Fried fish in tomato sauce with onions. Fish in tomato sauce - a delicious dish for a festive and everyday table

30.08.2019 Snacks


(4-6 servings)

  • 1.5 kg. fish (pike, hake, crucian carp)
  • 2 large onions
  • 1 large carrot
  • 1 red salad pepper (optional)
  • 0.5 tbsp flour
  • 1.5 cups tomato juice or 2-3 tbsp. tomato paste
  • bay leaf
  • black peppercorns
  • seasoning for fish
  • vegetable oil
  • We take one or more large fish. We cut off the tail, head, fins, but do not throw them away, we will prepare a fish broth from them, which will be useful to us in the future.
  • So, put the head and fins in a small saucepan, fill with water, about 1.5 cups, put bay leaf, pepper and salt. Cook for 20 minutes. Strain the fish broth.
  • We cut the fish carcass into portioned pieces, salt and pepper, sprinkle with seasoning for fish. We leave for half an hour so that the fish is saturated with spices.
  • While the fish is soaking, prepare a sweet and sour tomato sauce. To do this, three large carrots on a fine grater. Finely chop one small onion. If there is a red salad pepper, cut it into small pieces too. Lecho or canned peppers in tomato sauce are just perfect for this dish.
  • Simmer onion in vegetable oil. When the onion becomes soft and transparent, add the red pepper, and then, after a while, the carrots.
  • When the vegetables are ready, put half a tablespoon of flour, stir immediately so that no lumps form. Add tomato juice or tomato paste diluted in water to the sauce. You can use borsch dressing.
  • Put salt, sugar and pepper in the sauce to taste. Boil it a little and turn it off. The sauce for fish in tomato sauce is ready.
  • We take another clean frying pan. Fry fish pieces in vegetable oil. You do not need to fry until tender, only until a golden crust appears.
  • We take a cauldron or stewpan. Put onion cut into rings, one bay leaf at the bottom.
  • Put the fried pieces of fish on top of the onion.
  • Put tomato sauce on top of the fish. Then we fill everything with fish broth, which we prepared earlier. If there is no broth, then fill it with ordinary boiling water. In this case, the liquid should slightly cover the fish.
  • We put the saucepan on the fire. When the contents of the saucepan boil, reduce the heat. The fish in tomato sauce is cooked under the lid for about 30 minutes. For hake, the cooking time can be reduced to 20 minutes, but for pike, at least half an hour is required.
  • Delicious and aromatic

We offer you one of the versatile options for cooking juicy and tender fish.
Stewed fish in tomato sauce with onions and carrots is, one might say, a culinary classic. It is not at all difficult to prepare this dish, but, nevertheless, it always tastes excellent! Both river and sea fish are suitable for cooking. If you like fish without bones, it is better to use sea fish, for example, hake, pollock, pelengas. For a more varied taste, at the time of frying vegetables in a pan, you can use other vegetables, for example, tomatoes, zucchini, bell peppers. Fish in tomato sauce goes well with any side dish, but it goes especially well with mashed potatoes.

Taste Info Second courses from fish


  • Frozen pollock - 350 g;
  • Onions - 190 g;
  • Carrots - 210 g;
  • Tomato paste - 85 g;
  • Vegetable oil - to taste;
  • Water - 200 ml;
  • Table salt - to taste;
  • Ground black pepper;
  • Bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • Wheat flour - for breading.

How to cook tomato stew with carrots and onions

Let's start with cooking vegetables, on which, to a greater extent, the taste of the finished dish will depend. Peel the onion, and then, be sure, rinse and dry with a napkin. Chop the peeled onions into random medium-sized pieces and place them in a skillet with heated vegetable oil. Stirring with a wooden spatula, fry the onion until soft and light brown.

Now prepare the carrots. Peel, be sure to rinse and dry. By the way, did you know that you can easily and quickly peel carrots from the peel using an ordinary metal sponge? All you need is just to scrub the root vegetable with a sponge under running water!
Grate the carrots on a coarse grater or cut into small cubes. After that, add the carrots to the onions and stir. Continue to sauté the vegetables over moderate heat until the carrots are tender.

Add tomato paste to the vegetables. Top up with purified water, either hot or cold. While stirring, bring the contents of the pan to a boil and simmer the vegetables for about 5-7 minutes.

The next step will be the addition of spices, they are necessary in order for the finished fish to be tasty and aromatic. You can experiment with a set of spices at your discretion. Simmer for 2 minutes and turn off heat.

Let's move on to the fish. Beforehand, remove the carcass from the freezer and defrost it. Rinse, remove the insides and the black film inside the abdomen. Pat dry with a paper towel. Trim the fins. Cut into portions, approximately 2-3 cm wide. Salt the fish pieces and sprinkle with black pepper.

For this dish, we use sliced \u200b\u200bpollock, fillet is also suitable, but it takes less time to fry it.

Heat enough vegetable oil in a skillet.

Bread the pieces of fish in flour and dip in boiling oil. Fry over high heat until golden brown on all sides.

Place some of the sautéed vegetables in a deep baking dish. Arrange the pieces of fried fish in one row on top, spread the rest of the onion-tomato frying over the fish.

Cover the form with cling foil and place in the oven for 20-30 minutes at a temperature of 200 0 C.

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By the way, this dish can be cooked not only in the oven, but also in an ordinary saucepan. To do this, you need to fill it in the same way as the baking dish, add a small amount of water, and then simmer over low heat for half an hour.

Fish stew with carrots and onions in the oven is ready. Enjoy your meal!

Since childhood. This dish is still prepared in kindergartens and served with mashed potatoes. Many children are happy to eat such a fish, because it is tasty and bright, and besides, even kids know how useful it is. The dish gained considerable popularity in the half-starved 90s, when one could rarely find something tasty on store shelves at an affordable price. Fish cooked at home is quite a budget dish and at the same time quite tasty. This explains the people's love. Today, such fish is prepared not so much out of economy as because of its wonderful taste. Moreover, thanks to its expressiveness and consistency, the recipe has occupied a worthy niche even in the restaurant menu. So, the benefits, taste, economy, ease of preparation are the main advantages of fish stewed in tomato sauce. Let's try and cook this wonderful dish!

Choosing a fish

Small sprat, inexpensive blue whiting, noble trout, huge catfish steaks - almost any fish is suitable for this recipe. There are not so many rules: the scales must be cleaned, the large ones must be cut into pieces, and the small ones must be stewed whole. Fish in tomato sauce - the recipe is quite universal, and it is suitable for most types that we use to prepare holiday and everyday dishes. But the best way for this dish is fish, which contains a minimum of bones: hake, pollock, saury, mackerel, salmon.

How to cook tomato ingredients and cooking methods

In addition to fish, you will need vegetables: onions, carrots, garlic. Ideally, fresh tomatoes should be used for the tomato base, but you can also do with pasta or juice. If desired, add bell pepper, herbs, roots, ginger to the sauce.

It is better to cook the sauce separately. To do this, fry finely chopped onions, grated carrots, pieces of other vegetables in oil. Using a blender or meat grinder, make a tomato from tomatoes (it is advisable to remove the skin and large seeds first). When the onions become translucent, and the carrots let out golden juice, you can pour in the tomato. You don't need to stew for too long, just boil it.

The approximate proportions of the products are as follows: per kilogram of fish, you will need a couple of onions, one carrot and one and a half glasses of liquid. If used, then 2-3 tablespoons should be stirred in water. After boiling, add your favorite spices and salt.

How to cook fish in tomato sauce?

Cover the stewed sauce with a lid and set it aside so that it is soaked and infused. We cut the fish into pieces or prepare whole small carcasses. If it is planned that the fish will be used with the head, the gills must be removed. Otherwise, they will saturate the fragrant, delicate dish with the smells of mud.

So that the fish in tomato sauce retains its shape and does not fall apart during the cooking process, we first fry it in oil. Most species need flour breading. Only the amount of flour should be kept to a minimum. Put the fried pieces in a saucepan in layers. When all the fish is ready, we proceed to the next stage - stewing.

To do this, pour the sauce into the saucepan so that it covers the fish. The further process should take place over low heat, under a lid, so that it turns out tender in tomato sauce. In the process of cooking, the dish must be tried to decide whether to add acid, spiciness, sweetness. Much depends on tomatoes, because their taste is very different. If the dish turns out to be too bland, you can add a little lemon juice, soy sauce, adjika to it. At the very end, add finely chopped greens - it will emphasize the taste of the dish.

By the way, about the dishes. It is best to cook such a dish in a cast-iron pot or stewpan, sitall saucepan. It turns out well in an ordinary gosper.

Serving to the table

As a rule, fish in tomato sauce is served directly on the plates. So that not a single drop of the fragrant gravy is wasted in vain, the pieces of fish are laid out on top of the garnish. Fresh herbs go well with the elegant color of the sauce. For decoration, you can use multi-colored pieces of fresh vegetables, olives, olives, canned corn.

Garnish, food pairing

Fish in tomato preparation, which is discussed above, is combined with most vegetable and cereal side dishes. If pasta is served with fish, it is better to choose those that hold the sauce well: shells, feathers, scallops. Although it goes well with long spaghetti.

For a festive table, you can choose stewed asparagus, young potatoes, mashed green peas, pasta. And for an ordinary family dinner, you can serve boiled porridge with aromatic butter.

In addition, you can serve homemade pickles, pickled mushrooms, salads from seasonal vegetables in tomato sauce. Bread also plays an important role, because many people like to dip it in sweet and sour tomato sauce.

The fish stew is a delicious and delicate delicacy. It is generally difficult to spoil fish during the cooking process, so even if you are just a novice chef and for the first time started using your stove in the kitchen, do not worry, you will succeed. And we will help you with this and tell you how fish in tomato is cooked. The dish will turn out to be juicy and attractive!


Step-by-step recipe for cooking Fish in tomato with photo

Let's start cooking:

Rinse fish fillets and cut into large chunks. Season with salt and pepper on each side.

Pour flour into a flat dish. Dip each fish slice in flour.

Preheat a frying pan, add vegetable oil and send the fish to fry. Fry the delicacy for no more than two minutes on each side, an appetizing golden crust should appear.

Peel the onions and garlic. Chop the onion into small cubes and chop the garlic. Take another frying pan, pour in a small amount of vegetable oil and fry the vegetables, they should acquire a sunny translucent color.

Put the fried fish in a pan with onions and garlic.

Add tomato paste to this, dilute it a little with water. The fish pieces should be covered with the tomato paste. Cover the skillet with a lid and cook for 20 minutes. That's all the fish in the tomato is ready, let it infuse a little, and then you can invite everyone to the table!

Video recipe Fish in tomato

Stewed fish in tomato

Also, stewed fish in a tomato can be prepared according to a different recipe. This fish treat will charm you from the first bite!

In order to cook fish according to this recipe you will need:

pollock - 1 kg;
carrots - 0.5 kg;
onion - 2 heads;
bay leaf - 2 pieces;
allspice in the form of peas - 5 pieces;
salt - to your liking;
vegetable oil - 100 milliliters;
flour - 100 grams.

So let's get down to business:

  1. Clean and rinse the fish under running water. Then cut into small pieces.
  2. Pour flour into a clean container and roll the fish pieces.
  3. Put a frying pan on fire, pour in vegetable oil and fry the fish, it should turn golden.
  4. Take a deep frying pan or cauldron, pour in vegetable oil and let it boil. Cut the onion into half rings and send to stew in butter, it should become transparent.
  5. Peel the carrots, grate them with large holes.
  6. Send the shabby carrots to the cauldron with onions.
  7. Dissolve tomato paste, use water, salt, pepper and stir. Send the tomato sauce to the cast iron with the rest of the ingredients, simmer for 10 minutes. Then transfer the onions and carrots to a clean container.
  8. Put the fried fish in the cast iron, grease it with the prepared sauce.
  9. Put bay leaves, sweet peas here, make a low heat and let the fish stew. That's all, a fish delicacy with a potato side dish is served, and you can also eat such a fish as an independent dish!
Good appetite!

Has the fish become a welcome guest in your home? It is wonderful! Any modern person who cares about the slimness of the body and health of the mind puts fish as the basis of his diet. And if not just arrange a hot-pot for her, but experiment? Your friends will only remember this yummy, and ask your relatives to cook it one more time.

Because it will be terribly delicious! After all, you will prepare a tender dish in sauce. No, not in white, and not in some super fashionable and fancy. Tomato sauce and fish - what could be better than such a combination!

The most delicious recipe for gobies in tomato sauce - step by step preparation with a photo

“Genius lies in simplicity” is the leitmotif of my dish today. After all, I had fresh gobies, from which usually few people expect something like that. But in tomato sauce, they were incredibly delicious. Let's spend time with benefit, and prepare a kind of master class, and with your active participation. The result is a delicious dinner and experience in cutting this fish, which will definitely be added to your diet!


  • Fresh gobies - 500 g
  • Salt to taste
  • Ground black pepper - a pinch
  • Lemon juice to taste
  • Flour - for boning
  • Sunflower oil - for frying

For tomato sauce:

  • Tomato - 0.5 cups
  • Garlic - 4 cloves
  • Spices - as desired and to taste
  • Flour - 1 teaspoon
  • Olive oil

How to cook soft and tasty gobies with light tomato sauce - my favorite lesson

Let's start by preparing the bulls, of course. Before cleaning them, gut the fish very carefully by cutting the abdomen lengthwise. Rinse it off in multiple waters. After all, the goby loves to dig in the sand, but on his teeth he is not very!

Step 1. The gobies are washed

So the fish are washed and gutted? Let the water drain, because we have to fry. Now about cleaning. To remove scales or not? Controversial issue. Leave it for fish soup. And for frying? I cleaned the carcasses and removed the heads.

Step 3. Cut the fins

If you decide to stew the whole fish, that is, with the head, tails and fins, you only need to gut it and remove the scales from it. Well, here's what a cute fish turned out.

Step 4. Finished fish carcasses

The fish is ready to cook. To make it even tastier, we will add lightly salt and sprinkle it with literally a few drops of lemon juice.

Step 5. Lemon juice

Let the carcasses marinate, and we will prepare the sauce. Fry the finely chopped garlic in oil and add flour here. Fry it until golden brown.

Step 6. Flour and garlic in oil

If you have tomato juice, that's fine. Not? It doesn't matter, I had tomatoes in their own juice. Squeeze the tomato pulp. It is especially delicious if it is a tomato in its own juice. Let's put it all out, season with your favorite spices and that's it, the incomparable sauce is ready!

Step 7. Tomato sauce

And now we fry the bulls. They should be crispy, but not overcooked. To do this, dip each bull in flour mixed with ground black pepper, sparing no flour.

Step 8. Dip the bulls in flour

We warm the pan. Pour oil into it. We are waiting for it to warm up well, and we fry the bulls without removing the fire. I put lemon wedges from which I squeezed juice in the pan.

Step 9. Roast the bulls

As soon as the fish is browned on all sides, pour the sauce over it. How much to stew? A few minutes should be enough. After all, the sauce is designed to only slightly extinguish the gobies. Put it on the table as soon as possible! It will be delicious ...