Strawberry jam how to cook. Essential ingredients for the most delicious recipe strawberry jam for the winter

10.08.2019 Desserts and cakes

Strawberry jam is a recipe for the winter of a delicious and simple homemade preparation with an amazing taste. Making strawberry jam is easy if you know the characteristic features of strawberries and the secrets of making sweet preparations.

Strawberry is a berry that has a low content of natural pectin, so there are two ways to get thick strawberry jam. The first is to use a gelling agent such as powdered pectin. The second is to increase the amount of sugar when cooking the jam. To make the jam really thick without the addition of pectin, the proportions of sugar and berries are 800 g of granulated sugar per 1 kg of fresh or frozen strawberries.

You need to cook strawberry jam no longer than 35-45 minutes, otherwise we risk being left without vitamins and minerals that strawberries are so rich in. The beneficial properties of strawberries are provided by the ascorbic, folic and salicylic acids, fiber, antioxidants, vitamins and macronutrients included in the composition.

It is useful to eat strawberries and jam from it for hypertension and diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidney disease, edema, diseases of the gallbladder, and simply to increase immunity. How to properly make strawberry jam, delicious and thick, learn from the step-by-step recipe with a photo.

Recipe for a delicious and thick strawberry jam

15 minutes to get ready

40 minutes to cook

280 kcal per 100 g

How to make strawberry jam for the winter - a recipe for delicious and thick strawberry jam at home.

Finished product yield: about one and a half liters of jam. To prepare more jam for the winter, increase the amount of ingredients accordingly, but cook in small portions, at the rate of no more than 2 kg of strawberries at a time.


  • frozen or fresh strawberries - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 1.6 kg;
  • juice of two lemons (about 5-6 tablespoons);
  • zest of 1 lemon.


  1. First of all, we will prepare the cans and lids. We wash them with hot soapy water, rinse several times. We put the cans in a cold oven, heat it up to 150 ° C and leave for 15 minutes. Turn off the oven, do not take out the cans yet. We also wash the lids thoroughly with soapy water. Pour water into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Put the lids in a saucepan and boil for 2-3 minutes. Turn off the heat and leave the lids in the water until we are finished with the workpiece, but at least 10 minutes.
  2. Let's prepare the necessary ingredients for the jam: strawberries, sugar and lemons. If the strawberries are fresh, sort through them, rinse them thoroughly and remove the tails. It is convenient to use a tablespoon to remove the tails. Squeeze juice from two lemons, remove the zest from one.
  3. Put strawberries, sugar, lemon juice and zest in a large saucepan. Lemon peel gives the finished jam a unique taste, and lemon juice ensures preservation, prevents the formation of bacteria, and also makes strawberry jam even thicker and more tasty due to the presence of natural pectin in the composition.
  4. Put the pan on the fire and bring to a boil. Stir occasionally to dissolve the sugar crystals faster. After the mass has boiled, remove the foam and reduce the heat to low. Cook the jam over low heat for 35-45 minutes. The exact cooking time depends on which berries we use: frozen strawberries contain more liquid than fresh ones, so it will take longer for the jam to reach the desired consistency and thickness. The narrower the pan, the longer it takes to cook - with a low surface density, excess liquid evaporates longer.
  5. You can determine the readiness of the jam using a kitchen thermometer - its temperature should be 100-105 o C. In the absence of a thermometer, you can use an ordinary plate. To do this, before starting to make jam, put a saucer or a small plate in the freezer. When visually the jam has reached the required density, we take out a plate from the freezer, put 1 tablespoon on it. strawberry preparation and wait 1-2 minutes. The mass of the correct consistency is too liquid and looks more like a gel; if you run your finger over it, the two halves should not flow back.
  6. When the jam has thickened, chop the strawberries: knead them with a wooden spoon or crush, or use a blender. It's easy to do: boiled strawberries are soft and crush very easily. If desired, you can leave small pieces or crush the berry until completely homogeneous. It is not scary if the jam seems a little thin: during cooling it will additionally thicken.
  7. Using a ladle and a funnel, pour hot jam into sterilized jars, not reaching 0.5 cm to the necks. Wipe the necks with a clean, damp kitchen towel. We tighten them with metal lids, but do not roll them up. We place the jars with strawberry jam standing in a spacious saucepan on a wire rack or towel so that the jars do not touch each other and the edge of the pan. Pour water up to the shoulders and bring to a boil. We boil for 10 minutes. Carefully remove the jars of jam from the pan and immediately roll them up with metal lids. Wrap with a towel and leave at room temperature until it cools completely, for about 12 hours.

Strawberry Jam Secrets & Tricks

It is possible not to sterilize jars of jam, but in this case, it is better to store the workpiece in the refrigerator. The sterilized blank is stored for up to a year at room temperature, after opening the jar with jam, it is placed in the refrigerator.

If the strawberries are too watery, and you doubt the thickness of the finished product, you can use pectin. Add it when cooking strawberry jam along with sugar and do not forget to stir the whole mass thoroughly. At the same time, the amount of sugar in a jam recipe can be reduced to 1.2 kg per 2 kg of berries. For more information on how to use pectin, read the instructions on the package - the proportions may vary depending on the manufacturer.

DoughVed advises. In no case should you wash the strawberries in advance - this will spoil the berries faster. Only wash the strawberries when you are ready to start making the jam.

Although the strawberries are boiled during the jam-making process, and then they are also chopped, it is better to choose a berry, as for making strawberry jam - whole and not too ripe. This strawberry has a higher content of natural pectin. If only crumpled and overripe strawberries are at hand, again it is worth adding pectin in powder to obtain a thick, jelly-like consistency.

In addition to pectin powder, jellies and confiture, which include pectin, as well as agar-agar, a natural substitute for gelatin, are used to gel jams and preserves.

Jam, unlike jam, assumes a homogeneous strawberry mass without the presence of whole berries, but if desired, in step 7, you can not knead all the strawberries completely, but leave some of the berries in the form of pieces.

How to use strawberry jam in winter and summer

You can eat strawberry jam both independently and use it in baking and in the preparation of a wide variety of desserts - its scope is almost limitless. Jam is more convenient to spread on toast or serve with pancakes, add to milkshakes or stuff puffs.

  • Strawberry jam cake... Saturate with any, spread with a layer of jam and decorate, and a simple but delicious homemade cake is ready.
  • Cupcakes with jam... Add a layer of jam: put a small amount of dough in the molds, then a teaspoon of jam, and on top again the dough.
  • Sand cake with jam... Instead of fresh berries, use strawberry jam as an interlayer all year round, both winter and summer.

Do you know how to make delicious thick strawberry jam recipe?

In winter, you can eat it just like that, as well as add it to various desserts and pastries.

We offer ways that have been proven over the years on how to make strawberry jam thick and aromatic.

The season of this wonderful berry is short-lived, so don't put off harvesting it until tomorrow!

Berries for jam can be any, even a little crumpled, they will boil anyway. If you see a rotten barrel, just cut it off.

But in order for the preparation to turn out really thick, like, choose a slightly unripe strawberry, it contains more pectin. It is the pinkish berries that are good.

Thick strawberry jam recipe


  • strawberries - 2 kg
    sugar - 2 kg

How to make strawberry jam for the winter:

1. Thoroughly rinse the strawberries and cut off the tails.

2. Pass the berries through a meat grinder.

You shouldn't not use a blender for jam, because it may not thicken this way. And for a more delicate consistency, you can rub the strawberries through a sieve.

3. Mix chopped strawberries with sugar.

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4. Place a saucepan with berries over medium heat and reduce immediately after boiling. Skim off the foam.

5. Cook the jam in three steps. First, boil for 30 minutes, then let cool to room temperature and repeat this process 2 more times.

6. Fill the sterilized cans one by one to the top and roll up the lids.

7. Cool strawberry jam upside down and store.

How to make thick strawberry jam


  • strawberries - 1 kg
  • sugar - 1 kg
  • lemon juice - 2 tablespoons

Recipe for making strawberry jam:

1. Rinse the berries and remove the tails.

2. Cut them and cover with sugar. Then rub with a pusher or just with your hands.

3. Transfer to a cooking pot and add lemon juice.

4. Let it simmer and reduce heat. Cook, stirring occasionally, so that the workpiece does not burn.

5. As soon as the mass thickens, you can remove it from the heat and roll it into sterilized jars.

And in winter, you can cook if you managed to put a few bags in the freezer.

- another useful recipe for the winter.

Bon Appetit!

Strawberries are one of the most popular berries in the world. Its delicate, sweet-sour taste and soft, juicy texture evoke gastronomic delight in many people. But this is not the only reason why the royal berry is attractive, because in addition to its gustatory and aromatic delights, it contains a whole storehouse of useful substances. Vitamins, trace elements, acids have a beneficial effect on the human body both inside (when eating berries) and outside (when using the fruit as a cosmetic). However, this amazing and healthy berry does not grow all year round (greenhouse cultivation is not taken into account) and in order to feast on strawberries in the cold, many different options have been invented for its preservation. One of the most popular ways is strawberry jam, which not only retains the beneficial properties of this amazing berry, but also has an excellent texture, smell and, of course, taste.

A recipe for strawberry jam for the winter, which can be prepared in several ways, try it right now.

Strawberry jam - a classic recipe for the winter

This is the simplest and most commonly used method.

This delicious strawberry jam requires just three ingredients:

  • strawberries 1 kg;
  • sugar 1 kg;
  • lemon juice of one fruit.

The cooking process is as follows:

  1. Pure, selected berries are sprinkled with sugar in a 1: 1 ratio and left for two hours for the strawberries to give juice.
  2. The resulting syrup is poured into a large saucepan and put on fire.
  3. Berries with sugar are placed in the boiled juice and boiled for 10 minutes. Lemon juice is added, which will add spice to the wonderful dessert and remove excessive sweetness.
  4. Strawberries boiled in syrup are ground with a blender and the resulting mass is put on the fire for cooking for 20-30 minutes.
  5. Prepared jam is poured into sterilized and dry jars.

The jam is ready.

On a note. For the final boil, you can use a large saucepan to increase the evaporation area and make the jam thicker.

Strawberry jam five minutes quick and easy recipe

This is one of the most common types of jam making. Due to its speed, simplicity and usefulness, this method is used by many housewives.

It is as follows:

  • strawberries 2 kg;
  • sugar 0.8 kg.

Wash the harvested crop, peel off the stalks, remove rotten and wrinkled fruits. Using a blender, meat grinder or pusher, turn strawberries into puree and cover with sugar.

Put the resulting mixture on fire, boil, remove the foam and cook for five minutes. Then cool and repeat the procedure twice, to evaporate more moisture and get a thick jam, after 8 hours.

Dessert in a slow cooker

Modern appliances make kitchen work much easier. You can use a multicooker to create a wonderful jam that won't work under normal cooking conditions. She will not only give the hostess more free time, but will change the consistency of the usual delicacy, making it more tender, dense and rich.

Strawberry jam recipe:

  • strawberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 700 g;
  • citric acid - 1 tsp;
  • gelatin - 1 tsp. (previously diluted in 100 ml of boiling water).

The principle of cooking remains the same as if a saucepan was used, with the only difference: strawberry puree with sugar is prepared in a separate container and only then transferred to the multicooker bowl. Then the "Extinguishing" program is selected for 1 hour. When the time comes, the jam will be ready. If desired, you can add gelatin for thickening or additional components. The ready-made jam must be poured into pre-prepared jars, which will preserve an excellent delicacy for a long time.

Strawberry jam is not only able to decorate any dish, but itself can become a wonderful dessert that will fill the cold season with the aromas of summer and warmth.

On a note. The addition of lemon juice preserves the color of the jam and gives it a special flavor.

Delicious and thick strawberry jam

There are a number of different recipes, where not only standard ingredients such as strawberries, sugar and lemon juice can participate, but also additional elements that will make the dish taste richer and richer. These components include mint, orange, apples, white chocolate. It is better not to add all these products together, so that they do not interrupt the taste of each other.

We offer the following recipe:

  • 2 kg of strawberries;
  • 1 kg of sugar;
  • 500 g of orange pulp;
  • 40 g of gelatin (previously diluted in 200 g of boiling water).

Prepare delicious and thick strawberry jam as follows:

  1. Preparation of berries: washing, cleaning from green leaves, removing rotten and damaged fruits. The orange is peeled and chopped with a blender.
  2. Processing: chop strawberries until smooth (puree). Pass through a sieve to weed out small bones. This will add beauty and tenderness to the jam.
  3. Cooking: sugar and orange are added to the puree, the whole mixture is cooked over medium heat for 20 minutes. For quick dissolution of sugar and uniform heating, it is necessary to constantly stir the boiling mass. Additional ingredients can be added as desired.
  4. Completion: after 20 minutes, the pan with the jam is removed and covered with a cloth (gauze, towel) so that it absorbs moisture, and the jam becomes thick. It is advisable to repeat the cooking step twice in order to obtain the optimal consistency of a great dessert. During the last cooking add the gelatin.

On a note. Removing the seeds from the crushed berries will add tenderness to the jam.

How to make strawberry pectin jam?

A dense and tasty strawberry jam is obtained by adding gelatin or pectin, a thickener extracted from the peel of citrus / apples, during the preparation process.

For a thick dessert you will need:

  • strawberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 200-300 g;
  • pectin - 20 g.

How to make strawberry jam:

  1. Sort the berries, rinse and grind, then add sugar and gelatin to the puree.
  2. Forest strawberries, or simply strawberries, have an interesting "forest" flavor. Strawberry jam will be an excellent dessert for tea drinking in the winter season. If possible, try to pick up a bucket of wild berries during the season and close the strawberries for the winter.

    Jam from wild strawberries is very simple to prepare:

  • 3 kg of strawberry berries;
  • 3 kg of granulated sugar.

First, we prepare the berries: wash, clean from green leaves. Next, we take a large container and grind the strawberries with sugar in it, you can use a sieve and wipe it by hand, or skip the berries through a meat grinder. There is no need to add water, the berry is juicy enough, and the jam should turn out to be thick. We put the jam on low heat. As soon as the jam boils, we mark for 1.5 hours (it may take 2 hours) and cook, stirring occasionally. Do not forget to periodically remove the foam. The jam should boil well, acquire a thick consistency.

While the jam is boiling down, prepare the jars. We wash, sterilize in a convenient way, keep the lids in boiling water for 5 minutes. After boiling, do not let the dessert cool down and put it in the jars while hot, wrap it up and leave to cool.

Making strawberry jam is a must-have dessert for the winter, an excellent filling for aromatic pastries and just a favorite delicacy. The jam combines pronounced taste and excellent texture. Even the traditional recipe will delight true connoisseurs of taste with high quality. In addition, jam can be prepared in any way: with gelatin, pectin and mint.

Strawberry jam can be made without spending a lot of time and effort. A distinctive feature of jam from jam is that when cooking it is not necessary to keep the shape of juicy berries.

Also, thickening components are often added to jam, which give the consistency a viscous state. The proportions of sugar and fruits are selected individually. You can chop the berries manually or use available tools: a mixer, blender or meat grinder.

How to choose and prepare strawberries

The main rule when choosing ingredients is the most ripe and juicy berries. In this case, the shape of the berries does not make any difference; you can even take a suppressed and overripe strawberry. It should be thoroughly rinsed with running water and left in a colander to remove excess water. It is recommended to rinse several times. Then tails, leaves and spoiled berries are removed.

Ways to make strawberry jam at home

There are several simple ways to make a stock of strawberry jam for the winter. Strawberries lend themselves well to processing, so you can choose the most convenient option from a variety of recipes.

A simple recipe for the winter

This method is considered one of the easiest and fastest. Therefore, it is suitable for beginners in the preparation of berry jams. Ingredients:

  • 1.5 kilograms of berries;
  • 1 kilogram of sugar;
  • lemon acid.

How to cook:

  1. Peeled berries should be covered with sugar and left for an hour.

On a note! This is done so that the berries give juice.

  1. Pour the resulting juice into a separate container and put on fire. Wait until it boils.
  2. Add strawberries with sugar there and boil over low heat for 15 minutes. Stir the mixture periodically. Add citric acid.
  3. Foam will form during the cooking process - it is better to remove it with a wooden spoon.
  4. The cooked mixture will need to be ground with a blender and brought to a boil again. Cook for half an hour after that.
  5. Pour the jam into clean bottles.

"Five minutes"

The recipe for strawberry jam "5-Minute" is very popular, because it is with this method that all vitamins are preserved. Ingredients for cooking:

  • 2 kilograms of ripe berries;
  • 1 kilogram of sugar;
  • lemon acid.

How to cook:

  • Grate the prepared berries in any way possible and mix with sugar.
  • Place the sugar mixture in a container, bring to a boil and simmer for 5 minutes.

Advice! To evaporate as much moisture as possible and make the jam as thick as possible, boil the mixture again after 8 hours.

  • Add a pinch of citric acid to the jar and pour the prepared jam. Cool and wait for thickening.

In a multicooker

You can make strawberry jam without using pots - just have a multicooker in the kitchen.


  • 1.5 kilograms of strawberries;
  • 1 kilogram of sugar;
  • lemon acid.

How to cook:

  1. Cover the berries with sugar and let it brew. You do not need to grind the berries - just cut them into pieces.
  2. Put the berry-sugar mixture into the multicooker and select the "Stew" or "Jam" program, based on the model of the device. If there is no automatic timer, the jam should be cooked for one hour.
  3. Pour the prepared strawberry jam into clean containers, close and wait for thickening.

With gelatin

Sometimes the jam doesn't come out as thick as you'd like it to be. For this, a recipe with gelatin was invented - so the workpiece will have a perfect consistency, and the taste will remain the same. Ingredients:

  • 2 kilograms of berries;
  • 800 grams of sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon of gelatin.

How to cook:

  1. Process the strawberries, cover with granulated sugar, let it brew.
  2. Pour the mixture into a cooking container and turn on the fire, bring to a boil. Cook for 7 minutes, stirring occasionally. Leave on for 5 hours.
  3. Bring to a boil again and simmer for 5 minutes. Let cool.
  4. Dissolve gelatin in 100 grams of water. Add to chilled jam and simmer for another 5 minutes.
  5. Pour into jars.

With pectin

Pectin is a good alternative to other thickeners. The jam prepared according to this recipe will definitely turn out dense and thick. Ingredients:

  • 1 kilogram of strawberries;
  • 500 grams of sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon of pectin (20 grams).

How to cook:

  1. Chop the berries and pour into a container. Add pectin and mix everything thoroughly.
  2. Simmer until boiling. Reduce heat, add sugar and cook for another 7 minutes.
  3. Allow to cool slightly and roll into jars.


This delicious seedless strawberry delicacy resembles a jelly product in its consistency, and the taste is still the same. Ingredients:

  • 1.5 kilograms of berries;
  • 700 grams of sugar;
  • half a liter of water.

How to cook:

  1. Put a saucepan with berries and water on the fire. Boil.
  2. After boiling, boil for 15 minutes.
  3. Wait until it cools and remove the seeds: strain the cake through cheesecloth and a colander. Or take a fine sieve.
  4. Sweeten the strained juice and boil again. Cook for one hour.
  5. Pour into jars.

In a bread maker

Strawberry jam can also be made with a bread maker. In this case, the process will be much easier - you don't even need to stir the mixture.


  • 500 grams of strawberries;
  • 300 grams of sugar;
  • thickener.

How to cook:

  1. Finely chop the prepared berry and place in the bowl of the device. Add a thickener (one packet of Zhelfix can be used). Add sugar.
  2. Switch on the Jam or Jam program according to the brand selected. Cook for an hour and a half.
  3. Pour the finished delicacy into jars and close. Let it brew.

With mint

This unique recipe is for those who are always in search of exquisite taste.

At the beginning of summer, everyone wants to feast on local fresh strawberries. However, it's time to make a healthy and delicious preparation for the winter - strawberry jam. We offer you several recipes for strawberry jam.

Chapter 1. Classic Strawberry Jam Recipe in 30 Minutes

With this simple recipe, in just 30 minutes you will get a thick and viscous jam that is jelly-like, smooth, delicious and richer in taste than regular strawberry jam.


  • strawberries - 1 kg
  • sugar - 1 kg
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp l.

Section 1. Preparation

1. I wash the strawberries, remove the tails and dry them to get rid of excess moisture. Any berry is suitable for making jam: large, small, overripe and slightly suppressed. It may not be perfect, but it is necessarily sweet and ripe, then the jam will turn out to be very tasty and aromatic. The largest pieces can be cut into pieces, but this is not necessary, as a blender will still be used in the end.

2. I fall asleep with sugar in a ratio of 1: 1. I leave it at room temperature for 2 hours, stirring from time to time, so that the berries let the juice flow.

3. Pour the released strawberry juice into a saucepan where you plan to cook. It is advisable to use wide dishes, then, due to the large evaporation area, moisture will evaporate faster. Stir with a wooden spatula and bring the syrup to a boil.

4. Put strawberries in hot syrup along with undissolved sugar. I add freshly squeezed lemon juice - it will preserve the color of the product and make the taste less cloying. I boil for 10 minutes, stirring and removing the foam. During this time, the strawberries will give even more juice, they will literally float in the syrup.

6. Boil the jam until thickened over medium heat (boil should be active), stirring with a spatula. This takes 20-25 minutes. The jam will gradually become more stringy, and after complete cooling it will thicken even more.

7. I pour strawberry jam into jars, always sterilized and dry. I close it with clean tin lids. I turn it upside down, wrap it up and leave it that way until it cools completely. I transfer it to storage in a cellar or in another cool place, isolated from the sun's rays. The workpiece is perfectly stored for 1 year.

The recipe for strawberry jam is delicious, thick, viscous and jelly-like.

Chapter 2. Strawberry jam with lemon, cardamom and star anise

Thanks to several capsules of cardamom, star anise, lemon zest and juice, we will present homemade strawberry jam with an illuminating aftertaste, pleasant chill and new notes. A delicious delicacy is prepared for 5 minutes, combined with any cheese, cottage cheese, suitable as a sauce for pancakes, other baked goods, including white toasts.


  • strawberries (fresh) - 500 g;
  • sugar - 500 g;
  • cardamom - 3-5 capsules;
  • star anise - 1 star;
  • lemon - 1 / 2-1 pc.

Section 1. Preparation

1. First of all, we sort out the berries, leaving ripe for harvesting, without damage and rot - soak for a couple of minutes in cold water, remove all dirt, then rinse under a stream.

2. Tear off the stalk from each berry, chop the pure strawberries until smooth. We use a hand blender.

3. Transfer the strawberry puree to a thick-bottomed ladle / saucepan, pour all the granulated sugar and put on a low heat.

4. Immediately add natural flavors, in our example - fragrant cardamom and star anise, you can also throw in a pinch of dried and ground mint. For convenience, the star anise and cardamom capsules are placed in a gauze bundle. We continue to heat the composition and at the same time saturate with amazing smells.

5. Bringing to an active boil, remove the pink foam that appears on the surface.

6. Put a portion of lemon zest into the hot mixture. Three fine shavings, without touching the bitter pulp. We vary the dosage of the zest from 1 to 3 tbsp. l.

7. Next, pour in the juice of half or a whole citrus, stirring, cook for about 5 minutes.

8. We remove the used spices.

9. Pour fragrant strawberry jam with lemon into sterile jars and store on the pantry shelf under a hermetically rolled lid.

Chapter 3. Strawberry Mint Jam Recipe

Mint will give your strawberry jam a piquant aftertaste.


  • strawberries and sugar in the amount of 5 and 7 glasses, respectively;
  • a bunch of fresh mint leaves;
  • small lemon;
  • a glass of boiling water;
  • thickener 2 packs. It can be - jellied, jam or pectin.

Section 1. Preparation

1. For strawberry jam, you need a fresh mint infusion. It can be obtained from boiling water, which you pour over the prepared herb. Strain after 30 minutes.

2. Combine the mint infusion and sugar in a stainless steel bowl and bring to a boil.

3. Add the strawberries cut into 4 parts, pour in the juice of freshly squeezed lemon and wait for the mass to boil. Remove the foam, stir with a wooden spatula.

4. After boiling, add a thickener and stir vigorously the strawberry-mint mass,
let the jam boil for 1 minute and remove from heat.

5. Process the jars and lids until the jam spills. Either steam sterilize, or in the oven, multicooker, or microwave.

6. Roll up the jam with lids, turn over the jars, put them upside down and wrap them up with a blanket.

7. After the jam has cooled completely, transfer it to the cellar for storage.

Chapter 4. Delicious and thick strawberry jam

We suggest adding orange to the strawberries, and to make the jam thick, use gelatin in this recipe.


  • 2 kg of strawberries;
  • 1 kg of sugar;
  • 500 g of orange pulp;
  • 40 g of gelatin (previously diluted in 200 g of boiling water).

Section 1. Preparation

1. Preparation of berries: washing, cleaning from green leaves, removing rotten and damaged fruits. The orange is peeled and chopped with a blender.

2. Processing: chop strawberries until smooth (puree). Pass through a sieve to weed out small bones. This will add beauty and tenderness to the jam.

3. Cooking: sugar and orange are added to the puree, the whole mixture is cooked over medium heat for 20 minutes. For quick dissolution of sugar and uniform heating, it is necessary to constantly stir the boiling mass. Additional ingredients can be added as desired.

4. Completion: after 20 minutes, remove the pan with jam and cover with a cloth (gauze, towel) so that it absorbs moisture, and the jam becomes thick. It is advisable to repeat the cooking step twice in order to obtain the optimal consistency of a great dessert. During the last cooking add the gelatin.

5. Roll up the jam with lids, turn over the jars, put them upside down.

6. Jars of thick jam are ready for storage.

Chapter 5. Video recipe