Eggs with sugar powder for cakes. Sugar glaze without eggs for cakes, donuts, roma grandmothers

Hello everybody! Here and quite soon on our threshold there will be the most important Orthodox holiday this year. We will give friends and of course, the post will finally end.

We will arrange a feast that will prepare from different products and ingredients. But, do not forget about the most important dish it is about and handsome by kulichiki.

Of course, such delicious delicacies are not easy to make, but I think you have already decided on myself with the best recipe, but it still needs to be elegantly and superly presenting his dining table.

How to do it? Of course, with the help of decorating such snacks with a special icing or as elsewhere called fuddle. It can be prepared from different ingredients. But, everyone wants it to be not only attractive to appearance, but still in order not to crumble and did not appear when we divide the sdobu on the portion pieces and Kusaami, AM-AM.

Let's deal with together, and I hope you will not make you wait. Choose your favorite glaze recipes and create on your kitchen.

How to cook the glaze for the crib, so as not to sprinkle and did not crumble?

Any hostess at least once in his life did such a cream, and would like the result to be snow-white and so that everyone pleased.

I have always had to make a protein icing before, but somehow once I tried another option, and he struck me out. Because the result was stunning, she did not stick to almost the knife and hands, and the most importantly there were no crumbs when we bite or relax a knife. So number))). Isn't it cool? Probably you already guessed, we are talking about such a creek fond, which is done without eggs, but on the basis of gelatin.

And even moreover, you need only three simple ingredients for such a watering, which you can easily buy in any product supermarket.

We need:

  • gelatin - 0.5 C.L.
  • sugar - 100 g
  • water - 3 tbsp

Cooking method:

1. Pour the floor of a teaspoon gelatin into a clean glass container and pour it right away with it (1 tbsp).

Important! Pour it is necessary hot but not boiling liquid.

Stir the spatula until it becomes transparent and homogeneous on the consistency. Let him swell, do not forget to still read the instructions on the packaging and check the expiration date, and then this component may not let you in the rock.

2. To another metal container, you can take the bucket, place sugar and pour ordinary running water two tablespoons. Put on the fire and boil until the sugar sand is mounted, be sure to interfere so that sugar is not burned.

3. As soon as you saw that sugar was dissolved, add immediately swell gelatin and thoroughly mix on the stove.

Then remove from the stove and cool slightly, let it cool a little. And then take the electrical mixer, you certainly do not get such an effect with a conventional manual wedge.

4. It turns out a white and thick glaze-sweet, which will definitely get from you. And for a small sourness, you can add here on the tip of a knife lemonic acid or a couple of lemon juice drops.

5. Use it to use her at once so that it does not have time to dry.

Interesting! If you have a thin layer of sweets, then it will dry in 7 minutes, but if you apply a thick layer - a few hours, so consider it.

Check it now in practice, take the knife and cut. So how? Delightfully, because the truth))).

Glaze at home made of powdered sugar and lemon juice

Probably you were slightly surprised, well, and what I decided to demonstrate for a variety of a new version, which is really simple and suitable for decorating any baking. Especially if you are preparing cupcakes and similar dishes.

By the way, the most interesting thing is that this can be done without a mixer, it's like a wand-corrosive for young and young owners who have not had time to purchase equipment for the home.

We need:

  • sugar powder - 150 g
  • lemon juice - 2-3 tbsp
  • hot water - 1-2 tbsp

Cooking method:

1. The first thing you need to do so is to squeeze the juice from fresh lemon. It is easy to do this, use a juicer or a special grater for this. Either you can cut into pieces and shove them into the microwave for 15 seconds, and after you quickly squeeze juice from them.

2. In the sugar powder you need to add two tablespoons of lemon juice, by the way, you can experiment to take orange juice, what will come out? Who will try to perform?

3. Place the body with a spoon, and then add the water, pour it as much as you wish, put it on a little bit, so that it does not turn out strongly liquid. Gustness adjust yourself.

Custard Easter Cream

Well, now, now I want to offer you, so that you look at this video, I personally love this very much, probably one of my favorite, but it is important to catch the right and right moment. Learn, together with the hostess and then, you, too, will certainly succeed, for sure.

Sugar glaze with gelatin - recipe without eggs

For those who do not like the protein icing, I personally do not mind her, but when there are children in the family, it is better to use an alternative option so as not to pick up the infection. Do you understand what I mean? After all, the protein is made exclusively their raw proteins, but there are no them in this.

But, at the same time, the taste of such charms is awesome, it looks also attractive and beautiful, and even besides, it will not crumble at all and does not break, which is exactly important everyone.

Previously, it was a secret recipe, now almost everything knows him, the mystery is revealed.

We need:

  • gelatin - 1 tbsp
  • water - 6 tbsp. L.
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • lemonic acid - on the knife tip

Cooking method:

1. In an empty cup, place the gelatin and pour it at once with two tablespoons of cold water, stirre and let it swell for 10 minutes.

3. Stir the mass and place on the stove, interfere and make sure that sugar does not have a burnt and cached.

Important! Boil on slow fire and stir very often.

4. As soon as the sugar is dissolved, make a rome of swollen gelatin, stir. Take a mixer and start hit until the mass becomes snow-white and creamy.

5. Thus, it is necessary to beat from about two to three minutes. After moving away to her side and let her cool, and then she sails on ready-made herbs.

6. As soon as the glaze becomes warm, cover it the surface of sweet baking and decorate everything you need if desired. What is the beauty, just terribly).

Important! Do not leave the glaze for a long time, if it gets completely cool, it will freeze, because gelatin thickens. So, do not miss this moment.

If this happened, you can put it in the microwave for 10 seconds, and it will again acquire the necessary liquid consistency.

Thick white sweet sugar and proteins

Now let's stop at Protein, before it everywhere and always decorated such goodies. The basis is proteins, it turns out delicious and perfect.

There are several rules so that you get such a cream, but what do you know, if you look at this video.

Special recipe glaze if there is no mixer

I decided to show you the option on sour cream, perhaps someone wants to do it. Although of course most of all it is suitable for biscuits or cakes.

We need:

  • sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • sour cream 25% - 1 tbsp.
  • vanillin - to taste

Cooking method:

1. Cover any sieve or colander with a marlevary cloth, make this way as shown in this photo. Put a cup of sieve. Fold the fabric into several layers. Put the fatty sour cream here.

2. Sour cream out gauze and put any press on it, such as jam jar.

3. Leave in this position under the press for 2 hours. Remove the load and unlock the fabric, it seems right on the cheese outwardly).

4. Place the sour cream in a bowl and add sugar and vanillin to taste, and mix the spoon.

5. It turns out a thick and sweet coating for any baking with a small look notch.

Chocolate glaze with cocoa powder

But with such a masterpiece that you can do on the basis of milk will help you to figure out such a movie from the YouTube canal. Take yourself a note, the recipe is really good, and most importantly, that it can then be used everywhere.

We need:

  • milk - 200 ml
  • what powder - 100 g
  • sugar - 100 g
  • creamy oil - 50 g

Quickly breaking the glaze with starch so as not to lipla

Well, now I came across such an option that is done with starch, someone may be interested in creating such. Hard, too, nothing about it, any newcomer will cope.

We need:

  • egg protein - 1 pc.
  • lemon juice - to taste
  • corn starch - 0.5 C.L.
  • sugar powder - 230 g

Cooking method:

1. Squake first the sugar powder and starch through the siter, and then make a protein of one egg.

Important! Take only fresh chicken egg, yolk in this case will not need.

2. Scroll through these two ingredients with a spatula, this is done not quickly, approximately 10-15 minutes.

3. You can speed up the process and beat the mixer.

4. Thus, this is what happened, you can make a lime or lemon juice for a small acid.

Video about how beautifully decorate the icing cake on Easter 2019

It's no secret that we all want the holiday to be not only tasty, but also beautiful, so we will definitely try to arrange our delicacies with something special, namely, they somehow interesting and irresistibly magically to hit everyone. To do this, I suggest see this video and choose for myself a suitable option, take the idea of \u200b\u200bdecors.

Remember that there is your subtleties and secrets in this matter, read these tips before proceeding to cope with this business perfectly.

  • Apply the fudge on the top of the bakery product while it is in a warm state.
  • Use the silicone brushes to work, it is easier for it to work on the surface. You can simply make even in the glaze, but it is good if it is protein.
  • The consistency should be homogeneous and not liquid, but on the contrary thick so that the glaze easily lay on the baking surface. If it is too thick, then it can be diluted with water, and if liquid - add powder.
  • It is best to take sugar powder if you use sugar, then it is standing in a blender or a coffee grinder.
  • Use natural dyes to prevent cooking masterpieces originally.

On this, as always, I have everything. I hope the article you liked and you share it on social networks and join me in a group in contact. Good and positive day! Good luck! Until!

Hello, readers and guests blog! A few days later the holiday of Light Easter will come - the holiday of all Christians, which this year fell on April 8. Many mistresses are most likely already engaged, diverse baking, etc.

On this day, everyone wants to make the festive table especially beautiful and rich in a variety of dishes and yummy, which you want to treat all guests. And that the pasting looks even more elegant, it is customary to decorate the icing (sweet).

Also everyone wants the glaze to be not only tasty and beautiful, but also that she does not crumble and did not appear when cutting. It often happens that it is not always that fondant. And to get just such, we picked up a few good detailed recipes for you.

Glaze for cakes that will not stick

Prepare a fondant for cakes on this recipe is not very simple. You will need a little "sweat" so that it turned out a very good glaze. But it is worth it. We will prepare it manually, with the help of silicone spatula.

So, temporarily postpone the mixers and blenders, pard the patience and a good set. And now let's start cooking a glaze that does not touch your kulichiki.


  • egg - 1 pc.
  • starch - 0.5 ppm
  • lemon juice - 0.5 ppm
  • sugar powder - 200 gr. (+/- 30 gr.)


1. We will need only egg protein. Therefore, carefully separate the protein from the yolk. It is best that the eggs are rustic.

By the way, the egg should be room temperature. Therefore, it needs to be taken out in advance to preparation from the refrigerator.

2. Now in small portions to be sifted in the protein sugar powder, rub the spatula after each administration. Pooh take the purchase, shop. It is very small and well dissolved. At home, in a blender, this is very difficult to do so.

3. We continue to enter powder and rub. Gradually, the mass will begin to thick and whit. The longer you will rub the powder with a squirrel, the ground and whiter will get a glaze.

This process is sufficiently long, because neither a mixer, nor the riddle to use. Therefore, you need to be patient.

4. After the mass thickens enough, you need to add starch, as sieve through a sieve.

5. Then we enter the half-spoon of lemon juice and continue to rub the mass of another 5-7 minutes.

By the way, if you have no lemon at your hand, you can add citric acid at the knife tip.

Recipe glaze with gelatin that does not appear

Often, many cookies are preparing glaze without eggs. Instead, they use the usual gelatin, which is also very good as a thickener. We usually make exactly such a sweet for Kulichi. It always turns out very well, and in time very quickly.

A detailed recipe is described below. So do not lose time and begin.


  • gelatin 0.5 ppm
  • sugar 100 gr.
  • water 3 tbsp.


1. The gelatin needs to stir hot water (1 tbsp), but not boiling water. We leave the side for swelling.

Be sure to see the instructions on the package, since different manufacturers have a different ratio of gelatin to liquid. And, of course, do not forget to check the shelf life.

2. In sugar pour 2 tbsp. Water and stir so as possible.

3. We put on fire and, constantly stirring, cook until all sugar is dissolved. The process of something resembles the preparation of the roosters, which we did in childhood, except that I do not bring syrup to thickening.

4. Now you need to add to the dissolved sugar swelling gelatin and stir.

5. The resulting mass is cool, and then whipped with a mixer at high speed. Whip up until it turns out a thick white mass. You need to begin to beat at a low speed, gradually increasing it to the maximum.

Tip! The resulting icing need to immediately lubricate the cakes, because it turns out very thick and very quickly freezes.

If you smear baking with a thin layer, then the glaze freezes within a few minutes. And if the layer is thick, it will take several hours.

Such a glaze is preparing very easily and very quickly. And most importantly, that it does not appear and does not crumble.

Glaze (sweet) for a silence with egg and sugar

And here is another glaze. Here everything is very easy and simple. Anyone will cope, even newcomer in cooking.


  • eggs protein - 1 pc.
  • sugar powder - 0.5 liter bank
  • salt - chipotch


1. In the bowl we introduce a protein of one egg and pour the pinch of salt. When separating the protein, be very attentive - no bit of the yolk should remain. Otherwise, the glaze does not thicken.

2. Now half of the sugar powder we send to the protein.

3. Whip up a mixer to homogeneity. I advise you to take deep dishes so that the powder does not scatter around the kitchen.

4. We enter the remaining powder, we mix and continue to beat.

If you do not have a mixer, you can do all these manipulations using a regular submersible blender. It turns out the same very good.

5. By time we whip about 7-10 minutes before the formation of thick, white mass.

The finished glaze grease any pastries. It turns out very gentle and tasty. And of course, she will not crumble and will not stick. Bon Appetit!

You can also put it out in the socket and serve separately to make it with any other baking, such as buns or cupcakes.

Video about how to make a glaze which does not appear without eggs

And now I suggest you to see one very interesting video with three different recipes of cooking glaze. But that's not all. Plus, the author offers the recipe of the Glazori Marsmellos and describes the whole process of cooking. Be sure to look. Happy viewing!

That's all today, dear friends. I hope that you will succeed and our recommendations will be useful to you.

Happy Easter! I wish you and your loved ones all the best in all matters and endeavors!

Kulichi is preparing once a year, on a bright holiday Easter. That is why every mistress tries to bake his delicious. After all, it is believed that if it turned out to be smooth and lush, then the happiness will settle in the house for the whole year and all family members will be healthy. And so that baking as long as possible remained fresh, and its kind corresponded to the festive mood, the glaze and decorations are used for her fill.
Prepare it is quite simple. Products needed for its preparation will be found in every home. Of the ten recipes recommended by your attention, you will certainly select such that without difficulty.

1. Sugar glaze which will not crumble

Today we cook a thick, snow-white glaze, which does not break on herbs.

We will need:
  • Gelatin - 1 h. Spoon
  • Sugar - 1 cup
  • Water - 150 gr.

Add 50 gr. Waters (2 tbsp. spoons) and leave for 5 minutes for swelling.

Preparing sugar syrup.

1. To one sugar cup, add 4 st. Water tanks, mix and put on the slowest fire. We continue to stir up to the complete dissolution of sugar.
2. To the dissolved sugar add swelling gelatin, mix.

3. Mass is slightly cool and whipped with a mixer until it pacifies.

4. Sugar glaze is ready. It took us to prepare for us 2-3 minutes.

Now the glaze should cool a little.

If you water the cakes with hot icing, then the whole glaze you will pop up at the bottom. It is also impossible to leave the glaze for a long time. If it cools, then gelatin simply thickens and you will not be able to smear your cakes.

The main chip of this sugar glaze is that it will not crumble, that is, when you will cut your cakes, sugar glaze will not shock.

2. Glaze on egg whites

We will need:

  • Egg - 2 pcs.
  • Sugar sand - 200 gr.

1. Proteins separate from yolks and cool in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
2. We merge into a deep bowl, salt and actively whipping a blender with the addition of sugar.
3. We continue to beat until the sugar is completely dissolved.
4. Having cooled with the baking with icing on egg proteins and wait for its frost. The glazing process can be accelerated by placing the cakes for 5 minutes breathing up to 100 degrees oven.

If you want to be covered with icing products, the products were not matte and glittered - add lemon juice to the finished composition.

3. Snow-white glaze on the sugar powder

This glaze is prepared without the use of egg protein.

We will need:

  • Sugar powder - 200 gr.
  • Water - 60 ml.

The glaze is prepared in a water bath.

To do this, add a measured amount of water to the sugar powder and stir in a water bath until complete dissolution. Opaque white color indicates the readiness of the glaze. Boiling is not permissible.
2. The readiness of the glaze is determined by water test: in a cold water container, we drip several drops of glaze, if the drops are dissolved, and the water purles - it means the glaze is not yet ready.

4. Sugar sweet without proteins

We will need:

  • Sugar powder - 150 gr.
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp
  • Boiled water

Connect sugar powder and lemon juice in a shallow capacity. In small portions, we add boiled water and rub to obtain a homogeneous, but not quite liquid mass. The absence of a protein gives a fudge slightly creamy color.

The fudge is applied only for cooled cakes.

5. Belkovo Sugar Glaze - Classical

Traditional classic glaze for cakes. Quickly prepares, well freezes and has a snow-white look.

We will need:

  • Protein with 1 eggs
  • Sugar powder - 100 gr.
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp

1. Pour the protein into the mixer tank and beat on large circulation.
2. Success sugar powder as soon as the protein will begin to increase in volume and tolery. We continue to beat while the whole mass does not increase in two. After that, add a spoonful of lemon juice. The glaze becomes snow-white. After a couple of minutes, the glaze gaining the density becomes thick and shiny.
We apply the glaze on the cakes and decorate the sprinkle. An hour later, the glaze dries and does not stick. Full frost will occur after 12 hours.

Use only cooled proteins to get lush foam

6. Multicolored glaze for silence

Bright glaze will further increase the feeling of the holiday. Only natural dyes are used in the recipe.

We will need:

  • Sugar powder - 200 gr.
  • Berry (any fresh or frozen) 1 cup

1. Squeeze 100 ml. Soka. Juice can be replaced by the same number of stores diluted berry syrup
2. We connect juice with water and heated on the stove, but not bringing to a boil.
3. We pour this composition into the sugar powder and mix thoroughly to obtain a homogeneous tight mass.

The use of food dyes is the easiest way to staining the glaze.

7. Chocolate icing for cocoa

Beautiful chocolate glaze from simple products at home, which is not completely difficult to make.

We will need:

  • Cocoa - 4 tbsp
  • Sugar - 8 tbsp. span
  • Creamy oil - 1 tbsp. the spoon
  • Water - 12 tbsp. span

Baking will succeed more gentle, if you pierce it in several places with a fork before coating.

8. Wonderful Roma Glaze

We will need:

  • Rum - 1/2 cup
  • Sugar - 1 cup
  • Creamy oil - 100 gr.
  • Water - 3 tbsp

1. In a water saucepan with water, we put the butter, we put the middle fire and constantly stirring it to bring it to complete dissolution.
2. Add sugar and constantly stirring the mixture, cook for 5 minutes.
3. We put the temperature to 0 and continuing to stir pour a thin rum-cooked rum.
4. Repeated to boil on medium heat for 1 minute.
5. Remove the fire - the glaze is ready!

Roma glaze becomes more fragrant when the lemon juice is added.

9. Chocolate glaze in the microwave

Simple chocolate glaze to decorate a wide variety of cakes, cakes and cupcakes.

We will need:

  • Creamy oil - 50 gr.
  • Milk - 60 gr.
  • Cocoa powder - 60 gr.
  • Sugar - 0.5 glasses
  • Chocolate - 1/3 Tiles

1. Heat the milk in the saucepan and sugar sugar in it, stir up to complete dissolution.
2. Continuing to heat, add cocoa powder and butter.
3. We introduce into the mass of finely broken chocolate and put in the microwave.
4. Dissolve sugar in warm milk and add cocoa mixed with creamy oil into it.
5. Add finely broken chocolate and put in the microwave.

It has already been written a lot of recipes. But in addition to white delicacy, color glazing is quite common. The one that can be used not only for Easter bread, but also for all sorts of cakes, cupcakes and cakes to any other holidays and quite ordinary.

To simply please all the goodies of your households.

What is interesting, not only proteins, gelatin and sugar powder can be the main ingredient of this sweet decoration. The magnificent taste and beautiful smooth surface for baking can be given with the help of chocolate, yolks, lemon, starch and even cheese!

Do not believe! And in vain! And taste, and the color of such a product is obtained sufficiently saturated without any dyes and taste additives!

Somehow is already familiar that the glaze is preparing mainly in proteins. But a fairly interesting and delicious option is obtained from yolks.

And what is noteworthy, if you cook it from shopping eggs, it turns out almost white. But if the eggs from the home chicken with bright yellow yolks, the coating will acquire a gentle, orange-lemon shade.

We need:

  • Chicken egg - 2 pcs.
  • Sugar sand - ½ cup.
  • Sugar powder - ½ cup.
  • Water - 2 tbsp. l.


1. First you need to get eggs from the refrigerator so that they purchase room temperature. Then gently separate yolks from proteins using a special device, separator for eggs. Or just carefully pour out the shell into the shell of the old "grandfather" way.

In order to get a magnificent coating, it is best to use fresh eggs that are not more than a week. Then, separating proteins from yolks is much easier, and the necessary consistency of finished sweets is much faster.

2. In the pan, pour sugar sand. Then add water there and mix well so that all sugar become wet.

Put on a slow fire, and constantly stirring, achieve its complete dissolution and obtaining a transparent homogeneous syrup. Immediately turn off the fire and give a little time so that the mass is cooled.

It is important that with further manipulations during the preparation of the product, yolks were not brewed in syrup. In the meantime he cools, we will deal with the preparation of other ingredients.

3. To obtain a more delicate consistency of the finished mixture, the sugar powder must first sift through the siter. It is necessary to make it in order to give her the opportunity to enjoy air during this.

4. Connect the sifted powder with yolks and thoroughly beat the mixture with a mixer. Shoot down to the form of a beautiful, lush egg foam. It is necessary to do it not bag, because there will be no syrup, he also cools fast enough.

5. As soon as the sugar fluid has cooled to degrees 40, we introduce a whipped yellow mixture into it with small parts. And immediately mix quickly.

You can make it a mixer. In this case, a beautiful and slightly viscous glaze, it is formed much faster.

6. Do not pull and wait for a long time when our coating hardens. Best as soon as they were prepared, immediately begin the decoration of the finished baking.

Just do not forget that the smob must already be cooled, otherwise the smooth "hat" can slip from it.

Here is such an interesting recipe. I like him. And you try to cook on it. I think that he will not leave you indifferent.

Video about how to cook the glaze with gelatin that does not appear and does not stick

I already offered this recipe on this topic. But he is so good that it is impossible to go around his attention here.

And it should be noted that it is possible to prepare our decoration on it at all without eggs. Probably surprise, and say that it is impossible. So it's possible, yes as yet. For cooking we need will be gelatin.

In my opinion, the recipe is just wonderful. And there is practically no care and trouble with him. All quickly and just like twice two. Such a glaze can be prepared for any other baking.

And since today we consider it more preparations in colorful versions, then of course this taste can be obtained in any color with the addition of additional natural components.

Chocolate sweet sugar and starch without eggs

Beautiful chocolate fondant can be quickly prepared from bitter chocolate. But much more interesting it is prepared with the use of cocoa powder. In addition, it is also much more gentle, even though color, even taste.

In fact, the result of the recipe for the preparation of such sweets resembles his own cooked chocolate paste.

We need:

  • Powder sugar - 1 cup.
  • Milk - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Creamy butter - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Cocoa powder - 2 h.
  • Starch - 1 tsp.


1. It is necessary to start to melt the creamy oil. This can be done in several ways:

  • just give him to lie down in the iron cup on the table at room temperature
  • put in a microwave
  • pour boiling water in a plate and put in it a cup with butter

At the same time, it is not necessary to pull it at all to a liquid state. It is enough so that it becomes very soft and pliable.

Let me remind you that the oil is better to be greater than 82.5%.

2. To sift through the siete into a soft oil cup all bulk ingredients: cocoa powder, sugar powder and starch. And everything is pretty mixed to homogeneous consistency.

3. Heat the milk slightly above room temperature (at least 30), and in two sites pour it out to the oily brown mixture. Carefully not to spill, mix until uniformity.

Why it is to warm up milk, and why should oil be warm?

And the answer is very simple. In order for the ingredients to be easily and simply connected, and the bulk components have not formed lumps when mixing.

If there is a desire, then at this moment you can also add a spoon of brandy, a liqueur or condensed milk to give a fond one piquancy and amazing flavor.

4. Now the mixture must be kept a little on slow heat so that it thickens slightly, and began to resemble liquid chocolate paste. But it is worth not more than 5 minutes.

You can also independently adjust the thickness during the cooking: adding a little milk, you can get a slightly liquid mixture, but add powder, on the contrary helps to thread it slightly.

If instead of cocoa powder add 100 grams of melted bitter or white chocolate to this recipe, then a stunningly delicious chocolate-based fuddle will be.

So experiment, and get a delicious product as a result.

Recipe with white chocolate on creamy oil

Preparation of chocolate coatings are very popular not only for cakes, but also for biscuit cakes, and even the cakes of the "Bird's milk". You can, of course, use the previous recipe and advice at the end of it, but this option is still different from the previous one.

The result of cooking gives a more glossy and brilliant surface of the glaze. And when adding a food dye to the recipe, you can get it any desired color.

We need:

  • Powder sugar - 1 cup.
  • White chocolate - 100 gr.
  • Creamy oil - 1.5 tbsp. l.
  • Water - 4 tbsp. l.
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.


1. In a small skeleton in size, pushing sugar powder, add water and lemon juice. Mix all components with a spoon, then put on a small fire. With constant stirring, we respect the resulting sweet liquid on 1/4 volume (¾ syrup should be obtained). Then cool a little.

1 tbsp. l. Lemon juice can be replaced with lemon water. To do this, it is enough to take citric acid in the amount of ¼ h. L. And mix it with one tablespoon of water.

2. At the same time, white chocolate with butter can be melted on a water bath. This can be done immediately directly in one cup. After only they melt, we still need to be accurately mixed to a homogeneous consistency.

3. Give the possibility of sugar syrup a little cool down, then with a constant stirring, pour out a thin jet to an oily chocolate mass. Pretty whipping her whisk to get a beautiful, gentle and slightly stretching glaze.

4. So that it does not have time to frozen and turn into a thick paste, it is advisable to use the culinary spatula immediately and apply it to the cooled pasting.

Sweet mixture, similar to a fondant, holds well on the surface and very tasty. As I said above, if you wish, it can be squeezed by the food dye of any color.

Ideal recipe based starch without eggs

Remember glazed gingerbread, as in childhood? They had an insanely tasty and at the same time translucent delicious coating. Its we have eaten the first thing, just shrinking.

It was really an ideal coating that always lay a smooth layer on gingerbread, did not flow and never lipla to hand after frozen on baking.

Now it is time to remember this that deserves the recipe! And although during the preparation there was absolutely no eggs (in particular proteins), the fondant was still obtained as if "glossy". And she always looked rather original at least in the Easter Sdobe, even on the same gingerbread, and even sandy cakes.

We need:

  • Starch - 10 gr.
  • Milk - 4 h. L.
  • Sunflower oil without odor - 1 tsp.
  • Powder sugar - 150 gr.


1. In a cup, it is sifted to bulk components (starch with powdered sugar), and they mix well between them with the usual stirring with a tablespoon or a spatula. What you will be gravily and more convenient.

2. Pour warm milk (you can simply give it to warm up to room temperature, pulling out of the refrigerator in advance) and mix thoroughly to make a homogeneous consistency.

3. To add sunflower oil and mix all the ingredients well again so that they do not smell, and it turned out a homogeneous plastic mixture.

Long to beat this will not need. It is just enough good mixing so that it turns out a thick consistency, which will be slow enough in a spoon.

4. After cooking, apply the glaze evenly on baking, and leave it to "stick" about 20-40 minutes. Then you can serve to the table, or close to each other Easter cakes to each other. They will not be afraid to stick to each other.

Bon Appetit!

The easiest recipe for cooking lemon glaze

Although usually lemon coating turns out an opaque white color, still at the angle of light it looks like a slightly yellowish. In this case, it has a fragrant smell of lemon. And he has a sweet taste, but still with gentle scinting.

If you want to get a bright yellow color of such glaze, then you can add a little yellow dye to the mixture, or the juice of orange.

There are quite a lot of all kinds of recipes of lemon sweetness, but my households love her prepared precisely on the old recipe. In our family, it has been used for many years.

The composition of only two ingredients, but it does not prevent you from enjoying it taste and delight your eyes! And very often I glancing cupcakes, cookies and even sweet pies. I use it in order to give sweet baking exactly this unique sourness.

We need:

  • Lemon juice - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Powder sugar - 150 gr.


1. To begin with, it is necessary to saturate powder with oxygen and rid it from lumps by sieving through the sietechko. Procedure This mandatory and no need to miss it.

The magnificent powder, the air and more gentle is the mixture.

2. In small portions, with constant stirring, pour lemon juice. You can do this with such "screaming" or "rubbing" movements so that the juice is good and evenly penetrated into the sugar powder.

Just in this step, you can adjust the consistency: a little more juice - and the glaze is a bit albeit, a little less - and it becomes a little tasty.

In this case, you should not apply a mixer for connecting and whipping. Because of this, sugar powder can quickly crystallize and the coating quickly turns!

3. To beat the powder with lemon to homogeneity. It is advisable to achieve a state when the mass is slightly white and opaque, the light yellowish tint will be displayed.

It can also be noted that the finished product becomes almost immediately brilliant.

4. Slope the cooled pastries in the resulting mixture and let her dry a little.

If it turned out slightly liquid, then you can get beautiful drips on the baking.

Tender glaze from cottage cheese and sugar powder

Many people love curd cream in cakes and cakes. And you can make a magnificent gentle glaze with cottage cheese, which sweet tooths will be eaten first. Moreover, if you put it on a slightly warm cake, it is a little soaked with this raw cream and will become extremely tasty!

We need:

  • Cheese curd soft - 250g.
  • Powder sugar - 250 gr.
  • Creamy butter - 70 gr.
  • Vanilla extract - 1 tsp.


1. Warm creamy oil is prettaking to a creamy state. It is better to do this with a mixer at low speed. In such a state, the oil can easier to connect with cheese, since it will be almost a single consistency.

2. To the whipped oil, lay out gentle curd cheese. The best "Philadelphia" or its analogues is suitable. Turn on the mixer again and beat the cheese with the oil so that they are well mixed with each other.

3. You can on a cheese oily mixture, straight on top, to sift the powder, and again beat it up to a homogeneous state of a mixer at the smallest speed. Powder in this case will not split from the cup.

As soon as a beautiful shine and air sustainable peaks appear - the glaze is completely ready.

4. It is advisable to immediately deceive Easter bread with it and give a dryer for half an hour.

Look what beauty! And tasty, just not to describe words! Experts of cheese products will understand what it is about.

Glaze like creamy caramel - very tasty

Do you love candy "Dairy Cow"? And my households are happy to eat not so much candy themselves, but also with great pleasure sucking a delicious liquid caramel filling.

Want something like this to taste in order to decorate the top of koulichs or any other sweet pies? Then I offer you a very tasty creamy caramel recipe!

We need:

  • Powder sugar - 180 gr.
  • Brown sugar - 100 gr.
  • Milk - 60 ml.
  • Creamy oil - 50 gr.
  • Vanilla sugar - 8 gr.


1. To shove the creamy oil into the saucer and give it a little to melted on slow fire.

2. Thin-rod with constant stirring pour milk and mix it to mix it with butter.

3. Pour a brown sugar brown sugar in small portions, and completely dissolve it. To follow so that the tanks of sugar do not lie on the bottom and are not burned - otherwise the smell of burnt sugar may appear. Ultimately it will be sweet syrup.

4. Do not stop stirring, allow liquids to boil and respect it a little over two minutes. Then turn off the fire and the skeleton to put on the stand for a hot on the table.

5. In advance, sifuting powder to share approximately ingun. Pour one half first, constantly stirring the mass. It is possible to beat a mixer or a whisk well, and then cool the resulting slightly thickened liquid to 40 degrees.

6. Stirring the cooled sugar-cream mixture, pushing the remaining half of the powder and vanilla sugar.

Beat the mixer before the appearance of stable thick consistency. This will be ready-made glaze with taste, as in the most delicious dairy candies.

7. With the help of a culinary blade to deceive baking or cake and give them to stand about 20-30 minutes so that the coating dried.

Looks appetizing, is it true!

The photo shows what color you can get to decorate the top of the products. This color can be achieved using natural or food dyes. Cover the mixture with carrot or beet juice, spinach juice. We talked about natural dyes,!

And how to do it with food dyes say

Therefore, if you want not only, but also to decorate them originally, today's article can help you with this. Moreover, such amazingly delicious types of glaze you can easily prepare at least specifically for Easter, even for ordinary pie or cake.

Pleasant appetite and pleasant "gourmet" - pleasure from unusual glaze!

The glaze for cakes can be made in several ways. It can be a protein icing, chocolate glaze or sugar glaze without eggs. In this article, read three options for step-by-step glaze for Easter cakes. Choose the option that will enjoy the most. Let your cakes be very tasty!

This is my favorite glaze recipe for cakes. It is preparing such a glaze very simply, it turns out a white, dense, quickly dries, it will not stick, it does not crumble and does not understand. For cooking such glaze will need:

  • gelatin - 1 tsp.
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • water - 6 tbsp.

Sugar glaze with gelatin: cooking.

1 tsp. Gelatin fill with 2 cold water spoons. Leave swell.

Meanwhile, 1 tbsp. Sugar Fill 4 tbsp. Water and put on a small fire to welded sugar syrup. Boil while sugar is dissolving, be sure to stir so that the sugar is not burned.

When sugar is dissolved, remove the syrup from the fire. Add swinging gelatin to it and mix to dissolve gelatin.

Now take a mixer and take the resulting mass until it becomes white and thick.

Immediately apply this glaze to the cakes, as it quickly freezes. After the cake was anointed, immediately raw decorations, Poka gelatin did not make her own business.

Such a glaze and beautiful, and will not shive in a few days, it will not crumble when cutting, it dries quickly, it is not necessary to add further.

Skin glaze with powdered sugar.

Traditionally, it is customary to prepare sugar icing for Easter cakes from egg whites and sugar. You too can make such a glaze on this recipe. For protein glaze, you will need:

  • egg protein - 1 pc.
  • sugar powder - half a compartment (can be replaced with sugar, but powder is better)
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp. (can be replaced with citric acid at the knife tip)
  • salt - chipotch
  • vanillin or vanilla sugar - optional for fragrance

How to make a glaze with squirrel and powdered sugar.

Separate the protein from the yolk. Add salt to the protein and take the mixer within 1 minute. Negust foam should appear.

Now put the sugar powder to the protein (half a cup, or 60 gr.) And pour lemon juice (1 tbsp.).

Mixer at high speed sweat protein with powder before the formation of thick foam. Cover the cakes with this icing and decorate your taste. If you want, the glaze does not stick, put the cakes into the oven for a couple of minutes so that the protein drops.

Chocolate glaze for Easter Mood.

If you want a little diversify your cakes, you can make a chocolate glaze. It is done very simple and quickly.

Take milk or black chocolate without additives and butter. Proportions 1: 1. That is, 100 gr. Chocolate need 100 gr. Oil.

Cut chocolate to pieces and melt in the microwave or on a water bath. Soft oil (you need to get out of the refrigerator in advance!) Add to soft chocolate, mix. And again melt everything together before the formation of a homogeneous mass. Everything, glaze is ready!

Wait until the icing will cool and get fat. After that, you can apply it for cakes. You can decorate with grated chocolate and orange and sprinkle for cakes.

Beat cakes with love! Joyful to you Easter!