Methods for cutting potatoes. Methods and forms of cutting potatoes

01.11.2019 Grill menu

Perfectly even slices of fries, sauce and soft drink are frequent attributes of fast food advertising brochures. And if the last two components of the banner are few people admire, then potatoes are the peak of culinary excellence. How to cut potatoes into strips at home? It couldn't be easier! Let's hone our skills together.

How to create potato masterpieces quickly and easily?

Slices of raw vegetables are the easiest and fastest way to cut using a special device - a square vegetable cutter. Fortunately, there are plenty of such devices today. They come in the form of a removable attachment on a plate or jar, are part of a handheld harvester, and are also presented with a special four-sided grater with a pointed edge.

Using such devices is quite simple:

  • Use a knife to cut off the bottom so that the tubers can be placed upright on the table.

  • On top, set the vegetable cutter with a sharp edge on the flesh of the vegetable.

  • Admire the result.

Perhaps the only drawback of this method is that it is impossible to adjust the thickness and length of the blocks. And the length of the straw depends only on the pressure of the hand. So if the physical strength is not enough, the vegetable cutter method is not suitable for you. But don't be discouraged, there are other options.

Sleight of hand - no vegetable cutters

Despite the fact that the potatoes are mostly round, they can be easily cut into neat thin strips using a sharpened kitchen knife. True, this method is quite laborious, and the process itself will take a lot of time. But the finished result is worth it. Let's try?

So, we perform the following actions:

  • Wash and peel the potatoes as you have done before.
  • Trim the ends of the tubers so that they are flat on all sides.

  • Remember to remove the parts from the base as well. As a result, you should get a perfectly flat rectangle.

  • Now cut the pulp into thin slices. Each slice should be no thicker than 4 millimeters.

  • Lay the slices flat on a cutting board and cut across into thin strips.

  • Perfectly even and thin straws are ready. It can be seasoned and baked in the oven.

Such thin slices are suitable for preparing salads, however, for this it is better to pre-boil potatoes, as well as as an Indian garnish with hot spices. But frying such a straw is unlikely to work. Thin strips will quickly boil over, and as a result, instead of fried potatoes, there will be vegetable porridge in the pan. Although this is a matter of taste.

Cutting potatoes like at McDonald's

Fragrant and crispy French fries with garlic sauce ... Just the thought of it awakens your appetite. Of course, you can not bother yourself too much and just buy ready-made frozen potatoes in the supermarket. But who knows what kind of tubers they are, how long are they stored there and what are they made of?

It is much healthier and tastier when you cook fries at home. In addition, the technique is very simple:

  • Traditionally, we wash and peel potato tubers. It is desirable that each of them be of almost equal length and oblong shape.

  • We cut each potato in half. Then we divide the resulting parts in half in the longitudinal direction again.
  • We cut each strip into 4 parts.

  • While we are cutting a new batch, put the finished potatoes in a bowl of water. So the starch will be less, and the potatoes themselves will not have time to turn black.

Now you can look for a suitable recipe for cooking fries in the oven, slow cooker, microwave, or just in a frying pan. By the way, it will be very tasty if potatoes are rolled in olive oil with spices and crushed garlic before frying.

"Country style potatoes"

Don't like fries? Then, perhaps, you will like the country-style spicy potatoes. This unpretentious dish is served today even in the most fashionable restaurants.

To prepare such potatoes, you will need to find in the store and buy tubers as young as possible. Choose those vegetables, the skin of which you think is the thinnest, evenest and without burrs. By the way, there should be no green spots on the root crop. Often they are direct witnesses to the content of pesticides and other inedible chemicals.

In general, when the purchase and selection process is complete, your steps should be as follows:

  • Using a soft brush or an ordinary clean, preferably a new kitchen sponge, thoroughly wash the potatoes from dust and dirt.
  • Without peeling off the peel, cut the tubers into halves.

  • Now the resulting pieces must be cut in half again.

  • Resize each quarter to the size you want. Usually, only one transverse incision is sufficient.

  • These are the potato slices that should be the result.

  • But the work doesn't end there. Place the potato wedges in a flat-bottomed bowl and cover with cold water.

  • Let the straw sit for 5-7 minutes. This will help rid the potatoes of excess and unnecessary starch.
  • Then transfer the slices to a paper towel.

  • After all the water has been drained and absorbed into the napkin, the potato strips are ready for further use.

Remember, any of the above options take practice. It is unlikely that you will be able to create perfectly smooth blocks the first time. Usually, novice cooks have to spend a lot of free time and mountains of spoiled vegetables to achieve ideal results. We can only wish you further success!

How to cut potatoes correctly

I have always loved collecting recipes and cooking. But no one taught me how to cook, I understood everything myself. And I cooked my first meal when I got married at 22. Since then I have learned a lot, of course. My concoction is always praised by my family. But, unfortunately, I still can't cook anything except the simplest dishes.

I have always been a working person, and there was no time to deal with the kitchen. The maximum I could always devote about an hour a day to this activity. And cooking has always been just a household woman's duty for me. But, recently, since I sat at home, I increasingly think about how I would like to learn how to cook something more interesting and tasty. Especially since I came to Lyra. You yourself know how much culinary beauty is laid out in the diaries every day!

From the very moment I started this diary, I try to collect interesting recipes and every day I learn something new. But I understand more and more clearly that I cannot do without learning basic culinary skills. Because my cooking is all about intuition. And knowledge is sorely lacking.

And besides, cooking is becoming my passion. And every day I love this lesson more and more.

Starting with this post, I will understand the basics of cooking and share this knowledge with you. Perhaps, learn to cook better than now, not only I want)

To begin with, I decided to deal with the main ways of cutting potatoes and other hard vegetables. And here small discoveries awaited me.

Let's start with potatoes... The main cutting forms are strips, sticks, cubes, wedges, slices.

Straw. The potatoes are cut into thin slices. Then the plates are chopped into 4-5 cm long straws with a section of 0.2 x 0.2 cm. It turned out to be like thin noodles, although I always thought that straws and sticks were different names for the same cutting method). It looks like this:

Fortunately, now you can not torment yourself with your hands, but use various devices. Many people use a Korean grater for such cutting.

Potatoes cut into strips are used for deep-fried frying. I began to look for what they actually make of it and found:

Potato pie

Cut the potatoes into strips. Rinse in cold water, so that the pieces do not stick together during frying. Throw in a colander or sieve.

In a saucepan or deep baking sheet, heat the fat to 170-180 degrees. The ratio of fat to potatoes should be 4: 1. Put potatoes in it and fry, stirring occasionally, until golden brown and until the potatoes are tender. Remove the finished potatoes from the fat with a slotted spoon and place in a colander or wire sieve to drain off excess fat. Sprinkle with salted powder or just fine salt.

It turns out like this yummy:

To prevent the potatoes from sticking together during frying, it is advised to roll them in potato starch beforehand. I did it without him. Very similar to chips. At home, this food was immediately nicknamed "Daughter's Joy") In general, potato pie is both a side dish and a snack for beer.

Bricks. Potatoes are cut lengthwise into plates up to 1 cm thick and cut into sticks 4-5 cm long. The sticks are used for frying or cooking borscht, soups and other dishes.

It looks like this:

I learned how to cut potatoes for frying a long time ago. Now I will cut it for borscht in the same way. You can also fry French fries. It is prepared in the same way as potato pie. The only difference is in the form of slicing.

Cubes. Until recently, it was a universal method of cutting potatoes for me. The cubes are cut: large - with a section of 2 - 2.5 cm, medium - 1 - 1.5 and small - 0.3 - 0.5 cm.

Large ones are used for stewing and making soups, medium ones - for cooking potatoes in milk and for stewing, small cubes are cut from boiled potatoes for salads and side dishes for cold dishes.

I don't think anyone needs to explain what potato cubes look like. But for completeness, I found a picture for them (unfortunately, I have nothing to photograph myself):

Lobules. Raw medium-sized potatoes are cut in half and then cut into slices along the radius. The slices are deep-fried, pickle and stew is prepared with them.

These are they, slices:

Slices. The boiled potatoes are cut into four slices crosswise and chopped into slices 1-2 mm thick for salads and vinaigrette.

Circles. Boiled or raw potatoes are given the shape of a cylinder (which is probably not necessary at home). Then cut into circles with a thickness of 1.5 - 2 mm. Raw slices are fried, boiled ones are used to grill fish and meat.

Here, too, everything is simple, but again I found a photo:

Kegs and cylinders. The potatoes are ground into a keg shape. Used for garnish. Kegs are often stuffed with various fillings and baked in the oven.

Here's an idea for how you can make a beautiful potato side dish. I really liked. The hats, I think, are smeared with sauce:

For completeness, I should also mention cutting potatoes in the form garlic or pear. First done barrel. Then it is cut lengthwise into several pieces. A recess is cut on the edge of each barrel. This potato is used for making soups. And with the help of special grooves, they cut out raw potatoes balloons. Large and medium balls are deep-fried, medium and small balls are used boiled as a side dish. But, unfortunately, I could not find a photo of such a cut.

And with the help of a special device, potatoes can be cut spiral and then deep-fry.

It is not difficult to guess that other root crops are cut in exactly the same way.

Beets and carrots for soups, stews and in general the preparation of any dishes, cut into strips, cubes and slices.

Onion- rings, half rings, slices and small cubes.

If suddenly there was no bread at home, it’s not scary, much more scary, if there were no potatoes - a lifesaver under any circumstances.

The sudden arrival of guests will not take you by surprise, we will tell you how to cut potatoes into slices for the preparation of a fragrant country-style potato treat. This, at first glance, simple matter, as it turns out, has its own nuances and secrets, on which the final result depends, and most importantly, the taste of the resulting dish.

As the heroine of one Soviet film said, “Do you think potatoes are so simple, cooked and ate? It wasn’t there! ”. Indeed, all kinds of dishes are prepared from potatoes: they are fried, boiled, mashed, pies, pancakes, casseroles, stewed, various first, main courses and even desserts are prepared. And in order to cook all this, you need to know how to properly prepare and cut the main ingredient.

In addition, not every potato variety is suitable for every dish. Easily boiled varieties are considered the most valuable, but for salads it is better to take non-crumbly potatoes. And do not mix different types of potatoes during cooking, as they may also have different cooking times.

Culinary secrets of cooking potatoes

Without a doubt, every experienced housewife in the arsenal will have her own scroll of recommendations on how to properly cook this or that dish from this root vegetable. And for beginners, here are some tips:

  • Fresh potato teas are an excellent base for soups, sauces and gravies.
  • Only warm or hot milk is added to mashed potatoes, as cold milk will color it gray.
  • To prevent the potatoes from cracking when baking, prick them with a fork.
  • Potato patties will be more fluffy if you add a pinch of baking soda to them.
  • The fries and potato chips are salted after cooking, and the fried potatoes are salted a couple of minutes before the end of cooking.

Types of cutting potatoes

Not every cutting shape will work for every dish. Let's try to figure out and sort out on the shelves in what form and in what dish to use our potatoes.

There is a simple and curly slicing of potatoes.

Simple slicing:

  • straws - used for deep-frying;
  • - used for the preparation of cold snacks, for deep-frying, for making soups, pickles;
  • cubes - used to prepare stews and soups, potatoes in milk, boiled are used in salads and vinaigrettes;
  • circles - used for deep-frying, as well as for cooking meat and fish casseroles;
  • slices - this cuts are used for cooking stews, for deep-frying, for garnishing beef cooked in the oven.

Video about cutting potatoes in a village style

Curly cutting:

  • kegs;
  • garlic;
  • pears;
  • balloons;
  • shavings;
  • spiral.

Such cutting of potatoes is most often used for preparing everyday side dishes, side dishes for banquet dishes, deep-fried frying, for preparing cold snacks. Moreover, it can figuratively cut both raw and boiled potatoes.

In more detail in our master class, we will tell and show in the photo how to cut potatoes into slices correctly and quickly.

Perhaps the most popular dish on the tables of Russians has been and remains fried potatoes. One of the main conditions for preparing this dish is the correct cutting of root vegetables. Each housewife will have her own secrets on how to cut potatoes for frying. If you are still unfamiliar with them, then our material will be very useful.

Cubes or sticks: options for slicing potatoes

Nutritionists, gastroenterologists, and adherents of a healthy diet loudly assert that fried potatoes are a very dangerous dish for our stomach. They categorically do not recommend indulging in such a delicacy to anyone, especially people with digestive tract problems.

But then the common man comes to mind the time-worn phrase: "The forbidden fruit is always sweet and captivating." So why, if you want, you can't? Very much even possible, but not always and necessarily in moderation. And in these rare moments, you should also think about what kind of potatoes you want to cook. Perhaps fry in a pan or simmer in a lot of sunflower oil? Or maybe bake with spices in the oven? Although this option is difficult to attribute to really fried potatoes.

How to properly cut potatoes for frying will depend on the chosen method of cooking. There are only three options:

  • cubes;
  • straws;
  • cubes.

These cutting techniques are quite simple and will be within the power of even a child, as long as he does not hurt his fingers. Let's consider each option separately.

Comfortable strips

So, let's figure out how to cut potatoes into strips for frying:

  • We wash the roots under running cool water. If the potatoes have eye sockets, then it is better to do this with a brush.
  • Then peel the potatoes and place the tubers sideways on a cutting board.

  • Then we turn the circle flat on the board and cut into strips equal to the thickness of the slice.

  • Rinse the straws thoroughly in a bowl of water. This will remove excess starch from the vegetable.

  • We send potatoes to a preheated pan with sunflower oil.

This option allows you to achieve deep fried potatoes and is ideal for deep-fried cooking in a large amount of sunflower oil. In this case, the dish called "fried potatoes" will miraculously be renamed the overseas "fries".

Simple sticks

This method of cutting potatoes also does not require special skills and manual dexterity. All you need is a cutting board, a sharp knife, and peeled potatoes. And then proceed according to the instructions:

  • Place the peeled tubers on a cutting board and press down from the side of the center with your fingers.

  • Cut the potatoes into 4 equal pieces with two knife strokes, back and forth.

  • Now cut each quarter in two again so that neat half moons come out.

  • Rinse the potatoes in a bowl of water, dry them and start frying.

Potatoes, cut into cubes, turn out to be very tasty when fried in a pan with oil and spices. Quite often, "Country style potatoes" are also prepared from crescent pieces.

Favorite cubes

The simplest and most understandable way of cutting is neat squares. It is this kind of potato that the hostesses add to soups and salads. But it turns out to be no less tasty when fried.

Read also:

Let's consider step by step how to cut potatoes into cubes:

  • Wash and peel potatoes.
  • Place the root vegetable on a cutting board and cut it in half in one clear motion.

  • Now flip the half flat side down and divide it into 2 more pieces. If the potatoes are too large, then several cuts will have to be made, dividing the vegetable into 3-4 or more slices in this way.

  • Then collect all the pieces together and cut into neat cubes with transverse movements.

  • Rinse potatoes and dry with paper towels before frying.

Connoisseurs of cubed potatoes end up with not just a neat dish, but each piece is covered with a uniform golden crust, while maintaining softness and juiciness from the inside.

Alternative options

If you don't have much time or desire to tinker with potatoes, modern kitchen tools for cutting vegetables will come to the rescue. Such equipment is now widely sold on the market and in electronics stores and is designed to significantly reduce the cooking time. In addition, you will get neat and identical pieces of potatoes, even if you are working with it for the first time.

Pay attention to the following tools:

  • Slicer - the name of the appliance already speaks of its purpose in the kitchen. Made of stainless steel with pointed tips on one side, it will perfectly cut any vegetables into slices, including potatoes, perfectly even. It is very convenient to have such a device in the kitchen, in particular, when there is no time for cooking.
  • The device for cutting fries on the market is presented in the form of a rectangle made of plastic, in the center of which there are pointed blades in the form of a lattice. It is very convenient to use it: it is enough to peel the potatoes, set the tubers vertically and press on the handrails of the device with a forceful movement.
  • In addition, there are devices on sale for the original cutting of potatoes, for example, with a spiral or wavy slices. Frying figured potatoes in oil is not very convenient, but they are ideal for baking.

In addition to the standard and alternative options for cutting vegetables for frying, it will be more convenient to cut new potatoes into neat halves. True, after frying in oil, it is recommended to stew such a dish for some time under the lid, otherwise the halves will remain moist inside.

One of the most important steps in the cooking process is knowing how to properly grind food. Indeed, in cooking, there are no trifles, and such an action requires a certain skill. Take potatoes, for example. In most cases, at the initial stage, after cleaning, it needs to be cut. Depending on the particular dish, the crushed pieces must have a certain shape. Let's say that you need rectangular sticks like straws to work. What should be done in this case? How to cut potatoes into strips? It turns out that this can be done in different ways.

French fries

Nowadays, fast food has become so popular that many even try to cook their favorite meals at home. The banal force of habit is at work. As you know, no fast food establishment is complete without the famous French fries. Moreover, it is not at all difficult to do it. The main thing is to give the main product the appropriate shape. Here the question arises: "How to cut potatoes into strips?" To do this, you can use the simplest method. Of the tools you need only a sharp knife and a cutting board.

To understand how to cut potatoes into strips, you must clearly follow the following steps:

  • The tubers must be peeled, washed and dried thoroughly with a paper towel.
  • To make the straws long, the potato must be positioned on the board so that the knife blade goes along it.
  • The tubers should be carefully divided into even longitudinal rings.
  • Each workpiece must be cut into strips no more than 5 millimeters thick.

After that, the prepared potatoes can be sent in small portions to boiling oil.

The secret of the correct form

When ordering French fries in a cafe, people are often surprised how smooth the sides of the fried pieces are. After all, this vegetable has an oval shape, and when cutting, part of the blanks should be slightly rounded. Here the culinary specialists have their own secret. They know exactly how to cut the potatoes into strips so that each piece has the correct shape.


The fact is that before grinding the tuber it is necessary:

  • Cut off the lateral longitudinal edge first.
  • Rotate the potato 90 degrees on the axis and separate the same part on the other side. Two flat sidewalls are obtained.
  • Place the product on one of them and divide into even pieces parallel to the second cut. Set aside the remaining rounded part.
  • Divide the resulting blanks into strips of equal thickness.

As a result, there will be neat large straws with correct, even sides on the cutting board. And the cut pieces of potatoes remaining after processing can be used to prepare other dishes.

Preparation for frying

Fries are just one way to fry potatoes. But most housewives rarely use it at home, mainly due to the high consumption of oil. It is much more economical to fry potatoes in a pan. Moreover, it can also be crushed in the form of straws. In this case, it is better to use smaller or medium-sized tubers. How to cut potatoes into strips for frying? The technology of this method is much simpler than the previous options. For work, you need a cleaned and washed product. It must be dried beforehand in order to avoid unwanted splashes from moisture contact with boiling fat.

The processing of prepared potatoes takes place in three stages:

  • The first step is to cut off both tops of the tuber. This makes it look like a small barrel.
  • It should be placed on one of the bases (wider) and, holding it with the other hand, carefully cut with a knife into identical plates.
  • Without taking it off the board, turn the product 90 degrees and do the same.

It turns out a neat straw, the size of which depends on the chosen thickness of the plates. The remaining ends can also be cut. True, they will be shorter than the others. But for frying it doesn't really matter.

Technique to help

Every hostess is familiar with the situation when, as they say, guests are already on the doorstep, and there is very little time left for cooking. For example, I would like to surprise them with thin fried potato strips, but there is absolutely no time to do neat slicing. What should be done in such a situation? How to quickly cut potatoes into strips? For such a case, the house should always have special household appliances. Today it is not difficult to buy it in a store. You will need a regular vegetable shredder with a stripping attachment. With its help, in a matter of minutes, you can turn any amount of potatoes into a mountain of thin, even pieces.

After that, all that remains is to fry them. If you are planning a side dish in the form of French fries, then you must first pour the semi-finished product onto a napkin to remove excess moisture. The product should not be heaped. It must be spread out in a thin layer and blotted several times while the oil is warming up in the pan.

Combined option

Each dish has its own special way of cutting the original ingredients. For example, it cannot be argued that potato strips can only be made with a sharp knife. There are many other options, and each one is good in its own way. Suppose you want to cook a pie of potatoes as a side dish. This is a very tasty product that looks very impressive on a plate. How to properly cut potatoes into strips for such a dish?

Experienced chefs in this case proceed as follows:

  • First, each peeled tuber is cut into thin slices. You can do this with a knife or use any mechanical shredder for work.
  • Then each plate must be chopped with a Korean carrot grater. Small straws are obtained with a thickness of no more than 2 millimeters. Plus, they'll all be the same size.

After that, the prepared product can be further used for its intended purpose.

Illustrative example

Recently, designers have developed many unique devices that greatly simplify the work in the kitchen. For example, not so long ago, original potato cutters appeared on sale. A simple device invented by Chinese craftsmen. It is a plastic case, in the center of which steel knives are fixed in the form of a lattice. Looking at him, it is easy to figure out how to cut potatoes into strips. The photo will help to understand this issue in more detail.

The principle of operation of the device is extremely simple:

  • The peeled tuber must be placed on a cutting board.
  • Install a potato cutter on top of it.
  • Holding on to the sides with both hands, apply firm pressure to the device.

The result is workpieces of the same size and cross-section. By placing the potato in an upright position, you can get large strips in a matter of seconds with minimal physical effort. In the instructions, the principle of operation of the device is shown using photographs that clearly demonstrate the simplicity of its operation.

Size matters

First of all, you should decide what kind of knives you need. It is believed that a professional chef needs only three knives of different lengths: small, medium and large. At the same time, various specialized knives are not taken into account: for carving, for bread, sirloin, hatchet and others. Keep in mind that large "chef's" knives with a total length of about 40 centimeters, most likely, will not be very comfortable to wield on a cutting board of a standard size, so it is better to take a massive, but not very long knife as a "large" one. Medium and small knives are also necessary, since not all operations in the kitchen can be conveniently performed with a large knife.

You should not buy a set of knives on a stand, as they, in most cases, are quite poorly made. Plus, about half of these knives are likely to be unnecessary.

How much should a knife cost?

Among the significant quality criteria, how much a knife costs does not always play the main role, although, of course, you should not hope to buy a knife for a hundred rubles, which will be easy to handle, hygienic, and most importantly, will last a long time. It makes sense to focus on the price range from 500 rubles to two thousand, depending on the size of the knife, its weight, execution technique and handle.

Naturally, it is also important how convenient the knife is for you personally, so before buying it is better to hold all the samples you like in your hand. The handle should fit well in the palm of your hand, not slip and be strong enough. It is highly desirable that the "shank" of the knife is equal to the length of the handle, this adds strength. Wooden handles are quite popular, but they tend to swell from moisture, so it is better to pay attention to high-quality plastic.

A very important point is the presence of the so-called "bolster" - a metal part between the blade and the handle. The bolster not only increases the weight of the knife for a more comfortable work, but also protects the fingers and prevents food particles from entering the gap between the handle and the blade. As a rule, on inexpensive models of knives, the bolster is welded separately and is made of cheaper steel than the blade itself, but for knives that cost about one to two thousand rubles, the bolster is a single whole with the blade.

Ceramic knives are a good option, but they take some getting used to. These knives are very fragile, so they cannot cut frozen food or meat with bones.

Keep in mind that most of the so-called “forged” knives are actually hot-formed knives. However, they are still better than cheap cold-stamped blades. It is these knives that are mainly offered in the middle price category and are the most optimal choice for home cooking. Of course, there are more expensive samples, for example, Japanese knives or titanium blades, whose cost can exceed 5,000 rubles, but in practice such a knife is unlikely to be useful to you, unless, of course, you are going to work in a restaurant.


The first answer to the question of how to cut potatoes into strips is to use the most ordinary knife. True, this kind of technique is suitable only for professionals. For novice cooks and inexperienced housewives, it is better to choose some other method.

What should be done? Peel and dry the potatoes. But so that it does not turn black. Now take a sharp knife, and then cut the potatoes lengthwise into several pieces. Small fruits can be divided in half, and large ones - into 3-4 parts. To be honest, in some cases it will be extremely difficult.

Now, in order to answer how to cut potatoes into strips, take each half and begin to chop it along the longest part of the piece. Basically, that's all. In inexperienced hands, this kind of technique will help to cut potatoes not into strips, but into cubes. So, consider this fact.

With your own hands

But how to cut potatoes into strips if there is nothing at hand besides a knife? And there is not much experience in this case either. Is there really no way out?

Yes, but you will have to try for it too. Take washed and dried potatoes and cut them into medium-sized slices for a start. Now cut each of them along the long side into several pieces. So that you get straws. Basically, it's not very difficult.

This method is somewhat similar to the previous one. Only the slicing method is slightly different. Try both. You will notice that the results are slightly different. In any case, if you are just starting to develop your culinary skills, then this method will do. A little practice - and you will definitely not get the cubes.


How to cut fries into strips? Especially cunning housewives and cooks try to come up with simple methods to solve the problem. Fortunately, there are some. If you don't want to rack your brains over slicing potatoes for a long time, get yourself a special vegetable shredder.

By himself, he represents something like large scissors with different replaceable attachments. Among them there is also a special one - straws. It is enough to peel a vegetable (in our case, a potato), divide it into 2 parts, and then pass each through this device. In other words, cut the product.

It's so easy and simple to answer how to properly cut potatoes into strips. Hand-made cutting is not very welcome in this case. Is that professionals. After all, straws are a very difficult cutting option. So, you can use a vegetable shredder without much effort. However, make sure that the cut potatoes are not too thick - otherwise you will not succeed. You will have to make a lot of effort to cut the vegetable.


To be honest, many people have long known how to cut potatoes into strips. Photos that users post on the World Wide Web as a demonstration of their skills in this area very often have a grater in their composition.

The point is that the modern creators of this "inventory" have noticed the concern of consumers in cutting vegetables into strips. It doesn't matter what it will be - carrots or potatoes. The main thing is that a grater with a special blade that helps to realize the venture is in great demand.

What do you need to do to get potato straws with a grater? Peel the fruit and dry it a little. Now just take a grater with a special blade and start potatoes now on it. In the end, you will end up with even, beautiful and thin straws. Just what you need.

Remember, in this case, you should not cut the potatoes into several pieces. After all, it is more convenient to rub a full fruit. And this kind of reception is completely safe. Basically, these are the most popular methods used to answer the question of how to cut potatoes into strips. But there is also an exotic scenario. Which one? Now we will get to know him.

Quick and easy

Well, if you are wondering how to quickly cut potatoes into strips, but you do not want to use either a grater or a knife, you can look in kitchen utensils stores for such a device as a French fries knife. It's called that. It presents itself as something like an egg cutter. It is such a device that can be used at home without much difficulty.

The only thing that is definitely required of you is to apply a certain force in order to pass the potatoes through the device. Depending on its model, you should either place the grater on top of the fruit and then lower it down, passing through the entire potato, or place the fruit in the center, and then bring the blades together.

As a result, you get an even straw. As much as possible. To tell the truth, such devices are not very popular in Russia. After all, modern housewives are already so accustomed to using graters and special shredders that such complex structures for cutting potatoes are simply not needed. Nevertheless, they have a place to be. And if you have a special device called french fries, then that's just great.

Slicing rules

For those who have remained an adherent of standard cutting methods with a knife, you will have to learn a few simple rules that will definitely help in the process of carrying out the manipulations. The point is that if you do not know them, then you will definitely not get straws, but slices or blocks. And then you can forget about french fries altogether.

Remember that the cross-section of the straw should be about 0.2 by 0.2 centimeters. In order to achieve this kind of result, you will first have to cut the potatoes into even plates, and then carefully chop them across. In principle, it is extremely difficult to do this by eye.

In order to figure out how to cut potatoes into strips and make fries out of them, you will have to use only old potatoes. Young fruits are very difficult to peel and fall apart. In this case, the straw will not "keep its shape." So, when solving the issue, you will have to refuse from young potatoes.

Small and uneven pieces should not be used for slicing. You can cook them, but don't try to make straws out of them. Slicing of this type is obtained only from flat pieces of potatoes.

Also, make sure the fruits you are processing are firm to make really good straws. Soft potatoes won't work. He, like young fruits, will break and cut poorly.


If you generally communicate with the kitchen on "you", but really want to cook fries at home, then you should not bother with questions about cutting. A quick, sure and reliable way to implement an idea is to buy a vegetable that has already been cut into strips.

This kind of product is sold in any supermarket. You can choose the thickness and even the shape of the straw. Sometimes you can even find zigzag straws. True, such a product cannot be called completely natural. But the trick will help you make fries at home. If the purpose of your torment is a dish, then maybe it's really better to buy already cut potatoes? In any case, you will be sure that the result will please you.


Well, today we learned how to cut potatoes into strips. As you can see, this process has several options for the development of events. And to be honest, some of them are very difficult to implement.

The key to slicing is practice. Sooner or later, you will be able to cook potatoes in strips using the most ordinary knife and any algorithm for cutting a vegetable. Nevertheless, it is preferable to use special graters and shredders for this idea. They give the best results in a short amount of time.