The use of garden plants tops and their harvesting for future use. Folk recipes using radish for the treatment of various diseases

20.04.2019 Restaurant notes

Along with carrot and beet tops, radish greens are also actively used to treat various diseases and improve facial skin condition. From radish leaves, you can prepare infusions and juices. Radish tops are useful for weakening immunity and a decrease in appetite, helps in the fight against obesity, constipation, congestion in the gallbladder and other disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

Useful properties of radish tops

Radish is a vegetable crop that is widely used. Its name is associated with the Latin word radix, which means “root” in translation.

The first radishes began to be used for preparing various dishes by the inhabitants of Central Asia, as well as Japan, Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. In Europe, this vegetable has been known since the XVI century. And in Russia he appeared thanks to Peter I, who brought him from Amsterdam.

People suffering from gastritis with increased secretion of gastric juice, as well as peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, radishes (root crops and tops) can be consumed no more than 1 time per week.

Radish root vegetables, which have a sharp taste and contain a complex of useful substances, are used for food. However, the leaves of this vegetable crop are no less valuable food product. According to scientists, they contain a large amount of vitamin C, which is involved in the processes of tissue regeneration, helps to prevent the development of cancer, atherosclerosis and vitamin deficiency, and also slows the spread of viruses in the body. In the tops of radishes, enzymes, vegetable protein, organic acids, pectic and mineral substances were found. In addition, its constituent phytoncides have a powerful antibacterial effect.

Useful properties of radish tops are used in the treatment of diabetes, because they contain substances that help lower blood sugar.

In cooking, fresh radish tops can be used for cooking vitamin salads, as well as seasoning for soups, stews, side dishes and homemade canned goods. It can also be served as a standalone dish, having previously been stewed.

In folk medicine, the use of products prepared on the basis of radish greens is recommended for use in the following diseases:

  • avitaminosis;
  • decreased immunity;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • constipation
  • decreased appetite;
  • weakened motility of the small and large intestines;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • diabetes;
  • congestion in the gallbladder;
  • diseases of the urinary system;
  • swelling
  • obesity;
  • asthma;
  • eczema.

Infusion of radish tops

The most popular medicine in folk medicine for radish leaves is infusion. Its wide use in the treatment of many diseases is due to the high content of vitamins, mineral and pectin substances, as well as components that have anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects.

To prepare the infusion of radish tops, you need to choose whole leaves without visible damage. Before use, they should be thoroughly washed and lightly dried with a napkin. The tops intended for drying need to be finely chopped beforehand.

Infusion of radish tops is very useful: it will help to cope with vitamin deficiency, colds, flu, decreased immunity, cholelithiasis and urolithiasis, respiratory diseases (asthma, pneumonia, bronchitis), digestive disorders (constipation, weakening of intestinal motility, gastritis with decreased secretion of gastric juice). To prepare a healing infusion, it is recommended to take young leaves of radish that appear in early spring. They should be thoroughly washed with running water, dried with a napkin and finely chopped or torn.

You can use dried radish tops. In this case, the leaves need to be collected, washed and, after removing excess moisture with a napkin, finely chopped, spread out with a thin layer on a cloth or sheet of paper and left in the fresh air until completely dry. At the same time, direct sunlight should not fall on plant materials. During the drying process, the crushed leaves should be mixed.

How can I use infusion of radish tops for treatment

Infusion of tops and pulp of radish

  • It is required:  10 g of radish tops, 10 g of radish pulp, 200 ml of water.
  • Cooking method. Pour the dried radish tops with boiling water, then add the radish pulp grated on a fine grater. Mix everything, keep at room temperature for 20-30 minutes, then strain through gauze folded into several layers.
  • Mode of application.  The resulting infusion to use for lotions. The procedure is carried out 2 times a day.

A remedy prepared according to this recipe from radish tops is used for migraine and radiculitis.

Infusion of fresh radish tops

  • It is required:  20 g of radish tops, 200 ml of water.
  • Cooking method.  Thoroughly wash fresh radish tops with running water, dry with a napkin, chop finely, pour boiling water over it and leave for 1 hour. Filter the finished infusion through folded cheesecloth.
  • Mode of application.  Infusion to drink 50 ml 3 times a day after meals. The course of treatment is 3 days.

Infusion of radish and carrot tops

  • It is required:  15 g of radish tops, 5 g of carrot tops, 200 ml of water.
  • Cooking method.  Grind the dry tops of radishes and carrots into powder, pour it with boiling water and leave for 20-30 minutes. Strain the resulting infusion through a sieve or folded cheesecloth.
  • Mode of application.

This tool is used for intestinal atony, vitamin deficiency, gastritis with low acidity of gastric juice.

Infusion of radish tops and savory leaves

  • It is required:  10 g of radish tops, 10 g of savory leaves, 2 g of salt, 300 ml of water.
  • Cooking method.  Finely chop and combine fresh radish tops and savory leaves. Pour the prepared mixture with saline at room temperature and insist for a day. Then place the composition in the refrigerator for 2-3 days, then strain through a sieve or folded cheesecloth.
  • Mode of application.  Drink the resulting infusion in warm form in small portions (30-40 ml) throughout the day.

This tool is used for vitamin deficiency, cholelithiasis and urolithiasis.

Infusion of radish and beet tops

  • It is required:  10 g of radish tops, 5 g of beet tops, 200 ml of water.
  • Cooking method.  Mix dried and chopped radish and beet tops with mortar, pour boiling water over it, leave under the lid for 15-20 minutes, then strain through a frequent sieve or gauze folded into several layers.
  • Mode of application.  Infusion to drink 50 ml 3-4 times a day.

This tool is used for intestinal atony and constipation.

Infusion of radish tops with milk

  • It is required:  10 g of radish tops, 200 ml of water, 200 ml of milk.
  • Cooking method.  Pour dry and crushed radish tops with boiling water and keep under cover at room temperature for 15-20 minutes.
  • Then strain the infusion through folded in several layers cheesecloth or a frequent sieve and combine with boiled and chilled milk.
  • Mode of application.  Infusion to drink 50-100 ml 3 times a day.

This tool is quite successfully used for intestinal atony, vitamin deficiency and gallstone disease.

Infusion of radish tops in cosmetology

Infusion of radish and calendula tops

  • It is required:  10 g of radish tops, 10 g of calendula flowers, 200 ml of water.
  • Cooking method.  Combine dry and crushed radish leaves with calendula flowers, pour boiling water over it and leave for 15-20 minutes. Ready to infusion strain.
  • Mode of application.  Apply the infusion on a cotton pad and rub the face and neck. The procedure is carried out daily, morning and evening.

This product is suitable for oily skin.

Mask with infusion of radish tops and vegetable oil

  • It is required:  20 g of radish tops, 5 g of potato starch, 3 ml, 100 ml of water.
  • Cooking method.  Brew dried and ground into powder radish tops with boiling water and keep at room temperature for 15 minutes. Strain the finished infusion, then add vegetable oil and potato starch to it. Mix everything thoroughly.
  • Mode of application.  Apply the composition to cleansed face and neck and rinse with warm water after 15 minutes. The procedure is carried out 2-3 times a week.

This mask is suitable for normal, combination and dry skin.

Radish juice

Radish is a vegetable crop that appears in the garden one of the very first. Root crops and tops of plants contain a large number of useful substances that have wound healing, anti-inflammatory and tonic effects.

In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, hepatitis, gastritis with increased acidity of the gastric juice and inflammation of the gall bladder - it is better to completely abandon the use of juice from radish tops or limit its use.

The properties of radish tops are determined by the content of organic acids, carotene, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium in it. In addition, it contains sugars, vegetable protein, starch and essential oils, giving it a specific taste and aroma.

Due to the fact that the juice from radish tops has an anti-edematous effect, it is recommended to take it with pathologies of the urinary system. He is also able to enhance intestinal motility, the production of gastric juice, increase the tone of the mucous membrane of the internal organs, thus normalizing their work.

Juice made from green radish, in combination with carrot, helps to eliminate toxins from the body.

It has an antimicrobial effect, inhibiting the growth of colonies of pathogens (staphylococcus, causative agents of typhoid fever and diphtheria) and fungi.

Juice from radish tops is indicated for metabolic disorders and obesity. Due to the content of essential oils, it can be used in the treatment of atherosclerosis, arthritis, arthrosis, radiculitis, pathologies of the respiratory system, colds, flu, and gallstone disease.

The juice from radish leaves in folk medicine is often included in the composition of the funds intended for the treatment and prevention of skin diseases.

How to use radish juice for treatment

Juice from fresh radish tops

  • It is required:  200 g of radish tops.
  • Cooking method.  Rinse fresh radish leaves with running water, dry with a cotton towel, then grind it in mashed potatoes in a blender and squeeze the juice.
  • Mode of application.  Use juice from radish tops for lotions. The procedure is carried out 2-3 times a day until the condition is relieved.

This tool is used for migraine, radiculitis, gout, myositis, rheumatism, neuralgia.

This tool is used for atherosclerosis, cholelithiasis and urolithiasis.

Radish juice with onion and honey

  • It is required:  200 g of radish tops, 50 g of onions, 5 g of honey.
  • Cooking method.  Pre-washed and dried with a napkin radish tops, grind in a blender along with peeled onions. From the resulting mass, squeeze the juice. Combine it with honey and mix well.
  • Mode of application.  Drink 10 ml 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

The tool is used for bronchitis, tracheitis and pneumonia.

Radish topper juice with sugar

  • It is required:  100 ml of juice from radish tops, 10 g of cane sugar.
  • Cooking method.  Dissolve sugar in the juice from radish tops.
  • Mode of application.  Composition drink 20 ml 3-4 times a day.

Juice from radish tops with royal jelly

  • It is required:  20 ml of juice from radish tops, 1 g of royal jelly.
  • Cooking method.  Dissolve royal jelly in the juice from radish tops.
  • Mode of application.  Composition drink 20 ml 2-3 times a day.

This tool is used for gallstone disease.

Juice from radish tops with cucumber juice

  • It is required:  20 ml of juice from radish tops, 20 ml of cucumber juice, 10 ml of juice from sweet green pepper.
  • Cooking method.  Combine juices from the tops of radish, cucumber and pepper and mix thoroughly in a glass container.
  • Mode of application.  Composition drink 50 ml 3-4 times a day.

The tool is used for catarrh of the upper respiratory tract.

Radish tops juice with red wine

  • It is required:  40 ml of juice from radish tops, 10 ml of red wine.
  • Cooking method.  Combine the juice from the radish tops with red wine and mix well.
  • Mode of application.  Drink in the form of heat 50 ml once a day.

This tool is used for pathologies of the urinary system, cholelithiasis and kidney stones.

Radish leaf juice with red wine and honey

  • It is required:  40 ml of juice from radish tops, 10 ml of red wine, 10 g of honey.
  • Cooking method. To combine juice from radish tops with red wine and honey. Mix everything, place in a water bath, cover, slightly warm, without boiling, then remove from heat and cool.
  • Mode of application.  Composition drink 20-30 ml 2-3 times a day.

This tool is used for vitamin deficiency, anemia and a decrease in immunity.

Radish leaf juice with beetroot and carrot juices

  • It is required:  10 ml of juice from radish tops, 10 ml of beetroot juice, 10 ml of carrot juice, 5 ml of lemon juice, 10 g of honey.
  • Cooking method.  Combine the ingredients listed in a glass container and mix thoroughly.
  • Mode of application.  A mixture of juices to drink 10 ml 3-4 times a day.

The tool is widely used for vitamin deficiency, metabolic disorders, overweight and obesity.

Juice from radish tops with juices of onions, cranberries, lemon, aloe and beets

  • It is required:  10 ml of juice from radish tops, 10 ml of onion juice, 10 ml of cranberry juice, 10 ml of juice from aloe leaves, 10 ml of lemon juice, 10 ml of beetroot juice, 5 g of honey, 5 g of sugar, 10 ml of alcohol.
  • Cooking method.  Connect the juices indicated in the list in a glass container. Add honey, sugar and alcohol to the mixture. Mix everything thoroughly.
  • Mode of application.  Drink 20 ml 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

This tool is effectively used to reduce immunity, as well as pneumonia and bronchial asthma.

How can I use juice from radish leaves in cosmetology

Mask with radish juice and olive oil

  • It is required:  20 ml of juice from radish tops, 10 ml of olive oil.
  • Cooking method.  Combine the juice from fresh radish tops with olive oil and mix thoroughly.
  • Mode of application.  Apply the composition to cleansed skin of the face, neck and hands, hold for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. The procedure is carried out 2-3 times a week.

The mask is suitable for dry, aging skin.

Mask with juice from radish tops, cottage cheese and cream

  • It is required:  10 ml of juice from radish tops, 10 ml of cream, 10 g of cottage cheese, 10 ml of vegetable oil, 2 g

Growing young root crops in our garden or buying in the market, we usually throw out the tops, not suspecting how useful it is for our body. In this article I will introduce you to the useful properties of radish tops, carrots, beets and other root crops, and tell how they can be used for nutrition and treatment.

Radish tops

Green (lettuce) crops include radish tops. Radish is one of the most popular precocious vegetable crops. This is an annual plant of the Cruciferous (Cabbage) family. After sowing the seeds, the root crop and the rosette of the basal petiole leaves grow first. Leaves are lyre-shaped or cirrus-dissected, with a large terminal segment, of various colors, whole-edge or wavy at the edges, glabrous or pubescent. The root is thickened, of different sizes and shapes (root crop). The color of the skin of the root crop can be different: red, pink, yellow or white. Later, a branchy flower stalk appears on which white or pinkish flowers are formed up to 1.5 cm in diameter. The fruit is a pod up to 7.5 cm long. Seeds are light brown.

In the wild, radishes are not found. It is believed that he came from a radish seaside. The homeland of this culture is considered to be the Mediterranean, where it began to be cultivated more than 5 thousand years ago. In China and Japan, their own varieties of radish, which came from the Japanese radish, are bred. Currently, radishes are grown in many countries around the world. In Russia, it is distributed throughout the territory, from northern to southern regions.

Root crops and young tops of this plant are eaten. Radish leaves have a peculiar, spicy taste, with a slight bitterness. They are used raw, boiled, stewed or baked. Radish tops are added to mayonnaises, sauces, pastes, sandwiches, salads, okroshka, soups, soups, mashed potatoes, cabbage soup, borscht, tops, minced meat for dumplings, pies and eggs, stews, fish and potatoes. Pancakes stuffed with radish leaves with eggs and carrots are very tasty. The tops go well with various aromatic herbs (dill, parsley, onions, garlic, etc.). It can be dried and salted.

Radish tops contain many useful substances for the body (several times more than in root crops): sugars, proteins, vitamins (C, carotene, B1, B2, PP), pectins, organic acids, chlorophyll, mineral salts of potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron and other substances useful to the body. There is also mustard oil, which determines the sharp taste of the tops. Glycosides give radish pungency, and the smell - essential oils.

It has a number of valuable healing properties. Mineral salts and organic acids improve metabolism and digestion, essential oils determine its bactericidal properties. Radish tops are a good source of vitamins and mineral salts, have a diuretic and choleretic effect, help to remove cholesterol from the body, therefore it is used to prevent and treat atherosclerosis, edema.

Radish leaf juice is part of many juice mixtures for the treatment and prevention of various diseases.

Powder from the dried tops of this asthenia effectively treat fungal skin lesions of the soles of the feet between the fingers (sprinkle several times a day).

Radish and its tops are contraindicated in exacerbation of gastritis and gastric and duodenal ulcers, gout, acute liver and kidney diseases.

Recipe 1.   Tea from a mixture of radish tops and beet tops: 1 tbsp. l pour the tops of the mixture with 1 cup of boiling water, insist 15 minutes and drink with constipation, instead of tea, 1/4 cup of this infusion, 5-6 times a day, with the addition of honey or sugar to taste.

Recipe 2. Radish juice (squeeze from root vegetables and leaves). There are not very many vitamins in this juice, but it is appreciated for its high content of minerals. It improves digestion and metabolism, has a diuretic, choleretic and bactericidal action, removes excess cholesterol from the body, cleanses the body of mucus, and helps restore mucous membranes.

Separately, this juice is not taken, but only in combination with carrot or other juices, adding it to 1 - 2 tbsp. l 1 glass of another juice.

Recipe 3. A mixture of carrot and radish juices (3: 1). This mixture is useful for the treatment and prevention of so many diseases. It improves digestion, metabolism, the work of the kidneys and liver, respiratory system, and has an antitumor effect. A mixture of these juices is also useful to all healthy people, as it prevents the onset and development of many diseases.

Recipe 4. A mixture of carrot, radish and watercress juices (2: 1: 1). This mixture is universal and useful for various diseases, cleanses the body of mucus, improves digestion, lowers blood pressure, improves blood composition, removes toxins from the body, calms the nervous system, and has an antitumor effect. It is useful to everyone, both sick and healthy people for the prevention of many diseases.

Recipe 5. A mixture of carrot, celery and radish juices (3: 2: 1). This mixture is very useful for all our organs, cleanses the body of mucus, restores the intestinal and stomach mucous membranes, heals the entire body, and helps with obesity. This mixture is useful not only for patients, but also for all healthy people.

Mixtures of juices take 1 glass, in the morning on an empty stomach and another 1 - 2 times during the day, 20 - 30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 2 to 4 weeks.

Recipe 6. Radish drink with yogurt, green onions and herbs: for 100 g of radish tops, take 4 cups of yogurt or kefir, salt, finely chopped dill, parsley and onion to taste. Grate radish, add all other ingredients and beat with a mixer. This drink is useful for all the above diseases.

Tops of carrots

Carrot is a biennial plant of the Celery (Umbrella) family, which has a fleshy thickened root of various shapes (conical, cylindrical, spindle-shaped or almost round). The color of the skin and pulp can also be different (orange, red-orange, yellow, white or purple).

In the wild, carrots are found in Europe, Asia, North Africa, America and Australia.

The homeland of yellow and white carrots is Afghanistan, and orange - the Mediterranean.

As a medicinal, food and feed plant, this crop has been grown for more than four thousand years. In our country, it has been known since the 16th century, but received the greatest distribution in the 16th-17th centuries. Currently, this crop is grown almost throughout the country (from the northern borders of agriculture to the extreme south).

Since ancient times, carrots are very popular among gardeners, due to their pleasant taste and high nutritional value. Not only root crops, but also the tops of this plant are used in food.

The tops of carrots are widely used in cooking. It is added to marinades, mayonnaises, sauces, pastes, pastes, salads, soups, okroshka, tops, cabbage soup, borscht, fish soup, vegetable stews, casseroles, fillings for ravioli and vareniki, pancakes, pancakes, omelets, scrambled eggs, tea, vegetable smoothies and many other dishes. Before eating the tops of carrots, pour boiling water for 15 minutes to remove the bitterness.

100 g of raw carrot leaves contain only 35 kcal.

By the content of vitamins and some other substances useful for the human body, carrots are superior to most vegetables. It has a number of valuable healing properties due to its chemical composition. For therapeutic purposes, root crops, tops and seeds of this plant are used. The leaves of carrots in their healing properties not only are not inferior to the root of the carrot, but also surpass it.

Carrot tops are rich in mineral salts of iron, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, there are also zinc, boron, sulfur, sodium, copper, manganese, iodine, selenium and some other elements (they are several times more than in the root crop). It is a potassium accumulator (up to 237 mg%), therefore it is especially useful for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, including hypertension, and edema. It also contains vitamins: carotene (ten times more than in root crops), C, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B9, E, K, PP and D (rarely found in plants), as well as proteins, fiber, sucrose, essential oils, volatile and beneficial for hematopoiesis chlorophyll. Carrot leaves are a leader in carotene content among other vegetable plants.

It has anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, wound healing, diuretic, laxative, hematopoietic, hemostatic, light hypnotic, general strengthening, anti-aging and anti-cancer effects, enhances immunity, neutralizes toxins, improves the state of blood vessel walls and blood circulation, nails, hair and skin, reduces the level of cholesterol, reduces skin cholesterol blood, helps restore the mucous membranes of the body, stimulates the heart, kidneys, adrenal glands, lymphatic and nervous system, strengthens the retina, improves vision with myopia, hyperopia and dystrophy of the retina. It is a good supplier of vitamins for vitamin deficiencies.

Carrot tea helps with anemia, hemorrhoids, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, inflammatory bowel diseases (colitis, enteritis, enterocolitis, but not during exacerbation, constipation), with cystitis, myomas and uterine bleeding, urolithiasis, prostatitis, insomnia and tuberculosis lungs. It restores vision with myopia and farsightedness.

Infusion of tops treat various skin diseases, including dermatitis, purulent wounds, trophic ulcers, malignant ulcers, rinse hair to strengthen them.

For treatment, it is best to use juice from the tops of carrots, since during heat treatment, many of its healing properties are partially lost. In the winter, they use tea and decoctions of tops.

Juice from the tops of carrots rinse your mouth with stomatitis and throat with tonsillitis.

This tops is also used in home cosmetics.

Carrot tops are contraindicated in case of individual hypersensitivity to this plant, acute enteritis, colitis, gastritis with increased acidity of gastric juice, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer during exacerbation. It is not recommended for pregnant women.

Recipe 1.   Tea from the tops of carrots: 1 tsp. pour dried and chopped tops with boiling water, insist for several minutes, then strain and drink 1/3 cup of this tea, 2-4 times a day, instead of regular tea, you can add honey, for all the above diseases. The course of treatment is 1 to 2 months. With hemorrhoids, along with the use of this tea, do sedentary hot baths with the addition of this infusion. Take a bath for 30 minutes, 2 times a week. The course of treatment is until recovery (up to several months).

Recipe 2. Decoction of carrot tops: 1 tbsp. l freshly chopped carrot tops pour 1 cup boiling water, put on fire, bring to a boil, cook for 1 minute, then strain and take 0.5 cups of decoction, 3 times a day for diseases of the kidneys and bladder, renal colic, difficulty urinating . Externally steamed tops of carrots or decoction are used to treat diseases of the joints and spine (in the form of compresses).

Recipe 3. With prostatitis, it is useful to make compresses from fresh carrot tops daily before bedtime, alternately applying it to the lower abdomen and perineum. The course of treatment is 1 month.

Recipe 4. Means for the treatment of urolithiasis: 1 tbsp. l Pour dried and chopped carrot tops with 1 glass of boiling water, insist nightly in a thermos, strain in the morning and take it warm during the day, in several stages. To be treated before recovery.

Recipe 5. With insomnia and nervous disorders, you need to take 1 tbsp. l chopped dried carrot tops, brew 1 cup boiling water, insist and drink before bedtime, with the addition of honey to taste. The course of treatment is 2 to 4 weeks.

Recipe 6. Hypertension Medication

In the spring, plant the carrot root in the garden, and when it blooms, cut off the tops and dry. Brew like tea: 1 tbsp. l herbs for 1 cup boiling water, leave for several minutes under a lid, strain, add sugar or honey to taste and drink 0.5 - 1 cup of infusion, instead of regular tea, 3 times a day, for 3 weeks, then take a break for 1 month and drink again. Conduct several courses of treatment.

Recipe 7. For the heart and blood vessels, a mixture of juices from the tops of carrots and alfalfa (0.5 cup each) is useful. Drink once a day, in the morning on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before meals, for 2 to 3 weeks.

Beet tops

Beetroot is a biennial plant of the Marevaya family, known to people from ancient times. Already 2 thousand years BC people began to eat the leaves of this plant. Later, leaf beets were grown, and even later, root crops of this plant were bred by selection.

The homeland of this culture is considered the Mediterranean. Then it began to spread throughout Europe, was introduced into Persia, Afghanistan, China and Kievan Rus.

First, beets were grown as a medicinal plant, then they began to cultivate them as fodder and vegetables, and in the late 18th century they began to grow beets as raw materials for sugar production. Currently, sugar beets are the main raw material for sugar production in our country.

In Kievan Rus and Muscovite Rus, beets were already grown in the 11th century not only as medicinal raw materials, but also as a vegetable plant. Currently, wild beets are found on the shores of the North Sea and the Atlantic Ocean.

In the first year, beets give only a rosette of leaves and root crops (thickened root), and in the second year it blooms. The root crop can have a different shape: flat, round, oval-elongated, conical and cylindrical. Its coloring is different. At the table beet, it can be dark red, burgundy or with a purple tint, white and even golden yellow. Leaves, petioles and stems are green, dark red or pink-red. When ripe, the fruits grow together to form glomeruli.

Currently, there are many varieties and hybrids of beets, varying in size, shape and color of the root crop, taste and sugar content, as well as economic use, but they are all combined into 3 groups: sugar, table and fodder.

Not only root vegetables, but also beet tops are widely used in cooking. It is added to mayonnaises, sauces, pastas, seasonings, salads, vinaigrettes, soups, tops, borscht, casseroles, scrambled eggs and omelets, meat and vegetable stews, mashed potatoes, cereals, pancake and pancake dough, minced pancakes, ravioli, dumplings and cutlets, stuffing for pies, kvass, juices and other drinks, as well as dressings for toppers and borsch.

Before use, beet tops need to be washed, chopped and rinsed with boiling water to remove a specific flavor. It can be salted, fermented, canned and dried.

Beet tops, as well as root crops, contain a large number of useful substances for the body: vitamins (C, carotene, B1, B2, B6, B9, PP, U), mineral salts of iron, calcium, magnesium, sodium, iodine, zinc, fluorine, phosphorus, sulfur, boron, copper and some other elements. In addition, oxalic acid is present in it, so you can not eat a lot of beet tops with gout and urolithiasis. Due to such a complex chemical composition, as well as root crops, the tops has a number of healing properties.

It has analgesic, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, wound healing, laxative and anti-tumor effects, regulates carbohydrate and cholesterol metabolism.

Beet tops are used to treat mastopathy and headache (in the form of compresses). It is useful for diabetes, diseases of the thyroid gland, heart and blood vessels, for anemia, gastritis with low acidity of gastric juice, constipation, intestinal atony, obesity and atherosclerosis. It is a good tool to prevent the development of malignant tumors. To treat cracks in the heels, make baths with decoction or juice from beet tops.

Juice from beet tops treat various skin diseases (externally).

Contraindications for the use of beet tops: gout, urolithiasis, inflammatory diseases of the kidneys, intestines and liver, hyperacid gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, heartburn and hemorrhoids.

Recipe 1. With constipation, tea from dried and chopped beet and radish tops helps: 1 tbsp. l pour the tops of the mixture with 1 cup of boiling water, wrap, insist 15 minutes, strain and drink instead of tea 1/4 cup of this infusion, 5-6 times a day, with the addition of honey or sugar to taste. The course of treatment is until recovery.

The tops of the remaining root crops are rough and rarely used in cooking.

Do not throw root vegetables to the top, but use it for treatment and nutrition, always taking into account all contraindications.

Candidate of Biological Sciences, Sergeeva G. K.

Radish is the first among vegetables to appear on our table, helping our body to replenish the supply of vitamins spent during the winter.

This vegetable contains anthocyanin  - biologically active plant pigment, which is extremely useful in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. It is anthocyanin that colors radish in its beautiful red-pink color. Thanks to this substance, radish has anti-inflammatory, hemostatic  action, increases the elasticity of small blood vessels and their resistance to adverse environmental conditions. In addition, according to American scientists, anthocyanin is capable of slow the growth of cancer cells  large intestine.

Radish juice contains useful substances that are vital for us: vitamins C, PP, B groups, minerals (potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, sodium zinc), as well as a large number of essential oils that help increase efficiency, charging us with energy, and also strengthen immunity, which is very timely after a long winter. For example, mustard oil contained in radishes gives it a piquant taste, and also has a choleretic and antiseptic effect. With a tendency to be overweight, you should definitely include radishes in your menu - it will help get rid of toxins, prevents swelling  and contributes to weight stabilization. Fiber, which is also abundant in radishes, normalize sugar  in blood, humble appetite  and give a feeling of satiety for a long time.

However, radish has contraindications. People suffering from diseases of the stomach, gall bladder and duodenum need to eat radish with caution.

When buying radishes, pay attention to the skin - the presence of dark spots indicates the process of decay has begun. You should not buy such a radish. Try to squeeze the root crop with your fingers - the overripe radish is soft and friable to the touch, while the young one is hard and smooth.

It is better to store the radish with the tops in the refrigerator in a plastic bag, or by lowering the bunch in water.

Radish tops  even more useful than root crops, it contains many useful substances. Add radish greens to salads, borscht, okroshka. Green radish juice activates digestion, improves metabolismwhich is especially useful when obesity, gout, constipation. Use only juicy and fresh tops, getting rid of yellowed and lethargic.

When used in salads and vinaigrettes, it is best to choose radish varieties with thin and delicate leaves.

Radish top salad with tomatoes and cucumbers

radish greens - 2 bunches,

Properly, with benefit, with pleasure - all this can be said about the most ordinary radish. After all, it is she who pleases us every spring with her wealth of vitamins and other useful substances, helping to recover after the winter. Thanks to its useful qualities radish  for a long time remains a favorite product of many people.

Judge for yourself: one bunch of radishes - and you are provided with a daily dose of ascorbic acid! It is also an indispensable vegetable for weight loss: 100 g of radish contains only 14 kcal. At the same time, radish still prevents the deposition of fat, helps to improve metabolism. Therefore, in the recommendations of nutritionists for a healthy diet, there is also this healthy vegetable.

And the variety of varieties of this root is simply amazing. When looking at brown, burgundy, purple, yellow and white fruits, you already forget that all this is a radish. The taste of all relatives is approximately the same, but they can create a very rich palette for salads, soups and main dishes.

Radish  It contains carbohydrates, proteins, nitrogenous and ash substances, vitamins, mineral salts and volatile products - the so-called natural antibiotics, which are known as the best helpers for the prevention of colds.

The most useful part radish  - This is the tops. It is crushed and used as greens for salads, and also added to soups, side dishes, boiled and stewed meat. It contains all the properties of radish in a more concentrated form. Tops have a pleasant spicy taste that gives the dish a unique flavor.

Root itself radish  appreciated for the sharp specific taste that essential oils give it. It is as high in calories as tomatoes, squash, squash and eggplant, but it has one important difference: its protein content is twice as high. And this means that it contributes to the structure of body cells. Also in the radish there are sugars, enzymes, fiber, fats and vitamins C, B1, B2 and PP. There are also salts of the following substances: potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, calcium, iron. Mustard oils contained in the radish give antiseptic properties.

Radish improves digestion, therefore it is useful in obesity., diseases of the heart and blood vessels. No wonder it is recommended for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. During the use of radish, the secretion of gastric juice is stimulated, due to which digestion is enhanced. This "warming up" effect is very much appreciated in oriental medicine - it is believed that it helps the body retain youth longer. This effect is achieved by the effect of vitamin C on the intercellular membranes - it makes them more permeable to all nutrients.

Fiber, which is rich in radishes, is able to remove excess cholesterol from the body. By the amount of fiber, it is equal to garlic, tomatoes, beets and white cabbage. Cholesterol is an inconspicuous killer of vascular cells, leading to their thinning. To prevent this ailment, it is important to eat radish  and his closest relatives - radish and turnips.

AT radish  contains substances that can stabilize blood sugar. Nowadays, the excessive consumption of harmful products is very important. And if the family has a predisposition to diabetes, radishes will be a welcome product on the table.

According to the latest data, radish may be involved in cancer prevention  due to the dye of anthocyanin, which gives it, among other things, a very attractive look.

To prevent colds and other diseases, you can also use radish juice. It is especially useful when mixed with carrot (one part radish and two parts carrots). This cocktail will also help restore the tone of the gastric mucosa.

We would not see radishes as our ears, if not for the love of Peter I for everything overseas. It was thanks to his decree to plant a radish that she appeared in Russia. True, at first they did not favor her and counted as a weed, used as an auxiliary planting: mark the boundaries of the beds, etc. And later they began to eat as a full-fledged product.

People with diseases of the stomach or intestines should not be too fond of eating radishes, because this can cause an exacerbation of the disease. Follow your feelings, and experts advise you to eat radish  no more than once a week.

The treatment with vegetables, fruits and herbs is becoming more and more popular, and radish  was no exception. We offer several recipes for traditional healers:

  • Radiculitis: grate radish, make gruel from fresh radish, apply it as a compress.
  • Headache: rub forehead, temples and nose bridge with freshly squeezed juice radish.
  • Constipation: make infusion of tops radish: 1 tbsp. l pour the tops with one glass of boiling water, leave for 1 hour. Take three times a day 20 minutes after eating for 2-3 days.
  • Nourishing face mask: mix 2-3 chopped radishes with 5-6 drops of any vegetable oil. Stir the mass, add 1 tsp. Starch, mix again. This mask is placed on the face for 10 minutes.

Radish root vegetables should be firm, with a smooth skin. Black dots and spots are unacceptable - this product has already begun to rot. And if the radish is soft to the touch, then it has been stored for a long time and has lost some of the nutrients. It will not bring you neither pleasure nor benefit. Also, the suitability of radishes can be determined by the tops: if it has a fresh look, then the radish has been plucked recently and is quite suitable for food.

And one more tip: first use the tops, and beautiful roots can be stored in the refrigerator for almost a week. So you will extend both the benefits and the pleasure of using radishes.

For this salad, you need to take a bunch of radish greens, two cucumbers, two tomatoes, a bunch of onions, salt and pepper. We wash the fresh tops well and cut the cuttings, after which it should be cut, add the tomatoes and cucumbers cut into pieces. Also chop finely green onions, mix vegetables, salt to taste. You can fill the salad with unsweetened thick yogurt, sour cream or vegetable oil.

Another spring salad can be prepared from radish greens, potatoes, eggs, cucumbers and green onions. Tasty and satisfying, many will like it. Ingredients: two bunches of tops, three potatoes, three eggs, two cucumbers and a bunch of green onions. Preparation: boil potatoes and eggs. Cool, peel and cut into cubes. We wash the greens and onions, cut. My cucumbers, and also cut into cubes. Mix everything, add salt, pepper and season with sour cream. By adding kvass to the salad, you can get a delicious real okroshka. Enjoy your meal!

Very small and very helpful! Common radish. He hurries to please us with his richness of vitamins much earlier than other vegetables, since he is one of the first to appear in the garden.

The number of varieties of this useful root crop is simply amazing. Burgundy, brown, purple, yellow, white radish will not only bring a wide palette of colors to various salads, but also provide you with a daily dose of ascorbic acid.

And if you are determined to lose a couple of kilograms, then the radish should become a regular guest at your table. It is low-calorie (14 kcal per 100 g), prevents the deposition of fats, improves metabolism. Thanks to fiber, it removes cholesterol, toxins and toxins from the body. By the amount of fiber, the radish is equal to garlic, beets, tomatoes, white cabbage and its closest relatives - radish and turnips.

The radish tops are in no way inferior to the root in utility. It has a spicy pleasant taste. It is also used in salads and for cooking other dishes. The radish root itself can taste either sweetish or very spicy, but it is for this specific taste that they love it. Radish is also useful in that it contributes to the structure of cells in the body, the protein content in it is two times higher than in tomatoes, squash, squash and eggplant. Sugar, fats, enzymes, vitamins C, B1, B2 and PP, as well as salts of potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, calcium, iron - all this is present in the radish. Mustard oils contained in it have antiseptic properties.

Radish also has medicinal properties. For those who have a predisposition to diabetes, radishes can be an effective assistant in the prevention of this ailment. It stabilizes blood sugar.

Due to the natural dye of anthocyanin, radish is involved in the prevention of cancer. Infusion of finely chopped tops (1 tablespoon per glass of boiling water) will help with frequent constipation, if taken three times a day, half an hour after eating, for three days.

Radish juice is also useful, in combination with carrot juice (1: 2), helps to restore the gastric mucosa. For headaches, squeeze a few drops of juice, rub them with whiskey and nose. With a cold, radishes will accelerate recovery.

In order to fully enjoy the taste and useful qualities of this vegetable, always pay attention to its appearance. The root crop to the touch should be even, firm, smooth and without black dots on the skin. Otherwise, it will be dry, fibrous and rotten inside. Radishes should be stored in the refrigerator, with tops - no more than a day, without tops - no more than a week.

Harm radish and contraindications.

But not everyone can lean on radishes. If you suffer from diseases of the stomach, then you should limit its consumption to once a week. Since it is sharp enough and can cause exacerbation. The cyanogenic glycosides contained in the radish can harm the thyroid gland and lead to goiter formation. To protect yourself from this, radishes must be boiled before use.

Read a general article about the benefits of the dangers of vegetables here!

Radish is an edible plant and is grown as a vegetable in many countries of the world. Its name comes from lat. radix is \u200b\u200bthe root. Root crops, which have a thickness of up to 3 cm and are covered with thin skin, often dyed red, pink or white-pink, are usually eaten. Radish root vegetables have a sharp taste. This typical taste of radish is due to the content of mustard oil in the plant, which under pressure is converted to mustard oil glycoside.

The homeland of radish is considered Central Asia. There radish has been known since ancient times. Radish was also known in Ancient Japan, Ancient Egypt and in Ancient Greece. In ancient Rome, winter varieties of radish were eaten with honey, vinegar and salt. In Europe, radishes began to be cultivated since the 16th century. The first to be tasted by French cooks. At the end of the 16th century, radish root vegetables were white and had the shape of a carrot. Peter I brought radish to Russia from Amsterdam, where the tsar first tried it in the house of the local merchant and was delighted. Well, now radishes are grown all over the world.

When buying radishes, choose root crops with smooth skin. Black dots on the radish indicate that the vegetable has begun to rot. And if the radish seems soft to the touch, it means that you came across a fibrous, tasteless instance.

Store the purchased radish in the refrigerator. With tops - 2-3 days. Without tops - about 1 week.

Radish contains potassium, sodium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, vitamins of group B, PP, C.

Contains radish and thiamine, riboflavin and nicotinic acid. Mustard oils give the radish a distinctive flavor. Radish salads have moderate choleretic, decongestant properties, stimulate appetite, and promote better peristalsis and bowel movement. Radish juice improves digestion and metabolism. It is especially useful for those who suffer from gout, obesity, and diabetes.

The use of radishes improves complexion and invigorates, improves heart function and strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Due to the abundance of fiber, radish reduces the level of bad cholesterol in the blood, removes toxins from the body.

There are also special substances volatile in the radish - a kind of natural antibiotic. And therefore, spicy lovers have very good chances to avoid colds and inflammatory diseases.

By the way, radish tops contain no less vitamins and minerals than root crops. Therefore, throwing out useful leaves is impermissible wastefulness. Moreover, the “tops” of radishes are also edible. Green cabbage soup is prepared from them, they are cut and added to salads and okroshka, or you can just stew the tops like cabbage.

American scientists from Ohio University have found that eating purple-colored vegetables, fruits, and berries prevents colon cancer. The anti-cancer properties of extracts from various products with a purple color were tested and, based on the results, the scientists concluded that the cause of this effect is the presence of anthocyanins in coloring pigments. Studies have shown that the extracts of purple corn, blueberries and chokeberry (chokeberry) have the highest anticancer activity. It was found that the anthocyanins of radishes and black carrots slow down the growth of cancer cells by 50-80%, and the pigments of purple corn and chokeberry: they not only completely stopped the growth of cancer, but also destroyed about 20% of cancer cells without affecting healthy cells.

Testing on living organisms, experimental rats, showed that when using purple-colored foods in food, the symptoms of cancer in rats decreased by 70%.

All this confirms that anthocyanin pigments can protect against certain tumors of the gastrointestinal tract. However, scientists can not yet recommend specific “anti-cancer” fruits or vegetables to people, since it remains to be seen what effect digestive tract enzymes have on them and how these substances are absorbed by the human body.

In folk medicine, a good remedy for constipation is the infusion of radish tops: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of tops pour a glass of boiling water, leave for an hour and drink 3 times a day 20 minutes after eating for 2-3 days.

In cosmetology, radishes can also be used to prepare a nourishing face mask. 2-3 crushed root vegetables are mixed with 5-6 drops of vegetable oil. Stir, add 1 teaspoon of starch. Lay the mixture on your face for 10 minutes.

It is still not worthwhile to get too carried away with radishes for diseases of the stomach or intestines - this can cause an exacerbation of the disease. So it is better to limit yourself and eat radishes no more than 1 time per week.

An informative video for radish lovers that talks about how to grow this vegetable in order to get a good harvest even in October.

What are useful carrot tops, radish tops and beet tops

Usually, we are used to chopping and throwing vegetable tops without giving it any meaning, and in vain. Not only the root crops of plants, but also their shoots sticking out of the ground can be useful and tasty. In addition, some types of tops produce very delicious dishes, and recipes for infusions and decoctions are used as effective treatments for many ailments.

Our ancestors knew well about the benefits and taste of vegetable tops: it was widely used in traditional Russian cooking - soups and borsch were cooked with it, meat and cereal dishes  baked cakes, and even made desserts and kvass.

Carrot and beet tops - the best basis for borsch in the traditional Russian spirit, beets were put in okroshka and cold beetroot. And there was a special dish in Russia - botvina, and if a Russian woman could not cook it, they considered her a poor mistress and did not take her married. And it’s impossible to imagine a traditional Russian borsch without beet tops.

What is it about the tops for which it was so valued by the ancestors? In the leafy parts of carrots, beets or radishes, the composition of vitamins and minerals is even wider than in root crops. There are a lot of ascorbic acid in the tops to help fight the spleen and strengthen the walls of blood vessels, a lot of folic acid, which is useful for the brain and nervous system, as well as high reserves of B vitamins, enough iron, potassium, magnesium and calcium, iodine.

Although it is unlikely that anyone will agree to eat the tops in their raw form, many cooks use it very widely in the composition of dishes.

Beet tops great for vegetable diet salads  as it is rich in fiber and quickly saturates. But before use, it must be washed very well on both sides, finely chopped with a knife and doused with boiling water. After that, the leaves will become soft and tender, and a specific taste will not bother.

Beet tops are combined with cucumber, radish, green lettuce, spinach, herbs and nuts, although you can vary the salads to your liking.

The ideal salad dressing with beet tops is vegetable oil with apple, lemon or pomegranate juice, balsamic vinegar, sour cream and even mayonnaise!

The tops are added in the preparation of second courses - in vegetable and meat stews, in meatballs, to reduce calorie content and enrich fiber. Beet tops are the basis for filling pies, and tops can be prepared for future use - they are dried, fermented, salted, canned with other vegetables and then used in cooking in winter.

Often we are used to throwing tops from various root crops, however, this is not worth doing. After all, it contains a huge amount of valuable substances, for example, radish tops, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which we will consider in this article. It has been used since ancient times for cooking. On its basis, refined and nutritious dishes are obtained, it can easily replace the usual dill or parsley greens.

The benefits of radish tops

Surprisingly, the green leaves of the radish contain more valuable substances than in the root crop. It is rich in B vitamins, vitamin C, PP. As well as minerals and trace elements: iron, sodium, calcium, potassium, phosphorus and others. Greens have a spicy and delicate taste, with a slight bitterness due to the content of essential oils. They also help in the fight against bacteria and infections. Useful properties of radish tops are manifested in the following:

  1. Improves stamina, improves mood.
  2. Strengthens and elasticizes the walls of blood vessels.
  3. Improves brain function, favorable for the cardiovascular system.
  4. Helps intestinal function due to its high fiber content.
  5. Powder from the tops of radishes is used for fungal diseases (applied to affected areas).

In addition, the tops are low in calories and can be used with various diets or proper nutrition.

Harm and contraindications

You should thoroughly wash the radish tops, since dangerous infections can enter your body with the earth: salmonellosis, E. coli, toxoplasmosis. The damage to radish tops is insignificant, and its use should be limited only to those who suffer from acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: gastritis, ulcers or high acidity.

How to eat tops

Useful properties of radish tops reveal themselves when preparing salads, soups or potatoes. It can be finely chopped and mixed with dill, green onions or parsley. When consumed fresh, more often in salads, it is better to take young and juicy tops. She is the best basis for borscht. Before use, it must be thoroughly washed and rinsed with boiling water.

They make a blank for it in the winter, and in the cold season they use it as a seasoning, making up for the deficiency of vitamins and minerals. It is prepared very easily: dry the greens, chop finely, cover with salt and put in a jar. Keep in the refrigerator.

Watch the video recipe for radish leaf salad:

The use of radish for medicinal purposes involves the preparation of various preparations from it (juice, pulp, broth, infusion, tincture, etc.), as well as some culinary dishes. It should be noted that the nutrients of vegetable juices are absorbed by the body faster than from raw vegetables. Freshly squeezed raw juices are most useful, since they do not undergo processing, which means that they do not lose their healing properties. Radish juice is used in many methods of cleansing the body, as it quickly removes harmful metabolic products in the urine. It also has a pronounced antimicrobial effect. To get radish juice, you need to thoroughly wash the root crop using a brush, and then grate it with a fine grater along with the skin. Another option is to skip the diced vegetable through a meat grinder, but in this case it is necessary to act quickly, since when it comes into contact with the metal, the juice loses some of its useful properties. The resulting raw materials should be squeezed.

As you know, radish has a specific burning taste. To soften it, use a small amount of juice of sweet berries or fruits. Few people know that dried radishes are also useful. To prepare them, thoroughly clean them from the ground, wash, cut into circles no more than 5 mm thick and place them on a baking sheet (for drying in the oven) or clean paper (for drying in the sun). The readiness of the radish is determined by its appearance - well-dried slices become like potato chips and break with a crunch when bent.

Raw materials prepared in this way are placed in paper boxes or bags made of natural fabric. In order not to forget when the blanks were made, stick a date label on the container. The shelf life of dried radish is 3-4 years. It can be used as a biologically active food supplement, as well as for the preparation of decoctions, infusions and alcohol tinctures.


Angina is an infectious disease caused by microbes and characterized by an inflammatory process in the tonsils. Angina can be contracted by contact with a sick person, as well as as a result of hypothermia, decreased immunity, proliferation of adenoids, and with purulent inflammatory processes in the oral and nasal cavities. The clinical picture includes an acute onset, fever, pain in the larynx, a feeling of soreness and dryness in the throat. For the treatment of tonsillitis in traditional medicine, radish juice is used.

Radish Juice Cure

Radish juice - 100 ml

Water - 200 ml

Combine the ingredients and gargle 6-8 times a day. The course of treatment is 1 week.

Radish juice - 120 ml

Honey (liquid) - 20 g

Combine honey and radish juice and mix. Take 30-40 ml 4-5 times a day. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

Anemia (anemia)

This disease is characterized by a decrease in the amount of hemoglobin and red blood cells. It may be due to a deficiency in the body of vitamin B12 and iron, as well as other vitamins and minerals. Other causes of anemia are diseases of the hematopoietic system, acute and chronic blood loss.

Radish Juice Cure

Radish - 200 g

Gently hollow a hole in the upper part of the root crop and take the juice accumulating in it in small quantities during the day. The course of treatment is 1-2 weeks (take a new root crop every day).

Radish juice - 100 ml

Carrot Juice - 100 ml

Beetroot juice - 100 ml

Combine the ingredients, pour into a ceramic pot, place in the oven, heated to 100 ° C, and simmer, reducing the temperature to a minimum, 3 hours. Take 30 ml 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 1 month.

Cure for radish, onion and carrot juice

Radish juice - 30 ml

Onion juice - 20 ml

Carrot Juice - 20 ml

Combine juices and drink 30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

Heart arrhythmias

Arrhythmias are pathologies characterized by a violation of the frequency, sequence and rhythm of contractions of the heart. As a rule, they develop with structural changes in the conductive system with heart disease. Arrhythmias are diagnosed by an electrocardiogram. Treatment involves the treatment of the underlying disease and the normalization of heart rhythm. If arrhythmia is not accompanied by a serious pathology of the cardiovascular system, you can use the following recipe.

Radish juice - 50 ml

Beetroot juice - 30 ml

Carrot Juice - 30 ml

Honey (liquid) - 20 g

Combine juices, add honey and mix thoroughly. Take during the day. The course of treatment is 2 months.


Bronchial asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory system that is characterized by asthma attacks associated with impaired patency of the bronchi as a result of muscle spasm of the small bronchi and swelling of the mucous membrane. As a rule, asthma attacks begin at night: patients complain of a lack of air, as well as shortness of breath, accompanied by coughing and shortness of breath.

This disease is associated with allergies and can be hereditary. To help the patient, use preparations in the form of aerosols that relieve bronchospasm. Therapy involves the relief of asthma attacks, as well as the determination of allergen and adverse factors.

To improve the patient's condition, physiotherapy and sanatorium-resort treatment are recommended (mineral water intake, physical therapy exercises, etc.). Traditional medicine uses balm, the main component of which is radish juice.

Radish - 180 g

Water - 250 ml

Wash the radish, cut into small pieces, pour 30 g of raw material with boiling water and keep on low heat for 15 minutes, then strain. Take 40-50 ml 4 times a day. The course of treatment is 1 month.

Radish - 200 g

Cut the radish into small pieces, eat and induce vomiting by pressing the pads of two fingers on the root of the tongue.

Radish and Vinegar Medicine

Radish - 200 g

Honey (liquid) - 40 g

Vinegar - 10 drops

Grate the radish, combine with honey and vinegar and mix thoroughly. Take the resulting product and induce vomiting by pressing the pads of two fingers on the root of the tongue.

Cure for Radish and Honey Juice

Radish juice - 150 ml

Honey (liquid) - 40 g

Combine the ingredients, mix thoroughly and take 30-40 ml 3-4 times a day. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks.

Cure for radish, aloe, beet and onion juices

Radish juice - 120 ml

Aloe juice - 120 ml

Beetroot juice - 120 ml

Onion juice - 120 ml

Lemon Juice - 30 ml

Cranberry Juice - 20 ml

Alcohol - 120 ml

Honey (liquid) - 40 g

Sugar - 40 g

Combine the juices of radish, aloe, beets and onions, and then introduce cranberry and lemon juices, add honey and sugar, pour in alcohol and mix everything thoroughly. The resulting product should be taken 20 ml 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 1 month. This medicine should be stored in the refrigerator.

Cure for radish, beet and cranberry juice

Radish juice - 100 ml

Beetroot juice - 50 ml

Cranberry Juice - 50 ml

Aloe juice - 50 ml

Lemon Juice - 50 ml

Alcohol - 200 ml

Honey (liquid) - 80 g

Sugar - 50 g

Combine these ingredients, mix thoroughly, pour into a dark glass jar and leave in the refrigerator for 3 weeks. The resulting medicine should be taken in 3 ml 30 minutes before a meal. The course of treatment is 2 weeks. Contraindications to the use of this drug are diseases of the liver and biliary tract.


One of the main reasons for the development of this disease is the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels. Other factors include a sedentary lifestyle, overweight, malnutrition, stress, smoking and some chronic diseases. The hereditary factor also matters.

The dynamics of the pathological process is expressed in the aggravation of changes in the vascular wall and an increase in cholesterol deposits (plaques). The result of atherosclerosis is a narrowing of the lumen of the blood vessels and the deterioration of their functions. Insufficient blood supply is detrimental to all body systems.

It should be noted that pathological changes may have a reverse development. That is why it is very important to monitor your diet, excluding products with a high fat content, as well as conduct regular preventive measures.

Radish contains choline, which removes the accumulation of cholesterol in the blood, therefore, to improve the condition of atherosclerosis (as well as to prevent this disease), drugs based on it can be used.

Radish Juice Cure

Radish - 220 g

Boiled water - 180 ml

Grate the radish on a fine grater, squeeze the juice and combine it with water. The resulting medicine should be taken in small doses throughout the day. The course of treatment is 1 month.

The medicine from the juice of radish and infusion of fruits of wild strawberry and St. John's wort grass

Radish juice - 100 ml

Strawberries - 20 g

Hypericum herb - 10 g

Dried grass - 5 g

Motherwort herb - 5 g

Coltsfoot leaves - 5 g

Dill Seeds - 10 g

Water - 300 ml

Pound grass, fruits, leaves and seeds, pour boiling water and keep on low heat for 5 minutes, then insist 40 minutes, strain, cool and combine with radish juice. Take the medicine 50 ml 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 1.5–2 months. After a 4-week break, you can repeat everything.

A medicine from radish juice and a decoction of caraway seeds and periwinkle leaves

Radish juice - 100 ml

Caraway seeds - 10 g

Vinca leaves - 10 g

Hawthorn root - 5 g

White mistletoe herb - 5 g

Water - 200 ml

Crush plant materials, pour boiling water and keep on low heat for 15 minutes, then strain, cool and combine with radish juice. Take in small portions throughout the day. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

A medicine for radish juice, extract of hawthorn and horsetail

Radish juice - 200 ml

Hawthorn flowers - 10 g

Horsetail grass - 10 g

White mistletoe herb - 5 g

Small periwinkle leaves - 5 g

Water - 250 ml

Crush the raw materials, pour boiling water, insist for 30 minutes, strain, cool and combine with radish juice. Drink in small sips throughout the day. The course of treatment is 1.5 months. After an 8-week break, repeat everything.

A medicine for the juice of radish and infusion of Arnica, yarrow and St. John's wort

Radish juice - 200 ml

Arnica flowers - 5 g

Yarrow herb - 20 g

Hypericum herb - 15 g

Water - 250 ml

Pound grass and flowers, pour boiling water and leave for 1 hour, then strain, cool and combine with juice. Take in small portions throughout the day. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks.

Radish and beetroot medicine

Radish tops - 15 g

Beet tops - 15 g

Tops of carrots - 15 g

Celery tops - 10 g

Radish tops - 10 g

Asparagus tops - 5 g

Olive oil - 30 ml

Chop vegetable leaves, add oil and mix. The resulting medicine is taken in small portions throughout the day. The course of treatment is 3 months (every other day).

Cure for radish juice and onion tincture

Radish juice - 100 ml

Onions - 100 g

Alcohol - 250 L

Grate the onion, put in a glass jar, pour alcohol and insist for 20 days. Combine 10 drops of the product with radish juice and drink during the day. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.


Insomnia is a condition characterized by difficulty falling asleep, a decrease in total sleep time, a disturbance in the rhythm of falling asleep and waking up, etc. It should be noted that this term does not mean a disease, but a symptom of some disorder (neurosis, some cardiovascular pathologies, head injuries brain). Healthy people can suffer from insomnia with severe stress, physical and mental stress.

Radish Cure

Radish - 100 g

Water - 250 ml

Honey (liquid) - 30 g

Cut the radish into small pieces, add water, bring to a boil and keep on low heat for 15 minutes, then cool and strain. The resulting broth should be taken, divided into small portions, 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 3-4 weeks.

Cure for radish, turnip and pumpkin juice

Radish juice - 80 ml

Turnip juice - 80 ml

Pumpkin juice - 80 ml

Lime honey (liquid) - 30 g

Combine juices with honey, mix and take overnight. The course of treatment is 1 month.


Bronchitis is an inflammatory disease that affects the mucous membrane of the bronchi. In most cases, this pathology is combined with inflammation of the nose, throat, larynx and trachea. The process begins in the nasopharynx and gradually spreads to the respiratory tract.

With bronchitis, radish-based medications can significantly improve the condition and speed up the healing process.

Radish and Onion Cure

Radish - 120 g

Onions - 120 g

Goose fat - 30 g

Pass the radish and onion through a meat grinder, combine with goose fat and mix thoroughly. Rub the ointment into the chest and upper back for the night, then wrap it with plastic wrap and wrap it with a woolen scarf. The course of treatment with such compresses is 1 week.

Radish and honey medicine (option 1)

Radish - 120 g

Radish tops - 60 g

Aloe leaves - 50 g

Honey (liquid) - 30 g

Water - 250 ml

Cut the radish into small pieces, chop the tops of radish and aloe leaves. Combine the prepared ingredients, add water, bring to a boil and keep on low heat for 30 minutes, then add honey, mix and cool. Filter the medicine and take 30-40 ml 3-4 times a day. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

Radish and honey medicine (option 2)

Radish - 220 g

Honey (liquid) - 30 g

Sugar - 20 g

In the root crop, carefully cut the middle, put honey and sugar there, cover with a plastic film and leave for 2 hours, and then drain the juice. Take the medicine 30 ml 3-4 times a day. The course of treatment is 5-7 days.

Cure for radish juice, honey and sugar

Radish juice - 150 ml

Honey (liquid) - 30 g

Sugar - 30 g

Combine the ingredients, mix and drink the resulting medicine in one go. The course of treatment is 1 week.

Cure for radish, honey and garlic

Radish - 180 g

Honey (liquid) - 40 g

Garlic - 2 cloves

Peel the root crop, cut into small cubes, put into a deep container, pour honey, combine with garlic passed through a garlic grinder and leave for 6 hours. Take 40 g every 2 hours. The course of treatment is 5-7 days.

Cure for radish juice, honey, flour and vegetable oil

Radish juice - 40 ml

Honey (liquid) - 30 g

Flour - 40 g

Vegetable oil - 30 ml

Combine the ingredients and use as a compress on the chest 2 times a day. The course of treatment is 2–4 weeks.

Radish and milk medicine

Radish - 250 g

Milk - 150 ml

Grate the radish, squeeze the juice, combine it with milk and take 50 ml in the morning. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

Cure for radish juice, honey and milk

Radish juice - 50 ml

Milk - 100 ml

Lime honey (liquid) - 30 g

Heat the milk, dissolve the honey in it, add the radish juice and drink it overnight. The course of treatment is 1-2 weeks.

A medicine for radish juice and a decoction of licorice root and plantain leaves

Radish juice - 100 ml

Licorice root - 10 g

Plantain Leaves - 10 g

Coltsfoot leaves - 10 g

Water - 180 ml

Bring water to a boil, pour vegetable raw materials into it and keep on low heat for 10 minutes, then cool, strain and combine with radish juice. Take 100 ml 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment is 7 days.

The medicine from the juice of radish and decoction of the root of the source

Radish juice - 200 ml

Root of source - 20 g

Water - 200 ml

Grind the root of the source, pour boiling water and keep on low heat for 20 minutes, then strain, cool and combine with radish juice. Take the medicine 50 ml 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment is 7 days.

A medicine from the juice of radish and infusion of birch leaves, nettle and ledum

Radish juice - 120 ml

Radish - 40 g

Birch leaves - 10 g

Nettle leaves - 10 g

Labrador Leaves - 5 g

Oregano herb - 5 g

Water - 250 ml

Combine the plant material with radish cut into small pieces, pour boiling water and leave for 10 minutes, then strain and cool. Take 50-80 ml of broth 3 times a day, washed down with radish juice. The course of treatment is 1 week.

A medicine for the juice of radish and carrots with honey

Radish juice - 120 ml

Carrot Juice - 100 ml

Honey (liquid) - 30 g

Combine the juices with honey and mix thoroughly. Take the medicine in small portions and keep in your mouth for several minutes, and then swallow it. The course of treatment is 7-14 days.


Sinusitis (inflammation of the maxillary sinuses) is often caused by diseases such as acute respiratory viral infections, tonsillitis and scarlet fever. Its characteristic signs are discomfort in the nose and eyes and headaches. In acute sinusitis, a mucopurulent runny nose and aching pain in the maxillary sinuses appear. In addition, there is a violation of smell and taste, as well as increased body temperature. Sinusitis is often accompanied by lacrimation.

It should be noted that it is much more difficult to recover from chronic sinusitis than from acute sinusitis, therefore it is very important to consult a doctor in a timely manner and take measures. Radish juice can supplement the arsenal of traditional medicines.

Radish Juice Cure

Radish juice - 50 ml

Place a few drops of radish juice in your nose, and then insert cotton swabs soaked in them into the nostrils. The course of treatment is 7-14 days.

Radish Cure

Radish - 200 g

Vegetable oil - 10 ml

Grate radish on a coarse grater. Grease the region of the maxillary sinuses with vegetable oil and attach bags of fabric with a small amount of rare gruel to them for 10 minutes. The course of treatment is 5-7 days.


In the case of the use of products that are infected with helminths, the latter can enter the human body. Helminthic infestation is characterized by weight loss, weakness, poor health and stool disorders. For treatment, it is necessary to use traditional drugs, as well as natural medicines from radish.

Radish Cure

Radish - 400 g

Honey (liquid) - 80 g

Grate the radish on a fine grater, squeeze the juice through folded in several layers of gauze and combine it with honey. The resulting medicine should be taken 50 ml 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 1-2 weeks.

Radish and Olive Oil Medicines

Radish - 120 g

Olive oil - 30 ml

Grate the radish, combine with oil and mix. Received medicine to take 30 g 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 1-2 weeks.


Influenza is an infectious disease caused by viruses A, B and C. It is accompanied by general intoxication of the body and damage to the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. Ways of infection - contact and airborne. Influenza is characterized by an acute onset (severe chills, headache, pain in muscles and joints, a feeling of lethargy, fever). These symptoms may be accompanied by a runny nose, cough, sore throat, pain when swallowing, and lacrimation.

The influenza virus spreads rapidly and mutates, therefore, both traditional and traditional medicine recommend that preventive measures aimed at strengthening immunity be carried out in advance.

Radish and alcohol medicine

Radish (black) - 500 g

Vodka - 500 ml

Honey (liquid) - 30 g

Cut the radish into small pieces, pour vodka, mix well and insist for 14 days. The resulting product should be taken 20 drops with honey 2-3 times a day before meals. Preventive treatment - 2 weeks.

Radish and Onion Cure

Radish (black) - 200 g

Onions - 120 g

Milk - 100 ml

Pass the radish and onion through a meat grinder and pour boiling milk. Drink in 2 divided doses. Preventive course - 1-2 weeks.


Diabetes mellitus is a disease of the endocrine system caused by a violation of carbohydrate metabolism. As a result of partial or complete insulin deficiency, glucose does not enter tissue cells, accumulating in the blood. The characteristic signs of diabetes are thirst, itching, increased urination, weight loss while maintaining appetite.

There are two types of diabetes: type I - insulin-dependent adolescent type, type II - initially non-insulin-dependent, or diabetes of the elderly. Natural medicines based on plants give a positive effect by normalizing blood sugar levels, especially in type II diabetes mellitus.

Radish Juice Cure

Radish juice - 100 ml

Take 40 ml of freshly squeezed radish juice 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment is 1-2 months. After this, you need to take a 2-3-month break and repeat everything.

A medicine for radish juice and oat infusion

Radish juice - 100 ml

Oats - 100 g

Water - 1.2 L

Pour oats with warm water and leave for 4 hours, then strain. Combine 200 ml of the product with radish juice and drink in the morning. The course of treatment is 1-2 weeks.

A medicine for radish juice and bay leaf infusion

Radish juice - 120 ml

Bay leaf - 10 g

Water - 100 ml

Pour boiling water over the bay leaf and leave for 1 hour, then strain and cool. Combine the resulting product with radish juice, mix and drink throughout the day. The course of treatment is 1 week.

A medicine for the juice of radish and infusion of blueberry leaves and dandelion root

Radish juice - 100 ml

Blueberry Leaves - 10 g

Dandelion Root - 10 g

Water - 120 ml

Pound leaves and roots, pour boiling water and insist for 30 minutes, and then strain. Take 100 ml with radish juice 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 1-2 weeks.

A medicine from the juice of radish and a decoction of nettle and elderberry leaves

Radish juice - 50 ml

Nettle leaves - 5 g

Elderberry leaves - 5 g

Water - 200 ml

Pour leaves with boiling water and keep on low heat for 10 minutes, then strain, cool, combine with radish juice and drink in one step. The course of treatment is 1-2 weeks.

A medicine for radish juice and infusion of burdock and blueberry leaves

Radish juice - 30 ml

Burdock Leaves - 5 g

Blueberry Leaves - 5 g

Water - 120 ml

Pour the leaves with boiling water and leave for 20 minutes, then strain, cool and combine with the radish juice. Take 100-150 ml 2 times a day. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks.

Cure for radish juice and infusion of highlander and horsetail herbs

Radish juice - 50 ml

Highlander's Grass - 10 g

Horsetail grass - 10 g

Water - 250 ml

Pour boiling water over the grass and insist for 30 minutes, then strain and cool. The resulting product should be taken with radish juice during the day. The course of treatment is 1 month.

Radish juice - 100 ml

Carrot Juice - 100 ml

Honey (liquid) - 70 g

Milk - 100 ml

Combine the ingredients, mix thoroughly and take 30-40 ml 4-5 times a day. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

Cure for radish, celery and carrot juice

Radish juice - 200 ml

Celery juice - 100 ml

Carrot Juice - 50 ml

Combine juices and drink in small portions throughout the day. The course of treatment is 1 week. After a 10-day break, you can repeat everything.


Exudative diathesis is manifested by high sensitivity of the skin and mucous membranes. As a rule, it is observed in children on the 1st – 2nd year of life. This pathology may be due to metabolic disorders resulting from intolerance to any food. An early symptom of diathesis is the appearance of flaky yellowish crusts on the scalp and eyebrows (gneiss). Diaper rash and pink spots on the cheeks may also be observed.

If treatment is not started on time, then exudative diathesis can be complicated by neurodermatitis and eczema. It should be borne in mind that this is not only a skin disease. It affects the whole body, so it is important to carry out complex therapy. Children over 6 months old, traditional medicine recommends treating with radish.

Radish and plantain medicine

Radish (dried) - 40 g

Plantain Leaves - 20 g

Water - 300 ml

Bring the water to a boil, pour the radish and leaves of the plantain and leave for 15-20 minutes, then strain and give the child 30 ml before meals. The course of treatment is 1-2 weeks.

Radish Juice Cure

Radish juice - 30 drops

Give the child radish juice, starting with 1 drop and gradually increasing the dose to 30 drops. Take the medicine 3 times a day 15 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

Radish and carrot juice medicine

Radish juice - 15 drops

Carrot Juice - 15 drops

Combine these ingredients and give the child, starting with 2 drops, gradually increasing the dose to 30 drops. Take the medicine 3 times a day 15 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 1-2 weeks.


The cause of the formation of stones in the gallbladder and bile ducts can be stagnation of bile, metabolic disorder, genetic abnormalities, as well as anatomical changes in the structure of the gallbladder. Risk factors include an unbalanced diet and a sedentary lifestyle. The two main components of bile (cholesterol and bilirubin) in case of metabolic disturbances and stagnation of bile precipitate, forming stones. Characteristic signs of gallstone disease are a feeling of heaviness after eating, bitterness in the mouth, belching, pain in the right hypochondrium, which radiates under the scapula and into the clavicle.

Therapy involves following a proper diet, the basis of which is radish, beets, turnips, radishes and other products with choleretic action. Recipes of traditional medicine, which include these root crops, are also useful.

Radish Juice Cure

Radish juice (black) - 400 ml

Take 100 ml of radish juice 1 hour after eating 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 2 weeks. Important: this recipe can be used only in the absence of pain in the liver.

Cure for Radish and Honey Juice

Radish juice - 100 ml

Honey (liquid) - 80 g

Combine the juice with honey, mix thoroughly and drink in one step. Take 2 times a day. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks.

A medicine for the juice of radish, carrots and beets

Radish juice - 180 ml

Carrot Juice - 50 ml

Beetroot juice - 50 ml

Combine juices and drink in one step. The course of treatment is 3 weeks (a mixture of juices should be drunk 1 time per day).


Chronic stool retention can lead to the development of diseases of the intestines and other organs. In addition, constipation is dangerous in that it provokes self-poisoning of the body. The main causes of this pathology are: improper nutrition (lack of dietary fiber and water in the diet, the use of instant foods, etc.), physical inactivity, suppression of urge to defecate, tumors of the intestines and hemorrhoids.

If you are prone to constipation, then try to eat a little, but often. Fiber and a sufficient amount of water (at least 2 liters per day) must be present in the diet. Go in for sports or at least do a simple set of exercises in the morning. Eat more laxative foods: prunes, beets, pumpkin, radish, etc.

Radish and Turnip Cure

Radish - 150 g

Turnip - 150 g

Water - 1.2 L

Put the root vegetables in a saucepan, add water and cook until soft over medium heat. Strain the vegetable broth through folded cheesecloth and take 200 ml on an empty stomach before each meal. The course of treatment is 1 month.

Radish, turnip and prune medicine

Radish (dried) - 25 g

Turnip (dried) - 25 g

Prunes - 20 g

Water - 250 ml

Pour boiling water over the ingredients and leave for 15-20 minutes, then strain and drink in small sips. Take 250 ml 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 2–4 weeks.

Radish and vegetable oil medicine

Radish - 200 g

Vegetable oil - 30 ml

Grate the radish on a coarse grater, pour oil and mix. Take the medicine 50 g 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment is 7-14 days.

Radish and pumpkin juice medicine

Radish juice - 100 ml

Pumpkin juice - 100 ml

Honey (liquid) - 30 g

Combine juices, add honey and mix thoroughly. Take 200 ml 2 times a day. The course of treatment is 1-2 months.


Sexual dysfunction in men can occur for a number of reasons, the most common of which are stress, overwork, malnutrition, bad habits and some diseases.

For the treatment of this pathology, medicine offers many effective new generation drugs. Proven recipes of traditional medicine can be a good help to the main therapy.

Radish, turnip and milk medicine

Radish - 200 g

Turnip - 150 g

Milk - 1.2 L

Carrot Juice - 250 ml

Honey (liquid) - 40 g

Turnip and radish into large cubes, pour milk and boil. Then remove the roots, strain through a sieve or folded cheesecloth, add carrot juice and honey and mix thoroughly. The resulting product should be taken 250 ml 2 times a day. Treatment should be combined with crushed duckweed with honey (1: 1). The course is 1 month. After a 2-week break, therapy can be repeated.


A characteristic sign of malaria is fever, accompanied by a sharp increase and decrease in body temperature. The disease is paroxysmal in nature. It causes an increase in the spleen and liver, pallor and yellowness of the skin, as well as general weakness.

Cure for radish juice and vodka

Black radish juice - 100 ml

Vodka - 100 ml

Combine the ingredients, divide into 3 parts and take during the day. The tool should cause vomiting, followed by improvement in the patient's condition.


Mastopathy is associated with the appearance in the tissue of mammary glands of neoplasms of various densities and sizes. They are benign, but it has been established that under certain conditions they can degenerate into malignant. In the treatment of this disease, in addition to traditional medicine, folk recipes may be useful.

Radish and Vodka Medicine

Radish - 50 g

Vodka - 120 ml

Grind the radish, add vodka, mix well and insist for 3 weeks. Filter the resulting product through a sieve or cheesecloth and take 20-30 ml 30 minutes before meals 2 times a day. The course of treatment is 1 month.

A medicine for the juice of radish and a decoction of wormwood, nettle and sage

Radish juice - 100 ml

Wormwood herb - 5 g

Nettle grass - 10 g

Sage Herb - 10 g

Water - 250 ml

Pound the herbs, pour boiling water and keep on low heat for 10 minutes, then strain, cool, combine with radish juice and drink in one step (before meals). The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

A medicine for the juice of radish, carrots and beets

Radish juice - 100 ml

Carrot Juice - 100 ml

Beetroot juice - 100 ml

Lemon Juice - 100 ml

Cahors - 40 ml

Honey (liquid) - 40 g

Garlic - 4 cloves

Pass the garlic through a garlic squeezer, combine with other ingredients and mix thoroughly. Store the medicine in a dark glass bottle in the refrigerator. Take 30 ml 3 times a day 30 minutes after a meal (each time shaking the bottle). The course of treatment is 2 weeks. Therapy can be repeated after a 1-month break.


Flatulence is an accumulation of gases in the intestines. Its cause may be lactose intolerance, as well as the use of certain foods. Flatulence is often caused by disorders of the digestive system (including irritable bowel syndrome). To solve the problem of increased gas formation, folk remedies will help.

A medicine for radish and potato juices

Radish juice - 100 ml

Potato Juice - 100 ml

Sauerkraut pickle - 100 ml

Combine the ingredients, mix and drink in one step. Take medicine 300 ml 2-3 times a day 40 minutes before eating.

Urolithiasis, prostatitis, cystitis

Urolithiasis is manifested by the formation of stones in the kidneys and other organs of the urinary system. People of all ages suffer from it. It occurs due to metabolic disorders and is characterized by severe back pain and the appearance of blood in the urine. Cystitis is an infectious inflammation of the bladder. Its cause is factors that provoke irritation of the mucous membrane of the bladder (hypothermia, constipation, etc.). Characteristic signs are discomfort during urination. Prostatitis - inflammation of the prostate gland due to the ingestion of pathogenic microbes. Other causes can be an infection in the body and problems in the sexual life. Prostatitis is manifested by pain during urination and bowel movements, frequent urge to empty the bladder, burning in the perineum and fever.

To prevent the transition of these diseases to the chronic stage, timely treatment is necessary. Folk remedies will also help improve the condition.

Radish juice - 150 ml

Turnip juice - 150 ml

Combine the juices of radishes and turnips, bring to a boil and keep on low heat for 5 minutes. Take 30 ml every 2 hours. The course of treatment is 2 weeks. Take a break for 7 days, after which you can repeat everything.

The medicine of radish, turnip tops and white cabbage

Radish - 50 g

Turnip tops - 30 g

White cabbage - 50 g

Spinach - 40 g

Olive oil - 30 ml

Chop the ingredients, combine and add the olive oil. The medicine is taken 100 g daily with meals. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

Blood Pressure Disorders

Blood pressure disorders are divided into hypotensive and hypertensive. The former are manifested in its fall below normal indicators, the latter in excess. To normalize and stabilize blood pressure, you can use traditional medicine recipes, an essential component of which is rare juice.

A medicine for the juice of radish, carrots and beets

Radish juice - 200 ml

Carrot Juice - 200 ml

Beetroot juice - 200 ml

Combine the juices in a heat-resistant dish and keep in the oven, preheated to 100 ° C, 3 hours, reducing the heating to a minimum. Take the medicine with high blood pressure 30 ml 3 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is 2-3 months.

A medicine for the juice of radish, lemon and beetroot

Radish juice - 40 ml

Carrot Juice - 40 ml

Lemon Juice - 40 ml

Beetroot juice - 40 ml

Celery juice - 40 ml

Honey (liquid) - 30 g

These ingredients are mixed and taken in 30-40 ml 3 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is 2–4 weeks.

A medicine for the juice of radish and carrots and honey

Radish juice - 150 ml

Carrot Juice - 120 ml

Honey (liquid) - 30 g

Combine the ingredients, mix and take 30-40 ml 2 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is 1-2 weeks.

Cure for Radish and Honey Juice

Radish juice (black) - 150 ml

Honey (liquid) - 100 g

Combine the ingredients and mix. Take 50-100 ml 2-3 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is 1-2 months.

A medicine for radish juice, honey and mineral water

Radish juice (black) - 200 ml

Mineral water (slightly alkaline) - 200 ml

Honey - 80 g

Combine juice and honey and mix thoroughly. Introduce water into the resulting composition and take 100 ml 3 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is 1 month.


Frostbite is damage to any part of the body as a result of exposure to low temperatures. Wet and tight clothing, hunger, a forced immobile position, weakened immunity, sweating legs, diseases of the cardiovascular system and blood vessels of the lower extremities, smoking, etc. can cause frostbite in winter.

To speed up the recovery process of the frostbitten part of the body, use radish-based products.

Radish, turnip and goose fat medicine

Radish - 100 g

Turnip - 100 g

Goose fat - 60 g

Grate radish and turnips, combine with goose fat and mix thoroughly. Apply the obtained ointment to the affected area and leave for 2-3 hours. The procedure should be performed 3-4 times a day. The course of treatment is 1 week.

Radish and Water Cure

Radish - 600 g

Water - 150 ml

Grate the radish, squeeze the juice, combine it with water and wash the frost-bitten places. The procedure should be carried out 6-7 times a day. The course of treatment is 1 week.

Acute respiratory viral infections and colds

Overcooling, decreased immunity, vitamin deficiency, and other acute respiratory viral infections can be factors in the development of the disease. ARVI is easier to prevent than to treat, so preventive measures must be taken. Increasing the defenses of the body contribute to table roots, especially radish. In addition, this vegetable has a pronounced antimicrobial effect.

Radish Cure

Radish - 250 g

Grate the radish and use the gruel as mustard plasters. The procedure is carried out at night. The course of treatment is 1 week.

Radish and Onion Cure

Radish - 200 g

Onions - 100 g

Garlic - 4 cloves

Milk - 500 ml

Honey - 30 g

Mint leaves - 5 g

Cut the radish, onion and garlic and add milk, bring to a boil and cook until soft over medium heat. Then strain, combine with mint and honey and mix well. The resulting product should be taken 40 ml 1-2 times a day. The course of treatment is 1 week.

Cure for radish, onion and garlic

Radish - 200 g

Onions - 180 g

Garlic - 4 cloves

Vegetable oil - 20-30 ml

Grate the radish, pass the onion through a meat grinder, garlic - through a garlic squeezer. Combine the prepared ingredients and mix. Put the vegetable gruel on a cotton cloth, previously oiled, and use as mustard plasters. The procedure is carried out at night. The course of treatment is 1 week.

Radish and honey medicine for children

Radish - 200 g

Honey - 40-50 g

Grate the radish, combine with honey and mix thoroughly. Put gruel on 2-3 layers of tissue and use as mustard plasters for the night. The course of treatment is 1 week (procedures are carried out every other day).

Radish and Honey Cure

Radish - 150 g

Honey (liquid) - 30 g

Milk - 200 ml

Soak the radish in milk, grate, combine with honey and mix. The resulting medicine should be taken 100-200 g once a day. Prevention course - 2 months.

Radish and horseradish root medicine

Radish - 100 g

Horseradish root - 600 g

Wine vinegar - 500 ml

Grind the radish and horseradish root, combine with vinegar, mix thoroughly and leave for 10 days. Inhale the smell of the product 3 times a day. The course of prevention and treatment is 1 month.

Radish and Turnip Cure

Radish - 100 g

Turnip - 100 g

Water - 300 ml

Grind root vegetables, pour boiling water and keep on low heat for 15 minutes. Strain the broth, cool and take 30 ml 4 times a day. The course of prevention and treatment is 2–4 weeks.

Radish and buckwheat honey juice medicine for children

Radish juice - 250 ml

Honey (buckwheat) - 100 g

Combine the ingredients and mix thoroughly. Take 50-60 ml 2 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is 1.5–2 months.

Cure for Radish and Honey Juice

Radish (black) - 180 g

Honey - 30 g

Grate the radish on a fine grater and squeeze the juice, then combine it with honey and mix. Take the medicine 40 ml 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment is 2 weeks, prophylaxis is 4 weeks.

Cure for Radish Juice and Milk

Radish juice - 200 ml

Milk - 200 ml

Combine the ingredients and take the medicine in 40 ml every 2-3 hours. Preventive course - 2-3 weeks.

The medicine of the juices of radish, carrots and turnips

Radish juice - 100 ml

Carrot Juice - 50 ml

Turnip juice - 50 ml

Combine juices and take 40-50 ml 3 times a day. The course of prevention and treatment is 3-4 weeks.


Edema develops as a result of fluid retention in the body. They are typical for diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidneys, varicose veins, etc. Excessive accumulation of fluid in the tissues can be caused by an imbalance in the balance of sodium and potassium. A radish containing a large amount of potassium salts and having a diuretic effect will help get rid of edema.

Radish and lemon juice medicine

Radish - 200 g

Lemon juice - 40 ml

Grate the radish on a coarse grater, sprinkle with lemon juice and mix. Take 30-40 g 4-5 times a day. The course of treatment is 5-7 days.

Cure for Radish and Honey Juice

Radish - 400 g

Honey - 40 g

Grate the radish, squeeze the juice, combine it with honey and take 50-100 ml 3-4 times a day. The course of treatment is 5 days.

Cure for Radish Juice and Water

Radish juice - 150 ml

Water - 150 ml

Combine water and juice and take 100 ml 2 times a day before meals, gradually increasing the dose to 500 ml per day. The course of treatment is 2–4 weeks.


Gout develops against the background of metabolic disorders and is accompanied by the deposition of uric acid salts in the bones, tendons and joints. As the disease develops, the structure of the joints changes, as a result of which they cannot fully perform their functions. A characteristic sign of gout is the occurrence of acute pain in the affected area, its swelling, as well as an increase in body temperature. Therapy of gout involves the mandatory observance of a special diet and the use of medications aimed at relieving pain. Also, you can use herbal remedies that promote the excretion of uric acid salts from the body and have a warming effect.

Radish medicine (option 1)

Radish - 500 g

Water - 1.2 L

Cut root vegetables in half, add water and cook until soft, then apply hot to the affected area for 20-25 minutes. The procedure should be carried out 2 times a day. The course of treatment is 1 month.

Radish medicine (option 2)

Radish - 1 kg

Water - 3 L

Pour root vegetables and cook until soft. Use the resulting liquid for baths. The procedure should be carried out during the period of exacerbation at night. The duration of the bath is 25 minutes.

Radish, horseradish and garlic medicine

Radish - 200 g

Horseradish root - 100 g

Garlic - 4 cloves

Alcohol - 1 L

Grate the radish, chop the horseradish root, pass the garlic through the garlic squeezer. Put the prepared ingredients in a glass container, pour alcohol and leave for 14 days. Ready to use tool for grinding and compresses.

Radish and Turnip Juice Cure

Radish juice - 200 ml

Turnip juice - 150 ml

Moisten cotton gloves in a mixture of juices, put on hands and leave overnight. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks.

Kidney stone disease

In violation of water-salt metabolism, as well as the functions of the endocrine glands that are responsible for it, kidney stones are formed. This disease is characterized by the precipitation of salt crystals in the urine, which must be present in it in dissolved form. Over time, these crystals form stones of a sufficiently large size. The pains characteristic of this pathology are a consequence of the movement of stones.

As a rule, surgical treatment is prescribed, but when using herbal remedies, it is possible to avoid surgery. Radish-based medicines break down stones and normalize water-salt metabolism. To achieve a positive effect, therapy should be regular and prolonged.

Cure for Radish and Honey Juice

Radish juice - 50 ml

Honey (liquid) - 40 g

In an acute attack of renal colic, take a warm bath, then drink radish juice mixed with honey. After 2 hours, repeat the medication. The amount of juice must be gradually brought up to 250 ml (in combination with 100 g of honey).

Radish Juice Cure

Radish juice (black) - 100-150 ml

Take radish juice 3-4 times a day daily. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks.

Wounds and ulcers

With non-healing wounds, folk remedies based on radish will help. This vegetable contains lysozyme, which has a pronounced antibacterial effect.

Radish Seed Medicine

Seeds of radish (black) - 50 g

Water - 200 ml

Grind the seeds of radish into powder, add water and leave for 1 hour. With the resulting product, wash the wound 3-5 times a day.

Radish seed medicine with vinegar

Radish seeds - 120 g

Vinegar 3% - 100 ml

Grind the seeds of the radish, pour vinegar and leave for 10-15 minutes, then apply to the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe skin and hold for 1-2 hours. The procedure is carried out every 2-3 hours.

Radish Topper Cure

Radish tops - 50 g

Water - 300 ml

Pour the tops with boiling water, and then apply the leaves in turn to the wound (each leaf should be kept for at least 15-20 minutes).

Radish and raspberry leaf medicine

Radish (dried) - 20 g

Raspberry Leaves - 10 g

Mint leaves - 10 g

Water - 300 ml

Pour boiling water over the ingredients and keep on low heat for 10 minutes, then strain and cool slightly. The resulting medicine should be used as a compress 4-5 times a day, applying to the wound for 20 minutes.

Rheumatism, sciatica and other joint diseases

Rheumatism is a disease that causes damage to the connective tissue and has an infectious nature. This pathology affects the joints, heart and muscles.

The most susceptible to rheumatism are children aged 7-15 years who have suffered a sore throat. Symptoms of the disease are: malaise, fever, swelling and redness of the joints of various groups, as well as pain in them. Radiculitis is a fairly common disease. The peripheral nerve fibers (roots of the spinal cord) are involved in the pathological process. The disease can develop against the background of pathologies of the spine, injuries and hypothermia. In addition, sciatica sometimes becomes a complication of some infectious diseases. Patients complain of discomfort along the nerve roots, as well as motor disorders. All inflammatory processes affecting the parts of the musculoskeletal system, as well as its chronic diseases, are characterized by limited mobility and soreness of the affected joints. Traditional treatment can be supplemented by taking natural remedies prepared from radish.

Radish and kerosene medicine

Radish juice (black) - 200 ml

Kerosene - 100 ml

Take a warm bath, then rub the affected joints with a mixture of kerosene and radish juice, wrap and leave overnight. Procedures should be carried out throughout the period of exacerbation.

Radish and Honey Cure

Radish juice - 200 ml

Honey (liquid) - 80 g

Combine the ingredients and use to rub the diseased areas. After the procedure, the joints should be wrapped. Procedures should be carried out throughout the period of exacerbation.

Cure of radish and garlic

Radish (black) - 250 g

Garlic - 4 cloves

With lumbosacral radiculitis, grate the radish, and let the garlic pass through the garlic squeezer. Combine the prepared ingredients, apply evenly on a thin cotton cloth and lay on the lower back, and then wrap it with a woolen cloth. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes. The course of treatment is the entire period of exacerbation.

Radish and sour cream medicine

Radish - 220 g

Sour cream - 70 g

Cut the radish into cubes and mince it. Combine the resulting mass with sour cream, mix thoroughly, apply to the affected joints, cover with plastic wrap and wrap with a woolen cloth. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes. The course of treatment is the entire period of exacerbation.

Radish and Radish Cure

Radish - 300 g

Radish - 150 g

Vinegar - 50 ml

Honey - 30 g

Grate the radish, grind the radish. Combine the prepared ingredients with honey and vinegar and mix thoroughly. Apply the medicine to the affected joints, cover with plastic wrap and wrap with a woolen cloth. The duration of the procedure is 30 minutes. The course of treatment is the entire period of exacerbation.

Radish and alcohol medicine

Radish - 250 g

Alcohol - 200 ml

Grate the radish, add alcohol and insist for 2 weeks. The resulting medicine should be used for grinding during the entire period of exacerbation.

Radish, horseradish and onion medicine

Radish (black) - 200 g

Horseradish - 100 g

Onions - 100 g

Vinegar 6% - 100 ml

Grind vegetables, combine and mix thoroughly. Pour 40 g of the resulting mass with vinegar and insist for 30 minutes. The medicine is used for rubbing the lower back and legs.

Cure for Radish and Lilac Juice

Radish juice - 100 ml

Lilac flowers - 80 g

Chamomile flowers - 10 g

Alcohol - 220 ml

Water - 200 ml

Pour lilac flowers with alcohol, mix well and insist for 2 weeks. Put chamomile flowers in a glass with water brought to a boil and leave for 20 minutes, then strain, cool and combine with radish juice. In the resulting product, dilute 40 drops of tincture of lilac flowers and take 2 times a day. Preventive course - 2 weeks.

Radish and Turnip Juice Cure

Radish juice - 200 ml

Turnip juice - 200 ml

Combine the ingredients and use to rub the affected joints. The course of treatment is the entire period of exacerbation.

A medicine for radish juice, honey and vodka

Radish juice (black) - 300 ml

Honey - 50 g

Vodka - 180 ml

Sea salt - 20 g

Combine the ingredients, mix thoroughly and rub into the area of \u200b\u200bthe diseased joint for 10-15 minutes. After that, rinse the joint with warm water and wrap. The procedure is carried out at night. If you use table salt instead of sea salt, then the composition can be taken orally by 30 ml 2 times a day. The course of treatment is the entire period of exacerbation.


Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by mycobacteria and affecting many organs. It is transmitted by airborne droplets and by contact. In addition to traditional treatment, proven methods of traditional medicine can be used.

Cure for radish, beet and carrot juice

Radish juice - 200 ml

Beetroot juice - 200 ml

Carrot Juice - 200 ml

Honey - 150 g

Combine these ingredients, put in a glass container, cover tightly and insist for 14 days. The resulting product should be taken 100-150 ml 2 times a day 20 minutes before meals. The course of prevention and treatment is 1-2 months.

Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum

This is a chronic recurrent disease characterized by the formation of ulcers in the stomach and duodenum as a result of disturbances in the nervous and humoral mechanisms. The latter regulate the motor and secretory functions of the duodenum.

Factors for the development of pathology include stress, physical and nervous strain, chronic cholecystitis, chronic appendicitis, gallstone disease, etc.

The use of radish in food is contraindicated in this disease, but the use of therapeutic agents (in small doses) from it is permissible.

Cure for radish, beet and aloe juice

Radish juice - 50 ml

Beetroot juice - 50 ml

Aloe juice - 50 ml

Honey (liquid) - 100 g

Cahors - 100 ml

Combine the ingredients, place in a dark glass container and insist in a dark place for 2-3 weeks. The mixture should be shaken daily. Take 20-30 ml 2-3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 1-2 weeks.

Radish and Turnip Juice Cure

Radish juice - 50 ml

Turnip juice - 50 ml

Honey (liquid) - 30 g

Combine the ingredients, mix thoroughly and take 20 ml 1-2 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks.