The use of food additives. Food additives E: why are they used and production

Biologically active additives (Dietary supplement) should be distinguished from food additives, which may be included in food products in order to impart certain properties and / or preserve quality.

Unlike dietary supplements, they have no biological activity.

Food additives - natural or artificial substances and their compounds, specially introduced into food products during their manufacture in order to impart certain properties to food products and (or) preserve the quality of food products.

Food additives are essentially technological ingredients because they are not consumed by themselves as food and include 4 classes:

Food additives that provide the necessary appearance and organoleptic properties of the product (consistency improvers, dyes, flavors, flavorings);
- food additives that prevent microbial or oxidative spoilage of food - preservatives (antimicrobial agents, antioxidants);
- food additives required in the technological process of food production (process accelerators, leavening agents, gelling agents, foaming agents, bleaches);
- food additives that improve the quality of food products (flour and bread improvers, anti-caking and clumping agents, glazers, fillers).

Food additives are present today in the overwhelming majority of the most common products - from yoghurts to sausages. More than 500 of them are used in the world, ranging from vinegar to tert-butylhydroquinone. The presence of any food additives in a food product is usually denoted by the index "E" (from Europe) within the framework of the European Community according to the International Classification. Each such additive has its own chemical, tested for safety, composition.

Classification of food additives according to the "Codex alimentaris" index:

E100-E182 - dyes used to impart different colors to products;
- E200 and further - preservatives used to extend the shelf life;
- E300 and further - antioxidants, as well as acidity regulators, slowing down the oxidation processes. In fact, they have a similar effect to preservatives) (E330 is a common citric acid, often used in home cooking);

E400-430 - stabilizers and thickeners, that is, substances that help to maintain the desired consistency of the product;
- E430-500 - emulsifiers, that is, preservatives similar in their action to stabilizers; support a specific structure of products;
- E500-E585 - leavening agents that prevent the formation of lumps and "caking" of products;

E620-E642 - additives used to enhance the taste and aroma of products;
- Е642-Е899 - spare indices;
- E900-E1521 - substances that reduce foaming, for example, when spilling juices, as well as sweeteners, glazing substances.

All that is “covered” by numbers from one to one hundred are natural food additives, that is, natural dyes and flavors that are of chemical origin, but they are allowed to be used in the production of food, except for the five prohibited.

Prohibited additives:

E-121, citrus red dye;
- E-123, amaranth - dye;
- E-240, formaldehyde - preservative;
- E-924a, potassium bromate - flour and bread improver;
- E-924b, calcium bromate - flour and bread improver.

These substances have a carcinogenic, mutagenic, allergenic effect on the body.

Food additives that have an adverse effect on the human body:

Carcinogenic effect - E103, E105, E121, E123, E125, E126, E130, E131, E142, E152, E210, E211, E213-217, E240, E330, E447;
- effect on the gastrointestinal tract - E221-226, E320-322, E338-341, E407, E450, E461-466;
- allergens - E230, E231, E232, E239, E311-313;
- effect on the liver and kidneys -E171-173, E320-322.

It should be noted that since 1999 the requirements for the control of the effectiveness and safety of biologically active food additives by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation have become higher.

Dietary supplements should not be advertised as a unique, most effective and safest remedy without side effects;
- the consumer must not be misled that the natural origin of dietary supplements is a guarantee of its safety;
- it is impossible to create the impression that the participation of a doctor is unnecessary when using dietary supplements.

It has been found that parts of certain 50 plants can be used in the production of dietary supplements; it is forbidden to use animal raw materials and plant organs that accumulate psychostimulating, potent and poisonous natural compounds as a starting material.

In the Sanitary Rules and Norms of the Russian Federation, published in recent years, it is established that dietary supplements should be used to prevent and maintain the physiological boundaries of the functional activity of human organs and systems. This characteristic makes it possible to understand that dietary supplements cannot replace food and they are not intended for the treatment of diseases.

The registration of dietary supplements today is carried out in accordance with Decree No. 21 of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor dated September 15, 1997. This legislative act introduced the procedure for state registration of dietary supplements in November of the same year, which provides for the registration of a registration certificate of the established sample for these products.

The current hygienic requirements and standards for the production of dietary supplements are established by the sanitary rules of 1996. They contain a section defining safety requirements for them, depending on the composition and necessary indicators of a particular type of biologically active product.

In the process of state registration, dietary supplements undergo an examination, where they are given an assessment of their effectiveness and safety for human life and health. The examination is regulated by the 1998 guidelines "On the assessment of the effectiveness and safety of food products."

On the basis of RF Government Decree No. 988 of December 21, 2000 "On state registration of food products and materials," the RF Ministry of Health issued Order No. 89 of March 26, 2001, establishing a clearer list of products subject to state registration. On May 29, 2002, a letter was sent from the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation "On strengthening the state sanitary and epidemiological supervision over the production and circulation of dietary supplements No. 2510 / 539902-27 (d)", which defines a list of medicinal plants and their processing products prohibited for use in single-component dietary supplements, as well as a list of plants, the presence of which in the composition of biologically active additives requires confirmation of the absence of a toxic effect. Methods for control of indicators of authenticity, efficiency and safety of these products have been developed.

From January 1, 2003, an Appendix was introduced in the form of SanPiN, which includes a list of plants that cannot be used for the manufacture of dietary supplements. It includes 183 items.

The list of potentially dangerous animal tissues, their extracts and products has been expanded, and an additional item “Plants and their processed products that should not be included in the composition of one-component biologically active food additives” has been added.

Finally, there were mandatory requirements for the labeling of dietary supplements.

Prepackaged and packagedbiologically active additivesmust have labels on which in Russian it is indicated:

Product name and type;
- TU number (for domestic dietary supplements);
- application area;
- the name of the manufacturer and its address, for imported dietary supplements - the country of origin, the name of the manufacturer;

Product weight and volume;
- the name of the ingredients included in the composition;
- nutritional value (calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, micronutrients);
- storage conditions;

Expiration date and date of manufacture, method of application (if additional preparation of dietary supplements is required);
- recommendations for use, dosage;
- contraindications for use and side effects (if necessary);
- special conditions for implementation (if necessary).

These requirements are harmonized with international legislation.

Note that the label is marked only with those values, the values ​​of which exceed 5% (vitamins and macro- and microelements) or 2% (other nutrients).

The percentage of most vitamins should not exceed the weighted average daily requirement by more than 3 times, and


Subject: Environmental Aspects in Food Hygiene

On the topic: Nutritional supplements and their effects on health.

Hygienic requirements for food additives.

INTRODUCTION …………………………………………………………………… ..3

1. Food additives and their effect on health ………………………………… 4

1.1 Concept and classification of food additives ………………………… ..4

1.2 The nature of the impact of types of food additives on health …………… ..11

2. Hygienic requirements for food additives ………………………… ..26

2.1 General provisions and scope …………………………… ..26

2.2 Hygiene requirements (general characteristics) ………………… .30

CONCLUSION ………………………………………………………………… ..39

REFERENCES ……………………………………………………… .40

APPENDICES ……………………………………………………………… ..41


To maintain normal life and metabolism, a person daily consumes proteins, fats, carbohydrates, trace elements, vitamins and other biologically active substances with food. However, due to the technologization of the food industry, the use of technological food additives in the manufacture of food products is becoming more widespread.

Food additives are natural, identical to natural or artificial substances that are not themselves consumed as a food product or a common food component. They are deliberately added to food systems for technological reasons at various stages of production, storage, transportation of finished products in order to improve or facilitate the production process or its individual operations, increase the resistance of the product to various types of spoilage, preserve the structure and appearance of the product, or deliberately change the organoleptic properties. ...

The relevance of the use of food additives is due to the need to increase the competitiveness of products. In most cases, food additives are added to improve the consumer properties of food.

When using food additives, the principle must be observed: "no matter how economically beneficial the use of a food additive, it can be introduced into practice only if it is completely harmless to public health." Harmlessness means the absence of toxic, carcinogenic, mutagenic, and teratogenic properties. However, some dietary supplements can be very hazardous to human health. Certain food additives, including those approved for use in the Russian Federation, have a carcinogenic effect, can cause upset stomach and intestines, affect blood pressure, cause a rash, etc.

1. Food additives and their effects on health

1.1 Concept and classification of food additives

The main goals of introducing nutritional supplements include:

1.improving the technology of preparation and processing of food raw materials, manufacturing, packaging, transportation and storage of food products. The additives used in this case should not mask the consequences of using low-quality or spoiled raw materials, or carrying out technological operations in unsanitary conditions;

2. preservation of the natural qualities of the food product;

3. improving the organoleptic properties or structure of food products and increasing their storage stability.

The use of food additives is permissible only if they, even with prolonged consumption in the composition of the product, do not threaten human health, and provided that the set technological tasks cannot be solved in another way. Usually food additives are divided into several groups:

- substances that improve the appearance of food products (dyes, color stabilizers, bleaches);

- substances that regulate the taste of the product (aromas, flavorings, sweeteners, acids and acidity regulators);

- substances that regulate the consistency and form the texture (thickeners, gelling agents, stabilizers, emulsifiers, etc.);

- substances that increase the safety of food and increase the shelf life (preservatives, antioxidants, etc.). Food additives do not include compounds that increase the nutritional value of food products and are classified as biologically active substances, such as vitamins, trace elements, amino acids, etc.

This classification of food additives is based on their technological functions. The Federal Law on the Quality and Safety of Food Products offers the following definition: "food additives are natural or artificial substances and their compounds, specially introduced into food products during their manufacture in order to impart certain properties to food products and (or) preserve the quality of food products."

Therefore, food additives are substances (compounds) that are deliberately added to food products to perform certain functions. Such substances, also called direct food additives, are not extraneous, such as, for example, various contaminants that "accidentally" get into the writing at various stages of its manufacture.

There is a difference between food additives and process aids. Auxiliary materials - any substances or materials that, other than food ingredients, are deliberately used in the processing of raw materials and obtaining products in order to improve technology; in finished food products, auxiliary materials should be completely absent, but can also be determined as non-removable residues.

Food additives have been used by humans for many centuries (salt, pepper, cloves, nutmeg, cinnamon, honey), but their widespread use began at the end XIX v. and was associated with the growth of the population and its concentration in cities, which necessitated an increase in the volume of food production, the improvement of traditional technologies for their production using the achievements of chemistry and biotechnology.

Today, there are several other reasons for the widespread use of nutritional supplements by food manufacturers. These include:

- modern methods of trade in the conditions of transportation of food products (including perishable and quickly stale products) over long distances, which determined the need for the use of additives that increase the time to preserve their quality;

- rapidly changing individual ideas of the modern consumer about food products, including their taste and attractive appearance, low cost, ease of use; satisfying such needs is associated with the use of, for example, flavorings, colors and other food additives;

Creation of new types of food that meet modern requirements of nutritional science, which is associated with the use of food additives that regulate the consistency of food products;

Improving the technology for obtaining traditional food products, creating new food products, including functional products.

The number of food additives used in food production in different countries today reaches 500 names (not counting combined additives, individual fragrances, flavors) 1 , in the European Community, about 300 are classified. To harmonize their use by manufacturers from different countries, the European Council has developed a rational system for the digital codification of food additives with the letter "E". It is included in the FAO / WHO Food Codex (FAO - UN World Food and Agriculture Organization; WHO - World Health Organization) as the international digital codification system for food additives. Each food additive is assigned a digital three- or four-digit number (in Europe, preceded by the letter E). They are used in combination with the names of functional classes, reflecting the grouping of food additives by technological functions (subclasses).

Experts identify the E index both with the word Europe and with the abbreviations EU / EU, which in Russian also begin with the letter E, as well as with the words ebsbar / edible , which in translation into Russian (respectively from German and English) means "edible". The E index in combination with a three- or four-digit number is a synonym and part of a complex name for a particular chemical that is a food additive. The designation of a specific substance as a food additive and an identification number with the index "E" has a clear interpretation, meaning that:

a) this particular substance has been tested for safety;

b) the substance can be used within the framework of its established safety and technological necessity, provided that the use of this substance does not mislead the consumer as to the type and composition of the food product into which it is introduced;

c) for a given substance, the purity criteria necessary to achieve a certain level of food quality have been established.

Consequently, approved food additives with an E index and an identification number have a certain quality. The quality of food additives is a set of characteristics that determine the technological properties and safety of food additives.

The presence of a food additive in a product must be indicated on the label, while it can be designated as an individual substance or as a representative of a specific functional class in combination with the code E. For example: sodium benzoate or preservative E211.

According to the proposed system of digital codification of food additives, their classification, in accordance with the purpose, is as follows (main groups):

E100-E182 dyes;

Е700-Е800 - spare indexes for other possible information;

Many food additives have complex technological functions that manifest themselves depending on the characteristics of the food system. For example, the additive E339 (sodium phosphates) can exhibit the properties of an acidity regulator, emulsifier, stabilizer, complexing agent and water-retaining agent.

The use of PD raises the question of their safety. At the same time, MPC (mg / kg) is taken into account - the maximum permissible concentration of foreign substances (including additives) in food, ADI (mg / kg body weight) - the permissible daily dose and ADI (mg / day) - the permissible daily intake - the value , calculated as the product of ADI by the average value of body weight - 60 kg.

The majority of food additives, as a rule, have no nutritional value, i.e., is not a plastic material for the human body, although some food additives are biologically active substances. The use of food additives, like any foreign (usually inedible) food ingredient, requires strict regulation and special control.

International experience in organizing and conducting systemic toxicological and hygienic studies of food additives is summarized in a special WHO document (1987/1991) "Principles for assessing the safety of food additives and contaminants in food". According to the Law of the Russian Federation (RF) "On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population," state preventive and current sanitary supervision is carried out by the bodies of the sanitary and epidemiological service. The safety of the use of food additives in food production is regulated by the documents of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

The Tolerable Daily Intake (ADI) has been a central issue in the safety of food additives for the past 30 years.

It should be noted that a large number of complex nutritional supplements have appeared recently. Complex food additives mean industrially manufactured mixtures of food additives of the same or different technological purpose, which may include, in addition to food additives, biologically active additives, and some types of food raw materials: flour, sugar, starch, protein, spices, etc. e. Such mixtures are not food additives, but are technological additives of complex action. They are especially widespread in bakery technology, in the production of flour confectionery, in the meat industry. Sometimes this group includes auxiliary materials of a technological nature.

Over the past decades, the world of technology and the range of food products has undergone tremendous changes. 2 They not only reflected on traditional, time-tested technologies and familiar products, but also led to the emergence of new food groups with new composition and properties, to simplify technology and reduce the production cycle, and expressed themselves in fundamentally new technological and hardware solutions.

The use of a large group of food additives that have received the conditional concept of "technological additives" made it possible to get answers to many of the pressing questions. They are widely used to solve a number of technological problems:

- acceleration of technological processes (enzyme preparations, chemical catalysts of certain technological processes, etc.);

- regulating and improving the texture of food systems and finished products (emulsifiers, gelling agents, stabilizers, etc.)

- preventing clumping and smoothing of the product;

- improving the quality of raw materials and finished products (flour bleaches, myoglobin fixers, etc.);

- improving the appearance of products (polishing agents);

- improvement of extraction (new types of extracting substances);

- solving independent technological issues in the production of certain food products.

The selection of an independent group of technological additives from the total number of food additives is rather arbitrary, since in some cases the technological process itself is impossible without them. Examples of these are extractants and fat hydrogenation catalysts, which are essentially auxiliary materials. They do not improve the technological process, but implement it, make it possible. Some technological additives are considered in other subclasses of food additives, many of them affect the course of the technological process, the efficiency of using raw materials and the quality of finished products.

It should be recalled that the classification of food additives provides for the definition of functions, and most technological additives have them.

The study of complex nutritional supplements, as well as auxiliary materials, is the task of special courses and disciplines that deal with issues of specific technologies. In this chapter of the textbook, we will focus only on general approaches to the selection of technological additives.

1.2 The nature of the impact of types of food additives on health

Now let's move on to not such rosy descriptions of the effect of certain food additives on our body. So, the danger from our consumption of all kinds of products with a high content of E-additives is associated with the fact that if any food additives are not recognized by the relevant sanitary and laboratory authorities as fatal when consumed, then they are mostly considered non-hazardous. And consuming them, respectively, we involuntarily become ordinary guinea pigs.

In addition to prohibited food additives, there are also permitted, but considered dangerous (provoke the development of malignant tumors, kidney, liver disease, etc.), however, in the framework of this work, their listing may seem somewhat cumbersome.

So when choosing products in a store, you should not fall into the trap of beautiful packaging, it is advisable to look at the reverse side of the label and at least roughly estimate whether your body will withstand such a "chemical attack".

The introduction of food additives should not increase the degree of risk, possible adverse effect of the product on the consumer's health, and also reduce its nutritional value (with the exception of some products for special and dietary purposes).

Determination of the correct ratio between the dose and the human response to it, the application of a high safety factor ensure that the use of the food additive, while observing the level of consumption, does not pose a danger to human health.

The most important condition for ensuring food safety is compliance with the permissible daily intake of food additives (ADI). The number of combined food additives, food improvers containing food, biologically active additives (BAA) and other components is growing. Gradually, the creators of food additives are becoming the developers of the technology for their implementation.

In the Russian Federation, it is possible to use only those food additives that have permission from the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of Russia within the limits given in the Sanitary Rules (SanPiN) 3 .

Food additives must be added to food products in the minimum amount necessary to achieve the technological effect, but not more than the limits established by the Sanitary Rules.

The study of the safety of food additives, the determination of ADI, ADI, MPC is a complex, lengthy, very expensive, but extremely necessary and important process for human health. It requires continuous attention and improvement.

Food additives prohibited for use in the Russian Federation in the production of food products are presented in Appendix 1.

Food colorings

The main group of substances that determine the appearance of food products are food colorings.

The consumer has long been accustomed to a certain color of food products, associating their quality with it; dyes have been used in the food industry for a long time. Under the conditions of modern food technologies, including various types of heat treatment (boiling, sterilization, frying, etc.), as well as during storage, food products often change their original color, familiar to the consumer, and sometimes acquire an unaesthetic appearance, which makes them less attractive, negatively affects appetite and digestion. The color changes especially strongly when canning fruits and vegetables. As a rule, this is associated with the transformation of chlorophylls into pheophytin or with a change in the color of anthocyanin dyes as a result of a change in the pH of the medium or the formation of complexes with metals. At the same time, dyes are sometimes used for counterfeiting food products, for example, coloring them that are not provided for by the recipe and technology - to give the product properties that allow it to imitate its high quality or increased value. Natural (natural) or synthetic (organic and inorganic) dyes are used for coloring food products. At present, in the Russian Federation, about 60 names of natural and synthetic dyes are allowed for use in food products, including additives indicated by lowercase letters and lowercase Roman numerals and included in the same group of compounds with a single E-number.

The list of dyes approved for use in the Russian Federation in the production of food products is given in Appendix 2.

Two dyes: calcium carbonate E170 (surface dye, stabilizer, anti-caking additive) and food tannins H181 (dye, emulsifier, stabilizer) are food additives of complex action. The rules for the use of individual dyes specify the type of product and the maximum levels of use of the dye in a particular product, if these levels are established. From a hygienic point of view, among the dyes used for coloring products, special attention is paid to synthetic dyes. Their toxic, mutagenic and carcinogenic effects are evaluated. The toxicological assessment of natural dyes takes into account the nature of the object from which it was isolated and the levels of its use. Modified natural dyes, as well as dyes isolated from non-food raw materials, undergo toxicological assessment according to the same scheme as synthetic ones. The most widely used food colors are in the production of confectionery, beverages, margarines, some types of canned food, breakfast cereals, processed cheeses, ice cream.

Natural dyes are usually isolated from natural sources in the form of a mixture of compounds of different chemical nature, the composition of which depends on the source and production technology, and therefore it is often difficult to ensure its consistency. Natural dyes include carotenoids, anthocyanins, flavonoids, chlorophylls. They, as a rule, do not possess toxicity, but for some of them the allowable daily doses are established. Some natural food colors or their mixtures and compositions have biological activity, increase the nutritional value of the colored product. The raw materials for the production of natural food colors are various parts of wild and cultivated plants, waste of their processing at wineries, sap-producing and canning factories, in addition, some of them are obtained by chemical or microbiological synthesis. Natural dyes, including modified ones, are sensitive to the action of atmospheric oxygen (for example, carotenoids), acids and alkalis (for example, anthocyanins), temperature, and may undergo microbiological deterioration.

Synthetic dyes have significant technological advantages over most natural dyes. They produce vibrant, easily reproducible colors and are less sensitive to the various influences that material is exposed to during the process flow. Synthetic food colors - representatives of several classes of organic compounds: azo dyes (tartrazine - E102; yellow “sunset” - E110; carmoisine - E122; crimson 4K - E124; shiny black - E151); triarylmethane dyes (blue proprietary V -E131; blue shiny - E133; green 5 - E142); quinoline (yellow quinoline - E104); indigoids (indigo carmine - E132). All these compounds are readily soluble in water, most form insoluble complexes with metal ions, and are used in this form for coloring powdery products.

Mineral pigments and metals are used as dyes. In the Russian Federation, the use of 7 mineral dyes and pigments is allowed, including charcoal.

Food additives that change the structure and properties of products

This group of food additives also includes substances used to create the necessary or change the existing rheological properties of food products, i.e., additives that regulate or form their consistency. These include additives of various functional classes - thickeners, gelling agents, stabilizers of the physical state of food products, surfactants, in particular, emulsifiers and foaming agents.

The chemical nature of food additives classified in this group is quite diverse. Among them there are products of natural origin and artificially obtained, including chemical synthesis. In food technology, they are used as individual compounds or mixtures.

In recent years, in the group of food additives that raid the consistency of the product, much attention has been paid to stabilization systems, which include several components: an emulsifier, a stabilizer, a thickener. Their qualitative composition, the ratio of components can be very diverse, which depends on the nature of the food product, its consistency, production technology, storage conditions, method of sale.

The use of such additives in modern food technology makes it possible to create an assortment of products of an emulsion and gel nature (margarines, mayonnaises, sauces, marshmallows, marshmallows, marmalade, etc.), structured and textured.

Stabilization systems are widely used in public and home catering and cooking. They are used in the production of soups (dry, canned, frozen), sauces (mayonnaise, tomato sauces), bouillon products, products for canned dishes.

Food additives that affect the taste and aroma of foods

When evaluating food products, the consumer pays special attention to their taste and aroma. Traditions, habits, a sense of harmony that arises in the human body when eating foods with a certain pleasant taste and aroma play an important role here. Unpleasant, atypical taste is often and rightly associated with product quality. Physiology of nutrition considers flavoring and aromatic substances as important components of food that improve digestion by activating the secretion of the digestive glands, various parts of the gastrointestinal tract, increasing the enzymatic activity of secreted digestive juices, which contribute to the process of digestion and assimilation of food. According to modern concepts, flavoring substances contribute to the improvement of the intestinal microflora, reducing dysbiosis in representatives of various groups of the population. At the same time, excessive consumption of hot spices and sources of essential oils leads to damage to the pancreas, has a negative effect on the liver. Spicy and sweet foods undoubtedly accelerate the aging process of the body.

Taste perception is an extremely complex, poorly understood process associated with the interaction of molecules responsible for the taste of a substance with the corresponding receptor. In humans, the sensory system has several types of taste buds: salty, sour, bitter, and sweet. They are located on separate parts of the tongue and react to different substances. Separate gustatory sensations can interfere with each other, especially when several compounds are exposed at the same time. The total effect depends on the nature of the compounds that give rise to the taste sensation and on the concentration of the substances used.

No less difficult is the problem of the body's reaction to the aroma (smell) of food. Smell is a special property of substances perceived by the senses (olfactory receptors) located in the upper parts of the claim cavity. This process is called the sense of smell. According to experts, this process is influenced by a number of factors (chemical, biological and others). In the food industry, aroma is one of the most important factors determining the popularity of a product in the modern market. However, in a broad sense, the word "aroma" often refers to the taste and smell of a product. Food, entering the oral cavity, acts on various receptors, causing mixed sensations of taste, smell, temperature and others, which determine the desire to taste, eat this product. Taste and aroma are part of the complex evaluation of a food product, its “tastyness”.

The taste and aroma of food is determined by many factors. The main ones include the following.

1. The composition of raw materials, the presence of certain flavoring components in it.

2. Flavors specially introduced into food systems in the lobby of the process stream. Among them: sweeteners, essential oils, fragrances, flavors, spices, table salt, food acids and alkalizing compounds, flavor enhancers and aroma ("taste revitalizers").

3. Substances affecting and sometimes determining the taste and aroma of finished products and arising as a result of various chemical, biochemical and microbiological processes occurring during the production of food iodine by the influence of various factors.

4. Additives specially added to finished products (salt, sweeteners, spices, sauces, etc.).

In accordance with the division into the main functional classes, food additives, by strict definition, include only some of the listed groups of introduced substances: sweeteners, flavoring agents, flavor and aroma enhancers, acids. However, in practice, all of the specially introduced substances listed are referred to the group of additives that determine the taste and aroma of food products, so we will dwell in detail in this section on the main representatives.

Taste and aroma enhancers approved for use in the Russian Federation are presented in Appendix 3.

Food additives that slow down the deterioration of raw materials and products

Spoilage of food raw materials and finished products is the result of complex physicochemical and microbiological processes: hydrolytic, oxidative, development of microbial flora. They are closely related to each other, the possibility and speed of their passage is determined by many factors: the composition and state of food systems, humidity, pH of the environment, enzyme activity, features of the technology of storage and processing of raw materials, the presence of antimicrobial, antioxidant and preservative substances in plant and animal raw materials.

Spoilage of food products leads to a decrease in their quality, deterioration of organoleptic properties, the accumulation of compounds harmful and hazardous to human health, and a sharp reduction in shelf life. As a result, the product becomes unusable.

Eating spoiled food, attacked by microorganisms and containing toxins, can lead to severe poisoning and sometimes death. Live microorganisms pose a significant danger. Once ingested with food into the human body, they can lead to severe food poisoning. Spoilage of food raw materials and finished products leads to huge economic losses. Therefore, ensuring the quality and safety of food products, increasing their shelf life, and reducing losses are of enormous social and economic importance. It should also be remembered that the production of basic agricultural raw materials (grain, oilseeds, vegetables, fruits, etc.) is seasonal, it cannot be immediately processed into finished products and requires significant efforts and costs to preserve.

The need for preserving (canning) the harvested crop, production obtained as a result of hunting or fishing, harvested berries and mushrooms, as well as the products of their processing, arose in humans for a long time. He long ago drew attention to the deterioration of the organoleptic properties of stored products, their spoilage, and began to look for ways to effectively store and preserve them. At first it was drying and salting, the use of spices, vinegar, oil, honey, salt, sulfurous acid (to stabilize the wine). At the end XIX - early XX v. with the development of chemistry, the use of chemical preservatives begins: benzoic and salicylic acids, derivatives of benzoic acid. Preservatives became widespread at the end XX century.

Another important area of ​​preservation of raw materials and food products is to slow down the oxidative processes occurring in the fat fraction with the help of antioxidants.

The preservation of food raw materials, intermediate products and finished products is achieved in other ways: by reducing humidity (drying), using low temperatures, heating, salting, smoking. In this chapter, we will focus only on the use of food additives that protect food from spoilage, extending their shelf life.

Biologically active additives

Biologically active additives (BAA) are natural (identical to natural) biologically active substances intended for use simultaneously with food or for incorporation into food products. They are divided into nutraceuticals - dietary supplements with nutritional value, and parapharmaceuticals - dietary supplements with pronounced biological activity.

Nutraceuticals are essential nutrients that are natural food ingredients: vitamins and their precursors, polyunsaturated fatty acids, including w -3-polyunsaturated fatty acids, phospholipids, certain minerals and trace elements (calcium, iron, selenium, zinc, iodine, fluorine), essential amino acids, some mono- and disaccharides, dietary fiber (cellulose, pectin, hemicellulose, etc.).

Nutraceuticals allow each individual, even with a standard set of food basket, to have their own individual diet, the optimal composition of which depends on the body's needs for nutrients. These needs are formed by many factors, which include gender, age, physical activity, peculiarities of the biochemical constitution and biorhythms of a person, his physical condition (emotional stress, pregnancy of a woman, etc.), the ecological conditions of his environment. The consumption of nutraceuticals as part of the diet makes it possible to relatively easily and quickly compensate for the deficient essential nutrients and to ensure the satisfaction of the physiological needs of a person, changing during his illness, to organize medical nutrition.

Nutraceuticals, capable of enhancing the elements of enzymatic protection of the cell, contribute to an increase in the body's nonspecific resistance to the effects of various unfavorable factors of the human environment on it.

The positive effects of exposure include the ability of nutraceuticals to bind and accelerate the excretion of foreign and toxic substances from the body, as well as to purposefully change the metabolism of certain substances, for example, toxicants, by affecting the enzymatic systems of xenobiotic metabolism.

The considered effects of the use of nutraceuticals provide the conditions for the primary and secondary prevention of various alimentary-dependent diseases, which include obesity, atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular diseases, malignant neoplasms and immune-deficient conditions.

Currently, a large number of branded preparations are produced containing separate groups of nutraceuticals and their combinations.

Such drugs include vitamin and vitamin-mineral complexes, phospholipid preparations, in particular lecithin, etc.

Parapharmaceuticals are minor components of writing. These include organic acids, bioflavonoids, caffeine, peptide regulators, eubiotics(compounds that maintain the normal composition and functional activity of the intestinal microflora).

The group of parapharmaceuticals also includes biologically active additives that regulate appetite and help reduce the energy value of the diet. The effects that determine the functional role of parapharmaceuticals include:

- regulation of the microbiocenosis of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT);

- regulation of nervous activity;

- regulation of the functional activity of organs and systems (secretory, digestive, etc.)

- adaptogenic effect.

It should be emphasized that the effectiveness of the regulatory and adaptogenic effects of parapharmaceuticals is limited by the physiological norm. Exposure effects exceeding these limits are classified as medicinal products. The combination of these effects provides the human body with the ability to adapt to extreme conditions. The use of parapharmaceuticals is an effective form of adjuvant therapy.

Why has so much attention been paid to dietary supplements recently? Here are the achievements of medicine, which have shown that it is possible to provide good nutrition only with the widespread use of dietary supplements, which can be obtained from any biological substrate (animal, plant, microbiological), and the economy (synthesis of drugs is expensive), and the peculiarities of human development. With a change in lifestyle and diet, humans seem to have lost some of their enzyme systems. We can say that food has formed a person, and metabolic imbalance with nature has become a consequence of human activity. The essential nature of nutrients for today's person is a reflection of the nutritional status of our ancestors. Changes in lifestyle and nutrition have led to a sharp reduction in energy costs, which today amount to 2.2-2.5 thousand calories per day. The small volume of natural food does not even theoretically allow the body to provide all the necessary substances (proteins, polyunsaturated acids, vitamins, minerals, including selenium). Changes in the structure of nutrition ("achievement" of the food industry) cut off the flow of exogenous regulators and deprived humans of such a form of connection with nature. The widespread use of dietary supplements in food production can solve these issues. At the same time, if the use of nugraceuticals is obvious today, the use of parapharmaceuticals has many unresolved issues of a chemical, biochemical and medical nature.

Genetically modified sources

Products that include genetically modified organisms, they are also genetically modified sources ( I MI), appeared on the shelves in European supermarkets in 1994-1996. The firstborn was tomato paste made from genetically modified tomatoes.

Gradually, the list of GMOs expanded and at present 63% of GM soybeans, 19% of GM corn, 13% of GM cotton, as well as potatoes, rice, rapeseed, tomato, etc. are used in the production of products. the area used for the cultivation of GM plants has increased 30 times. The leading positions in the production of GMOs are occupied by the USA (68%), Argentina (11.8%), Kanata (6%) and China (3%). However, recently other countries, including Russia, have been involved in this process. The safety of this type of product for human health and life, ecology and the economic effect of using this type of product are discussed. One thing is clear: in the future, GMI will expand its presence in the markets of both Western countries and Russia.

GMI is the product of selection based on the manipulation of genetic elements. A gene encoding a polypeptide (protein) or a group of peptides with a specific function is introduced into the genome of an organism, and an organism with new phenotypic traits is obtained. These signs are mainly: resistance to herbicides and / or to insect pests of this species. It is the new phenotypic traits that are unusual for this species that cause concern among opponents of the spread of GMI.

It is argued that this kind of interference with natural processes can be detrimental to consumers of the genetically modified plant. The ecological damage from this type of selection is also unclear: a plant to which the gene for resistance to insects and / or herbicide has been introduced will have advantages over both its wild relatives and unrelated pitchforks. This will lead to environmental imbalances, food chain disruption, etc. On the other hand, representatives of large companies producing GMOs argue that the cultivation of GM crops is perhaps the only way to solve the global food problem.

GM plants admitted to the market and the countries in which they can be marketed are given in Appendix 4.

Legalization and labeling of GMO in the EU and Russia

Despite the fact that at present no components hazardous to human health have been found in the GMI, a potential hazard still exists. The fact thatGMI firmly established itself in the global food market, forced many countries, relying on various laws, one way or another related to "consumer rights", to label products containing GMI. As mentioned above, the first product to hit UK supermarkets was tomato paste made from modified tomatoes.

In the same year (and the European market appeared products containing new authorized genetic modifications. Such products were soybeans and corn (modification BT-176). As a result, a new Directive I39 / 98 / EC was introduced. This document determined the requirements for product labeling in if new sequences of deoxyribonucleic acids (DNA) or new proteins are found in them or their production materials Directive 1139/98 / EC regulated qualitative methods (yes / no principle) for the determination of GMI in products in order to prevent products with unauthorized genetic modifications from entering the market Directive 1139/98 / EC was amended two years later, when it became clear that due to the peculiarities of food production technology, contamination (contamination) with modified materials may appear in unmodified materials. it is said that if more than 1% of impurities are detected, modif of the analyzed materials, it is necessary to carry out a quantitative analysis of the GMI content.

In Russia, a number of federal icons and regulations have been adopted that regulate the circulation of genetically modified products and materials for their production. Among them: Federal Law "On the quality and safety of food products." Since September 1, 2002, mandatory labeling of food products from GMI has been introduced. In accordance with the Federal Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights", such products must be labeled. The methods of analysis regulated by the standards have such a high resolution that without additional efforts it is impossible to estimate the content of GM lines in the product above 0.1%. and thus to characterize the product as containing genetic modification or contaminated with products containing GMI. Another drawback of all documents is that they regulate the detection of GMI content without screening, i.e. the researcher can answer the question: does a given sample contain a modification, and it is impossible to establish which modification the sample contains, in accordance with the above documents.

Genetic elements are parts of a DNA molecule, which are sequences that are indirectly, through "RNA." encode a polypeptide chain of a protein, as well as various auxiliary sequences such as a promoter and a terminator. Thus, GMI is an organism in which the DNA of another organism is embedded in its genome. The ultimate goal of modification is to obtain a trait that is absent in an unmodified individual of a given species.

It follows from the above that the researcher has three objects, but with which he can directly judge whether a given organism, food product and / or material of its production is genetically modified.

These objects are:

1) inserted DNA sequence and flanking auxiliary sequences;

2) mRNA, the matrix for the synthesis of which the embedded DNA served;

3) polypeptide chain, the code, the sequences of which are contained in the inserted DNA.

2. Hygienic requirements for food additives.

2.1 General and scope

Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations (hereinafter referred to as sanitary rules) are developed in accordance with the Federal Laws "On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population" dated March 30, 1999 N 52-FZ (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1999, N 14 Art. 1650) ; "On the quality and safety of food products" dated 02.01.2000, N 29-FZ (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2000, N 2 Art. 150); "Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of the health of citizens" of July 22, 1993 (Bulletin of the Congress of People's Deputies of the Russian Federation, 1993, N 33, Art. 1318), Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 24, 2000 N 554 "On approval of the Regulations on the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of the Russian Federation and the Regulations on the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Standardization "(Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2000, No. 31, Art. 3295).

Sanitary rules 4 establish hygienic safety standards for humans and apply to food products, food additives and aids at the stages of development and production of new types of these products; during its production, import into the country and circulation, as well as during the development of regulatory documentation, sanitary and epidemiological examination and state registration, in accordance with the established procedure.

Sanitary rules are intended for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities whose activities are carried out in the field of production, import into the country and circulation of food products, food additives and aids, as well as for bodies and institutions carrying out state sanitary and epidemiological supervision.

Drafts of normative and technical documentation for food additives and auxiliaries, as well as food products containing them, are subject to a sanitary and epidemiological examination in accordance with the established procedure. The content of food additives and non-removable residues of auxiliary agents in food products must comply with the requirements of regulatory and technical documents.

The production of food additives and auxiliaries must be carried out in accordance with regulatory and technical documentation, meet safety and quality requirements and be confirmed by the manufacturer with a certificate of product quality and safety.

The manufacturer of the product must indicate the use of genetically modified sources (enzyme preparations, products from vegetable oils and proteins, starch, and others).

The production of food additives and aids is allowed only after their state registration in accordance with the current regulations.

The production, storage of food additives is allowed in organizations that have a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on the compliance of production and storage conditions with sanitary rules and regulations.

A change in production technology and an expansion of the scope of application of a previously approved food additive and auxiliary means is carried out in the presence of a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion.

To carry out an expert assessment of a new food additive and auxiliary means and their registration in accordance with the established procedure, documents are provided that prove their safety for human health:

Characterization of a substance or preparation with an indication of its chemical formula, physicochemical properties, method of production, content of the main substance, presence and content of intermediate products, impurities, degree of purity, toxicological characteristics, including metabolism in an animal body, the mechanism for achieving the desired technological effect, possible products of interaction with food substances;

Technological justification for the use of new products, its advantages over the already used additives; a list of food products in which additives and excipients are used, dosages required to achieve a technological effect;

Technical documentation, including methods for controlling a food additive (products of its transformation) in a food product;

For imported products, a permit from the health authorities for their use in the exporting country is additionally submitted.

Food additives and auxiliaries imported into the territory of the Russian Federation must meet the requirements of sanitary rules and hygienic standards in force in the Russian Federation, unless otherwise stipulated by international agreements.

Production, import into the country, sale and use of food additives and aids are allowed subject to availability sanitary an epidemiological conclusion confirming the safety of the product and its compliance with the established hygienic standards.

The safety and quality of food additives and auxiliaries is determined on the basis of a sanitary and epidemiological examination of a specific type of product and an assessment of its compliance with the regulatory documents of the Russian Federation and international requirements - EU Directives and FAO-WHO Specifications adopted by the Russian Federation.

The safety indicators for food additives and auxiliaries should ensure the safety of the food products in which they are used.

During the production and circulation of food additives and aids, the conditions for their transportation, storage and sale must be ensured and observed in accordance with the requirements of sanitary rules, regulatory and technical documentation.

On the labels of complex food additives, the mass fraction in the product of those food additives, the level of which is standardized by these sanitary rules, should be indicated.

On the packaging (labels) of food additives intended for retail sale, it is necessary to indicate the recommendations for use (method of use, doses, etc.).

On the packaging of multicomponent food products, information is entered on the food additives included in the individual components in the following cases:

If such food additives have a technological effect;

If food products are baby and diet food.

For the compliance of food additives and auxiliaries with safety requirements, production control must be organized in accordance with current legislation and sanitary rules. 5 ... Test laboratory centers accredited in accordance with the established procedure may be involved in production control.

2.2 Hygiene requirements (general)

For the production of food products, food additives and auxiliaries are allowed that do not (taking into account the established regulations), according to modern scientific research, have a harmful effect on the life and health of humans and future generations. The use of food additives and auxiliaries should not impair the organoleptic properties of products, as well as reduce their nutritional value (with the exception of some products for special and dietary purposes).

It is not allowed to use food additives to hide spoilage and poor quality of raw materials or finished food products.

It is allowed to use food additives in the form of ready-made compositions - multicomponent mixtures (complex food additives). New types of food additives and aids that are not regulated by these sanitary rules are allowed in the prescribed manner.

Food products that receive food additives with raw materials or semi-finished products (secondary intake) must meet the requirements established for the finished product (the total amount of the food additive from all sources of intake is taken into account).

For food additives that do not pose a danger to human health and an excessive amount of which can lead to technical deterioration of the product, the maximum level of their introduction into food products should be determined by technological instructions (hereinafter - TI).

This TI rule does not apply to the following products: unprocessed food products, honey, wines, non-emulsified oils and fats of animal and vegetable origin, cow butter, pasteurized and sterilized milk and cream, natural mineral waters, coffee (other than instant flavored coffee) and coffee extracts, unflavored leaf tea, sugar, pasta, natural, unflavored buttermilk (except sterilized).

Food additives - acids, bases and salts are allowed for use to change the acidity of a food product, acid and alkaline hydrolysis of food raw materials, as well as to impart a sour taste to the product.

Preservatives are used to prevent bacteria and fungi from spoiling food and to increase their shelf life.

It is not allowed to use preservatives in the production of food products of mass consumption: milk, butter, flour, bread (except prepackaged and packaged for long-term storage), fresh meat, as well as in the production of dietary and baby food and food products designated as "natural" or "fresh".

When using nitrites in industrial food production, special precautions must be taken:

Nitrites should be delivered to production shops only in the form of working solutions with an indication of the concentration and be there only in a specially designed closed container with the name "NITRITE";

The use of containers intended for nitrite solutions for other purposes is not allowed.

Antioxidants are used to prevent oxidation of fats and other food components. Natural magnesium silicates must be free of asbestos.

To create and preserve a certain consistency in the finished food product, food additives are used - consistency stabilizers, emulsifiers, thickeners, texturers, binding agents.

Food additives - thickeners and stabilizers (modified starches, pectin, alginates, agar, carrageenan and other gums) must comply with the hygienic requirements of sanitary rules for food safety and nutritional value.

To increase the baking properties of flour, food additives are used - flour and bread improvers.

Natural, synthetic and mineral (inorganic) dyes are used to add, enhance or restore the color of food products, including for coloring the shell of Easter eggs 6 .

Coloring of food products is allowed as separate (individual) dyes, and combined (mixed), consisting of two or more dyes.

Food coloring additives do not include food products with a secondary coloring effect (fruit and vegetable juices or purees, coffee, cocoa, saffron, paprika and other food products).

Food colors do not include those used for coloring the inedible outer parts of food products (casings for cheeses and sausages, for branding meat, marking eggs and cheeses).

For certain types of food, only certain colorants must be used. 7 .

For coloring the surface of some products, in addition to soluble forms of dyes, approved water-insoluble varnishes can be used, the maximum levels of which, when applied, must correspond to the maximum level for soluble forms of dyes.

To increase the stability of the natural color of foodstuffs, stabilizers and color (color) fixatives are used 8 ... To make food products shine and glossy, it is allowed to apply food additives - glazing agents on their surface.

To correct the taste and aroma of a food product, food additives are used - enhancers and modifiers of taste and aroma 9 .

Sweeteners are used to give food products and ready meals a sweet taste - substances of a non-sugar nature. 10 .

Sweeteners are used in foods with a reduced energy value (at least 30% compared to the traditional recipe) and in special dietary products intended for people who are advised to limit their sugar intake for medical reasons. Regulatory and technical documentation and recipes for such products are agreed in accordance with the established procedure.

The use of sweeteners in the production of baby food is not allowed, with the exception of specialized products for children with diabetes. The production of sweeteners in the form of complex food additives-mixtures of individual sweeteners or with other food ingredients (fillers, solvents or food additives for other functional purposes, sugar, glucose, lactose) is allowed. The mass fraction of individual sweeteners is indicated in the regulatory and technical documentation.

It is allowed to manufacture for retail sale of sweeteners intended for use at home and catering organizations, indicating the composition of the sweeteners on the labels, their mass fraction and recommendations for their use.

When selling sweeteners containing polyhydric alcohols (sorbitol, xylitol, etc.), a warning inscription should be applied on the label: "Consumption of more than 15-20 g per day may cause a laxative effect", and containing aspartame - "Contains a source of phenylalanine".

In food production technology, the use of filler carriers and filler solvents is allowed 11 .

To impart a specific aroma and taste in the production of food products, the use of food flavorings (flavoring substances) is allowed. Food flavoring agents (hereinafter referred to as flavoring agents) do not include aqueous alcoholic infusions and carbon dioxide extracts of plant materials, as well as fruit-berry juices (including concentrated ones), syrups, wines, cognacs, spices and other products.

It is not allowed to add flavors to natural products to enhance their natural aroma (milk, bread, directly squeezed fruit juices, cocoa, coffee and tea, except soluble ones, spices, etc.).

It is not allowed to use flavors to eliminate changes in the aroma of food products due to their spoilage or poor quality of raw materials. 12 .

The scope and maximum dosages of flavors are set by the manufacturer, regulated in regulatory and technical documents and confirmed by a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion. The use of flavorings in the production of food products is regulated by the established technological instructions and recipes for the manufacture of these products. The content of flavoring agents in food products should not exceed the established regulations.

In terms of safety indicators, flavorings must meet the following requirements:

In smoking flavors, the content of benzo (a) pyrene should not exceed 2 μg / kg (l), the contribution of smoking flavors to the content of benzo (a) pyrene in food products should not exceed 0.03 μg / kg (l);

The ingredient composition of flavors, including aromatic components, is coordinated with the Ministry of Health of Russia.

When using in the production of flavors raw materials of plant origin containing biologically active substances, the manufacturer is obliged to declare their content in the finished flavors. The content of biologically active substances in food products should not exceed the standards 13 .

It is allowed to enter into the composition of flavorings food products (juices, salt, sugar, spices, etc.), fillers (solvents or carriers), food additives and substances (bitterness, tonic additives and enrichment additives) that have sanitary and epidemiological conclusions.

In ready-to-eat baby food products, the content of food additives should not exceed the standardized (maximum) levels.

Nutritional supplements are used in the production of breast milk substitutes 14 .

When processing raw materials and food products in order to improve the technology, the use of auxiliary means is allowed 15 .

Assistive products are regulated by their main functional classes:

Clarifying and filtering materials, flocculants and sorbents;

Extraction and technological solvents;


Nutrients (top dressing) for yeast;

Enzyme preparations;

Materials and carriers for enzyme immobilization;

Other aids (with other functions not listed above).

In sugar production, winemaking and other branches of the food industry, clarifying, filtering materials, flocculants and sorbents are used. 16 .

Catalysts are used in the production of edible oils and other products 17 .

In the production of fatty products and some food additives (flavorings, dyes, etc.), extraction and technological solvents are used. In the production of bread and bakery products, nutritional yeast, nutrients (feeding, substrate) for yeast are used.

In the technology of processing raw materials and food products, it is allowed to use auxiliary means with other technological functions in accordance with the regulations 18 .

In the technology of food production in the food industry, it is allowed to use enzyme preparations. Enzyme activity in finished food products should not be detectable.

To obtain enzyme preparations as sources and producers, it is allowed to use organs and tissues of healthy farm animals, cultivated plants, as well as non-pathogenic and non-toxic special strains of microorganisms of bacteria and lower fungi in accordance with the regulations 19 .

To standardize the activity and increase the stability of enzyme preparations, it is allowed to enter food additives (potassium chloride, sodium phosphate, glycerin and others) in their composition, permitted in the prescribed manner. For the production of enzyme preparations, auxiliary means may be used as immobilizing materials and solid carriers. 20 .

In the regulatory and technical documentation for enzyme preparations, it is necessary to indicate the source of the preparation and its characteristics, including the main and additional activity.

For strains of microorganisms - producers of enzymes, the following information must additionally be provided:

Information about the taxonomic position (generic and specific name of the strain, number and original name; information about deposition in the collection of cultures and about modifications);

Materials on studies of cultures for toxigenicity and pathogenicity (for strains of representatives of genera, among which there are conditionally pathogenic microorganisms);

Declaration on the use of strains of genetically modified microorganisms in the production of enzyme preparations.

In terms of safety indicators, enzyme preparations must meet the following requirements:

In terms of microbiological parameters, enzyme preparations must meet the following requirements:

The number of mesophilic aerobic and facultative anaerobic microorganisms (KMAFAnM), CFU / g, no more - 5 · 10 (for enzyme preparations of plant, bacterial and fungal origin), 1 · 10 (for enzyme preparations of animal origin, including milk-clotting);

Coliform bacteria (BGKP, coliforms) in 0.1 g - not allowed;

Pathogenic microorganisms, including salmonella, in 25 g - are not allowed;

E. coli in 25 g - not allowed;

Enzyme preparations should not contain viable forms of enzyme producers;

Enzyme preparations of bacterial and fungal origin should not have antibiotic activity;

Enzyme preparations of fungal origin should not contain mycotoxins (aflatoxin B, T-2 toxin, zearalenone, ochratoxin A, sterigmatocystin).

When controlling the content of mycotoxins in enzyme preparations, it should be borne in mind that the producers of mycotoxins are most often toxigenic strains of fungi: Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus - for aflatoxins and sterigmatocystin; Aspergillus ochraceus and Penicillium verrucosum, less often - Aspergillus sclerotiorium, Aspergillus melleus, Aspergillus alliaceus, Aspergillus sulphureus - for ochratoxin A; Fusarium graminearum, less often other Fusarium species - for zearalenone, deoxynivalenol and T-2 toxin.


Nowadays, it is imperative to fortify food with the nutrients we need. This is indicated, for example, by blood tests, in which there is a lack of folic acid, beta-carotene, iron, iodine, fluorine, selenium. We can get the micronutrients we need from food. But, as life shows, the average Russian lacks up to 30-50% of nutrients with food. One of the ways to replenish them is the regular consumption of vitamins, premixes, nutrient enrichment of food products, although this is difficult from a technological point of view. Such food additives can be vitamin and mineral mixtures, prophylactic salts (iodized, low sodium), multifunctional herbal supplements (for example, wheat germ). Also important is the use of selenium, which is found in garlic and special yeast enriched with this element. The use of nutritional supplements in a person's diet can play a very large role in a person's life.

Modern technologies for the preparation of food products of mass consumption provide for the widespread use of various food additives. They are not essential components of food, but without their use, food choices would be significantly poorer, and technologies would be much more complex and expensive. It is practically impossible to develop semi-finished products, instant meals, etc. without food additives. Food additives are also necessary to improve organoleptic properties, lengthen shelf life, and reduce food calorie content. There are 23 classes of nutritional supplements known today. Their application is regulated by various regulations. One of the main conditions for the approval of the use of food additives is toxicological safety. To establish safety, an experimental study of changes in the functional state of the body under the influence of a particular food additive is carried out.


Book editions.

1. A.N. Austrievskikh, V.A. Tutelyan, B.P. Sukhanov, V.M. Pozdnyakovsky, "BAA in human nutrition", "Publishing house of scientific and technical literature", Tomsk, 2006

2. Isupov V.P. Food additives and spices. History, composition and application. -SPb: GIORD, 2005.

3. Nechaev AP, Bolotov VM Food dyes. Food ingredients (raw materials and additives) .- M.: 2004. -214s.

4. Patyakovskiy VM Hygienic foundations of nutrition and expertise of food products. - Novosibirsk: Novosibirsk University Publishing House, 2004. -431p.

5. Nutritional supplements. Directory. - St. Petersburg: " Ut ", 2006

6. Food chemistry / Nechaev AP, Traubenberg SE, Kochetova AA. and others. Ed. A.P. Nechaev. - SPb .: GIORD, 2005 .-- 592 p.

Normative acts and periodical literature.

7. Lukin N.D. Food additives based on sugary krazkhmaloproduktov // Food Industry. - 2002. - No. 6. - S.

8. Nechaev AP, Smirnov EV Food flavorings // Food ingredients (raw materials and additives). - 2004. - No. 2. - P. 8.

9. Oreshchenko AV Beresten AF About food additives and food products // Food industry. - 2006. - No. 6. - P. 4.

10. Patrushev M.V., Voznyak M.V. Partners and Competitors // Laboratory. - 2004. - No. 6.19

11. Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules and Norms SanPiN "Hygienic Requirements for the Use of Food Additives", approved by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation on April 18, 2003. -(modified as of April 27, 2009).


Annex 1

Food additives banned in Russia.


Food supplement

Technological functions


Citrus red









Potassium bromate

Flour and bread improver


Calcium bromate

Flour and bread improver

Appendix 2

The list of dyes allowed for use in the Russian Federation in the production of food products:

Appendix 3

Enhancers of taste and aroma approved for use in the Russian Federation





E 620

Glutamic acid

E 631

5 "-Sodium inosinate disubstituted

E 621

Monosodium glutamate

E 632

Potassium inosinate

E 622

Monopotassium glutamate


5 "-calcium inosinate

E 623

Calcium glutamate

E 634

5 "-Calcium ribonucleotides

E 624

Monobasic ammonium glutamate

E 635

5 "-Dibasic sodium ribonucleotides

E 625

Magnesium glutamate

E 636


E 626

Guanylic acid

E 637

Ethyl maltol

E 627

5 "-Sodium guanylate disubstituted

E 640


E 628

5 "-Potassium guanylate disubstituted

E 641


E 629

5 "-Calcium Guannate

E 642

Lysine hydrochloride

E 630

Inosinic acid

E 906

Benzoin resin

Appendix 4

GM plants admitted to the market and the countries in which they may be marketed.

Agricultural culture


Host countries


Insect resistance Herbicide resistance

Argentina. Canada. South Africa, USA, EU countries

Soya beans

Herbicide resistance

Argentina. Canada, South Africa, USA, EU countries


Herbicide resistance

Canada, USA


Virus resistance

Canada, USA


Insect resistance Herbicide resistance

Canada. USA

1 Nutritional supplements. Directory. - St. Petersburg: "Ut", 2006, p. 24

2 Isupov V.P. Food additives and spices. History, composition and application. - SPb: GIORD, 2005, p. 32-34.

3 Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules and Norms SanPiN (as amended on April 27, 2009

4 Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules and Norms SanPiN (as amended on April 27, 2009).

5 Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules and Norms SanPiN (as amended on April 27, 2009)

6 SanPiN Hygienic requirements for the use of food additives (Appendix 3, section 3.8).

7 SanPiN Hygienic requirements for the use of food additives (Appendix 3, section 3.10).

8 SanPiN Hygienic requirements for the use of food additives (Appendix 3, section 3.12).

9 SanPiN Hygienic requirements for the use of food additives (Appendix 3, section 3.14).

10 SanPiN Hygienic requirements for the use of food additives (Appendix 3, section 3.15).

11 SanPiN Hygienic requirements for the use of food additives (Appendix 3, section 3.16).

12 SanPiN Hygienic requirements for the use of food additives (Appendix 4).

13 SanPiN Hygienic requirements for the use of food additives (Appendix 3, section 3.17)

14 SanPiN Hygienic requirements for the use of food additives (Appendix 4, section 4.1)

15 SanPiN Hygienic requirements for the use of food additives (Appendix 5).

16 SanPiN Hygienic requirements for the use of food additives (Appendix 5, section 5.1).

17 SanPiN Hygienic requirements for the use of food additives (Appendix 5, section 5.2).

18 SanPiN Hygienic requirements for the use of food additives (Appendix 5, section 5.5)

It is almost impossible to find products on store shelves that do not contain food additives. They are even put into bread. An exception is natural food - meat, cereals, milk and herbs, but even in this case, one cannot be sure that there is no chemistry in them. For example, fruits are often treated with preservatives, which allows them to preserve their presentation for a long time.

Food additives are synthetic chemical or natural substances that are not consumed on their own, but are only added to foods to impart certain qualities, such as taste, texture, color, odor, shelf life and appearance. There is a lot of talk about the expediency of their use and the effect on the body.

The phrase "nutritional supplements" scares many. People began to use them many millennia ago. This does not apply to complex chemicals. We are talking about table salt, lactic and acetic acid, spices and spices. They are also considered food additives. For example, carmine, a dye made from insects, has been used since biblical times to give food a purple color. Now the substance is called E120.

Until the 20th century, they tried to use only natural additives in the production of products. Gradually, such a science as food chemistry began to develop and artificial additives replaced most of the natural ones. The production of quality and taste improvers was put on stream. Since most food additives had long names that were difficult to fit on one label, the European Union developed a special labeling system for convenience. The name of each food additive began to start with "E" - the letter means "Europe". After it, numbers should follow, which show the belonging of a given species to a certain group and indicate a certain additive. Subsequently, the system was finalized, and then it was accepted for international classification.

Classification of food additives by codes

Acidity regulators, sweeteners, leavening agents and glazing agents are included in all of these groups.

The number of nutritional supplements is increasing every day. New effective and safe substances are replacing old ones. For example, recently, complex supplements that consist of a mixture of supplements have become popular. Each year, the lists of approved additives are updated with new ones. Such substances after the letter E have a code greater than 1000.

Classification of food additives by use

  • Dyes(E1 ...) - designed to restore the color of food that is lost during processing, to increase its intensity, to give a certain color to food. Natural dyes are extracted from roots, berries, leaves and flowers of plants. They can also be of animal origin. Natural dyes contain biologically active, aromatic and flavoring substances, give food a pleasant appearance. These include carotenoids - yellow, orange, red; lycopene - red; annatto extract - yellow; flavonoids - blue, purple, red, yellow; chlorophyll and its derivatives - green; sugar color - brown; carmine is purple. There are dyes produced synthetically. Their main advantage over natural ones is rich colors and long shelf life.
  • Preservatives(E2 ...) - designed to extend the shelf life of products. Acetic, benzoic, sorbic and sulfurous acids, salt and ethyl alcohol are often used as preservatives. Antibiotics - nisin, biomycin and nystatin can act as preservatives. It is forbidden to add synthetic preservatives to food of mass production - baby food, fresh meat, bread, flour, etc.
  • Antioxidants(E3 ...) - prevent spoilage of fats and fat-containing foods, slow down the oxidation of wine, soft drinks and and protect fruits and vegetables from browning.
  • Thickeners(E4 ...) - added to preserve and improve the structure of products. They allow you to give food the required consistency. Emulsifiers are responsible for plastic properties and viscosity, for example, thanks to them, baked goods do not stale longer. All permitted thickeners are of natural origin. For example, E406 () - extracted from seaweed, and used in the manufacture of pates, creams and ice cream. E440 (pectin) - from apples, citrus peel. It is added to ice cream and jelly. Gelatin is of animal origin and comes from the bones, tendons and cartilage of farm animals. Starches are obtained from peas, sorghum, corn and potatoes. Emulsifier and antioxidant E476, E322 (lecithin) are extracted from vegetable oils. Egg white is a natural emulsifier. Recently, synthetic emulsifiers have been used more in industrial production.
  • Taste enhancers(E6 ...) - their purpose is to make the product tastier and more aromatic. To improve the smell and taste, 4 types of additives are used - aroma and taste enhancers, acidity regulators and flavoring agents. Fresh products - vegetables, fish, meat, have a pronounced aroma and taste, since they contain a lot of nucleotides. The substances enhance the taste by stimulating the endings of the taste buds. During processing or storage, the number of nucleotides decreases, so they are obtained artificially. For example, ethyl maltol and maltol enhance the perception of creamy and fruity aromas. The substances impart a greasy feeling to low-calorie mayonnaise, ice cream and yoghurts. Often added to products known monosodium glutamate having. Sweeteners have been controversial, especially aspartame, known to be nearly 200 times sweeter than sugar. It is hidden under the E951 marking.
  • Flavors- they are divided into natural, artificial and identical to natural. The former contain natural aromatic substances extracted from plant materials. These can be distillers of volatile substances, hydroalcoholic extracts, dry mixtures and essences. Flavors identical to natural ones are obtained by isolation from natural raw materials, or by chemical synthesis. They contain chemical compounds found in raw materials of animal or vegetable origin. Artificial flavors include at least one artificial component, and may also contain identical natural and natural flavors.

Despite the fact that the apple contains many substances that are included in the list of food additives, it cannot be called a dangerous product. The same goes for other products.

Let's take a look at some of the popular but healthy supplements.

  • E100 -. Helps control weight.
  • E101 - riboflavin, aka vitamin B2. Takes an active part in the synthesis of hemoglobin and metabolism.
  • E160d -. Strengthens the immune system.
  • E270 - Lactic acid. It has antioxidant properties.
  • E300 - ascorbic acid, it is also vitamin C. Helps to increase immunity, improve skin condition and brings many benefits.
  • E322 - Lecithin. It supports the immune system, improves the quality of bile and hematopoiesis processes.
  • E440 -. Cleanse the intestines.
  • E916 - CALCIUM IODATE It is used to fortify food with iodine.

Neutral food additives are relatively harmless

  • E140 - Chlorophyll. Plants turn green.
  • E162 - Betanin - a red dye. It is extracted from beets.
  • E170 - calcium carbonate, if it is simpler - ordinary chalk.
  • E202 - Potassium sorbitol. It is a natural preservative.
  • E290 - carbon dioxide. It helps turn a regular drink into a carbonated one.
  • E500 - baking soda. The substance can be considered relatively harmless, since in large quantities it is capable of affecting the intestines and stomach.
  • E913 - LANOLIN It is used as a glazing agent, especially in demand in the confectionery industry.

Thanks to expert research, changes are regularly made to the lists of allowed and prohibited additives. It is advisable to monitor such information constantly, since unscrupulous manufacturers, in order to reduce the cost of goods, violate production technologies.

Pay attention to additives of synthetic origin. they are not formally prohibited, but many experts consider them unsafe for humans.

For example, monosodium glutamate, which is hidden under the designation E621, is a popular flavor enhancer. It seems that it cannot be called harmful. Our brain and heart need it. When the body lacks it, it can produce the substance on its own. With an overabundance, glutamate can have a toxic effect, and the liver and pancreas get more from it. It can be addictive, cause allergic reactions, and damage the brain and vision. The substance is especially dangerous for children. The packages usually do not indicate how much monosodium glutamate is in the product. Therefore, it is better not to abuse food containing it.

The safety of the E250 additive is questionable. The substance can be called a universal additive because it is used as a colorant, antioxidant, preservative and color stabilizer. Although sodium nitrate has been proven to be harmful, most countries continue to use it. It is found in sausage and meat products; it can be present in herring, sprats, smoked fish and cheeses. Sodium nitrate is harmful for those who suffer from cholecystitis, dysbiosis, liver and intestinal problems. Once in the body, the substance is converted into strong carcinogens.

It is almost impossible to find safe among synthetic dyes. They are capable of producing mutagenic, allergenic and carcinogenic effects.

Antibiotics used as preservatives cause dysbiosis and can cause intestinal diseases. Thickeners tend to absorb substances, both harmful and beneficial, this can interfere with the absorption of minerals and components necessary for the body.

Phosphate intake can impair calcium absorption, which can lead to osteoporosis. Saccharin can cause bladder swelling, and aspartame can rival glutamate in terms of harmfulness. When heated, it turns into a powerful carcinogen, affects the content of chemicals in the brain, is dangerous for diabetics and has many harmful effects on the body.

Health and nutritional supplements

For a long history of existence, nutritional supplements have proven their usefulness. They have played a significant role in improving the taste, shelf life and quality of products, as well as in improving other characteristics. There are many additives that can not affect the body in the best way, but it would be wrong to ignore the benefits of such substances.

Sodium nitrate, which is highly demanded in the meat and sausage industry, known as E250, despite the fact that it is not so safe, prevents the development of a dangerous disease - botulism.

It is impossible to deny the negative impact of food additives. Sometimes people, in an effort to extract the maximum benefit, create products that are inedible from the point of view of common sense. Humanity receives many diseases.

  • Examine food labels and try to choose ones that contain a minimum of E.
  • Don't buy unfamiliar foods, especially if they are rich in additives.
  • Avoid products containing sugar substitutes, flavor enhancers, thickeners, preservatives, and colors.
  • Give preference to natural and fresh foods.

Nutritional supplements and human health are concepts that are becoming increasingly associated. A lot of research is being carried out, as a result of which a lot of new facts come to light. Modern scientists believe that an increase in dietary supplementation and a decrease in the consumption of fresh foods is one of the main reasons for the increase in the incidence of cancer, asthma, obesity, diabetes and depression.

Food additives are understood as natural and synthetic substances deliberately introduced into food products during their production in order to impart specified quality indicators to the manufactured food products.

In the modern food industry, various ways of improving the quality of food products and improving the technological process of food production are being sought and applied. The most cost-effective and easily applicable in industrial practice for these purposes turned out to be the use of food additives. In this regard, in a relatively short period, food additives have become widespread in most countries of the world. All food additives, as a rule, have no nutritional value and at best they are biologically inert, at worst they are biologically active and not indifferent to the body.

Taking into account the different levels of sensitivity and reactivity of adults, children and the elderly, pregnant and lactating mothers, people whose activities take place in conditions of one or another occupational hazard and many other conditions, the problem of food additives introduced into mass consumption products acquires an important hygienic significance. No matter how economically beneficial the use of food additives is, they can be introduced into practice only if they are completely harmless. By harmlessness it should be understood not only the absence of any toxic manifestations, but also the absence of long-term effects of carcinogenic and co-carcinogenic properties, as well as mutagenic, teratogenic and other properties that affect the reproduction of offspring. Only after a comprehensive study and establishment of complete safety, food additives can be used in the food industry. However, in a number of countries this principle is not always adhered to, and the number of actually used food additives exceeds the number of those studied and approved.

Nutritional supplements for their intended purpose can mainly be directed to:

1) to increase and improve the appearance and organoleptic properties of the food product;

2) to preserve the quality of the food product in the process of more or less long-term storage;

3) to shorten the time for obtaining food products (ripening, etc.).

In accordance with this, food additives, despite the target variety, can be grouped and systematized in the form of the following classification:

A. Food additives that provide the necessary appearance and organoleptic properties of the food product

1. Consistency improvers that maintain a given consistency.

2. Dyes that give the product the desired color or shade.

3. Flavors that impart a characteristic flavor to the product.

4. Flavoring substances that provide the flavoring properties of the product.

B. Food additives to prevent microbial and oxidative spoilage of food

1. Antimicrobial agents that prevent bacterial spoilage of the product during storage:

a) chemicals,

b) biological agents.

2. Antioxidants - substances that prevent chemical deterioration of the product during storage.

B. Food additives required in the technological process of food production

1. Process accelerators.

2. Fixators of myoglobin.

3. Technological food additives (leavening agents, gelling agents, foaming agents, bleaches, etc.).

D. Food Improvers

Consistency improvers... Substances that improve the consistency include stabilizers that fix and maintain the consistency achieved during the production of the product, plasticizers that increase the plasticity of the product, softeners that impart tenderness and softer consistency to the product. The range of substances that improve the consistency is quite small. For this purpose, substances of both a chemical nature and natural substances of plant, fungal and microbial origin are used.

Consistency improvers are mainly used in the production of food products with an unstable consistency and a homogeneous structure. Such products as ice cream, marmalade, cheeses, preserves, sausages, etc., when used in the production technology of consistency improvers, acquire new, higher quality indicators.

Food dyes used in the food industry, mainly in the confectionery and production of soft drinks, as well as in the production of certain types of alcoholic beverages. The use of vegetable dyes is allowed for coloring some types of edible fats, margarine, butter, cheeses (processed, etc.). Dyes are also used in refined sugar production, in which ultramarine is used to color cast refined sugar.

Under aromatic substances like food additives understand natural or, more often, synthetic substances introduced into a food product during its production in order to impart a given flavor to the food product, inherent in this food product.

Aromatic substances used in the food industry can be divided into 2 groups - natural (natural) and synthetic (chemical). The most widely used aromatic substances are in the confectionery and alcoholic beverage industry.

From natural aromatic substances in the food industry, essential oils (orange, lemon, rose, anise, tangerine, mint, etc.), natural infusions (cloves, cinnamon, etc.), natural juices (raspberry, cherry), fruit and berry extracts are used. and others. Vanilla (tropical orchid pods) also belongs to natural aromatic substances.

Under flavoring food additives understand natural and synthetic substances used in the food industry to be added to a food for the purpose of imparting a specific flavor to it.

Flavors approved for use in the food industry

Antimicrobial substances allow you to preserve the quality of perishable food for a more or less long period in conditions of little or even no refrigeration at normal room temperature.

Aromatic substances are typical food additives. At the same time, they can be classified as preservative substances - conservatives, since the purpose of their use is to protect food and beverages from spoilage and mold during storage. Antimicrobial substances approved in the food industry can be classified into the following groups.

Antiseptic agents, old and well-known - benzoic and boric acids, as well as their derivatives.

Relatively new, but already well-known chemical antimicrobial agents, such as sorbic acid, etc.

Sulfurous acid preparations used for the sulfitation of potatoes, vegetables, fruits, berries and their juices.

Antibiotics (nystatin, nisin, antibiotics of a number of tetracyclines).

Antioxidants (antioxidants) - substances that prevent the oxidation of fats and thus prevent oxidative deterioration. Natural antioxidants include substances contained in vegetable oils - tocopherols (vitamins E), cottonseed oil gossypol, sesame oil sesamol, etc.

Ascorbic acid has antioxidant properties and is used to prevent oxidative spoilage of margarine.

Shortening the cycle of production processes in the food industry can be achieved by using process accelerators... Their use has a beneficial effect on the quality indicators of manufactured food and beverages. Particular attention is drawn to those foodstuffs and beverages in the production of which biological processes that determine the taste and nutritional properties of the products obtained occupy the main place. These biological production processes, including various types and types of fermentation, product maturation and many other biological production processes, are associated with "aging", i.e. with a time expenditure of more or less duration. So, in the bakery industry, the dough-making cycle is 5-7 hours, it takes 24-36 hours for meat to ripen, cheese aging lasts up to several months, etc. The same applies to drinks - beer, grape and fruit-berry wines, etc. Enzyme preparations are a promising means of accelerating ripening and other processes that require aging.

Myoglobin fixators- substances that provide a persistent pink color to meat products. As myoglobin fixers, the most recognized are nitrites - sodium nitrate and nitrates - sodium nitrate. For this purpose, in addition, potassium nitrate is used. Nitrites, binding with meat pigments, form a red substance, which, when cooked, gives sausages a persistent pink-red color.

In addition to myoglobin fixers, nitrates and nitrites are used both as antimicrobial agents, and also as a means of preventing early puffing of cheeses.

Into the group technological food additives combined substances of various purposes, which play an important role in the production technology of a particular food product.

Technological additives approved for use in the food industry

Food quality improvers. Food additives are increasingly found as food quality enhancers. Currently, the scope of application of this kind of food additives mainly extends to food products, in the production technology of which biological processes occupy an important place. This primarily applies to the processes of dough making in the bakery industry, in the fermentation industry in the process of obtaining different types of beer, in the production of processed cheeses and the wine industry. Both chemical and enzyme preparations (urea, lecithin, phosphoric acid, cytases) are used as improvers.

Nutritional supplements, in the broadest sense of the term, have been used by humans for centuries, and in some cases even millennia. The first food additive was probably soot, when in the Neolithic period it was accidentally discovered that it was useful (together with drying and freezing) for preserving excess meat and fish. Fermented foods were definitely among the first processed foods. After the appearance of unleavened dough, the first beer appeared, and with the development of ancient civilizations in Egypt and Sumeria, the first wines appeared.

Among the first food additives was salt, which was used many millennia ago to preserve meat and fish, and to preserve pork and fish products. The ancient Chinese burned kerosene to ripen bananas and peas. Honey was used as a sweetener and fruit and vegetable juices were used as coloring agents.

Such long-term use of food additives speaks of their indispensability in the food industry. Food additives are still (even to a greater extent) very common in the food industry today and their role in nutrition is enormous. It would be difficult to do without preservatives, accelerators of the food production process, because they not only speed up the cooking process, but also improve the quality of the products obtained. But the fact is, not all supplements are safe for humans. Therefore, they are constantly being researched, some are prohibited for use and mass use. And despite the fact that most nutritional supplements are consumed in very small quantities, their toxicity should be zero.

Food additives are substances that can enhance the taste and aroma of products, maintain their presentation for a long time and extend their shelf life.

The additives are used in the food industry. Almost all products on the counter in stores contain them - sausages and semi-finished meat products, pickles, canned food, fruits and vegetables, various sweets (ice cream, sweets, desserts, jellies, yoghurts, cheese curds) and even bread.

Classification of food additives

I. The following food additives are distinguished by origin:
1. Natural - are of plant or animal origin, include minerals.
2. Identical to natural - have the same properties as natural food additives, but synthesized in the laboratory.
3. Synthetic (artificial) - developed and synthesized in artificial conditions, have no analogues in nature.

II. There is a division of food additives according to the numerical code
Food additives are abbreviated with the letter "E". There are several versions of the origin of this. Some experts claim that the name comes from Examined (translated as tested), while others believe that it comes from the word Europe. The letter "E" is always accompanied by a number indicating a group of food additives.
E 100-199 - dyes that enhance the natural color or return the lost shade during the manufacture of the product

E 200-299 - preservatives that extend the shelf life of food

E 300-399 - antioxidants or antioxidants that prevent food spoilage
E 400-499 - thickeners, emulsifiers and stabilizers affecting the consistency of the product
E 500-599 - substances that preserve the structure of the product due to the normalization of acidity, moisture; they are also called baking powder; they prevent the products from "caking"
E 600-699 - flavor and odor enhancers
E 700-799 - food additives with pronounced antibacterial properties.
Е 800-899 - a category left for new additives
E 900–999 - sweeteners and defoamers
E 1000–1999 - a group of food additives with a broad spectrum of action: glazing (antiflaming agents), salt melters, texturing agents, separators, sealants, gas compressors

III. Also, useful, neutral, harmful and dangerous (prohibited) food additives are distinguished. More details about them will be discussed below.

The beneficial and harmful effects of food additives on the human body

It is now very popular to say that absolutely all food additives only bring harm. In fact, this is not at all the case. They have their pros and cons, and some of them are even beneficial for the human body.

The big advantage of food additives is that they contribute to a longer shelf life of products, give them a "tasty" look, make them much more appetizing (which is very much appreciated by gourmets).

The main disadvantages include their negative impact on health. Various synthetic food additives damage organs and cause them to wear out quickly, because the chemicals are difficult for the human body to process. At high dosages, some of the supplements can be very dangerous.

Eating foods rich in flavor enhancers and flavors is everyone's business. Someone prefers to eat very tasty food, not attaching much importance to the fact that this can harm health. Some people buy practically nothing in stores in order to avoid the negative effects of chemicals. Others can maintain the golden mean by eating most of the foods and observing "safety measures."

Nutritional supplements useful for the human body

Curcumin (E100) - lowers blood cholesterol levels and increases hemoglobin, has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract (stimulates its peristalsis, normalizes intestinal microflora, is effective in intestinal infections and gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, restores liver cells), prevents the development of diabetes, arthritis and cancer.

Riboflavin (E101) is a B2 vitamin. It participates in fat and protein metabolism, in redox processes, in the synthesis of other vitamins in the body. Riboflavin maintains youthfulness and elasticity of the skin, it is necessary for the normal formation and development of the fetus and the growth of children. It is also very effective for constant stress, depression and psycho-emotional stress.

Carotene (E160a), annatto extract (E160b), lycopene (E160d) are similar in composition and action to vitamin A, and are powerful antioxidants. They help preserve and improve visual acuity, strengthen immunity, and protect against cancer. You should always remember that these substances are strong allergens.

Beet betanin (E162) - has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, lowering the vascular tone and thereby lowering blood pressure. Reduces the risk of myocardial infarction. Improves the assimilation of proteins of plant and animal origin. Participates in the synthesis of choline, which stimulates the work of hepatocytes (liver cells). In addition, this substance has a strong anti-radiation effect. It also prevents the development or progression of cancer, the degeneration of a benign tumor into a malignant one.

Calcium carbonate (E170) is a simple chalk. In case of calcium deficiency in the body, it compensates for its deficiency. May affect blood coagulation processes. Takes part in muscle contractions, including the heart muscle. It is the main component of bones and teeth. In case of an overdose, chalk has a toxic effect on the body, causing the development of lactic-alkaline syndrome in it.

Lactic acid (E270) is found in dairy products and cheeses, sauerkraut and cucumbers. It normalizes the intestinal microflora and participates in carbohydrate metabolism, promoting the absorption of carbohydrates.

Vitamin C (E300) - ascorbic acid is a powerful antioxidant and protects the cells of the body from free radicals. Strengthens the immune system. It is found in large quantities in black currants, kiwi, apples, cabbage, onions, and peppers.
Vitamin E (E306-309) - tocopherols accelerate the processes of skin regeneration. They slow down the aging of the body, protect against the effects of toxins. They thin the blood and stimulate the work of red blood cells, thereby having a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.
Lecithin (E322) has many beneficial properties. Contained in egg yolk, caviar and milk. Promotes the proper development of the nervous system. Boosts immunity. Reduces blood cholesterol levels and removes it from the body. Improves hematopoiesis, bile composition. Prevents the development of liver cirrhosis.

Agar (E406) is part of algae. It is rich in vitamin PP and trace elements (sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, iodine). Its gelling effect is very often used in the food and confectionery industry. Agar, due to its high iodine content, stimulates the thyroid gland. It is also able to bind and remove toxins and various toxins from the body. Another beneficial property is the improvement of bowel function.

Pectins (E440), sources of which are apples, grapes, citrus fruits, plums. They remove toxins, toxins, heavy metals from the body. Promotes bowel cleansing. Protect the gastric mucosa from damaging factors, have anesthetic and healing effects on ulcers. Reduces blood cholesterol levels. It should always be remembered that large quantities of pectins are strong allergens.

Neutral food additives

Chlorophyll (E140) is a dye. He dyes food green. It is completely safe for human health. Some experts argue that it is even useful - it removes toxins from the body, when applied externally, it can heal wounds and eliminate unpleasant odors emitted by the human body.

Sorbic acid (E202) has a powerful antimicrobial effect because it can inhibit the growth of mold in food. It is absolutely safe for humans. It is most often added to sausages, cheeses, smoked meats, rye bread.

Acetic acid (E260) is the most common acidity regulator. In small concentrations, it is completely harmless to the body and even useful, because it promotes the breakdown of carbohydrates and fats. But at a concentration of 30% or more, it becomes dangerous due to the possibility of burns of the skin and mucous membranes of internal organs. It is used in the preparation of mayonnaise, various sauces, confectionery, and in the preservation of vegetables, fish, meat.

Citric acid (E330) serves as a flavor enhancer, preservative and acidity regulator. Due to the fact that it is used in small dosages, it is safe for humans. But when working with concentrated solutions or when eating a large amount of citric acid, side effects can occur - burns of the mucous membranes of the mouth, pharynx, esophagus and stomach, irritation of the respiratory tract and skin.

Gum (E410, 412, 415) is a natural additive in ice cream, desserts, processed cheeses, canned vegetables and fruit, sauces, pates, bakery products. It is used for its ability to form jelly to create a specific product structure. It also prevents its crystallization, which is very important for ice cream. Safe for human health. They note its beneficial effect on appetite - the gum reduces it.

Mono - and diglycerides of fatty acids (E471) serve as natural stabilizers and emulsifiers. They are part of mayonnaise, pâté, yoghurts. They are absolutely safe for health, but they have one important side effect - when consumed in large quantities, body weight increases.

Baking soda (E500) serves as a baking powder in the manufacture of confectionery products (baked goods, cookies, cakes), because it prevents the products from caking and forming lumps in them. Harmless to humans.

Calcium and potassium iodides (E916, 917). These food additives are under research and are not yet on the list of prohibited or permitted substances. In theory, they should stimulate the thyroid gland. They can protect against radioactive radiation. With a large intake of iodine in the body, signs of poisoning appear, so these supplements should be consumed in moderation.

Acesulfame potassium (E950), Aspartame (E951), Sodium cyclamate (E952), Saccharin (E954), Thaumatin (E957), Maltitol (E965), Xylitol (E967), Erythritol (E968) - sweeteners and sugar substitutes. They are added to sodas, desserts, hard candy, gum, and some low-calorie foods.

There is an active debate about the benefits and harms of these food additives. Some believe that they are absolutely safe for the body, while others argue that these substances enhance the effect of carcinogens. There is also a popular belief that sweeteners are great substitutes for sugar and are suitable for those looking to lose weight. Doctors warn about their negative effect on liver cells, especially in people who have had hepatitis.

Dangerous food additives and their effect on the human body

Below is a list of the most common food additives that are hazardous to human health. They are widely used in the food industry, despite the harm they cause.

Yellow-green quinoline (E104) is a dye. It is added to sweets, chewing gum, sodas, groceries, and smoked fish. It can cause severe allergic reactions, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Has a negative impact on the health of children.

Benzoic acid and its derivatives (E210-213) cause great harm to human health, especially in children. They cause strong allergic reactions and the development of cancer, nervous excitement, negatively affect the respiratory system and human intelligence. The list of foods that include these nutritional supplements is huge. Some of them are: chips, ketchup, canned vegetables and meats, sodas, juice. However, these substances are not banned in many countries.

Sulfites (E221-228) are a group of food additives that are still poorly understood and are considered hazardous to human health. They are preservatives and are added to canned fruits and vegetables, instant mashed potatoes, tomato pastes, starch, and wine. They process dried fruits and disinfect containers. These substances can cause severe allergic reactions, provoke attacks of bronchial asthma, irritating the respiratory tract, and gastrointestinal diseases. If the technology of cooking products is violated, they can lead to death.

Urotropin (E239) increases the shelf life of cheeses and canned caviar. It is dangerous to human health due to its strong carcinogenic effect. It is also a potent allergen and causes a variety of skin conditions.

Nitrites and nitrates (E250-252). These food additives are added to sausages to give them a rich pink color. In addition, they are able to protect foods from oxidation and exposure to microbial agents. Despite such positive qualities, these substances are very dangerous for human health, because they have a powerful carcinogenic effect, provoking the development of lung and intestinal cancer. They often have allergic reactions up to suffocation. They also affect the cardiovascular system, then narrowing, then expanding blood vessels, thereby causing sharp jumps in blood pressure. Nitrates also affect the nervous system. This is manifested by headaches, impaired coordination, convulsions.

Propionates (E280-283) serve as preservatives. They are added to dairy products, bakery products, and various sauces. They have a negative effect on the blood vessels of the head, causing them to spasm. With heavy use of these chemicals, migraines can appear. They are not recommended to be given to children.

Carbon dioxide (E290) is one of the main components of carbonated drinks. It is able to flush out calcium, which is very harmful for a growing body. It can provoke an exacerbation of gastritis and gastric ulcer, belching and flatulence.

Ammonium chloride (E510) serves as a dough improver. It is added to yeast, bread, baked goods, diet food, and flour. It has a strong negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract, especially on the liver and intestines.

Monosodium glutamate (E621) is one of the most famous dietary supplements. It belongs to the group of flavor enhancers. His sensational danger is slightly exaggerated. In fact, MSG is a component of legumes, algae, and soy sauce. In small quantities, it is completely harmless to the human body. But with the systematic use of a large number of products containing it (chips, seasonings, sauces, semi-finished products), there is an accumulation and deposition of sodium salts in various organs. As a result, diseases can develop: decreased visual acuity, tachycardia, general weakness, severe headaches, nervous excitement, allergies (itching of the skin and facial flushing).
This is not a complete list. It includes only the most dangerous and commonly used food additives. In fact, there are many more of them.

Prohibited food additives

Yellow tartrazine (E102) is used as a colorant in ice cream, sweets, carbonated drinks, and yoghurts. It is capable of causing severe allergic reactions, migraines and nervous agitation. Very dangerous for children. Banned in most countries.

Citrus red (E121) is added to carbonated drinks, lollipops, ice cream. It is a powerful carcinogen. Banned in most countries.

Amaranth (E123) is a dark red dye. It is a chemical food additive that damages the liver and kidneys, provoking the development of severe allergic reactions, chronic rhinitis and cancer. It is most often used in the preparation of foods that children love - jellies, desserts, puddings, ice cream, breakfast cereals, muffins, and so on. This substance is prohibited in most countries.

Formaldehyde (E240) is used as a preservative in the manufacture of meat and sausages, various drinks (carbonated water, iced teas, juices) and sweets (desserts, lollipops, chewing gums, jellies). It has a carcinogenic effect, causes damage to the nervous system, allergies and intoxication of the body.

Potassium and calcium bromates (E924a, E 924b) serve as improvers and oxidizing agents in the production of bakery products, as well as defoamers in carbonated drinks. They have a powerful carcinogenic effect. Banned in most countries.

Dosing of food additives

For each food supplement, an acceptable daily dose has been determined at which human health will not be harmed. But the catch is that most often manufacturers do not write the content of the substance in the product on the packaging. The full composition can only be found in special laboratories. The exact calculation of the additive for a given amount of the product was also made there.

There is a rule for the distribution of ingredients in descending order - the substance that is contained in the highest concentration is indicated first in the composition, and which is least of all - the last.

Very often, manufacturers, in order to hide the shortcomings of a product, add food additives to it not according to technology, but to bring the "presentation". Thus, they themselves do not even know how much chemicals they contain. And the exact composition of the product is not always indicated on the packages.

To date, additives have flooded the food market so much that it is even difficult to say where they are not contained. It is also almost impossible to completely abandon products sold in stores, especially if this applies to city dwellers.

Therefore, you need to try to minimize their use.

Below are some tips on how to do this.
 Before buying any product, it is better to study its exact composition in advance (information can be found on the Internet);
 It should always be remembered that most often chemicals are dangerous when consumed in large quantities, whether it is a useful or dangerous additive;
 Also, their effect on the body depends on the age and weight of the person;
 During illness or with weakened immunity, chemicals cause more harm, therefore, in such conditions, it is better to limit their use;
 The fibers of plant fiber, thanks to the pectin they contain, cleanse the body of toxins and toxins. Therefore, every day you need to eat fresh vegetables and fruits;
 When cooked, food stuffed with chemicals can form and release hazardous substances. The most harmful in this regard are aspartame (E951) and sodium nitrite (E250). Before frying or boiling a product, you must carefully study its composition.
 Do not eat brightly colored foods, vegetables and fruits out of season.
 It is imperative to limit the use of foods rich in food additives for children under five years of age (sausage and meat products, cheese curds, desserts, jellies, yoghurts, spices and bouillon cubes, instant noodles, cereals, and so on).
 Well, and most importantly, everything should be in moderation - you don't need to completely avoid foods with additives, but you shouldn't get too carried away with sausages, chips and fanta. The body in a normal state is able to process a small amount of chemicals without harm to health. Their dangerous effects begin to manifest themselves with the systematic use of products with dyes and substitutes.