Herring caviar (oil from herring, curds, butter and carrots). False red caviar - several recipes and all are delicious

14.10.2019 Buffet table

The snack that I will talk about today may be known to you under different names: “false caviar” spread, student caviar, caviar oil or forshmak. I know her like false caviar from herring and carrots. The recipe with a photo, although simple, still has its own subtleties. So, for example, it is better to take herring for caviar not very salty, because in combination with salty processed cheese, the snack can turn out to be excessively salty. And carrots are not enough just to boil. It must be cooled down after cooking. This simple procedure will give the carrot a light crunch, and in the finished caviar it will crunch a little, just like real eggs, except that they do not burst. In general, you should definitely familiarize yourself with the recipe. The taste of false caviar really resembles real red caviar. And thanks to the availability of ingredients, you can pamper yourself with a snack not only on holidays!


  • slightly salted herring - 1 pc. large, 200-250 g;
  • carrots - 1 pc. per 150 g;
  • butter 72.5% - 100 g;
  • processed cheese (like "Friendship", "Orbita") - 2 briquettes of 70 g each.

How to cook caviar from herring and carrots

We start with cheese. We determine them in the freezer and proceed to the preparation of carrots.

We clean it to speed up the cooking process, cut it into several pieces and lower it into boiling unsalted water. Close the lid and boil for 15-20 minutes. During this time, the carrots will fully reach readiness. Immediately after cooking, we send the finished carrots under cold running water until it is completely cooled.

We put the carrots on the stove and you can disassemble the herring into fillets. We take out the insides and bones, remove the thin skin. All. It is important to choose a delicious herring, because the taste of caviar depends on it. It is better to take the usual salting, without spices, Salted herring is also suitable, but in this case, so that the appetizer does not come out too salty, it makes sense to soak it in water or milk beforehand.

With the preparation of the components finished, we begin to grind everything. To do this, we arm ourselves with a meat grinder with a fine grate and twist all the components of the caviar in turn. In what sequence to do this is not particularly important, the main thing is that you feel comfortable. I have worked out such a scheme for myself. First, I twist the butter. In order for everything to go smoothly and without problems, it must be cold, i.e. let it wait in the fridge for its time.

Next, I take out the cheese from the freezer and twist them after the butter. During the time they spent in the freezer (I have it for 10-15 minutes), the curds have time to freeze so much that they twist without any troubles, such as sticking to the walls of the meat grinder.

Next in line is herring. We lower the fillets into the compartment for loading products and grind the herring. If you previously soaked the herring, be sure to wring it out well - the extra liquid is useless to the caviar.

And the last chilled carrot is sent to the meat grinder. It must also be dried from water and only then twisted. Since the carrots are chopped last, it “cleans” adhering curds and butter from the walls of the meat grinder well (sometimes they still stick a little).

We mix all the twisted ingredients and the false caviar is ready. When using a meat grinder, the consistency of the snack is obtained just like that of caviar - grainy. If desired, you can give it a homogeneous pasty consistency, using not a meat grinder, but a blender for grinding.

You can serve caviar by spreading it on a piece of bread or toast. Fill it with tartlets or profiteroles or stuff, say, eggs. Such caviar looks original and fresh on slices of fresh cucumber. We have the most popular option - on crackers (unsalted and unflavored).

Store false caviar from herring and carrots in the refrigerator in a closed container for 3-5 days.

Step 1: prepare the carrots.

Rinse the carrots under running water from all sorts of contaminants, put them in a deep pot of water and put it on the stove, turned on to the middle level. You don't need to salt the water! Boil carrots until fully cooked for 30 – 40 minutes. Check the readiness of the carrots with a fork, if its teeth enter the pulp freely, then it is ready, if not, bring the carrots to full readiness for a few more minutes. Then drain the water from the pan, let the carrots cool, peel them with a knife and cut into small pieces that can fit in the blender bowl.

Step 2: prepare the herring fillet.

Rinse the herring fillet under running water from the remaining small scales and films. Dry with paper kitchen towels from excess liquid, lay on the cutting room and cut into small pieces, which are added to the carrots in the blender bowl. Grind the ingredients until smooth for 1 - 2 minutes.

Step 3: Add butter.

Open the package of butter, separate the amount you need from the total mass with a knife, cut the butter into small cubes and throw it into the blender bowl. Whisk it with all the ingredients for 2 - 3 minutes to a homogeneous mass.

Step 4: Add processed cheese.

Remove the foil from the processed cheeses, place on a cutting board and cut into pieces. 3 - 4 parts. Throw the cheese in a blender to all other ingredients, add black pepper and allspice to taste. Grind the ingredients at medium speed for 3 - 4 minutes to a homogeneous mass. Caviar is ready! Transfer the false caviar to a plate using a tablespoon. Such caviar is stored for 1 – 2 weeks in the refrigerator, previously placed in a clean, sterilized, dry jar, tightly closed with a clean, sterilized dry lid.

Step 5: serve false caviar.

False caviar is served at room temperature or cold. An interesting and very tasty addition to the festive table. You can make sandwiches with such caviar, serve it in a salad bowl as an appetizer, or this tasty dish can be an excellent addition to hot soups, meat dishes, boiled cereals and pasta. The taste of such caviar is pleasant, sweetly salty, with a pronounced aroma of herring. Not expensive, mysterious and very tasty! Bon appetit!

- - Sometimes boiled chicken eggs are added to this type of caviar.

- − In this type of caviar, you can add any greens you like, such as parsley, dill, cilantro or basil.

- - If for some reason you cannot use a blender, you can use a manual or mechanical meat grinder to grind the ingredients.

- − In this dish, you can add any spices you like, which are suitable for vegetable and fish dishes.

- − For the preparation of this type of caviar, you can use not only herring, but also salted capelin, sprat, mackerel, herring or any other salted fish, previously cleaned from the backbone, heads, entrails, films and bones.

- − The quantity of ingredients can be changed, what flavor you want to give your caviar.

The recipe is very old, even my mother gave me these sandwiches to school with her! great appetizer and absolutely delicious!

Here the main thing is that the fish was with caviar! This is the secret of the recipe. We sell caviar from herring separately .. but in my case - 1 herring with caviar,
half a glass of semolina,
1 small onion
1 tablespoon red pepper
3 tablespoons of olive oil,
2 tablespoons of vinegar.
I put the finished caviar in an airtight jar, and it is stored for a week without problems, instead of pate for a sweet soul!
We cook the semolina until the consistency "so that the spoon stands" on the water, add a little salt, it is very important that it COOL FULLY!

We clean the herring, separate it from the skin, I also cut off the bellies with bones .. I don’t like them .... ;) and wash them well along with caviar

Then caviar, herring and onion are passed through a meat grinder 2!! times

We combine all the ingredients, semolina, a mass of herring and onions, pepper, vinegar and oil ... and mix thoroughly. The finished mass can be decomposed into jars and eat on bread.

Delicious! I advise you to try! And caviar crunches on your teeth, it feels like you are eating real caviar .. hence the name, fake! :)))))

Author bastet
Snack "False caviar" (recipe No. 2)

This is the most delicious buttercream I have ever tried. The taste is very reminiscent of red caviar, it always goes with a bang! Mom "brought" the recipe from the guests many years ago, and now we have this pate very often !!

* 1 herring
* 100-150 g butter
* 2 processed cheese
* 3 small carrots
Clean the herring from the insides, skin and bones. Boil carrots until tender.
Herring, carrots, butter, cheese twist through a meat grinder and stir. The spreader is ready.
Store in the refrigerator for up to 5 days (I don’t know for sure, I have never stood that much).
You can spread it on bread, a loaf, on slices of boiled or baked potatoes, stuff eggs, cucumbers, tomatoes.
I experimented several times, gave me a bite of a sandwich and asked me to tell you what it was, everyone unanimously said, of course, with red caviar !!
So cheap and cheerful, but delicious.... Try it!!
Recipe author nikulj Photographer Nadinka
False caviar 2 (recipe No. 3)

And another interesting and tasty putty for sandwiches

2-3 boiled carrots
1 herring
100 gr. butter,
2 processed cheese
two hard boiled eggs.

I don’t have a meat grinder by definition, I always use a combine with knives. Who is more comfortable here.
So, we put all our ingredients in a bowl

and grind until smooth

You can salt to taste if the herring is lightly salted.
We smear on a bun and drink tea :)

We put the rest in the refrigerator, for the future :)

Bon appetit!

RECIPE of "false" caviar:

2 boiled carrots

2 melted cheeses

100-150 g butter (I did not add)

How to cook "false" herring caviar:

1. Boil carrots in advance in any way: on the stove in water in uniforms, or in a slow cooker for a couple. Remove the skin, cut into pieces.

2. Peel and cut the herring. Also cut the melted cheese into pieces.

3. Grind everything in a meat grinder (not in a blender - there will be an ugly chewed mass). I ground twice so that the caviar came out tender, like a pate.

4. Ask: where is the oil? Yes, traditionally, it must be ground immediately along with the rest of the ingredients of this wonderful snack. Although, to be honest, I don’t understand why grind soft butter, spreading it over a meat grinder, you can simply mix it into the already ground mass of caviar.

BUT, I didn't add oil at all, and I was very happy about it. Why these extra calories, and an additional burden on the liver. Although I cooked it, it was not fate for him to get into this recipe.

It turned out incredibly tasty and very satisfying and without oil! .. I highly recommend trying to cook first without oil, try it to your taste, if everything suits you, leave it like that. If you are very friendly with butter, please add from 50 to 150 g.

5. Such caviar-pate can be smeared on bread (enough for a whole sliced ​​loaf), or you can, like me, put the whole mass in a bag with a nozzle and squeeze it onto a cracker (by the way, I have these crackers in the photo - snack bars, with onions, very tasty), or on cucumber rings. But crackers are different: both square and round. Round crackers are all small, so you can try larger crackers like Napoleon or croquette.

I liked this appetizer with crackers more than with cucumbers.

6. And another very important point for storage account. In the refrigerator, store simply in a jar, not on cookies or cucumbers (it just gets wet). Ask: how long to store? I read that up to 5 days, but I have not tried more than 3 yet. I must say, it is perfectly preserved in the cold, without losing its attractive appearance.

7.About decoration: garnished with protein caviar with salmon-flavored cream, the caviar is beautiful, but not tasty, I took it in the supermarket just for decoration, it is not very expensive, there was some other promotion. This jar is shown in the video below.

“False” herring caviar is ready in a new way!

Bon appetit!

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Herring is considered one of the most affordable and delicious fish. Many people prefer to eat this fish in salted form. What could be tastier than boiled potatoes seasoned with butter and herbs, combined with fragrant herring? Herring caviar is also traditionally pickled. There are many ways to turn ordinary herring caviar and the fish itself into a luxurious treat.

Cleaning herring from bones is easy

The most unpleasant moment of preparing herring for serving is cleaning it from bones. A person who does not know how can turn fish into a mess, trying to get rid of everything unnecessary in it. How to clean a herring from bones so that it retains its shape? Of course, it is simply impossible to get rid of the smallest and thinnest bones, but if you sprinkle the fish with lemon juice or a weak solution of vinegar, the bones will soften and will not be felt at all.

Get rid of the main bones. First you need to take a sharp thin knife, a cutting board or paper napkins. We put the herring on the board, get rid of the tail and head. To remove the insides, you need to cut off the fins, cut open the abdomen with a knife - very carefully so as not to damage the caviar. Herring caviar is useful for preparing the next dish.

After removing the insides, rinse the carcass with cold water, put on a napkin so that excess water is glassed. A notch remained from the upper fin on the back, using it, carefully divide the herring in half along the back, hook the skin, remove it. When the fish is divided in two, you can take on the bones. Grasp the spine, slowly pull the tip of the tail up. The bones will begin to fall off without damaging the fillet. Also clean the second part of the fish. Remove the remaining protruding bones by hand. It remains to cut the fish, season if necessary and serve.

False caviar from herring

Sandwiches will never interfere on the festive table. What kind of recipes for their preparation does not exist! The most popular are considered But this is a very expensive pleasure. By preparing a pate according to this recipe, you will surprise your guests with a novelty. Red caviar from herring tastes practically indistinguishable from real red caviar.

To prepare this delicacy, you will need a fillet of one lightly salted herring, butter - about one hundred grams, a couple of processed cheeses ("Friendship", "Orbit" or another one of your choice, but not softened), three medium-sized carrots. How to clean a herring from bones is described at the beginning of the article. Boil carrots and cool. Scroll all the ingredients through a meat grinder (scrolling the oil, alternate it with other products). A blender is not recommended, as the consistency will be too liquid. Salt is not worth it, curds and herring contain enough salt, you can spoil the taste. Mix, put on the table. If desired, add greens - dill and parsley.

Preparation of caviar from herring brine

When the fish is eaten, the brine from it is poured out. But experienced housewives know the application for such a seemingly completely unnecessary product. Many people buy caviar for (pollock caviar with spices, oil or tomato) in the store. Such a jar of caviar is not cheap. We will make exactly the same at home, without spending money on the purchase and without pouring out the brine (marinade) from the herring. This spread is called "semolina caviar from herring".

Take one glass of brine, half a glass of vegetable oil (odorless), a glass of water, two-thirds of a glass of semolina, two tablespoons of tomato paste or tomato ketchup (without seasonings and without a slide), a small onion, a couple of boiled eggs, greens to taste ( possible without it). All liquid components are poured into a saucepan, brought to a boil, paste is added, and mixed well. Reduce the heat, slowly add the cereal, stirring.

When the semolina is swollen enough, remove from the stove and cool. Finely chop the onion and egg, add to the resulting caviar. Onions in this recipe are not required, greens will be enough.

Caviar made from herring with semolina

Another delicious recipe from affordable fish is herring caviar. To prepare this dish, you will need slightly salted herring (two pieces), a glass of tomato juice, a glass of vegetable oil, a glass of semolina and pickled onions. Boil the juice with oil, boil semolina in this liquid. Herring and onion to turn through a meat grinder, mix with semolina. The amount of ingredients is designed for a large company. To prepare such caviar for a home table, it is worth reducing the ingredients by a factor of three. Instead of herring, you can use caviar from it.