The degree of alcohol intoxication. What are the degrees of alcohol intoxication in ppm

12.09.2019 healthy eating

After drinking alcoholic beverages, various situations occur when it is necessary to find out the amount of alcohol in the blood in ppm. Perhaps you needed to get behind the wheel or urgently called to work. Many are interested in how ppm in the blood affects the state, behavior and ability to drive.

Degrees of intoxication

To accurately determine the level of alcohol intoxication, you can use a special device that determines ppm. It is impossible to deceive the device, so there is no doubt about the accuracy of the result. But how do you know how drunk a person is without a device?

Alcohol intoxication or alcohol intoxication is accompanied by a number of symptoms and signs.

Depending on the severity of intoxication, symptoms such as:

There is a conditional classification of the degrees of intoxication. Each degree implies a certain behavior and state of a person.

For greater clarity, you can make a table of the degrees of alcohol intoxication.

As a rule, the duration of the first-mild degree varies from a few minutes to 1 hour.

Focusing on the data in the table, you can approximately determine the degree of intoxication of a person and ppm in the blood.

But it should be borne in mind that the level of alcohol intoxication also depends on the state of health, the emotional state of the drinker, on the quality and quantity of snacks, and the type of alcoholic beverage. In people with a head injury or suffering from alcoholism, the degree of intoxication diverges somewhat with frequent binges.

The content in the blood of 0.3 ppm is considered natural, and in this state it is possible to drive a vehicle. But for each country the indicator is completely different. So, in Germany and France, you can drive with a blood content of 0.5 ppm, and in Ireland and the UK up to 0.8 ppm.

If we compare ppm and the amount of alcohol, then when drinking 0.5 liters of beer, there will be 0.5 ppm in the blood. 2.5 liters of beer or 300 grams of vodka will give 1.2 ppm. And when taking 1 liter of vodka, the breathalyzer will show 5 ppm. Officially, such a dose of alcohol is considered fatal.

If we talk about from the blood, then it is worth considering:

  • physiological characteristics of a person, in particular weight;
  • health;
  • strength and amount of alcohol.

Drivers, even in a state of mild alcohol intoxication, create emergency situations on the road. Don't risk your life and the lives of your loved ones.

Today, almost every person drinks alcohol at one time or another, but most people rarely seriously think about the dangers of these drinks. Before any use of alcohol, it is important to know what are the degrees of alcohol intoxication, their signs, stages of change in consciousness, the state of a person after drinking and the possibility of clinical cases after drinking. This will allow you to determine your measure and maintain health.

What is alcohol intoxication

This is the state that is created as a result of the psychoactive effect of alcoholic beverages. During the intake of alcohol, changes occur in the mental and physical activity of the individual, her behavior. This condition often leads to various behavioral disorders, health problems: loss of cognitive functions, diseases of internal organs.

There are various degrees of simple alcohol intoxication in terms of the amount of ethanol consumed and the effect produced on the body. It depends on the weight of the person, the state of his health, the amount of food eaten, the very strength of the drink. There are other factors - for example, in a state of severe fatigue, even a small amount of alcohol causes severe intoxication. Each stage is distinguished by characteristic signs of changes in speech, reaction, perception of the surrounding world.

How does intoxication happen?

The mechanism of the process of intoxication is extremely simple. In the normal state, erythrocytes are covered with a layer of lubricant, electrified during friction in the vessels. After drinking ethyl alcohol through the stomach, it enters the bloodstream, this layer is removed, and the cells stick together with each other. Irregular clots form from hundreds of red blood cells and begin to occlude the arterioles. Oxygen circulation is reduced, hypoxia occurs, blood is poorly supplied to the brain.

The process of oxygen starvation of the brain is perceived by the body as euphoria, a feeling of freedom. During this, parts of the brain become numb, and subsequently die off. In parallel, there is an effect on the internal organs. In the blood, the production of platelets, white and red cells is destroyed. Human vessels are filled with premature sclerotic changes. Alcohol seriously hits the pancreas, stomach.

The state of alcoholic intoxication

Moderate doses of alcohol reduce mental stress, can improve mood, create the illusion of freedom, euphoria. However, with an increase in the dose of ethanol, there is a loss of self-control. The condition is characterized by excitement, leads to increased aggression, a strong feeling of depression. In a state of intoxication, a person is prone to committing antisocial acts. There are several options for human behavior depending on the psychological state.

Atypical intoxication is characteristic of unbalanced, emotional individuals who have any problems. This happens with mental disorders, psychosis, neurological disorders. For example, stress can lead to dysphoric intoxication, during which a person feels hostility to everything around him, anger, discontent. Such a state is like the reverse coin of euphoria after drinking alcohol. A person may develop a viciously intense affect, signs of depression, he becomes aggressive.

Pathological intoxication is the result of prolonged alcohol use. After a small amount of drinking, behavior completely changes, aggression appears, hallucinations, spontaneous delirium may begin. A person may simply not perceive the world around him, or the perception will be distorted. All these changes in consciousness are associated with mental problems that are catalyzed by alcohol-containing products.

The degree of intoxication in ppm - table

To date, there is an approved system for measuring the amount of ethanol in human blood. It is determined in the so-called ppm. This value shows the content of the substance in grams per 1 liter. That is, 0.2 ppm is 0.02% of alcohol in a liter of blood. Depending on the number of ppm, the state of the drinker changes, damage to the internal organs of varying degrees occurs. Intoxication in ppm is determined by special devices. More than 5 ppm is considered a critical dose for the body. Below is a table of the degree of intoxication in ppm:

Symptoms of alcohol intoxication

After drinking alcohol, a lot of physical and psycho-emotional processes occur with a person. This is a change in behavior, internal state, attitude to surrounding and ongoing events. As ethanol is assimilated, the state of the individual changes - from mild euphoria and inner comfort to aggression and depressive states. The stages of alcohol intoxication and their signs have long been studied and classified. Specialists-narcologists are engaged in questions of treatment, removal of patients from intoxication.

Light degree

There are three stages of intoxication. The first of them - light intoxication - is the initial one. After drinking alcohol, a person experiences a feeling of euphoria, a feeling of comfort, relaxation. Almost everything around begins to bring pleasure, thinking accelerates. The emotional background becomes changeable - a trifling event can turn fun into an insult and vice versa.

The first signs of a mild degree of alcohol intoxication are the revival of facial expressions, looseness of gestures. At the same time, the drinker himself does not notice the changes. There is fun, looseness, lightness. The personality becomes more sociable and open to the outside world, disposed to contacts with society. Physical signs include increased heart rate, increased appetite, and sometimes sexual activity.

Average degree

The average degree is the result of the toxic and psychotropic effects of ethanol. This state is achieved at a content of 1.5-2.5 ppm. The user's speech changes, it becomes more difficult for him to choose words, coordination of movements worsens. An increased concentration of alcohol increases self-esteem, reduces a person's critical attitude towards himself, his behavior becomes impulsive and inadequate, mental excitement occurs.

For such a state, sudden mood swings are typical - in a few minutes, relaxation and friendliness can be replaced by aggression. It is common for an intoxicated person to raise his voice, repeat the same phrase several times, and stutter. Further, speech becomes fuzzy, gait becomes uncertain, ataxia appears. The drunk may become aggressive or gloomy. At the last stage, there is a complete loss of orientation.

Strong alcohol intoxication

Severe alcohol poisoning is the result of the toxic effects of ethanol. There is a strong inhibition of the activity of the central nervous system. The severity of alcohol poisoning is manifested at a content of 2.5 ppm and above. In this state, there is often a violation of breathing, a decrease in blood pressure. Sometimes urgent medical attention is required. The symptoms are easily identified.

Also, the abuse of "fuel" leads to a breakdown in temperature regulation in the body. Therefore, in the cold season, drinkers risk frostbite of the limbs. Abuse should be avoided by people with acute heart failure, vegetovascular dystonia, gastric ulcer and other obviously dangerous diseases.

A blood alcohol level of more than 5 ppm will lead to alcohol intoxication, can provoke irreversible changes in the brain, result in an alcoholic coma and death. Common signs of severe alcohol intoxication are loss of orientation in space, involuntary urination and feces. The next few days, during the exit from the state of intoxication, there is a decrease in working capacity, amnesia. Often this leads to the development of chronic alcoholism, death.


Alcohol affects each person differently. One instantly gets drunk, the other, drinking a huge amount of alcohol, remains sane and behaves adequately. There are several stages of alcohol intoxication, which characterize the degree of poisoning of the body with ethanol derivatives.

Alcohol intoxication can be accelerated by external causes, for example, physical fatigue, moral exhaustion, stress, bad mood. There are also direct factors that affect the intensity of the effects of alcohol on the body. These include age, weight, gender of a person. There are three degrees of alcohol intoxication, each of which requires specific treatment.

Features of first degree poisoning

With a slight intoxication, a person's behavior changes. A closed and non-contact individual becomes active, cheerful, sociable. A mild degree of intoxication is characterized by a rise in mood, while the adequacy of behavior is maintained. The person relaxes, but at the same time retains control. Although already at this stage, characteristic signs of alcohol intoxication are observed:

  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • confused and chaotic speech;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • increased sweating;
  • minor deviations in the work of the nervous system.

Light poisoning does not exclude a hangover in the morning. The drinker will surely experience all the "joys" of alcohol intoxication, but the recovery of the body in this case will be quite fast. Intoxication will not cause any particular harm to health. If appropriate measures are taken, a person will quickly recover. After leaving this state, there is a decrease in mood. An active and cheerful person becomes passive and dull. After a long and deep sleep, the patient's condition finally stabilizes.

Features of second degree poisoning

The more a person drinks and the stronger the drink, the faster the intoxication comes. Minor intoxication is quickly replaced by severe poisoning. The average degree of intoxication is characterized by significant violations of the functionality of the central nervous system. If we talk about human behavior, then this is expressed in:

  • increased emotionality;
  • slow brain activity;
  • incoherent speech;
  • violation of coordination of movements;
  • loss of control over one's own behavior.

Be rude, shout, swear, laugh out of place, demand sexual contact with a member of the opposite sex.

The average degree of alcohol intoxication implies frequent mood swings. A person can be overly cheerful and immediately aggressive, tearfulness is replaced by inadequate and loud laughter. Movements are fuzzy, sweeping, impulsive. In some cases, excessive activity is replaced by despondency. The drunk falls asleep on the go, shows lethargy and isolation. He can cope with physiological needs without noticing it. In some cases, this state ends in unconsciousness. A person falls into a dream, after which he cannot recall what happened the day before.

If we talk about the severity of such a condition, then the health of the drinker is at risk. The person is disoriented and does not understand what is happening around him. He can fall asleep in the cold or get hit by a moving vehicle.

A person who is in the second degree of alcohol intoxication needs help. He needs detoxification of the body, replenishment of fluid deficiency and deep sleep. The patient should be given plain water in a large volume and artificially induce vomiting. However, this method should not be used when the person is so drunk that they cannot control the urge to vomit. In this case, there is a high probability that the person who has gone over with alcohol will choke in the vomit. Doctors will be able to get the patient out of alcohol intoxication, to whom you should contact if you suspect a second degree of poisoning.

Features of third degree poisoning

If a person continues to continue to use alcohol, then a severe degree of intoxication sets in, in which a deep disorder of consciousness is observed, often with irreversible consequences. A person does not perceive what is happening around. It's impossible to get his attention. He mumbles unintelligible phrases and repeats the same thing. With such intoxication, a person is not able to stand on his feet. Even with excessive excitement, the drinker cannot move and respond to external stimuli, and it is difficult for him to perform natural functions.

With such a degree of alcohol intoxication, the possibility of death is not ruled out. Comes, which often turns into death.

In severe poisoning, the following symptoms are observed:

  • complete loss of consciousness;
  • spontaneous bowel movements;
  • uncontrolled rotation of the eyeballs.

The way out of this state takes several days, and the signs of poisoning persist for a long time. A similar condition is more often observed in chronic alcoholics who lose the ability to control the dosage.

In this case, symptomatic treatment is prescribed. The patient requires emergency hospitalization. After complex detoxification, anti-alcohol treatment is prescribed. The patient is offered drugs that contribute to the formation of alcohol resistance. Many of these products can now be ordered online anonymously.

The strongest intoxication never goes unnoticed. Subsequently, irreversible mental disorders may develop, for example, auditory and visual hallucinations, low mental activity, memory lapses, encephalopathy, etc.

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Alcoholism is a pathological disease formed by the incessant use of alcoholic beverages. It is distinguished by psychological and chronic dependence on them. Every year, tens of thousands of people suffer from an overdose, and even die. Most of the crimes are committed. Road traffic accidents are increasingly being caused by drunk drivers.

Detection of blood alcohol level

When determining the content of alcohol in the blood, the concentration of alcohol, measured in ppm, is detected. Translated from the Latin "pro mille" means "for a thousand". This should be understood as a thousandth of a number, or one tenth of one percent.

For example, 1 ppm should be considered as one tenth of a percent. Up to the level of 0.5 ppm, alcohol has no effect on the human condition.

Degrees of intoxication

There are several degrees or stages of this condition:

  • first degree - mild

In the blood, from 0.5 to 1.5 ppm of alcohol is found. It takes effect within minutes of taking it. At the same time, skeletal muscles relax, tension and fatigue disappear, mood improves, pleasant warmth is felt. There is fun, increased activity, sociability, boastfulness and self-confidence. With movements, coordination decreases, the quality of pronunciation is lost;

  • second degree - medium

The level of alcohol in the body is from 1.5 ppm to 2.5. It starts shortly after his next serving. There is already monotonous, less intelligible and inexpressive speech. At this stage, a person is no longer cheerful and joyful, but irritated, rude and aggressive, depending on the situation, he easily starts an argument or a fight. Low coordination, uneven gait and loss of balance. In such a stay, a person does not remember everything that happens;

  • third degree - severe or severe

Alcohol in the body already contains from 2.5 to 3 ppm. In people with this level of intoxication, coordination of movement is completely lost, speech is poorly perceived, loss of consciousness is possible, seizures of an epileptic nature may appear. Often, such people experience involuntary urination, even defecation. Often there is partial amnesia, the person does not remember anything that happens;

  • fourth degree - from 3 to 4 ppm

Speech slows down or is completely absent, unintelligible lowing appears. It is difficult for a person to move around, he often does not know where he is going, he cannot keep himself straight. In such a situation, a person no longer recognizes other people. The next morning he may not remember what happened to him yesterday;

  • the fifth stage of intoxication, from 5 to 6 ppm in the blood

Possible damage to the nervous system, violation of the functions of the respiratory system, heart rhythm, sometimes with cardiac arrest, and then death. A person is in a state of absolute misunderstanding of everything that is happening, loses his reaction to the people around him.

The level of intoxication may also depend on the state of health of a person, on his fatigue and tension, on the food he consumed before or after drinking, and also on the type of drink. As a rule, a drunk person has too high self-esteem, more often it is biased.

In addition to official degrees of intoxication, its atypical form is sometimes revealed. It is found in those people who have had a head injury and in those who drink alcohol for a long time.

The effect of alcoholism on the body

The body gets rid of alcohol with the help of the liver. The rate of its excretion in women is about 0.08 - 0.1 ppm for an hour, and in the male population - 0.1-0.15, that is, this process is long and detrimental to the liver. For example, a person has consumed alcohol up to a level of 2.0 ppm, the liver will almost completely cleanse the body only by the evening of the next day after taking it. Each person has an individual body. Someone quickly sobers up, while someone has a hangover for a long time. Unfortunately, there are no drugs that can cleanse the body of alcohol. A cold shower or hot tea will not help here.

It is not possible to accurately determine the level of intoxication on your own. Moreover, the effect of alcohol on different people is not the same: 100 grams of vodka is not enough for someone, and two sips of beer is enough for someone.

Alcoholism is one of the socially dangerous and fairly common diseases at the present time. The number of sick people under the control of a narcologist significantly exceeds the number of those registered with a psychiatrist. Drinking is on the rise, especially among teenagers and women, and this is a major public concern.

Becoming an alcoholic is very easy, but getting rid of this disease is much more difficult. This is caused by various external and internal factors.

Alcohol intoxication is a state familiar to every person. It is characterized by an improvement in mood, the emergence of a feeling of relaxedness and cheerfulness. Undoubtedly, the use of alcoholic beverages can bring a lot of emotional and physical pleasure to a person. However, severe degrees of alcohol intoxication entail many negative consequences, and in some cases end in death.

It should be noted that alcohol consumption affects different people differently. Some experience an emotional upsurge, joy and euphoria, others experience a feeling of depression, depression and despair, and some people even become aggressive and prone to antisocial acts. Moreover, the degree of manifestation of all these symptoms directly depends on the amount of alcohol consumed.

In order to somehow classify this state, the stages of intoxication were singled out. They are determined by the concentration of ethyl alcohol in the blood. Intoxication is measured in ppm (‰) - this is an international unit of measurement that shows how many milliliters of ethanol are contained in 1 liter of blood. It should be noted that in this case, it is the volume (ml) that is taken into account, and not the mass (g).

Determining the amount of alcohol in the blood is possible only in the laboratory. Breathalyzers and breathalyzers used to detect it in domestic conditions show only an approximate result. The devices measure the level of ethanol in the air exhaled by a person, which only indirectly indicates its amount in the biological fluids of the body. The approximate degree of intoxication can be calculated independently, but for this you need to know your body weight and the amount of pure alcohol in the drink you drink.

First, alcohol enters the oral cavity, pharynx and esophagus, after which it enters the stomach. Its absorption occurs in almost all parts of the digestive system - from the oral mucosa to the enterocytes of the small intestine. The maximum concentration of ethyl alcohol in the blood is observed 30-60 minutes after drinking alcohol.

Together with the blood, alcohol is carried to all organs and penetrates into all tissues of the human body. Its splitting occurs in the liver with the participation of its enzyme systems. Part of the ethanol is excreted in sweat, exhaled air and urine.

Ethanol has the ability to affect the cerebral cortex and many structures of the brain stem. As you know, the cortex is responsible for thought processes, the cerebellum - for motor functions and orientation in space. The brainstem contains the respiratory and vasomotor centers. Therefore, after drinking alcohol, reflexes weaken in people, slight disorientation occurs, heartbeat and breathing become more frequent. The severity of these symptoms depends on the stage of intoxication.

Ethanol has a negative effect on other organs:

  • Stomach and intestines. Alcohol and toxic products of its metabolism irritate the digestive system, disrupt the process of digestion and, with prolonged use, lead to dysbacteriosis. Alcoholics are much more likely to suffer from gastritis, ulcers and cancer than non-drinkers.
  • Liver. After drinking alcohol, transient necrosis (death) of hepatocytes is observed. With prolonged alcohol abuse, the body suffers much more. Degenerative processes often continue even after a person has stopped drinking. This often leads to the development of fatty hepatosis and subsequently - cirrhosis of the liver.
  • Organs of the genitourinary system. Since ethanol is excreted by the kidneys, it partially precipitates in them. In addition, the substance accumulates in semen, prostatic secretions, and testicles. This negatively affects the potency and reproductive abilities of men.
  • Heart and blood vessels. A person who drinks has an increased risk of developing alcoholic cardiomyopathy, various arrhythmias, and other problems. Ethanol acts on the membranes of red blood cells, partially destroys them and changes the charge of the cells. As a result, the red bodies stick together and clog small vessels. This leads to tissue ischemia and cell death (including brain neurons).

As a rule, alcohol intoxication persists for 4-5 hours. The table below shows the time of excretion from the body of various alcoholic beverages, depending on their quantity and body weight of a person.

Alcohol withdrawal table

After the body processes a large amount of alcohol, a hangover can occur - a condition that occurs due to the fact that the liver enzyme systems cannot cope with the load. As a result, an excess amount of acetaldehyde, an intermediate metabolite of ethanol, accumulates in the blood. It is this substance that causes unpleasant symptoms such as headache, nausea and psycho-emotional discomfort.

Symptoms of alcohol intoxication

It is not difficult to recognize a drunk person - he is betrayed by unusual looseness, sociability, lack of self-criticism and a positive mood. All these are external signs of intoxication. The degree of their severity directly depends on the volume and strength of the drunk alcohol. However, such a correspondence is observed only up to a certain time.

More severe degrees of alcohol intoxication are characterized by severe neurological, somatic and mental disorders. Men and women in this state are prone to inappropriate actions. Severe alcohol intoxication is dangerous because people lose the ability to control their behavior and be responsible for their own actions.

Intoxication is characterized by the following clinical symptoms:

  • Changing habitual behavior. The person may be overly agitated, active, and verbose, or become withdrawn, sleepy, and lethargic. Some people show signs of alcohol intoxication, such as rage and aggression. This condition is very dangerous.
  • Unreasonable mood swings. A person can be in a good mood, and after a minute start crying or falling into a rage. It does not take much effort to identify this - just watch the drinker for a few minutes.
  • Disorientation in time, space and situation. A person does not quite adequately respond to the environment and other people.
  • Slurred speech. A man or woman cannot clearly formulate his thoughts, confuses words, says meaningless things.
  • Pupil dilation, delayed reaction to light, nystagmus. If you ask a person to look at one point for a while, you can notice a slight trembling of the eyeballs.
  • Sweeping movements, unsteady gait, tremor. Such people usually fail to perform the finger-to-nose test and stagger in the Romberg position.
  • Vegetative disorders. These include a change in heart rate, an increase (or, conversely, a decrease) in pressure, increased sweating and salivation, pallor or cyanosis of the skin.

All degrees of alcohol intoxication are characterized by the appearance of an unpleasant odor from a drunk person. It can come from the mouth, hair, clothing, and even the body. As you know, alcohol contained in the blood is excreted with sweat and exhaled air for several hours after a person has stopped drinking.

With a severe degree of alcohol intoxication, a violation of a person’s vital functions occurs: breathing slows down, the pulse quickens, pressure drops sharply (up to collapse). Pain sensitivity also decreases or disappears, reflexes weaken, convulsions and other dangerous symptoms occur. This condition can cause coma and further death.

Degrees of intoxication

The first signs of alcohol intoxication appear quite quickly - within half an hour after taking an alcoholic drink. The more a person drinks, the more noticeable the main symptoms. However, when drinking a small amount of ethyl alcohol, intoxication may not manifest itself at all, and in order to identify it, it will be necessary to conduct a laboratory blood test.

Depending on the amount of ethanol in the blood, the following clinical stages of intoxication are distinguished:

  • <0,3‰ – алкогольное опьянение не проявляется никоим образом;
  • 0.3-0.5‰ - a small content of ethyl alcohol in the blood, which has a slight effect on the body;
  • 0.5-1.5‰ is a mild degree at which mood improves slightly, peripheral vision worsens and slight disorientation occurs;
  • 1.5-2.5‰ - the average degree of intoxication - all of the above clinical symptoms become more pronounced;
  • 2.5-3‰ - this concentration of ethanol is detected with a severe degree of intoxication, the person is in a depressed state, brain activity is impaired;
  • 3-5‰ - typical for a very severe degree of intoxication, a fatal outcome is possible;
  • >5‰ - severe poisoning. In the severe stage of alcohol intoxication, the work of all organs and the brain is disrupted, which can lead to the most serious consequences for the body.

What determines the speed of intoxication

It is easy to see that different people get drunk at different rates. Even sitting at the same table, some feel cheerful and cheerful, while others may already be pretty intoxicated.

The fact is that the speed of intoxication depends on a number of factors. These include:

  • body weight of a person;
  • gender (male or female);
  • the amount of food in the stomach;
  • general health;
  • the strength of the alcoholic beverage;
  • the amount drunk;
  • the presence of gas in the drink;
  • the speed at which alcohol is drunk;
  • mixing drinks of different strengths.

Naturally, the more a person weighs, the less he will get drunk. To get drunk, he needs more alcohol. Women are more sensitive to the effects of ethyl alcohol, and not only because they are shorter and weigh less than most men. The fact is that in the female body the metabolism occurs differently - that's why women get drunk faster than men.

Food that fills the stomach slows down the absorption of ethanol, so alcohol intoxication develops faster in hungry people. Therefore, alcoholic beverages should always be eaten. Carbonated drinks are also absorbed into the blood faster.

To avoid getting too drunk, you should not drink too fast. If you stretch out drinking a bottle of wine for the whole evening (instead of drinking it in one gulp), you can avoid sharp intoxication, discomfort and a terrible hangover the next morning.