Kvass from malt wort. Traditional malt kvass

03.09.2019 Salads

This recipe is closest to the old, traditional ones. Originally, malt, berries and fruits were used to make kvass. There were no other sources of sugar, because refined sugar in Russia appeared only in the 17th century, and it was not cheap. Later, in cities where access to malt was limited, bread was used in the preparation of kvass as a substitute for malt. So gradually bread kvass replaced malt kvass as a traditional drink.

Ingredients for Traditional Malt Kvass:

  • (unfermented wheat (700g) and fermented rye (300g)) - 1000 g
  • 5 l

Time for preparing: 1440 minutes

Servings: 10

Recipe "Traditional malt kvass":

Before making kvass, be sure to prepare the sourdough. I will not publish the sourdough recipe, there are a lot of them on the site. You can use any. For example: "Eternal sourdough for bread" by a-lesa cook or "Bread kvass and eternal leavened leaven" by Mary Stone
Any malt can be used in this recipe: barley, wheat, rye, buckwheat, etc.
This kvass requires 2 types of malt - white (unfermented) for saccharification and black (fermented) for taste and color.
I have white - wheat and black - rye.

Grind the malt. Pour into a heavy-bottomed saucepan. To fill with water.

Let's start mashing the wort.
With continuous stirring, constantly monitoring the temperature with a thermometer, heat the wort to 72 grams. FROM

It is extremely important to observe the temperature regime. After all, this recipe does not use any additional sugar other than the sugars found in malt starch. Therefore, it is necessary to properly activate the enzymes that break down starch into simple sugars. Saccharification begins already at 64 gr. C. When the temperature exceeds 75 gr. The enzymes will "cook" and will not be able to work.

When the temperature reaches 72 gr. C, remove the pan from the burner, close the lid, wrap it in blankets for a couple of hours (most conveniently at night).

If everything is done correctly, at the end of the mash, you can immediately see that the wort has become much thinner.

You can make sure that the wort is completely saccharified by conducting an iodine test. To do this, pour a teaspoon of wort on a plate and drop iodine on it. With complete saccharification, the iodine color will not change. If the wort contains starch, the iodine will turn blue or black.
In this case, the wort will need to be heated again to 72g. C and wrap it up for a couple of hours.

The invasion of foreign drinks, which initially (in all senses) overwhelmed the domestic consumer, is now experiencing some decline. But this is not a reason to be sad. On the contrary, you can take a similar situation as an excuse to return to traditional solutions, including drinks that you get yourself.

Selection of the grain base

For many centuries (even before the advent of writing), kvass has been actively used in Eastern Europe. The craving for it was characteristic of almost all people, regardless of the specific city, age and social status. Today it seems that you can buy a ready-made drink everywhere, but its quality and safety are in question. Because most manufacturers have long been making just sparkling water with flavors and taste simulators. There are many options for the basics of making kvass, including real exotic:

  • berries;
  • fruit;
  • needles;
  • aromatic herbs;
  • raisins.

Still, the traditional solution is out of competition, that is, kvass based on crackers or rye malt.

Composition and calorie content

Real malt kvass does not have a high energy value. For every 100 g of product, there is a maximum of 30 kcal. But there are a lot of substances useful for the body there:

  • vitamins PP, H, E, B;
  • amino acids (lysine and valine, vital for muscles, phenylalanine);
  • trace elements (mainly metals, but also phosphorus and fluorine).

Even the most diligent chemical analysis will not find the presence of fats in kvass. The concentration of proteins is also low, carbohydrates account for only 5% of the mass. It is impossible to ignore the concentration of ethyl alcohol, which normally does not exceed 25 ppm.

Important: this applies only to real kvass in its pure form. If you use it as a base for cocktails, the alcohol saturation increases, but true connoisseurs do not like the resulting rough taste.

Benefits and contraindications

The natural drink helps to stabilize the metabolism and the functioning of the digestive system. The fermentation process leads to the appearance of substances that reduce the risk of dysbiosis and its manifestations. For your information: the diagnosis of "dysbiosis" can only be made by a doctor, self-medication for similar symptoms and even more unauthorized intake of kvass in case of real dysbiosis is unacceptable.

An ancient drink helps when strength is undermined and fatigue sets in. It helps to strengthen the immune system, helps to resist a number of infectious lesions. Undoubtedly, kvass is useful for those who suffer from vision pathologies, primarily those associated with age-related changes.

But it is important to understand that such a powerful tool inevitably carries some danger.

It is not recommended to drink kvass without the permission of a doctor for those who have impaired liver or kidney function. It is categorically incompatible with a stomach ulcer. It is a bad idea to consume kvass for those who are prone to fluid accumulation in the body, especially during pregnancy.

No matter how much you want to drink a mug of cold drink on a hot summer day, it is better to refrain from this idea for motorists. And not only to him, but also to everyone who works in transport, manipulates high-speed mechanisms or is forced to make responsible decisions. It should be drunk with caution for young children and those suffering from allergic reactions. There is one more point (not entirely medical, though): it is undesirable to drink kvass before a long journey or an important long event.


The easiest way to make kvass at home is from fermented rye malt. This is the name of a product that:

  • germinated;
  • dried;
  • heat treated at 60 degrees.

It should be noted that it will not work to prepare a drink on such a basis without yeast, since natural fermentation is blocked by strong heating. But this is difficult to consider as a disadvantage, because in return excellent taste and aroma are achieved. The cost of finished rye malt varies from 150 to 250 rubles per 1 kg.

During the cooking process, you will need to use:

  • 0.1 kg malt;
  • 4 kg of water;
  • 0.2 kg of sugar;
  • 10 g dry baker's yeast.

The water is boiled and cooled to 50 degrees. As soon as it cools down, pour in the malt in a small stream, while stirring it to prevent the formation of hard lumps. The consistency of the resulting mixture is close to the batter from which pancakes are made. Then the cooking stops, or rather, a break is made for 3 hours at an air temperature of 20 degrees. When the composition has cooled to less than 30 degrees (it will take 30 - 40 minutes to cool), a certain amount of liquid (approximately 150 - 200 g) will have to be poured into another container.

Then you should add dry yeast there, after dissolving them, pour back the stocked workpiece and mix everything. Then add sugar and stir again. Close the container with the leaven, but not tightly so that air can pass under the lid. The reservoir is placed in a dark corner at 20 to 28 degrees for about 12 hours. Kvass is filtered through cheesecloth folded in two or three layers. In this case, the precipitate should not be poured out categorically.

The prepared liquid must be poured into the container that is most convenient, always leaving a free gap. The containers are supposed to be thoroughly corked and left in the refrigerator for 4 hours to fully cool. If there is a desire to make kvass sweeter, this can be achieved by introducing some additional amount of sugar. Important: such an addition should be made only after the completion of fermentation.

The preservation of the finished drink is possible for about 120 hours in refrigerators or cellars, where the temperature is stably maintained at the level of 10-15 degrees.

So in addition to kvass, the initial leaven is obtained. Starting from the second time, you can prepare a drink with the replacement of yeast with kvass sediment. It is required to introduce it as soon as the mixture of malt and water has cooled to 25 - 28 degrees. The composition must be thoroughly mixed, supplemented with sugar and left to ferment; the subsequent work does not differ from the original process.

You can brew kvass using uncooked malt. The total cost of the feedstock differs little. In addition to ground malt in an amount of 0.1 kg, you will need 3 liters of water and 0.1 kg of wheat flour, as well as several dozen raisins. First, 1 liter is heated to 100 degrees, after cooling, flour and malt are added in thin streams, mix very carefully. This blank is left in the room for 180 minutes.

After waiting for the liquid to cool to 30 degrees, raisins are introduced into it, which are not pre-washed. The mixed semi-finished product is covered with towels or lids until the end of the scheduled time. Next, the remaining cold water is poured into the leaven. After that, the leaven is placed in a dark warm corner for 1 day, the aged drink is filtered. You can add sugar to taste, stirring it thoroughly. Ready kvass is bottled and put in a cold place for 24 hours so that it is finally ripe.

If, nevertheless, preference is given to the fermented type of malt, 100 g of beet sugar is added to the sourdough, which will accelerate the fermentation. Caution should be exercised when using compressed yeast instead of dry yeast because it sometimes creates a bad taste.

The basic principles for handling barley malt are the same as for rye.

For your information: when you plan not just to drink kvass, but to make okroshka, malt without fermentation is preferable. It produces a lighter, slightly acidic liquid. A longer exposure helps to increase the saturation of the sour taste, by 1 - 3 hours (sometimes more). But at the same time, you will have to taste the drink once an hour so as not to face an unpleasant result. An alternative recipe is this:

  • 1 liter of water is poured into shallow dishes;
  • boiling water is mixed with malt;
  • mix them and boil again for 5 minutes;
  • after a slight thickening, remove the dishes from the stove and insist closed for 2 hours;
  • Pour 100 g of the chilled base into a separate bowl, add all the intended amount of yeast there (they are stirred until dissolved);
  • sugar is added to the rest of the malt, also monitoring the complete dissolution;
  • 2 kg of water is placed in a large pan, into which raisins are poured;
  • yeast solution, malt are poured there, in a mixed form the liquid will ferment at room temperature after about 8 hours;
  • the prepared drink is cleaned through several layers of gauze;
  • to stop the fermentation of yeast and improve the taste of the product, aging for 2-3 hours in the refrigerator helps.

Do not try to make fermented malt at home. Obtaining it requires very sophisticated technology and the strictest adherence to technological standards.

But it is quite possible to obtain raw materials without fermentation. White kvass, which is prepared with such malt, can be darkened by introducing fried rye crackers. But you need to be prepared for a significant change in taste, so first you should try, adapt, so as not to make mistakes at a crucial moment.

See the video recipe for making kvass from malt below.

For more than a thousand years, the Slavic peoples have revered a sweet and sour aromatic foamy drink - kvass. For a long time in Russia kvass was loved by commoners, rich people, and even monarchs. Today, in most settlements of Russia, you can find kvass stalls and traders in draft draft drinks in summer, and plastic bottles with carbonated dark kvass are often lined up on store shelves. But with the present homemade kvass purchased drinks, unfortunately, do not compare. Because store-bought kvass is a drink made from soda, flavored with flavors, dyes and flavorings.

Almost every lover of a traditional drink has his own secrets of its preparation. Kvass is made, for example, from whey, vegetable components (apples, lemon, rhubarb, carrots, beets, cabbage, cranberries, currants, etc.), rye bread and crackers. To give the drink a special aroma and taste, herbs (thyme, oregano, mint, lemon balm), pine and spruce needles, raisins, honey are added to kvass. Kvass is made even from celandine, horseradish, instant coffee, banana peel - such seemingly unusual components. but classic kvass - one that was prepared either from crackersor from rye malt.

Kvass is used as a basis for okroshka. And borscht is also made from this drink, it is used in the preparation of marinades for chicken and meat. Instead of water, kvass is used when baking bread. Sweet tooths are made from jelly, ice cream, cookies from a foamy drink. Lovers of intoxicating drinks are made from kvass.

Composition, calorie content, strength of kvass

If we talk about the classic malt kvass, it is impossible not to appreciate its high vitamin content. This drink contains vitamins (E, H, B, PP), trace elements (fluorine, phosphorus, zinc, cobalt, copper, iron, molybdenum), amino acids (leucine, phenylalanine, lysine, valine, etc.). Aromatic herbs and fruits added to kvass multiply the benefits of the drink, add variety to the taste of the drink.

The calorie content of homemade kvass is low - no more than 30 kcal (per 100 g), it contains no fat at all, few proteins, the amount of carbohydrates is about 5-5.2 g per 100 g of product. Kvass is a drink in which alcohol usually does not exceed 2.5%. But sometimes connoisseurs make all kinds of cocktails, which include kvass and. Naturally, the strength of the drink with such mixing increases significantly, but its taste becomes rather coarse.

The benefits and harms of kvass

Kvass improves metabolism, has a beneficial effect on the digestive tract. During the fermentation of kvass, substances are formed that normalize digestion, eliminating the consequences of dysbiosis. It normalizes the functioning of the heart muscle and blood vessels. An ancient Slavic drink is used with a breakdown, fatigue, and a decrease in the level of immunity. Vitamins and amino acids in kvass help fight viral and bacterial infections. A real find is kvass for people with vision problems (cataracts, optic nerve atrophy, glaucoma).

Despite all the healing properties of kvass, it also has contraindications. Kvass is used with caution in case of kidney and liver diseases. This drink is undesirable for people suffering from stomach ulcers. Pregnant and lactating women should drink kvass with caution because of the threat of fluid retention in the body. Driving a car will have to give up a mug of cold kvass, since even a small percentage of alcohol can lead to unpleasant consequences.

Rye Fermented Malt Kvass Recipe

For making aromatic kvass at home, fermented malt is taken (the one whose grains have been germinated, dried and heat-treated at a temperature of about 60 degrees). However, yeast is also required for a fermented malt drink, since such malt has lost its fermenting properties due to the high temperature. However, it is from this malt that the most aromatic and tasty drink is obtained. You can buy fermented rye malt at a retail price of about 150-250 rubles per kilogram.


  • Malt - 100 g;
  • Sugar - 200 g;
  • Water - 4 l;
  • Dry yeast (for baking) - 10 g.

Cooking process

If desired, ready-made kvass can be made sweeter by adding a certain amount of sugar to it at the end of fermentation. Such a drink is stored in a refrigerator or cellar at a temperature not higher than 10-15 degrees for 5 days.

According to this recipe, the first leaven for homemade kvass is made. The second and subsequent times, you can make a drink in which, instead of yeast, a leaven of leaven is used. It is added at the stage when the malt-water mixture cools down to a temperature of about 25-28 degrees, mix thoroughly, add sugar and set for fermentation, repeating the same steps as in the specified recipe.

Unfermented malt kvass recipe

If desired, you can make kvass from malt that has not undergone heat treatment. The cost of unfermented and fermented malt is about the same.


  • Malt (unfermented ground) - 100 g;
  • Flour (wheat) - 100 g;
  • Water - 3 liters;
  • Raisins are a small handful (20-25 pieces).

Cooking process

Homemade kvass from fermented rye malt, recipe with photo

Exhaustingly hot summers want something refreshing and thirst-quenching. Kvass made from rye malt is just such a light and incredibly tasty drink that can be easily prepared at home. And it not only quenches thirst, but also replenishes the reserves of useful vitamins and minerals that fermented malt itself is rich in. The preparation time of the drink will not take you more than an hour, of course, not taking into account the aging time. Homemade kvass made from rye malt will come to the rescue when you are thirsty or become a wonderful drink to eat. Aromatic fermented malt is not only insanely useful for our body, it also gives the drink an amazing aroma and rich brownish color.


  • 5 liters of drinking water;
  • 110 g fermented rye malt;
  • 400 g sugar;
  • 3 tsp dry fast-acting yeast.

Rye malt kvass recipe

1. Pour water into a large saucepan and bring to a boil.

2. After boiling, turn off the heat. Pour the malt into boiling water, then quickly stir with a whisk so that the malt spreads throughout the water and is well steamed. It is better to take the pot more loosely, as the addition of the malt powder creates a lush foam that can escape from the pan.

On a note. Malt is obtained from germinated grains of wheat, rye, barley, etc. Kvass can also be made from other cereals, but it is rye malt that gives the drink an amazing taste and aroma. A distinction is made between fermented and unfermented malt. They differ from each other in the way they are cooked. For fermented malt, the grains are soaked and germinated, so that they begin to ferment, that is, the fermentation process starts (fermentation \u003d fermentation). Chemical reactions begin to occur, as a result of which new chemicals are formed under the influence of catalysts. Long-term simmering of grain at high temperatures gives the product a rich brown color, aroma and a full set of vitamins. The malt is then dried with hot air and ground. Fermented rye malt is used to make rye bread, gingerbread, kvass, and unfermented malt is used for alcoholic beverages. The production of unfermented malt eliminates the fermentation stage at high temperatures, germinated grains are immediately dried. Although, fermentation occurs, but already directly during the production of the drink (malt is broken down to sugar, and then processed by fermentation into alcohol). Classic kvass is made with fermented malt, but if you want, you can also use unfermented malt.

3. Pour some of the malt solution into a cup or other container, about half of the dish. Then we cool it at room temperature to 35-38 degrees.

4. Add a small amount of sugar from the total mass to a cup to the solution, mix thoroughly until the sugar grains dissolve.

5. Add sugar to a saucepan and stir with a whisk to dissolve all sugar. Cool to 35-38 degrees. To speed up the cooling process, the container with the malt mass can be moved into a larger saucepan filled with cold water.

6. Add dry fast-acting yeast to a cup with the cooled solution, mix thoroughly and cover with a towel. Leave for 10-15 minutes in a warm place to activate the yeast.

7. If the yeast is of good quality, a thick foam should rise.

8. Add yeast to a warm solution, mix and leave for 12 hours in a warm place.

9. After the fermentation stage, filter the kvass 1-2 times. For straining, it is better to use not gauze, as usual, but a dense cloth so that pieces of malt do not seep into the strained liquid. If a thin fabric is used, malt residue will be present in the finished beverage.

Take your time to throw away the sediment! This is a natural sourdough that perfectly replaces yeast when making the next batch of kvass. You can store the sediment in the refrigerator for no more than a day, but with a natural sourdough, homemade kvass will turn out even tastier.

10. Pour the drink into plastic bottles and move it to the refrigerator or cellar for 1-2 days. And while you are waiting for the kvass to ripen, you can still look for interesting ones.

Delicious and incredibly healthy kvass made from rye malt is ready at home! It's time to taste! You can take such a bottle with a refreshing drink with you to a picnic, or you can drink it at home right from the refrigerator.

Enjoy your meal!

Making kvass from malt takes no more than two days, and at a cost price this drink is slightly more expensive than water. But if you make some effort, you can create a real miracle with your own hands and touch the kvass invented by distant ancestors. The malt kvass recipe will be useful to all lovers of this wonderful drink who prefer natural products. Before making kvass from malt, you need to prepare the sourdough. Pour malt into a small enamel saucepan and pour boiling water over it. Stir well immediately so that there are no lumps - you should get a mixture like choux pastry.

For a liter of boiling water, it will be enough to add 1 glass of malt. Leave the brewed malt for 2-3 hours, after which it can be poured into any large glass container - a jar or bottle. Add two teaspoons of dry yeast, 100 grams of sugar, mix well again and put the starter culture in the refrigerator or any other cool place.

Any amount of homemade kvass with malt can be made from this amount of sourdough. To make the drink tasty and healthy, fill the starter culture with only cold boiled water.

For one glass of ready-made starter culture, you need to take three liters of water and 4-5 tablespoons of sugar - to taste. You can add a few tablespoons of light raisins. Mix well and refrigerate or store in a cellar - any cool place.

According to this recipe, rye malt kvass will be ready the next day. Strain the finished drink through several layers of gauze, do not throw away the thick. On its basis, you can prepare a fresh drink. To refresh the sourdough, you will need to add half a glass of wort and pour chilled boiled water over it. This procedure can be repeated until the wort is over, then prepare a new sourdough and prepare a delicious drink all summer long.

Kvass made from rye malt can not only be drunk in hot weather, it can also be used to make various cold soups. To add a special taste, you can add raisins or lemon zest, children love kvass with the aroma of cinnamon and vanilla.

Traditionally, kvass is served well chilled in large mugs, but ice cubes can be added if desired.