How to cut a biscuit cake into equal parts. How to easily and evenly cut a biscuit cake

03.03.2020 Desserts and cakes

How to neatly cut a biscuit into even cakes with a thread

Biscuits are one of the most popular pastries among many housewives. The hostesses carefully write down recipes for biscuits in their cookbooks. After all, he is the basis of many cakes.

It is enough to cut the biscuit into cakes, soak them, layer them with cream and a delicious cake is ready. But some housewives are worried that they will not be able to evenly cut the biscuit into several cakes. It seems that nothing terrible will happen if the cakes are uneven. The taste of the cake is unlikely to suffer from this ... But the appearance of the cake will deteriorate a little: it will not be so smooth and beautiful.

It turns out that a biscuit can be cut quite simply into several equal cakes. The main thing is to do everything correctly, consistently and accurately. Before cutting the biscuit into cakes, let the freshly baked hot biscuit stand for at least 6 hours, and preferably all 12. Then your biscuit will not crumble during work, everything will be cut easily and without problems.

The most common method for cutting biscuit into cakes is nylon or nylon thread. To get even perfect biscuits, you need to outline their future width with the edge of a knife, starting from the top. After that, twine the sponge cake with a thread, inserting it into the "grooves" from the knife marks. With gentle movements, pull the thread towards you, taking both ends in your hands. Repeat the steps as many times as needed for the cakes.

There is another similar cutting method, instead of nylon thread, ordinary fishing line is used, and instead of a knife, toothpicks. To cut a biscuit, you need to stick several toothpicks around its entire circumference. Wrap the sponge cake with fishing line, placing it on wooden skewers. Tie the ends into a loose knot and pull towards yourself, thereby cutting the biscuit in half. This method is good when the height of the product does not exceed 5 cm and you need to cut it into 2 even cakes.

Slicing with a knife

The chiffon biscuit can be sliced \u200b\u200bwith a long sharp knife. A special serrated bread knife can also be used. To make the cakes even, you first need to make several cuts on the biscuit.

After that, attach a knife to one side of the product and begin to rotate the biscuit around its axis. Moving the knife towards you with a little pressure, you get even neat cakes. Chiffon biscuit is denser and will not crumble from such actions.

Confectionery methods

The above methods are suitable if there is no special confectionery tool at hand. For example, a pastry string. To cut a biscuit in this way, you need to place it on a wide dish, adjust the height of the cakes on the string itself, and then cut the products into as many pieces as necessary with smooth movements. When using this method, the cakes always come out even and beautiful.

If you are unable to cut the biscuit into even cakes, we will tell you how to do it correctly with the help of improvised means and original devices.

When baking a biscuit, know:

  • Oily and chiffon cut will not be difficult.
  • The most difficult thing is to cut a classic biscuit, it is airy, crumbles, so you need to show patience and accuracy in work.
  • Easy to cut biscuit well cooled
  • A sponge cake with a small diameter is easier to cut than a large one, and a round shape is easier than a rectangular or square one.

We cut the biscuit with a bread knife-file

The most commonplace way is to divide the biscuit into cakes using a regular bread knife. It is better to first leave the biscuit for 8-10 hours in the refrigerator, and put it in the freezer for 1-2 hours before cutting, then:

  • make serifs with a knife around the circumference from the base of the biscuit to the desired height
  • we move the knife with our right hand clockwise, towards ourselves
  • hold the biscuit with the left hand, twisting counterclockwise
  • keep the knife parallel to the table surface

Knife with a lock for cutting biscuit

For the convenience of cutting the biscuit into separate cakes, use 2 retainers and a knife:

  • set the height of the cake with a button on the latch
  • the clamps are bred to the length of the diameter of the biscuit's circumference
  • advancing the blade using the retainers, cut the biscuit into thin cakes

Cutting the biscuit using a split baking dish

If you do not have clamps, you can use the round split shape and plates

  • put the plates in a split form, place a biscuit on top
  • remove the biscuit cap with a long bread knife
  • increasing the number of plates under the biscuit
  • raise it above the form, cut off the cake and repeat the procedure

Toothpick and dental floss

The toothpick can be replaced with canapé skewers, and the dental floss can be replaced with strong and thick cotton or silk thread, some use fishing line

  • use toothpicks to mark the height of the cake
  • place the thread over the toothpicks along the diameter of the circle
  • we tighten the ends of the thread in different directions and begin to gradually tighten, cutting the biscuit

String for slicing biscuit

A simple device for cutting a biscuit, a string that acts as a knife. For convenient use, the string has: a handle, a steel frame with notches for choosing the height of the cake layers. To cut the biscuit:

  • determine the height of the cake by adjusting the string
  • put the string on the legs next to the biscuit
  • start slowly moving the string deep into the biscuit pie

The biscuit is easy to cut, forms a minimum amount of crumbs.

Shape slicer for slicing biscuit

A very convenient device for obtaining thin and neat cakes is a slicer. Outwardly, the device resembles a split shape with horizontal slots. The diameter of the mold is adjustable for the diameter of the biscuit. The slicer makes it possible to cut several thin cakes using a bread knife. To make it convenient to transfer them to the dish and not break, a steel spatula is used.

Now you know how to cut a biscuit into perfectly even cakes, saving time, nerves, and beautifully decorating a biscuit cake, delighting family and friends.

Sponge cake - the basis of cakes, pastries, rolls. The biscuit is prepared from a minimum set of ingredients and, if the technology is followed, it almost always turns out to be fluffy, light, tender. But baking a good biscuit is half the battle. Indeed, in its "pure" form, biscuit is practically not used, so it must be turned into a confectionery product, for example, into a cake. This "transformation" can be done with mastic, meringue, marzipan or icing. Previously, of course, you need to coat the cakes with cream or soak in syrup.

Of course, if you have to deal with purchased biscuit cakes, then there will be no problems. And if a 5-6 cm thick lush biscuit removed from the oven has cooled down on the table for a long time, then the question arises: how to cut it into thin cakes?

This task is not an easy one. And ordinary housewives, unlike professional pastry chefs, who have at their disposal special devices for cutting biscuits, have to cope with this task on their own. In addition, it becomes more complicated in proportion to the number of cakes that need to be obtained in the end. Therefore, if there is no special experience in this matter, then it is better to first stop at two or three layers. In any case, when choosing a way to cut a biscuit, you need to really estimate the height of a whole baked product.

Method number 1.
The most common, but not the most accurate (in the sense - even) way is to cut the biscuit with a knife. With the help of a knife, it is convenient to cut dense biscuits, and loose biscuits can crumble from such "interference". Therefore, the knife must be long, sharp and with a very thin blade. First you need to make "notches" along the height of the future cake / cake layers and make sure that all these marks are at the same level. Slightly holding the biscuit with your hand and, slowly rotating it counterclockwise, with the other hand, cut with a knife towards you according to the indicated marks.

Method number 2.
This method is also not complete without a long and sharp knife, but a ring from a baking dish is additionally used as a "helper". The biscuit is placed inside the ring, a plate or several plates of the same diameter is placed under it below. The more plates there are, the higher the biscuit will come out over the edge of the mold, the thicker the cut cake will be. The essence of the method is that the shape ring acts as a yardstick for the layers of the biscuit. The main thing is that the knife is always directed clearly horizontally, without tilting. If you need to make several cakes, then you will have to add plates from below, and then measure the height of the future cake again.

Method number 3.
Strong thin thread (nylon) or fishing line, of course, is thinner than any knife, so you can use them to make narrow layers of biscuit. With the same knife, you need to outline the width of the cake and make a light incision, which can be continued with the help of a thread. Tie the thread around the biscuit at the required height, cross the ends and slowly pull them in different directions, moving the thread / line through the thickness of the biscuit in a horizontal plane. It is more convenient to do this towards yourself, and not vice versa.

Advice! Cut the biscuit cake and decorate with cream only when it is cooled down.
What can replace a piping bag?

The pastry bag has always been and remains the main tool of the pastry chef. It is necessary for depositing cookies, decorating cakes, filling custard cakes, etc. If you consider yourself to be a novice confectioner or already dare to cook confectionery world hits, you cannot do without a pastry bag. It is better to get a package of good pastry bags and several attachments that will allow you to apply the most original patterns and decorations to the dessert.

You can replace the piping bag with a piping syringe. But the simplest and always available replacement is parchment or a plastic bag. A sheet of parchment must be rolled up in the form of an envelope, and then filled with dough or cream. Such a homemade pastry bag made of paper is called cornet. It's easy to make.

1. First you need to cut a rectangle out of parchment or baking paper.
2. Then fold it to form two triangles.
3. Cut and roll each triangle into a cornet-shaped bun.
Cornets are ready.

Parchment cornets are good for depositing dough or cream, while small baking paper cornets can be used to decorate a dessert with melted chocolate or as a cream tube attachment.

You can also fill a thick plastic bag with dough or cream and cut off a corner of it.
How to extinguish soda correctly?

As you know from school chemistry lessons, when alkali (soda) combines with acid (vinegar), water is formed and carbon dioxide is released. This is exactly what happens in our spoon if we extinguish soda with vinegar. In the end, we just add water to the dough.
Therefore, you should combine soda with flour, and add acid (it is better to use lemon or lemon juice) to the liquid. In this case, the entire chemical process will take place in the dough, and the finished baked goods will turn out to be soft and fluffy.
What can replace the culinary ring?

Culinary rings are used to beautifully serve and serve salads, appetizers, side dishes and desserts. With their help, you can easily cut perfect circles from the dough, lay out the tartare and fry with a neat fried egg. The diameter and height of the rings are different. Sometimes, a special press is also attached to the culinary rings: it is much more convenient to tamp and extract the contents from the ring with it.

Today, serving rings are sold not only in specialized stores, but also in large supermarkets. Rings are made, as a rule, of high quality stainless steel. The best thing, of course, is to get a “different-sized” set of rings - it will always come in handy in the kitchen.
But, as a last resort, you can replace the culinary ring with any tin can (round or oval, small or large). The main thing is to carefully and carefully cut the bottom and top of the can and sand the edges well so that you do not get hurt in any way.
You can also try making a cooking ring out of thick foil.

Light and tender biscuit dough is one of the most popular. He is loved and often used in their confectionery masterpieces by both experienced chefs and novice hostesses. And all because learning how to bake the right biscuit is a fairly simple task. This dough is prepared from a minimum set of ingredients and, if technology is followed, it almost always succeeds wonderfully. But in itself, even such a delicious dough as biscuit is practically not used. You can't serve a simple baked muffin on the table! It needs at least to be decorated or subjected to more complex processing.

Biscuits are used to make cakes and pastries, canapes and rolls. But the technique of kneading and baking this dough is such that getting started on any confectionery product is the same. And only then the whole biscuit is divided into the required number of sectors or cakes. There are usually no problems with sectors: there is nothing difficult in dividing a circle into parts according to the principle of a pie. But to get several thinner ones from one thick cake, you have to use more ingenious tricks.

Varieties of biscuits
Before you start dividing the plump cake into lower ones, consider an important nuance. Despite the fact that there is only one basic biscuit recipe and involves the use of only three standard ingredients (flour, sugar and eggs), the dough preparation process allows for variation. In one case, all components are mixed at a low temperature - this so-called "cold" method is familiar to most housewives. In the second, "hot" - a water bath is required to prepare the dough. And the difference ultimately manifests itself in the properties and appearance of the test. Cold is suitable for rolls, and hot is for cakes and muffins.

These features must be taken into account in order to facilitate the process of cutting the biscuit into cakes. A mistake in choosing a method for preparing the dough will not be fatal, but you will have to tinker with the cakes. So isn't it better to immediately foresee possible difficulties and go the best way? Moreover, not everyone succeeds in carefully cutting the biscuit into cakes the first time. With experience comes a certain skill, but it is better to acquire it with the help of repeated practice, so get ready in the near future to often bake biscuits and practice cutting them.

We cut the biscuit into cakes: methods
Making several thin ones out of one cake is not an easy task. Its complexity is directly proportional to the number of cakes you want. In the absence of relevant experience, it is better to first stop at two, maximum three layers. They will be enough to form a small cake. In addition, the height of the whole biscuit strongly influences both the process and the result of cutting. Therefore, try to objectively evaluate the capabilities of the source material, so as not to set unattainable goals and not be disappointed in failure.

There are several ways to cut a biscuit into cakes, different mainly in the tools used in them. So choose the one that seems more convenient and affordable to you:
There are also special devices for cutting biscuits, but they, as a rule, are in service only with professional pastry chefs. Ordinary housewives and those with a sweet tooth do not need to spend time searching and money to buy these devices, if you can use one of the above available methods.