Condensed milk preparation technology. Production from fresh milk

02.05.2019 Salads

Composition according to GOST

  • low-fat condensed milk with sugar
  • condensed milk with sugar and fillers (fruit additives, cocoa, coffee)
  • condensed cream with sugar.
  • Technology

    • First, the milk is received and its quality is assessed, and then it is cooled, backed up and cleaned.
    • Normalization for dry matter and fat. In a normalized mixture, the fat content is calculated according to the following formula: W cm \u003d W pr * SOMO cm / SOMO pr (where W cm and W pr is the percentage of fat content of the mixture and product; SOMO cm and SOMO pr is the percentage of skimmed dry milk residue in the mixture and product ).
    • In order to increase the percentage of fat content of whole milk, it is normalized by adding milk fat or cream. In order to reduce the amount of fat in whole milk, skim milk is added to it. Salt stabilizers are added if necessary
    • Pasteurization. The high-temperature pasteurization process, which takes place at a temperature of 90-95 ° C, leads to the destruction of pathogenic microorganisms and allows to stabilize the physicochemical properties, preventing milk thickening during long-term storage.
    • Cooling to 70-75 ° C.
    • Intermediate storage until thickening begins.
    • Adding sugar. Sugar is added to milk in solid form or in the form of 60-70% syrup. Technology for preparing sugar syrup: sifted sugar is added to water heated to 60 ° C, it is dissolved, then the prepared syrup is heated to 95-99 ° C without using an exposure. Sugar syrup is filtered before adding to milk. It is added to milk prior to the thickening process, mixing or flowing.
    • Thickening. The resulting mixture of milk and sugar syrup is sent to a vacuum evaporator for thickening, where moisture evaporates during boiling. The degree of product readiness is determined by the content of dry substances, by density or by a refractometer
    • Cooling. Hot products are transferred to crystallizers, in which in a vacuum environment, under constant mechanical stress, it is cooled to 20 ° (20-25 min). This prevents the formation of large crystals and prevents the appearance of sandiness.
    • Seeding. In the role of a seed, lactose, ground to a dusty state, is used, leading to the creation of many crystallization centers. This prevents the formation of larger crystals.
    • Packing, storage. Condensed milk with sugar is usually packaged in cans. The permissible shelf life in such a container is 1 year. In recent years, polystyrene or polypropylene cups and other small containers approved for use have been used much more often for this purpose. The shelf life in such packaging is 3 months.

    Vacuum evaporators are used to boil down and evaporate liquids at a pressure below atmospheric pressure. In such equipment, products are boiled at a temperature significantly less than 100 °, which reduces the loss of nutrients in the feedstock. The evaporation process in a vacuum unit is much faster than the same volume of moisture at atmospheric pressure.

    Vacuum evaporators are used in the food industry for the production of jams, condensed milk, sauces, marmalades, vegetables, fruit purees, preserves, baby food, as well as in the chemical and cosmetic industries.

    The condensed milk preparation process lasts 2-2.5 hours.

    Who among us in childhood did not dream of secretly eating a jar of condensed milk, or even more than one? Of course, many of us wondered what and how such a coveted delicacy is made of. The employees of the Glubokoye Milk Canning Plant in the Vitebsk region have kindly agreed to open the veil of secrecy over the production of the world-famous condensed milk in cans with a traditional white and blue label. The sanitary rules at this enterprise in the city of Glubokoe are akin to those in a surgical operating room. Complete sterility! I had to put on special clothes, sign in the appropriate magazine about the absence of infectious diseases and undergo sanitization. It is a very interesting procedure in itself. Before visiting OJSC MKK, hands should be thoroughly washed - not only with liquid soap, but also with a special antiseptic. Water from the washbasin taps is supplied automatically - there are infrared sensors here. This is done so that workers and visitors do not touch the taps with their hands, because if one person touches it with dirty hands and the other with clean hands, then the effect of washing can be nullified. But that's not all! When entering the workshop, you must place both hands in a special automatic turnstile, which will pour a little disinfectant into the palm of your hand to wipe them. At the same time, the soles of shoes are treated with a special disinfectant solution. Only after the device is triggered, the green light will light up at the checkpoint, and the turnstile will allow you to go inside. Of course, all employees of the company regularly undergo the necessary medical examinations. They do not have to touch their hands directly with milk and dairy products, the entire technological process is automated, but the peculiarities of food production require full guarantees. “We have implemented a safety system for the production of canned condensed milk products ISO 22000 and the HACCP system, the requirements of which we must strictly observe,” says Lyudmila Duk, Deputy Director for Production. - First of all, incoming milk is checked for the presence of antibiotics, because they can seriously affect human health. For this, a special device is used - the HEAT-sensor. If traces of, for example, tetracycline or other drugs, sometimes used by veterinarians to treat cows, are found in milk, this batch will under no circumstances be accepted by us. If there are no antibiotics in milk, it undergoes a number of other laboratory tests that should determine the group of raw materials purity, the percentage of fat mass fraction and, of course, organoleptic indicators - in other words, the taste, color and smell of the product. According to the approved methods, milk is first heated to exactly 35 degrees to determine the smell and to the boiling point, followed by cooling to determine the taste. And suppliers are obliged to bring it to the plant only chilled to 10 degrees, because the bactericidal phase of milk lasts only for two hours after its production. A veterinary certificate stating that it was obtained from healthy cows is also required. According to Lyudmila Georgievna, the raw material base of OJSC "Glubokoye Milk Canning Plant" is represented not only by the Glubokoye region, which is native to the enterprise, but also by two more - Sharkovshchinsky and Braslavsky. And, although the suppliers for many years of cooperation with the MCC are more than proven, and the regions themselves are environmentally friendly, each batch of milk supplied to the enterprise is subject to the strictest input control, because the safety of people depends on it. Irina Vaskovich, led an excursion along the same route that takes place when each batch of raw materials arrives at the enterprise: from "arrival" from the farm in a milk tanker to dispatch to consumers in the form of packaged jars with appetizing condensed milk. - Here, unloading is carried out, or, as we say, "rolling" of milk carriers, - says Irina Konstantinovna. - What you see now is the washing of the tanks after their unloading. This means that the arrived milk consignment passed laboratory tests, turned out to be of high quality and was accepted. We also looked into the reception laboratory, which, for the convenience of the process, is located next to the reception area. In it, the IWC specialists with might and main conjured with cunning devices capable of revealing even a negligible percentage of antibiotics and other substances potentially dangerous to the consumer in milk. Other devices determined the degree of purity of the product, its fat content and grade, and the organoleptic qualities were checked by the laboratory technicians very simply: the milk was carefully examined, smelled and, of course, tasted. Today's raw materials had an excellent taste and smelled, as it should, of natural fresh milk, and very appetizing. In the meantime, freshly arrived milk was pumped into the storage compartment - of course, through the counter. One could even observe this process through a special window. Storage tanks for newly received raw materials are also located not far from the receiving area, only slightly lower, and, of course, milk enters them only after cooling. The interior of the store is somewhat reminiscent of a submarine: the same set of pipes (albeit exclusively made of shining food-grade stainless steel) and round sealed hatches. It is impossible to keep milk here for a long time, because the sooner the raw materials are sent for pasteurization, the better. This process, discovered by the great biologist of the past Louis Pasteur, is the heating of milk to a temperature at which disease-causing and lactic acid bacteria die, but the raw material itself is not yet boiling, which allows it to preserve all the taste, useful microelements, enzymes and vitamins in it. Pasteurization is carried out in a special area. Of course, all flows of "milk rivers" at the enterprise need to be managed somehow. This is successfully done by a fully computerized system, the operator of which can directly control the process from his workplace - opening and closing valves manually, as several decades ago, is no longer required. However, back to pasteurization. After its passage, milk can be stored for much longer than untreated milk using this technology. It is stored in special containers, but also for a very short time, because the raw materials are already waiting at the thickening section. True, the "fate" of different batches of milk may be different depending on its purpose: for example, future concentrated milk without sugar will be immediately directed to evaporation, and sugar syrup must be added to condensed milk with sugar. And now - the most important thing. This syrup is the only addition! Absolutely no preservatives, sweeteners, enhancers of taste and aroma, as well as other food additives frightening the consumer, starting with the "E" index, are not used in Glubokoye. This is not necessary: \u200b\u200bthe guaranteed and thoroughly checked quality of the raw materials, coupled with modern processing technology, allow us to produce a product not with the taste of a flavoring agent, but with the taste of natural milk, from which it is actually made. Evaporation, like pasteurization, is carried out without bringing milk to a temperature of 100 degrees Celsius, which allows it to preserve the whole range of useful qualities of a fresh product in it. However, boiling with the removal of "extra" water molecules in the form of steam does not necessarily occur at this temperature: every student knows that for this it is necessary to reduce the pressure. Therefore, milk is condensed in special apparatus by evaporation under vacuum. The whole process is carefully monitored - both by instruments and visually. And when the condensed milk reaches the parameters set by GOST, it is placed in a special tank. In the meantime, tin cans (still empty) and lids for them come from a neighboring workshop. A special machine fills the cans with condensed milk with an accuracy of the gram, after which the container is immediately rolled up. Filled cans fly out of the car almost like a machine gun at a speed of 300 cans per minute! According to the assurances of the MKK employees, the modern production line of the Italian company Zilli & Bellini is capable of delivering 450 cans of condensed milk per minute, just such a speed is not used at the moment. Next, the filled, but still "unnamed" cans of condensed milk are sent to a conveyor that delivers them straight to the labeling machine. Like all processes at the Glubokoe MKK, this one is fully automated: smart equipment will stick the label on its own, and crimp it, and scroll the jar during this process. The further path of cans of condensed milk, already decorated with the traditional white and blue label, runs to the machine, which collects them in the required quantity and puts them in boxes. The cardboard boxes themselves are made here by another machine. The filled and sealed boxes go to the conveyor, which takes them to the finished goods warehouse, and from there they go directly to the stores. True, the goods do not sit in this warehouse for a long time - condensed milk, like other products of Glubokoye milk canning, judging by the branded trucks scurrying back and forth, is in great demand among consumers. And this is a kind of "Hall of Fame" of the Glubokoye Milk Cannery, marked, however, with a relatively modest signboard "Our Achievements". The awards for product quality are already hard to fit on the wall! Moreover, there are among them not only Belarusian diplomas of winners of various exhibitions and competitions, quality certificates and various prizes, but also international ones. Which, however, is not surprising: after all, the products of Glubokoye milk canning are supplied to many countries of the world. This is clearly shown by the map located here. The states "conquered" by Glubokaya condensed milk are marked on it with special signs, while the markets of other Glubokaya milk producers have yet to conquer. Click on the button to subscribe to "How It's Done"! 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    Given the popularity of condensed milk among consumers, one involuntarily thinks about organizing your own business. Indeed, the production of condensed milk is a profitable and profitable direction. Moreover, many confectionery enterprises use condensed milk for the manufacture of their products. Indeed, the demand for this delicacy is huge.

    But we must not forget about the existing competition. Now we are talking about products that are manufactured not according to GOST (state standard), but according to TU (technical conditions). Condensed milk, which is made according to TU, has a low cost, because non-natural ingredients are used for its production. In the preparation of such products, manufacturers use:
    • surrogate products;
    • flavors;
    • emulsifiers;
    • taste stabilizers, etc.

    This circumstance can create some difficulties for novice entrepreneurs who want to produce high-quality condensed milk in accordance with GOST. However, if you position yourself as a conscientious and high-quality manufacturer, then the brand of your delicacy will be out of competition.

    State standards for condensed milk

    Today there is an approved GOST 53436-2009. According to these standards, only fresh milk and additional ingredients can be used in the production of condensed milk. It is allowed to use ascorbic acid as an oxidizing agent.

    Also, the new standards classify products, depending on the level of fat content:

    • defatted condensed milk (1%);
    • standard (8.5%);
    • cream (19%).

    Condensed milk production technology

    High-quality condensed milk, which meets the established standards, is produced by the process of evaporation of water from raw materials. After that, sugar is added to the resulting concentrate.

    The entire process for the production of finished products is based on the passage of raw materials according to a certain processing scheme:

    1. Assessment of the quality of the original raw material. Milk, sugar and other ingredients must be of the highest quality. After that, the raw materials are cooled, thoroughly cleaned and reserved. If it is necessary to increase the fat content of the milk, cream can be added to it. If you need to reduce the percentage of fat, the raw materials are diluted with skim milk. Various stabilizers and salt are also added at this stage.
    2. The procedure for heating the original product to a temperature of 95 degrees is called pasteurization. Thus, pathogenic microorganisms inside the milk are destroyed, the raw materials are brought to a stable state. It is due to pasteurization that the product retains its liquid form for a fairly long time.
    3. Cooling after the pasteurization process. At this stage, the milk mixture is cooled to 70 degrees, after which the required amount of sugar is added.
    4. A vacuum evaporator helps to achieve a thick milk consistency. The raw materials are placed in a special tank, where they are brought to a boil to evaporate excess moisture. At the end of the process, the products are placed in a crystallizer, where they are cooled.
    5. A seed is added to the resulting cooled mixture, which consists of ordinary lactose. The seed must be ground into a powder to prevent crystals from forming in the condensed milk.
    6. Filling of products in special containers. For these purposes, special automatic lines are used.

    You can also organize the production of condensed milk based on milk powder. In terms of technology, the process is similar to that described above, however, in this case, the process of evaporation of moisture from the milk mixture can be excluded. It is enough to dilute raw materials with drinking purified water. The resulting product must be kept for several hours. After that, a similar sequence of procedures is carried out as with whole milk.

    Also, the technological process provides for the preparation of condensed milk with various fillers. For these purposes, fruit additives, cocoa, coffee, and so on can be used.

    Most modern manufacturers use the so-called combined method of condensed milk production. The line is built so that it is possible to produce condensed milk from powdered milk and whole milk.

    To organize your own workshop for the production of condensed milk from raw milk, you need to purchase a USM-4 unit. The price range of the installation varies from 20,000 to 25,000 rubles. Or any other similar installation for the production of condensed milk at home.

    For a small workshop, you will need several similar installations. In those seasons when prices for natural milk rise significantly, entrepreneurs prefer to use VSM-100, which makes it possible to use milk powder for the production process. Installation cost 190,000 rubles.

    Also, the automatic line must be provided with a cooling unit, the cost of which varies in the range of 450,000 - 500,000 rubles.

    For packing finished products, you need to buy the appropriate equipment, which costs 700,000 rubles.

    To purchase a complete set of equipment, you may need about 1,500,000 rubles. Of course, you can cut costs by purchasing used equipment. To find a line at the best price, you can use electronic bulletin boards or visit the manufacturer's official website.

    Obtaining the necessary documents for organizing a business

    Before starting your own business, you need to think carefully in advance. Any business needs to start with legalization. First of all, an entrepreneur must register his "newly-made" enterprise with the Federal Tax Service (Federal Tax Service). An LLC or individual entrepreneur is suitable for opening an activity. The following list of documents will be required:

    • certificate of registration with the Federal Tax Service;
    • permits for activities from Rospotrebnadzor;
    • product quality certificates;
    • collection of sanitary standards;

    You must also specify when registering a legal entity. person codes OKVED. To select a code, you need to select the appropriate type of activity from the description. A four-digit code is required in the application.

    It is also necessary to ensure that the manufactured products necessarily comply with the established GOST, only in this case it will be certified and tested.

    It is also necessary to pay attention to the premises where the production line will be located. The premises must comply with sanitary standards, have an emergency evacuation plan, and be equipped with a fire alarm.

    The production process should be managed by experienced technologists. Employees should not be allowed to work without concluding an employment contract. Also, the employer must ensure that employees undergo a medical examination and have an appropriate medical certificate. To organize a business, you may need:

    • a manager who is responsible for purchasing;
    • accountant;
    • technologist;
    • cleaner;
    • sales Manager.

    How to organize the supply of raw materials for the production of condensed milk

    The main raw materials for the production of condensed milk are raw milk and sugar. Before starting a business, it is necessary to consider a number of difficulties that arise with whole milk:

    • the need for regular suppliers who offer quality raw materials at an attractive price;
    • ensuring the delivery of raw materials and their transportation;
    • in winter and autumn periods, milk becomes much more expensive;
    • storage of raw materials.

    It is possible to conclude a contract for the supply of whole raw materials with various farms. The more raw materials are purchased in bulk, the greater the discounts will be.

    Sales channels for finished products

    When the production process is established, the entrepreneur receives large volumes of finished products. It's time to think about its implementation. Optimal distribution channels can be:

    • retail Stores;
    • large companies that are engaged in wholesale sales;
    • retail outlet, which is opened by the manufacturer himself.

    You can also pay attention to confectionery companies that use a treat to prepare their products.

    Business profitability

    An approximate calculation must be carried out based on the work of the entire workshop. For calculations, we take three USM-4 installations. They are capable of producing 65 kg of condensed milk in one shift. The cost price of one kg is 50 rubles. The average wholesale price per kg is 120 rubles. The monthly revenue will be about 170,000 rubles.

    It is also worth considering the possible risks in business, which include:

    • equipment may fail during operation;
    • instability of prices for raw materials, depending on the season;
    • marriage;
    • raw materials may deteriorate if storage and transportation rules are not followed;
    • human factor (sudden illness of an employee, injury in the process of the technological process, and so on).

    How to create your brand

    This is a very important question to be taken seriously. The brand can be some kind of inscription or an individual drawing that will be applied to the container. For example, "Sweet Tooth", "Taste of Childhood", "Teddy Bear" and so on. It is extremely important to show maximum creativity in this matter. The brand you choose should not alienate the potential consumer. The logo should evoke pleasant emotions and childhood memories.

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    The technological process for the production of condensed canned food with sugar consists of the following main operations: acceptance and preparation of raw materials and components, normalization, pasteurization, homogenization, preparation and addition of sugar syrup, thickening, cooling of the condensed product, packing, packaging (rolling) and storage.

    In the manufacture of sterilized condensed milk, after condensation, follow: homogenization, filling, packaging and sterilization.

    Acceptance of raw milk and its preparation (cleaning, cooling and backing up) is carried out in the same way as in the production of other dairy products. The components of the finished product according to the recipe are prepared in accordance with the current documentation. After preparation, milk is normalized taking into account the content of fat, dry milk residue, dry non-fat milk residue (SNF) and the ratio of fat and SNF in the finished product.

    Condensed milk canned food with sugar is produced according to one technological scheme (Fig. 4.1). Regime parameters depend on the specific type of canned food.

    condensed milk consumer quality

    Figure: 4.1

    1 - receiving container; 2, 7, 10, 13, 14, 21 - pumps; 3 - plate heater; 4 - separators-milk purifiers; 5 - cream separator; 6 - container for skim milk; 8 - plate cooler; 9, 12, 15 - containers; 11 - tubular pasteurizers; 16, 22 - vacuum apparatus; 17, 20 - level regulators; 18 - tubular coolers; 19 - tubular heaters; 23 - vacuum cooler; 24 - filler; 25 - seamer; 26 - washing and drying unit; 27 - labeling machine.

    In the production of canned food, three principles of canning are mainly used: xeroanabiosis (milk drying), osmoanabiosis (milk condensation), abiosis (sterilization).

    The osmotic pressure in milk is 0.74 MPa and differs little from the pressure inside the bacterial cell (about 0.6 MPa). Therefore, microorganisms in the presence of nutrients develop well in milk and cause spoilage. If the osmotic pressure of the environment is greater than this pressure inside the bacterial cell, then the protoplasm of the cell is dehydrated, as a result, plasmolysis of the cell occurs, and conditions unfavorable for its vital activity are created.

    To preserve milk, the osmotic pressure is increased by increasing the dry matter (thickening) and adding sugar. In condensed milk with sugar, the osmotic pressure reaches 18 MPa.

    Condensed milk can be preserved by sterilizing it.

    The quality and durability of canned milk largely depend on raw materials and heat treatment. The fewer bacteria in milk sent for condensation, the more effective canning methods are. Therefore, the main tasks of heat treatment: destruction of the primary microflora of milk; destruction of enzymes (especially lipase of bacterial origin); imparting certain technological properties to milk in order to avoid desolation during storage; ensuring the smallest changes in the physical and chemical properties of milk.

    For thickening the normalized mixtures, single-shell and multi-shell vacuum evaporators of various types are used. Evaporation of moisture from milk occurs at a temperature of 75 to 45 ° C due to partial rarefaction of air in installations.

    Due to the low evaporation temperatures, the physicochemical properties of milk do not change significantly. When thickening, the fat globules are partially destroyed, protein lumps are formed. Homogenization is used to improve the consistency of the product and increase its stability.

    The quality and durability of canned milk largely depend on raw materials and heat treatment. The fewer bacteria in milk sent for condensation, the more effective canning methods are. Therefore, the main tasks of heat treatment: destruction of the primary microflora of milk; destruction of enzymes (especially lipase of bacterial origin); imparting certain technological properties to milk in order to avoid thickening during storage; ensuring the smallest changes in the physical and chemical properties of milk.

    Food fillers (sugar syrup, coffee, cocoa, etc.) are added during the thickening process and into the finished thickened mixture.

    Sterilized condensed milk. Condensed sterilized canned food is obtained from condensed whole or skim milk or from cream without condensation, followed by sterilization in a container.

    To achieve the effect of sterilization, the condensed mixture, preheated and packaged in cans, is sterilized in hydrostatic sterilizers at a temperature of 116-117 ° C with an exposure time of 15-17 minutes.

    Sterilized condensed and concentrated milk is characterized by a sweet-salty taste, characteristic of baked milk, and a creamy hue. The consistency of the product is viscous, milk fat is evenly distributed.

    The most important technological operations and factors that form the quality of condensed milk with sugar are pasteurization and homogenization of the normalized mixture; duration and temperature of thickening in a vacuum apparatus; conditions for crystallization of lactose in coolers.

    When milk is condensed, the concentration of lactose increases in proportion to the decrease in moisture. In hot condensed milk, lactose is in a saturation state. Rapid cooling of condensed milk in vacuum coolers, introduction of fine-crystalline lactose as a seed and intensive mixing contribute to the mass formation of crystallization centers. The size of the lactose crystals determines the consistency of the product. In high-quality condensed milk with sugar, the size of lactose crystals is no more than 10 mm. With the formation of crystals up to 15 microns in size, the consistency of milk becomes weakly powdery, and at 25 microns, a defect occurs - sandiness.

    Condensed milk products with sugar and food fillers are produced according to the technological scheme for the production of condensed milk with sugar. Features of the technology: preliminary preparation of fillers (cocoa powder, coffee, chicory, etc.), extraction of extractive substances, introduction of cocoa-sugar syrup, extracts of coffee-cyclone mixture into vacuum apparatus at the last stage of thickening or into vacuum coolers.

    For packaging condensed milk with sugar, consumer containers (metal cans for canned food No. 7 and 14, aluminum and plastic tubes) and transport containers (wooden barrels, metal flasks, etc.) are used.

    Figure: 4.2.

    1-cleaning and cooling milk

    2-normalization of the original mixture



    5- Homogenization

    6-Inserting the stabilizer

    7-Packing and packaging