What is the difference between wheat and rye? Rye - cereals - description and application - photo - garden and vegetable garden - wild summer resident.

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Rye belongs to the bluegrass group of plants. It is the second most important agricultural crop after wheat, used in the food industry and in the manufacture of animal feed. Despite the benefits of cereals, rye crops in Russia are declining every year. This is due to the fact that it is inferior to wheat in terms of maturity and yield. Growing it is not so profitable from an economic point of view.

Botanical characteristics of rye

Selected varieties of rye are one- and two-year-old plants, and perennial rye are wild types of cereals. Wild rye often sprouts as a weed on wheat crops, among oats or varietal rye. The annual cereal grows up to 175 cm in length. All varieties are divided into winter and spring crops, and winter crops are more productive.

Biological features of rye:

  • Cross pollinated by wind or insects;
  • Sufficient acidity of the soil for germination and yield - 5.3-6.5 pH;
  • Young shoots with a formed tillering node are able to withstand frosts down to -21`C;
  • The best precursor plants for rye are lupine, clover, early potato varieties, buckwheat.
  • The crop is not sown after sugar beets, fodder root crops, catch crops and late potatoes.

Origin and distribution

Modern varieties originated from a weed-field species, which is native to South-West Asia. In archaeological excavations, cereal seeds are found along with barley and wheat. However, rye is a younger crop. The earliest finds date back to 2000 BC. During this period, it was actively grown on the banks of the Oka, Dnieper, Dniester, as well as in the mountainous regions of the Caucasus.

The popularity of the culture is due to its unpretentiousness, winter hardiness and a good harvest. These qualities played an important role in the migration of cereals to northern countries and regions: where wheat lacked sun and heat, rye gave a good harvest.

On the territory of Eastern Europe, in Zaonezhie and Kizhi, rye appeared about 900 BC, and the first mentions in written sources date back to the 1st century AD. The spread of rye has supplanted another important cereal crop - barley. People preferred to cultivate a more winter-hardy grain that could be sown even in cold autumn. Another advantage - rye bread was tastier and more satisfying than barley or oats.

Features of the development of culture

During germination, seeds absorb up to 65% of their weight of water, and for the development of roots they need a temperature of at least + 3`C. Shoots of winter varieties appear 6-7 days after sowing, spring varieties - 8-9 days. Due to the presence of anthocyanin in the first leaf, the seedlings have a purple tint.

In the tillering phase, lateral shoots are formed. The duration of tillering is from 33 to 37 days for spring varieties, and for winter crops - 30 days in autumn and about 20 days in spring after awakening. The amount of harvest depends on the number of stalks with ears that are formed during the heading stage. Another characteristic of this period is the increase in leaf size and the strengthening of the stem.

During flowering, the lodicules swell and the flowering scales diverge. The wind carries pollen from one stigma to another for pollination and the formation of a caryopsis ovary. The minimum temperature for the flowering process is + 12.5 `C. Ripening and pouring of grains depends on wind and temperature, air humidity.

The milk grain is green in color and turns yellow as it reaches waxy ripeness.

Description of the cereal crop

Rye is a type of grass with a straight and hollow stem inside. On its upper part and on the leaf plates, there are thin hairs that save the plant from drying out during the heat, from sudden cold snaps and freezing. They also give the plant the opportunity to germinate on light sandy soils. A hanging ear crowns the top of the stem. Its length depends on the variety and can be up to 17 cm. On the spike there are linear subulate scales, under which are hidden oval or oblong caryopses. The color of the caryopsis and the structure of the surface differ depending on the type of cereal.

Wild rye belongs to the diploid form of plants with a pair of chromosomes. In the course of selection, it was possible to obtain varieties with a doubled chromosome set, which made it possible to increase the grain size, its quantity and quality. As a result of the work, species resistant to lodging were created, with a mass of 1000 grains up to 55 g.

Young seedlings are very similar to wheat ones, they can be distinguished by their root system. In rye, shoots have roots consisting of 4 parts, in wheat - from 3 parts.

Stem and root system

The average length of the stem is about 90 cm, but under favorable conditions rye can grow up to 175-180 cm. The root system of the fibrous form reaches two meters in depth. This explains the ability of the plant to grow on light sandy, acidified and low-quality soils. Long roots are capable of reaching the necessary trace elements and water from great depths.

The tillering node lies at a depth of 17-20 mm with normal seed placement. If the seeds lie lower, then the rye forms two nodes: the upper one is located closer to the surface of the earth, the lower one is 1.5-2 cm lower. The top node is the main one.

During the underground branching of the stem, the plant forms ground shoots. Their number depends on the conditions, it can reach 50 or more.

Rye leaves

The leaves of the plant are flat, broad-linear, gray-green or gray-green. The length of the leaf depends on the variety and can reach 30 cm, width - up to 3 cm. The base of the leaf is crowned with a tongue and smooth ears, tightly fitting to the stem. The leaf blade in most varieties is covered with protective hairs that protect the plant from drying out or freezing.

Rye inflorescences and ears

The inflorescence is a complex spike, 6 to 17 cm long and 0.5 to 1.5 cm wide. Its stem has a tetrahedral shape, framed by single flat spikelets. Each of them has a pair of developed flowers and one undeveloped one. Flower scales are linear subulate with 1 pronounced vein. They are smaller and pointed, with a small spine. The outer flower scales reach a length of 15 mm, are distinguished by a lanceolate shape and a long awn. The upper scales are shorter, with 5 veins and thin curved cilia along the edges.

The inner scales have a pair of keels, without an awn, and the cilia are located only in the upper part. Rye flowers have 3 stamens each, anthers are elongated, protruding from the spikelets.

Rye grains

Cereals sprout quickly and increase the grain mass. Tillering after planting begins in 21-25 days, and the heading phase begins in another 45 days. Flowering begins 10-12 days after the beginning of earing, and lasts 2 weeks. The milky ripeness phase lasts 10-12 days, and grain ripening takes up to two months.

The rye grain has an oblong shape, compressed from the sides, with a pronounced groove. The size, shape and even color of the grain depends on the variety of the crop. Average length - from 5 to 11 mm, width - from 1.2 to 3.4 mm, thickness - 1.3-3 mm. For diploid varieties, the mass of 1000 grains is up to 35 g, for tetraploid varieties - up to 55 g. The color can be white, grayish, dark brown, yellow, yellow-brown or gray-green.

The economic value of rye

About 50 varieties of rye are cultivated in Russia, most of them are winter crops. Spring rye is planted in Yakutia, Transbaikalia, Central Siberia. Winter varieties do not withstand the snowy and frosty winters of these regions, but they yield a larger yield.

The central regions of Russia practice sowing rye as green manure. It cleans the field well from weeds, pests and reduces the level of soil diseases. Rye saturates the soil with potassium and loosens, making the soil convenient for retaining water and oxygen.

In terms of the amount of protein, rye is inferior to wheat, and due to the high content of gluten (up to 26%), rye bread turns out to be denser and quickly stale.

Grain germs are used as raw materials for the preparation of medicines, in the food and cosmetic industries. Whiskey and spirits are made from malt.

Young shoots are a high-calorie and vitamin-rich feed for livestock. To improve the quality of haylage and silage, vetch or alfalfa is sown together with rye. Such silage or dry chopped hay contains:

  • Up to 16% protein;
  • Up to 35% nitrogen-free extractives;
  • Up to 33% fiber;
  • Up to 6% fat.

The share of rye in grain feed should not exceed 50%. An abundance of fiber and protein can trigger obesity in pets and birds.

Why rye is good for the body

Rye is rich in vitamins and minerals. It includes many:

  • B vitamins, which are involved in metabolic processes, prevent aging and support immunity;
  • Vitamins A and PP, preserving the structural integrity of cells;
  • Folic acid, which has a tonic effect and has a beneficial effect on the work of the heart and blood vessels;
  • Lysine and threonine, which are responsible for tissue regeneration.
  • The cereal is rich in vitamin E, choline, betaine, beta-carotene and lutein.

The benefits of sprouted grains

Sprouted grains are healthier than dry grains, as they contain more manganese, zinc, selenium and iron. Regular consumption of fresh sprouts allows you to compensate for the lack of vitamins and minerals in the body, especially in the spring. Sprouted grain can be added to cereals, salads, soups, eaten with yogurt or kefir for breakfast. The benefits of sprouted rye are the normalization of the digestive organs, improvement of the intestinal microflora, cleansing of toxins and excess cholesterol.

  • Gastrointestinal tract;
  • Spleen;
  • Brain;
  • Endocrine system;
  • The liver;
  • Allergies.

Products made from rye flour can be consumed during pregnancy and lactation, people with a high degree of obesity and patients with diabetes mellitus. The inclusion of sprouted grains in the daily diet has a beneficial effect on vision, the condition of the skin, hair, nails and teeth. Contraindication - gastritis with high acidity and gluten intolerance.

Chemical composition of grain

The composition of rye grain depends on the growing conditions of the cereal and its variety. The main carbohydrate is starch, in dry matter it accounts for up to 65%. He and other carbohydrates form fructose during hydrolysis.

The content of gum is from 2.5 to 5.5%, levulesan is less - up to 3%. The mucus is represented by pentosan, which dissolves easily in water and increases in volume by 9 times when hydrated. The sugar level is in the range from 4.3 to 6.8%, fiber - 2.3-3.4%, protein - 8-19.4%. The protein is represented by albumin, gliadin, globulin and glutelin. In rye flour, protein substances swell quickly, forming a viscous and sticky dough.

The amount of fat in 100 g of dry matter is up to 2%. More than half of them are unsaturated acids: linoleic, oleic, linolenic, steoric, palmitic, myristic. There are also unsaponifiables - campesterol, cholesterol. Fats are contained in the germ and aleurone layer. The ash content of the cereal is from 1.5 to 2.8%.

Problems and prospects of growing in Russia

At the end of the last century, up to 20 million tons were collected in Russia. rye per year, but over the past 20-25 years, the amount of harvest has decreased by almost 10 times. In 2017, only 2.5 million tons were collected. grains. Rye bread accounts for just over 10% of the total bread produced.

This is due to the spread of wheat as the main food crop. The development of new yielding and cold-tolerant varieties has attracted more attention from farmers. The increasing productivity and early maturity of wheat did not allow other cereals to compete in the sown fields. The lack of state regulation of the structure of grain and the economic interest of landowners in its cultivation also led to a reduction in the area of ​​this crop.

The rise in interest in rye foods and alcohol has only been observed in the past few years, when healthy eating has become more popular. The benefits of rye products have been proven by Russian and foreign doctors. But despite this, experts do not foresee an increase in acreage: to meet the needs of the domestic market, it is more profitable to buy a product than to plant it. Fodder rye is sown together with vetch, alfalfa, clover and other legumes and cereals.

An increase in production is possible only with the expansion of the scope of use of cereals. Rye is the best natural antioxidant that has anti-inflammatory and anti-allergenic properties. The cereal is irreplaceable both as green manure in the fields, and as an insurance crop in an unstable climate.

Measures to popularize grain should be carried out at the state level, as is done in European countries.

Interesting facts about cereals

In some regions of Russia, where traditions are strong enough, a custom has been preserved: for newlyweds, porridge is prepared from young rye grain. It is a symbol of wealth, abundance and happiness. In the second half of the 19th century, Luxembourg came out on top in the world for bowel cancer. The problem found a very simple and unexpected solution: they began to add bran and rye bread to the diet. The disease rate declined rapidly, and within a few decades it was close to zero.

Rye and rye flour have many medicinal properties. If you attach a rye cake to an abscess or abscess, it goes away faster. The inflammation subsides, pain sensations decrease, and tissue regeneration is accelerated.

In Russia, they drove away evil spirits from the newborn with a bunch of ears, and several rye grains were placed on the bottom of the baby's bed to prevent the evil eye and damage.

Straw is still used today as a roofing material for residential buildings and sheds, as well as for the manufacture of adobe bricks.

A person uses whole grains for cooking cereals, and flour is used for baking diet types of bread, making kvass, pancakes, pies and gingerbread. From the grains, infusions and decoctions are prepared to soften the cough. Rye bran lowers high blood pressure and helps in treating anemia.

The leaders in the cultivation of cereals are Germany and Poland. These two countries account for about 50% of the world harvest. Grains are used in the pharmaceutical industry to obtain natural amino acids and vitamins, hormones and antibodies. Rye flour is used to produce almost 70% of bread and pastries, breakfast cereals, and malt is used to make alcohol, noble spirits and beer.

The use of cereal is multifaceted, and its unpretentiousness makes it possible to grow rye even in areas with risky farming. It can become a good fodder crop for animal husbandry in the northern regions and solve the food problem at the local level, but it needs to be properly popularized and promoted at the state level.

Composition and benefits of rye grain for human health. What are the contraindications to the use of cereals allocated by modern medicine? How is grain eaten and what recipes exist with its participation?

(lat. Secale cereale) is an annual plant from the Cereal family, which is actively used by humans in medicine, cooking and even in art. Rye grains are ground into flour, germinated and soaked for compresses. Food made from cereals saturates the human body with many useful substances. Whole rye can be purchased at any grocery market. Processing grain in your own kitchen is easy. At the same time, in supermarkets you can find a lot of ready-made rye groats and flour of various grinding.

Composition and calorie content of rye

The chemical composition of rye directly depends on its variety and place of cultivation. The grains of this plant are rich in starch, vitamins and high molecular weight carbohydrates. They are considered to be a dietary food product.

The calorie content of rye grains per 100 g is 338 kcal, of which:

  • Proteins - 10.3 g;
  • Fat - 1.6 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 75.9 g;
  • Dietary fiber - 15.1 g;
  • Water - 10.6 g.

Vitamins per 100 g:

  • Vitamin A, beta-carotene - 7 mcg;
  • Vitamin B1, thiamine - 0.316 mg;
  • Vitamin B2, riboflavin - 0.251 mg;
  • Vitamin B3, niacin - 4.27 mg;
  • Vitamin B5, pantothenic acid - 1.456 mg;
  • Vitamin B6, pyridoxine - 0.294 mg;
  • Vitamin B9, folate - 38 mcg;
  • Vitamin E, tocopherol - 0.85 mg;
  • Vitamin K, phylloquinone - 5.9 mcg;
  • Vitamin B4, choline - 30.4 mg.

Macronutrients per 100 g:

  • Potassium - 510 mg;
  • Calcium - 24 mg;
  • Magnesium - 110 mg;
  • Sodium - 2 mg;
  • Phosphorus - 332 mg

Microelements per 100 g:

  • Iron - 2.63 mg;
  • Manganese - 2.577 mg;
  • Copper - 367 mcg;
  • Zinc - 2.65 mg;
  • Selenium - 13.9 mcg

On a note! Food made from rye grains was very popular in the early stages of human development. Thanks to this unrefined, pure and nutritious product, our ancestors were able to maintain performance, energy and health.

Useful properties of rye grains

In traditional and folk medicine, the benefits of rye for human health are appreciated. Grain is used as a medicine to fight many diseases: anemia, tuberculosis, thyroid ailments and more. It is also used to strengthen the body in the postoperative period.

Useful properties of rye:

  1. Eliminates constipation... Rye bread is considered a mild laxative in folk medicine that can help even with chronic problems with emptying.
  2. Relieves diarrhea... To get the fixing effect of the cereal, it is necessary to boil the rye bran and take them inside.
  3. Softens phlegm... Rye is considered an excellent expectorant for bronchitis.
  4. Promotes the rapid elimination of boils and carbuncles... The pulp of rye bread, soaked in milk, is used as a poultice, softening skin tumors and abscesses, promoting their rapid ripening.
  5. Reduces pain attacks with sciatica... Rye compresses are applied to the places where the pain is felt most strongly.
  6. Strengthens the immune system, tones up and improves the digestive tract... Rye kvass contains a lot of B vitamins and other nutrients that help food to be quickly absorbed and saturate the body with useful microelements.
  7. Slows down the aging process... Rye grains contain a large amount of vitamin A, which has an antioxidant effect on the body.
  8. Optimizes the functioning of the circulatory system... Favorably affects the work of the cardiovascular system, participates in hematopoiesis.
  9. Prevents the development of breast cancer... Many scientific studies have shown that women who eat rye are less likely to develop breast cancer.
  10. Strengthens bones, teeth and nails... Due to the high calcium content, rye is able to significantly strengthen the inert tissue.
  11. Promotes Weight Loss... Despite the low calorie content of rye, its grains contain fibers that can quickly saturate the human body and satisfy the feeling of hunger.
  12. Prevents the appearance of gallstones... A long-term study has shown that people who regularly eat rye are much less likely to suffer from gallstone disease.
  13. Fights diabetes... Grains are rich in magnesium, this substance activates many enzymes in the human body, which leads to a decrease in the body's need for insulin. Rye can be used not only as a medicine for diabetes, but also as a preventive measure against this disease.
  14. Cleans the body... Dietary fiber of rye, entering the digestive tract, absorbs toxins and cholesterol that are in the human body and removes them outside.

Interesting! Modern leading countries in the production of rye: Germany, Poland and Russia.

Contraindications and harm to rye

In most cases, the harm of rye to human health is due to its individual intolerance to the constituent components of the cereal. Rye products for this category of consumers can cause rashes, runny nose and other health problems.

Also, sprouted grains and rye flour in any form are not recommended for people with aggravated peptic ulcer disease or gastritis. Consumers who consume excessive amounts of sprouted rye are at risk of stomach upset.

Note! The daily norm of cereals for a person is 200 g.

How is rye eaten?

The product is eaten whole or crumbled. Rye flour is used to bake bread and pastries. Raw foodists sprout rye and introduce it raw into the diet.

To prepare grains for a raw food diet, it is necessary to select only whole rye, without damage or impurities. Then the grains should be thoroughly washed, placed in a jar and soaked in a small amount of liquid for 2 hours (the water should only slightly cover the product). Tie the neck of the jar with gauze.

After the indicated time, drain the water from the jar through cheesecloth and shake the vessel so that the grains stick to its walls. Place the jar on its side in an empty bowl. The vessel should be in this position all the time until the seeds germinate. They should be removed from the jar each day and rinsed thoroughly several times. If this is not done, the rye can become infected with mold.

How to prepare rye for baking? To get flour at home, follow a simple procedure:

  • Grind whole rye in a coffee grinder.
  • Put the resulting mass in a thin layer on thick paper. It is not recommended to use a newspaper for these purposes - printing ink, toxic to the body, can be absorbed into the product.
  • Dry flour on paper in a well-ventilated area. Stir the rye occasionally.
  • Collect the flour in a paper or cloth container when it turns beige and white and does not stick to your hands.

There are other recipes for rye, or rather rye flour. For grinding, you can use not only whole grains, but also its core or shell. The flour preparation technology remains the same.

Rye recipes

Anyone can cook dishes with rye at home, for this you do not need to have special culinary skills. We present to your attention 3 simple rye dishes:

  1. Skans are the prototype of the flatbread that the ancients used instead of plates.... Mix 300 g rye flour and 100 g softened butter. Add 300 g of fat sour cream to the resulting mixture. A homemade product is always better, but store-bought sour cream will work as well. Beat 2 eggs into the nearly finished dough and season with a pinch of salt. Knead the dough, do not spare the flour, it should turn out to be very steep. Then divide it into pieces of the desired size (be guided by your own preferences) and roll it into cakes. Fry the workpieces in a hot pan, with a little sunflower oil. Scans can be served even with a filling, for example, with rice porridge.
  2. Diet cakes to replace bread... Grind 3 cups of sprouted grains in a meat grinder or blender. Dilute the mass with water (purified or boiled). The consistency of the dough should be like a pancake. Add 2 tbsp to it. l. rye flour and 7 g of salt. It is better to bake cakes in a dry non-stick pan.
  3. Rye porridge... We wash 100 g of crushed rye groats several times until the water becomes clear. Cook cereals in 200 ml of water over high heat. After a few minutes, pour 300 ml of milk into the heated mixture, sugar and salt to taste. After boiling, cook the porridge over low heat until cooked, as a rule, it takes no more than half an hour. You can add butter or olive oil to the finished dish. Bon Appetit!

Rye Recipes

Rye drinks enrich the body with nutrients, tone up and even take care of heart health. To prepare such a potion, you will need a minimum of ingredients and free time.

Two simple recipes for drinks using rye grains:

  • Balm for the heart... Grind 0.5 cups of sprouted grains and dilute in 0.5 cups of milk. Then the mixture must be brought to a boil and add 1 tbsp. l. honey. It is recommended to take such a drink every day for 2-3 tbsp. l. during breakfast.
  • Kvass... Cut 200 g of rye bread into squares or slices. Dry in the oven to a crisp state. Further, be guided by the weight of the obtained crackers - for 100 g of dried bread, you will need 2 liters of boiled water. Pour boiling water over the croutons and leave them to infuse for 6 hours. Then add sugar (50 g / 1 l of water) and dry yeast (2 g / 1 l of water) to the mixture. Leave the kvass to ripen in a dry, dark place. After two days, the drink will be ready to drink.

Science knows almost everything about the usefulness of rye and only a few vague facts about its origin. Scientists cannot come to a consensus about on which land the grains of this cereal were first discovered and whether it was ever a wild crop.

Some experts are inclined to believe that many years ago, researchers who traveled a lot around the world domesticated a wild-growing cereal from Turkestan. Indeed, after mowing, it begins to release new shoots, which subsequently do not bring such a yield as the first shoots. This proves that rye can come from a perennial plant.

Other researchers deny the truth of the described version. They believe that rye has never grown wild and that the true facts about its origin are hidden deep in the history of mankind.

In agriculture, winter rye is used as an effective remedy for weeds and as a green fertilizer, which enriches the soil with nitrogen and improves its structure.

100 years ago in Russia, various variations of this culture were most in demand. Such grain is more resistant to bad weather, wind and pests even without special processing. People ate rye cakes and bread every day, and wheat baked goods appeared on the tables of ordinary people only on holidays.

This is the only cereal that has found a worthy use in art. Ivan Shishkin once painted a picture called "Rye". This work made a positive impression on many critics and became one of the most famous paintings of the painter.

Watch a video about rye:

Rye is a valuable cereal for human health. It should be included in the diet for everyone who wants to protect themselves from the development of neoplastic diseases, weight gain and heart problems. Cooking rye in the home kitchen does not take much of the housewives' time.

Rye is an annual or 2-year-old herb with a fibrous root system that penetrates 1–2 meters into the soil. On average, 4-8 shoots are formed on each plant (their number can reach 50-90 pieces). The stalk of the rye is hollow, straight, bare, pubescent at the ears. It contains 5-6 internodes and can reach a height of 70 cm to 180-200 cm (on average, 80-100 cm). The leaves of this plant are broad-linear, flat. The length of the leaf blades is approximately 15-30 cm, the width is 1.5 cm-2.5 cm.At the top of the rye stem is an inflorescence, which is an elongated, slightly drooping ear 5-15 cm long, 0.7-1 wide, 2 cm. Spikelet scales are linear subulate, gradually sharpening and have one vein. Rye flowers include three stamens with elongated anthers that protrude from the spikelet. The caryopsis has an oblong shape, slightly compressed from the sides, in the middle on the inner side there is a deep groove. The grains of the plant in question can be of different sizes, shapes, colors. Their length is 5 mm-10 mm, width is 1.5-3.5 mm, thickness is 1.5-3 mm.

Today rye is cultivated in many countries, including Germany, Poland, Scandinavia, Russia, China, Belarus, Canada and America. In Russia, it grows mainly within the forest area.

Rye harvesting and storage

For medicinal purposes, grains, flour, bran, ears of the plant in question are used. Grain is harvested after it is fully ripe. Flour is made by grinding. It can be: seeded with a small inclusion of shells, peeled (it is white with a grayish tinge and contains more shells), wallpaper (all parts of whole grains are preserved in this flour).

Store the dried plant in a tightly closed container in a dark, dry place.

Household use

Rye is an important food, fodder and industrial crop. This plant is used in the production of baskets, straw hats, paper, cellulose. Building boards, mats, mats are also made of rye straw, and roofs of buildings are covered with it.

The medicinal properties of rye

  1. The composition of rye contains vitamin "A" (beta-carotene), which protects body tissues from aging, preserves the integrity of the cell structure, "B1" (thiamine), which prevents the development of vitamin deficiency, "B2" (riboflavin), which takes an active part in the process of protein metabolism, carbohydrates, fats.
  2. Due to the fact that the specified plant contains pantothenic, folic acid, it has a tonic effect, normalizes hematopoietic function.
  3. Preparations based on rye are recommended to be taken in case of cardiovascular diseases. They have antioxidant, anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory effects.
  4. Rye includes a large number of useful macronutrients, in particular, magnesium, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, sodium. This plant should be consumed by people suffering from cancer of the lungs, stomach, esophagus, mammary glands, bladder. With its systematic reception, the development of the above ailments is blocked.
  5. Rye must be included in the daily diet of diabetics, as it contains essential amino acids for the body, fructose.
  6. Fiber, hemicellulose, present in sufficient quantities in this plant, enhance the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
  7. Traditional healers are advised to take rye-based remedies for people who have chronic constipation, colitis. They tone muscle tissues, normalize the functioning of the lymphatic system, metabolic processes, and are also able to relieve nervous tension, eliminate depression.
  8. The substances contained in rye stimulate the adrenal glands, the process of producing hormones. They prevent the development of arthritis, inflammation, toxicological effects of various kinds of infections.
  9. Means made from rye help to restore the body after surgery. They cleanse the skin with eczema, promote the healing of wounds and burns.
  10. Rye is used for diseases of the kidneys, stomach, liver. The plant cleanses the gastrointestinal tract from toxins, toxins, is used in the treatment of bronchial asthma, colds, allergies.
  11. A decoction of rye bran should be drunk with diarrhea, as an expectorant, emollient for dry coughs.
  12. Rye bread soaked in milk is used to soften abscesses, boils. It is applied to sore joints, affected areas with radiculitis to reduce pain.
  13. It is useful to eat rye porridge and bread for diseases of the thyroid gland, atherosclerosis, anemia, and hypertension.
  14. The use of rye in traditional medicine

    Infusion of flowering rye spikelets, taken for bronchitis, cough, pneumonia

    Grind the ears of rye, pour two to three tablespoons of the resulting raw material with boiling water (500 ml) and let it brew for two hours. It is necessary to use the product in 100 ml three to four times a day in small sips.

    Ointment based on stems, rye leaves, relieves wounds and blisters

    Fresh stems, rye leaves, collected in spring, pound together with lard so that the fat covers the mixture. Boil the product over low heat until the color of the leaves of the plant changes. Straining the ointment, lubricate the damaged areas of the skin with it.

    A decoction of rye bran, used for diarrhea, chronic bronchitis (as an emollient)

    Pour rye bran (2 tablespoons) with water (400 ml), cook the composition over medium heat for 5-7 minutes. Wrap the container with the broth and let it brew for about an hour. After straining, drink the product hot four times a day.

    Rye-based decoction with anthelmintic effect

    Boil a couple of tablespoons of bran or grains of rye in milk, let cool. You need to drink the composition on an empty stomach for a week, a third of a glass.

    Therapeutic rye baths to relieve allergy symptoms

    Bran (about 1 l), pour boiling water (4 l), leave for four hours. After straining, add the composition to a warm bath.

    Rye-based cough remedy

    Mix in equal parts dry powder of chicory, bitter almonds, rye, barley and oats. Brew the mixture like coffee and consume before bed.


    Do not take preparations prepared on the basis of rye for hyperacid gastritis, intestinal and stomach ulcers.

Rye is the most popular cereal after wheat both in our country and in many other countries of the world. And no wonder, because in Russia it was grown even before the adoption of Christianity.

Rye occupied an important place on the table of the Slavic peoples. It has not lost its significance today. It is used for the production of rye flour, starch, kvass, and alcohols. Rye is also used in folk medicine.

In our today's article, we will try to tell you about this cereal in detail. After reading it to the end, you will not only discover a lot about rye, but also learn some interesting facts that are hard to believe.

Rye - plant description

Cultural rye (sowing rye) is a herbaceous plant that can be both annual and biennial. It is cultural rye that is widespread and grown all over the world, but most of all in the northern hemisphere.

Nowadays it has become customary that the word "rye" means exactly the sowing culture. Although, in addition to it, there are several other types of rye:

  • African rye;
  • forest rye;
  • mountain rye;
  • Vavilov's rye;
  • Derzhavin's rye;
  • Anatolian, etc.

In Russia, for example, you can find forest rye, which grows in the form of wild grass.

The history of rye

Where rye first appeared, and where and by whom it was first cultivated remain questions for scientists. A number of hypotheses suggest that the predecessor of the sowing rye was a crop called "Secale Montanum Guss", which is widespread in southern Europe and Asia. Other theories disprove this idea.

One way or another, it is known for certain that cereals related to wheat were grown by the ancient Egyptians. By the X-XII centuries, rye was already grown in the fields of India, Asia, the Middle East and Europe.

For a long time it was considered a weed in wheat fields and got rid of it in every possible way. Now, due to the similarity of rye to a weed, in Southwest Asia, it is grown even in larger volumes than wheat. The reason is simple: wheat is a more finicky crop, and rye grows much better in mountainous conditions.

Europe has assessed the frost resistance of rye, which is an order of magnitude superior to that of wheat. It should be noted that rye bread, being cheaper, was the main food of the peasants. The rich could afford white wheat bread.

"Granary"- I'm sure you've heard this word more than once. What does it mean? In modern language, it is a region that has high grain yields. Ukraine was considered a breadbasket in tsarist Russia and in the USSR.

The word "granary", as you might guess, comes from "zhito". This is how the ancient Russians called bread and its crops in the field. The Ukrainian language has retained its connection with the Old Russian language even today. And what is “zhito” in Ukrainian? Rye. Thus, there is evidence of the popularity of rye even among the ancient Slavs.

Only at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries, rye again lost its leading position to wheat. In Europe, and then everywhere, more resistant varieties of wheat began to appear. Everyone wanted to eat more prestigious bread, which was white.

Did you know? Rye cured cancer! Luxembourg had one of the highest rates of stomach cancer in the world. After patients began to recommend a diet with the use of rye bread and bran, the incidence decreased significantly.

In the USSR, in order to maintain the status of a Soviet person, Stalin announced in the late 1940s that citizens of the Soviet Union should eat white bread!

The efforts of breeders to develop the best, adaptive wheat varieties, and the abandonment of the development of rye varieties, led to the fact that in the second half of the 20th century it became easier and more profitable to grow wheat than rye. This was facilitated by the high productivity of new varieties, their resistance to frost and disease. This trend has continued to this day. Growing wheat is more profitable.

Despite the decline in popularity, Russia is not going to give up rye. So our country is included in the TOP-3 rye-producing countries, which, in addition to Russia, also includes Germany and Poland.

Application of Rye

Rye grains are ground to produce rye flour. Rye flour is divided into several types depending on the grinding method:

  • seeded rye flour - has a small shell content;
  • peeled rye flour - white with a gray tint;
  • rye wallpaper flour - containing all the particles of whole grain rye. Wallpaper flour is the most valuable.

Almost all types of bakery products are prepared from rye flour. Rye products are often used as part of therapeutic and dietary nutrition.

Rye flour

Did you know? Rye in Ancient Russia was considered a talisman against dark forces. Spikelets of rye were placed in a cradle to protect babies from the evil eye and damage.

Even though rye lost to wheat in the competition for the title of the main cereal crop, this does not mean that it has lost all its positions. Bakery products made from rye flour are still popular both in European countries and in Russia.

Yes, of course, in terms of production, the share of products made from rye flour is not so large (on average, about 10%). However, rye bread has its own connoisseurs and is in demand. This is due to the properties of rye bread. It is not as high in calories as wheat. In addition, rye bread is recommended to be used for certain diseases, for example, diabetes mellitus.

Rye bread

One of the most popular products in Russia, traditionally made from rye bread, is kvass. Kvass was and remains one of the most popular drinks in our country.

Rye grain is also used for the production of alcohol. Moreover, the quality of grain alcohol is an order of magnitude superior to the properties of alcohol produced from other raw materials. Grain alcohol contains fewer fusel oils, and is generally cleaner and more harmless to the human body.

Rye kvass

Starch is another product made from rye grain. The resulting starch is of a fairly high quality and is not inferior to potato starch.

By the way, it is thanks to the gelatinized starch that rye bread turns stale more slowly than wheat bread.

Rye as a raw material for animal feed is another use for rye. Rye sprouts are a valuable feed that can replace young green grass. Fodder for farm animals is also made from rye grain.

Rye is a storm of weeds. In other words, just an excellent green manure, "soil orderly". Whole fields are cleared of weeds with the help of rye. Moreover, the method of sowing rye in order to destroy weeds is effective and inexpensive. That is why it is used by many, even large farms. In addition, rye also repels many pests.

How does rye contribute to weed control? It's simple: rye develops very quickly, while suppressing the growth of weeds in the soil. The second beneficial property of rye is its ability to loosen the soil, which allows it to be better saturated with moisture and oxygen.

What is the difference between rye and wheat?

In appearance, rye and wheat grains differ in color: rye cereals for the most part have a gray-green color, less often - brown. This explains the color of rye bread.

Differences between rye and wheat

In addition to color differences, rye and wheat differ at the morphological level.

  • Wheat is a self-pollinated plant, while rye is wind-pollinated.
  • Rye is more resistant to climatic conditions, soil type, moisture levels and temperature fluctuations.
  • Rye sprouts have one more primary root than wheat - 3 versus 4.
  • Rye grain is richer in vitamin and mineral composition.
  • Rye and wheat leaves vary in color. Rye leaves are most often bluish-gray in color, wheat leaves are bright green. But after the ears ripen, it will hardly be possible to distinguish the leaves by color - the difference disappears.

Rye grain is the record holder among grain crops in terms of sugar content. In addition, rye grain contains over 10 essential and 8 nonessential amino acids. The minerals contained in rye grain include: sulfur, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, silicon; and to vitamins: A, a whole complex of vitamins of group B, E, H, PP.

Rye growing technology

It is best to grow rye after perennial grasses, lupine, oats, silage corn, potatoes, fiber flax.

Preparation for sowing rye should be started a month before sowing. They carry out both basic and pre-sowing soil preparation. The work itself and the time of their implementation depend, first of all, on the climatic conditions and the predecessors of rye that grew on the site.

First of all, the topsoil is plowed. Again, the plowing method depends on the prior crops.

So, if young potatoes, peas, fiber flax were grown on the site, then before planting rye, the soil is cultivated with flat cutters. Depth - 10 - 12cm. If the field is heavily clogged, the cultivation depth can increase up to 25 cm.

If the previous crops were grasses or corn, the soil is harrowed with a disc harrow. Harrowing depth - 9 - 12 cm, plowing - up to 25 cm.

Winter rye

In any case, plowing the soil must be carried out a month before sowing rye.

Rye is sown earlier than winter wheat, since rye tillering occurs in autumn. Sowing dates depend on the climate of the region:

  • Southern regions: September 25 - October 10
  • Areas of the Chernozem region, Central regions, South-East: August 15 - September 1.
  • Non-Black Earth Region: August 5 - August 25.

Rye is sown in narrow-row and ordinary ways. The narrow-row planting method results in a higher yield, as it spreads the seeds more evenly over the planting area.

Harvesting begins when the rye reaches the middle of the waxy phase. This is due to the fact that if the rye is too long, the grain will shatter, and the plants themselves may lie down, for example, under the influence of rain.

Conversation for children 5-7 years old: "Bread is the head of everything"

Butler Tatiana Nikolaevna
GBOU school number 1499 to number 7
Description: The event is intended for older preschool children, preschool educators and parents.
Purpose of work: The conversation will acquaint children with the stages of making bread, with customs, traditions, and folklore. An author's game was developed for this event.

Target: familiarizing children with the process of growing and making bread;
1. to form an idea of ​​the bread production process;
2. to acquaint children with the diverse world of grain crops;
3. to educate a respectful attitude to bread;
4. to consolidate the knowledge gained about bread in everyday life and in game activities

Conversation progress

Leading: Dear Guys! Bread is our wealth; the labor of many people is invested in it. You and I cannot imagine a dinner table without white and black bread. Many of you love to eat dryers, cookies, bagels, pies, and pies. Do you know what these food products are made of? (Children's answers) Right from the flour. What is flour? What is it made from? (Answers of children)
Do you want to know what a long way a spikelet goes to turn into lush bread on our table.
Once upon a time, primitive man noticed that ripe seeds of wild plants are carried by the wind or birds, and fall into the soil, sprout, and a new plant with many seeds grows.
The ancient man tasted the seeds of wild plants, and he liked them. Since then, man began not only to collect these seeds himself, but also to sow them into the cultivated land. The first hoe for cultivating the land was a wooden stick, then a man guessed to plant a hewn stone on a stick. With the help of such devices, people loosened the soil, then planted seeds in it. The man threshed the collected seeds with a stone, turning them into flour. Then he used the flour to bake bread on the fire.

Bread counting.

Rain, rain, water - there will be a harvest of bread.
There will be rolls, there will be dryers, there will be delicious cheesecakes.

As time went on, people began to use tamed animals in agriculture for loosening the earth. A wooden plow appeared, with the help of which the soil was trimmed, turned over and loosened.

In our time, technology has come to the aid of farmers. What agricultural machinery do you know? (children's answers)
That's right, seeders are working in the fields, with the help of which the seeds fall into the ground. Combines that cut the plants, thresh the ears, clean the grain and load it into a truck. Tractors that stack grain stacks for drying.
Leading: Guys, do you like to play? (Answers of children) Come out to the middle of the hall, get up all over the place. Now we will play the game with you: "We sowed the grain"... I will speak to you words and show movements, and you will repeat after me. WORDS + MOTION SHOW
Long ago in the spring
We sowed the grain (alternately we spread our arms to the sides, first to the right, then to the left)
The sprouts will sprout (squat down, then slowly get up in
There will be spikelets soon. full growth and raise our hands up above our head)

And the time will come
Will go out into the tractor field. (we bend our arms at the elbows rhythmically moving forward and backward)
Let's harvest. (slopes, simulate the collection of ears)
Let's bake a loaf! (hands on the chest levels are linked into a lock in the form of a circle)
Note: The game is played 2-3 times
Leading: Well done boys. We played well. Now sit down on the chairs, we continue our conversation. There are many grain crops in nature. But the most nutritious for humans are rye and wheat.

Our ancestors respected, cherished and honored bread!
According to Russian custom, if you accidentally drop the bread, you need to pick it up, and not only wipe it gently, but, after kissing, ask for forgiveness.
Bread is a gift from God, people said. They considered bread to be the main wealth.

Listen to Russian sayings about bread.

Bread and water are heroic food.
Bread father, water mother.
Eat bread, listen to good people.
Hood lunch, if there is no bread.
Work until you sweat, eat bread for the hunt.
Sweat on the back - and bread on the table.

Leading: Growing bread is hard work. A hundred sweats will go away while the bread rises. In early spring, people sow seeds in the ground. After a while, the sprouts germinate, drink rainwater and reach for the sun. Over the summer, the spikelets will get stronger, gain vitality and nutrients. In autumn, when the grain is ripe, the ear acquires a yellow-golden color. It's time to harvest. Technique and people enter the fields. Painstaking work begins. After the harvesters have carefully cut the ears, they will be loaded onto trucks and taken to the mill. There the grain is sorted out, ground and ground to a state of flour.

Then the flour is sent to bakeries. Wheat flour is obtained from wheat grain, white bread, bagels, cookies, rolls, dryers, pies and other products are obtained from it. And from rye grains rye flour is obtained, and bakers bake rye bread.

Around the clock, trucks deliver hot bread to shops and kindergartens, so that each of us could taste the taste of real bread.

Riddles about bread.

Easy and quick to guess:
Soft, lush and fragrant
He is black, he is white,
And sometimes it is burnt. (Bread)

Crumple and roll
They are tempered in the oven.
Then at the table
Cut with a knife. (Bread)

The ring is not simple
Gold ring,
Shiny, crunchy,
Everyone's a feast for the eyes ...
Well, delicious! (Bagel or donut.)

Here it is - warm, golden.
To every house, to every table -
He came - he came.
It contains Health, our strength,
There is wonderful warmth in it.
How many hands raised him
Protected, protected! (Bread)

What is poured into the pan
Yes, they bend it four times? (Pancakes)

The hostess comes out in a Russian sarafan, kokoshnik, in her hands she holds a loaf.
Hostess: There is a tradition in Russia to greet dear guests with bread and salt. A loaf of bread is placed on a beautiful hand-embroidered towel by the hostesses, in the center of which there is a salt shaker and salt. This custom expresses the hospitality and cordiality of the Russian people. Guests, in Russia, were surrounded with honor and respect. It was believed that the traveler who looked into the house saw a lot on his way, knows a lot, he has a lot to learn.

Bread is a symbol of prosperity and prosperity, and salt was attributed to the properties of "amulet", that is, the ability to protect from evil forces. To meet a guest with “bread and salt” meant to call upon him God's mercy, to express our respect and wish him good and peace. Bread was the most famous treat.

Pure words about bread.

Jock-jock-jock is a pie.
Shki-shki-shki - mom fries pies.
Jock-jock-jock - eat a pie, daughter.
Chi-chi-chi - baked in a roll oven.
Ah-ach-ach - our roll will be delicious.
Leading: Guys, today you and I have learned what a long way a grain of bread goes, how to get to our dinner table. Now I think each of you will treat bread with care and respect. A person who does not learn to take care of bread will never enjoy the respect of the people around him.