries in a jar in layers. Alternate cherries with sugar until the jar is full. Do not pack the berries to the very top, leave some space.

Advice! The recipe for making a cherry drink with vodka is definitely not necessary to follow. Less sugar can be added, as the vodka will eliminate the risk of germs emerging and spreading.

Pour vodka or cognac into a jar. All berries must be soaked in alcoholic liquid. Leave at room temperature in a closed jar. Shake periodically. After 3 days, the sugar will completely dissolve and you can proceed to the next step.

Note to the owner! Do not delay the process of making wine at the first stage. After 40 days of exposure, the bones release a large dose of toxic substances, so remove the pulp earlier. If the bones are removed, then the exposure time is extended to two months.

After a month, strain the tincture and sweeten if necessary. The wine is already ready to serve. Such a liqueur is stored for about 3 years. Alcohol content - 25%.

A few important points

Compliance with the exact recipe is not yet an indicator that wine yeast will work. Sometimes wine without the addition of store-bought yeast shows its character and refuses to ferment. Don't give up, there is a way out of this situation.

  1. Not ready yet. Wine is like a woman - it takes more time to prepare. Do not wait for the first bubbles to appear after an hour. It takes up to several days for the must to start fermenting. To solve the problem, let the drink stand for a few more days.
  2. Lots of holes. The reason may be depressurization, that is, air enters the drink. Check if there are any cracks on the jar in which you are preparing the wine and if the water seal is tight. Make sure that the glove is always inflated in the early days or there is a risk of preparing wine vinegar. You can fix the glove with an ordinary hair band or stick it with tape.
  3. The temperature regime is violated. One of the most common reasons. Do not put the wine in a cold cellar, the fermentation temperature of the berries is 10-30 degrees. The reverse situation is also possible. Do not store wort near a gas stove or radiator. Optimal storage conditions - a dark room with a constant temperature. If the conditions have been violated, then wine yeast will help save the drink.
  4. Proportion violation. If you add a little more or a little less sugar - it's not scary. But strong changes in quantity can stop the process. Low sugar content does not allow yeast to work, and high sugar content preserves wine. Taste the drink: sickly sweet - add berries or water, too sour - sweeten.
  5. Cherries turned into puree. Never tamp the berries, leave some free space. If the consistency of the cherry drink has become puree, then dilute it with water. More sugar can be added if needed.
  6. Not in the mood. Wild yeast is a capricious product. They can behave unpredictably and stop working at any moment. To save the situation, use yeast, which is sold in shops for winemakers. You can also use sourdough or a handful of raisins.
  7. Fungus. Do not grow penicillin at home! In case of mold formation, remove the fungi, but I'm afraid the wine can no longer be saved. The only thing you can do is learn from your mistakes and keep clean next time.

And if the fermentation process ended after 2 weeks? Do not invent problems for yourself and drink a glass of wine. In order not to make mistakes, watch a wonderful video of making wine from pitted cherries.

I hope that you can cook cherry wine at home with seeds according to a simple recipe without much difficulty.

Everyone is familiar with the basics of home winemaking, and especially summer residents, on whose plots fruit trees and berries bear fruit every year. Not the entire crop is used in the form of jams and compotes.

Homemade wine can be a source of extraordinary pride for the one who created it. Yes, wine is prepared, made, and good wine is created like a work of art. Even the familiar cherry can serve as an excellent source of inspiration here.

Cherry wine at home - basic technological principles

All stages of the preparation of fruit and berry wines are similar to the production of grape wine, which has been considered a classic of winemaking in the world for thousands of years. The difference between these two types of wine material lies only in the biochemical properties of the fruit. In particular, to obtain high-quality wine, cherry juice must have a sufficient and necessary amount of sugar and acid. These norms are revealed empirically, in the process of development of winemaking. It has been established that with an acid content of 0.7% in the prepared must, a good quality wine is obtained, not acidic and not susceptible to diseases that develop in the finished product with an excess or lack of acid.

Therefore, after harvesting, sorting and obtaining juice, fruit and berry raw materials are brought to the required characteristics. To normalize the acidity of cherry juice, it is mixed with water or other fruit juice, since the acid content in the berries of some varieties of cherries exceeds the required value by 3 times. For this reason, it is impossible to obtain natural wine, based on pure juice, from many fruits.

Low sugar content in the must does not provide the necessary energy to the yeast, turning the wine into vinegar, and its excess slows down the yeast. Therefore, granulated sugar is added to the natural sugar contained in cherries, taking into account the requirements for the strength of the future wine. On average, to obtain dry wine (9-12 vol.), the sugar content in fruit must should reach 22-24% per liter.

At the same time, it should be borne in mind that dry wine from cherries at home is not the most successful recipe: such wine will not be persistent, sour in taste. More successful options are dessert and strong wines, with the addition of alcohol (vermouth, tokay or sherry) based on cherry juice or using this wine material (remember that any standards and classifications are acceptable in home winemaking).

To the natural sugar content of cherries, you need to add enough sugar to get the necessary strength of the wine. Sometimes it is added to the must immediately in the right amount, but in the manufacture of some wines, its gradual introduction is provided, in parts. First, sugar is added during the fermentation process, and then, if necessary, in the finished wine, thereby increasing its strength and achieving the desired taste. In addition, sugar is added to young wines to completely stop fermentation (for sweet and dessert wines). Also, sugar can be added to young wine, where the fermentation process has not been completely stopped, directly into bottles, to make sparkling wine from cherries at home.

Read the recipe for this wine, as well as other recipes below.

Cherry wine at home: a recipe for an old Russian drink in a modern interpretation

Of course, not every summer resident has a real oak barrel with iron hoops, but if there is one, then the old cherry wine will turn out not in an interpreted, but in the most original version. You just need to fill this barrel with cherries and honey, tar it and bury it in wet sand for 3 months.

For those who do not have such a "treasure" as an oak barrel, the cooking method is attached below. Perhaps it differs from the previous one, but only by the realization that this method is not old, although the wine in both cases turns out to be unusually tasty and beautiful.


    Cherry with stone 2 parts

    Honey, fresh (May) 1 part

    Oak bark (for glass containers) 5% by weight of raw materials

Cooking technology:

Sort fresh, just picked and ripe cherries and put them in a barrel or glass bottle in layers, each of which needs to be watered with honey. In a glass bottle, add oak bark between layers of cherries. The barrel can be filled to the top, and in a glass container 1/3 of the container should remain empty. Place a rubber glove on the wide-mouthed bottle without piercing it. Cover the barrel with a lid, carefully pitching it and putting hoops on a wooden container. To protect the keg or bottle from bursting during the fermentation process, bury it in wet sand. The bottle can be placed in a pre-prepared box of sand. To ensure sufficient pressure on the outside of the tanks, keep the sand constantly high in moisture.

After 3 months, dig out the container, open it and pour the wine through the filter into a clean dish. Thicken wrap in linen canvas and put under the press. Combine the squeezed wine with the bulk. Pour the wine into bottles. Seal and store in the basement. This wine can be stored for 5-6 years.

Cherry wine at home: fortified wine recipe


    Raisins, red 200 g

  • Cherry 10 kg

    Oak leaves, green 300 g

    Sugar 3.3 kg

    Pitted prunes 500 g

    Alcohol (96%) 750 ml

Cooking technology:

A week before the start of making wine, make a raisin sourdough. In a jar with a capacity of 1.5-2 liters, put raisins with sugar and fill with warm water. To do this, take 0.5 liters of the total amount of water and heat it up to 25 degrees. The jar should be filled to 2/3 of the volume. Tie the neck with a gauze or linen napkin, and place the jar closer to the heat, but not next to the switched on stove. Shake the starter periodically to avoid souring the surface.

Berries of cherries of technical ripeness, sort out, removing the seeds. Put in an enamel container (15 l), pour in 2 liters of water (20 degrees) and add 1/3 of the sugar. Stir and put the container in heat for 2-3 days, before fermentation begins.

Put the fermented cherries under the press to separate the juice. Pour the juice into a bottle in which the wine will “play”, after adding the leaven to it (without raisins). Place the squeezed thick with prunes and chopped oak leaves in another bottle and fill with alcohol. Seal the alcohol extract tightly and leave it to infuse until the wine clarifies. Place the juice bottle in a room with a constant temperature, without access to bright sunlight and drafts. Seal the neck with a medical glove. As soon as the violent fermentation begins to subside, add the second part of the sugar to the bottle and put the glove back on the neck. Wait for the complete cessation of fermentation. After two weeks, the wine should become transparent, and sediment will be visible at the bottom of the bottle. Insert a plastic or rubber tube into the bottle and pour the wine into a clean container, being careful not to catch the sediment at the bottom. The sediment can be drained into a jar and used as a starter for making other wines. Wash the bottle, sterilize and pour the wine into it again. At the same time, strain the alcohol tincture and also set it for clarification. Then remove from the sediment, again, wine and tincture. Connect them by adding the remaining sugar. Stir sugar until dissolved. Put the wine to age in a cool dark place for at least 6 months. The bottle must be carefully sealed to prevent moisture and foreign odors from entering.

Cherry liqueur wine at home. Blended wine recipe

Blended wines under production conditions are often prepared by mixing individual finished wines. But in your summer cottage, you can deviate from this rule and combine the wine material in one bottle. It is important to decide right away: if the wine is cherry, then it is these berries that must be present in the prepared must in a predominant amount so that the name matches the composition of the wine.


    Raspberry (juice) 3 l

    Apricots (puree) 5 kg

    Cherry (pitted) 8 kg

    Sugar 3.6 kg

    Tannin 25 g

    Orange peel 100 g

    Citric acid 55 g

Cooking technology:

This recipe does not require any wine sourdough or yeast, as raspberries are present in the must. Separate the cherries from the pits. Combine berries with raspberry juice and apricot puree. Add orange zest, citric acid and half the sugar. Put the prepared wine material before the start of fermentation in warmth, covering the bottle. 2-3 times a day stir the prepared wort with a wooden spatula. Place the fermented material under the press. Pour the resulting juice into a bottle and install a water seal on it.

After the end of fermentation, in order to speed up the clarification process and improve the quality of the wine, pour a small amount of young wine into a liter jar and dilute the tannin in it. Pour the wine back into the mixture and stir. Remove clear wine from the sediment and add the second half of the sugar to it. To do this, again pour a small part of the wine into an enamel bowl, pour in sugar and stir it, warming up, until dissolved. Combine both parts of the wine and bottle. Seal the bottles and place a large saucepan. Fill it with water so that the bottled wine and water are at the same level. Warm up the pan for 10-12 hours, maintaining the water temperature in it at 70 degrees. After the natural cooling of the water, remove the bottles and transfer them to the basement.

Muscat cherry wine at home. Recipe for lovers of experiments


    Cherry, dried 1 kg

    Raisins, white (from Muscat grape varieties) 0.5 kg

    Sugar 600 g

    Yeast 1 g

    Oak bark 50 g

    Ground nutmeg 2 g

    Juice, grape (canned) 6 l

Cooking technology:

This wine can be made at any time of the year, with the specified ingredients. It is enough to harvest cherries and grapes in season by drying their berries in the oven. Instead of water, for a richer taste of wine, use canned grape juice.

Chop raisins. Cherries can be used together with the stone: due to its small amount, the poisonous elements present in the stones, which are often talked about, will not harm health, and in addition, the wine will acquire a slight almond flavor. Heat the grape juice to 20-25 degrees and dissolve 1/3 of the sugar and yeast in it. Place prepared berries in a wide-mouthed bottle and pour sweetened juice over them. Put a glove on the neck of the bottle and put the wine to ferment in a room with a constant temperature of 18-22 degrees. Add the remaining two parts of sugar to the fermented wort when slowing down fermentation, after 10-14 days. At the end of the fermentation process, put oak bark and ground nutmeg into a bottle of wine. After waiting for clarification, remove the wine from the sediment. If the wine still does not become transparent after two weeks, remove it from the sediment anyway and, pouring it into a clean bottle, continue to clarify it. Repeat the removal, achieving transparency. Pour the finished wine into dark glass bottles, seal. It is necessary to withstand at 10-12 degrees for at least a year.

Sparkling cherry wine at home. Recipe for cherry semi-sweet "champagne"

Of course, real champagne is a special sparkling wine made only in the Champagne region. But, if you wish, you can also shoe a flea. Carbon dioxide is the gas that young wine gives off, and if you ferment it a little in a sealed bottle, you can get the effect of sparkling wine from any fruit.

There is one more nuance. In the province of Champagne, to give a special taste to sparkling wine, they flavor it with a special liquor, the recipe of which is kept secret. Well, keep it! You can try to discover a new taste, and it may very well happen that it will turn out to be even better than the famous French champagne.


    Water, purified 7 l

    Sugar 3.3 kg

    Raisins, red 2.8 kg

    Alcohol (93.6%) 200 ml

    Cherry 1.0 kg

    Fermented grape juice 350 ml

Manufacturing technology:

Put 200 g of chopped raisins and the same amount of sugar in a jar (2 l). Fill the mixture with warm water to ¾ of the volume of the jar. After 4-5 days, pour the finished sourdough into the wort.

For the wort, also grind the rest of the raisins, combine with sugar (1.5 kg) and, putting in a bottle, fill with warm water. Pour in the yeast, stir. Close the neck of the bottle with a cotton swab and place it in a room with a constant temperature of 20-25 degrees. Immediately after the start of fermentation, install a water seal. After about 60 days, if everything was done correctly, fermentation will stop. The wine must be removed from the sediment and filtered.

Sort the cherries, wash and remove the pits. Grind the berries and add 1 kg of sugar. Place the berries with sugar in a bottle, fill with alcohol and cover tightly with a lid. Shake the bottle periodically, and keep the cherry tincture along with the raisin wine for 2 months. Pass it through the filter.

Combine young wine with tincture. Withstand 10-14 days. If necessary, remove the wine from the sediment again and pour into prepared champagne bottles, without adding 8 cm to the edge of the neck. Put 50 g of sugar into each bottle and pour the same amount of fermented juice into each bottle. Temporarily, for 10-12 hours, seal the bottles with gauze pads and leave at room temperature. As soon as bubbles appear, remove the swabs and seal the wine with plastic corks, tying them with twine or wire. Transfer the bottles to a room with a temperature of 10-14 degrees and lay them on the shelves in a horizontal position.

Sparkling wine will mature in 3 months, but the older it gets, the tastier it will be. Although it is unlikely that it will lie in a home wine cellar for more than a year.

Wormwood cherry wine at home. cherry vermouth recipe


    For spicy herbal tincture, 20 g each:

    ground orange peels,

    alpine wormwood,




  • yarrow;

    Oak bark 50 g

    Alcohol (93%) 0.7 l

    For wine:

    Sugar 3.0 kg

    Cherry, fresh 4.5 kg

Cooking technology:

Pour cherry pulp (pitted crushed cherries) with warm water (25 degrees) and add 2 kg of sugar. After fermenting the must, pour it into a bottle, install a water seal and set the cherry wine for fermentation. At the same time, pour the crushed herbs with alcohol, seal the container and hold until the wine goes through the clarification stage. Filter the tincture until the microparticles of the herbal mixture are completely removed.

Combine the wine removed from the sediment with the finished tincture, the rest of the sugar and put it in the cellar for aging for six months.

Repeat the removal from the sediment if it appears during aging and pour the wine into the prepared dishes.

Cherry wine at home - tips and tricks

    During the aging process, the wine must be checked. If the sediment reappears, it must be removed by pouring the wine into a clean container so that the drink does not acquire an unpleasant bitterness.

    Cherry wine, subject to proper production and storage conditions, can be not only usable, but even tastier even after 5-6 years.

    If you notice sediment or turbidity in alcoholic beverages, then it is better to refuse to use them. Contrary to popular belief that alcohol is a disinfectant, it can be poisonous. Do not forget that alcoholic beverages, and even strong medicinal tinctures, have certain shelf life. Alcohol poisoning can be fatal.

There are many different recipes for making aromatic alcoholic drinks from cherries. Berry wine does not require the addition of any rare or expensive ingredients, for which it is appreciated by lovers of homemade preparations. If cherry trees grow in your garden, then the production of this drink will cost you almost nothing. Feel free to experiment by adding plums, black or red currants, cherries, gooseberries and raspberries. This will not spoil the taste, but will give the bouquet an unusual, unique sound.

How to choose the right berries

Cherry wine is best made using simple, rather than hybrid varieties of berries. To prepare an alcoholic drink, take ripe, young cherries. Overripe fruits covered with dark dots under the influence of pests or tree diseases should not be taken as a basis. Such spoiled berries can distort the taste of the final product and all the efforts spent on preparing the liqueur will be lost.

Harvest fruit only in dry weather, as close as possible to the date of preparation of the liqueur. If the fruits were harvested in advance, store them in the refrigerator. However, it is impossible to keep the berries in a refrigerator or any other place for more than three days - they will become unsuitable for winemaking. To get an original result, you can take several varieties of cherries, but in certain proportions. There should be slightly more sour berries than sweet ones, otherwise your drink will be tasteless.

What utensils do you need

To create cherry wine, you will need at least one volumetric vessel such as a barrel or bucket (it is needed during fermentation) and several three-liter jars (for storage). It is worth choosing large containers for fermentation, since the liquid in the process will foam strongly and rise to the edges of the vessel. Pick up such dishes so that the wort is no more than 70% of the total volume. The vessel must have a lid to block the access of oxygen, and a wide mouth, because you will need to stir the wort from time to time.

All utensils for winemaking can be made of glass, stainless steel, food-grade plastic or enameled. The ideal solution would be an oak barrel, but such a vessel greatly complicates the process of preparing a drink, so it is not recommended for beginners to take it. The walls of containers should not be transparent, because wine does not like sunlight. It is better to wrap glass vessels with some kind of dense material: felt cloth or newspapers. This measure will also help protect the wort from temperature fluctuations.

Best Recipes

To make homemade cherry wine saturated, you should correctly calculate how many berries you need to make it. Please note that the final product will be about 55-60% of the original volume of the workpiece (water, sugar, cherries). If the wort has stood for several days, but there is no fermentation, add a handful of raisins to the liquid. At the final stage of fermentation, it will drain along with the rest of the sediment.

Classic recipe

Like apples and gooseberries, cherries are the best fruit for making wine after grapes. Homemade cherry alcohol is very spicy, bright and tasty. Berry juice is highly acidic and relatively low in sugar. Cherry has a rich, bright aroma and a tart, pleasant taste, which is explained by the tannins contained in the berry. The wine comes out resistant to souring and clarifies perfectly on its own without any winemaking techniques.


  • 3 kilos of sugar.
  • 10 liters of cherries.
  • 10 liters of water.


  1. Prepare the berries according to the general technology: remove the seeds, mash the cherries, fill with purified water, squeeze.
  2. Pour the resulting liquid into a large vessel, wearing a latex glove on top.
  3. After 2-3 days, the fermentation process will begin, which will last about a month. Leave the wine container in a dark, warm place.
  4. When the air leaves the glove and the liquid stops bubbling, try the cherry wine. If it is moderately sweet and sour, everything is ready.
  5. If you need to keep homemade wine for a long time, for example, leaving it for the winter, add 500 ml of vodka or 40% alcohol to it. The strength of the drink will increase, but it will be protected from souring.

From juice

Due to the fact that cherry berries are widely available and inexpensive, they are often used to make homemade alcohol. The recipe for table cherry wine is very simple, but the drink prepared with it will delight your family with excellent taste. In order to make homemade wine, you do not need any rare ingredients, everything can be purchased at the nearest supermarket or market.


  • 4 liters of pure water.
  • 3 kilos of cherries.
  • One and a half kilos of sugar.
  • 2 lemons.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the cherries, removing the sticks and pits. Try to minimize juice loss.
  2. Bring water to a boil, pour over the prepared berries. Tie the neck of the bottle with gauze and keep the wort in a warm, dark room for several days.
  3. When the table wine begins to ferment: foam, hiss, rise - strain the thick with a sieve or gauze to filter the remains of the berries.
  4. Squeeze the lemon juice from two medium-sized fruits and add to the wine along with the sugar. Make sure that these components are completely dissolved in the drink, you can stir the liquid with a long clean tool.
  5. Transfer the wort to the fermentation vessel, securing a rubber glove with a small hole in the finger on top. Leave the cherry tincture in a warm (required temperature is about 20 degrees) and dark room for 2-3 weeks. Moreover, the thick should be stirred daily so that acetic acid zones do not appear in it.
  6. When the glove is blown off, sediment will appear in the bottle, and the liquid will become light in color, once again strain the homemade wine through a dense sieve or gauze and pour it into beautiful bottles, tightly corked.
  7. Store the low-alcohol cherry drink for no more than a year in a cool place where the sun's rays do not penetrate, such as a cellar.

Fortified from frozen cherries on vodka

Homemade alcoholic drinks tend to be thick, have a bright aroma and rich taste. Cherry wine with vodka, despite its strength, is very soft and fragrant. Thanks to the spicy, sweet cherry smell, your guests will not guess that this wonderful drink was made from a frozen preparation based on real vodka.


  • 100 ml of quality vodka.
  • 8 liters of pure water.
  • 3 kilos of frozen cherries.
  • Half a kilo of sugar.

Step by step preparation:

  1. It is not necessary to defrost the fruits before cooking, you can pour them into a jar and sprinkle with sugar.
  2. Leave the cherries warm for a few hours, letting them juice and absorb the sweetness of the sugar.
  3. Pour water into the container to the fruits, mix the must thoroughly, cork with a lid with a water trap.
  4. When the homemade drink has fermented for 2.5-3 weeks at room temperature, strain it and pour it into storage vessels. If desired, add a little vodka to each bottle - this will make the cherry wine more stable, long-lasting.
  5. Place the bottles in the refrigerator for a couple of days. Homemade spicy drink is ready to drink.

Dry wine from fermented compote

If for some reason you do not have the opportunity to purchase fresh cherries, even compote can be used to make homemade wine. Wine made from fermented cherry compote does not take long to cook, its fermentation process is fast, and the taste is in no way inferior to a drink based on fresh berries. The ease of preparation makes it possible to make homemade wine even for beginner winemakers.


  • 6 liters of cherry compote.
  • 0.4 kg of sugar.
  • 50 grams of grapes.

Cooking method:

  1. Leave the berry compote for a couple of days in a warm place until it is covered with a thin film of mold on top. If the compote is already fermented, skip this step.
  2. Mix the drink with sugar and raisins, place a glove or a lid with a water seal on the neck.
  3. Place the wort in a warm place to ferment.
  4. Filter homemade cherry wine, pour into glass jars. The finished alcoholic beverage should be kept cool for at least 16 weeks.

Cooking from chokeberry

Chokeberry is grown not only as a fruit, but also as an ornamental or medicinal plant. It contains a large amount of beta-carotene, iron, boron, fluorine, copper, vitamins C, K, P, B6, B1, B2, E, which are essential for the body. The medicinal properties of the plant make it possible to use even rowan leaves. The wine created on the basis of this miraculous berry is considered one of the most delicious.


  • Cherry leaves (60-80 pieces).
  • A glass of rowan fruit.
  • A glass of sugar.
  • Litere of water.
  • 500 ml of vodka.
  • Half a teaspoon of citric acid.


  1. Boil cherry leaves and mountain ash on low heat in prepared water.
  2. When the components boil for 8-10 minutes, cool and strain the liquid.
  3. Add citric acid, sugar (you can replace it with honey) to the future wine.
  4. Simmer on low heat for another 15 minutes, cool the drink.
  5. Add vodka, distribute the drink into bottles, tightly closing the lids.
  6. Let the homemade wine brew for 14 days where the sun's rays do not fall.

Pour cherry and red currant without yeast

Before making homemade wine, all used utensils must be washed with soda to destroy all microbes and particles of acetic acid. Moreover, it is necessary to wash the vessels even those that are used a second time after the first stage of fermentation, that is, when poured into the same container, it should again be carefully treated with soda and water.


  • A kilo of red currants.
  • 6 kilos of cherries.
  • 500 g of granulated sugar.


  1. Sort, wash the cherries, removing the seeds. Grind with a juicer or blender.
  2. Clean the currants and mash with a pestle.
  3. Drain cherry and currant juices into one container, add sugar and cherry pits here.
  4. Mix thoroughly, cork the bottle with a glove with a small hole through which air exchange will occur.
  5. Put the vessel on fermentation (3-4 months). Strain the drink by bottling. Let the homemade cherry wine brew for another couple of months, after which you can drink it.

What to do if the must does not ferment

Common reasons for the lack of reaction in homemade wine are:

  • Insufficient fermentation time. The process begins only a few days after the installation of the water seal on the bottle, the natural yeast contained in the drink needs time to activate. Watch cherry wine for another 4-5 days.
  • Wrong temperature setting. Yeast starts working at 10-30 degrees. If the room where the wine is located is colder, they "sleep", and in the hot they die. Make sure that homemade tincture is not exposed to sudden changes in temperature, place the container in a more “comfortable” environment for wine. If necessary, add wine starter or non-alcoholic yeast to the wort.
  • Bad sealing. The air leaves the bottle and fermentation does not occur. There is a threat that the wine will turn sour, so try to open the container less often. It is allowed to do this no more than twice a day to add sugar or remove foam. To achieve maximum tightness, coat the connection points of the glove with the test bottle.

  • The wine is too thick. Cherry drink is difficult to filter, and the thick consistency is difficult to ferment. Dilute homemade wine with purified water (no more than 15% of the total volume).
  • Too much or too little sweetness. Sugar is food for yeast, so its content should be around 15-20%. Taste the wort, if it is too sweet, add water, sour thick indicates a lack of sugar - add it with the calculation of 50 grams per liter of water.
  • Mold. Perhaps you didn’t wash the container well or the cherries were spoiled and a fungus got into the homemade wine. Remove the film of mold, pour the wine with a straw into a new clean container and wait for re-fermentation.
  • Poor quality yeast. Add special wine yeast, new crushed berries (5 grapes are enough for 10 liters of water), homemade sourdough and give the homemade drink time to ferment.

Benefit and harm

A huge amount of useful substances, including organic acids (folic), minerals, vitamins and pectins - all this contains cherry berries. The fruits contain enzymes indispensable for the human body, natural sugar, nitrogenous and tannins. Such a rich composition of popular raw materials for making homemade wine, with the right dosage, has a beneficial effect on human health.

However, in addition to useful properties, cherries have dangerous components, for example, a strong concentration of acids. Of particular danger to us is hydrocyanic acid, which is in the bone of the fetus. Therefore, when adding this ingredient to homemade wine, the proportions should be strictly observed. People with high acidity and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, ulcers) should not drink cherry alcoholic beverages at all. In large quantities, the acids found in berries damage tooth enamel.